mirror of https://github.com/openSUSE/osc.git synced 2025-03-28 18:10:03 +01:00

344 lines
11 KiB

import os
import re
import unittest
import osc.core
import osc.oscerr
from osc.util.helper import decode_list
from .common import GET, OscTestCase
FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'difffile_fixtures')
def suite():
return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestDiffFiles)
class TestDiffFiles(OscTestCase):
diff_hdr = 'Index: %s\n==================================================================='
def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
def testDiffUnmodified(self):
"""diff an unmodified file"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['merge']
self.__check_diff(p, '', None)
def testDiffAdded(self):
"""diff an added file"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['toadd1']
exp = """%s
--- toadd1\t(revision 0)
+++ toadd1\t(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'toadd1')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
def testDiffRemoved(self):
"""diff a removed file"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['somefile']
exp = """%s
--- somefile\t(revision 2)
+++ somefile\t(working copy)
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-some content
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'somefile')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
def testDiffMissing(self):
"""diff a missing file (missing files are ignored)"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['missing']
self.__check_diff(p, '', None)
def testDiffReplaced(self):
"""diff a replaced file"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['replaced']
exp = """%s
--- replaced\t(revision 2)
+++ replaced\t(working copy)
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-yet another file
+foo replaced
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'replaced')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
def testDiffSkipped(self):
"""diff a skipped file (skipped files are ignored)"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['skipped']
self.__check_diff(p, '', None)
def testDiffConflict(self):
"""diff a file which is in the conflict state"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['foo']
exp = """%s
--- foo\t(revision 2)
+++ foo\t(working copy)
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<<<<<<< foo.mine
+This is no test.
This is a simple test.
+>>>>>>> foo.r2
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'foo')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
def testDiffModified(self):
"""diff a modified file"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['nochange']
exp = """%s
--- nochange\t(revision 2)
+++ nochange\t(working copy)
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
-This file didn't change.
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'nochange')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
def testDiffUnversioned(self):
"""diff an unversioned file"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['toadd2']
self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, self.__check_diff, p, '', None)
def testDiffAddedMissing(self):
"""diff a file which has satus 'A' but the local file does not exist"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['addedmissing']
self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, self.__check_diff, p, '', None)
def testDiffMultipleFiles(self):
"""diff multiple files"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['nochange', 'somefile']
exp = """%s
--- nochange\t(revision 2)
+++ nochange\t(working copy)
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
-This file didn't change.
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- somefile\t(revision 2)
+++ somefile\t(working copy)
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-some content
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'nochange', TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'somefile')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
def testDiffReplacedEmptyTodo(self):
"""diff a complete package"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
exp = """%s
--- replaced\t(revision 2)
+++ replaced\t(working copy)
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-yet another file
+foo replaced
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'replaced')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
def testDiffBinaryAdded(self):
"""diff an added binary file"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['binary_added']
exp = """%s
Binary file 'binary_added' added.
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'binary_added')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
def testDiffBinaryDeleted(self):
"""diff a deleted binary file"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['binary_deleted']
exp = """%s
Binary file 'binary_deleted' deleted.
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'binary_deleted')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
def testDiffBinaryModified(self):
"""diff a modified binary file"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
p.todo = ['binary']
exp = """%s
Binary file 'binary' has changed.
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'binary')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
# diff with revision
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple_noadd?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteNoChange_files')
def testDiffRemoteNoChange(self):
"""diff against remote revision where no file changed"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
self.__check_diff(p, '', 3)
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteModified_files')
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple/merge?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteModified_merge')
def testDiffRemoteModified(self):
"""diff against a remote revision with one modified file"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
exp = """%s
--- merge\t(revision 3)
+++ merge\t(working copy)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Is it
possible to
merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- toadd1\t(revision 0)
+++ toadd1\t(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'merge', TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'toadd1')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, 3)
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteDeletedLocalAdded_files')
def testDiffRemoteNotExistingLocalAdded(self):
a file which doesn't exist in a remote revision and
has status A in the wc
p = osc.core.Package('.')
exp = """%s
--- toadd1\t(revision 0)
+++ toadd1\t(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'toadd1')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, 3)
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple_noadd?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteExistingLocalNotExisting_files')
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple_noadd/foobar?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteExistingLocalNotExisting_foobar')
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple_noadd/binary?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteExistingLocalNotExisting_binary')
def testDiffRemoteExistingLocalNotExisting(self):
a file doesn't exist in the local wc but exists
in the remote revision
p = osc.core.Package('.')
exp = """%s
--- foobar\t(revision 3)
+++ foobar\t(working copy)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Binary file 'binary' deleted.
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'foobar', TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'binary')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, 3)
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_localmodified?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteUnchangedLocalModified_files')
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_localmodified/nochange?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteUnchangedLocalModified_nochange')
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_localmodified/binary?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteUnchangedLocalModified_binary')
def testDiffRemoteUnchangedLocalModified(self):
"""remote revision didn't change, local file is modified"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
exp = """%s
--- nochange\t(revision 3)
+++ nochange\t(working copy)
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
This file didn't change.
+oh it does
Binary file 'binary' has changed.
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'nochange', TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'binary')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, 3)
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple_noadd?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteMissingLocalExisting_files')
def testDiffRemoteMissingLocalExisting(self):
remote revision misses a file which exists in the local wc (state ' ')"""
p = osc.core.Package('.')
exp = """%s
--- foo\t(revision 0)
+++ foo\t(working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+This is a simple test.
""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'foo')
self.__check_diff(p, exp, 3)
@GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_localdelete?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteMissingLocalDeleted_files')
def testDiffRemoteMissingLocalDeleted(self):
remote revision misses a file which is marked for
deletion in the local wc
# empty diff is expected (svn does the same)
p = osc.core.Package('.')
self.__check_diff(p, '', 3)
def __check_diff(self, p, exp, revision=None):
got = ''
for i in p.get_diff(revision):
got += ''.join(decode_list(i))
# When a hunk header refers to a single line in the "from"
# file and/or the "to" file, e.g.
# @@ -37,37 +41,43 @@
# @@ -37,39 +41,41 @@
# @@ -37,37 +41,41 @@
# some systems will avoid repeating the line number:
# @@ -37 +41,43 @@
# @@ -37,39 +41 @@
# @@ -37 +41 @@
# so we need to canonise the output to avoid false negative
# test failures.
# TODO: Package.get_diff should return a consistent format
# (regardless of the used python version)
def __canonise_diff(diff):
# we cannot use re.M because python 2.6's re.sub does
# not support a flags argument
diff = [re.sub(r'^@@ -(\d+) ', '@@ -\\1,\\1 ', line)
for line in diff.split('\n')]
diff = [re.sub(r'^(@@ -\d+,\d+) \+(\d+) ', '\\1 +\\2,\\2 ', line)
for line in diff]
return '\n'.join(diff)
got = __canonise_diff(got)
exp = __canonise_diff(exp)
self.assertEqualMultiline(got, exp)
if __name__ == '__main__':