mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 15:40:04 +01:00
This allows to exit with `1` in case any build fails to provide feedback to end-user scripts. Refers to: https://github.com/kubernetes/release/issues/3632 Signed-off-by: Sascha Grunert <sgrunert@redhat.com>
6436 lines
219 KiB
6436 lines
219 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2006 Novell Inc. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
# either version 2, or version 3 (at your option).
import codecs
import copy
import csv
import datetime
import difflib
import errno
import fnmatch
import glob
import hashlib
import io
import locale
import os
import platform
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import textwrap
import time
import warnings
from functools import cmp_to_key, total_ordering
from http.client import IncompleteRead
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union, List, Iterable
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit, urlparse, quote, urlencode, unquote
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import distro
except ImportError:
distro = None
from . import __version__
from . import _private
from . import conf
from . import meter
from . import oscerr
from . import output
from . import store as osc_store
from .connection import http_request, http_GET, http_POST, http_PUT, http_DELETE
from .obs_scm import File
from .obs_scm import Linkinfo
from .obs_scm import Package
from .obs_scm import Project
from .obs_scm import Serviceinfo
from .obs_scm import Store
from .obs_scm.store import __store_version__
from .obs_scm.store import check_store_version
from .obs_scm.store import delete_storedir
from .obs_scm.store import is_package_dir
from .obs_scm.store import is_project_dir
from .obs_scm.store import read_inconflict
from .obs_scm.store import read_filemeta
from .obs_scm.store import read_sizelimit
from .obs_scm.store import read_tobeadded
from .obs_scm.store import read_tobedeleted
from .obs_scm.store import store
from .obs_scm.store import store_read_apiurl
from .obs_scm.store import store_read_file
from .obs_scm.store import store_read_last_buildroot
from .obs_scm.store import store_readlist
from .obs_scm.store import store_read_package
from .obs_scm.store import store_read_project
from .obs_scm.store import store_read_scmurl
from .obs_scm.store import store_unlink_file
from .obs_scm.store import store_write_apiurl
from .obs_scm.store import store_write_initial_packages
from .obs_scm.store import store_write_last_buildroot
from .obs_scm.store import store_write_project
from .obs_scm.store import store_write_string
from .output import get_default_pager
from .output import run_pager
from .output import sanitize_text
from .util import xdg
from .util.helper import decode_list, decode_it, raw_input, _html_escape
from .util.xml import xml_indent_compat as xmlindent
ET_ENCODING = "unicode"
def compare(a, b): return cmp(a[1:], b[1:])
def cmp(a, b):
return (a > b) - (a < b)
DISTURL_RE = re.compile(r"^(?P<bs>.*)://(?P<apiurl>.*?)/(?P<project>.*?)/(?P<repository>.*?)/(?P<revision>.*)-(?P<source>.*)$")
BUILDLOGURL_RE = re.compile(r"^(?P<apiurl>https?://.*?)/build/(?P<project>.*?)/(?P<repository>.*?)/(?P<arch>.*?)/(?P<package>.*?)/_log$")
BUFSIZE = 1024 * 1024
new_project_templ = """\
<project name="%(name)s">
<title></title> <!-- Short title of NewProject -->
<!-- This is for a longer description of the purpose of the project -->
<person role="maintainer" userid="%(user)s" />
<person role="bugowner" userid="%(user)s" />
<!-- remove this block to publish your packages on the mirrors -->
<disable />
<enable />
<enable />
<!-- remove this comment to enable one or more build targets
<repository name="openSUSE_Factory">
<path project="openSUSE:Factory" repository="snapshot" />
<repository name="openSUSE_13.2">
<path project="openSUSE:13.2" repository="standard"/>
<repository name="openSUSE_13.1">
<path project="openSUSE:13.1" repository="standard"/>
<repository name="Fedora_21">
<path project="Fedora:21" repository="standard" />
<repository name="SLE_12">
<path project="SUSE:SLE-12:GA" repository="standard" />
new_package_templ = """\
<package name="%(name)s">
<title></title> <!-- Title of package -->
<description></description> <!-- for long description -->
<!-- following roles are inherited from the parent project
<person role="maintainer" userid="%(user)s"/>
<person role="bugowner" userid="%(user)s"/>
use one of the examples below to disable building of this package
on a certain architecture, in a certain repository,
or a combination thereof:
<disable arch="x86_64"/>
<disable repository="SUSE_SLE-10"/>
<disable repository="SUSE_SLE-10" arch="x86_64"/>
Possible sections where you can use the tags above:
Please have a look at:
Packages containing formats listed there are NOT allowed to
be packaged in the openSUSE Buildservice and will be deleted!
new_attribute_templ = """\
<attribute namespace="" name="">
new_user_template = """\
<project name="home:%(user)s"/>
new_group_template = """\
<person userid=""/>
info_templ = """\
Project name: %s
Package name: %s
Path: %s
Source URL: %s
srcmd5: %s
Revision: %s
Link info: %s
project_info_templ = """\
Project name: %s
Path: %s
Source URL: %s
new_pattern_template = """\
<!-- See https://github.com/openSUSE/libzypp/tree/master/zypp/parser/yum/schema/patterns.rng -->
<pattern xmlns="http://novell.com/package/metadata/suse/pattern"
<category lang="en"></category>
<rpm:entry name="must-have-package"/>
<rpm:entry name="package"/>
<rpm:entry name="anotherpackage"/>
buildstatus_symbols = {'succeeded': '.',
'disabled': ' ',
'expansion error': 'U', # obsolete with OBS 2.0
'unresolvable': 'U',
'failed': 'F',
'broken': 'B',
'blocked': 'b',
'building': '%',
'finished': 'f',
'scheduled': 's',
'locked': 'L',
'excluded': 'x',
'dispatching': 'd',
'signing': 'S',
# os.path.samefile is available only under Unix
def os_path_samefile(path1, path2):
return os.path.samefile(path1, path2)
except AttributeError:
return os.path.realpath(path1) == os.path.realpath(path2)
def revision_is_empty(rev: Union[None, str, int]):
return rev in (None, "")
class DirectoryServiceinfo:
def __init__(self):
self.code = None
self.xsrcmd5 = None
self.lsrcmd5 = None
self.error = ''
def read(self, serviceinfo_node):
if serviceinfo_node is None:
self.code = serviceinfo_node.get('code')
self.xsrcmd5 = serviceinfo_node.get('xsrcmd5')
self.lsrcmd5 = serviceinfo_node.get('lsrcmd5')
self.error = serviceinfo_node.find('error')
if self.error:
self.error = self.error.text
def isexpanded(self):
Returns true, if the directory contains the "expanded"/generated service files
return self.lsrcmd5 is not None and self.xsrcmd5 is None
def haserror(self):
return self.error is not None
class AbstractState:
Base class which represents state-like objects (``<review />``, ``<state />``).
def __init__(self, tag):
self.__tag = tag
def get_node_attrs(self):
""":return: attributes for the tag/element"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_node_name(self):
""":return: tag/element name"""
return self.__tag
def get_comment(self):
""":return: data from ``<comment />`` tag"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_description(self):
""":return: data from ``<description />`` tag"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def to_xml(self):
""":return: object serialized to XML"""
root = ET.Element(self.get_node_name())
for attr in self.get_node_attrs():
val = getattr(self, attr)
if val is not None:
root.set(attr, val)
if self.get_description():
ET.SubElement(root, 'description').text = self.get_description()
if self.get_comment():
ET.SubElement(root, 'comment').text = self.get_comment()
return root
def to_str(self):
""":return: object serialized to pretty-printed XML"""
root = self.to_xml()
return ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)
class ReviewState(AbstractState):
"""Represents the review state in a request"""
def __init__(self, review_node):
if not review_node.get('state'):
raise oscerr.APIError('invalid review node (state attr expected): %s' %
ET.tostring(review_node, encoding=ET_ENCODING))
self.state = review_node.get('state')
self.by_user = review_node.get('by_user')
self.by_group = review_node.get('by_group')
self.by_project = review_node.get('by_project')
self.by_package = review_node.get('by_package')
self.who = review_node.get('who')
self.when = review_node.get('when')
self.comment = ''
if not review_node.find('comment') is None and \
self.comment = review_node.find('comment').text.strip()
def __repr__(self):
result = super().__repr__()
result += "("
result += f"{self.state}"
if self.who:
result += f" by {self.who}"
for by in ("user", "group", "project", "package"):
by_value = getattr(self, f"by_{by}", None)
if by_value:
result += f" [{by} {by_value}])"
result += ")"
return result
def get_node_attrs(self):
return ('state', 'by_user', 'by_group', 'by_project', 'by_package', 'who', 'when')
def get_comment(self):
return self.comment
def get_description(self):
return None
class RequestHistory(AbstractState):
"""Represents a history element of a request"""
re_name = re.compile(r'^Request (?:got )?([^\s]+)$')
def __init__(self, history_node):
self.who = history_node.get('who')
self.when = history_node.get('when')
if not history_node.find('description') is None and \
# OBS 2.6
self.description = history_node.find('description').text.strip()
# OBS 2.5 and before
self.description = history_node.get('name')
self.comment = ''
if not history_node.find('comment') is None and \
self.comment = history_node.find('comment').text.strip()
self.name = self._parse_name(history_node)
def _parse_name(self, history_node):
name = history_node.get('name', None)
if name is not None:
# OBS 2.5 and before
return name
mo = self.re_name.search(self.description)
if mo is not None:
return mo.group(1)
return self.description
def get_node_attrs(self):
return ('who', 'when')
def get_description(self):
return self.description
def get_comment(self):
return self.comment
class RequestState(AbstractState):
"""Represents the state of a request"""
def __init__(self, state_node):
if not state_node.get('name'):
raise oscerr.APIError('invalid request state node (name attr expected): %s' %
ET.tostring(state_node, encoding=ET_ENCODING))
self.name = state_node.get('name')
self.who = state_node.get('who')
self.when = state_node.get('when')
self.approver = state_node.get('approver')
self.superseded_by = state_node.get("superseded_by", None)
if state_node.find('description') is None:
# OBS 2.6 has it always, before it did not exist
self.description = state_node.get('description')
self.comment = ''
if not state_node.find('comment') is None and \
self.comment = state_node.find('comment').text.strip()
def get_node_attrs(self):
return ('name', 'who', 'when', 'approver')
def get_comment(self):
return self.comment
def get_description(self):
return None
class Action:
Represents an ``<action />`` element of a Request.
This class is quite common so that it can be used for all different
action types.
.. note::
Instances only provide attributes for their specific type.
r = Action('set_bugowner', tgt_project='foo', person_name='buguser')
# available attributes: r.type (== 'set_bugowner'), r.tgt_project (== 'foo'), r.tgt_package (is None)
r.to_str() ->
<action type="set_bugowner">
<target project="foo" />
<person name="buguser" />
r = Action('delete', tgt_project='foo', tgt_package='bar')
# available attributes: r.type (== 'delete'), r.tgt_project (== 'foo'), r.tgt_package (=='bar')
r.to_str() ->
<action type="delete">
<target package="bar" project="foo" />
# allowed types + the corresponding (allowed) attributes
type_args = {'submit': ('src_project', 'src_package', 'src_rev', 'tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'opt_sourceupdate',
'acceptinfo_rev', 'acceptinfo_srcmd5', 'acceptinfo_xsrcmd5', 'acceptinfo_osrcmd5',
'acceptinfo_oxsrcmd5', 'opt_updatelink', 'opt_makeoriginolder'),
'add_role': ('tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'person_name', 'person_role', 'group_name', 'group_role'),
'set_bugowner': ('tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'person_name', 'group_name'),
'maintenance_release': ('src_project', 'src_package', 'src_rev', 'tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'person_name',
'acceptinfo_rev', 'acceptinfo_srcmd5', 'acceptinfo_xsrcmd5', 'acceptinfo_osrcmd5',
'acceptinfo_oxsrcmd5', 'acceptinfo_oproject', 'acceptinfo_opackage'),
'release': ('src_project', 'src_package', 'src_rev', 'tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'person_name',
'acceptinfo_rev', 'acceptinfo_srcmd5', 'acceptinfo_xsrcmd5', 'acceptinfo_osrcmd5',
'acceptinfo_oxsrcmd5', 'acceptinfo_oproject', 'acceptinfo_opackage', 'tgt_repository'),
'maintenance_incident': ('src_project', 'src_package', 'src_rev', 'tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'tgt_releaseproject', 'person_name', 'opt_sourceupdate', 'opt_makeoriginolder',
'acceptinfo_rev', 'acceptinfo_srcmd5', 'acceptinfo_xsrcmd5', 'acceptinfo_osrcmd5',
'delete': ('tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'tgt_repository'),
'change_devel': ('src_project', 'src_package', 'tgt_project', 'tgt_package'),
'group': ('grouped_id', )}
# attribute prefix to element name map (only needed for abbreviated attributes)
prefix_to_elm = {'src': 'source', 'tgt': 'target', 'opt': 'options'}
def __init__(self, type, **kwargs):
self.apiurl = kwargs.pop("apiurl", None)
self._src_pkg_object = None
self._tgt_pkg_object = None
if type not in Action.type_args.keys():
raise oscerr.WrongArgs(f'invalid action type: \'{type}\'')
self.type = type
for i in kwargs.keys():
if i not in Action.type_args[type]:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs(f'invalid argument: \'{i}\'')
# set all type specific attributes
for i in Action.type_args[type]:
setattr(self, i, kwargs.get(i))
def __repr__(self):
result = super().__repr__()
result += "("
result += f"type={self.type}"
src_pkg = self.src_pkg_object
if src_pkg:
result += f" source={src_pkg.project}/{src_pkg.name}"
elif getattr(self, "src_project", None):
result += f" source={self.src_project}"
tgt_pkg = self.tgt_pkg_object
if tgt_pkg:
result += f" target={tgt_pkg.project}/{tgt_pkg.name}"
elif getattr(self, "tgt_project", None):
result += f" target={self.tgt_project}"
result += ")"
return result
def src_pkg_object(self):
if not getattr(self, "src_project", None) or not getattr(self, "src_package", None):
return None
if not self._src_pkg_object:
src_rev = getattr(self, "src_rev", None)
self._src_pkg_object = _private.ApiPackage(self.apiurl, self.src_project, self.src_package, src_rev)
return self._src_pkg_object
def tgt_pkg_object(self):
if not self._tgt_pkg_object:
if self.type == "maintenance_incident":
# the target project for maintenance incidents is virtual and cannot be queried
# the actual target project is in the "releaseproject" attribute
# tgt_releaseproject is always set for a maintenance_incident
# pylint: disable=no-member
tgt_project = self.tgt_releaseproject
# the target package is not specified
# we need to extract it from source package's _meta
src_package_meta_releasename = self.src_pkg_object.get_meta_value("releasename")
tgt_package = src_package_meta_releasename.split(".")[0]
if not getattr(self, "tgt_project", None) or not getattr(self, "tgt_package", None):
return None
# tgt_project and tgt_package are checked above
# pylint: disable=no-member
tgt_project = self.tgt_project
tgt_package = self.tgt_package
self._tgt_pkg_object = _private.ApiPackage(self.apiurl, tgt_project, tgt_package)
return self._tgt_pkg_object
def to_xml(self):
Serialize object to XML.
The xml tag names and attributes are constructed from the instance's attributes.
:return: object serialized to XML
self.group_name -> tag name is "group", attribute name is "name"
self.src_project -> tag name is "source" (translated via prefix_to_elm dict),
attribute name is "project"
Attributes prefixed with ``opt_`` need a special handling, the resulting xml should
look like this: ``opt_updatelink`` -> ``<options><updatelink>value</updatelink></options>``.
Attributes which are ``None`` will be skipped.
root = ET.Element('action', type=self.type)
for i in Action.type_args[self.type]:
prefix, attr = i.split('_', 1)
vals = getattr(self, i)
# single, plain elements are _not_ stored in a list
plain = False
if vals is None:
elif not hasattr(vals, 'append'):
vals = [vals]
plain = True
for val in vals:
elm = root.find(Action.prefix_to_elm.get(prefix, prefix))
if elm is None or not plain:
elm = ET.Element(Action.prefix_to_elm.get(prefix, prefix))
if prefix == 'opt':
ET.SubElement(elm, attr).text = val
elm.set(attr, val)
return root
def to_str(self):
""":return: object serialized to pretty-printed XML"""
root = self.to_xml()
return ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)
def from_xml(action_node, apiurl=None):
"""create action from XML"""
if action_node is None or \
action_node.get('type') not in Action.type_args.keys() or \
action_node.tag not in ('action', 'submit'):
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('invalid argument')
elm_to_prefix = {i[1]: i[0] for i in Action.prefix_to_elm.items()}
kwargs = {}
for node in action_node:
prefix = elm_to_prefix.get(node.tag, node.tag)
if prefix == 'opt':
data = [(f'opt_{opt.tag}', opt.text.strip()) for opt in node if opt.text]
data = [(f'{prefix}_{k}', v) for k, v in node.items()]
# it would be easier to store everything in a list but in
# this case we would lose some "structure" (see to_xml)
for k, v in data:
if k in kwargs:
l = kwargs[k]
if not hasattr(l, 'append'):
l = [l]
kwargs[k] = l
kwargs[k] = v
kwargs["apiurl"] = apiurl
return Action(action_node.get('type'), **kwargs)
class Request:
"""Represents a request (``<request />``)"""
def from_api(cls, apiurl: str, req_id: int):
# TODO: deprecate get_request() or move its content here
req_id = str(req_id)
return get_request(apiurl, req_id)
def __init__(self):
def _init_attributes(self):
"""initialize attributes with default values"""
self.reqid = None
self.creator = ''
self.title = ''
self.description = ''
self.priority = None
self.state = None
self.accept_at = None
self.actions = []
self.statehistory = []
self.reviews = []
self._issues = None
def __eq__(self, other):
return int(self.reqid) == int(other.reqid)
def __lt__(self, other):
return int(self.reqid) < int(other.reqid)
def id(self):
return self.reqid
def issues(self):
if self._issues is None:
self._issues = get_request_issues(self.apiurl, self.id)
return self._issues
def read(self, root, apiurl=None):
"""read in a request"""
self.apiurl = apiurl
if not root.get('id'):
raise oscerr.APIError(f'invalid request: {ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)}\n')
self.reqid = root.get('id')
if root.get('creator'):
# OBS 2.8 and later is delivering creator informations
self.creator = root.get('creator')
if root.find('state') is None:
raise oscerr.APIError(f'invalid request (state expected): {ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)}\n')
self.state = RequestState(root.find('state'))
action_nodes = root.findall('action')
if not action_nodes:
# check for old-style requests
for i in root.findall('submit'):
i.set('type', 'submit')
for action in action_nodes:
self.actions.append(Action.from_xml(action, self.apiurl))
for review in root.findall('review'):
for history_element in root.findall('history'):
if not root.find('priority') is None and root.find('priority').text:
self.priority = root.find('priority').text.strip()
if not root.find('accept_at') is None and root.find('accept_at').text:
self.accept_at = root.find('accept_at').text.strip()
if not root.find('title') is None:
self.title = root.find('title').text.strip()
if not root.find('description') is None and root.find('description').text:
self.description = root.find('description').text.strip()
def add_action(self, type, **kwargs):
"""add a new action to the request"""
self.actions.append(Action(type, **kwargs))
def get_actions(self, *types) -> List[Action]:
get all actions with a specific type
(if types is empty return all actions)
if not types:
return self.actions
return [i for i in self.actions if i.type in types]
def to_xml(self):
""":return: object serialized to XML"""
root = ET.Element('request')
if self.reqid is not None:
root.set('id', self.reqid)
if self.creator:
root.set('creator', self.creator)
for action in self.actions:
if self.state is not None:
for review in self.reviews:
for hist in self.statehistory:
if self.title:
ET.SubElement(root, 'title').text = self.title
if self.description:
ET.SubElement(root, 'description').text = self.description
if self.accept_at:
ET.SubElement(root, 'accept_at').text = self.accept_at
if self.priority:
ET.SubElement(root, 'priority').text = self.priority
return root
def to_str(self):
""":return: object serialized to pretty-printed XML"""
root = self.to_xml()
return ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)
def accept_at_in_hours(self, hours):
"""set auto accept_at time"""
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
now = now + datetime.timedelta(hours=hours)
self.accept_at = now.isoformat() + '+00:00'
def format_review(review, show_srcupdate=False):
format a review depending on the reviewer's type.
A dict which contains the formatted str's is returned.
d = {'state': f'{review.state}:'}
if review.by_package:
d['by'] = f'{review.by_project}/{review.by_package}'
d['type'] = 'Package'
elif review.by_project:
d['by'] = f'{review.by_project}'
d['type'] = 'Project'
elif review.by_group:
d['by'] = f'{review.by_group}'
d['type'] = 'Group'
d['by'] = f'{review.by_user}'
d['type'] = 'User'
if review.who:
d['by'] += f'({review.who})'
return d
def format_action(self, action: Action, show_srcupdate=False):
format an action depending on the action's type.
A dict which contains the formatted str's is returned.
def prj_pkg_join(prj, pkg, repository=None):
if not pkg:
if not repository:
return prj or ''
return f'{prj}({repository})'
return f'{prj}/{pkg}'
d = {'type': f'{action.type}:'}
if action.type == 'set_bugowner':
if action.person_name:
d['source'] = action.person_name
if action.group_name:
d['source'] = f'group:{action.group_name}'
d['target'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
elif action.type == 'change_devel':
d['source'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
d['target'] = f'developed in {prj_pkg_join(action.src_project, action.src_package)}'
elif action.type == 'maintenance_incident':
d['source'] = f'{action.src_project} ->'
if action.src_package:
d['source'] = f'{prj_pkg_join(action.src_project, action.src_package)}'
if action.src_rev:
d['source'] = d['source'] + f'@{action.src_rev}'
d['source'] = d['source'] + ' ->'
d['target'] = action.tgt_project
if action.tgt_releaseproject:
d['target'] += " (release in " + action.tgt_releaseproject + ")"
srcupdate = ' '
if action.opt_sourceupdate and show_srcupdate:
srcupdate = f'({action.opt_sourceupdate})'
elif action.type in ('maintenance_release', 'release'):
d['source'] = f'{prj_pkg_join(action.src_project, action.src_package)}'
if action.src_rev:
d['source'] = d['source'] + f'@{action.src_rev}'
d['source'] = d['source'] + ' ->'
d['target'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
elif action.type == 'submit':
d['source'] = f'{prj_pkg_join(action.src_project, action.src_package)}'
if action.src_rev:
d['source'] = d['source'] + f'@{action.src_rev}'
if action.opt_sourceupdate and show_srcupdate:
d['source'] = d['source'] + f'({action.opt_sourceupdate})'
d['source'] = d['source'] + ' ->'
tgt_package = action.tgt_package
if action.src_package == action.tgt_package:
tgt_package = ''
d['target'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, tgt_package)
if action.opt_makeoriginolder:
d['target'] = d['target'] + ' ***make origin older***'
if action.opt_updatelink:
d['target'] = d['target'] + ' ***update link***'
elif action.type == 'add_role':
roles = []
if action.person_name and action.person_role:
roles.append(f'person: {action.person_name} as {action.person_role}')
if action.group_name and action.group_role:
roles.append(f'group: {action.group_name} as {action.group_role}')
d['source'] = ', '.join(roles)
d['target'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
elif action.type == 'delete':
d['source'] = ''
d['target'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package, action.tgt_repository)
elif action.type == 'group':
l = action.grouped_id
if l is None:
# there may be no requests in a group action
l = ''
if not hasattr(l, 'append'):
l = [l]
d['source'] = ', '.join(l) + ' ->'
d['target'] = self.reqid
raise oscerr.APIError(f'Unknown action type {action.type}\n')
return d
def list_view(self):
"""return "list view" format"""
status = self.state.name
if self.state.name == 'review' and self.state.approver:
status += "(approved)"
lines = ['%6s State:%-10s By:%-12s When:%-19s' % (self.reqid, status, self.state.who, self.state.when)]
lines += [f" Created by: {self.creator}"]
tmpl = ' %(type)-16s %(source)-50s %(target)s'
for action in self.actions:
lines.append(tmpl % self.format_action(action))
tmpl = ' Review by %(type)-10s is %(state)-10s %(by)-50s'
for review in self.reviews:
lines.append(tmpl % Request.format_review(review))
history = [f'{hist.description}: {hist.who}' for hist in self.statehistory]
if history:
lines.append(f" From: {' -> '.join(history)}")
if self.description:
lines.append(textwrap.fill(self.description, width=80, initial_indent=' Descr: ',
subsequent_indent=' '))
lines.append(textwrap.fill(self.state.comment, width=80, initial_indent=' Comment: ',
subsequent_indent=' '))
return '\n'.join(lines)
def __str__(self):
"""return "detailed" format"""
lines = [
f"Request: {self.reqid}",
f"Created by: {self.creator}",
if self.accept_at and self.state.name in ['new', 'review']:
lines.append(' *** This request will get automatically accepted after ' + self.accept_at + ' ! ***\n')
if self.priority in ['critical', 'important'] and self.state.name in ['new', 'review']:
lines.append(' *** This request has classified as ' + self.priority + ' ! ***\n')
if self.state and self.state.approver and self.state.name == 'review':
lines.append(' *** This request got approved by ' + self.state.approver + '. It will get automatically accepted after last review got accepted! ***\n')
lines += ["", "Actions:"]
for action in self.actions:
fmt_action = self.format_action(action, show_srcupdate=True)
if action.type == 'delete':
lines += [f" {fmt_action['type']:13} {fmt_action['target']}"]
lines += [f" {fmt_action['type']:13} {fmt_action['source']} {fmt_action['target']}"]
lines += ["", "Message:", textwrap.indent(self.description or "<no message>", prefix=" ")]
if self.state:
state_name = self.state.name
if self.state.superseded_by:
state_name += f" by {self.state.superseded_by}"
lines += ["", "State:", f" {state_name:61} {self.state.when:12} {self.state.who}"]
if self.state.comment:
lines += [textwrap.indent(self.state.comment, prefix=" | ", predicate=lambda line: True)]
if self.reviews:
lines += [""]
lines += ["Review:"]
for review in reversed(self.reviews):
d = {'state': review.state}
if review.by_user:
d['by'] = "User: " + review.by_user
if review.by_group:
d['by'] = "Group: " + review.by_group
if review.by_package:
d['by'] = "Package: " + review.by_project + "/" + review.by_package
elif review.by_project:
d['by'] = "Project: " + review.by_project
d['when'] = review.when or ''
d['who'] = review.who or ''
lines += [f" {d['state']:10} {d['by']:50} {d['when']:12} {d['who']}"]
if review.comment:
lines += [textwrap.indent(review.comment, prefix=" | ", predicate=lambda line: True)]
if self.statehistory:
lines += ["", "History:"]
for hist in reversed(self.statehistory):
lines += [f" {hist.when:10} {hist.who:30} {hist.description}"]
return '\n'.join(lines)
def create(self, apiurl: str, addrevision=False, enforce_branching=False):
"""create a new request"""
query = {'cmd': 'create'}
if addrevision:
query['addrevision'] = "1"
if enforce_branching:
query['enforce_branching'] = "1"
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request'], query=query)
f = http_POST(u, data=self.to_str())
root = ET.fromstring(f.read())
def shorttime(t):
"""format time as Apr 02 18:19
or Apr 02 2005
depending on whether it is in the current year
if time.gmtime()[0] == time.gmtime(t)[0]:
# same year
return time.strftime('%b %d %H:%M', time.gmtime(t))
return time.strftime('%b %d %Y', time.gmtime(t))
def parse_disturl(disturl: str):
"""Parse a disturl, returns tuple (apiurl, project, source, repository,
revision), else raises an oscerr.WrongArgs exception
m = DISTURL_RE.match(disturl)
if not m:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs(f"`{disturl}' does not look like disturl")
apiurl = m.group('apiurl')
if apiurl.split('.')[0] != 'api':
apiurl = 'https://api.' + ".".join(apiurl.split('.')[1:])
return (apiurl, m.group('project'), m.group('source'), m.group('repository'), m.group('revision'))
def parse_buildlogurl(buildlogurl: str):
"""Parse a build log url, returns a tuple (apiurl, project, package,
repository, arch), else raises oscerr.WrongArgs exception"""
m = BUILDLOGURL_RE.match(buildlogurl)
if not m:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs(f'\'{buildlogurl}\' does not look like url with a build log')
return (m.group('apiurl'), m.group('project'), m.group('package'), m.group('repository'), m.group('arch'))
def slash_split(args):
"""Split command line arguments like 'foo/bar' into 'foo' 'bar'.
This is handy to allow copy/paste a project/package combination in this form.
Leading and trailing slashes are removed before the split, because the split
could otherwise give additional empty strings.
result = []
for arg in args:
arg = arg.strip("/")
result += arg.split("/")
return result
def expand_proj_pack(args, idx=0, howmany=0):
"""looks for occurance of '.' at the position idx.
If howmany is 2, both proj and pack are expanded together
using the current directory, or none of them if not possible.
If howmany is 0, proj is expanded if possible, then, if there
is no idx+1 element in args (or args[idx+1] == '.'), pack is also
expanded, if possible.
If howmany is 1, only proj is expanded if possible.
If args[idx] does not exist, an implicit '.' is assumed.
If not enough elements up to idx exist, an error is raised.
See also parseargs(args), slash_split(args), Package.from_paths(args)
All these need unification, somehow.
# print args,idx,howmany
if len(args) < idx:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('not enough argument, expected at least %d' % idx)
if len(args) == idx:
args += '.'
if args[idx + 0] == '.':
if howmany == 0 and len(args) > idx + 1:
if args[idx + 1] == '.':
# we have two dots.
# remove one dot and make sure to expand both proj and pack
args.pop(idx + 1)
howmany = 2
howmany = 1
# print args,idx,howmany
args[idx + 0] = store_read_project('.')
if howmany == 0:
package = store_read_package('.')
args.insert(idx + 1, package)
elif howmany == 2:
package = store_read_package('.')
args.insert(idx + 1, package)
return args
def findpacs(files, progress_obj=None, fatal=True):
"""collect Package objects belonging to the given files
and make sure each Package is returned only once"""
import warnings
"osc.core.findpacs() is deprecated. "
"Use osc.core.Package.from_paths() or osc.core.Package.from_paths_nofail() instead.",
if fatal:
return Package.from_paths(files, progress_obj)
return Package.from_paths_nofail(files, progress_obj)
def parseargs(list_of_args):
"""Convenience method osc's commandline argument parsing.
If called with an empty tuple (or list), return a list containing the current directory.
Otherwise, return a list of the arguments."""
if list_of_args:
return list(list_of_args)
return [os.curdir]
def statfrmt(statusletter, filename):
return f'{statusletter} {filename}'
def pathjoin(a, *p):
"""Join two or more pathname components, inserting '/' as needed. Cut leading ./"""
path = os.path.join(a, *p)
if path.startswith('./'):
path = path[2:]
return path
class UrlQueryArray(list):
Passing values wrapped in this object causes ``makeurl()`` to encode the list
in Ruby on Rails compatible way (adding square brackets to the parameter names):
{"file": UrlQueryArray(["foo", "bar"])} -> &file[]=foo&file[]=bar
def makeurl(apiurl: str, path: List[str], query: Optional[dict] = None):
Construct an URL based on the given arguments.
:param apiurl: URL to the API server.
:param path: List of URL path components.
:param query: Optional dictionary with URL query data.
Values can be: ``str``, ``int``, ``bool``, ``[str]``, ``[int]``.
Items with value equal to ``None`` will be skipped.
apiurl_scheme, apiurl_netloc, apiurl_path = urlsplit(apiurl)[0:3]
path = apiurl_path.split("/") + [i.strip("/") for i in path]
path = [quote(i, safe="/:") for i in path]
path_str = "/".join(path)
if isinstance(query, (list, tuple)):
"makeurl() query taking a list or a tuple is deprecated. Use dict instead.",
query_str = "&".join(query)
return urlunsplit((apiurl_scheme, apiurl_netloc, path_str, query_str, ""))
if isinstance(query, str):
"makeurl() query taking a string is deprecated. Use dict instead.",
query_str = query
return urlunsplit((apiurl_scheme, apiurl_netloc, path_str, query_str, ""))
if query is None:
query = {}
query = copy.deepcopy(query)
for key in list(query):
value = query[key]
if value in (None, [], ()):
# remove items with value equal to None or [] or ()
del query[key]
elif isinstance(value, bool):
# convert boolean values to "0" or "1"
query[key] = str(int(value))
elif isinstance(value, UrlQueryArray):
# encode lists in Ruby on Rails compatible way:
# {"file": ["foo", "bar"]} -> &file[]=foo&file[]=bar
del query[key]
query[f"{key}[]"] = value
query_str = urlencode(query, doseq=True)
_private.print_msg("makeurl:", path_str+"?"+query_str, print_to="debug")
return urlunsplit((apiurl_scheme, apiurl_netloc, path_str, query_str, ""))
def meta_get_packagelist(apiurl: str, prj, deleted=None, expand=False):
query = {}
if deleted:
query['deleted'] = 1
elif deleted in (False, 0):
# HACK: Omitted 'deleted' and 'deleted=0' produce different results.
# By explicit 'deleted=0', we also get multibuild packages listed.
# See: https://github.com/openSUSE/open-build-service/issues/9715
query['deleted'] = 0
if expand:
query['expand'] = 1
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj], query)
f = http_GET(u)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
return [node.get('name') for node in root.findall('entry')]
def meta_get_filelist(
apiurl: str, prj: str, package: str, verbose=False, expand=False, revision=None, meta=False, deleted=False
"""return a list of file names,
or a list File() instances if verbose=True"""
query: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {}
if deleted:
query['deleted'] = 1
if expand:
query['expand'] = 1
if meta:
query['meta'] = 1
if not revision_is_empty(revision):
query['rev'] = revision
query['rev'] = 'latest'
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query=query)
f = http_GET(u)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
if not verbose:
return [node.get('name') for node in root.findall('entry')]
l = []
# rev = int(root.get('rev')) # don't force int. also allow srcmd5 here.
rev = root.get('rev')
for node in root.findall('entry'):
f = File(node.get('name'),
f.rev = rev
return l
def meta_get_project_list(apiurl: str, deleted=False):
query = {}
if deleted:
query['deleted'] = 1
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source'], query)
f = http_GET(u)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
return sorted(node.get('name') for node in root if node.get('name'))
def show_project_meta(apiurl: str, prj: str, rev=None, blame=None):
query = {}
if blame:
query['view'] = "blame"
if not revision_is_empty(rev):
query['rev'] = rev
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_project', '_meta'], query)
f = http_GET(url)
except HTTPError as e:
error_help = "%d" % e.code
os_err = e.hdrs.get('X-Opensuse-Errorcode')
if os_err:
error_help = "%s (%d) project: %s" % (os_err, e.code, prj)
if e.code == 404 and os_err == 'unknown_package':
error_help = 'option -r|--revision is not supported by this OBS version'
e.osc_msg = f'BuildService API error: {error_help}'
if blame:
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_project', '_meta'], query)
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_meta'])
f = http_GET(url)
return f.readlines()
def show_project_conf(apiurl: str, prj: str, rev=None, blame=None):
query = {}
url = None
if not revision_is_empty(rev):
query['rev'] = rev
if blame:
query['view'] = "blame"
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_project', '_config'], query=query)
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_config'], query=query)
f = http_GET(url)
return f.readlines()
def show_package_trigger_reason(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, repo: str, arch: str):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repo, arch, pac, '_reason'])
f = http_GET(url)
return f.read()
except HTTPError as e:
e.osc_msg = f'Error getting trigger reason for project \'{prj}\' package \'{pac}\''
def show_package_meta(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, meta=False, blame=None):
query: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {}
if meta:
query['meta'] = 1
if blame:
query['view'] = "blame"
query['meta'] = 1
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac, '_meta'], query)
f = http_GET(url)
return f.readlines()
except HTTPError as e:
e.osc_msg = f'Error getting meta for project \'{unquote(prj)}\' package \'{pac}\''
def show_attribute_meta(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac, subpac, attribute, with_defaults, with_project):
path = []
if pac:
if pac and subpac:
if attribute:
query = {}
query["with_default"] = with_defaults
query["with_project"] = with_project
url = makeurl(apiurl, path, query)
f = http_GET(url)
return f.readlines()
except HTTPError as e:
e.osc_msg = f'Error getting meta for project \'{prj}\' package \'{pac}\''
def clean_assets(directory):
return run_external(conf.config['download-assets-cmd'], '--clean', directory)
def download_assets(directory):
return run_external(conf.config['download-assets-cmd'], '--unpack', '--noassetdir', directory)
def show_scmsync(apiurl, prj, pac=None):
from . import obs_api
if pac:
package_obj = obs_api.Package.from_api(apiurl, prj, pac)
return package_obj.scmsync
project_obj = obs_api.Project.from_api(apiurl, prj)
return project_obj.scmsync
def show_devel_project(apiurl, prj, pac):
from . import obs_api
package_obj = obs_api.Package.from_api(apiurl, prj, pac)
if package_obj.devel is None:
return None, None
# mute a false-positive: Instance of 'dict' has no 'project' member (no-member)
# pylint: disable=no-member
return package_obj.devel.project, package_obj.devel.package
def set_devel_project(apiurl, prj, pac, devprj=None, devpac=None, print_to="debug"):
from . import obs_api
if devprj:
msg = "Setting devel project of"
msg = "Unsetting devel project from"
msg = _private.format_msg_project_package_options(
output.print_msg(msg, print_to=print_to)
package_obj = obs_api.Package.from_api(apiurl, prj, pac)
if devprj is None:
package_obj.devel = None
package_obj.devel = {"project": devprj, "package": devpac}
if package_obj.has_changed():
return package_obj.to_api(apiurl)
# TODO: debug log that we have skipped the API call
return None
def show_package_disabled_repos(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str):
from . import obs_api
# FIXME: don't work if all repos of a project are disabled and only some are enabled since <disable/> is empty
package_obj = obs_api.Package.from_api(apiurl, prj, pac)
result = []
for i in package_obj.build_list or []:
if i.flag == "disable":
result.append({"repo": i.repository, "arch": i.arch})
return result
def show_pattern_metalist(apiurl: str, prj: str):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_pattern'])
f = http_GET(url)
tree = ET.parse(f)
except HTTPError as e:
e.osc_msg = f'show_pattern_metalist: Error getting pattern list for project \'{prj}\''
r = sorted(node.get('name') for node in tree.getroot())
return r
def show_pattern_meta(apiurl: str, prj: str, pattern: str):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_pattern', pattern])
f = http_GET(url)
return f.readlines()
except HTTPError as e:
e.osc_msg = f'show_pattern_meta: Error getting pattern \'{pattern}\' for project \'{prj}\''
def show_configuration(apiurl):
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['configuration'])
f = http_GET(u)
return f.readlines()
class metafile:
"""metafile that can be manipulated and is stored back after manipulation."""
class _URLFactory:
# private class which might go away again...
def __init__(self, delegate, force_supported=True):
self._delegate = delegate
self._force_supported = force_supported
def is_force_supported(self):
return self._force_supported
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
return self._delegate(**kwargs)
def __init__(self, url, input, change_is_required=False, file_ext='.xml', method=None):
if isinstance(url, self._URLFactory):
self._url_factory = url
delegate = lambda **kwargs: url
# force is not supported for a raw url
self._url_factory = self._URLFactory(delegate, False)
self.url = self._url_factory()
self.change_is_required = change_is_required
(fd, self.filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='osc_metafile.', suffix=file_ext)
self._method = method
open_mode = 'w'
input_as_str = None
if not isinstance(input, list):
input = [input]
if input and isinstance(input[0], str):
input_as_str = ''.join(input)
open_mode = 'wb'
input_as_str = b''.join(input)
f = os.fdopen(fd, open_mode)
self.hash_orig = dgst(self.filename)
def sync(self):
if self.change_is_required and self.hash_orig == dgst(self.filename):
print('File unchanged. Not saving.')
print('Sending meta data...')
# don't do any exception handling... it's up to the caller what to do in case
# of an exception
if self._method == "POST":
http_POST(self.url, file=self.filename)
http_PUT(self.url, file=self.filename)
def edit(self):
try_force = False
while True:
if not try_force:
try_force = False
except HTTPError as e:
error_help = "%d" % e.code
if e.hdrs.get('X-Opensuse-Errorcode'):
error_help = "%s (%d)" % (e.hdrs.get('X-Opensuse-Errorcode'), e.code)
print('BuildService API error:', error_help, file=sys.stderr)
# examine the error - we can't raise an exception because we might want
# to try again
root = ET.fromstring(e.read())
summary = root.find('summary')
if summary is not None:
print(summary.text, file=sys.stderr)
if self._url_factory.is_force_supported():
prompt = 'Try again? ([y/N/f]): '
prompt = 'Try again? ([y/N): '
ri = raw_input(prompt)
if ri in ('y', 'Y'):
self.url = self._url_factory()
elif ri in ('f', 'F') and self._url_factory.is_force_supported():
self.url = self._url_factory(force='1')
try_force = True
def discard(self):
if os.path.exists(self.filename):
print(f'discarding {self.filename}')
# different types of metadata
metatypes = {'prj': {'path': 'source/%s/_meta',
'template': new_project_templ,
'file_ext': '.xml'
'pkg': {'path': 'source/%s/%s/_meta',
'template': new_package_templ,
'file_ext': '.xml'
'attribute': {'path': 'source/%s/_attribute/%s',
'template': new_attribute_templ,
'file_ext': '.xml'
'prjconf': {'path': 'source/%s/_config',
'template': '',
'file_ext': '.txt'
'user': {'path': 'person/%s',
'template': new_user_template,
'file_ext': '.xml'
'group': {'path': 'group/%s',
'template': new_group_template,
'file_ext': '.xml'
'pattern': {'path': 'source/%s/_pattern/%s',
'template': new_pattern_template,
'file_ext': '.xml'
def meta_exists(metatype: str, path_args=None, template_args=None, create_new=True, apiurl=None):
global metatypes
if not apiurl:
apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
url = make_meta_url(metatype, path_args, apiurl)
data = http_GET(url).readlines()
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404 and create_new:
data = metatypes[metatype]['template']
if template_args:
data = StringIO(data % template_args).readlines()
raise e
return data
def make_meta_url(
metatype: str,
apiurl: Optional[str] = None,
global metatypes
if not apiurl:
apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
if metatype not in metatypes.keys():
raise AttributeError(f'make_meta_url(): Unknown meta type \'{metatype}\'')
path = metatypes[metatype]['path']
if path_args:
path = path % path_args
query = {}
if force:
query = {'force': '1'}
if remove_linking_repositories:
query['remove_linking_repositories'] = '1'
if msg:
query['comment'] = msg
return makeurl(apiurl, [path], query)
def parse_meta_to_string(data: Union[bytes, list, Iterable]) -> str:
Converts the output of meta_exists into a string value
# data can be a bytes object, a list with strings, a list with bytes, just a string.
# So we need the following even if it is ugly.
if isinstance(data, bytes):
data = decode_it(data)
elif isinstance(data, list):
data = decode_list(data)
return ''.join(data)
def edit_meta(
data: Optional[List[str]] = None,
apiurl: Optional[str] = None,
method: Optional[str] = None,
global metatypes
if not apiurl:
apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
if not data:
data = meta_exists(metatype,
create_new=metatype != 'prjconf', # prjconf always exists, 404 => unknown prj
if edit:
change_is_required = True
if metatype == 'pkg':
# check if the package is a link to a different project
project, package = path_args
orgprj = ET.fromstring(parse_meta_to_string(data)).get('project')
if orgprj is not None and unquote(project) != orgprj:
print('The package is linked from a different project.')
print('If you want to edit the meta of the package create first a branch.')
print(f' osc branch {orgprj} {package} {unquote(project)}')
print(f' osc meta pkg {unquote(project)} {package} -e')
def delegate(force=force):
return make_meta_url(metatype, path_args, apiurl, force, remove_linking_repositories, msg)
url_factory = metafile._URLFactory(delegate)
f = metafile(url_factory, data, change_is_required, metatypes[metatype]['file_ext'], method=method)
if edit:
def show_files_meta(
apiurl: str,
prj: str,
pac: str,
query = {}
if not revision_is_empty(revision):
query['rev'] = revision
query['rev'] = 'latest'
if not revision_is_empty(linkrev):
query['linkrev'] = linkrev
elif conf.config['linkcontrol']:
query['linkrev'] = 'base'
if meta:
query['meta'] = 1
if deleted:
query['deleted'] = 1
if expand:
query['expand'] = 1
if linkrepair:
query['emptylink'] = 1
f = http_GET(makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac], query=query))
return f.read()
def show_upstream_srcmd5(
apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, expand=False, revision=None, meta=False, include_service_files=False, deleted=False
m = show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, expand=expand, revision=revision, meta=meta, deleted=deleted)
et = ET.fromstring(m)
if include_service_files:
sinfo = et.find('serviceinfo')
if sinfo is not None and sinfo.get('xsrcmd5') and not sinfo.get('error'):
return sinfo.get('xsrcmd5')
return et.get('srcmd5')
def show_upstream_xsrcmd5(
apiurl: str, prj, pac, revision=None, linkrev=None, linkrepair=False, meta=False, include_service_files=False
m = show_files_meta(
et = ET.fromstring(m)
if include_service_files:
return et.get('srcmd5')
li_node = et.find('linkinfo')
if li_node is None:
return None
li = Linkinfo()
if li.haserror():
raise oscerr.LinkExpandError(prj, pac, li.error)
return li.xsrcmd5
def show_project_sourceinfo(apiurl: str, project: str, nofilename: bool, *packages):
query = {}
query["view"] = "info"
query["package"] = packages
query["nofilename"] = nofilename
f = http_GET(makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project], query=query))
return f.read()
def get_project_sourceinfo(apiurl: str, project: str, nofilename: bool, *packages):
si = show_project_sourceinfo(apiurl, project, nofilename, *packages)
except HTTPError as e:
# old API servers (e.g. 2.3.5) do not know the 'nofilename' parameter, so retry without
if e.code == 400 and nofilename:
return get_project_sourceinfo(apiurl, project, False, *packages)
# an uri too long error is sometimes handled as status 500
# (depending, e.g., on the apache2 configuration)
if e.code not in (414, 500):
if len(packages) == 1:
raise oscerr.APIError(f'package name too long: {packages[0]}')
n = int(len(packages) / 2)
pkgs = packages[:n]
res = get_project_sourceinfo(apiurl, project, nofilename, *pkgs)
pkgs = packages[n:]
res.update(get_project_sourceinfo(apiurl, project, nofilename, *pkgs))
return res
root = ET.fromstring(si)
res = {}
for sinfo in root.findall('sourceinfo'):
res[sinfo.get('package')] = sinfo
return res
def show_upstream_rev_vrev(apiurl: str, prj, pac, revision=None, expand=False, meta=False):
m = show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=revision, expand=expand, meta=meta)
et = ET.fromstring(m)
rev = et.get("rev") or None
vrev = et.get("vrev") or None
return rev, vrev
def show_upstream_rev(
apiurl: str, prj, pac, revision=None, expand=False, linkrev=None, meta=False, include_service_files=False
m = show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=revision, expand=expand, linkrev=linkrev, meta=meta)
et = ET.fromstring(m)
if include_service_files:
sinfo = et.find('serviceinfo')
if sinfo is not None and sinfo.get('xsrcmd5') and not sinfo.get('error'):
return sinfo.get('xsrcmd5')
return et.get('rev')
def read_meta_from_spec(specfile, *args):
Read tags and sections from spec file. To read out
a tag the passed argument mustn't end with a colon. To
read out a section the passed argument must start with
a '%'.
This method returns a dictionary which contains the
requested data.
if not os.path.isfile(specfile):
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, f'\'{specfile}\' is not a regular file')
rpmspec_path = shutil.which("rpmspec")
if rpmspec_path:
result = {}
for arg in args:
# convert tag to lower case and remove the leading '%'
tag = arg.lower().lstrip("%")
cmd = [rpmspec_path, "-q", specfile, "--srpm", "--qf", "%{" + tag + "}"]
value = subprocess.check_output(cmd, encoding="utf-8")
if value == "(none)":
value = ""
result[arg] = value
return result
lines = codecs.open(specfile, 'r', locale.getpreferredencoding()).readlines()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
lines = open(specfile).readlines()
tags = []
sections = []
spec_data = {}
for itm in args:
if itm.startswith('%'):
tag_pat = r'(?P<tag>^%s)\s*:\s*(?P<val>.*)'
for tag in tags:
m = re.compile(tag_pat % tag, re.I | re.M).search(''.join(lines))
if m and m.group('val'):
spec_data[tag] = m.group('val').strip()
section_pat = r'^%s\s*?$'
for section in sections:
m = re.compile(section_pat % section, re.I | re.M).search(''.join(lines))
if m is None:
spec_data[section] = ""
start = lines.index(m.group() + '\n') + 1
data = []
for line in lines[start:]:
if line.startswith('%'):
spec_data[section] = data
return spec_data
def _get_linux_distro():
if distro is not None:
return distro.id()
return None
def get_default_editor():
system = platform.system()
if system == 'Linux':
dist = _get_linux_distro()
if dist == 'debian':
return 'editor'
elif dist == 'fedora':
return 'vi'
return 'vim'
return 'vi'
def format_diff_line(line):
if line.startswith(b"+++") or line.startswith(b"---") or line.startswith(b"Index:"):
line = b"\x1b[1m" + line + b"\x1b[0m"
elif line.startswith(b"+"):
line = b"\x1b[32m" + line + b"\x1b[0m"
elif line.startswith(b"-"):
line = b"\x1b[31m" + line + b"\x1b[0m"
elif line.startswith(b"@"):
line = b"\x1b[96m" + line + b"\x1b[0m"
return line
def highlight_diff(diff):
if sys.stdout.isatty():
diff = b"\n".join((format_diff_line(line) for line in diff.split(b"\n")))
return diff
def run_editor(filename):
cmd = _editor_command()
return run_external(cmd[0], *cmd[1:])
def _editor_command():
editor = os.getenv("EDITOR", default="").strip()
editor = editor or get_default_editor()
cmd = shlex.split(editor)
except SyntaxError:
cmd = editor.split()
return cmd
# list of files with message backups
# we'll show this list when osc errors out
def _edit_message_open_editor(filename, data, orig_mtime):
editor = _editor_command()
mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
if isinstance(data, str):
data = bytes(data, 'utf-8')
if mtime == orig_mtime:
# prepare file for editors
if editor[0] in ('vi', 'vim'):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
editor.extend(['-c', f':r {f.name}', filename])
run_external(editor[0], *editor[1:])
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
orig_mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
if os.stat(filename).st_mtime != orig_mtime:
# file has changed
cache_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(xdg.XDG_CACHE_HOME, "osc", "edited-messages"))
os.makedirs(cache_dir, mode=0o700)
except FileExistsError:
# remove any stored messages older than 1 day
now = datetime.datetime.now()
epoch = datetime.datetime.timestamp(now - datetime.timedelta(days=1))
for fn in os.listdir(cache_dir):
path = os.path.join(cache_dir, fn)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
mtime = os.path.getmtime(path)
if mtime < epoch:
# store the current message's backup to the cache dir
message_backup_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, str(now).replace(" ", "_"))
shutil.copyfile(filename, message_backup_path)
return True
return False
def edit_message(footer='', template='', templatelen=30):
delim = '--This line, and those below, will be ignored--\n'
data = ''
if template != '':
if templatelen is not None:
lines = template.splitlines()
data = '\n'.join(lines[:templatelen])
if lines[templatelen:]:
footer = '%s\n\n%s' % ('\n'.join(lines[templatelen:]), footer)
data += '\n' + delim + '\n' + footer
return edit_text(data, delim, suffix='.diff', template=template)
def edit_text(data='', delim=None, suffix='.txt', template=''):
(fd, filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='osc-editor', suffix=suffix)
mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
ri_err = False
while True:
if not ri_err:
file_changed = _edit_message_open_editor(filename, data, mtime)
msg = open(filename).read()
if delim:
msg = msg.split(delim)[0].rstrip()
if msg and file_changed:
reason = 'Log message not specified'
if template == msg:
reason = 'Default log message was not changed. Press \'c\' to continue.'
ri = raw_input(f'{reason}\na)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit: ')
if ri in 'aA':
raise oscerr.UserAbort()
elif ri in 'cC':
elif ri in 'eE':
ri_err = False
print(f"{ri} is not a valid option.")
ri_err = True
return msg
def clone_request(apiurl: str, reqid, msg=None):
query = {'cmd': 'branch', 'request': reqid}
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source'], query)
r = http_POST(url, data=msg)
root = ET.fromstring(r.read())
project = None
for i in root.findall('data'):
if i.get('name') == 'targetproject':
project = i.text.strip()
if not project:
raise oscerr.APIError(f'invalid data from clone request:\n{ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)}\n')
return project
# create a maintenance release request
def create_release_request(apiurl: str, src_project, message=""):
r = Request()
# api will complete the request
r.add_action('maintenance_release', src_project=src_project)
r.description = message
return r
# create a maintenance incident per request
def create_maintenance_request(
apiurl: str,
r = Request()
if src_packages:
for p in src_packages:
r.add_action('maintenance_incident', src_project=src_project, src_package=p, src_rev=rev, tgt_project=tgt_project, tgt_releaseproject=tgt_releaseproject, opt_sourceupdate=opt_sourceupdate)
r.add_action('maintenance_incident', src_project=src_project, tgt_project=tgt_project, tgt_releaseproject=tgt_releaseproject, opt_sourceupdate=opt_sourceupdate)
r.description = message
r.create(apiurl, addrevision=True, enforce_branching=enforce_branching)
return r
def create_submit_request(
apiurl: str,
src_project: str,
src_package: Optional[str] = None,
dst_project: Optional[str] = None,
dst_package: Optional[str] = None,
message: str = "",
orev: Optional[str] = None,
src_update: Optional[str] = None,
dst_updatelink: Optional[bool] = None,
from . import obs_api
req = obs_api.Request(
"type": "submit",
"source": {
"project": src_project,
"package": src_package,
"rev": orev or show_upstream_rev(apiurl, src_project, src_package),
"target": {
"project": dst_project,
"package": dst_package,
"options": {
"sourceupdate": src_update,
"updatelink": "true" if dst_updatelink else None,
new_req = req.cmd_create(apiurl)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.hdrs.get('X-Opensuse-Errorcode') == "submit_request_rejected":
print('WARNING: As the project is in maintenance, a maintenance incident request is')
print('WARNING: being created (instead of a regular submit request). If this is not your')
print('WARNING: intention please revoke it to avoid unnecessary work for all involved parties.')
xpath = f"maintenance/maintains/@project = '{dst_project}' and attribute/@name = '{conf.config['maintenance_attribute']}'"
res = search(apiurl, project_id=xpath)
root = res['project_id']
project = root.find('project')
if project is None:
print(f"WARNING: This project is not maintained in the maintenance project specified by '{conf.config['maintenance_attribute']}', looking elsewhere")
xpath = f'maintenance/maintains/@project = \'{dst_project}\''
res = search(apiurl, project_id=xpath)
root = res['project_id']
project = root.find('project')
if project is None:
raise oscerr.APIError("Server did not define a default maintenance project, can't submit.")
tproject = project.get('name')
r = create_maintenance_request(apiurl, src_project, [src_package], tproject, dst_project, src_update, message, rev=orev)
return r.reqid
return new_req.id
def get_request(apiurl: str, reqid):
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request', reqid], {'withfullhistory': '1'})
f = http_GET(u)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
r = Request()
r.read(root, apiurl=apiurl)
return r
def change_review_state(
apiurl: str, reqid, newstate, by_user="", by_group="", by_project="", by_package="", message="", supersed=None
query = {"cmd": "changereviewstate", "newstate": newstate}
if by_user:
query['by_user'] = by_user
if by_group:
query['by_group'] = by_group
if by_project:
query['by_project'] = by_project
if by_package:
query['by_package'] = by_package
if supersed:
query['superseded_by'] = supersed
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request', reqid], query=query)
f = http_POST(u, data=message)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
return root.get('code')
def change_request_state(apiurl: str, reqid, newstate, message="", supersed=None, force=False, keep_packages_locked=False):
query = {"cmd": "changestate", "newstate": newstate}
if supersed:
query['superseded_by'] = supersed
if force:
query['force'] = "1"
if keep_packages_locked:
query['keep_packages_locked'] = "1"
u = makeurl(apiurl,
['request', reqid], query=query)
f = http_POST(u, data=message)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
return root.get('code', 'unknown')
def change_request_state_template(req, newstate):
if not req.actions:
return ''
action = req.actions[0]
tmpl_name = f'{action.type}request_{newstate}_template'
tmpl = conf.config.get(tmpl_name, "") or ""
tmpl = tmpl.replace('\\t', '\t').replace('\\n', '\n')
data = {'reqid': req.reqid, 'type': action.type, 'who': req.creator}
if req.actions[0].type == 'submit':
data.update({'src_project': action.src_project,
'src_package': action.src_package, 'src_rev': action.src_rev,
'dst_project': action.tgt_project, 'dst_package': action.tgt_package,
'tgt_project': action.tgt_project, 'tgt_package': action.tgt_package})
return tmpl % data
except KeyError as e:
print(f'error: cannot interpolate \'{e.args[0]}\' in \'{tmpl_name}\'', file=sys.stderr)
return ''
def get_review_list(
apiurl: str, project="", package="", byuser="", bygroup="", byproject="", bypackage="", states=(), req_type="", req_states=("review",)
# this is so ugly...
def build_by(xpath, val):
if 'all' in states:
return xpath_join(xpath, f'review/{val}', op='and')
elif states:
s_xp = ''
for state in states:
s_xp = xpath_join(s_xp, f'@state=\'{state}\'', inner=True)
val = val.strip('[').strip(']')
return xpath_join(xpath, f'review[{val} and ({s_xp})]', op='and')
# default case
return xpath_join(xpath, f'review[{val} and @state=\'new\']', op='and')
return ''
xpath = ''
# By default we're interested only in reviews of requests that are in state review.
for req_state in req_states:
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, f"state/@name='{req_state}'", inner=True)
xpath = f"({xpath})"
if states == ():
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'review/@state=\'new\'', op='and')
if byuser:
xpath = build_by(xpath, f'@by_user=\'{byuser}\'')
if bygroup:
xpath = build_by(xpath, f'@by_group=\'{bygroup}\'')
if bypackage:
xpath = build_by(xpath, f'@by_project=\'{byproject}\' and @by_package=\'{bypackage}\'')
elif byproject:
xpath = build_by(xpath, f'@by_project=\'{byproject}\'')
if req_type:
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, f'action/@type=\'{req_type}\'', op='and')
# XXX: we cannot use the '|' in the xpath expression because it is not supported
# in the backend
todo = {}
if project:
todo['project'] = project
if package:
todo['package'] = package
for kind, val in todo.items():
xpath_base = 'action/target/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\''
if conf.config['include_request_from_project']:
xpath_base = xpath_join(xpath_base, 'action/source/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\'', op='or', inner=True)
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, xpath_base % {'kind': kind, 'val': val}, op='and', nexpr_parentheses=True)
output.print_msg(f"[ {xpath} ]", print_to="debug")
res = search(apiurl, request=xpath)
collection = res['request']
requests = []
for root in collection.findall('request'):
r = Request()
return requests
# this function uses the logic in the api which is faster and more exact then the xpath search
def get_request_collection(
apiurl: str,
types: List[str] = None,
# We don't want to overload server by requesting everything.
# Let's enforce specifying at least some search criteria.
if not any([user, group, project, package, ids]):
raise oscerr.OscValueError("Please specify search criteria")
query = {"view": "collection"}
if user:
query["user"] = user
if group:
query["group"] = group
if roles:
query["roles"] = ",".join(roles)
if project:
query["project"] = project
if package:
if not project:
raise ValueError("Project must be set to query a package; see https://github.com/openSUSE/open-build-service/issues/13075")
query["package"] = package
states = states or ("new", "review", "declined")
if states:
if "all" not in states:
query["states"] = ",".join(states)
if review_states:
if "all" not in review_states:
query["review_states"] = ",".join(review_states)
if types:
assert not isinstance(types, str)
query["types"] = ",".join(types)
if ids:
query["ids"] = ",".join(ids)
if withfullhistory:
query["withfullhistory"] = "1"
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request'], query)
f = http_GET(u)
res = ET.parse(f).getroot()
requests = []
for root in res.findall('request'):
r = Request()
# post-process results until we switch back to the /search/request
# which seems to be more suitable for such queries
exclude = False
for action in r.actions:
src_project = getattr(action, "src_project", None)
src_package = getattr(action, "src_package", None)
tgt_project = getattr(action, "tgt_project", None)
tgt_package = getattr(action, "tgt_package", None)
# skip if neither of source and target project matches
if "project" in query and query["project"] not in (src_project, tgt_project):
exclude = True
# skip if neither of source and target package matches
if "package" in query and query["package"] not in (src_package, tgt_package):
exclude = True
if not conf.config["include_request_from_project"]:
if "project" in query and "package" in query:
if (src_project, src_package) == (query["project"], query["package"]):
exclude = True
elif "project" in query:
if src_project == query["project"]:
exclude = True
if exclude:
return requests
def get_exact_request_list(
apiurl: str,
src_project: str,
dst_project: str,
src_package: Optional[str] = None,
dst_package: Optional[str] = None,
req_who: Optional[str] = None,
req_state=("new", "review", "declined"),
req_type: Optional[str] = None,
xpath = ""
if "all" not in req_state:
for state in req_state:
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, f'state/@name=\'{state}\'', op='or', inner=True)
xpath = f'({xpath})'
if req_who:
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, '(state/@who=\'%(who)s\' or history/@who=\'%(who)s\')' % {'who': req_who}, op='and')
xpath += f" and action[source/@project='{src_project}'"
if src_package:
xpath += f" and source/@package='{src_package}'"
xpath += f" and target/@project='{dst_project}'"
if dst_package:
xpath += f" and target/@package='{dst_package}'"
xpath += "]"
if req_type:
xpath += f" and action/@type='{req_type}'"
output.print_msg(f"[ {xpath} ]", print_to="debug")
res = search(apiurl, request=xpath)
collection = res['request']
requests = []
for root in collection.findall('request'):
r = Request()
return requests
def get_request_list(
apiurl: str,
req_state=("new", "review", "declined"),
kwargs = {
"apiurl": apiurl,
"user": req_who,
"roles": roles,
"project": project,
"package": package,
"states": req_state,
"withfullhistory": withfullhistory,
if req_type is not None:
kwargs["types"] = [req_type]
assert not exclude_target_projects, "unsupported"
return get_request_collection(**kwargs)
# old style search, this is to be removed
def get_user_projpkgs_request_list(
apiurl: str,
"""OBSOLETE: user involved request search is supported by OBS 2.2 server side in a better way
Return all running requests for all projects/packages where is user is involved"""
exclude_projects = exclude_projects or []
projpkgs = projpkgs or {}
if not projpkgs:
res = get_user_projpkgs(apiurl, user, exclude_projects=exclude_projects)
projects = []
for i in res['project_id'].findall('project'):
projpkgs[i.get('name')] = []
for i in res['package_id'].findall('package'):
if not i.get('project') in projects:
projpkgs.setdefault(i.get('project'), []).append(i.get('name'))
if not projpkgs:
return []
xpath = ''
for prj, pacs in projpkgs.items():
if not pacs:
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, f'action/target/@project=\'{prj}\'', inner=True)
xp = ''
for p in pacs:
xp = xpath_join(xp, f'action/target/@package=\'{p}\'', inner=True)
xp = xpath_join(xp, f'action/target/@project=\'{prj}\'', op='and')
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, xp, inner=True)
if req_type:
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, f'action/@type=\'{req_type}\'', op='and')
if 'all' not in req_state:
xp = ''
for state in req_state:
xp = xpath_join(xp, f'state/@name=\'{state}\'', inner=True)
xpath = xpath_join(xp, xpath, op='and', nexpr_parentheses=True)
res = search(apiurl, request=xpath)
result = []
for root in res['request'].findall('request'):
r = Request()
return result
def get_request_log(apiurl: str, reqid):
r = get_request(apiurl, reqid)
data = []
frmt = '-' * 76 + '\n%s | %s | %s\n\n%s'
# the description of the request is used for the initial log entry
# otherwise its comment attribute would contain None
if len(r.statehistory) >= 1:
r.statehistory[-1].comment = r.description
r.state.comment = r.description
for state in [r.state] + r.statehistory:
s = frmt % (state.name, state.who, state.when, str(state.comment))
return data
def check_existing_requests(
apiurl: str, src_project: str, src_package: str, dst_project: str, dst_package: str, ask=True
reqs = get_exact_request_list(
req_state=["new", "review", "declined"],
if not ask:
return True, reqs
repl = ''
if reqs:
open_request_string = "The following submit request is already open:"
supersede_request_string = "Supersede the old request?"
if len(reqs) > 1:
open_request_string = "The following submit requests are already open:"
supersede_request_string = "Supersede the old requests?"
print(f"{open_request_string} {', '.join([i.reqid for i in reqs])}.")
repl = raw_input(f'{supersede_request_string} (y/n/c) ')
while repl.lower() not in ['c', 'y', 'n']:
print(f'{repl} is not a valid option.')
repl = raw_input(f'{supersede_request_string} (y/n/c) ')
if repl.lower() == 'c':
print('Aborting', file=sys.stderr)
raise oscerr.UserAbort()
return repl == 'y', reqs
def check_existing_maintenance_requests(
apiurl: str, src_project: str, src_packages: List[str], dst_project: str, release_project, ask=True
reqs = []
for src_package in src_packages:
reqs += get_exact_request_list(
req_state=["new", "review", "declined"],
if not ask:
return True, reqs
repl = ''
if reqs:
open_request_string = "The following maintenance incident request is already open:"
supersede_request_string = "Supersede the old request?"
if len(reqs) > 1:
open_request_string = "The following maintenance incident requests are already open:"
supersede_request_string = "Supersede the old requests?"
print(f"{open_request_string} {', '.join([i.reqid for i in reqs])}.")
repl = raw_input(f'{supersede_request_string} (y/n/c) ')
while repl.lower() not in ['c', 'y', 'n']:
print(f'{repl} is not a valid option.')
repl = raw_input(f'{supersede_request_string} (y/n/c) ')
if repl.lower() == 'c':
print('Aborting', file=sys.stderr)
raise oscerr.UserAbort()
return repl == 'y', reqs
# old function for compat reasons. Some plugins may call this function.
# and we do not want to break the plugins.
def get_group(apiurl: str, group: str):
return get_group_meta(apiurl, group)
def get_group_meta(apiurl: str, group: str):
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['group', group])
f = http_GET(u)
return b''.join(f.readlines())
except HTTPError:
print(f'group \'{group}\' not found')
return None
def get_user_meta(apiurl: str, user: str):
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['person', user])
f = http_GET(u)
return b''.join(f.readlines())
except HTTPError:
print(f'user \'{user}\' not found')
return None
def _get_xml_data(meta, *tags):
data = []
if meta is not None:
root = ET.fromstring(meta)
for tag in tags:
elm = root.find(tag)
if elm is None or elm.text is None:
return data
def get_user_data(apiurl: str, user: str, *tags):
"""get specified tags from the user meta"""
meta = get_user_meta(apiurl, user)
return _get_xml_data(meta, *tags)
def get_group_data(apiurl: str, group: str, *tags):
meta = get_group_meta(apiurl, group)
return _get_xml_data(meta, *tags)
def download(url: str, filename, progress_obj=None, mtime=None):
global BUFSIZE
o = None
prefix = os.path.basename(filename)
path = os.path.dirname(filename)
(fd, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=path, prefix=prefix, suffix='.osctmp')
os.fchmod(fd, 0o644)
o = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb')
for buf in streamfile(url, http_GET, BUFSIZE, progress_obj=progress_obj):
if isinstance(buf, str):
o.write(bytes(buf, "utf-8"))
os.rename(tmpfile, filename)
if o is not None:
if mtime:
utime(filename, (-1, mtime))
def get_source_file(
apiurl: str,
prj: str,
package: str,
targetfilename = targetfilename or filename
query = {}
if meta:
query['meta'] = 1
if not revision_is_empty(revision):
query['rev'] = revision
u = makeurl(
["source", prj, package, filename],
download(u, targetfilename, progress_obj, mtime)
def get_binary_file(
apiurl: str,
prj: str,
repo: str,
arch: str,
package: Optional[str] = None,
progress_obj = None
if progress_meter:
progress_obj = meter.create_text_meter()
target_filename = target_filename or filename
# create target directory if it doesn't exist
target_dir = os.path.dirname(target_filename)
if target_dir:
os.makedirs(target_dir, 0o755)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
where = package or '_repository'
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repo, arch, where, filename])
download(u, target_filename, progress_obj, target_mtime)
if target_filename.endswith('.AppImage'):
os.chmod(target_filename, 0o755)
def dgst(file):
# if not os.path.exists(file):
# return None
global BUFSIZE
s = hashlib.md5()
f = open(file, 'rb')
while True:
buf = f.read(BUFSIZE)
if not buf:
return s.hexdigest()
def sha256_dgst(file):
global BUFSIZE
f = open(file, 'rb')
s = hashlib.sha256()
while True:
buf = f.read(BUFSIZE)
if not buf:
return s.hexdigest()
def binary(s):
"""return ``True`` if a string is binary data using diff's heuristic"""
if s and bytes('\0', "utf-8") in s[:4096]:
return True
return False
def binary_file(fn):
"""read 4096 bytes from a file named fn, and call binary() on the data"""
with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
return binary(f.read(4096))
def get_source_file_diff(dir, filename, rev, oldfilename=None, olddir=None, origfilename=None):
This methods diffs oldfilename against filename (so filename will
be shown as the new file).
The variable origfilename is used if filename and oldfilename differ
in their names (for instance if a tempfile is used for filename etc.)
global store
if not oldfilename:
oldfilename = filename
if not olddir:
olddir = os.path.join(dir, store)
if not origfilename:
origfilename = filename
file1 = os.path.join(olddir, oldfilename) # old/stored original
file2 = os.path.join(dir, filename) # working copy
if binary_file(file1) or binary_file(file2):
return [b'Binary file \'%s\' has changed.\n' % origfilename.encode()]
f1 = f2 = None
f1 = open(file1, 'rb')
s1 = f1.readlines()
f2 = open(file2, 'rb')
s2 = f2.readlines()
if f1:
if f2:
from_file = b'%s\t(revision %s)' % (origfilename.encode(), str(rev).encode())
to_file = b'%s\t(working copy)' % origfilename.encode()
d = difflib.diff_bytes(difflib.unified_diff, s1, s2,
d = list(d)
# python2.7's difflib slightly changed the format
# adapt old format to the new format
if len(d) > 1:
d[0] = d[0].replace(b' \n', b'\n')
d[1] = d[1].replace(b' \n', b'\n')
# if file doesn't end with newline, we need to append one in the diff result
for i, line in enumerate(d):
if not line.endswith(b'\n'):
d[i] += b'\n\\ No newline at end of file'
if i + 1 != len(d):
d[i] += b'\n'
return d
def server_diff(
apiurl: str,
old_project: str,
old_package: str,
old_revision: str,
new_project: str,
new_package: str,
new_revision: str,
files: list = None,
query: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {"cmd": "diff"}
if expand:
query['expand'] = 1
if old_project:
query['oproject'] = old_project
if old_package:
query['opackage'] = old_package
if not revision_is_empty(old_revision):
query['orev'] = old_revision
if not revision_is_empty(new_revision):
query['rev'] = new_revision
if unified:
query['unified'] = 1
if missingok:
query['missingok'] = 1
if meta:
query['meta'] = 1
if full:
query['filelimit'] = 0
query['tarlimit'] = 0
if onlyissues:
query['onlyissues'] = 1
query['view'] = 'xml'
query['unified'] = 0
if files:
query["file"] = UrlQueryArray(files)
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', new_project, new_package], query=query)
f = http_POST(u)
if onlyissues and not xml:
del_issue_list = []
add_issue_list = []
chn_issue_list = []
root = ET.fromstring(f.read())
node = root.find('issues')
for issuenode in node.findall('issue'):
if issuenode.get('state') == 'deleted':
elif issuenode.get('state') == 'added':
string = 'added:\n----------\n' + '\n'.join(add_issue_list) + \
'\n\nchanged:\n----------\n' + '\n'.join(chn_issue_list) + \
'\n\ndeleted:\n----------\n' + '\n'.join(del_issue_list)
return string
return f.read()
def server_diff_noex(
apiurl: str,
old_project: str,
old_package: str,
old_revision: str,
new_project: str,
new_package: str,
new_revision: str,
files: list = None,
return server_diff(apiurl,
old_project, old_package, old_revision,
new_project, new_package, new_revision,
unified, missingok, meta, expand, onlyissues, True, xml, files=files)
except HTTPError as e:
msg = None
body = None
body = e.read()
if b'bad link' not in body:
return b'# diff failed: ' + body
return b'# diff failed with unknown error'
if expand:
rdiff = b"## diff on expanded link not possible, showing unexpanded version\n"
rdiff += server_diff_noex(apiurl,
old_project, old_package, old_revision,
new_project, new_package, new_revision,
unified, missingok, meta, False, files=files)
elm = ET.fromstring(body).find('summary')
summary = ''
if elm is not None and elm.text is not None:
summary = elm.text
return b'error: diffing failed: %s' % summary.encode()
return rdiff
def request_diff(apiurl: str, reqid, superseded_reqid=None):
query = {'cmd': 'diff'}
if superseded_reqid:
query['diff_to_superseded'] = superseded_reqid
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request', reqid], query)
f = http_POST(u)
return f.read()
def get_request_issues(apiurl: str, reqid):
gets a request xml with the issues for the request inside and creates
a list 'issue_list' with a dict of the relevant information for the issues.
This only works with bugtrackers we can access, like buzilla.o.o
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request', reqid], query={'cmd': 'diff', 'view': 'xml', 'withissues': '1'})
f = http_POST(u)
request_tree = ET.parse(f).getroot()
issue_list = []
for elem in request_tree.iterfind('action/sourcediff/issues/issue'):
issue_id = elem.get('name')
encode_search = f'@name=\'{issue_id}\''
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['search/issue'], query={'match': encode_search})
f = http_GET(u)
collection = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for cissue in collection:
issue = {}
for issue_detail in cissue.iter():
if issue_detail.text:
issue[issue_detail.tag] = issue_detail.text.strip()
return issue_list
def submit_action_diff(apiurl: str, action: Action):
"""diff a single submit action"""
# backward compatiblity: only a recent api/backend supports the missingok parameter
return server_diff(apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package, None,
action.src_project, action.src_package, action.src_rev, True, True)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 400:
return server_diff(apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package, None,
action.src_project, action.src_package, action.src_rev, True, False)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code != 404:
raise e
root = ET.fromstring(e.read())
return b'error: \'%s\' does not exist' % root.find('summary').text.encode()
elif e.code == 404:
root = ET.fromstring(e.read())
return b'error: \'%s\' does not exist' % root.find('summary').text.encode()
raise e
def make_dir(
apiurl: str, project: str, package: str, pathname=None, prj_dir=None, package_tracking=True, pkg_path=None
creates the plain directory structure for a package dir.
The 'apiurl' parameter is needed for the project dir initialization.
The 'project' and 'package' parameters specify the name of the
project and the package. The optional 'pathname' parameter is used
for printing out the message that a new dir was created (default: 'prj_dir/package').
The optional 'prj_dir' parameter specifies the path to the project dir (default: 'project').
If pkg_path is not None store the package's content in pkg_path (no project structure is created)
prj_dir = prj_dir or project
# FIXME: carefully test each patch component of prj_dir,
# if we have a .osc/_files entry at that level.
# -> if so, we have a package/project clash,
# and should rename this path component by appending '.proj'
# and give user a warning message, to discourage such clashes
if pkg_path is None:
pathname = pathname or getTransActPath(os.path.join(prj_dir, package))
pkg_path = os.path.join(prj_dir, package)
if is_package_dir(prj_dir):
# we want this to become a project directory,
# but it already is a package directory.
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'checkout_package: package/project clash. Moving myself away not implemented')
if not is_project_dir(prj_dir):
# this directory could exist as a parent direory for one of our earlier
# checked out sub-projects. in this case, we still need to initialize it.
print(statfrmt('A', prj_dir))
Project.init_project(apiurl, prj_dir, project, package_tracking)
if is_project_dir(os.path.join(prj_dir, package)):
# the thing exists, but is a project directory and not a package directory
# FIXME: this should be a warning message to discourage package/project clashes
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'checkout_package: package/project clash. Moving project away not implemented')
pathname = pkg_path
if not os.path.exists(pkg_path):
print(statfrmt('A', pathname))
# os.mkdir(os.path.join(prj_dir, package, store))
return pkg_path
def checkout_package(
apiurl: str,
project: str,
package: str,
prj_dir: Path=None,
# the project we're in might be deleted.
# that'll throw an error then.
olddir = Path.cwd()
except FileNotFoundError:
olddir = Path(os.environ.get("PWD"))
if not prj_dir:
prj_dir = olddir
sep = "/" if conf.config['checkout_no_colon'] else conf.config['project_separator']
prj_dir = Path(str(prj_dir).replace(':', sep))
root_dots = Path('.')
oldproj = None
if conf.config['checkout_rooted']:
if prj_dir.stem == '/':
output.print_msg(f"checkout_rooted ignored for {prj_dir}", print_to="verbose")
# ?? should we complain if not is_project_dir(prj_dir) ??
# if we are inside a project or package dir, ascend to parent
# directories, so that all projects are checked out relative to
# the same root.
if is_project_dir(".."):
# if we are in a package dir, goto parent.
# Hmm, with 'checkout_no_colon' in effect, we have directory levels that
# do not easily reveal the fact, that they are part of a project path.
# At least this test should find that the parent of 'home/username/branches'
# is a project (hack alert). Also goto parent in this case.
root_dots = Path("../")
elif is_project_dir("../.."):
# testing two levels is better than one.
# May happen in case of checkout_no_colon, or
# if project roots were previously inconsistent
root_dots = Path("../../")
if is_project_dir(root_dots):
oldproj = store_read_project(root_dots)
if conf.config['checkout_no_colon']:
n = len(oldproj.split(':'))
n = 1
root_dots = root_dots / ("../" * n)
if str(root_dots) != '.':
output.print_msg(f"{prj_dir} is project dir of {oldproj}. Root found at {os.path.abspath(root_dots)}", print_to="verbose")
prj_dir = root_dots / prj_dir
if not pathname:
pathname = getTransActPath(os.path.join(prj_dir, package))
# before we create directories and stuff, check if the package actually
# exists
meta_data = b''.join(show_package_meta(apiurl, project, package))
root = ET.fromstring(meta_data)
scmsync_element = root.find("scmsync")
if scmsync_element is not None and scmsync_element.text is not None:
if not os.path.isfile('/usr/lib/obs/service/obs_scm_bridge'):
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'Install the obs-scm-bridge package to work on packages managed in scm (git)!')
scm_url = scmsync_element.text
directory = make_dir(apiurl, project, package, pathname, prj_dir, conf.config['do_package_tracking'], outdir)
os.putenv("OSC_VERSION", get_osc_version())
run_external(['/usr/lib/obs/service/obs_scm_bridge', '--outdir', directory, '--url', scm_url])
Package.init_package(apiurl, project, package, directory, size_limit, meta, progress_obj, scm_url)
# add package to <prj>/.obs/_packages
if not prj_obj:
prj_obj = Project(prj_dir)
prj_obj.set_state(package, ' ')
isfrozen = False
if expand_link:
# try to read from the linkinfo
# if it is a link we use the xsrcmd5 as the revision to be
# checked out
x = show_upstream_xsrcmd5(apiurl, project, package, revision=revision, meta=meta, include_service_files=server_service_files)
x = show_upstream_xsrcmd5(apiurl, project, package, revision=revision, meta=meta, linkrev='base', include_service_files=server_service_files)
if x:
isfrozen = True
if x:
revision = x
directory = make_dir(apiurl, project, package, pathname, prj_dir, conf.config['do_package_tracking'], outdir)
p = Package.init_package(apiurl, project, package, directory, size_limit, meta, progress_obj)
if isfrozen:
# no project structure is wanted when outdir is used
if conf.config['do_package_tracking'] and outdir is None:
# check if we can re-use an existing project object
if prj_obj is None:
prj_obj = Project(prj_dir)
prj_obj.set_state(p.name, ' ')
p.update(revision, server_service_files, size_limit)
if service_files:
print('Running all source services local')
def replace_pkg_meta(
pkgmeta, new_name: str, new_prj: str, keep_maintainers=False, dst_userid=None, keep_develproject=False,
keep_lock: bool = False,
update pkgmeta with new new_name and new_prj and set calling user as the
only maintainer (unless keep_maintainers is set). Additionally remove the
develproject entry (<devel />) unless keep_develproject is true.
root = ET.fromstring(b''.join(pkgmeta))
root.set('name', new_name)
root.set('project', new_prj)
# never take releasename, it needs to be explicit
for releasename in root.findall('releasename'):
if not keep_maintainers:
for person in root.findall('person'):
for group in root.findall('group'):
if not keep_develproject:
for dp in root.findall('devel'):
if not keep_lock:
for node in root.findall("lock"):
return ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)
def link_to_branch(apiurl: str, project: str, package: str):
convert a package with a _link + project.diff to a branch
if '_link' in meta_get_filelist(apiurl, project, package):
u = makeurl(apiurl, ["source", project, package], {"cmd": "linktobranch"})
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, f'no _link file inside project \'{project}\' package \'{package}\'')
def link_pac(
src_project: str,
src_package: str,
dst_project: str,
dst_package: str,
force: bool,
create a linked package
- "src" is the original package
- "dst" is the "link" package that we are creating here
if src_project == dst_project and src_package == dst_package:
raise oscerr.OscValueError("Cannot link package. Source and target are the same.")
if not revision_is_empty(rev) and not checkRevision(src_project, src_package, rev):
raise oscerr.OscValueError(f"Revision doesn't exist: {rev}")
meta_change = False
dst_meta = ''
apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
dst_meta = meta_exists(metatype='pkg',
path_args=(dst_project, dst_package),
create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl)
root = ET.fromstring(parse_meta_to_string(dst_meta))
if root.get('project') != dst_project:
# The source comes from a different project via a project link, we need to create this instance
meta_change = True
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code != 404:
meta_change = True
if meta_change:
if missing_target:
dst_meta = f'<package name="{dst_package}"><title/><description/></package>'
src_meta = show_package_meta(apiurl, src_project, src_package)
dst_meta = replace_pkg_meta(src_meta, dst_package, dst_project)
if disable_build or disable_publish:
meta_change = True
root = ET.fromstring(b"".join(dst_meta))
if disable_build:
elm = root.find('build')
if not elm:
elm = ET.SubElement(root, 'build')
ET.SubElement(elm, 'disable')
if disable_publish:
elm = root.find('publish')
if not elm:
elm = ET.SubElement(root, 'publish')
ET.SubElement(elm, 'disable')
elm = root.find("scmsync")
if elm is not None:
dst_meta = ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)
if meta_change:
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(dst_meta))
for scmsync in root.findall('scmsync'):
path_args=(dst_project, dst_package),
data=ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING))
# create the _link file
# but first, make sure not to overwrite an existing one
if '_link' in meta_get_filelist(apiurl, dst_project, dst_package):
if force:
print('forced overwrite of existing _link file', file=sys.stderr)
print('_link file already exists...! Aborting', file=sys.stderr)
if not revision_is_empty(rev):
rev = f' rev="{rev}"'
rev = ''
if vrev:
vrev = f' vrev="{vrev}"'
vrev = ''
missingok = ''
if missing_target:
missingok = ' missingok="true"'
if cicount:
cicount = f' cicount="{cicount}"'
cicount = ''
print('Creating _link...', end=' ')
project = ''
if src_project != dst_project:
project = f'project="{src_project}"'
link_template = """\
<link %s package="%s"%s%s%s%s>
<!-- <branch /> for a full copy, default case -->
<!-- <apply name="patch" /> apply a patch on the source directory -->
<!-- <topadd>%%define build_with_feature_x 1</topadd> add a line on the top (spec file only) -->
<!-- <add name="file.patch" /> add a patch to be applied after %%setup (spec file only) -->
<!-- <add name="file.patch" />
Add a patch to be applied after %%setup (spec file only).
Patch path prefix stipping can be controlled with the "popt" attribute,
for example ``popt="1"`` that translates to %%patch -p1.
<!-- <delete name="filename" /> delete a file -->
""" % (project, src_package, missingok, rev, vrev, cicount)
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', dst_project, dst_package, '_link'])
http_PUT(u, data=link_template)
def aggregate_pac(
src_project: str,
src_package: str,
dst_project: str,
dst_package: str,
repo_map: Optional[dict] = None,
aggregate package
- "src" is the original package
- "dst" is the "aggregate" package that we are creating here
- "map" is a dictionary SRC => TARGET repository mappings
- "repo_check" determines if presence of repos in the source and destination repos is checked
if (src_project, src_package) == (dst_project, dst_package):
raise oscerr.OscValueError("Cannot aggregate package. Source and target are the same.")
meta_change = False
dst_meta = ''
apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
repo_map = repo_map or {}
# we need to remove :flavor from the package names when accessing meta
src_package_meta = src_package.split(":")[0]
dst_package_meta = dst_package.split(":")[0]
dst_meta = meta_exists(metatype='pkg',
path_args=(dst_project, dst_package_meta),
create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl)
root = ET.fromstring(parse_meta_to_string(dst_meta))
if root.get('project') != dst_project:
# The source comes from a different project via a project link, we need to create this instance
meta_change = True
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code != 404:
meta_change = True
if repo_check:
src_repos = set(get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, src_project))
dst_repos = set(get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, dst_project))
if repo_map:
map_from = set(repo_map.keys())
map_to = set(repo_map.values())
# only repos that do not exist in src/dst remain
delta_from = map_from - src_repos
delta_to = map_to - dst_repos
if delta_from or delta_to:
msg = ["The following repos in repo map do not exist"]
if delta_from:
msg += [" Source repos: " + ", ".join(sorted(delta_from))]
if delta_to:
msg += [" Destination repos: " + ", ".join(sorted(delta_to))]
raise oscerr.OscBaseError("\n".join(msg))
# no overlap between src and dst repos leads to the 'broken: missing repositories: <src_project>' message
if not src_repos & dst_repos:
msg = [
"The source and the destination project do not have any repository names in common.",
"Use repo map to specify actual repository mapping.",
raise oscerr.OscBaseError("\n".join(msg))
if meta_change:
src_meta = show_package_meta(apiurl, src_project, src_package_meta)
dst_meta = replace_pkg_meta(src_meta, dst_package_meta, dst_project)
meta_change = True
if disable_publish:
meta_change = True
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(dst_meta))
elm = root.find('publish')
if not elm:
elm = ET.SubElement(root, 'publish')
ET.SubElement(elm, 'disable')
dst_meta = ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)
if meta_change:
path_args=(dst_project, dst_package_meta),
# create the _aggregate file
# but first, make sure not to overwrite an existing one
if '_aggregate' in meta_get_filelist(apiurl, dst_project, dst_package_meta):
print('_aggregate file already exists...! Aborting', file=sys.stderr)
print('Creating _aggregate...', end=' ')
aggregate_template = f"""<aggregatelist>
<aggregate project="{src_project}">
aggregate_template += f""" <package>{src_package}</package>
if nosources:
aggregate_template += """\
<nosources />
for src, tgt in repo_map.items():
aggregate_template += f""" <repository target="{tgt}" source="{src}" />
aggregate_template += """\
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', dst_project, dst_package_meta, '_aggregate'])
http_PUT(u, data=aggregate_template)
def attribute_branch_pkg(
apiurl: str,
attribute: str,
package: str,
targetproject: str,
Branch packages defined via attributes (via API call)
query = {'cmd': 'branch'}
query['attribute'] = attribute
if targetproject:
query['target_project'] = targetproject
if dryrun:
query['dryrun'] = "1"
if force:
query['force'] = "1"
if noaccess:
query['noaccess'] = "1"
if nodevelproject:
query['ignoredevel'] = '1'
if add_repositories:
query['add_repositories'] = "1"
if maintenance:
query['maintenance'] = "1"
if package:
query['package'] = package
if maintained_update_project_attribute:
query['update_project_attribute'] = maintained_update_project_attribute
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source'], query=query)
f = None
f = http_POST(u)
except HTTPError as e:
root = ET.fromstring(e.read())
summary = root.find('summary')
if summary is not None and summary.text is not None:
raise oscerr.APIError(summary.text)
msg = f'unexpected response: {ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)}'
raise oscerr.APIError(msg)
r = None
root = ET.fromstring(f.read())
if dryrun:
return root
# TODO: change api here and return parsed XML as class
if conf.config['http_debug']:
print(ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING), file=sys.stderr)
for node in root.findall('data'):
r = node.get('name')
if r and r == 'targetproject':
return node.text
return r
def branch_pkg(
apiurl: str,
src_project: str,
src_package: str,
target_project: Optional[str] = None,
Branch a package (via API call)
# BEGIN: Error out on branching scmsync packages; this should be properly handled in the API
# read src_package meta
m = b"".join(show_package_meta(apiurl, src_project, src_package))
root = ET.fromstring(m)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404 and missingok:
root = None
devel_project = None
devel_package = None
if root is not None and not nodevelproject:
devel_node = root.find("devel")
if devel_node is not None:
devel_project = devel_node.get("project")
devel_package = devel_node.get("package", src_package)
if devel_project:
# replace src_package meta with devel_package meta because we're about branch from devel
m = b"".join(show_package_meta(apiurl, devel_project, devel_package))
root = ET.fromstring(m)
# error out if we're branching a scmsync package (we'd end up with garbage anyway)
if root is not None and root.find("scmsync") is not None:
msg = "Cannot branch a package with <scmsync> set."
if devel_project:
raise oscerr.PackageError(devel_project, devel_package, msg)
raise oscerr.PackageError(src_project, src_package, msg)
# END: Error out on branching scmsync packages; this should be properly handled in the API
query = {'cmd': 'branch'}
if nodevelproject:
query['ignoredevel'] = '1'
if force:
query['force'] = '1'
if noaccess:
query['noaccess'] = '1'
if add_repositories:
query['add_repositories'] = "1"
if add_repositories_block:
query['add_repositories_block'] = add_repositories_block
if add_repositories_rebuild:
query['add_repositories_rebuild'] = add_repositories_rebuild
if maintenance:
query['maintenance'] = "1"
if missingok:
query['missingok'] = "1"
if newinstance:
query['newinstance'] = "1"
if extend_package_names:
query['extend_package_names'] = "1"
if not revision_is_empty(rev):
query['rev'] = rev
if not revision_is_empty(linkrev):
query['linkrev'] = linkrev
if target_project:
query['target_project'] = target_project
if target_package:
query['target_package'] = target_package
if msg:
query['comment'] = msg
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', src_project, src_package], query=query)
f = http_POST(u)
except HTTPError as e:
root = ET.fromstring(e.read())
if missingok:
if root and root.get('code') == "not_missing":
raise oscerr.NotMissing("Package exists already via project link, but link will point to given project")
summary = root.find('summary')
if summary is None:
raise oscerr.APIError(f'unexpected response:\n{ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)}')
if not return_existing:
raise oscerr.APIError(f'failed to branch: {summary.text}')
m = re.match(r"branch target package already exists: (\S+)/(\S+)", summary.text)
if not m:
e.msg += '\n' + summary.text
return (True, m.group(1), m.group(2), None, None)
root = ET.fromstring(f.read())
if conf.config['http_debug']:
print(ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING), file=sys.stderr)
data = {}
for i in root.findall('data'):
data[i.get('name')] = i.text
if disable_build:
target_meta = show_package_meta(apiurl, data["targetproject"], data["targetpackage"])
root = ET.fromstring(b''.join(target_meta))
elm = root.find('build')
if not elm:
elm = ET.SubElement(root, 'build')
ET.SubElement(elm, 'disable')
target_meta = ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)
edit_meta('pkg', path_args=(data["targetproject"], data["targetpackage"]), data=target_meta)
return (False, data.get('targetproject', None), data.get('targetpackage', None),
data.get('sourceproject', None), data.get('sourcepackage', None))
def copy_pac(
src_apiurl: str,
src_project: str,
src_package: str,
dst_apiurl: str,
dst_project: str,
dst_package: str,
Create a copy of a package.
Copying can be done by downloading the files from one package and commit
them into the other by uploading them (client-side copy) --
or by the server, in a single api call.
if (src_apiurl, src_project, src_package) == (dst_apiurl, dst_project, dst_package):
# special cases when source and target can be the same:
# * expanding sources
# * downgrading package to an old revision
if not any([expand, revision]):
raise oscerr.OscValueError("Cannot copy package. Source and target are the same.")
if not (src_apiurl == dst_apiurl and src_project == dst_project
and src_package == dst_package):
src_meta = show_package_meta(src_apiurl, src_project, src_package)
dst_userid = conf.get_apiurl_usr(dst_apiurl)
src_meta = replace_pkg_meta(src_meta, dst_package, dst_project, keep_maintainers,
dst_userid, keep_develproject)
url = make_meta_url('pkg', (dst_project, dst_package), dst_apiurl)
found = None
found = http_GET(url).readlines()
except HTTPError as e:
if force_meta_update or not found:
print('Sending meta data...')
u = makeurl(dst_apiurl, ['source', dst_project, dst_package, '_meta'])
http_PUT(u, data=src_meta)
print('Copying files...')
if not client_side_copy:
query = {'cmd': 'copy', 'oproject': src_project, 'opackage': src_package}
if expand or keep_link:
query['expand'] = '1'
if keep_link:
query['keeplink'] = '1'
if not revision_is_empty(revision):
query['orev'] = revision
if comment:
query['comment'] = comment
u = makeurl(dst_apiurl, ['source', dst_project, dst_package], query=query)
f = http_POST(u)
return f.read()
# copy one file after the other
query = {'rev': 'upload'}
xml = show_files_meta(src_apiurl, src_project, src_package,
expand=expand, revision=revision)
filelist = ET.fromstring(xml)
revision = filelist.get('srcmd5')
# filter out _service: files
for entry in filelist.findall('entry'):
# hmm the old code also checked for _service_ (but this is
# probably a relict from former times (if at all))
if entry.get('name').startswith('_service:'):
tfilelist = Package.commit_filelist(dst_apiurl, dst_project,
dst_package, filelist, msg=comment)
todo = Package.commit_get_missing(tfilelist)
for filename in todo:
print(' ', filename)
# hmm ideally, we would pass a file-like (that delegates to
# streamfile) to http_PUT...
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='osc-copypac') as f:
get_source_file(src_apiurl, src_project, src_package, filename,
targetfilename=f.name, revision=revision)
path = ['source', dst_project, dst_package, filename]
u = makeurl(dst_apiurl, path, query={'rev': 'repository'})
http_PUT(u, file=f.name)
tfilelist = Package.commit_filelist(dst_apiurl, dst_project, dst_package,
filelist, msg=comment)
todo = Package.commit_get_missing(tfilelist)
if todo:
raise oscerr.APIError(f"failed to copy: {', '.join(todo)}")
return 'Done.'
def lock(apiurl: str, project: str, package: str, msg: str = None):
url_path = ["source", project]
if package:
url_path += [package]
url_query = {
"cmd": "set_flag",
"flag": "lock",
"status": "enable",
if msg:
url_query["comment"] = msg
_private.api.post(apiurl, url_path, url_query)
def unlock_package(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, msg):
query = {'cmd': 'unlock', 'comment': msg}
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac], query)
def unlock_project(apiurl: str, prj: str, msg=None):
query = {'cmd': 'unlock', 'comment': msg}
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj], query)
def undelete_package(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, msg=None):
query = {'cmd': 'undelete'}
if msg:
query['comment'] = msg
query['comment'] = 'undeleted via osc'
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac], query)
def undelete_project(apiurl: str, prj: str, msg=None):
query = {'cmd': 'undelete'}
if msg:
query['comment'] = msg
query['comment'] = 'undeleted via osc'
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj], query)
def delete_package(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, force=False, msg=None):
if not force:
requests = get_request_collection(apiurl, project=prj, package=pac)
if requests:
error_msg = \
"Package has pending requests. Deleting the package will break them. " \
"They should be accepted/declined/revoked before deleting the package. " \
"Or just use the 'force' option"
raise oscerr.PackageError(prj, pac, error_msg)
query = {}
if force:
query['force'] = "1"
if msg:
query['comment'] = msg
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac], query)
def delete_project(apiurl: str, prj: str, force=False, msg=None, recursive=False):
if not recursive:
packages = meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, prj)
if packages:
error_msg = \
"Project contains packages. It must be empty before deleting it. " \
"If you are sure that you want to remove this project and all its " \
"packages use the 'recursive' option."
raise oscerr.ProjectError(prj, error_msg)
query = {}
if force:
query['force'] = "1"
if msg:
query['comment'] = msg
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj], query)
def delete_files(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, files):
for filename in files:
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac, filename], query={'comment': f'removed {filename}'})
# old compat lib call
def get_platforms(apiurl: str):
return get_repositories(apiurl)
def get_repositories(apiurl: str):
f = http_GET(makeurl(apiurl, ['platform']))
tree = ET.parse(f)
r = sorted(node.get('name') for node in tree.getroot())
return r
def get_distributions(apiurl: str):
"""Returns list of dicts with headers
'distribution', 'project', 'repository', 'reponame'"""
f = http_GET(makeurl(apiurl, ['distributions']))
root = ET.fromstring(b''.join(f))
distlist = []
for node in root.findall('distribution'):
dmap = {}
for child in node:
if child.tag == 'name':
dmap['distribution'] = child.text
elif child.tag in ('project', 'repository', 'reponame'):
dmap[child.tag] = child.text
return distlist
# old compat lib call
def get_platforms_of_project(apiurl: str, prj: str):
return get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, prj)
def get_repositories_of_project(apiurl: str, prj: str):
from . import obs_api
project_obj = obs_api.Project.from_api(apiurl, prj)
return [i.name for i in project_obj.repository_list or []]
class Repo:
repo_line_templ = '%-15s %-10s'
def __init__(self, name: str, arch: str):
self.name = name
self.arch = arch
def __str__(self):
return self.repo_line_templ % (self.name, self.arch)
def __repr__(self):
return f'Repo({self.name} {self.arch})'
def fromfile(filename):
if not os.path.exists(filename):
return []
repos = []
lines = open(filename).readlines()
for line in lines:
data = line.split()
if len(data) == 2:
repos.append(Repo(data[0], data[1]))
elif len(data) == 1:
# only for backward compatibility
repos.append(Repo(data[0], ''))
return repos
def tofile(filename, repos):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
for repo in repos:
f.write(f'{repo.name} {repo.arch}\n')
def get_repos_of_project(apiurl: str, prj: str):
from . import obs_api
project_obj = obs_api.Project.from_api(apiurl, prj)
for repo in project_obj.repository_list or []:
for arch in repo.arch_list:
yield Repo(repo.name, arch)
def get_binarylist(
apiurl: str, prj: str, repo: str, arch: str, package: Optional[str] = None, verbose=False, withccache=False
what = package or '_repository'
query = {}
if withccache:
query['withccache'] = 1
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repo, arch, what], query=query)
f = http_GET(u)
tree = ET.parse(f)
if not verbose:
return [node.get('filename') for node in tree.findall('binary')]
l = []
for node in tree.findall('binary'):
f = File(node.get('filename'),
int(node.get('size') or 0) or None,
int(node.get('mtime') or 0) or None)
return l
def get_binarylist_published(apiurl: str, prj: str, repo: str, arch: str):
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['published', prj, repo, arch])
f = http_GET(u)
tree = ET.parse(f)
r = [node.get('name') for node in tree.findall('entry')]
return r
def show_results_meta(
apiurl: str,
prj: str,
package: Optional[str] = None,
lastbuild: Optional[str] = None,
repository: Optional[List[str]] = None,
arch: Optional[List[str]] = None,
oldstate: Optional[str] = None,
multibuild: Optional[bool] = None,
locallink: Optional[bool] = None,
code: Optional[str] = None,
repository = repository or []
arch = arch or []
query = {}
query["package"] = package
query["oldstate"] = oldstate
query["lastbuild"] = lastbuild
query["multibuild"] = multibuild
query["locallink"] = locallink
query["code"] = code
query["repository"] = repository
query["arch"] = arch
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, '_result'], query=query)
f = http_GET(u)
return f.readlines()
def show_prj_results_meta(
apiurl: str, prj: str, repositories: Optional[List[str]] = None, arches: Optional[List[str]] = None
# this function is only needed for backward/api compatibility
if repositories is None:
repositories = []
if arches is None:
arches = []
return show_results_meta(apiurl, prj, repository=repositories, arch=arches)
def result_xml_to_dicts(xml):
# assumption: xml contains at most one status element (maybe we should
# generalize this to arbitrary status element)
root = ET.fromstring(xml)
for node in root.findall('result'):
rmap = {}
rmap['project'] = rmap['prj'] = node.get('project')
rmap['repository'] = rmap['repo'] = rmap['rep'] = node.get('repository')
rmap['arch'] = node.get('arch')
rmap['state'] = node.get('state')
rmap['dirty'] = node.get('dirty') == 'true' or node.get('code') == 'blocked'
rmap['repostate'] = node.get('code')
rmap['pkg'] = rmap['package'] = rmap['pac'] = ''
rmap['code'] = node.get('code')
rmap['details'] = node.get('details')
# the way we currently use this function, there should be
# always a status element
snodes = node.findall('status')
is_multi = len(snodes) > 1
if len(snodes) < 1:
# the repository setup is broken
smap = dict(rmap)
smap['pkg'] = "_repository"
smap['code'] = rmap['repostate']
smap['details'] = node.get('details')
yield smap, is_multi
for statusnode in snodes:
smap = dict(rmap)
smap['pkg'] = smap['package'] = smap['pac'] = statusnode.get('package')
smap['code'] = statusnode.get('code', '')
details = statusnode.find('details')
if details is not None:
smap['details'] = details.text
if rmap['code'] == 'broken':
# real error just becomes visible in details/verbose
smap['code'] = rmap['code']
smap['details'] = "repository: " + rmap['details']
yield smap, is_multi
def format_results(results, format):
"""apply selected format on each dict in results and return it as a list of strings"""
return [format % r for r in results]
def get_results(
apiurl: str,
project: str,
package: str,
out: Optional[dict] = None,
"""returns list of/or prints a human readable status for the specified package"""
# hmm the function name is a bit too generic - something like
# get_package_results_human would be better, but this would break the existing
# api (unless we keep get_results around as well)...
format = kwargs.pop('format')
if format is None:
format = '%(rep)-20s %(arch)-10s %(pkg)-30s %(status)s'
r = []
printed = False
failed = False
multibuild_packages = kwargs.pop('multibuild_packages', [])
show_excluded = kwargs.pop('showexcl', False)
code_filter = kwargs.get('code')
for results in get_package_results(apiurl, project, package, **kwargs):
r = []
for res, is_multi in result_xml_to_dicts(results):
if not show_excluded and res['code'] == 'excluded':
if '_oldstate' in res:
oldstate = res['_oldstate']
if multibuild_packages:
l = res['pkg'].rsplit(':', 1)
if (len(l) != 2 or l[1] not in multibuild_packages) and not (len(l) == 1 and "" in multibuild_packages):
# special case: packages without flavor when multibuild_packages contains an empty string
res['status'] = res['code']
if verbose and res['details'] is not None:
if res['code'] in ('unresolvable', 'expansion error'):
lines = res['details'].split(',')
res['status'] += ': \n ' + '\n '.join(lines)
res['status'] += f": {res['details']}"
elif res['code'] in ('scheduled', ) and res['details']:
# highlight scheduled jobs with possible dispatch problems
res['status'] += '*'
if res['dirty']:
if verbose:
res['status'] = f"outdated (was: {res['status']})"
res['status'] += '*'
elif res['code'] in ('succeeded', ) and res['repostate'] != "published":
if verbose:
res['status'] += '(unpublished)'
res['status'] += '*'
# we need to do the code filtering again, because result_xml_to_dicts returns the code
# of the repository if the result is already prefiltered by the backend. So we need
# to filter out the repository states.
if code_filter is None or code_filter == res['code']:
r.append(format % res)
if res['code'] in ('failed', 'broken', 'unresolvable'):
failed = True
if printJoin:
if printed:
# will print a newline if already a result was printed (improves readability)
printed = True
if out is None:
out = {}
out["failed"] = failed
return r
def get_package_results(apiurl: str, project: str, package: Optional[str] = None, wait=False, multibuild_packages: Optional[List[str]] = None, *args, **kwargs):
"""generator that returns a the package results as an xml structure"""
xml = b''
waiting_states = ('blocked', 'scheduled', 'dispatching', 'building',
'signing', 'finished')
while True:
waiting = False
xml = b''.join(show_results_meta(apiurl, project, package, *args, **kwargs))
except HTTPError as e:
# check for simple timeout error and fetch again
if e.code == 502 or e.code == 504:
# re-try result request
root = ET.fromstring(e.read())
if e.code == 400 and kwargs.get('multibuild') and re.search('multibuild', getattr(root.find('summary'), 'text', '')):
kwargs['multibuild'] = None
kwargs['locallink'] = None
root = ET.fromstring(xml)
kwargs['oldstate'] = root.get('state')
for result in root.findall('result'):
if result.get('dirty') is not None:
waiting = True
elif result.get('code') in waiting_states:
waiting = True
pkg = result.find('status')
if pkg is not None and pkg.get('code') in waiting_states:
waiting = True
# filter the result according to the specified multibuild_packages (flavors)
if multibuild_packages:
for result in list(root):
for status in list(result):
package = status.attrib["package"]
package_flavor = package.rsplit(":", 1)
# package has flavor, check if the flavor is in multibuild_packages
flavor_match = len(package_flavor) == 2 and package_flavor[1] in multibuild_packages
# package nas no flavor, check if "" is in multibuild_packages
no_flavor_match = len(package_flavor) == 1 and "" in multibuild_packages
if not flavor_match and not no_flavor_match:
# package doesn't match multibuild_packages, remove the corresponding <status> from <result>
# remove empty <result> from <resultlist>
if len(result) == 0:
if len(root) == 0:
xml = ET.tostring(root)
if not wait or not waiting:
yield xml
yield xml
def get_prj_results(
apiurl: str,
prj: str,
# print '----------------------------------------'
global buildstatus_symbols
r = []
f = show_prj_results_meta(apiurl, prj)
root = ET.fromstring(b''.join(f))
if name_filter is not None:
name_filter = re.compile(name_filter)
pacs = []
# sequence of (repo,arch) tuples
targets = []
# {package: {(repo,arch): status}}
status = {}
if root.find('result') is None:
return []
for results in root.findall('result'):
for node in results:
pacs = sorted(list(set(pacs)))
for node in root.findall('result'):
# filter architecture and repository
if arch and node.get('arch') not in arch:
if repo and node.get('repository') not in repo:
if node.get('dirty') == "true":
state = "outdated"
state = node.get('state')
if node.get('details'):
state += ' details: ' + node.get('details')
tg = (node.get('repository'), node.get('arch'), state)
for pacnode in node.findall('status'):
pac = pacnode.get('package')
if pac not in status:
status[pac] = {}
status[pac][tg] = pacnode.get('code')
# filter option
filters = []
if status_filter or name_filter or not show_excluded:
pacs_to_show = []
targets_to_show = []
# filtering for Package Status
if status_filter:
if status_filter in buildstatus_symbols.values():
# a list is needed because if status_filter == "U"
# we have to filter either an "expansion error" (obsolete)
# or an "unresolvable" state
for txt, sym in buildstatus_symbols.items():
if sym == status_filter:
for filt_txt in filters:
for pkg in status.keys():
for repo in status[pkg].keys():
if status[pkg][repo] == filt_txt:
if not name_filter:
elif name_filter.search(pkg) is not None:
# filtering for Package Name
elif name_filter:
for pkg in pacs:
if name_filter.search(pkg) is not None:
# filter non building states
elif not show_excluded:
enabled = {}
for pkg in status.keys():
showpkg = False
for repo in status[pkg].keys():
if status[pkg][repo] != "excluded":
enabled[repo] = 1
showpkg = True
if showpkg:
targets_to_show = enabled.keys()
pacs = [i for i in pacs if i in pacs_to_show]
if targets_to_show:
targets = [i for i in targets if i in targets_to_show]
# csv output
if csv:
# TODO: option to disable the table header
row = ['_'] + ['/'.join(tg) for tg in targets]
for pac in pacs:
row = [pac] + [status[pac][tg] for tg in targets if tg in status[pac]]
return r
if brief:
for pac, repo_states in status.items():
for repo, state in repo_states.items():
if filters and state not in filters:
r.append(f'{pac} {repo[0]} {repo[1]} {state}')
return r
if not vertical:
# human readable output
max_pacs = 40
for startpac in range(0, len(pacs), max_pacs):
offset = 0
for pac in pacs[startpac:startpac + max_pacs]:
r.append(' |' * offset + ' ' + pac)
offset += 1
for tg in targets:
line = []
line.append(' ')
for pac in pacs[startpac:startpac + max_pacs]:
st = ''
if pac not in status or tg not in status[pac]:
# for newly added packages, status may be missing
st = '?'
st = buildstatus_symbols[status[pac][tg]]
print(f'osc: warn: unknown status \'{status[pac][tg]}\'...')
print('please edit osc/core.py, and extend the buildstatus_symbols dictionary.')
st = '?'
buildstatus_symbols[status[pac][tg]] = '?'
line.append(' ')
line.append(' %s %s (%s)' % tg)
line = ''.join(line)
offset = 0
for tg in targets:
r.append('| ' * offset + '%s %s (%s)' % tg)
offset += 1
for pac in pacs:
line = []
for tg in targets:
st = ''
if pac not in status or tg not in status[pac]:
# for newly added packages, status may be missing
st = '?'
st = buildstatus_symbols[status[pac][tg]]
print(f'osc: warn: unknown status \'{status[pac][tg]}\'...')
print('please edit osc/core.py, and extend the buildstatus_symbols dictionary.')
st = '?'
buildstatus_symbols[status[pac][tg]] = '?'
line.append(' ' + pac)
r.append(' '.join(line))
line = []
for i in range(0, len(targets)):
line.append(str(i % 10))
r.append(' '.join(line))
if not hide_legend and len(pacs):
r.append(' Legend:')
legend = []
for i, j in buildstatus_symbols.items():
if i == "expansion error":
legend.append('%3s %-20s' % (j, i))
legend.append(' ? buildstatus not available (only new packages)')
if vertical:
for i in range(0, len(targets)):
s = '%1d %s %s (%s)' % (i % 10, targets[i][0], targets[i][1], targets[i][2])
if i < len(legend):
legend[i] += s
legend.append(' ' * 24 + s)
r += legend
return r
def streamfile(url: str, http_meth=http_GET, bufsize=8192, data=None, progress_obj=None, text=None):
performs http_meth on url and read bufsize bytes from the response
until EOF is reached. After each read bufsize bytes are yielded to the
caller. A spezial usage is bufsize="line" to read line by line (text).
cl = ''
retries = 0
# Repeat requests until we get reasonable Content-Length header
# Server (or iChain) is corrupting data at some point, see bnc#656281
while cl == '':
if retries >= int(conf.config['http_retries']):
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, f'Content-Length is empty for {url}, protocol violation')
retries = retries + 1
if retries > 1 and conf.config['http_debug']:
print('\n\nRetry %d --' % (retries - 1), url, file=sys.stderr)
f = http_meth.__call__(url, data=data)
cl = f.info().get('Content-Length')
if cl is not None:
# sometimes the proxy adds the same header again
# which yields in value like '3495, 3495'
# use the first of these values (should be all the same)
cl = cl.split(',')[0]
cl = int(cl)
if progress_obj:
if not text:
basename = os.path.basename(urlsplit(url)[2])
basename = text
progress_obj.start(basename, cl)
if bufsize == "line":
bufsize = 8192
xread = f.readline
xread = f.read
read = 0
while True:
data = xread(bufsize)
if not data:
read += len(data)
if progress_obj:
yield data
if progress_obj:
if cl is not None and read != cl:
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'Content-Length is not matching file size for %s: %i vs %i file size' % (url, cl, read))
def buildlog_strip_time(data):
"""Strips the leading build time from the log"""
if isinstance(data, str):
time_regex = re.compile(r'^\[[^\]]*\] ', re.M)
return time_regex.sub('', data)
time_regex = re.compile(br'^\[[^\]]*\] ', re.M)
return time_regex.sub(b'', data)
def print_buildlog(
apiurl: str,
prj: str,
package: str,
repository: str,
arch: str,
"""prints out the buildlog on stdout"""
output_buffer = output_buffer or sys.stdout.buffer
def print_data(data, strip_time=False):
if strip_time:
data = buildlog_strip_time(data)
# to protect us against control characters (CVE-2012-1095)
query = {'nostream': '1', 'start': f'{offset}'}
if last:
query['last'] = 1
if lastsucceeded:
query['lastsucceeded'] = 1
retry_count = 0
while True:
query['start'] = offset
start_offset = offset
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repository, arch, package, '_log'], query=query)
for data in streamfile(u):
offset += len(data)
print_data(data, strip_time)
except IncompleteRead as e:
if retry_count >= 3:
raise e
retry_count += 1
data = e.partial
if len(data):
offset += len(data)
print_data(data, strip_time)
if start_offset == offset:
def get_dependson(apiurl: str, project: str, repository: str, arch: str, packages=None, reverse=None):
query = {}
query["package"] = packages
if reverse:
query["view"] = "revpkgnames"
query["view"] = "pkgnames"
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project, repository, arch, '_builddepinfo'], query=query)
f = http_GET(u)
return f.read()
def get_buildinfo(
apiurl: str, prj: str, package: str, repository: str, arch: str, specfile=None, addlist=None, debug=None
query = {}
query["add"] = addlist
query["debug"] = debug
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repository, arch, package, '_buildinfo'], query=query)
if specfile:
f = http_POST(u, data=specfile)
f = http_GET(u)
return f.read()
def get_buildconfig(apiurl: str, prj: str, repository: str, path=None):
query = {}
query["path"] = path
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repository, '_buildconfig'], query=query)
f = http_GET(u)
return f.read()
def create_pbuild_config(apiurl: str, project: str, repository: str, arch: str, project_dir):
This is always replacing a possible exiting config for now
we could extend the _pbuild file easily, but what should we do with multiple instances of the _config?
# get expanded buildconfig for given project and repository
bc = get_buildconfig(apiurl, project, repository)
if not bc:
msg = "Failed to get build config for project '{project}', repository '{repository}'"
raise oscerr.NotFoundAPIError(msg)
with open(os.path.join(project_dir, '_config'), "w") as f:
# create the _pbuild file based on expanded repository path informations
pb = ET.fromstring('<pbuild></pbuild>')
tree = ET.ElementTree(pb)
preset = ET.SubElement(pb, 'preset', name=repository, default="") # default should be empty, but ET crashes
bi_text = decode_it(get_buildinfo(apiurl, project, '_repository', repository, arch, specfile="Name: dummy"))
root = ET.fromstring(bi_text)
# cross compile setups are not yet supported
# for path in root.findall('hostsystem'):
# ET.SubElement(preset, 'hostrepo').text = path.get('url')
for path in root.findall('path'):
ET.SubElement(preset, 'repo').text = path.get('url')
ET.SubElement(preset, 'arch').text = arch
tree.write(os.path.join(project_dir,'_pbuild'), encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
def get_worker_info(apiurl: str, worker: str):
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['worker', worker])
f = http_GET(u)
return decode_it(f.read())
def check_constraints(apiurl: str, prj: str, repository: str, arch: str, package: str, constraintsfile=None):
query = {"cmd": "checkconstraints", "project": prj, "package": package, "repository": repository, "arch": arch}
u = makeurl(apiurl, ["worker"], query)
f = http_POST(u, data=constraintsfile)
root = ET.fromstring(b''.join(f))
return [node.get('name') for node in root.findall('entry')]
def get_source_rev(apiurl: str, project: str, package: str, revision=None):
# API supports ?deleted=1&meta=1&rev=4
# but not rev=current,rev=latest,rev=top, or anything like this.
# CAUTION: We have to loop through all rev and find the highest one, if none given.
if not revision_is_empty(revision):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, '_history'], {'rev': revision})
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, '_history'])
f = http_GET(url)
xml = ET.parse(f)
ent = None
for new in xml.findall('revision'):
# remember the newest one.
if not ent:
ent = new
elif ent.find('time').text < new.find('time').text:
ent = new
if not ent:
return {'version': None, 'error': 'empty revisionlist: no such package?'}
e = {}
for k in ent.keys():
e[k] = ent.get(k)
for k in list(ent):
e[k.tag] = k.text
return e
def print_jobhistory(apiurl: str, prj: str, current_package: str, repository: str, arch: str, format="text", limit=20):
query = {}
if current_package:
query['package'] = current_package
if limit is not None and int(limit) > 0:
query['limit'] = int(limit)
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repository, arch, '_jobhistory'], query)
f = http_GET(u)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
if format == 'text':
print("time package reason code build time worker")
for node in root.findall('jobhist'):
package = node.get('package')
worker = node.get('workerid')
reason = node.get('reason')
if not reason:
reason = "unknown"
code = node.get('code')
st = int(node.get('starttime'))
et = int(node.get('endtime'))
endtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(et))
waittm = et - st
if waittm > 24 * 60 * 60:
waitbuild = "%1dd %2dh %2dm %2ds" % (waittm / (24 * 60 * 60), (waittm / (60 * 60)) % 24, (waittm / 60) % 60, waittm % 60)
elif waittm > 60 * 60:
waitbuild = " %2dh %2dm %2ds" % (waittm / (60 * 60), (waittm / 60) % 60, waittm % 60)
waitbuild = " %2dm %2ds" % (waittm / 60, waittm % 60)
if format == 'csv':
print('%s %-50s %-16s %-16s %-16s %-16s' % (endtime, package[0:49], reason[0:15], code[0:15], waitbuild, worker))
def get_commitlog(
apiurl: str,
prj: str,
package: str,
revision: Optional[str],
format: str = "text",
meta: Optional[bool] = None,
deleted: Optional[bool] = None,
revision_upper: Optional[str] = None,
patch: Optional[bool] = None,
if package is None:
package = "_project"
from . import obs_api
revision_list = obs_api.Package.get_revision_list(apiurl, prj, package, deleted=deleted, meta=meta)
# TODO: consider moving the following block to Package.get_revision_list()
# keep only entries matching the specified revision
if not revision_is_empty(revision):
if isinstance(revision, str) and len(revision) == 32:
# revision is srcmd5
revision_list = [i for i in revision_list if i.srcmd5 == revision]
revision = int(revision)
if revision_is_empty(revision_upper):
revision_list = [i for i in revision_list if i.rev == revision]
revision_upper = int(revision_upper)
revision_list = [i for i in revision_list if i.rev <= revision_upper and i.rev >= revision]
if format == "csv":
f = io.StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(f, dialect="unix")
for revision in reversed(revision_list):
yield from f.read().splitlines()
if format == "xml":
root = ET.Element("log")
for revision in reversed(revision_list):
entry = ET.SubElement(root, "logentry")
entry.attrib["revision"] = str(revision.rev)
entry.attrib["srcmd5"] = revision.srcmd5
ET.SubElement(entry, "author").text = revision.user
ET.SubElement(entry, "date").text = revision.get_time_str()
ET.SubElement(entry, "requestid").text = str(revision.requestid) if revision.requestid else ""
ET.SubElement(entry, "msg").text = revision.comment or ""
yield from ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8").decode("utf-8").splitlines()
if format == "text":
for revision in reversed(revision_list):
entry = (
f"rq{revision.requestid}" if revision.requestid else ""
yield 76 * "-"
yield " | ".join(entry)
yield ""
yield revision.comment or "<no message>"
yield ""
if patch:
rdiff = server_diff_noex(
revision.rev - 1,
yield highlight_diff(rdiff).decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
raise ValueError(f"Invalid format: {format}")
def runservice(apiurl: str, prj: str, package: str):
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query={'cmd': 'runservice'})
f = http_POST(u)
except HTTPError as e:
e.osc_msg = f'could not trigger service run for project \'{prj}\' package \'{package}\''
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
return root.get('code')
def waitservice(apiurl: str, prj: str, package: str):
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query={'cmd': 'waitservice'})
f = http_POST(u)
except HTTPError as e:
e.osc_msg = f'The service for project \'{prj}\' package \'{package}\' failed'
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
return root.get('code')
def mergeservice(apiurl: str, prj: str, package: str):
# first waiting that the service finishes and that it did not fail
waitservice(apiurl, prj, package)
# real merge
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query={'cmd': 'mergeservice'})
f = http_POST(u)
except HTTPError as e:
e.osc_msg = f'could not merge service files in project \'{prj}\' package \'{package}\''
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
return root.get('code')
def rebuild(apiurl: str, prj: str, package: str, repo: str, arch: str, code=None):
query = {'cmd': 'rebuild'}
if package:
query['package'] = package
if repo:
query['repository'] = repo
if arch:
query['arch'] = arch
if code:
query['code'] = code
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj], query=query)
f = http_POST(u)
except HTTPError as e:
e.osc_msg = f'could not trigger rebuild for project \'{prj}\' package \'{package}\''
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
return root.get('code')
def get_osc_version():
return __version__
def abortbuild(apiurl: str, project: str, package=None, arch=None, repo=None):
return cmdbuild(apiurl, 'abortbuild', project, package, arch, repo)
def restartbuild(apiurl: str, project: str, package=None, arch=None, repo=None):
return cmdbuild(apiurl, 'restartbuild', project, package, arch, repo)
def unpublish(apiurl: str, project: str, package: Optional[str] = None, arch=None, repo=None, code=None):
return cmdbuild(apiurl, "unpublish", project, package, arch, repo, code)
def wipebinaries(apiurl: str, project: str, package: Optional[str] = None, arch=None, repo=None, code=None):
return cmdbuild(apiurl, "wipe", project, package, arch, repo, code)
def cmdbuild(
apiurl: str, cmd: str, project: str, package: Optional[str] = None, arch=None, repo=None, code=None, sysrq=None
query = {"cmd": cmd}
if package:
query['package'] = package
if arch:
query['arch'] = arch
if repo:
query['repository'] = repo
if code:
query['code'] = code
if sysrq:
query['sysrq'] = sysrq
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project], query)
f = http_POST(u)
except HTTPError as e:
e.osc_msg = f'{cmd} command failed for project {project}'
if package:
e.osc_msg += f' package {package}'
if arch:
e.osc_msg += f' arch {arch}'
if repo:
e.osc_msg += f' repository {repo}'
if code:
e.osc_msg += f' code={code}'
if sysrq:
e.osc_msg += f' sysrq={code}'
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
return root.get('code')
def parseRevisionOption(string, allow_md5=True):
returns a tuple which contains the revisions
revisions = [None, None]
if string:
parts = string.split(':')
if len(parts) > 2:
raise oscerr.OscInvalidRevision(string)
for i, revision in enumerate(parts, 0):
if revision.isdigit() or (allow_md5 and revision.isalnum() and len(revision) == 32):
revisions[i] = revision
elif revision != '' and revision != 'latest':
raise oscerr.OscInvalidRevision(string)
return tuple(revisions)
def checkRevision(prj: str, pac: str, revision, apiurl: Optional[str] = None, meta=False):
check if revision is valid revision, i.e. it is not
larger than the upstream revision id
if len(revision) == 32:
# there isn't a way to check this kind of revision for validity
return True
if not apiurl:
apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
if int(revision) > int(show_upstream_rev(apiurl, prj, pac, meta=meta)) \
or int(revision) <= 0:
return False
return True
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
def build_table(col_num, data=None, headline=None, width=1, csv=False):
This method builds a simple table.
build_table(2, ['foo', 'bar', 'suse', 'osc'], ['col1', 'col2'], 2)
col1 col2
foo bar
suse osc
data = data or []
headline = headline or []
longest_col = []
for i in range(col_num):
if headline and not csv:
data[0:0] = headline
data = [str(i) for i in data]
# find longest entry in each column
i = 0
for itm in data:
if longest_col[i] < len(itm):
longest_col[i] = len(itm)
if i == col_num - 1:
i = 0
i += 1
# calculate length for each column
for i, row in enumerate(longest_col):
longest_col[i] = row + width
# build rows
row = []
table = []
i = 0
for itm in data:
if i % col_num == 0:
i = 0
row = []
# there is no need to justify the entries of the last column
# or when generating csv
if i == col_num - 1 or csv:
i += 1
if csv:
separator = '|'
separator = ''
return [separator.join(row) for row in table]
def xpath_join(expr, new_expr, op='or', inner=False, nexpr_parentheses=False):
Join two xpath expressions. If inner is False expr will
be surrounded with parentheses (unless it's not already
surrounded). If nexpr_parentheses is True new_expr will be
surrounded with parentheses.
if not expr:
return new_expr
elif not new_expr:
return expr
# NOTE: this is NO syntax check etc. (e.g. if a literal contains a '(' or ')'
# the check might fail and expr will be surrounded with parentheses or NOT)
parentheses = not inner
if not inner and expr.startswith('(') and expr.endswith(')'):
parentheses = False
braces = [i for i in expr if i == '(' or i == ')']
closed = 0
while len(braces):
if braces.pop() == ')':
closed += 1
closed += -1
while len(braces):
if braces.pop() == '(':
closed += -1
closed += 1
if closed != 0:
parentheses = True
if parentheses:
expr = f'({expr})'
if nexpr_parentheses:
new_expr = f'({new_expr})'
return f'{expr} {op} {new_expr}'
def search(apiurl: str, queries=None, **kwargs):
Perform a search request. The requests are constructed as follows:
kwargs = {'kind1' => xpath1, 'kind2' => xpath2, ..., 'kindN' => xpathN}
GET /search/kind1?match=xpath1
GET /search/kindN?match=xpathN
queries is a dict of optional http query parameters, which are passed
to the makeurl call, of the form
{kindI1: dict_or_list, ..., kindIL: dict_or_list},
where kind_i1 to kind_iL are keys of kwargs.
if queries is None:
queries = {}
res = {}
for urlpath, xpath in kwargs.items():
path = ['search']
path += urlpath.split('_') # FIXME: take underscores as path seperators. I see no other way atm to fix OBS api calls and not breaking osc api
query = queries.get(urlpath, {})
query['match'] = xpath
u = makeurl(apiurl, path, query)
f = http_GET(u)
res[urlpath] = ET.parse(f).getroot()
return res
def owner(
apiurl: str,
Perform a binary package owner search. This is supported since OBS 2.4.
# binary is just for API backward compatibility
if not (search_term is None) ^ (binary is None):
raise ValueError('Either specify search_term or binary')
elif binary is not None:
search_term = binary
# find default project, if not specified
# mode can be "binary" or "package" atm
query = {mode: search_term}
if attribute:
query['attribute'] = attribute
if project:
query['project'] = project
if devel:
query['devel'] = devel
if limit is not None:
query['limit'] = limit
if usefilter is not None:
query['filter'] = ",".join(usefilter)
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['search', 'owner'], query)
res = None
f = http_GET(u)
res = ET.parse(f).getroot()
except HTTPError as e:
# old server not supporting this search
return res
def set_link_rev(apiurl: str, project: str, package: str, revision="", expand=False, msg: str=None, vrev: str=None):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ["source", project, package, "_link"])
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
except HTTPError as e:
e.osc_msg = f'Unable to get _link file in package \'{package}\' for project \'{project}\''
revision = _set_link_rev(apiurl, project, package, root, revision, expand=expand, setvrev=vrev)
l = ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING)
if not msg:
if revision:
msg = f"Set link revision to {revision}"
msg = "Unset link revision"
url = makeurl(apiurl, ["source", project, package, "_link"], {"comment": msg})
http_PUT(url, data=l)
return revision
def _set_link_rev(apiurl: str, project: str, package: str, root, revision="", expand=False, setvrev: str=None):
Updates the rev attribute of the _link xml. If revision is set to None
the rev and vrev attributes are removed from the _link xml.
updates the rev attribute of the _link xml. If revision is the empty
string the latest rev of the link's source package is used (or the
xsrcmd5 if expand is True). If revision is neither None nor the empty
string the _link's rev attribute is set to this revision (or to the
xsrcmd5 if expand is True).
src_project = root.get('project', project)
src_package = root.get('package', package)
vrev = None
if revision is None:
if 'rev' in root.keys():
del root.attrib['rev']
if 'vrev' in root.keys():
del root.attrib['vrev']
elif not revision or expand:
revision, vrev = show_upstream_rev_vrev(apiurl, src_project, src_package, revision=revision, expand=expand)
if revision:
root.set('rev', revision)
# add vrev when revision is a srcmd5
if setvrev:
root.set('vrev', setvrev)
elif not revision_is_empty(vrev) and not revision_is_empty(revision) and len(revision) >= 32:
root.set('vrev', vrev)
return revision
def delete_dir(dir):
# small security checks
if os.path.islink(dir):
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'cannot remove linked dir')
elif os.path.abspath(dir) == '/':
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'cannot remove \'/\'')
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir, topdown=False):
for filename in filenames:
os.unlink(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
for dirname in dirnames:
os.rmdir(os.path.join(dirpath, dirname))
def unpack_srcrpm(srpm, dir, *files):
This method unpacks the passed srpm into the
passed dir. If arguments are passed to the \'files\' tuple
only this files will be unpacked.
if not is_srcrpm(srpm):
print(f'error - \'{srpm}\' is not a source rpm.', file=sys.stderr)
curdir = os.getcwd()
if os.path.isdir(dir):
ret = -1
with open(srpm) as fsrpm:
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
rpm2cpio_proc = subprocess.Popen(['rpm2cpio'], stdin=fsrpm,
cpio_proc = subprocess.Popen(['cpio', '-i'] + list(files),
ret = rpm2cpio_proc.returncode
if not ret:
ret = cpio_proc.returncode
if ret != 0:
print(f'error \'{ret}\' - cannot extract \'{srpm}\'', file=sys.stderr)
def is_rpm(f):
"""check if the named file is an RPM package"""
h = open(f, 'rb').read(4)
return False
if isinstance(h, str):
isrpmstr = '\xed\xab\xee\xdb'
isrpmstr = b'\xed\xab\xee\xdb'
if h == isrpmstr:
return True
return False
def is_srcrpm(f):
"""check if the named file is a source RPM"""
if not is_rpm(f):
return False
h = open(f, 'rb').read(8)
return False
issrcrpm = bytes(bytearray([h[7]])).decode('utf-8')
if issrcrpm == '\x01':
return True
return False
def addMaintainer(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, user: str):
# for backward compatibility only
addPerson(apiurl, prj, pac, user)
def addPerson(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, user: str, role="maintainer"):
""" add a new person to a package or project """
path = (prj, )
kind = 'prj'
if pac:
path = path + (pac ,)
kind = 'pkg'
data = meta_exists(metatype=kind,
if data and get_user_meta(apiurl, user) is not None:
root = ET.fromstring(parse_meta_to_string(data))
found = False
for person in root.iter('person'):
if person.get('userid') == user and person.get('role') == role:
found = True
print("user already exists")
if not found:
# the xml has a fixed structure
root.insert(2, ET.Element('person', role=role, userid=user))
print(f'user \'{user}\' added to \'{pac or prj}\'')
data=ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING))
print("osc: an error occured")
def delMaintainer(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, user: str):
# for backward compatibility only
delPerson(apiurl, prj, pac, user)
def delPerson(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, user: str, role="maintainer"):
""" delete a person from a package or project """
path = (prj, )
kind = 'prj'
if pac:
path = path + (pac, )
kind = 'pkg'
data = meta_exists(metatype=kind,
if data and get_user_meta(apiurl, user) is not None:
root = ET.fromstring(parse_meta_to_string(data))
found = False
for person in root.iter('person'):
if person.get('userid') == user and person.get('role') == role:
found = True
print(f"user '{user}' removed")
if found:
data=ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING))
print(f"user '{user}' not found in '{pac or prj}'")
print("an error occured")
def setBugowner(apiurl: str, prj: str, pac: str, user=None, group=None):
""" delete all bugowners (user and group entries) and set one new one in a package or project """
path = (prj, )
kind = 'prj'
if pac:
path = path + (pac, )
kind = 'pkg'
data = meta_exists(metatype=kind,
if user.startswith('group:'):
group = user.replace('group:', '')
user = None
if data:
root = ET.fromstring(parse_meta_to_string(data))
for group_element in root.iter('group'):
if group_element.get('role') == "bugowner":
for person_element in root.iter('person'):
if person_element.get('role') == "bugowner":
if user:
root.insert(2, ET.Element('person', role='bugowner', userid=user))
elif group:
root.insert(2, ET.Element('group', role='bugowner', groupid=group))
print("Neither user nor group is specified")
data=ET.tostring(root, encoding=ET_ENCODING))
def createPackageDir(pathname, prj_obj=None):
create and initialize a new package dir in the given project.
prj_obj can be a Project() instance.
prj_dir, pac_dir = getPrjPacPaths(pathname)
if is_project_dir(prj_dir):
global store
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pathname, store)):
prj = prj_obj or Project(prj_dir, False)
Package.init_package(prj.apiurl, prj.name, pac_dir, pathname)
print(statfrmt('A', os.path.normpath(pathname)))
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, f'file or directory \'{pathname}\' already exists')
msg = f'\'{prj_dir}\' is not a working copy'
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(prj_dir, '.svn')):
msg += '\ntry svn instead of osc.'
raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy(msg)
def stripETxml(node):
node.tail = None
if node.text is not None:
node.text = node.text.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "")
for child in node:
def addGitSource(url):
service_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '_service')
addfile = False
if os.path.exists(service_file):
services = ET.parse(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '_service')).getroot()
services = ET.fromstring("<services />")
addfile = True
si = Serviceinfo()
s = si.addGitUrl(services, url)
s = si.addTarUp(services)
s = si.addRecompressTar(services)
s = si.addSetVersion(services)
# for pretty output
f = open(service_file, 'w')
f.write(ET.tostring(s, encoding=ET_ENCODING))
if addfile:
def addDownloadUrlService(url):
service_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '_service')
addfile = False
if os.path.exists(service_file):
services = ET.parse(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '_service')).getroot()
services = ET.fromstring("<services />")
addfile = True
si = Serviceinfo()
s = si.addDownloadUrl(services, url)
# for pretty output
f = open(service_file, 'w')
f.write(ET.tostring(s, encoding=ET_ENCODING))
if addfile:
# download file
path = os.getcwd()
files = os.listdir(path)
newfiles = os.listdir(path)
# add verify service for new files
for filename in files:
for filename in newfiles:
if filename.startswith('_service:download_url:'):
s = si.addVerifyFile(services, filename)
# for pretty output
f = open(service_file, 'w')
f.write(ET.tostring(s, encoding=ET_ENCODING))
def addFiles(filenames, prj_obj=None, force=False):
for filename in filenames:
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, f'file \'{filename}\' does not exist')
# TODO: this function needs improvement
# it should check if we're in a project or a package working copy and behave accordingly
# init a package dir if we have a normal dir in the "filenames"-list
# so that it will be find by Package.from_paths_nofail() later
pacs = list(filenames)
for filename in filenames:
prj_dir, pac_dir = getPrjPacPaths(filename)
if not is_package_dir(filename) and os.path.isdir(filename) and is_project_dir(prj_dir) \
and conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
store = Store(prj_dir)
prj_name = store_read_project(prj_dir)
prj_apiurl = store.apiurl
Package.init_package(prj_apiurl, prj_name, pac_dir, filename)
elif is_package_dir(filename) and conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
print(f'osc: warning: \'{filename}\' is already under version control')
elif os.path.isdir(filename) and is_project_dir(prj_dir):
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('osc: cannot add a directory to a project unless '
'\'do_package_tracking\' is enabled in the configuration file')
pacs, no_pacs = Package.from_paths_nofail(pacs)
for filename in no_pacs:
filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
directory = os.path.join(filename, os.pardir)
if not is_package_dir(directory):
print(f'osc: warning: \'{filename}\' cannot be associated to a package')
resp = raw_input(f"{filename} is a directory, do you want to archive it for submission? (y/n) ")
if resp not in ('y', 'Y'):
archive = f"{filename}.obscpio"
todo = [os.path.join(p, elm)
for p, dirnames, fnames in os.walk(filename, followlinks=False)
for elm in dirnames + fnames]
enc_todo = [b'%s' % elem.encode() for elem in todo]
with open(archive, 'w') as f:
cpio_proc = subprocess.Popen(['cpio', '-o', '-H', 'newc', '-0'],
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=f)
for pac in pacs:
if conf.config['do_package_tracking'] and not pac.todo:
prj = prj_obj or Project(os.path.dirname(pac.absdir), False)
if pac.name in prj.pacs_unvers:
print(statfrmt('A', getTransActPath(os.path.join(pac.dir, os.pardir, pac.name))))
for filename in pac.filenamelist_unvers:
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pac.dir, filename)):
print(f'skipping directory \'{os.path.join(pac.dir, filename)}\'')
elif pac.name in prj.pacs_have:
print(f'osc: warning: \'{pac.name}\' is already under version control')
for filename in pac.todo:
if filename in pac.skipped:
if filename in pac.excluded and not force:
print(f'osc: warning: \'{filename}\' is excluded from a working copy', file=sys.stderr)
except oscerr.PackageFileConflict as e:
fname = os.path.join(getTransActPath(pac.dir), filename)
print(f'osc: warning: \'{fname}\' is already under version control')
def getPrjPacPaths(path):
returns the path for a project and a package
from path. This is needed if you try to add
or delete packages:
osc add pac1/: prj_dir = CWD;
pac_dir = pac1
osc add /path/to/pac1:
prj_dir = path/to;
pac_dir = pac1
osc add /path/to/pac1/file
=> this would be an invalid path
the caller has to validate the returned
# make sure we hddave a dir: osc add bar vs. osc add bar/; osc add /path/to/prj_dir/new_pack
# filename = os.path.join(tail, '')
prj_dir, pac_dir = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(path))
if prj_dir == '':
prj_dir = os.getcwd()
return (prj_dir, pac_dir)
def getTransActPath(pac_dir):
returns the path for the commit and update operations/transactions.
Normally the "dir" attribute of a Package() object will be passed to
this method.
path = str(Path(pac_dir)) # accept str and Path as pac_dir
return '' if path == '.' else path
def get_commit_message_template(pac):
Read the difference in .changes file(s) and put them as a template to commit message.
diff = []
template = []
if pac.todo:
todo = pac.todo
todo = pac.filenamelist + pac.filenamelist_unvers
files = [i for i in todo if i.endswith('.changes') and pac.status(i) in ('A', 'M')]
for filename in files:
if pac.status(filename) == 'M':
diff += get_source_file_diff(pac.absdir, filename, pac.rev)
elif pac.status(filename) == 'A':
with open(os.path.join(pac.absdir, filename), 'rb') as f:
diff.extend(b'+' + line for line in f)
if diff:
template = parse_diff_for_commit_message(''.join(decode_list(diff)))
return template
def parse_diff_for_commit_message(diff, template=None):
template = template or []
date_re = re.compile(r'\+(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) ([A-Z][a-z]{2}) ( ?[0-9]|[0-3][0-9]) .*')
diff = diff.split('\n')
# The first four lines contains a header of diff
for line in diff[3:]:
# this condition is magical, but it removes all unwanted lines from commit message
if not(line) or (line and line[0] != '+') or \
date_re.match(line) or \
line == '+' or line[0:3] == '+++':
if line == '+-------------------------------------------------------------------':
return template
def get_commit_msg(wc_dir, pacs):
template = store_read_file(wc_dir, '_commit_msg')
# open editor for commit message
# but first, produce status and diff to append to the template
footer = []
lines = []
for p in pacs:
states = sorted(p.get_status(False, ' ', '?'), key=cmp_to_key(compare))
changed = [statfrmt(st, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p.dir, filename))) for st, filename in states]
if changed:
footer += changed
footer.append(f'\nDiff for working copy: {p.dir}')
footer.extend([''.join(decode_list(i)) for i in p.get_diff(ignoreUnversioned=True)])
if template is None:
if lines and lines[0] == '':
del lines[0]
template = '\n'.join(lines)
msg = ''
# if footer is empty, there is nothing to commit, and no edit needed.
if footer:
msg = edit_message(footer='\n'.join(footer), template=template)
if msg:
store_write_string(wc_dir, '_commit_msg', msg + '\n')
store_unlink_file(wc_dir, '_commit_msg')
return msg
def print_request_list(apiurl, project, package=None, states=("new", "review"), force=False):
prints list of pending requests for the specified project/package if "check_for_request_on_action"
is enabled in the config or if "force" is set to True
if not conf.config['check_for_request_on_action'] and not force:
requests = get_request_collection(apiurl, project=project, package=package, states=states)
msg = '\nPending requests for %s: %s (%s)'
if sys.stdout.isatty():
msg = f'\033[1m{msg}\033[0m'
if package is None and requests:
print(msg % ('project', project, len(requests)))
elif requests:
print(msg % ('package', f"{project}/{package}", len(requests)))
for r in requests:
print(r.list_view(), '\n')
def request_interactive_review(apiurl, request, initial_cmd='', group=None,
ignore_reviews=False, source_buildstatus=False):
"""review the request interactively"""
tmpfile = None
def safe_change_request_state(*args, **kwargs):
change_request_state(*args, **kwargs)
return True
except HTTPError as e:
print('Server returned an error:', e, file=sys.stderr)
details = e.hdrs.get('X-Opensuse-Errorcode')
if details:
print(details, file=sys.stderr)
root = ET.fromstring(e.read())
summary = root.find('summary')
if summary is not None:
print(summary.text, file=sys.stderr)
print('Try -f to force the state change', file=sys.stderr)
return False
def get_repos(src_actions):
Translate src_actions to [{"proj": ..., "pkg": ..., "repo": ..., "arch": ...}]
result = []
for action in src_actions:
disabled = show_package_disabled_repos(apiurl, action.src_project, action.src_package)
for repo in get_repos_of_project(apiurl, action.src_project):
if (disabled is None) or (repo.name not in [d["repo"] for d in disabled]):
entry = {
"proj": action.src_project,
"pkg": action.src_package,
"repo": repo.name,
"arch": repo.arch
return result
def select_repo(src_actions):
Prompt user to select a repo from a list.
repos = get_repos(src_actions)
for num, entry in enumerate(repos):
print(f"({num}) {entry['proj']}/{entry['pkg']}/{entry['repo']}/{entry['arch']}")
if not repos:
print('No repos')
return None
while True:
reply = raw_input(f"Number of repo to examine (0 - {len(repos)-1}): ").strip()
if not reply:
return None
reply_num = int(reply)
return repos[reply_num]
except (ValueError, IndexError):
print(f"Invalid index. Please choose between 0 and {len(repos)-1}")
def safe_get_rpmlint_log(src_actions):
repo = select_repo(src_actions)
if not repo:
run_pager(get_rpmlint_log(apiurl, **repo))
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
print(f"No rpmlint log for {repo['repo']}/{repo['arch']}")
def get_build_log(src_actions):
repo = select_repo(src_actions)
if not repo:
buffer = io.BytesIO()
print_buildlog(apiurl, repo["proj"], repo["pkg"], repo["repo"], repo["arch"], output_buffer=buffer)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
print(f"No build log for {repo['repo']}/{repo['arch']}")
def print_request(request):
def print_source_buildstatus(src_actions, newline=False):
if newline:
for action in src_actions:
print('\n'.join(get_results(apiurl, action.src_project, action.src_package)))
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code != 404:
print(f'unable to retrieve the buildstatus: {e}')
def get_formatted_issues(apiurl, reqid):
"""get issue_list and return a printable string"""
issue_list = get_request_issues(apiurl, reqid)
issues = ""
issues_nodetails = ""
# the check_list is needed to make sure that every issue is just listed
# once. Sometimes the API returns the same issue twice or more. See:
# https://github.com/openSUSE/open-build-service/issues/4044
# Once this is fixed this can be changed.
check_list = []
for issue in issue_list:
if issue['label'] in check_list:
if 'summary' in issue:
issues += ("## BUG# " + issue['label'] + ": "
+ issue.get('summary') + " : "
+ issue.get('state', 'unknown state') + '\n')
issues_nodetails += issue['label'] + ' '
if issues_nodetails:
issues += '## No details for the issue(s): ' + issues_nodetails + '\n'
return issues
print_comments(apiurl, 'request', request.reqid)
prompt = '(a)ccept/(d)ecline/(r)evoke/c(l)one/co(m)ment/(s)kip/(c)ancel > '
editable_actions = request.get_actions('submit', 'maintenance_incident')
# actions which have sources + buildresults
src_actions = editable_actions + request.get_actions('maintenance_release')
if editable_actions:
prompt = 'd(i)ff/(a)ccept/(d)ecline/(r)evoke/(b)uildstatus/(bl)buildlog/rpm(li)ntlog/c(l)one/(e)dit/co(m)ment/(s)kip/(c)ancel > '
elif src_actions:
# no edit for maintenance release requests
prompt = 'd(i)ff/(a)ccept/(d)ecline/(r)evoke/(b)uildstatus/(bl)buildlog/rpm(li)ntlog/c(l)one/co(m)ment/(s)kip/(c)ancel > '
editprj = ''
orequest = None
if source_buildstatus and src_actions:
print_source_buildstatus(src_actions, newline=True)
while True:
if initial_cmd:
repl = initial_cmd
initial_cmd = ''
repl = raw_input(prompt).strip()
# remember if we're accepting so we can decide whether to forward request to the parent project later on
accept = repl == "a"
if repl == 'i' and src_actions:
req_summary = str(request) + '\n'
issues = '\n\n' + get_formatted_issues(apiurl, request.reqid)
if orequest is not None and tmpfile:
tmpfile = None
if tmpfile is None:
tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.diff', mode='rb+')
diff = request_diff(apiurl, request.reqid)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code != 400:
# backward compatible diff for old apis
for action in src_actions:
diff = b'old: %s/%s\nnew: %s/%s\n' % (action.src_project.encode(), action.src_package.encode(),
action.tgt_project.encode(), action.tgt_package.encode())
diff += submit_action_diff(apiurl, action)
diff += b'\n\n'
print_comments(apiurl, 'request', request.reqid)
elif repl == 's':
print(f'skipping: #{request.reqid}', file=sys.stderr)
elif repl == 'c':
print('Aborting', file=sys.stderr)
raise oscerr.UserAbort()
elif repl == 'm':
if tmpfile is not None:
comment = edit_message(footer=decode_it(tmpfile.read()))
comment = edit_text()
create_comment(apiurl, 'request', comment, request.reqid)
elif repl == 'b' and src_actions:
elif repl == 'li' and src_actions:
elif repl == 'bl' and src_actions:
elif repl == 'e' and editable_actions:
# this is only for editable actions
if not editprj:
editprj = clone_request(apiurl, request.reqid, 'osc editrequest')
orequest = request
request = edit_submitrequest(apiurl, editprj, orequest, request)
src_actions = editable_actions = request.get_actions('submit', 'maintenance_incident')
prompt = 'd(i)ff/(a)ccept/(b)uildstatus/(e)dit/(s)kip/(c)ancel > '
state_map = {'a': 'accepted', 'd': 'declined', 'r': 'revoked'}
mo = re.search(r'^([adrl])(?:\s+(-f)?\s*-m\s+(.*))?$', repl)
if mo is None or orequest and mo.group(1) != 'a':
print(f'invalid choice: \'{repl}\'', file=sys.stderr)
state = state_map.get(mo.group(1))
force = mo.group(2) is not None
msg = mo.group(3)
footer = ''
msg_template = ''
if not (state is None or request.state is None):
footer = 'changing request from state \'%s\' to \'%s\'\n\n' \
% (request.state.name, state)
msg_template = change_request_state_template(request, state)
if tmpfile is None:
footer += str(request)
if tmpfile is not None:
# the read bytes probably have a moderate size so the str won't be too large
footer += '\n\n' + decode_it(tmpfile.read())
if msg is None:
msg = edit_message(footer=footer, template=msg_template)
except oscerr.UserAbort:
# do not abort (show prompt again)
msg = msg.strip('\'').strip('"')
if orequest is not None:
if not safe_change_request_state(apiurl, request.reqid, 'accepted', msg, force=force):
# an error occured
repl = raw_input('Supersede original request? (y|N) ')
if repl in ('y', 'Y'):
safe_change_request_state(apiurl, orequest.reqid, 'superseded',
f'superseded by {request.reqid}', request.reqid, force=force)
elif state is None:
clone_request(apiurl, request.reqid, msg)
reviews = [r for r in request.reviews if r.state == 'new']
if not reviews or ignore_reviews:
if safe_change_request_state(apiurl, request.reqid, state, msg, force=force):
if accept:
from . import _private
_private.forward_request(apiurl, request, interactive=True)
# an error occured
group_reviews = [r for r in reviews if (r.by_group is not None
and r.by_group == group)]
if len(group_reviews) == 1 and conf.config['review_inherit_group']:
review = group_reviews[0]
print('Please chose one of the following reviews:')
for i in range(len(reviews)):
fmt = Request.format_review(reviews[i])
print('(%i)' % i, 'by %(type)-10s %(by)s' % fmt)
num = raw_input('> ')
num = int(num)
except ValueError:
print(f'\'{num}\' is not a number.')
if num < 0 or num >= len(reviews):
print(f'number \'{num}\' out of range.')
review = reviews[num]
change_review_state(apiurl, request.reqid, state, by_user=review.by_user,
by_group=review.by_group, by_project=review.by_project,
by_package=review.by_package, message=msg)
if tmpfile is not None:
def edit_submitrequest(apiurl, project, orequest, new_request=None):
"""edit a submit action from orequest/new_request"""
actions = orequest.get_actions('submit')
oactions = actions
if new_request is not None:
actions = new_request.get_actions('submit')
num = 0
if len(actions) > 1:
print('Please chose one of the following submit actions:')
for i in range(len(actions)):
# it is safe to use orequest because currently the formatting
# of a submit action does not need instance specific data
fmt = orequest.format_action(actions[i])
print('(%i)' % i, f"{fmt['source']} {fmt['target']}")
num = raw_input('> ')
num = int(num)
except ValueError:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs(f'\'{num}\' is not a number.')
if num < 0 or num >= len(orequest.actions):
raise oscerr.WrongArgs(f'number \'{num}\' out of range.')
# the api replaced ':' with '_' in prj and pkg names (clone request)
package = '%s.%s' % (oactions[num].src_package.replace(':', '_'),
oactions[num].src_project.replace(':', '_'))
tmpdir = None
cleanup = True
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='osc_editsr')
p = Package.init_package(apiurl, project, package, tmpdir)
shell = os.getenv('SHELL', default='/bin/sh')
olddir = os.getcwd()
print('Checked out package \'%s\' to %s. Started a new shell (%s).\n'
'Please fix the package and close the shell afterwards.' % (package, tmpdir, shell))
# the pkg might have uncommitted changes...
cleanup = False
# reread data
p = Package(tmpdir)
modified = p.get_status(False, ' ', '?', 'S')
if modified:
print('Your working copy has the following modifications:')
print('\n'.join([statfrmt(st, filename) for st, filename in modified]))
repl = raw_input('Do you want to commit the local changes first? (y|N) ')
if repl in ('y', 'Y'):
msg = get_commit_msg(p.absdir, [p])
cleanup = True
if cleanup:
print(f'Please remove the dir \'{tmpdir}\' manually')
r = Request()
for action in orequest.get_actions():
new_action = Action.from_xml(action.to_xml())
if new_action.type == 'submit':
new_action.src_package = '%s.%s' % (action.src_package.replace(':', '_'),
action.src_project.replace(':', '_'))
new_action.src_project = project
# do an implicit cleanup
new_action.opt_sourceupdate = 'cleanup'
return r
def get_user_projpkgs(apiurl, user, role=None, exclude_projects=None, proj=True, pkg=True, maintained=False, metadata=False):
"""Return all project/packages where user is involved."""
exclude_projects = exclude_projects or []
xpath = f'person/@userid = \'{user}\''
excl_prj = ''
excl_pkg = ''
for i in exclude_projects:
excl_prj = xpath_join(excl_prj, f'not(@name = \'{i}\')', op='and')
excl_pkg = xpath_join(excl_pkg, f'not(@project = \'{i}\')', op='and')
role_filter_xpath = xpath
if role:
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, f'person/@role = \'{role}\'', inner=True, op='and')
xpath_pkg = xpath_join(xpath, excl_pkg, op='and')
xpath_prj = xpath_join(xpath, excl_prj, op='and')
if maintained:
xpath_pkg = xpath_join(xpath_pkg, '(project/attribute/@name=\'%(attr)s\' or attribute/@name=\'%(attr)s\')' % {'attr': conf.config['maintained_attribute']}, op='and')
what = {}
if pkg:
if metadata:
what['package'] = xpath_pkg
what['package_id'] = xpath_pkg
if proj:
if metadata:
what['project'] = xpath_prj
what['project_id'] = xpath_prj
res = search(apiurl, **what)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code != 400 or not role_filter_xpath:
raise e
# backward compatibility: local role filtering
what = {kind: role_filter_xpath for kind in what.keys()}
if 'package' in what:
what['package'] = xpath_join(role_filter_xpath, excl_pkg, op='and')
if 'project' in what:
what['project'] = xpath_join(role_filter_xpath, excl_prj, op='and')
res = search(apiurl, **what)
filter_role(res, user, role)
return res
def run_external(filename, *args, **kwargs):
"""Executes the program filename via subprocess.call.
*args are additional arguments which are passed to the
program filename. **kwargs specify additional arguments for
the subprocess.call function.
if no args are specified the plain filename is passed
to subprocess.call (this can be used to execute a shell
command). Otherwise [filename] + list(args) is passed
to the subprocess.call function.
# unless explicitly specified use shell=False
kwargs.setdefault('shell', False)
if args:
cmd = [filename] + list(args)
cmd = filename
return subprocess.call(cmd, **kwargs)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
raise oscerr.ExtRuntimeError(e.strerror, filename)
def return_external(filename, *args, **kwargs):
"""Executes the program filename via subprocess.check_output.
``*args`` are additional arguments which are passed to the
program filename. ``**kwargs`` specify additional arguments for
the subprocess.check_output function.
if no args are specified the plain filename is passed
to subprocess.check_output (this can be used to execute a shell
command). Otherwise [filename] + list(args) is passed
to the subprocess.check_output function.
Returns the output of the command.
if args:
cmd = [filename] + list(args)
cmd = filename
# backward compatibility for python 2.6
if 'check_output' not in dir(subprocess):
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, errstr = process.communicate()
retcode = process.poll()
if retcode:
error = subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
error.output = output
raise error
return output
return subprocess.check_output(cmd, **kwargs)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
raise oscerr.ExtRuntimeError(e.strerror, filename)
# backward compatibility: local role filtering
def filter_role(meta, user, role):
remove all project/package nodes if no person node exists
where @userid=user and @role=role
for kind, root in meta.items():
delete = []
for node in root.findall(kind):
found = False
for p in node.findall('person'):
if p.get('userid') == user and p.get('role') == role:
found = True
if not found:
for node in delete:
def find_default_project(apiurl: Optional[str] = None, package: Optional[str] = None):
look though the list of conf.config['getpac_default_project']
and find the first project where the given package exists in the build service.
if not conf.config['getpac_default_project']:
return None
candidates = re.split('[, ]+', conf.config['getpac_default_project'])
if package is None or len(candidates) == 1:
return candidates[0]
# search through the list, where package exists ...
for prj in candidates:
# any fast query will do here.
show_package_meta(apiurl, prj, package)
return prj
except HTTPError:
return None
def utime(filename, arg, ignore_einval=True):
"""wrapper around os.utime which ignore errno EINVAL by default"""
# workaround for bnc#857610): if filename resides on a nfs share
# os.utime might raise EINVAL
os.utime(filename, arg)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.EINVAL and ignore_einval:
def which(name: str):
"""Searches "name" in PATH."""
name = os.path.expanduser(name)
if os.path.isabs(name):
if os.path.exists(name):
return name
return None
for directory in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(':'):
path = os.path.join(directory, name)
if os.path.exists(path):
return path
return None
def get_comments(apiurl: str, kind, *args):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ["comments", kind] + list(args))
f = http_GET(url)
return ET.parse(f).getroot()
def print_comments(apiurl: str, kind, *args):
def print_rec(comments, indent=''):
for comment in comments:
print(indent, end='')
print('(', comment.get('id'), ')', 'On', comment.get('when'), comment.get('who'), 'wrote:')
text = indent + comment.text.replace('\r\n', ' \n')
print(('\n' + indent).join(text.split('\n')))
print_rec([c for c in root if c.get('parent') == comment.get('id')], indent + ' ')
root = get_comments(apiurl, kind, *args)
comments = [c for c in root if c.get('parent') is None]
if comments:
def create_comment(apiurl: str, kind, comment, *args, **kwargs) -> Optional[str]:
query = {}
query["parent_id"] = kwargs.get("parent", None)
u = makeurl(apiurl, ["comments", kind] + list(args), query=query)
f = http_POST(u, data=comment)
ret = ET.fromstring(f.read()).find('summary')
if ret is None:
return None
return ret.text
def delete_comment(apiurl: str, cid: str) -> Optional[str]:
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['comment', cid])
f = http_DELETE(u)
ret = ET.fromstring(f.read()).find('summary')
if ret is None:
return None
return ret.text
def get_rpmlint_log(apiurl: str, proj: str, pkg: str, repo: str, arch: str):
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', proj, repo, arch, pkg, 'rpmlint.log'])
f = http_GET(u)
return f.read()
def checkout_deleted_package(apiurl: str, proj: str, pkg: str, dst):
pl = meta_get_filelist(apiurl, proj, pkg, deleted=True)
query = {}
query['deleted'] = 1
if os.path.isdir(dst):
print(f'Restoring in existing directory {dst}')
print(f'Creating {dst}')
for filename in pl:
print(f'Restoring {filename} to {dst}')
full_file_path = os.path.join(dst, filename)
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', proj, pkg, filename], query=query)
with open(full_file_path, 'wb') as f:
for data in streamfile(u):
def vc_export_env(apiurl: str, quiet=False):
# try to set the env variables for the user's realname and email
# (the variables are used by the "vc" script or some source service)
tag2envs = {'realname': ['VC_REALNAME'],
'email': ['VC_MAILADDR', 'mailaddr']}
tag2val = {}
missing_tags = []
for (tag, envs) in tag2envs.items():
env_present = [env for env in envs if env in os.environ]
config_present = bool(conf.config['api_host_options'][apiurl].get(tag, None))
if not env_present and not config_present:
elif config_present:
tag2val[tag] = conf.config['api_host_options'][apiurl][tag]
if missing_tags:
user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
data = get_user_data(apiurl, user, *missing_tags)
if data:
for tag in missing_tags:
val = data.pop(0)
if val != '-':
tag2val[tag] = val
elif not quiet:
msg = f'Try env {tag2envs[tag][0]}=...'
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
for (tag, val) in tag2val.items():
for env in tag2envs[tag]:
if val:
os.environ[env] = val
class MultibuildFlavorResolver:
def __init__(self, apiurl: str, project: str, package: str, use_local=False):
self.apiurl = apiurl
self.project = project
self.package = package
# whether to use local _multibuild file or download it from server
self.use_local = use_local
def get_multibuild_data(self):
Retrieve contents of _multibuild file from given project/package.
Return None if the file doesn't exist.
# use local _multibuild file
if self.use_local:
with open("_multibuild") as f:
return f.read()
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
return None
# use _multibuild file from server
query = {}
query['expand'] = 1
u = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', self.project, self.package, '_multibuild'], query=query)
f = http_GET(u)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
return None
return f.read()
def parse_multibuild_data(s: str):
Return set of flavors from a string with multibuild xml.
result = set()
# handle empty string and None
if not s:
return result
root = ET.fromstring(s)
for node in root.findall("flavor"):
return result
def resolve(self, patterns: List[str]):
Return list of flavors based on given flavor `patterns`.
If `patterns` contain a glob, it's resolved according to _multibuild file,
values without globs are passed through.
# determine if we're using globs
# yes: contact server and do glob matching
# no: use the specified values directly
use_globs = False
for pattern in patterns:
if '*' in pattern:
use_globs = True
if use_globs:
multibuild_xml = self.get_multibuild_data()
all_flavors = self.parse_multibuild_data(multibuild_xml)
flavors = set()
for pattern in patterns:
# not a glob, use it as it is
if '*' not in pattern:
# match the globs with flavors from server
for flavor in all_flavors:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(flavor, pattern):
flavors = patterns
return sorted(flavors)
def resolve_as_packages(self, patterns: List[str]):
Return list of package:flavor based on given flavor `patterns`.
If a value from `patterns` contains a glob, it is resolved according to the _multibuild
file. Values without globs are passed through. If a value is empty string, package
without flavor is returned.
flavors = self.resolve(patterns)
packages = []
for flavor in flavors:
if flavor:
packages.append(self.package + ':' + flavor)
# special case: no flavor
return packages
# vim: sw=4 et