mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 01:41:48 +01:00
0.121.jw02 - made rresults an alias for results. python decorators are a strange concept... - asserting that ~/.oscrc remains mode 0600 - no more plain text passwords in ~/.oscrc, we store now as bz2+base64 - added verbosity control -v -q. To be used in guess_proj_pack() - added 'll' and 'ls -l' as shorthand to 'list -v' - started to change to explicit dual license GPLv2 or GPLv3 to conform to Novell policy. - added revision parameter to show_upstream_srcmd5(), so that it can be used in do_cat later. - allowed both integer and srcmd5 revisions in meta_get_filelist() - added 'lL', 'LL': allowed -e and -v together in do_list(). Was an internal error before. - added cat -e, to cat a file through a link. 'cat -e -r 3' expands through the third revision of the _link. - added subcmd bco as alias for branch -c - added default project to branch subcommand. .oscrc:branch_project = OpenSUSE:Factory - added primitive experimental support for .oscrc:checkout_no_colon = 1 - suggest using svn when .svn found. - alias submitpac submitrequest - osc bco now continues to checkout after branch target exists error. - added .oscrc:plaintext_passwd=1 for backwards compatibility - moved core.py:exclude_stuff to .oscrc:exclude_glob and expand it to catch *.orig etc. - allowed req as alias for request. - bugfix get_request_list: use 'or' with multiple states, not 'and'. - added osc req list -s all; a shorthand for enumerating all states - osc req list no longer confuses creator with approver. - osc req list -D nnn limit to requests nnn days old. - osc req list now also shows requests from the the given package, not only to. - improved help texts with repairlink to point to osc resolved. - improved passx code when creating oscrc. - osc sr -l is now a shortcut for 'osc req list -M -a -t submit -D 0'
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- there is no way to list my old requests, regardless of their state,
the online help is misleading about comma seperated lists.
osc request list -s revoked,revoked openSUSE:Tools -> lists 37
osc request list -s accecpted openSUSE:Tools -> lists 113
osc request list -s accecpted,revoked openSUSE:Tools -> lists 0
- hitting the wrong build service is a legal risk.
osc has no guard against forgetting -A. Add automatic pickup from current path.
- webpage can create a _link in a fully populated package.
Need to prevent his somehow.
- cat -E <srcmd5> -r 3 <file> should expand through the third revision of the link to a
named md5sum revision of the file. Or is this nonsense???
- canonical option parser.
-A, -e, -u, -E <n>, should be univeral to all subconmmands that work on prj/pkg objects.
With all subcommands that work on prj/pkg, the following should all be synonyms:
-A apiurl prj pkg
-A apiurl --project prj --package=pkg
-A apiurl prj/pkg
-A apiurl prj:pkg
The current working directory or its descendants should provide defaults
for apiurl, prj and/or pkg.
- checkout working directories should be real directories. No more colons.
A prj / package nameing collision shall be resolved by renaming the project to
have a .prj suffix
- improvements submit requests:
- create: enforce message
- create: check if there is already a request open for that target package
(if so, offer to obsolete it?)
- for done requests, show accept/reject messages also
- split functionality that needs prj/pac as commandline arguments into a seperate tool (oscremote? osc -r?)
(update: we have some commands meanwhile which exist in an alternate form,
prefixed with r, which works remotely. E.g. rbuildlog, rprjresults, rresults)
- status: implement -u option as in svn [3]
- implement (svn-like) switch command
- implement 'mv' command
- _real_ SSL support, with certificate verification
- copypac: put the current release number into the spec file before sending it
- for this, it is required to scan all current binaries, pick the highest release number
and put it into the spec file... otherwise clients won't regard the copied package as newer
- commit: check if errors during PUT are handled sensibly, so the change is
not committed to localmeta
- add switch to commit to change repository options, like to e.g. disable publishing?
- implement optional logging to .osc/log, which could be useful for debugging bugs like
the one where api.opensuse.org sends empty replies (a hard-to-catch one)
- osc checkout should display file download progress (bnc#442115)
- new command: osc listbinaries [<project>] [<package>]
listing the built package, either as URLs or just the filenames? [1]
there is ls -b:
% osc ls -b home:poeml scapy -r openSUSE_Factory -a x86_64
but it works packagewise. A project wide binary listing would also be cool
- new command: osc getbinaries [<project>] [<package>] [<rpm>]+ [1]
-> see incarnations of obs_mirror_project, in particular James Oakleys
this can peruse the new get_binarylist() and get_binary_file() functions
- adjust zsh completion to work with cmdln.py implementation
- add support for adding tags to packages?
- evaluate password storage alternatives
- use http://code.google.com/p/iniparse/ instead of ConfigParser, with
write capability, for the change
15:16 < DuDE> mt: Projekte anlegen geht nur, wenn es ein Subprojekt ist von einem Projekt wo Du Schreibrechte hast
15:16 < mt> DuDE: wofür?
15:16 < DuDE> mt: dass jeder einfach so top-level-Projekte anlegen kann, war einmal. Chaos-Reduzierung
15:17 < DuDE> mt: ueblich ist heutzutage ein Request auf opensuse-buildservice@
15:18 < DuDE> mt: kannst Du das gleiche mal eben mit osc -H probieren? Mich wuerde mal interessieren, ob da eine sinnvollere Meldung im Body mitkommt
15:19 < mt> DuDE: reply: 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n'
15:20 < DuDE> mt: das ist gut, dann sollte osc kein "try again" anbieten, sondern die Meldung rueberbringen
FIXME: osc co overwrites local changes without warning.
FIXME: when branching, the user should be added to bugowner, for the branch project.
FIXME: 'osc req' shall default to 'osc req list -M -B -s all',
where -B shows requests related to packages where I am the bugowner.
FIXME: 'osc log openSUSE:Factory PKG' should also point to the bsdevelproject
osc addrepo - obsolete zypper ar
osc install - obsolete zypper in