mirror of https://github.com/openSUSE/osc.git synced 2024-09-21 01:36:16 +02:00
Marcus Huewe 93df866787 - added new function core.run_external which can be used to execute an external program
Basically it's just a wrapper around subprocess.call which raises an ExtRuntimeError
exception if subprocess.call raised an OSError with errno set to ENOENT (unfortunately
the OSError's filename attribute is set to None therefore we cannot print a meaningful
error message (that's why an ExtRuntimeError is raised)).
Replaced all occurrences of subprocess.call with a corresponding run_external call.
2013-03-08 00:56:57 +01:00

951 lines
38 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2006 Novell Inc. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
import os
import re
import sys
import shutil
import urlparse
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, mkdtemp
from osc.fetch import *
from osc.core import get_buildinfo, store_read_apiurl, store_read_project, store_read_package, meta_exists, quote_plus, get_buildconfig, is_package_dir
from osc.core import get_binarylist, get_binary_file, run_external
from osc.util import rpmquery, debquery, archquery
import osc.conf
import oscerr
import subprocess
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
import cElementTree as ET
from conf import config, cookiejar
change_personality = {
'i686': 'linux32',
'i586': 'linux32',
'i386': 'linux32',
'ppc': 'powerpc32',
's390': 's390',
'sparc': 'linux32',
'sparcv8': 'linux32',
# FIXME: qemu_can_build should not be needed anymore since OBS 2.3
qemu_can_build = [ 'armv4l', 'armv5el', 'armv5l', 'armv6l', 'armv7l', 'armv6el', 'armv7el', 'armv7hl', 'armv8el',
'sh4', 'mips', 'mipsel',
'ppc', 'ppc64',
's390', 's390x',
'sparc64v', 'sparcv9v', 'sparcv9', 'sparcv8', 'sparc',
can_also_build = {
'armv4l': [ 'armv4l' ],
'armv6l' :[ 'armv4l', 'armv5l', 'armv6l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el' ],
'armv7l' :[ 'armv4l', 'armv5l', 'armv6l', 'armv7l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el', 'armv7el' ],
'armv5el':[ 'armv4l', 'armv5l', 'armv5el' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
'armv6el':[ 'armv4l', 'armv5l', 'armv6l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
'armv7el':[ 'armv4l', 'armv5l', 'armv6l', 'armv7l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el', 'armv7el' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
'armv7hl':[ 'armv7hl' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
'armv8el':[ 'armv4l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el', 'armv7el', 'armv8el' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
'armv8l' :[ 'armv4l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el', 'armv7el', 'armv8el' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
'armv5tel':[ 'armv4l', 'armv5el', 'armv5tel' ],
's390x': ['s390' ],
'ppc64': [ 'ppc', 'ppc64' ],
'sh4': [ 'sh4' ],
'i586': [ 'i386' ],
'i686': [ 'i586', 'i386' ],
'x86_64': ['i686', 'i586', 'i386' ],
'sparc64': ['sparc64v', 'sparcv9v', 'sparcv9', 'sparcv8', 'sparc'],
'parisc': ['hppa'],
# real arch of this machine
hostarch = os.uname()[4]
if hostarch == 'i686': # FIXME
hostarch = 'i586'
if hostarch == 'parisc':
hostarch = 'hppa'
class Buildinfo:
"""represent the contents of a buildinfo file"""
def __init__(self, filename, apiurl, buildtype = 'spec', localpkgs = []):
tree = ET.parse(filename)
print >>sys.stderr, 'could not parse the buildinfo:'
print >>sys.stderr, open(filename).read()
root = tree.getroot()
self.apiurl = apiurl
if root.find('error') != None:
sys.stderr.write('buildinfo is broken... it says:\n')
error = root.find('error').text
sys.stderr.write(error + '\n')
if not (apiurl.startswith('https://') or apiurl.startswith('http://')):
raise urllib2.URLError('invalid protocol for the apiurl: \'%s\'' % apiurl)
self.buildtype = buildtype
self.apiurl = apiurl
# are we building .rpm or .deb?
# XXX: shouldn't we deliver the type via the buildinfo?
self.pacsuffix = 'rpm'
if self.buildtype == 'dsc':
self.pacsuffix = 'deb'
if self.buildtype == 'arch':
self.pacsuffix = 'arch'
self.buildarch = root.find('arch').text
if root.find('hostarch') != None:
self.hostarch = root.find('hostarch').text
self.hostarch = None
if root.find('release') != None:
self.release = root.find('release').text
self.release = None
self.downloadurl = root.get('downloadurl')
self.debuginfo = 0
if root.find('debuginfo') != None:
self.debuginfo = int(root.find('debuginfo').text)
except ValueError:
self.deps = []
self.projects = {}
self.keys = []
self.prjkeys = []
for node in root.findall('bdep'):
p = Pac(node, self.buildarch, self.pacsuffix,
apiurl, localpkgs)
if p.project:
self.projects[p.project] = 1
self.vminstall_list = [ dep.name for dep in self.deps if dep.vminstall ]
self.cbinstall_list = [ dep.name for dep in self.deps if dep.cbinstall ]
self.cbpreinstall_list = [ dep.name for dep in self.deps if dep.cbpreinstall ]
self.preinstall_list = [ dep.name for dep in self.deps if dep.preinstall ]
self.runscripts_list = [ dep.name for dep in self.deps if dep.runscripts ]
def has_dep(self, name):
for i in self.deps:
if i.name == name:
return True
return False
def remove_dep(self, name):
# we need to iterate over all deps because if this a
# kiwi build the same package might appear multiple times
# NOTE: do not loop and remove items, the second same one would not get catched
self.deps = [i for i in self.deps if not i.name == name]
class Pac:
"""represent a package to be downloaded
We build a map that's later used to fill our URL templates
def __init__(self, node, buildarch, pacsuffix, apiurl, localpkgs = []):
self.mp = {}
for i in ['binary', 'package',
'version', 'release',
'project', 'repository',
'preinstall', 'vminstall', 'noinstall', 'runscripts',
'cbinstall', 'cbpreinstall',
self.mp[i] = node.get(i)
self.mp['buildarch'] = buildarch
self.mp['pacsuffix'] = pacsuffix
self.mp['arch'] = node.get('arch') or self.mp['buildarch']
self.mp['name'] = node.get('name') or self.mp['binary']
# this is not the ideal place to check if the package is a localdep or not
localdep = self.mp['name'] in localpkgs # and not self.mp['noinstall']
if not localdep and not (node.get('project') and node.get('repository')):
raise oscerr.APIError('incomplete information for package %s, may be caused by a broken project configuration.'
% self.mp['name'] )
if not localdep:
self.mp['extproject'] = node.get('project').replace(':', ':/')
self.mp['extrepository'] = node.get('repository').replace(':', ':/')
self.mp['repopackage'] = node.get('package') or '_repository'
self.mp['repoarch'] = node.get('repoarch') or self.mp['buildarch']
if pacsuffix == 'deb' and not (self.mp['name'] and self.mp['arch'] and self.mp['version']):
raise oscerr.APIError(
"buildinfo for package %s/%s/%s is incomplete"
% (self.mp['name'], self.mp['arch'], self.mp['version']))
self.mp['apiurl'] = apiurl
if pacsuffix == 'deb':
filename = debquery.DebQuery.filename(self.mp['name'], self.mp['version'], self.mp['release'], self.mp['arch'])
elif pacsuffix == 'arch':
filename = archquery.ArchQuery.filename(self.mp['name'], self.mp['version'], self.mp['release'], self.mp['arch'])
filename = rpmquery.RpmQuery.filename(self.mp['name'], self.mp['version'], self.mp['release'], self.mp['arch'])
self.mp['filename'] = node.get('binary') or filename
if self.mp['repopackage'] == '_repository':
self.mp['repofilename'] = self.mp['name']
# OBS 2.3 puts binary into product bdeps (noinstall ones)
self.mp['repofilename'] = self.mp['filename']
# make the content of the dictionary accessible as class attributes
def makeurls(self, cachedir, urllist):
self.urllist = []
# build up local URL
# by using the urlgrabber with local urls, we basically build up a cache.
# the cache has no validation, since the package servers don't support etags,
# or if-modified-since, so the caching is simply name-based (on the assumption
# that the filename is suitable as identifier)
self.localdir = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (cachedir, self.project, self.repository, self.arch)
self.fullfilename = os.path.join(self.localdir, self.filename)
self.url_local = 'file://%s' % self.fullfilename
# first, add the local URL
# remote URLs
for url in urllist:
self.urllist.append(url % self.mp)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def __repr__(self):
return "%s" % self.name
def get_built_files(pacdir, pactype):
if pactype == 'rpm':
b_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'RPMS'),
'-name', '*.rpm'],
s_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'SRPMS'),
'-name', '*.rpm'],
elif pactype == 'kiwi':
b_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'KIWI'),
'-type', 'f'],
elif pactype == 'deb':
b_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'DEBS'),
'-name', '*.deb'],
s_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'SOURCES.DEB'),
'-type', 'f'],
elif pactype == 'arch':
b_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'ARCHPKGS'),
'-name', '*.pkg.tar*'],
s_built = []
print >>sys.stderr, 'WARNING: Unknown package type \'%s\'.' % pactype
b_built = []
s_built = []
return s_built, b_built
def get_repo(path):
"""Walks up path looking for any repodata directories.
@param path path to a directory
@return str path to repository directory containing repodata directory
oldDirectory = None
currentDirectory = os.path.abspath(path)
repositoryDirectory = None
# while there are still parent directories
while currentDirectory != oldDirectory:
children = os.listdir(currentDirectory)
if "repodata" in children:
repositoryDirectory = currentDirectory
# ascend
oldDirectory = currentDirectory
currentDirectory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(oldDirectory,
return repositoryDirectory
def get_prefer_pkgs(dirs, wanted_arch, type):
import glob
from util import repodata, packagequery, cpio
paths = []
repositories = []
suffix = '*.rpm'
if type == 'dsc':
suffix = '*.deb'
for dir in dirs:
# check for repodata
repository = get_repo(dir)
if repository is None:
paths += glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dir), suffix))
packageQueries = packagequery.PackageQueries(wanted_arch)
for repository in repositories:
repodataPackageQueries = repodata.queries(repository)
for packageQuery in repodataPackageQueries:
for path in paths:
if path.endswith('src.rpm'):
if path.find('-debuginfo-') > 0:
packageQuery = packagequery.PackageQuery.query(path)
prefer_pkgs = dict((name, packageQuery.path())
for name, packageQuery in packageQueries.iteritems())
depfile = create_deps(packageQueries.values())
cpio = cpio.CpioWrite()
cpio.add('deps', '\n'.join(depfile))
return prefer_pkgs, cpio
def create_deps(pkgqs):
creates a list of requires/provides which corresponds to build's internal
dependency file format
depfile = []
for p in pkgqs:
id = '%s.%s-0/0/0: ' % (p.name(), p.arch())
depfile.append('R:%s%s' % (id, ' '.join(p.requires())))
depfile.append('P:%s%s' % (id, ' '.join(p.provides())))
return depfile
trustprompt = """Would you like to ...
0 - quit (default)
1 - trust packages from '%(project)s' always
2 - trust them just this time
? """
def check_trusted_projects(apiurl, projects):
trusted = config['api_host_options'][apiurl]['trusted_prj']
tlen = len(trusted)
for prj in projects:
if not prj in trusted:
print "\nThe build root needs packages from project '%s'." % prj
print "Note that malicious packages can compromise the build result or even your system."
r = raw_input(trustprompt % { 'project':prj })
if r == '1':
print "adding '%s' to ~/.oscrc: ['%s']['trusted_prj']" % (prj,apiurl)
elif r != '2':
print "Well, good good bye then :-)"
raise oscerr.UserAbort()
if tlen != len(trusted):
config['api_host_options'][apiurl]['trusted_prj'] = trusted
conf.config_set_option(apiurl, 'trusted_prj', ' '.join(trusted))
def main(apiurl, opts, argv):
repo = argv[0]
arch = argv[1]
build_descr = argv[2]
xp = []
build_root = None
cache_dir = None
vm_type = config['build-type']
build_descr = os.path.abspath(build_descr)
build_type = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[1][1:]
if os.path.basename(build_descr) == 'PKGBUILD':
build_type = 'arch'
if build_type not in ['spec', 'dsc', 'kiwi', 'arch']:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs(
'Unknown build type: \'%s\'. Build description should end in .spec, .dsc or .kiwi.' \
% build_type)
if not os.path.isfile(build_descr):
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Error: build description file named \'%s\' does not exist.' % build_descr)
buildargs = []
if not opts.userootforbuild:
if opts.clean:
if opts.noinit:
if opts.nochecks:
if not opts.no_changelog:
if opts.root:
build_root = opts.root
if opts.target:
buildargs.append('--target=%s' % opts.target)
if opts.jobs:
buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % opts.jobs)
elif config['build-jobs'] > 1:
buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % config['build-jobs'])
if opts.icecream or config['icecream'] != '0':
if opts.icecream:
num = opts.icecream
num = config['icecream']
if int(num) > 0:
buildargs.append('--icecream=%s' % num)
if opts.ccache:
if opts.linksources:
if opts.baselibs:
if opts.debuginfo:
if opts._with:
for o in opts._with:
buildargs.append('--with=%s' % o)
if opts.without:
for o in opts.without:
buildargs.append('--without=%s' % o)
if opts.define:
for o in opts.define:
buildargs.append('--define=%s' % o)
if config['build-uid']:
build_uid = config['build-uid']
if opts.build_uid:
build_uid = opts.build_uid
if build_uid:
buildidre = re.compile('^[0-9]{1,5}:[0-9]{1,5}$')
if build_uid == 'caller':
buildargs.append('--uid=%s:%s' % (os.getuid(), os.getgid()))
elif buildidre.match(build_uid):
buildargs.append('--uid=%s' % build_uid)
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: build-uid arg must be 2 colon separated numerics: "uid:gid" or "caller"'
return 1
if opts.vm_type:
vm_type = opts.vm_type
if opts.alternative_project:
prj = opts.alternative_project
pac = '_repository'
prj = store_read_project(os.curdir)
if opts.local_package:
pac = '_repository'
pac = store_read_package(os.curdir)
if opts.shell:
# make it possible to override configuration of the rc file
val = os.getenv(var)
if val:
if var.startswith('OSC_'): var = var[4:]
var = var.lower().replace('_', '-')
if config.has_key(var):
print 'Overriding config value for %s=\'%s\' with \'%s\'' % (var, config[var], val)
config[var] = val
pacname = pac
if pacname == '_repository':
if not opts.local_package:
pacname = store_read_package(os.curdir)
except oscerr.NoWorkingCopy:
opts.local_package = True
if opts.local_package:
pacname = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[0]
apihost = urlparse.urlsplit(apiurl)[1]
if not build_root:
build_root = config['build-root'] % {'repo': repo, 'arch': arch,
'project': prj, 'package': pacname, 'apihost': apihost}
cache_dir = config['packagecachedir'] % {'apihost': apihost}
extra_pkgs = []
if not opts.extra_pkgs:
extra_pkgs = config['extra-pkgs']
elif opts.extra_pkgs != ['']:
extra_pkgs = opts.extra_pkgs
if xp:
extra_pkgs += xp
prefer_pkgs = {}
build_descr_data = open(build_descr).read()
# XXX: dirty hack but there's no api to provide custom defines
if opts.without:
s = ''
for i in opts.without:
s += "%%define _without_%s 1\n" % i
s += "%%define _with_%s 0\n" % i
build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data
if opts._with:
s = ''
for i in opts._with:
s += "%%define _without_%s 0\n" % i
s += "%%define _with_%s 1\n" % i
build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data
if opts.define:
s = ''
for i in opts.define:
s += "%%define %s\n" % i
build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data
if opts.prefer_pkgs:
print 'Scanning the following dirs for local packages: %s' % ', '.join(opts.prefer_pkgs)
prefer_pkgs, cpio = get_prefer_pkgs(opts.prefer_pkgs, arch, build_type)
cpio.add(os.path.basename(build_descr), build_descr_data)
build_descr_data = cpio.get()
# special handling for overlay and rsync-src/dest
specialcmdopts = []
if opts.rsyncsrc or opts.rsyncdest :
if not opts.rsyncsrc or not opts.rsyncdest:
raise oscerr.WrongOptions('When using --rsync-{src,dest} both parameters have to be specified.')
myrsyncsrc = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncsrc)))
if not os.path.isdir(myrsyncsrc):
raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--rsync-src %s is no valid directory!' % opts.rsyncsrc)
# can't check destination - its in the target chroot ;) - but we can check for sanity
myrsyncdest = os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncdest)
if not os.path.isabs(myrsyncdest):
raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--rsync-dest %s is no absolute path (starting with \'/\')!' % opts.rsyncdest)
specialcmdopts = ['--rsync-src='+myrsyncsrc, '--rsync-dest='+myrsyncdest]
if opts.overlay:
myoverlay = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.overlay)))
if not os.path.isdir(myoverlay):
raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--overlay %s is no valid directory!' % opts.overlay)
specialcmdopts += ['--overlay='+myoverlay]
bi_file = None
bc_file = None
bi_filename = '_buildinfo-%s-%s.xml' % (repo, arch)
bc_filename = '_buildconfig-%s-%s' % (repo, arch)
if is_package_dir('.') and os.access(osc.core.store, os.W_OK):
bi_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), osc.core.store, bi_filename)
bc_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), osc.core.store, bc_filename)
elif not os.access('.', os.W_OK):
bi_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bi_filename)
bi_filename = bi_file.name
bc_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bc_filename)
bc_filename = bc_file.name
bi_filename = os.path.abspath(bi_filename)
bc_filename = os.path.abspath(bc_filename)
if opts.noinit:
if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename):
raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--noinit is not possible, no local buildinfo file')
print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename
if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename):
raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--noinit is not possible, no local buildconfig file')
print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildconfig' % bc_filename
elif opts.offline:
if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename):
raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--offline is not possible, no local buildinfo file')
print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename
if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename):
raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--offline is not possible, no local buildconfig file')
print 'Getting buildinfo from server and store to %s' % bi_filename
bi_text = ''.join(get_buildinfo(apiurl,
if not bi_file:
bi_file = open(bi_filename, 'w')
# maybe we should check for errors before saving the file
print 'Getting buildconfig from server and store to %s' % bc_filename
bc = get_buildconfig(apiurl, prj, repo)
if not bc_file:
bc_file = open(bc_filename, 'w')
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
if e.code == 404:
# check what caused the 404
if meta_exists(metatype='prj', path_args=(quote_plus(prj), ),
template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl):
pkg_meta_e = None
# take care, not to run into double trouble.
pkg_meta_e = meta_exists(metatype='pkg', path_args=(quote_plus(prj),
quote_plus(pac)), template_args=None, create_new=False,
if pkg_meta_e:
print >>sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Either wrong repo/arch as parameter or a parse error of .spec/.dsc/.kiwi file due to syntax error'
print >>sys.stderr, 'The package \'%s\' does not exists - please ' \
'rerun with \'--local-package\'' % pac
print >>sys.stderr, 'The project \'%s\' does not exists - please ' \
'rerun with \'--alternative-project <alternative_project>\'' % prj
bi = Buildinfo(bi_filename, apiurl, build_type, prefer_pkgs.keys())
if bi.debuginfo and not (opts.disable_debuginfo or '--debug' in buildargs):
if opts.release:
bi.release = opts.release
if bi.release:
buildargs.append('--release=%s' % bi.release)
# real arch of this machine
# vs.
# arch we are supposed to build for
if bi.hostarch != None:
if hostarch != bi.hostarch and not bi.hostarch in can_also_build.get(hostarch, []):
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: hostarch \'%s\' is required.' % (bi.hostarch)
return 1
elif hostarch != bi.buildarch:
if not bi.buildarch in can_also_build.get(hostarch, []):
# OBSOLETE: qemu_can_build should not be needed anymore since OBS 2.3
if vm_type != "emulator" and not bi.buildarch in qemu_can_build:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: hostarch \'%s\' cannot build \'%s\'.' % (hostarch, bi.buildarch)
return 1
print >>sys.stderr, 'WARNING: It is guessed to build on hostarch \'%s\' for \'%s\' via QEMU.' % (hostarch, bi.buildarch)
rpmlist_prefers = []
if prefer_pkgs:
print 'Evaluating preferred packages'
for name, path in prefer_pkgs.iteritems():
if bi.has_dep(name):
# We remove a preferred package from the buildinfo, so that the
# fetcher doesn't take care about them.
# Instead, we put it in a list which is appended to the rpmlist later.
# At the same time, this will make sure that these packages are
# not verified.
rpmlist_prefers.append((name, path))
print ' - %s (%s)' % (name, path)
print 'Updating cache of required packages'
urllist = []
if not opts.download_api_only:
# transform 'url1, url2, url3' form into a list
if 'urllist' in config:
if type(config['urllist']) == str:
re_clist = re.compile('[, ]+')
urllist = [ i.strip() for i in re_clist.split(config['urllist'].strip()) ]
urllist = config['urllist']
# OBS 1.5 and before has no downloadurl defined in buildinfo
if bi.downloadurl:
urllist.append(bi.downloadurl + '/%(extproject)s/%(extrepository)s/%(arch)s/%(filename)s')
if opts.disable_cpio_bulk_download:
urllist.append( '%(apiurl)s/build/%(project)s/%(repository)s/%(repoarch)s/%(repopackage)s/%(repofilename)s' )
fetcher = Fetcher(cache_dir,
urllist = urllist,
api_host_options = config['api_host_options'],
offline = opts.noinit or opts.offline,
http_debug = config['http_debug'],
enable_cpio = not opts.disable_cpio_bulk_download,
# implicitly trust the project we are building for
check_trusted_projects(apiurl, [ i for i in bi.projects.keys() if not i == prj ])
# now update the package cache
old_pkg_dir = None
if opts.oldpackages:
old_pkg_dir = opts.oldpackages
if not old_pkg_dir.startswith('/') and not opts.offline:
data = [ prj, pacname, repo, arch]
if old_pkg_dir == '_link':
p = osc.core.findpacs(os.curdir)[0]
if not p.islink():
raise oscerr.WrongOptions('package is not a link')
data[0] = p.linkinfo.project
data[1] = p.linkinfo.package
repos = osc.core.get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, data[0])
# hack for links to e.g. Factory
if not data[2] in repos and 'standard' in repos:
data[2] = 'standard'
elif old_pkg_dir != '' and old_pkg_dir != '_self':
a = old_pkg_dir.split('/')
for i in range(0, len(a)):
data[i] = a[i]
destdir = os.path.join(cache_dir, data[0], data[2], data[3])
old_pkg_dir = None
print "Downloading previous build from %s ..." % '/'.join(data)
binaries = get_binarylist(apiurl, data[0], data[2], data[3], package=data[1], verbose=True)
except Exception, e:
print "Error: failed to get binaries: %s" % str(e)
binaries = []
if binaries:
class mytmpdir:
""" temporary directory that removes itself"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.name = mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs)
def cleanup(self):
def __del__(self):
def __exit__(self):
def __str__(self):
return self.name
old_pkg_dir = mytmpdir(prefix='.build.oldpackages', dir=os.path.abspath(os.curdir))
if not os.path.exists(destdir):
for i in binaries:
fname = os.path.join(destdir, i.name)
os.symlink(fname, os.path.join(str(old_pkg_dir), i.name))
if os.path.exists(fname):
st = os.stat(fname)
if st.st_mtime == i.mtime and st.st_size == i.size:
data[2], data[3],
package = data[1],
target_filename = fname,
target_mtime = i.mtime,
progress_meter = True)
if old_pkg_dir != None:
buildargs.append('--oldpackages=%s' % old_pkg_dir)
# Make packages from buildinfo available as repos for kiwi
if build_type == 'kiwi':
if not os.path.exists('repos'):
for i in bi.deps:
if not i.extproject:
# remove
# project
pdir = str(i.extproject).replace(':/', ':')
# repo
rdir = str(i.extrepository).replace(':/', ':')
# arch
adir = i.repoarch
# project/repo
prdir = "repos/"+pdir+"/"+rdir
# project/repo/arch
pradir = prdir+"/"+adir
# source fullfilename
sffn = i.fullfilename
# target fullfilename
tffn = pradir+"/"+filename
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pradir)):
if not os.path.exists(tffn):
print "Using package: "+sffn
if opts.linksources:
os.link(sffn, tffn)
os.symlink(sffn, tffn)
if prefer_pkgs:
for name, path in prefer_pkgs.iteritems():
if name == filename:
print "Using prefered package: " + path + "/" + filename
if opts.linksources:
os.link(path + "/" + filename, tffn)
os.symlink(path + "/" + filename, tffn)
if vm_type == "xen" or vm_type == "kvm" or vm_type == "lxc":
print 'Skipping verification of package signatures due to secure VM build'
elif bi.pacsuffix == 'rpm':
if opts.no_verify:
print 'Skipping verification of package signatures'
print 'Verifying integrity of cached packages'
elif bi.pacsuffix == 'deb':
if opts.no_verify or opts.noinit:
print 'Skipping verification of package signatures'
print 'WARNING: deb packages get not verified, they can compromise your system !'
print 'WARNING: unknown packages get not verified, they can compromise your system !'
print 'Writing build configuration'
rpmlist = [ '%s %s\n' % (i.name, i.fullfilename) for i in bi.deps if not i.noinstall ]
rpmlist += [ '%s %s\n' % (i[0], i[1]) for i in rpmlist_prefers ]
rpmlist.append('preinstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.preinstall_list) + '\n')
rpmlist.append('vminstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.vminstall_list) + '\n')
rpmlist.append('cbinstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.cbinstall_list) + '\n')
rpmlist.append('cbpreinstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.cbpreinstall_list) + '\n')
rpmlist.append('runscripts: ' + ' '.join(bi.runscripts_list) + '\n')
rpmlist_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='rpmlist.')
rpmlist_filename = rpmlist_file.name
subst = { 'repo': repo, 'arch': arch, 'project' : prj, 'package' : pacname }
vm_options = []
# XXX check if build-device present
my_build_device = ''
if config['build-device']:
my_build_device = config['build-device'] % subst
# obs worker uses /root here but that collides with the
# /root directory if the build root was used without vm
# before
my_build_device = build_root + '/img'
need_root = True
if vm_type:
if config['build-swap']:
my_build_swap = config['build-swap'] % subst
my_build_swap = build_root + '/swap'
vm_options = [ '--vm-type=%s'%vm_type ]
if vm_type != 'lxc' and vm_type != 'emulator':
vm_options += [ '--vm-disk=' + my_build_device ]
vm_options += [ '--vm-swap=' + my_build_swap ]
vm_options += [ '--logfile=%s/.build.log' % build_root ]
if vm_type == 'kvm':
if os.access(build_root, os.W_OK) and os.access('/dev/kvm', os.W_OK):
# so let's hope there's also an fstab entry
need_root = False
build_root += '/.mount'
if config['build-memory']:
vm_options += [ '--memory=' + config['build-memory'] ]
if config['build-vmdisk-rootsize']:
vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-rootsize=' + config['build-vmdisk-rootsize'] ]
if config['build-vmdisk-swapsize']:
vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-swapsize=' + config['build-vmdisk-swapsize'] ]
if config['build-vmdisk-filesystem']:
vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-filesystem=' + config['build-vmdisk-filesystem'] ]
if opts.preload:
print "Preload done for selected repo/arch."
print 'Running build'
cmd = [ config['build-cmd'], '--root='+build_root,
'--arch='+bi.buildarch ]
cmd += specialcmdopts + vm_options + buildargs
cmd += [ build_descr ]
if need_root:
sucmd = config['su-wrapper'].split()
if sucmd[0] == 'su':
if sucmd[-1] == '-c':
cmd = sucmd + ['-s', cmd[0], 'root', '--' ] + cmd[1:]
cmd = sucmd + cmd
# change personality, if needed
if hostarch != bi.buildarch and bi.buildarch in change_personality:
cmd = [ change_personality[bi.buildarch] ] + cmd;
rc = run_external(cmd[0], *cmd[1:])
if rc:
print 'The buildroot was:', build_root
except KeyboardInterrupt, i:
print "keyboard interrupt, killing build ..."
run_external(cmd[0], *cmd[1:])
raise i
pacdir = os.path.join(build_root, '.build.packages')
if os.path.islink(pacdir):
pacdir = os.readlink(pacdir)
pacdir = os.path.join(build_root, pacdir)
if os.path.exists(pacdir):
(s_built, b_built) = get_built_files(pacdir, bi.pacsuffix)
if s_built: print s_built
print b_built
if opts.keep_pkgs:
for i in b_built.splitlines() + s_built.splitlines():
shutil.copy2(i, os.path.join(opts.keep_pkgs, os.path.basename(i)))
if bi_file:
if bc_file:
# vim: sw=4 et