import base64 import fcntl import inspect import os import re import shutil import subprocess import ssl import sys import tempfile import time import warnings import http.client import http.cookiejar import urllib.parse import urllib.request import urllib3.exceptions import urllib3.poolmanager import urllib3.response import urllib3.util from . import __version__ from . import conf from . import oscerr from . import oscssl from . import output from .util.helper import decode_it # print only the first occurrence of matching warnings, regardless of location warnings.filterwarnings("once", category=urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) class MockRequest: """ Mock a request object for `cookiejar.extract_cookies()` and `cookiejar.add_cookie_header()`. """ def __init__(self, url, headers): self.url = url self.headers = headers self.unverifiable = False self.type = "https" def get_full_url(self): return self.url def get_header(self, header_name, default=None): return self.headers.get(header_name, default) def has_header(self, header_name): return header_name in self.headers def add_unredirected_header(self, key, val): # modifies the `headers` variable that was passed to object's constructor self.headers[key] = val def enable_http_debug(config): if not int(config["http_debug"]) and not int(config["http_full_debug"]): http.client.print = lambda *args, **kwargs: None return # HACK: override HTTPResponse's init to increase debug level old_HTTPResponse__init__ = http.client.HTTPResponse.__init__ def new_HTTPResponse__init__(self, *args, **kwargs): old_HTTPResponse__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.debuglevel = 1 http.client.HTTPResponse.__init__ = new_HTTPResponse__init__ # increase HTTPConnection debug level http.client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 # HACK: because HTTPResponse's debug data uses print(), # let's inject custom print() function to that module def new_print(*args, file=None): if not int(config["http_full_debug"]) and args: # hide private data (authorization and cookies) when full debug is not enabled if args[:2] == ("header:", "Set-Cookie:"): return if args[0] == "send:": args = list(args) # (?<=...) - '...' must be present before the pattern (positive lookbehind assertion) args[1] = re.sub(r"(?<=\\r\\n)authorization:.*?\\r\\n", "", args[1], re.I) args[1] = re.sub(r"(?<=\\r\\n)Cookie:.*?\\r\\n", "", args[1], re.I) print("DEBUG:", *args, file=sys.stderr) http.client.print = new_print def get_proxy_manager(env): proxy_url = os.environ.get(env, None) if not proxy_url: return proxy_purl = urllib3.util.parse_url(proxy_url) # rebuild proxy url in order to remove auth because ProxyManager would fail on it if proxy_purl.port: proxy_url = f"{proxy_purl.scheme}://{}:{proxy_purl.port}" else: proxy_url = f"{proxy_purl.scheme}://{}" proxy_headers = urllib3.make_headers( user_agent=f"osc/{__version__}", ) if proxy_purl.auth: proxy_basic_auth = urllib.parse.unquote(proxy_purl.auth) proxy_basic_auth = proxy_basic_auth.encode("utf-8") proxy_basic_auth = base64.b64encode(proxy_basic_auth).decode() proxy_headers["Proxy-Authorization"] = f"Basic {proxy_basic_auth:s}" manager = urllib3.ProxyManager(proxy_url, proxy_headers=proxy_headers) return manager # Instantiate on first use in `http_request()`. # Each `apiurl` requires a differently configured pool # (incl. trusted keys for example). CONNECTION_POOLS = {} # Pool manager for requests outside apiurls. POOL_MANAGER = urllib3.PoolManager() # Proxy manager for HTTP connections. HTTP_PROXY_MANAGER = get_proxy_manager("HTTP_PROXY") # Proxy manager for HTTPS connections. HTTPS_PROXY_MANAGER = get_proxy_manager("HTTPS_PROXY") def http_request_wrap_file(func): """ Turn file path into a file object and close it automatically by using a context manager. """ def new_func(method, url, headers=None, data=None, file=None): if file: with open(file, "rb") as f: return func(method, url, headers, data, file=f) else: return func(method, url, headers, data, file) new_func.__name__ = func.__name__ new_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return new_func @http_request_wrap_file def http_request(method: str, url: str, headers=None, data=None, file=None): """ Send a HTTP request to a server. Features: * Authentication ([apiurl]/{user,pass} in oscrc) * Session cookie support (~/.local/state/osc/cookiejar) * SSL certificate verification incl. managing trusted certs * SSL certificate verification bypass (if [apiurl]/sslcertck=0 in oscrc) * Expired SSL certificates are no longer accepted. Either prolong them or set sslcertck=0. * Proxy support (HTTPS_PROXY env, NO_PROXY is respected) * Retries (http_retries in oscrc) * Requests outside apiurl (incl. proxy support) * Connection debugging (-H/--http-debug, --http-full-debug) :param method: HTTP request method (such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). :param url: The URL to perform the request on. :param headers: Dictionary of custom headers to send. :param data: Data to send in the request body (conflicts with `file`). :param file: Path to a file to send as data in the request body (conflicts with `data`). """ purl = urllib3.util.parse_url(url) apiurl = conf.extract_known_apiurl(url) headers = urllib3.response.HTTPHeaderDict(headers or {}) # identify osc headers.update(urllib3.make_headers(user_agent=f"osc/{__version__}")) if data and file: raise RuntimeError('Specify either `data` or `file`') elif data: if hasattr(data, "encode"): data = data.encode("utf-8") content_length = len(data) elif file: content_length = os.fstat(file.fileno()).st_size data = file else: content_length = 0 if content_length: headers.add("Content-Length", str(content_length)) # handle requests that go outside apiurl # do not set auth cookie or auth credentials if not apiurl: if purl.scheme == "http" and HTTP_PROXY_MANAGER and not urllib.request.proxy_bypass(url): # connection through proxy manager = HTTP_PROXY_MANAGER elif purl.scheme == "https" and HTTPS_PROXY_MANAGER and not urllib.request.proxy_bypass(url): # connection through proxy manager = HTTPS_PROXY_MANAGER else: # direct connection manager = POOL_MANAGER response = manager.urlopen(method, url, body=data, headers=headers, preload_content=False) if response.status / 100 != 2: raise urllib.error.HTTPError(url, response.status, response.reason, response.headers, response) return response options = conf.config["api_host_options"][apiurl] if options.http_headers: new_headers = urllib3.response.HTTPHeaderDict() # user-defined headers from the config file new_headers.update(options.http_headers) # original ``headers`` (Content-Length, User-Agent) must prevail over user-defined headers new_headers.update(headers) headers = new_headers global CONNECTION_POOLS pool = CONNECTION_POOLS.get(apiurl, None) if not pool: pool_kwargs = {} # urllib3.Retry() argument 'method_whitelist' got renamed to 'allowed_methods' sig = inspect.signature(urllib3.Retry) arg_names = list(sig.parameters.keys()) if "allowed_methods" in arg_names: retries_kwargs = {"allowed_methods": None} else: retries_kwargs = {"method_whitelist": None} pool_kwargs["retries"] = urllib3.Retry( total=int(conf.config["http_retries"]), backoff_factor=2, status_forcelist=( 500, # Internal Server Error 502, # Bad Gateway 503, # Service Unavailable 504, # Gateway Timeout ), # don't raise because we want an actual response rather than a MaxRetryError with "too many error responses" message raise_on_status=False, **retries_kwargs, ) if purl.scheme == "https": ssl_context = oscssl.create_ssl_context() ssl_context.load_default_certs() pool_kwargs["ssl_context"] = ssl_context # turn cert verification off if sslcertck = 0 if options["cafile"] or options["capath"]: ssl_context.load_verify_locations(cafile=options["cafile"], capath=options["capath"]) # urllib3 v1 pool_kwargs["cert_reqs"] = "CERT_REQUIRED" if options["sslcertck"] else "CERT_NONE" # urllib3 v2 if options["sslcertck"]: ssl_context.check_hostname = True ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED else: ssl_context.check_hostname = False ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if purl.scheme == "http" and HTTP_PROXY_MANAGER and not urllib.request.proxy_bypass(url): # connection through HTTP proxy pool = HTTP_PROXY_MANAGER.connection_from_host(, port=purl.port, scheme=purl.scheme, pool_kwargs=pool_kwargs ) HTTP_PROXY_MANAGER.request('GET', url) elif purl.scheme == "https" and HTTPS_PROXY_MANAGER and not urllib.request.proxy_bypass(url): # connection through HTTPS proxy pool = HTTPS_PROXY_MANAGER.connection_from_host(, port=purl.port, scheme=purl.scheme, pool_kwargs=pool_kwargs ) elif purl.scheme == "https": # direct connection pool = urllib3.HTTPSConnectionPool(, port=purl.port, **pool_kwargs) else: pool = urllib3.HTTPConnectionPool(, port=purl.port, **pool_kwargs) if purl.scheme == "https": # inject ssl context instance into pool so we can use it later pool.ssl_context = ssl_context # inject trusted cert store instance into pool so we can use it later pool.trusted_cert_store = oscssl.TrustedCertStore(ssl_context,, purl.port) CONNECTION_POOLS[apiurl] = pool auth_handlers = [ CookieJarAuthHandler(apiurl, os.path.expanduser(conf.config["cookiejar"])), SignatureAuthHandler(apiurl, options["user"], options["sshkey"], options["pass"]), BasicAuthHandler(apiurl, options["user"], options["pass"]), ] for handler in auth_handlers: # authenticate using a cookie (if available) success = handler.set_request_headers(url, headers) if success: break # Rails sends a html response if the header is not set # headers.add("Accept", "application/xml") if method == "PUT" or (method == "POST" and (data or file)): headers.add("Content-Type", "application/xml; charset=utf-8") elif method == "POST": headers.add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") if purl.scheme == "http" and HTTP_PROXY_MANAGER: # HTTP proxy requires full URL with 'same host' checking off urlopen_url = url assert_same_host = False else: # everything else is fine with path only # join path and query, ignore the remaining args; args are (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment) urlopen_url = urllib.parse.urlunsplit(("", "", purl.path, purl.query, "")) assert_same_host = True if int(conf.config['http_debug']): # use the hacked print() for consistency http.client.print(40 * '-') http.client.print(method, url) try: response = pool.urlopen( method, urlopen_url, body=data, headers=headers, preload_content=False, assert_same_host=assert_same_host ) except urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError as e: if not isinstance(e.reason, urllib3.exceptions.SSLError): # re-raise exceptions that are not related to SSL raise # ssl.SSLCertVerificationError doesn't exist on python 3.6 # ssl.CertificateError is an alias for ssl.SSLCertVerificationError on python 3.7+ if isinstance(e.reason.args[0], ssl.CertificateError): self_signed_verify_codes = ( oscssl.X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT, oscssl.X509_V_ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN, ) if e.reason.args[0].verify_code not in self_signed_verify_codes: # re-raise ssl exceptions that are not related to self-signed certs raise e.reason.args[0] from None else: # re-raise other than ssl exceptions raise e.reason.args[0] from None # get the untrusted certificated from server cert = pool.trusted_cert_store.get_server_certificate() # prompt user if we should trust the certificate pool.trusted_cert_store.prompt_trust(cert, reason=e.reason) if hasattr(data, 'seek'): response = pool.urlopen( method, urlopen_url, body=data, headers=headers, preload_content=False, assert_same_host=assert_same_host ) if response.status == 401: # session cookie has expired, re-authenticate for handler in auth_handlers: success = handler.set_request_headers_after_401(url, headers, response) if success: break if hasattr(data, 'seek'): response = pool.urlopen(method, urlopen_url, body=data, headers=headers, preload_content=False) if response.status / 100 != 2: raise urllib.error.HTTPError(url, response.status, response.reason, response.headers, response) for handler in auth_handlers: handler.process_response(url, headers, response) return response # pylint: disable=C0103,C0116 def http_GET(*args, **kwargs): return http_request("GET", *args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=C0103,C0116 def http_POST(*args, **kwargs): return http_request("POST", *args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=C0103,C0116 def http_PUT(*args, **kwargs): return http_request("PUT", *args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=C0103,C0116 def http_DELETE(*args, **kwargs): return http_request("DELETE", *args, **kwargs) class AuthHandlerBase: def __init__(self, apiurl): self.apiurl = apiurl def _get_auth_schemes(self, response): """ Extract all `www-authenticate` headers from `response` and return them in a dictionary: `{scheme: auth_method}`. """ result = {} for auth_method in response.headers.get_all("www-authenticate", []): scheme = auth_method.split()[0].lower() result[scheme] = auth_method return result def set_request_headers(self, url, request_headers): """ Modify request headers with auth headers. :param url: Request URL provides context for `request_headers` modifications :type url: str :param request_headers: object to be modified :type request_headers: urllib3.response.HTTPHeaderDict :return: `True` on if `request_headers` was modified, `False` otherwise """ raise NotImplementedError def set_request_headers_after_401(self, url, request_headers, response): """ Modify request headers with auth headers after getting 401 response. :param url: Request URL provides context for `request_headers` modifications :type url: str :param request_headers: object to be modified :type request_headers: urllib3.response.HTTPHeaderDict :param response: Response object provides context for `request_headers` modifications :type response: urllib3.response.HTTPResponse :return: `True` on if `request_headers` was modified, `False` otherwise """ raise NotImplementedError def process_response(self, url, request_headers, response): """ Retrieve data from response, save cookies, etc. :param url: Request URL provides context for `request_headers` modifications :type url: str :param request_headers: object to be modified :type request_headers: urllib3.response.HTTPHeaderDict :param response: Response object provides context for `request_headers` modifications :type response: urllib3.response.HTTPResponse """ raise NotImplementedError class CookieJarAuthHandler(AuthHandlerBase): # Shared among instances, instantiate on first use, key equals to cookiejar path. COOKIEJARS = {} def __init__(self, apiurl, cookiejar_path): super().__init__(apiurl) self.cookiejar_path = cookiejar_path if self.cookiejar_path in self.COOKIEJARS: self.cookiejar_lock_path = None else: # Cookiejar hasn't been loaded yet, let's lock it to avoid # doing expensive signature auth in multiple processes. # This usually happens when a user runs multiple osc instances # from the command-line in parallel. self.cookiejar_lock_path = f"{self.cookiejar_path}.lock" self.cookiejar_lock_fd = None @property def _cookiejar(self): jar = self.COOKIEJARS.get(self.cookiejar_path, None) if not jar: try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.cookiejar_path), mode=0o700) except FileExistsError: pass jar = http.cookiejar.LWPCookieJar(self.cookiejar_path) if os.path.isfile(self.cookiejar_path): try: jar.load() except http.cookiejar.LoadError: pass self.COOKIEJARS[self.cookiejar_path] = jar return jar def _lock(self): if self.cookiejar_lock_path: try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.cookiejar_lock_path), mode=0o700) except FileExistsError: pass self.cookiejar_lock_fd = open(self.cookiejar_lock_path, "w") fcntl.flock(self.cookiejar_lock_fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX) def _unlock(self): if self.cookiejar_lock_path: self.cookiejar_lock_path = None fcntl.flock(self.cookiejar_lock_fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.cookiejar_lock_fd.close() def set_request_headers(self, url, request_headers): self._lock() self._cookiejar.add_cookie_header(MockRequest(url, request_headers)) if request_headers.get_all("cookie", None): # we have a valid cookie already -> unlock immediately self._unlock() return True return False def set_request_headers_after_401(self, url, request_headers, response): # can't do anything, we have tried setting a cookie already return False def process_response(self, url, request_headers, response): if response.headers.get_all("set-cookie", None): self._cookiejar.extract_cookies(response, MockRequest(url, response.headers)) self._unlock() class BasicAuthHandler(AuthHandlerBase): def __init__(self, apiurl, user, password): super().__init__(apiurl) self.user = user self.password = password def set_request_headers(self, url, request_headers): return False def set_request_headers_after_401(self, url, request_headers, response): auth_schemes = self._get_auth_schemes(response) if "basic" not in auth_schemes: return False if not self.user or not self.password: return False basic_auth = f"{self.user:s}:{self.password:s}" basic_auth = basic_auth.encode("utf-8") basic_auth = base64.b64encode(basic_auth).decode() request_headers["Authorization"] = f"Basic {basic_auth:s}" return True def process_response(self, url, request_headers, response): pass class SignatureAuthHandler(AuthHandlerBase): def __init__(self, apiurl, user, sshkey, basic_auth_password=None): super().__init__(apiurl) self.user = user self.sshkey = None self.sshkey_fingerprint = None if sshkey and re.match("^[A-Z0-9]+:.*", sshkey): # if it starts with a prefix such as 'SHA256:' then it's a fingerprint self.sshkey_fingerprint = sshkey else: self.sshkey = sshkey if self.sshkey: # if only a file name is provided, prepend ~/.ssh if "/" not in self.sshkey: self.sshkey = os.path.join("~", ".ssh", self.sshkey) self.sshkey = os.path.expanduser(self.sshkey) output.print_msg(f"Using ssh key file configured in oscrc: {self.sshkey}", print_to="debug") self.ssh_keygen_path = shutil.which("ssh-keygen") self.ssh_add_path = shutil.which("ssh-add") creds_mgr = conf.config["api_host_options"][self.apiurl].get("credentials_mgr_class", None) if creds_mgr == "osc.credentials.TransientCredentialsManager": self.basic_auth_password = False else: # value of `basic_auth_password` is only used as a hint if we should skip signature auth self.basic_auth_password = bool(basic_auth_password) self.temp_pubkey = None def list_ssh_agent_keys(self): if not self.ssh_add_path: return [] cmd = [self.ssh_add_path, '-L'] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8") stdout, _ = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode == 0 and stdout.strip(): return stdout.strip().splitlines() else: return [] def list_ssh_agent_fingerprints(self): if not self.ssh_add_path: return [] cmd = [self.ssh_add_path, '-l'] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8") stdout, _ = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode == 0 and stdout.strip(): lines = stdout.strip().splitlines() return [i.split(" ")[1] for i in lines] else: return [] def guess_keyfile(self): # `ssh-keygen -Y sign` requires a file with a key which is not available during ssh agent forwarding # that's why we need to list ssh-agent's keys and store the first one into a temp file keys_in_agent = self.list_ssh_agent_keys() if keys_in_agent: selected_key = None # use ssh key from ssh agent by the specified fingerprint if self.sshkey_fingerprint: fingerprints_in_agent = self.list_ssh_agent_fingerprints() try: indx = fingerprints_in_agent.index(self.sshkey_fingerprint) selected_key = keys_in_agent[indx] output.print_msg(f"Using ssh key from ssh agent that matches fingerprint '{self.sshkey_fingerprint}': {selected_key}", print_to="debug") except ValueError: pass # use ssh key from ssh agent by key's comment obs= matching the hostname of apiurl if selected_key is None: apiurl_hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.apiurl).hostname for key in keys_in_agent: comments = key.strip().split(" ")[2:] pattern = f"obs={apiurl_hostname}" if pattern in comments: selected_key = key output.print_msg(f"Using ssh key from ssh agent that has comment '{pattern}' which matches apiurl '{self.apiurl}': {selected_key}", print_to="debug") break # use the first ssh key from ssh agent if selected_key is None: selected_key = keys_in_agent[0] output.print_msg(f"Using the first ssh key from ssh agent (see `ssh-add -L`): {selected_key}", print_to="debug") self.temp_pubkey = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+") self.temp_pubkey.write(keys_in_agent[0]) self.temp_pubkey.flush() return sshdir = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh') keyfiles = ('id_ed25519', 'id_ed25519_sk', 'id_rsa', 'id_ecdsa', 'id_ecdsa_sk', 'id_dsa') output.print_msg(f"Searching ssh keys in '{sshdir}' in the following order: {', '.join(keyfiles)}", print_to="debug") for keyfile in keyfiles: keyfile_path = os.path.join(sshdir, keyfile) if os.path.isfile(keyfile_path): output.print_msg(f"Using ssh key from file: {keyfile_path}", print_to="debug") return keyfile_path return None def ssh_sign(self, data, namespace, keyfile=None): if not keyfile: keyfile = self.guess_keyfile() if not keyfile: raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, "No SSH key configured or auto-detected") keyfile = os.path.expanduser(keyfile) cmd = [self.ssh_keygen_path, '-Y', 'sign', '-f', keyfile, '-n', namespace, '-q'] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8") signature, _ = proc.communicate(data) if self.temp_pubkey: self.temp_pubkey.close() self.temp_pubkey = None if proc.returncode: raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'ssh-keygen signature creation failed: %d' % proc.returncode) match = re.match(r"\A-----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE-----\n(.*)\n-----END SSH SIGNATURE-----", signature, re.S) if not match: raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'could not extract ssh signature') return base64.b64decode( def get_authorization(self, chal): realm = chal.get('realm', '') now = int(time.time()) sigdata = "(created): %d" % now signature = self.ssh_sign(sigdata, realm, self.sshkey) signature = decode_it(base64.b64encode(signature)) return 'keyId="%s",algorithm="ssh",headers="(created)",created=%d,signature="%s"' \ % (self.user, now, signature) def add_signature_auth_header(self, req, auth): token, challenge = auth.split(' ', 1) chal = urllib.request.parse_keqv_list(filter(None, urllib.request.parse_http_list(challenge))) auth = self.get_authorization(chal) if not auth: return False auth_val = f'Signature {auth}' req.add('Authorization', auth_val) return True def set_request_headers(self, url, request_headers): return False def set_request_headers_after_401(self, url, request_headers, response): auth_schemes = self._get_auth_schemes(response) if "signature" not in auth_schemes: # unsupported on server return False if not self.user: return False if self.basic_auth_password and "basic" in auth_schemes: # prefer basic auth, but only if password is set return False if not self.ssh_keygen_path: output.print_msg("Skipping signature auth because ssh-keygen is not available", print_to="debug") return False if not self.sshkey_known(): # ssh key not set, try to guess it self.sshkey = self.guess_keyfile() if not self.sshkey_known(): # ssh key cannot be guessed return False return self.add_signature_auth_header(request_headers, auth_schemes["signature"]) def process_response(self, url, request_headers, response): pass def sshkey_known(self): return self.sshkey is not None