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Michal Vyskocil 87d354e1a0 python3 compatibility: import proper modules
Some modules (httplib, StringIO, ...) were renamed in python3. This
patch try to import the proper symbols from python3 and then fallback to
python2 in a case ImportError will appear.

There is one exception, python 2.7 got the io module with StringIO, but
it allow unicode arguments only. Therefor the old module is poked before
new one.
2013-04-16 10:51:18 +02:00

213 lines
7.3 KiB

# Copyright 2009 Marcus Huewe <suse-tux@gmx.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
# as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
import os
import re
import sys
import stat
#XXX: python 2.7 contains io.StringIO, which needs unicode instead of str
#therefor try to import old stuff before new one here
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
# workaround for python24
if not hasattr(os, 'SEEK_SET'):
os.SEEK_SET = 0
class ArError(Exception):
"""Base class for all ar related errors"""
def __init__(self, fn, msg):
self.file = fn
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return 'ar error: %s' % self.msg
class ArHdr:
"""Represents an ar header entry"""
def __init__(self, fn, date, uid, gid, mode, size, fmag, off):
self.file = fn.strip()
self.date = date.strip()
self.uid = uid.strip()
self.gid = gid.strip()
self.mode = stat.S_IMODE(int(mode, 8))
self.size = int(size)
self.fmag = fmag
# data section starts at off and ends at off + size
self.dataoff = int(off)
def __str__(self):
return '%16s %d' % (self.file, self.size)
class ArFile(StringIO):
"""Represents a file which resides in the archive"""
def __init__(self, fn, uid, gid, mode, buf):
StringIO.__init__(self, buf)
self.name = fn
self.uid = uid
self.gid = gid
self.mode = mode
def saveTo(self, dir = None):
writes file to dir/filename if dir isn't specified the current
working dir is used. Additionally it tries to set the owner/group
and permissions.
if not dir:
dir = os.getcwd()
fn = os.path.join(dir, self.name)
f = open(fn, 'wb')
os.chmod(fn, self.mode)
uid = self.uid
if uid != os.geteuid() or os.geteuid() != 0:
uid = -1
gid = self.gid
if not gid in os.getgroups() or os.getegid() != 0:
gid = -1
os.chown(fn, uid, gid)
def __str__(self):
return '%s %s %s %s' % (self.name, self.uid,
self.gid, self.mode)
class Ar:
Represents an ar archive (only GNU format is supported).
Readonly access.
hdr_len = 60
hdr_pat = re.compile('^(.{16})(.{12})(.{6})(.{6})(.{8})(.{10})(.{2})', re.DOTALL)
def __init__(self, fn = None, fh = None):
if fn == None and fh == None:
raise ArError('either \'fn\' or \'fh\' must be != None')
if fh != None:
self.__file = fh
self.__closefile = False
self.filename = fh.name
# file object: will be closed in __del__()
self.__file = None
self.__closefile = True
self.filename = fn
def __del__(self):
if self.__file and self.__closefile:
def _init_datastructs(self):
self.hdrs = []
self.ext_fnhdr = None
def _appendHdr(self, hdr):
# GNU uses an internal '//' file to store very long filenames
if hdr.file.startswith('//'):
self.ext_fnhdr = hdr
def _fixupFilenames(self):
support the GNU approach for very long filenames:
every filename which exceeds 16 bytes is stored in the data section of a special file ('//')
and the filename in the header of this long file specifies the offset in the special file's
data section. The end of such a filename is indicated with a trailing '/'.
Another special file is the '/' which contains the symbol lookup table.
for h in self.hdrs:
if h.file == '/':
# remove slashes which are appended by ar
h.file = h.file.rstrip('/')
if not h.file.startswith('/'):
# handle long filename
off = int(h.file[1:len(h.file)])
start = self.ext_fnhdr.dataoff + off
self.__file.seek(start, os.SEEK_SET)
# XXX: is it safe to read all the data in one chunk? I assume the '//' data section
# won't be too large
data = self.__file.read(self.ext_fnhdr.size)
end = data.find('/')
if end != -1:
h.file = data[0:end]
raise ArError('//', 'invalid data section - trailing slash (off: %d)' % start)
def _get_file(self, hdr):
self.__file.seek(hdr.dataoff, os.SEEK_SET)
return ArFile(hdr.file, hdr.uid, hdr.gid, hdr.mode,
def read(self):
"""reads in the archive. It tries to use mmap due to performance reasons (in case of large files)"""
if not self.__file:
import mmap
self.__file = open(self.filename, 'rb')
if sys.platform[:3] != 'win':
self.__file = mmap.mmap(self.__file.fileno(), os.path.getsize(self.__file.name), prot=mmap.PROT_READ)
self.__file = mmap.mmap(self.__file.fileno(), os.path.getsize(self.__file.name))
except EnvironmentError as e:
if e.errno == 19 or ( hasattr(e, 'winerror') and e.winerror == 5 ):
print >>sys.stderr, 'cannot use mmap to read the file, falling back to the default io'
raise e
self.__file.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
data = self.__file.read(7)
if data != '!<arch>':
raise ArError(self.filename, 'no ar archive')
pos = 8
while (len(data) != 0):
self.__file.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
data = self.__file.read(self.hdr_len)
if not data:
pos += self.hdr_len
m = self.hdr_pat.search(data)
if not m:
raise ArError(self.filename, 'unexpected hdr entry')
args = m.groups() + (pos, )
hdr = ArHdr(*args)
# data blocks are 2 bytes aligned - if they end on an odd
# offset ARFMAG[0] will be used for padding (according to the current binutils code)
pos += hdr.size + (hdr.size & 1)
def get_file(self, fn):
for h in self.hdrs:
if h.file == fn:
return self._get_file(h)
return None
def __iter__(self):
for h in self.hdrs:
if h.file == '/':
yield self._get_file(h)
raise StopIteration()