mirror of https://github.com/openSUSE/osc.git synced 2025-03-10 18:03:37 +01:00
lethliel 39ae30bcc2 change to open() with 'rb' to get bytes in python3
With this change you get bytes with python3 and string in python2

disable travis tests for python 3.x until the full python3 branch
is merged. Otherwise the tests will fail and master isn't python3
ready anyways
2018-11-13 15:56:05 +01:00

213 lines
7.6 KiB

import unittest
import osc.core
import shutil
import tempfile
import os
import sys
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
if sys.version_info[0:2] in ((2, 6), (2, 7)):
bytes = lambda x, *args: x
#python 2.x
from cStringIO import StringIO
from urllib2 import HTTPHandler, addinfourl, build_opener
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
from urllib.request import HTTPHandler, addinfourl, build_opener
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
from io import BytesIO
def urlcompare(url, *args):
"""compare all components of url except query string - it is converted to
dict, therefor different ordering does not makes url's different, as well
as quoting of a query string"""
components = urlparse(url)
query_args = parse_qs(components.query)
components = components._replace(query=None)
if not args:
return False
for url in args:
components2 = urlparse(url)
query_args2 = parse_qs(components2.query)
components2 = components2._replace(query=None)
if components != components2 or \
query_args != query_args2:
return False
return True
class RequestWrongOrder(Exception):
"""raised if an unexpected request is issued to urllib2"""
def __init__(self, url, exp_url, method, exp_method):
self.url = url
self.exp_url = exp_url
self.method = method
self.exp_method = exp_method
def __str__(self):
return '%s, %s, %s, %s' % (self.url, self.exp_url, self.method, self.exp_method)
class RequestDataMismatch(Exception):
"""raised if POSTed or PUTed data doesn't match with the expected data"""
def __init__(self, url, got, exp):
self.url = url
self.got = got
self.exp = exp
def __str__(self):
return '%s, %s, %s' % (self.url, self.got, self.exp)
class MyHTTPHandler(HTTPHandler):
def __init__(self, exp_requests, fixtures_dir):
self.__exp_requests = exp_requests
self.__fixtures_dir = fixtures_dir
def http_open(self, req):
r = self.__exp_requests.pop(0)
if not urlcompare(req.get_full_url(), r[1]) or req.get_method() != r[0]:
raise RequestWrongOrder(req.get_full_url(), r[1], req.get_method(), r[0])
if req.get_method() in ('GET', 'DELETE'):
return self.__mock_GET(r[1], **r[2])
elif req.get_method() in ('PUT', 'POST'):
return self.__mock_PUT(req, **r[2])
def __mock_GET(self, fullurl, **kwargs):
return self.__get_response(fullurl, **kwargs)
def __mock_PUT(self, req, **kwargs):
exp = kwargs.get('exp', None)
if exp is not None and 'expfile' in kwargs:
raise RuntimeError('either specify exp or expfile')
elif 'expfile' in kwargs:
exp = open(os.path.join(self.__fixtures_dir, kwargs['expfile']), 'r').read()
elif exp is None:
raise RuntimeError('exp or expfile required')
if exp is not None:
# use req.data instead of req.get_data() for python3 compatiblity
data = req.data
if hasattr(data, 'read'):
data = data.read()
if data != bytes(exp, "utf-8"):
raise RequestDataMismatch(req.get_full_url(), repr(data), repr(exp))
return self.__get_response(req.get_full_url(), **kwargs)
def __get_response(self, url, **kwargs):
f = None
if 'exception' in kwargs:
raise kwargs['exception']
if 'text' not in kwargs and 'file' in kwargs:
f = BytesIO(open(os.path.join(self.__fixtures_dir, kwargs['file']), 'rb').read())
elif 'text' in kwargs and 'file' not in kwargs:
f = BytesIO(bytes(kwargs['text'], 'utf-8'))
raise RuntimeError('either specify text or file')
resp = addinfourl(f, {}, url)
resp.code = kwargs.get('code', 200)
resp.msg = ''
return resp
def urldecorator(method, fullurl, **kwargs):
def decorate(test_method):
def wrapped_test_method(*args):
addExpectedRequest(method, fullurl, **kwargs)
# "rename" method otherwise we cannot specify a TestCaseClass.testName
# cmdline arg when using unittest.main()
wrapped_test_method.__name__ = test_method.__name__
return wrapped_test_method
return decorate
def GET(fullurl, **kwargs):
return urldecorator('GET', fullurl, **kwargs)
def PUT(fullurl, **kwargs):
return urldecorator('PUT', fullurl, **kwargs)
def POST(fullurl, **kwargs):
return urldecorator('POST', fullurl, **kwargs)
def DELETE(fullurl, **kwargs):
return urldecorator('DELETE', fullurl, **kwargs)
def addExpectedRequest(method, url, **kwargs):
EXPECTED_REQUESTS.append((method, url, kwargs))
class OscTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self, copytree=True):
oscrc = os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'oscrc')
override_no_keyring=True, override_no_gnome_keyring=True)
os.environ['OSC_CONFIG'] = oscrc
self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='osc_test')
if copytree:
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'osctest'), os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'osctest'))
osc.core.conf._build_opener = lambda u: build_opener(MyHTTPHandler(EXPECTED_REQUESTS, self._get_fixtures_dir()))
self.stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = StringIO()
def tearDown(self):
self.assertTrue(len(EXPECTED_REQUESTS) == 0)
sys.stdout = self.stdout
def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
raise NotImplementedError('subclasses should implement this method')
def _change_to_pkg(self, name):
os.chdir(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'osctest', name))
def _check_list(self, fname, exp):
fname = os.path.join('.osc', fname)
self.assertEqual(open(fname, 'r').read(), exp)
def _check_addlist(self, exp):
self._check_list('_to_be_added', exp)
def _check_deletelist(self, exp):
self._check_list('_to_be_deleted', exp)
def _check_conflictlist(self, exp):
self._check_list('_in_conflict', exp)
def _check_status(self, p, fname, exp):
self.assertEqual(p.status(fname), exp)
def _check_digests(self, fname, *skipfiles):
fname = os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), fname)
self.assertEqual(open(os.path.join('.osc', '_files'), 'r').read(), open(fname, 'r').read())
root = ET.parse(fname).getroot()
for i in root.findall('entry'):
if i.get('name') in skipfiles:
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', i.get('name'))))
self.assertEqual(osc.core.dgst(os.path.join('.osc', i.get('name'))), i.get('md5'))
def assertEqualMultiline(self, got, exp):
if (got + exp).find('\n') == -1:
self.assertEqual(got, exp)
start_delim = "\n" + (" 8< ".join(["-----"] * 8)) + "\n"
end_delim = "\n" + (" >8 ".join(["-----"] * 8)) + "\n\n"
self.assertEqual(got, exp,
"got:" + start_delim + got + end_delim +
"expected:" + start_delim + exp + end_delim)