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synced 2025-03-06 07:54:48 +01:00
to create a user if it doesn't exist yet. A new command 'usermeta' replaces 'id' respectively 'userid'. - add preliminary support for doing uploads with a subsequent "commit" request (not switched on now, since I want to do more testing on this, and there is no way to pass on a commit message yet anyway.) - add runtime check for build.rpm version, so the rpm package dependencies is no longer required - fix typo introduced last time in the editmeta, deletepac, deleteprj commands - rewrite the PUT and DELETE request methods to - transparently handle HTTPS - handle path parameters (for commits) - send user agent - rename get_user_id() function to get_user_meta() - change copyright notice from Peter Poeml to Peter Poeml / Novell Inc. - fix testsuite - add CREDITS file
126 lines
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126 lines
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- split functionality that needs prj/pac as commandline arguments into a seperate tool (oscremote? osc -r?)
- implement 'info' command
- implement 'mv' command
- editmeta: the API will return a 500 if the xml is broken... the document
could be presented for editing again in that case
- updatepacmetafromspec -- is that useful?
In which form would this be integrated best?
- handle error if PUT fails, so the change is not committed to
implement a package search / indexing
> BTW: Can I upload a src.rpm instead of a tarball also?
no, because not all tools will be able to handle a src.rpm. And you will not
be able to build non rpm packages from it.
But someone could patch the commandline tool osc to import a src.rpm by
extracting it (hint hint ;)
<darix> ich hab nen vorschlag fuer osc
<darix> sagen wir ich leg ein server:mail/foo123 an
<darix> dann waere es cool sowas zu koennen wie
<darix> osc importfromspec server:mail foo123
This can actually be done by
osc createpac server:mail foo123
followed by
cd foo123; osc init server:mail foo123
% osc rm subversion.de.po.bz2 subversion.nb.po.bz2
D subversion.de.po.bz2
D subversion.nb.po.bz2
poeml@aust ~/pac/opensuse/Subversion/subversion
% osc ci subversion.de.po.bz2 subversion.nb.po.bz2
Sending subversion.changes
Deleting subversion.de.po.bz2
Deleting subversion.nb.po.bz2
Sending subversion.viewcvs.conf
Transmitting file data ..
15:47 < kesselborn> DuDE: beim osc local build: müssen die config vars gesetzt sein, wenn man env vars gesetzt hat?
15:48 < DuDE> kesselborn: hm, weiss ich gerade gar nicht
15:48 < kesselborn> ja, scheint so
15:48 < kesselborn> ok
15:48 < kesselborn> aber er nimmt dann die env vas
15:48 < kesselborn> vars
15:50 < DuDE> kesselborn: hm, das sollte ich aendern
osc repos server:search:ui :
<repository name="SUSE_Linux_10.1">
<path project="server:search" repository="SUSE_Linux_10.1" />
<path project="KDE:KDE4" repository="SUSE_Linux_10.1" />
<repository name="SUSE_Factory">
<path project="server:search" repository="SUSE_Factory" />
<path project="KDE:KDE4" repository="SUSE_Factory" />
# shorter forms of the packstatus... useful for anything?
results seems very slow, it presumably does more network accesses than necessary
it shouldn't take more time than prjresults
# osc build SUSE_Factory i586 xorg-x11-libX11.spec
> ['/usr/bin/osc', 'build', 'i38', 'i386', 'SUSE_Factory', 'i586', 'xorg-x11-libX11.spec']
> Error: specfile 'SUSE_Factory' does not exist.
BUILD_DIST must *not* be set! Could you add this information to the
'osc help build' text?
15:06 <darix> kurz zeit ueber 1-2 osc feature request zu reden die ich grade bekommen habe?
15:06 <DuDE_> ja
15:06 <darix> ok
15:06 <darix> das 1. ist
15:06 <darix> osc listpackages [<project>]
15:06 <DuDE_> als Alias?
15:07 <darix> osc listpackages [<project>] [<package>]
15:07 <darix> es soll die gebauten sachen listen
15:07 <DuDE_> ach so, rpms
15:07 <darix> quasi alle rpms/debs die da sind
15:07 <darix> und dann
15:07 <DuDE_> mit Pfad/URL?
15:07 <DuDE_> also praktisch den Link auf software.opesuse.org?
15:07 <darix> osc getpackage [<project>] [<package>] [<rpm>]+
15:07 <darix> nein
15:07 <darix> im zweifel ueber API saugen
15:08 <DuDE_> hm, waere noetig, falls ein Projekt noch nicht durchgebaut hat
15:08 <darix> jau
15:08 <darix> richi wuerde sich wirklich drueber freuen
15:08 <darix> ich weiss dass es ueber die api vom backend geht
15:09 <darix> ich weiss nur nicht ob api alles durchreicht
15:09 <darix> und leider hab ich schon ein paar sachen im api code gefunden
15:09 <darix> der falsch mit dem backend spricht :/
15:09 <DuDE_> ja, macht osc build auch so, eigentlich, allerdings weiss es dann die noetigen Datein aus dem buildinfo (version, release)
15:09 <darix> man kann auf dem backend alle rpms listen lassen