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This module implements a lightweight and limited alternative
to pydantic's BaseModel and Field classes.
It works on python 3.6+.
This module IS NOT a supported API, it is meant for osc internal use only.
import copy
import functools
import inspect
import sys
import tempfile
import types
import typing
from typing import Callable
from typing import get_type_hints
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
# supported types
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import NewType
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
def get_origin(typ):
result = getattr(typ, "__origin__", None)
bases = getattr(result, "__orig_bases__", None)
if bases:
result = bases[0]
return result
from typing import get_origin
import urllib3.response
from . import xml
__all__ = (
class NotSetClass:
def __repr__(self):
return "NotSet"
def __bool__(self):
return False
NotSet = NotSetClass()
class FromParent(NotSetClass):
def __init__(self, field_name, *, fallback=NotSet):
self.field_name = field_name
self.fallback = fallback
def __repr__(self):
return f"FromParent(field_name={self.field_name})"
class Field(property):
def __init__(
default: Any = NotSet,
description: Optional[str] = None,
exclude: bool = False,
get_callback: Optional[Callable] = None,
# the default value; it can be a factory function that is lazily evaluated on the first use
# model sets it to None if it equals to NotSet (for better usability)
self.default = default
# a flag indicating, whether the default is a callable with lazy evalution
self.default_is_lazy = callable(self.default)
# the name of model's attribute associated with this field instance - set from the model
self.name = None
# the type of this field instance - set from the model
self.type = None
# the description of the field
self.description = description
# docstring - for sphinx and help()
self.__doc__ = self.description
if self.__doc__:
# append information about the default value
if isinstance(self.default, FromParent):
self.__doc__ += f"\n\nDefault: inherited from parent config's field ``{self.default.field_name}``"
elif self.default is not NotSet:
self.__doc__ += f"\n\nDefault: ``{self.default}``"
# whether to exclude this field from export
self.exclude = exclude
# optional callback to postprocess returned field value
# it takes (model_instance, value) and returns modified value
self.get_callback = get_callback
# extra fields
self.extra = extra
# create an instance specific of self.get() so we can annotate it in the model
self.get_copy = types.FunctionType(
# turn function into a method by binding it to the instance
self.get_copy = types.MethodType(self.get_copy, self)
super().__init__(fget=self.get_copy, fset=self.set, doc=description)
def origin_type(self):
origin_type = get_origin(self.type) or self.type
if self.is_optional:
types = [i for i in self.type.__args__ if i != type(None)]
return get_origin(types[0]) or types[0]
return origin_type
def inner_type(self):
if self.is_optional:
types = [i for i in self.type.__args__ if i != type(None)]
type_ = types[0]
type_ = self.type
if get_origin(type_) != list:
return None
if not hasattr(type_, "__args__"):
return None
inner_type = [i for i in type_.__args__ if i != type(None)][0]
return inner_type
def is_optional(self):
origin_type = get_origin(self.type) or self.type
return origin_type == Union and len(self.type.__args__) == 2 and type(None) in self.type.__args__
def is_model(self):
return inspect.isclass(self.origin_type) and issubclass(self.origin_type, BaseModel)
def is_model_list(self):
return inspect.isclass(self.inner_type) and issubclass(self.inner_type, BaseModel)
def validate_type(self, value, expected_types=None):
if not expected_types and self.is_optional and value is None:
return True
if expected_types is None:
expected_types = (self.type,)
elif not isinstance(expected_types, (list, tuple)):
expected_types = (expected_types,)
valid_type = False
for expected_type in expected_types:
if valid_type:
origin_type = get_origin(expected_type) or expected_type
# unwrap Union
if origin_type == Union:
if value is None and type(None) in expected_type.__args__:
valid_type = True
valid_type |= self.validate_type(value, expected_types=expected_type.__args__)
# unwrap NewType
if (callable(NewType) or isinstance(origin_type, NewType)) and hasattr(origin_type, "__supertype__"):
valid_type |= self.validate_type(value, expected_types=(origin_type.__supertype__,))
if (
and issubclass(expected_type, BaseModel)
and isinstance(value, (expected_type, dict))
valid_type = True
if (
and issubclass(expected_type, Enum)
# test if the value is part of the enum
valid_type = True
if not isinstance(value, origin_type):
msg = f"Field '{self.name}' has type '{self.type}'. Cannot assign a value with type '{type(value).__name__}'."
raise TypeError(msg)
# the type annotation has no arguments -> no need to check those
if not getattr(expected_type, "__args__", None):
valid_type = True
if origin_type in (list, tuple):
valid_type_items = True
for i in value:
valid_type_items &= self.validate_type(i, expected_type.__args__)
valid_type |= valid_type_items
elif origin_type in (dict,):
valid_type_items = True
for k, v in value.items():
valid_type_items &= self.validate_type(k, expected_type.__args__[0])
valid_type_items &= self.validate_type(v, expected_type.__args__[1])
valid_type |= valid_type_items
raise TypeError(f"Field '{self.name}' has unsupported type '{self.type}'.")
return valid_type
def get(self, obj):
result = obj._values[self.name]
# convert dictionaries into objects
# we can't do it earlier because list is a standalone object that is not under our control
if result is not None and self.is_model_list:
for num, i in enumerate(result):
if isinstance(i, dict):
klass = self.inner_type
result[num] = klass(**i, _parent=obj)
if self.get_callback is not None:
result = self.get_callback(obj, result)
return result
except KeyError:
result = obj._defaults[self.name]
if isinstance(result, (dict, list)):
# make a deepcopy to avoid problems with mutable defaults
result = copy.deepcopy(result)
obj._values[self.name] = result
if self.get_callback is not None:
result = self.get_callback(obj, result)
return result
except KeyError:
if isinstance(self.default, FromParent):
if obj._parent is None:
if self.default.fallback is not NotSet:
return self.default.fallback
raise RuntimeError(f"The field '{self.name}' has default {self.default} but the model has no parent set")
return getattr(obj._parent, self.default.field_name or self.name)
if self.default is NotSet:
raise RuntimeError(f"The field '{self.name}' has no default")
# make a deepcopy to avoid problems with mutable defaults
default = copy.deepcopy(self.default)
# lazy evaluation of a factory function on first use
if callable(default):
default = default()
# if this is a model field, convert dict to a model instance
if self.is_model and isinstance(default, dict):
cls = self.origin_type
new_value = cls() # pylint: disable=not-callable
for k, v in default.items():
setattr(new_value, k, v)
default = new_value
obj._defaults[self.name] = default
return default
def set(self, obj, value):
# if this is a model field, convert dict to a model instance
if self.is_model and isinstance(value, dict):
# initialize a model instance from a dictionary
klass = self.origin_type
value = klass(**value, _parent=obj) # pylint: disable=not-callable
elif self.is_model_list and isinstance(value, list):
new_value = []
for i in value:
if isinstance(i, dict):
klass = self.inner_type
new_value.append(klass(**i, _parent=obj))
i._parent = obj
value = new_value
elif self.is_model and isinstance(value, str) and hasattr(self.origin_type, "XML_TAG_FIELD"):
klass = self.origin_type
key = getattr(self.origin_type, "XML_TAG_FIELD")
value = klass(**{key: value}, _parent=obj)
elif self.is_model and value is not None:
value._parent = obj
obj._values[self.name] = value
class ModelMeta(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
new_cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
new_cls.__fields__ = {}
# NOTE: dir() doesn't preserve attribute order
# we need to iterate through __mro__ classes to workaround that
for parent_cls in reversed(new_cls.__mro__):
for field_name in parent_cls.__dict__:
if field_name in new_cls.__fields__:
field = getattr(new_cls, field_name)
if not isinstance(field, Field):
new_cls.__fields__[field_name] = field
# fill model specific details back to the fields
for field_name, field in new_cls.__fields__.items():
# property name associated with the field in this model
field.name = field_name
# field type associated with the field in this model
field.type = get_type_hints(new_cls)[field_name]
# set annotation for the getter so it shows up in sphinx
field.get_copy.__func__.__annotations__ = {"return": field.type}
# set 'None' as the default for optional fields
if field.default is NotSet and field.is_optional:
field.default = None
return new_cls
class BaseModel(metaclass=ModelMeta):
__fields__: Dict[str, Field]
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if getattr(self, "_allow_new_attributes", True) or hasattr(self.__class__, name) or hasattr(self, name):
# allow setting properties - test if they exist in the class
# also allow setting existing attributes that were previously initialized via __dict__
return super().__setattr__(name, value)
raise AttributeError(f"Setting attribute '{self.__class__.__name__}.{name}' is not allowed")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._allow_new_attributes = True
self._defaults = {} # field defaults cached in field.get()
self._values = {} # field values explicitly set after initializing the model
self._parent = kwargs.pop("_parent", None)
uninitialized_fields = []
for name, field in self.__fields__.items():
if name not in kwargs:
if field.default is NotSet:
value = kwargs.pop(name)
setattr(self, name, value)
if kwargs:
unknown_fields_str = ", ".join([f"'{i}'" for i in kwargs])
raise TypeError(f"The following kwargs of '{self.__class__.__name__}.__init__()' do not match any field: {unknown_fields_str}")
if uninitialized_fields:
uninitialized_fields_str = ", ".join([f"'{i}'" for i in uninitialized_fields])
raise TypeError(
f"The following fields of '{self.__class__.__name__}' object are not initialized and have no default either: {uninitialized_fields_str}"
for name, field in self.__fields__.items():
field.validate_type(getattr(self, name))
self._snapshot = {} # copy of ``self.dict()`` so we can determine if the object has changed later on
self._allow_new_attributes = False
def _get_cmp_data(self):
result = []
for name, field in self.__fields__.items():
if field.exclude:
value = getattr(self, name)
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = sorted(list(value.items()))
result.append((name, value))
return result
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
return False
return self._get_cmp_data() == other._get_cmp_data()
def __lt__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
return False
return self._get_cmp_data() < other._get_cmp_data()
def dict(self):
result = {}
for name, field in self.__fields__.items():
if field.exclude:
value = getattr(self, name)
if value is not None and field.is_model:
result[name] = value.dict()
elif value is not None and field.is_model_list:
result[name] = [i.dict() for i in value]
result[name] = value
return result
def do_snapshot(self):
Save ``self.dict()`` result as a new starting point for detecting changes in the object data.
self._snapshot = self.dict()
def has_changed(self):
Determine if the object data has changed since its creation or the last snapshot.
return self.dict() != self._snapshot
class XmlModel(BaseModel):
XML_TAG = None
_apiurl: Optional[str] = Field(
default=FromParent("_apiurl", fallback=None),
def to_xml(self, *, with_comments: bool = False) -> ET.Element:
xml_tag = None
# check if there's a special field that sets the tag
for field_name, field in self.__fields__.items():
xml_set_tag = field.extra.get("xml_set_tag", False)
if xml_set_tag:
value = getattr(self, field_name)
xml_tag = value
# use the value from the class
if xml_tag is None:
xml_tag = self.XML_TAG
assert xml_tag is not None
root = ET.Element(xml_tag)
if with_comments:
comment = [
"The commented attributes and elements only provide hints on the XML structure.",
"See OBS documentation such as XML schema files for more details:",
comment_node = ET.Comment(text="\n".join(comment))
for field_name, field in self.__fields__.items():
if field.exclude:
xml_attribute = field.extra.get("xml_attribute", False)
xml_set_tag = field.extra.get("xml_set_tag", False)
xml_set_text = field.extra.get("xml_set_text", False)
xml_name = field.extra.get("xml_name", field_name)
xml_wrapped = field.extra.get("xml_wrapped", False)
xml_item_name = field.extra.get("xml_item_name", xml_name)
if xml_set_tag:
# a special case when the field determines the top-level tag name
if with_comments:
if xml_attribute:
comment = f'{xml_name}=""'
comment = f"<{xml_name}></{xml_name}>"
comment_node = ET.Comment(text=f" {comment} ")
value = getattr(self, field_name)
if value is None:
# skip fields that are not set
# if value is wrapped into an external element, create it
if xml_wrapped:
wrapper_node = ET.SubElement(root, xml_name)
wrapper_node = root
if xml_set_text:
wrapper_node.text = str(value)
if field.origin_type == list:
for entry in value:
if isinstance(entry, dict):
klass = field.inner_type
obj = klass(**entry)
node = obj.to_xml()
elif field.inner_type and issubclass(field.inner_type, XmlModel):
node = ET.SubElement(wrapper_node, xml_item_name)
if xml_attribute:
node.attrib[xml_attribute] = entry
node.text = entry
elif issubclass(field.origin_type, XmlModel):
elif xml_attribute:
wrapper_node.attrib[xml_name] = str(value)
node = ET.SubElement(wrapper_node, xml_name)
node.text = str(value)
return root
def from_string(cls, string: str, *, apiurl: Optional[str] = None) -> "XmlModel":
Instantiate model from string.
root = ET.fromstring(string)
return cls.from_xml(root, apiurl=apiurl)
def from_file(cls, file: Union[str, typing.IO], *, apiurl: Optional[str] = None) -> "XmlModel":
Instantiate model from file.
root = ET.parse(file).getroot()
return cls.from_xml(root, apiurl=apiurl)
def to_bytes(self, *, with_comments: bool = False) -> bytes:
Serialize the object as XML and return it as utf-8 encoded bytes.
root = self.to_xml(with_comments=with_comments)
return ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8")
def to_string(self, *, with_comments: bool = False) -> str:
Serialize the object as XML and return it as a string.
return self.to_bytes(with_comments=with_comments).decode("utf-8")
def to_file(self, file: Union[str, typing.IO], *, with_comments: bool = False) -> None:
Serialize the object as XML and save it to an utf-8 encoded file.
root = self.to_xml(with_comments=with_comments)
return ET.ElementTree(root).write(file, encoding="utf-8")
def value_from_string(field, value):
Convert field value from string to the actual type of the field.
if field.origin_type is bool:
if value.lower() in ["1", "yes", "true", "on"]:
value = True
return value
if value.lower() in ["0", "no", "false", "off"]:
value = False
return value
if field.origin_type is int:
if not value or not value.strip():
return None
value = int(value)
return value
return value
def _remove_processed_node(cls, parent, node):
Remove a node that has been fully processed and is now empty.
if len(node) != 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"Node {node} contains unprocessed child elements {list(node)}")
if node.attrib:
raise RuntimeError(f"Node {node} contains unprocessed attributes {node.attrib}")
if node.text is not None and node.text.strip():
raise RuntimeError(f"Node {node} contains unprocessed text {node.text}")
if parent is not None:
def from_xml(cls, root: ET.Element, *, apiurl: Optional[str] = None):
Instantiate model from a XML root.
# We need to make sure we parse all data
# and that's why we remove processed elements and attributes and check that nothing remains.
# Otherwise we'd be sending partial XML back and that would lead to data loss.
# Let's make a copy of the xml tree because we'll destroy it during the process.
orig_root = root
root = copy.deepcopy(root)
kwargs = {}
for field_name, field in cls.__fields__.items():
xml_attribute = field.extra.get("xml_attribute", False)
xml_set_tag = field.extra.get("xml_set_tag", False)
xml_set_text = field.extra.get("xml_set_text", False)
xml_name = field.extra.get("xml_name", field_name)
xml_wrapped = field.extra.get("xml_wrapped", False)
xml_item_name = field.extra.get("xml_item_name", xml_name)
value: Any
node: Optional[ET.Element]
if xml_set_tag:
# field contains name of the ``root`` tag
if xml_wrapped:
# the last node wins (overrides the previous nodes)
for node in root[:]:
value = node.tag
cls._remove_processed_node(root, node)
value = root.tag
kwargs[field_name] = value
if xml_set_text:
# field contains the value (text) of the element
if xml_wrapped:
# the last node wins (overrides the previous nodes)
for node in root[:]:
value = node.text
node.text = None
cls._remove_processed_node(root, node)
value = root.text
root.text = None
value = value.strip()
kwargs[field_name] = value
if xml_attribute:
# field is an attribute that contains a scalar
if xml_name not in root.attrib:
value = cls.value_from_string(field, root.attrib.pop(xml_name))
kwargs[field_name] = value
if field.origin_type is list:
if xml_wrapped:
wrapper_node = root.find(xml_name)
# we'll consider all nodes inside the wrapper node
nodes = wrapper_node[:] if wrapper_node is not None else None
wrapper_node = None
# we'll consider only nodes with matching name
nodes = root.findall(xml_item_name)
if not nodes:
if wrapper_node is not None:
cls._remove_processed_node(root, wrapper_node)
values = []
for node in nodes:
if field.is_model_list:
klass = field.inner_type
entry = klass.from_xml(node, apiurl=apiurl)
# clear node as it was checked in from_xml() already
node.text = None
node.attrib = {}
node[:] = []
entry = cls.value_from_string(field, node.text)
node.text = None
if xml_wrapped:
cls._remove_processed_node(wrapper_node, node)
cls._remove_processed_node(root, node)
if xml_wrapped:
cls._remove_processed_node(root, wrapper_node)
kwargs[field_name] = values
if field.is_model:
# field contains an instance of XmlModel
assert xml_name is not None
node = root.find(xml_name)
if node is None:
klass = field.origin_type
kwargs[field_name] = klass.from_xml(node, apiurl=apiurl)
# clear node as it was checked in from_xml() already
node.text = None
node.attrib = {}
node[:] = []
cls._remove_processed_node(root, node)
# field contains a scalar
node = root.find(xml_name)
if node is None:
value = cls.value_from_string(field, node.text)
node.text = None
cls._remove_processed_node(root, node)
if value is None:
if field.is_optional:
value = ""
kwargs[field_name] = value
cls._remove_processed_node(None, root)
obj = cls(**kwargs, _apiurl=apiurl)
obj.__dict__["_root"] = orig_root
return obj
def xml_request(
method: str,
apiurl: str,
path: List[str],
query: Optional[dict] = None,
headers: Optional[str] = None,
data: Optional[str] = None,
) -> urllib3.response.HTTPResponse:
from ..connection import http_request
from ..core import makeurl
url = makeurl(apiurl, path, query)
# TODO: catch HTTPError and return the wrapped response as XmlModel instance
return http_request(method, url, headers=headers, data=data)
def do_update(self, other: "XmlModel") -> None:
Update values of the fields in the current model instance from another.
self._values = copy.deepcopy(other._values)
def do_edit(self) -> Tuple[str, str, "XmlModel"]:
Serialize model as XML and open it in an editor for editing.
Return a tuple with:
* a string with original data
* a string with edited data
* an instance of the class with edited data loaded
IMPORTANT: This method is always interactive.
from ..core import run_editor
from ..output import get_user_input
def write_file(f, data):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", encoding="utf-8", prefix="obs_xml_", suffix=".xml") as f:
original_data = self.to_string()
original_data_with_comments = self.to_string(with_comments=True)
write_file(f, original_data_with_comments)
while True:
edited_obj = self.__class__.from_file(f.name, apiurl=self._apiurl)
edited_data = f.read()
except Exception as e:
reply = get_user_input(
The edited data is not valid.
answers={"a": "abort", "e": "edit", "u": "undo changes and edit"},
if reply == "a":
from .. import oscerr
raise oscerr.UserAbort()
elif reply == "e":
elif reply == "u":
write_file(f, original_data_with_comments)
# strip comments, we don't need to increase traffic to the server
edited_data = edited_obj.to_string()
return original_data, edited_data, edited_obj