import base64 import bz2 import getpass import importlib import sys from urllib.parse import urlsplit try: import keyring except ImportError: keyring = None except BaseException as e: # catch and report any exceptions raised in the 'keyring' module msg = "Warning: Unable to load the 'keyring' module due to an internal error:" print(msg, e, file=sys.stderr) keyring = None from . import conf from . import oscerr class _LazyPassword: def __init__(self, pwfunc): self._pwfunc = pwfunc self._password = None def __str__(self): if self._password is None: password = self._pwfunc() if callable(password): print('Warning: use of a deprecated credentials manager API.', file=sys.stderr) password = password() if password is None: raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'Unable to retrieve password') self._password = password return self._password def __len__(self): return len(str(self)) def __add__(self, other): return str(self) + other def __radd__(self, other): return other + str(self) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(str(self), name) class AbstractCredentialsManagerDescriptor: def name(self): raise NotImplementedError() def description(self): raise NotImplementedError() def priority(self): # priority determines order in the credentials managers list # higher number means higher priority raise NotImplementedError() def create(self, cp): raise NotImplementedError() def __lt__(self, other): return (-self.priority(), < (-other.priority(), class AbstractCredentialsManager: config_entry = 'credentials_mgr_class' def __init__(self, cp, options): super().__init__() self._cp = cp self._process_options(options) @classmethod def create(cls, cp, options): return cls(cp, options) def _get_password(self, url, user, apiurl=None): raise NotImplementedError() def get_password(self, url, user, defer=True, apiurl=None): if defer: return _LazyPassword(lambda: self._get_password(url, user, apiurl=apiurl)) else: return self._get_password(url, user, apiurl=apiurl) def set_password(self, url, user, password): raise NotImplementedError() def delete_password(self, url, user): raise NotImplementedError() def _qualified_name(self): return qualified_name(self) def _process_options(self, options): pass class PlaintextConfigFileCredentialsManager(AbstractCredentialsManager): def get_password(self, url, user, defer=True, apiurl=None): return self._cp.get(url, 'pass', raw=True) def set_password(self, url, user, password): self._cp.set(url, 'pass', password) self._cp.set(url, self.config_entry, self._qualified_name()) def delete_password(self, url, user): self._cp.remove_option(url, 'pass') def _process_options(self, options): if options is not None: raise RuntimeError('options must be None') class PlaintextConfigFileDescriptor(AbstractCredentialsManagerDescriptor): def name(self): return 'Config' def description(self): return 'Store the password in plain text in the osc config file [insecure, persistent]' def priority(self): return 1 def create(self, cp): return PlaintextConfigFileCredentialsManager(cp, None) class ObfuscatedConfigFileCredentialsManager(PlaintextConfigFileCredentialsManager): def get_password(self, url, user, defer=True, apiurl=None): if self._cp.has_option(url, 'passx', proper=True): passwd = self._cp.get(url, 'passx', raw=True) else: passwd = super().get_password(url, user, apiurl=apiurl) return self.decode_password(passwd) def set_password(self, url, user, password): compressed_pw = bz2.compress(password.encode('ascii')) password = base64.b64encode(compressed_pw).decode("ascii") super().set_password(url, user, password) def delete_password(self, url, user): self._cp.remove_option(url, 'passx') super().delete_password(url, user) @classmethod def decode_password(cls, password): if password is None: # avoid crash on encoding None when 'pass' is not specified in the config return None compressed_pw = base64.b64decode(password.encode("ascii")) return bz2.decompress(compressed_pw).decode("ascii") class ObfuscatedConfigFileDescriptor(AbstractCredentialsManagerDescriptor): def name(self): return 'Obfuscated config' def description(self): return 'Store the password in obfuscated form in the osc config file [insecure, persistent]' def priority(self): return 2 def create(self, cp): return ObfuscatedConfigFileCredentialsManager(cp, None) class TransientCredentialsManager(AbstractCredentialsManager): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._password = None def _process_options(self, options): if options is not None: raise RuntimeError('options must be None') def _get_password(self, url, user, apiurl=None): if self._password is None: if apiurl: # strip scheme from apiurl because we don't want to display it to the user apiurl_no_scheme = urlsplit(apiurl)[1] msg = f'Password [{user}@{apiurl_no_scheme}]: ' else: msg = 'Password: ' self._password = getpass.getpass(msg) return self._password def set_password(self, url, user, password): self._password = password self._cp.set(url, self.config_entry, self._qualified_name()) def delete_password(self, url, user): self._password = None class TransientDescriptor(AbstractCredentialsManagerDescriptor): def name(self): return 'Transient' def description(self): return 'Do not store the password and always ask for it [secure, in-memory]' def priority(self): return 3 def create(self, cp): return TransientCredentialsManager(cp, None) class KeyringCredentialsManager(AbstractCredentialsManager): def _process_options(self, options): if options is None: raise RuntimeError('options may not be None') self._backend_cls_name = options def _load_backend(self): try: keyring_backend = keyring.core.load_keyring(self._backend_cls_name) except ModuleNotFoundError: msg = f"Invalid credentials_mgr_class: {self._backend_cls_name}" raise oscerr.ConfigError(msg, conf.config['conffile']) keyring.set_keyring(keyring_backend) @classmethod def create(cls, cp, options): if not has_keyring_support(): return None return super().create(cp, options) def _get_password(self, url, user, apiurl=None): self._load_backend() return keyring.get_password(urlsplit(url)[1], user) def set_password(self, url, user, password): self._load_backend() keyring.set_password(urlsplit(url)[1], user, password) config_value = self._qualified_name() + ':' + self._backend_cls_name self._cp.set(url, self.config_entry, config_value) def delete_password(self, url, user): self._load_backend() keyring.delete_password(urlsplit(url)[1], user) class KeyringCredentialsDescriptor(AbstractCredentialsManagerDescriptor): def __init__(self, keyring_backend, name=None, description=None, priority=None): self._keyring_backend = keyring_backend self._name = name self._description = description self._priority = priority def name(self): if self._name: return self._name if hasattr(self._keyring_backend, 'name'): return return self._keyring_backend.__class__.__name__ def description(self): if self._description: return self._description return 'Backend provided by python-keyring' def priority(self): if self._priority is not None: return self._priority return 0 def create(self, cp): qualified_backend_name = qualified_name(self._keyring_backend) return KeyringCredentialsManager(cp, qualified_backend_name) # we're supporting only selected python-keyring backends in osc SUPPORTED_KEYRING_BACKENDS = { "keyutils.osc.OscKernelKeyringBackend": { "name": "Kernel keyring", "description": "Store password in user session keyring in kernel keyring [secure, in-memory, per-session]", "priority": 10, }, "keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring": { "name": "Secret Service", "description": "Store password in Secret Service (GNOME Keyring backend) [secure, persistent]", "priority": 9, }, "keyring.backends.kwallet.DBusKeyring": { "name": "KWallet", "description": "Store password in KWallet [secure, persistent]", "priority": 8, }, } def get_credentials_manager_descriptors(): descriptors = [] if has_keyring_support(): for backend in keyring.backend.get_all_keyring(): qualified_backend_name = qualified_name(backend) data = SUPPORTED_KEYRING_BACKENDS.get(qualified_backend_name, None) if not data: continue descriptor = KeyringCredentialsDescriptor( backend, data["name"], data["description"], data["priority"] ) descriptors.append(descriptor) descriptors.append(PlaintextConfigFileDescriptor()) descriptors.append(ObfuscatedConfigFileDescriptor()) descriptors.append(TransientDescriptor()) descriptors.sort() return descriptors def get_keyring_credentials_manager(cp): keyring_backend = keyring.get_keyring() return KeyringCredentialsManager(cp, qualified_name(keyring_backend)) def create_credentials_manager(url, cp): config_entry = cp.get(url, AbstractCredentialsManager.config_entry) if ':' in config_entry: creds_mgr_cls, options = config_entry.split(':', 1) else: creds_mgr_cls = config_entry options = None mod, cls = creds_mgr_cls.rsplit('.', 1) try: creds_mgr = getattr(importlib.import_module(mod), cls).create(cp, options) except ModuleNotFoundError: msg = f"Invalid credentials_mgr_class: {creds_mgr_cls}" raise oscerr.ConfigError(msg, conf.config['conffile']) return creds_mgr def qualified_name(obj): return obj.__module__ + '.' + obj.__class__.__name__ def has_keyring_support(): return keyring is not None