Feature: `osc repo` command Scenario: Run `osc repo` with no arguments When I execute osc with args "repo" Then stdout is """ """ Scenario: Run `osc repo list` on a project When I execute osc with args "repo list test:factory" Then stdout is """ Repository : standard Architectures : x86_64 i586 Paths : openSUSE.org:openSUSE:Tumbleweed/standard """ @destructive Scenario: Run `osc repo add` on a project When I execute osc with args "repo add --yes test:factory --repo=new-repo --arch=x86_64 --arch=aarch64 --path=test:factory/standard --path=test:devel/standard" And I execute osc with args "repo list test:factory" Then stdout is """ Repository : standard Architectures : x86_64 i586 Paths : openSUSE.org:openSUSE:Tumbleweed/standard Repository : new-repo Architectures : x86_64 aarch64 Paths : test:factory/standard test:devel/standard """ @destructive Scenario: Run `osc repo remove` on a project When I execute osc with args "repo remove --yes test:factory --repo=standard --repo=does-not-exist" And I execute osc with args "repo list test:factory" Then stdout is """ """