from ..util.models import * # pylint: disable=wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import from .flag import Flag from .group_role import GroupRole from .person_role import PersonRole from .project_devel import ProjectDevel from .project_link import ProjectLink from .project_maintenance_maintains import ProjectMaintenanceMaintains from .repository import Repository from .simple_flag import SimpleFlag from .status import Status class Project(XmlModel): XML_TAG = "project" name: str = Field( xml_attribute=True, ) class KindEnum(str, Enum): STANDARD = "standard" MAINTENANCE = "maintenance" MAINTENANCE_INCIDENT = "maintenance_incident" MAINTENANCE_RELEASE = "maintenance_release" kind: Optional[KindEnum] = Field( xml_attribute=True, ) title: str = Field( ) description: str = Field( ) url: Optional[str] = Field( ) link_list: Optional[List[ProjectLink]] = Field( xml_name="link", ) mountproject: Optional[str] = Field( ) remoteurl: Optional[str] = Field( ) scmsync: Optional[str] = Field( ) devel: Optional[ProjectDevel] = Field( ) person_list: Optional[List[PersonRole]] = Field( xml_name="person", ) group_list: Optional[List[GroupRole]] = Field( xml_name="group", ) lock: Optional[SimpleFlag] = Field( xml_wrapped=True, ) build_list: Optional[List[Flag]] = Field( xml_name="build", xml_wrapped=True, ) publish_list: Optional[List[Flag]] = Field( xml_name="publish", xml_wrapped=True, ) useforbuild_list: Optional[List[Flag]] = Field( xml_name="useforbuild", xml_wrapped=True, ) debuginfo_list: Optional[List[Flag]] = Field( xml_name="debuginfo", xml_wrapped=True, ) binarydownload_list: Optional[List[Flag]] = Field( xml_name="binarydownload", xml_wrapped=True, ) sourceaccess: Optional[SimpleFlag] = Field( xml_wrapped=True, ) access: Optional[SimpleFlag] = Field( xml_wrapped=True, ) maintenance_list: Optional[List[ProjectMaintenanceMaintains]] = Field( xml_name="maintenance", xml_wrapped=True, ) repository_list: Optional[List[Repository]] = Field( xml_name="repository", ) @classmethod def from_api(cls, apiurl, project): url_path = ["source", project, "_meta"] url_query = {} response = cls.xml_request("GET", apiurl, url_path, url_query) return cls.from_file(response) def to_api(self, apiurl, *, project=None): project = project or url_path = ["source", project, "_meta"] url_query = {} response = self.xml_request("PUT", apiurl, url_path, url_query, data=self.to_string()) return Status.from_file(response) def resolve_repository_flags(self, package_obj=None): """ Resolve the `build`, `debuginfo`, `publish` and `useforbuild` flags and return their values for each repository and build arch. :returns: {(repo_name, repo_buildarch): {flag_name: bool} for all available repos """ result = {} flag_names = ("build", "debuginfo", "publish", "useforbuild") # populate the result matrix: {(repo, arch): {"build": None, "debuginfo": None, "publish": None, "useforbuild": None}} for repo_obj in self.repository_list or []: for arch in repo_obj.arch_list or []: result[(, arch)] = dict([(flag_name, None) for flag_name in flag_names]) for flag_name in flag_names: flag_objects = getattr(self, f"{flag_name}_list") or [] if package_obj is not None: flag_objects += getattr(package_obj, f"{flag_name}_list") or [] for flag_obj in flag_objects: # look up entries matching the current flag and change their values according to the flag's tag for (entry_repo, entry_arch), entry_data in result.items(): match = flag_obj.repository in (entry_repo, None) and flag_obj.arch in (entry_arch, None) if match: entry_data[flag_name] = True if flag_obj.flag == "enable" else False return result