mirror of https://github.com/openSUSE/osc.git synced 2025-02-22 10:12:12 +01:00

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Feature: `git-obs ssh-key` command for managing public ssh key stored in a Gitea instance
# when adding a ssh key that is already added to *any* user account, the following error pops up:
# ERROR: 422 Unprocessable Entity: b'{"message":"Key content has been used as non-deploy key","url":"http://localhost:3000/api/swagger"}\n'
When I execute git-obs with args "ssh-key list"
Then stdout is
ID : 1
Title : admin@gitea-test
Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGo3vU8SQ9x0sdQb6gwqkCacMCB1y5LhXeETJFZpV/6J admin@gitea-test
Scenario: Add a public ssh key entry
# to be able to use the key, we need to remove it from Bob's account first
Given I execute git-obs with args "-G bob ssh-key remove 3"
When I execute git-obs with args "ssh-key add --key='ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIHdQ9fuh2BKeYxMqIPdIUjtToMXtBTlFegsDAPPTM8o bob@gitea-test'"
Then the exit code is 0
And stderr is
Using the following Gitea settings:
* Config path: {context.git_obs.config}
* Login (name of the entry in the config file): admin
* URL: http://localhost:{context.podman.container.ports[gitea_http]}
* User: Admin
And stdout is
Added entry:
ID : 4
Title : bob@gitea-test
Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIHdQ9fuh2BKeYxMqIPdIUjtToMXtBTlFegsDAPPTM8o bob@gitea-test
When I execute git-obs with args "ssh-key list"
Then stdout is
ID : 1
Title : admin@gitea-test
Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGo3vU8SQ9x0sdQb6gwqkCacMCB1y5LhXeETJFZpV/6J admin@gitea-test
ID : 4
Title : bob@gitea-test
Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIHdQ9fuh2BKeYxMqIPdIUjtToMXtBTlFegsDAPPTM8o bob@gitea-test
Scenario: Add a public ssh key entry from a .pub file
# to be able to use the key, we need to remove it from Bob's account first
Given I execute git-obs with args "-G bob ssh-key remove 3"
When I execute git-obs with args "ssh-key add --key-path='{context.fixtures}/ssh-keys/bob.pub'"
Then the exit code is 0
And stderr is
Using the following Gitea settings:
* Config path: {context.git_obs.config}
* Login (name of the entry in the config file): admin
* URL: http://localhost:{context.podman.container.ports[gitea_http]}
* User: Admin
And stdout is
Added entry:
ID : 4
Title : bob@gitea-test
Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIHdQ9fuh2BKeYxMqIPdIUjtToMXtBTlFegsDAPPTM8o bob@gitea-test
When I execute git-obs with args "ssh-key list"
Then stdout is
ID : 1
Title : admin@gitea-test
Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGo3vU8SQ9x0sdQb6gwqkCacMCB1y5LhXeETJFZpV/6J admin@gitea-test
ID : 4
Title : bob@gitea-test
Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIHdQ9fuh2BKeYxMqIPdIUjtToMXtBTlFegsDAPPTM8o bob@gitea-test
Scenario: Try to add an invalid public ssh key
When I execute git-obs with args "ssh-key add --key='ssh-rsa'"
Then the exit code is 1
And stderr is
Using the following Gitea settings:
* Config path: {context.git_obs.config}
* Login (name of the entry in the config file): admin
* URL: http://localhost:{context.podman.container.ports[gitea_http]}
* User: Admin
ERROR: Invalid public ssh key
Scenario: Try to add an invalid public ssh key
# key = $(echo -n secret | base64)
When I execute git-obs with args "ssh-key add --key='ssh-rsa c2VjcmV0 admin@example.com'"
Then the exit code is 1
And stderr matches
Using the following Gitea settings:
\* Config path: {context.git_obs.config}
\* Login \(name of the entry in the config file\): admin
\* URL: http://localhost:{context.podman.container.ports[gitea_http]}
\* User: Admin
ERROR: 422 Unprocessable Entity:.*Invalid key content: extractTypeFromBase64Key.*
Scenario: Remove a public ssh key entry by its id
When I execute git-obs with args "ssh-key remove 1"
Then stdout is
Removed entry:
ID : 1
Title : admin@gitea-test
Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGo3vU8SQ9x0sdQb6gwqkCacMCB1y5LhXeETJFZpV/6J admin@gitea-test
When I execute git-obs with args "ssh-key list"
Then stdout is