osc -- opensuse-commander with svn like handling Please send patches to poeml@suse.de, or work directly on https://forgesvn1.novell.com/svn/opensuse/trunk/buildservice/src/clientlib/python/osc/ INSTALLATION: RPM packages are here (yum repository): http://software.opensuse.org/download/repositories/openSUSE:Tools/ To install from svn, do python setup.py build python setup.py install # create a symlink 'osc' in your path pointing to osc.py. ln -s osc-wrapper.py /usr/bin/osc Alternatively, you can directly use osc-wrapper.py from the source dir The program needs the cElementTree python module installed. On SUSE, the respective package is called python-elementtree. CONFIGURATION: When you use it for the first time, it will ask you for your username and password, and store it in ~/.oscrc. If authentication data is found in .netrc, it will also be used. USAGE EXAMPLES: To list existing content on the server osc ls # list projects osc ls Apache # list packages in a project osc ls Apache subversion # list files of package of a project Check out content osc co Apache # entire project osc co Apache subversion # a package osc co Apache subversion foo # single file Update a working copy osc up osc up [pac_dir] # update a single package by its path osc up * # from within a project dir, update all packages osc up # from within a project dir, update all packages AND check out all newly added packages If an update can't be merged automatically, a file is in 'C' (conflict) state, and conflicts are marked with special <<<<<<< and >>>>>>> lines. After manually resolving the problem, use osc resolved foo Upload change content osc ci # current dir osc ci