# Copyright 2009 Marcus Huewe <suse-tux@gmx.de> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA import os import stat import struct import sys # workaround for python24 if not hasattr(os, 'SEEK_SET'): os.SEEK_SET = 0 # format implementation is based on src/copyin.c and src/util.c (see cpio sources) class CpioError(Exception): """base class for all cpio related errors""" def __init__(self, fn, msg): super().__init__() self.file = fn self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return '%s: %s' % (self.file, self.msg) class CpioHdr: """ Represents a cpio header ("New" portable format and CRC format). """ def __init__(self, mgc, ino, mode, uid, gid, nlink, mtime, filesize, dev_maj, dev_min, rdev_maj, rdev_min, namesize, checksum, off=-1, filename=b''): """ All passed parameters are hexadecimal strings (not NUL terminated) except off and filename. They will be converted into normal ints. """ self.ino = ino self.mode = mode self.uid = uid self.gid = gid self.nlink = nlink self.mtime = mtime # 0 indicates FIFO or dir self.filesize = filesize self.dev_maj = dev_maj self.dev_min = dev_min # only needed for special block/char files self.rdev_maj = rdev_maj self.rdev_min = rdev_min # length of filename (inluding terminating NUL) self.namesize = namesize # != 0 indicates CRC format (which we do not support atm) self.checksum = checksum for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): self.__dict__[k] = int(v, 16) self.filename = filename # data starts at dataoff and ends at dataoff+filesize self.dataoff = off def __str__(self): return "%s %s %s %s" % (self.filename, self.filesize, self.namesize, self.dataoff) class CpioRead: """ Represents a cpio archive. Supported formats: * ascii SVR4 no CRC also called "new_ascii" """ # supported formats - use name -> mgc mapping to increase readabilty sfmt = { 'newascii': b'070701', } # header format hdr_fmt = '6s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s' hdr_len = 110 def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.format = -1 self.__file = None self._init_datastructs() def __del__(self): if self.__file: self.__file.close() def __iter__(self): yield from self.hdrs def _init_datastructs(self): self.hdrs = [] def _calc_padding(self, off): """ skip some bytes after a header or a file. based on 'static void tape_skip_padding()' in copyin.c. """ if self._is_format('newascii'): return (4 - (off % 4)) % 4 def _is_format(self, type): return self.format == self.sfmt[type] def _copyin_file(self, hdr, dest, fn): """saves file to disk""" # TODO: investigate links (e.g. symbolic links are working) # check if we have a regular file if not stat.S_ISREG(stat.S_IFMT(hdr.mode)): msg = '\'%s\' is no regular file - only regular files are supported atm' % hdr.filename raise NotImplementedError(msg) self.__file.seek(hdr.dataoff, os.SEEK_SET) fn = os.path.join(dest, fn) with open(fn, 'wb') as f: f.write(self.__file.read(hdr.filesize)) os.chmod(fn, hdr.mode) uid = hdr.uid if uid != os.geteuid() or os.geteuid() != 1: uid = -1 gid = hdr.gid if gid not in os.getgroups() or os.getegid() != -1: gid = -1 os.chown(fn, uid, gid) def _get_hdr(self, fn): for h in self.hdrs: if h.filename == fn: return h return None def read(self): if not self.__file: self.__file = open(self.filename, 'rb') else: self.__file.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET) self._init_datastructs() data = self.__file.read(6) self.format = data if self.format not in self.sfmt.values(): raise CpioError(self.filename, '\'%s\' is not a supported cpio format' % self.format) pos = 0 while len(data) != 0: self.__file.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET) data = self.__file.read(self.hdr_len) if not data: break pos += self.hdr_len data = struct.unpack(self.hdr_fmt, data) hdr = CpioHdr(*data) hdr.filename = self.__file.read(hdr.namesize - 1) if hdr.filename == b'TRAILER!!!': break pos += hdr.namesize if self._is_format('newascii'): pos += self._calc_padding(hdr.namesize + 110) hdr.dataoff = pos self.hdrs.append(hdr) pos += hdr.filesize + self._calc_padding(hdr.filesize) def copyin_file(self, filename, dest=None, new_fn=None): """ copies filename to dest. If dest is None the file will be stored in $PWD/filename. If dest points to a dir the file will be stored in dest/filename. In case new_fn is specified the file will be stored as new_fn. """ hdr = self._get_hdr(filename) if not hdr: raise CpioError(filename, '\'%s\' does not exist in archive' % filename) dest = dest or os.getcwdb() fn = new_fn or filename self._copyin_file(hdr, dest, fn) def copyin(self, dest=None): """ extracts the cpio archive to dest. If dest is None $PWD will be used. """ dest = dest or os.getcwdb() for h in self.hdrs: self._copyin_file(h, dest, h.filename) class CpioWrite: """cpio archive small files in memory, using new style portable header format""" def __init__(self): self.cpio = bytearray() def add(self, name=None, content=None, perms=0x1a4, type=0x8000): namesize = len(name) + 1 if namesize % 2: name += b'\0' filesize = len(content) mode = perms | type c = bytearray() c.extend(b'070701') # magic c.extend(b'%08X' % 0) # inode c.extend(b'%08X' % mode) # mode c.extend(b'%08X' % 0) # uid c.extend(b'%08X' % 0) # gid c.extend(b'%08X' % 0) # nlink c.extend(b'%08X' % 0) # mtime c.extend(b'%08X' % filesize) c.extend(b'%08X' % 0) # major c.extend(b'%08X' % 0) # minor c.extend(b'%08X' % 0) # rmajor c.extend(b'%08X' % 0) # rminor c.extend(b'%08X' % namesize) c.extend(b'%08X' % 0) # checksum c.extend(name + b'\0') c.extend(b'\0' * (len(c) % 4)) c.extend(content) if len(c) % 4: c.extend(b'\0' * (4 - len(c) % 4)) self.cpio.extend(c) def add_padding(self): if len(self.cpio) % 512: self.cpio.extend(b'\0' * (512 - len(self.cpio) % 512)) def get(self): self.add(b'TRAILER!!!', b'') self.add_padding() return bytes(self.cpio) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print('usage: %s /path/to/file.cpio' % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) # a potential user might want to pass a bytes instead of a str # to make sure that the CpioError's file attribute is always a # bytes cpio = CpioRead(sys.argv[1]) cpio.read() for hdr in cpio: print(hdr)