drop self-install image with GNOME for now
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
# FILE : config.sh
# PROJECT : openSUSE KIWI Image System
# COPYRIGHT : (c) 2006,2007,2008,2017 SUSE Linux GmbH. All rights reserved
# :
# AUTHOR : Marcus Schaefer <ms@suse.de>, Stephan Kulow <coolo@suse.de>, Fabian Vogt <fvogt@suse.com>
# :
# Functions...
test -f /.kconfig && . /.kconfig
test -f /.profile && . /.profile
set -euxo pipefail
#pl=$(rpmqpack | grep release-livecd-)
# Get the flavor from the installed (openSUSE|Leap)-release-livecd- RPM
# as <censored> kiwi does not make the flavor accessible
#desktop=$(echo "$pl" | awk -F- '{ print $4 }' | tr A-Z a-z)
desktop="gnome" # hardcode it as we don't have (release-livecd* package
# Not needed, but required by suse-module-tools (bsc#1116665)
rpm -q binutils && rpm -e --nodeps binutils
# Not needed, but required by dracut-kiwi-live -> cdrkit-cdrtools-compat
rpm -q wodim && rpm -e --nodeps wodim
# Actually a hack: xrdb requires this, but on livecds it's not used
rpm -qa | grep "^cpp" | xargs -r rpm -e --nodeps
rpm -qa | grep "^libisl" | xargs -r rpm -e
# GTK 3 hard-requires this for some reason. The only GTK3 application is Firefox,
# which has its own icons and we have breeze for the rest.
[ "$desktop" = "kde" ] && rpm -e --nodeps adwaita-icon-theme
# Workaround until dropped from xfce4-branding-openSUSE
[ "$desktop" = "x11" -o "$desktop" = "xfce" ] && rpm -e --nodeps noto-coloremoji-fonts
# enable and disable services
for i in langset NetworkManager firewalld; do
systemctl -f enable $i
for i in sshd cron wicked purge-kernels; do
systemctl -f disable $i
echo '# multipath needs to be excluded from dracut as it breaks os-prober' > /etc/dracut.conf.d/no-multipath.conf
echo 'omit_dracutmodules+=" multipath "' >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/no-multipath.conf
# Stronger compression for the initrd
echo 'compress="xz -4 --check=crc32 --memlimit-compress=50%"' >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/less-storage.conf
if [ "$desktop" = "x11" ] || [ "$desktop" = "xfce" ]; then
# Forcibly exclude networking support
sed -i 's/echo network rootfs-block/echo rootfs-block/' /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/90kiwi-live/module-setup.sh
echo 'omit_dracutmodules+=" network "' >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/no-network.conf
# This only needs to be able to boot the live cd
echo 'omit_dracutmodules+=" bcache crypt lvm mdraid lunmask "' >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/less-storage.conf
# Unnecessary modules in the initrd
echo 'omit_drivers+=" cifs ocfs2 "' >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/less-storage.conf
# Work around https://github.com/OSInside/kiwi/issues/1751
sed -i '/omit_dracutmodules=/d' /usr/bin/dracut
if [ "$desktop" = "x11" ]; then
# Only used for X11 acceleration on vmwgfx, saves ~47MiB
rpm -e --nodeps Mesa-gallium
# Surely that specific font isn't necessary
rpm -e --nodeps google-poppins-fonts
# Generated on boot if missing
rm /etc/udev/hwdb.bin
cd /
# Import keys for installation
touch /installkey.gpg
gpg --batch --homedir /root/.gnupg --no-default-keyring --ignore-time-conflict --ignore-valid-from --keyring /installkey.gpg --import /usr/lib/rpm/gnupg/keys/*
mkdir -p /pubkeys
for i in /usr/lib/rpm/gnupg/keys/*.asc ; do
rpm --import $i || true
ln -s "$i" "/pubkeys/${i##*/}.key"
# Craft license.tar.gz used by YaST
[ -d "${EULA_DIR}" ] || EULA_DIR=/usr/share/licenses/product/base
(cd "${EULA_DIR}"; tar -cvzf /license.tar.gz *)
# Remove some large locales to save space
rm -rf /usr/{lib,share}/locale/{ca,cs,da,ja,fi,hu,id,ko,nl,pl,tr,ru,sk,sr,sv,uk,vi,cmn_TW,zh}*
rm -rf /usr/share/qt5/translations/*_{ca,cs,da,ja,fi,hu,id,ko,nl,pl,tr,ru,sk,sr,sv,uk,vi,cmn_TW,zh}*
zypper --non-interactive rm yast2-trans-{uk,sv,ru,ja,da,cs,sr,vi} || :
# Some packages really exaggerate here
rm -rf /usr/share/doc/packages/*
# Save more than 200 MiB by removing this, not very useful for lives
rm -rf /lib/firmware/{liquidio,netronome,qed,mrvl,mellanox,qcom,cypress,dpaa2,bnx2x,cxgb4}
# The gems are unpackaged already, no need to store them twice
rm -rf /usr/lib*/ruby/gems/*/cache/
# Not needed, boo#1166406
rm -f /boot/vmlinux*.[gx]z
rm -f /lib/modules/*/vmlinux*.[gx]z
# Decompress kernel modules, better for squashfs (boo#1192457)
find /lib/modules/*/kernel -name '*.ko.xz' -exec xz -d {} +
find /lib/modules/*/kernel -name '*.ko.zst' -exec zstd --rm -d {} +
depmod $(basename /lib/modules/*)
# Install README.BETA where expected by YaST
cp /usr/lib/skelcd/CD1/README.BETA / || :
zypper --non-interactive rm -u skelcd-openSUSE || :
# Remove the zypper locks needed for a slimmer system
zypper rl $(seq 1 $(zypper ll | wc -l))
# Create fstab if it doesn't exist (Work around boo#1185815)
chkstat --system --set
ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/graphical.target /etc/systemd/system/default.target
baseUpdateSysConfig /etc/sysconfig/keyboard YAST_KEYBOARD "english-us,pc104"
baseUpdateSysConfig /etc/sysconfig/keyboard COMPOSETABLE "clear latin1.add"
baseUpdateSysConfig /etc/sysconfig/language RC_LANG ""
baseUpdateSysConfig /etc/sysconfig/console CONSOLE_FONT "eurlatgr.psfu"
baseUpdateSysConfig /etc/sysconfig/console CONSOLE_SCREENMAP trivial
baseUpdateSysConfig /etc/sysconfig/console CONSOLE_MAGIC "(K"
baseUpdateSysConfig /etc/sysconfig/console CONSOLE_ENCODING "UTF-8"
[ "$desktop" = "gnome" ] && displaymanager=gdm
[ "$desktop" = "kde" ] && displaymanager=sddm
[ "$desktop" = "xfce" ] && displaymanager=lightdm
[ "$desktop" = "x11" ] && displaymanager=lightdm
baseUpdateSysConfig /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager DISPLAYMANAGER $displaymanager
# boo#1039756
[ "$desktop" = "gnome" ] && baseUpdateSysConfig /etc/sysconfig/windowmanager DEFAULT_WM gnome
# Disable journal write to disk in live mode, bug 950999
echo "Storage=volatile" >> /etc/systemd/journald.conf
# Remove generated files (boo#1098535)
rm -rf /var/cache/zypp/* /var/lib/zypp/AnonymousUniqueId /var/lib/systemd/random-seed
cat >/etc/systemd/system/fixupbootloader.service <<EOF
# boo#1155545 - LOADER_TYPE has to be nil for the upgrade to work properly.
# Kiwi does not allow changing the file directly, so do it in this ugly way.
Description=Remove LOADER_TYPE from /etc/sysconfig/bootloader
ExecStart=/usr/bin/gawk -i inplace '!/^LOADER_TYPE=/' /etc/sysconfig/bootloader
systemctl -f enable fixupbootloader.service
# Configure SelfInstall specifics
if [[ "$kiwi_profiles" == *"SelfInstall"* ]]; then
cat > /etc/systemd/system/selfinstallreboot.service <<-EOF
Description=SelfInstall Image Reboot after Firstboot (to ensure ignition and such runs)
ExecStart=rm /etc/systemd/system/selfinstallreboot.service
ExecStart=rm /etc/systemd/system/default.target.wants/selfinstallreboot.service
ExecStart=systemctl --no-block reboot
ln -s /etc/systemd/system/selfinstallreboot.service /etc/systemd/system/default.target.wants/selfinstallreboot.service
# gnome-initial-setup
if [[ "$kiwi_profiles" == *"SelfInstall"* ]]; then
cat > /etc/gdm/custom.conf <<-EOF
# Allow newly created user to use sudo
cat > /etc/sudoers <<-EOF
Defaults always_set_home
Defaults secure_path="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"
Defaults env_reset
Defaults !insults
%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
@includedir /etc/sudoers.d
@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
buildignore poppler-data
buildignore tin
buildignore desktop-translations
buildignore ft2demos
buildignore gimp-help
buildignore gimp-lang
buildignore libreoffice-base
buildignore libreoffice-mailmerge
buildignore libreoffice-math
buildignore libreoffice-filters-optional
buildignore libreoffice-pyuno
buildignore readline-doc
buildignore graphviz
buildignore linux-kernel-headers
buildignore bash-doc
buildignore gimp-plugins-python
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-gnome_basis_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-gnome_admin
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-gnome_multimedia_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-gnome_imaging_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-gnome_office_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-apparmor_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-enhanced_base_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-fonts_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-imaging_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-kde_utilities_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-multimedia_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-non_oss_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-office_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-x11_opt
buildignore patterns-gnome-gnome_basis_opt
buildignore patterns-gmome-gnome_admin
buildignore patterns-gnome-gnome_multimedia_opt
buildignore patterns-gnome-gnome_imaging_opt
buildignore patterns-gnome-gnome_office_opt
buildignore patterns-base-apparmor_opt
buildignore patterns-base-enhanced_base_opt
buildignore patterns-fonts-fonts_opt
buildignore patterns-desktop-imaging_opt
buildignore patterns-kde-kde_utilities_opt
buildignore patterns-desktop-multimedia_opt
buildignore patterns-openSUSE-non_oss_opt
buildignore patterns-office-office_opt
buildignore patterns-base-x11_opt
buildignore patterns-base-x11_enhanced
buildignore make
buildignore netpbm
buildignore p7zip-full
buildignore busybox-static
buildignore inxi
# Just too big
buildignore sane-backends
install branding-openSUSE
install gfxboot i686
install shim x86_64
# Don't pull in any -32bit libs
buildignore glibc-32bit
buildignore libvdpau_r300
buildignore libvdpau_radeonsi
buildignore libvdpau_r600
buildignore pavucontrol
buildignore libqmi-tools
buildignore 'python*-pip'
buildignore multipath-tools-rbd
buildignore acpica
buildignore xorg-x11-Xvnc
buildignore cabextract
buildignore sssd
buildignore db-utils
buildignore dnsmasq
buildignore fribidi
buildignore ipmitool
buildignore irda
buildignore lomoco
buildignore mksh
# Ignore samba
buildignore cifs-utils
buildignore gvfs-backend-samba
# Legacy packages - not actually used, but pull in quite a lot
buildignore xorg-x11
buildignore xorg-x11-essentials
buildignore xorg-x11-server-extra
# config.sh enables autologin and configures the display-manager
install xdm
install sysvinit-tools
# We already have a different desktop
buildignore icewm
# We have enough fonts already
buildignore baekmuk-ttf-fonts
buildignore google-droid-fonts
# pcf fonts aren't really useful anymore
buildignore efont-unicode-bitmap-fonts
buildignore baekmuk-bitmap-fonts
buildignore intlfonts-chinese-big-bitmap-fonts
buildignore xorg-x11-fonts
buildignore xorg-x11-fonts-legacy
buildignore strace
buildignore tcsh
buildignore usbmuxd
# This would otherwise create a password prompt
# See also https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=544314 and
# https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=537343
buildignore gnome-keyring-pam
buildignore apparmor-docs
buildignore mutt-doc
# Do not buildignore here. Needed by pidgin in Xfce Live CD.
# buildignore cyrus-sasl
# Pulls in libgnustep
buildignore unar
# Pulled in by python3-kiwi in the buildroot
buildignore jing
# Won't work with current firefox anyway
buildignore icedtea-web
# Recommended by base_x11
buildignore tigervnc
# Recommended by enhanced_base
buildignore autofs
buildignore expect
buildignore m4
buildignore mutt
buildignore net-snmp
buildignore procmail
buildignore recode
buildignore spax
# Recommended by rest_cd_core
buildignore awesfx
buildignore espeak
buildignore pam_mount
# Recommended by man
buildignore groff-full
# Pulls in various python2 modules
buildignore tuned
# Printing support needs too much data (PPDs) to be useful
buildignore cups
buildignore cups-client
buildignore system-config-printer
buildignore ghostscript
buildignore ghostscript-fonts-std
buildignore ghostscript-fonts-other
buildignore manufacturer-PPDs
buildignore gutenprint
buildignore hplip-hpijs
buildignore hplip
buildignore system-config-printer-applet
buildignore udev-configure-printer
# We don't need those
buildignore yast2-samba-client
buildignore yast2-vpn
buildignore yast2-journal
buildignore yast2-auth-client
buildignore yast2-sudo
# systemd-coredump makes no sense on a live image: there are no debuginfo installed
buildignore systemd-coredump
buildignore systemd-doc
buildignore man-pages
# VPNC is no longer
buildignore NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome
buildignore plasma-nm5-vpnc
# smtp_daemon is recommended by mdadm
buildignore busybox-sendmail
buildignore exim
buildignore msmtp-mta
buildignore postfix
buildignore postfix-bdb
buildignore sendmail
# Can't install this with the latest kernel due to boo#1095148
# And virtualbox is build failed on i586 in TW - 20180617 maxlin
buildignore virtualbox-guest-tools
buildignore virtualbox-guest-x11
# bsc#1125156
buildignore intel-gpu-tools
# For certain features in VMs using the spice protocol
install spice-vdagent
# Same for VMware, but unfortunately too big (~15MiB!)
buildignore open-vm-tools
# Pulls in tcl
buildignore usb_modeswitch
# Of course it's too big
buildignore gstreamer-plugins-rs
# Make vim smaller
buildignore vim-data
if [ "$distro" = "tumbleweed" ]; then
buildignore vim
install vim-small
# This was previously required by base
install patterns-yast-yast2_basis
installPattern yast2_basis
# This was previously required by rest_cd_core
install kernel-default
# The compressed (-all) version results in a bigger .iso!
install kernel-firmware
install patterns-base-enhanced_base
installPattern enhanced_base
install patterns-base-x11
installPattern x11
installPattern sw_management
install yast2-bootloader
install yast2-country
install yast2-hardware-detection
install yast2-network
install yast2-proxy
install yast2-storage-ng
# For working with filesystems
install bcache-tools
install btrfsprogs
install cryptsetup
install device-mapper
install dmraid
install dosfstools
install e2fsprogs
install exfatprogs
install fcoe-utils
install jfsutils
install mdadm
install multipath-tools
install ntfs-3g
install ntfsprogs
install nvme-cli
install quota
install xfsdump
install xfsprogs
# This was previously recommended by rest_cd_core
install adaptec-firmware
install atmel-firmware
install b43-fwcutter
install bluez-firmware
install crda
install dmidecode
install efibootmgr
install gtk2-branding-openSUSE
install ipw-firmware
install iw
install libatm1
install lsb-release
install lvm2
install memtest86+ i686,x86_64
install mpt-firmware
install nano
install pptp
install quota
install rsync
install smartmontools
install smbios-utils-python i686,x86_64
install util-linux
install wireless-regdb
install wpa_supplicant
install xf86-video-ark
install xf86-video-ati
install xf86-video-chips
install xf86-video-fbdev
install xf86-video-i128
install xf86-video-mga
install xf86-video-neomagic
install xf86-video-nouveau
install xf86-video-nv
install xf86-video-qxl
install xf86-video-r128
install xf86-video-savage
install xf86-video-siliconmotion i686,x86_64
install xf86-video-sis
install xf86-video-sisusb
install xf86-video-tdfx
install xf86-video-v4l
install xf86-video-vesa
install xf86-video-voodoo
install xz
install yast2-trans-de
if [ "$distro" = "leap" ]; then
install yast2-trans-cs
install yast2-trans-da
install yast2-trans-es
install yast2-trans-ja
install yast2-trans-pl
install yast2-trans-ru
install yast2-trans-sv
install yast2-trans-zh_CN
install yast2-trans-zh_TW
install zd1211-firmware
install zip
# Workaround for bsc#1131492
buildignore ntp
@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
buildignore libreoffice-calc
buildignore libreoffice-draw
buildignore libreoffice-impress
buildignore libreoffice-icon-theme-breeze
buildignore libreoffice-icon-theme-sifr
buildignore libreoffice-icon-theme-hicontrast
buildignore colord
buildignore apparmor-utils
buildignore java-11-openjdk-headless
install branding-openSUSE
# adobe-sourcecodepro-fonts is the monospace font for openSUSE
install adobe-sourcecodepro-fonts
buildignore google-carlito-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-cjk-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-sc-bold-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-sc-regular-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-tc-bold-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-tc-regular-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-jp-bold-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-jp-regular-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-kr-bold-fonts
buildignore noto-sans-kr-regular-fonts
# Expected by openQA - But no more space on the CD
# install libreoffice-writer
buildignore libreoffice
# Packages for the installer
source "$PWD/list-installer.sh"
# Pulls in sane-backends
buildignore simple-scan
buildignore ghostscript
buildignore myspell-en_US
buildignore orca
# gnome-software is a nice software center, but on the live medium only of limited use
buildignore gnome-software
# Pulls in color management tools
buildignore gnome-control-center-color
# 17 MiB, really?
buildignore libgweather-lang
buildignore gnome-user-docs
buildignore gnome-user-docs-lang
buildignore eog-lang
buildignore evolution-lang
buildignore evolution-data-server-lang
buildignore zenity-lang
# Pulls in clamav
buildignore amavisd-new
# Too big
buildignore inkscape
# Pulls in various python modules and duplicity
buildignore deja-dup
buildignore libpython2_7-1_0
buildignore gimp
buildignore noto-coloremoji-fonts
buildignore gnome-weather
install gparted
buildignore gparted-lang
buildignore vinagre-lang
buildignore gedit-lang
buildignore fwupd-lang
# There's eog, enough for live
buildignore gnome-photos
# Moved here from list-common.sh. cyrus-sasl is needed by Pidgin in Xfce Live CD
buildignore cyrus-sasl
# Was part of the gnome pattern
install NetworkManager-applet
# Moved here from list-common.sh, too big for x11
install xf86-video-vmware i686,x86_64
# From rest_cd_core
install alsa-firmware
# Previously required by rest_cd_gnome
installPattern apparmor
installPattern games
installPattern gnome
installPattern gnome_basis
installPattern gnome_imaging
installPattern gnome_internet
installPattern gnome_multimedia
installPattern gnome_office
installPattern gnome_utilities
installPattern gnome_yast
installPattern imaging
installPattern multimedia
installPattern office
installPattern sw_management_gnome
installPattern yast2_basis
installPattern yast2_install_wf
# Previously recommended by rest_cd_gnome
install gnome-mines
install gnome-sudoku
install quadrapassel
# Pulls in Qt WebEngine, too big
buildignore opensuse-welcome
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# Packages for the installer
install live-net-installer
install skelcd-openSUSE # Needed for README.BETA
install setxkbmap # Needed by yast2-keyboard
install skelcd-control-openSUSE # Just pulled in for deps
install cracklib-dict-full
# Fonts for the installation (taken from installation-images)
install thai-fonts
install lklug-fonts
install indic-fonts
install arabic-kacst-fonts
# too big
# install un-fonts
# install ipa-gothic-fonts
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
buildignore gvfs
buildignore libreoffice-icon-theme-galaxy
buildignore libreoffice-icon-theme-hicontrast
buildignore libreoffice-icon-theme-tango
buildignore libreoffice-base-drivers-mysql
buildignore libreoffice-pyuno
buildignore cairomm
buildignore evolution-data-server
buildignore notification-daemon
buildignore gdm
buildignore akregator
buildignore ImageMagick
install patterns-kde-kde
installPattern kde
install plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE
install baloo5-tools
install NetworkManager
# Don't add libreoffice for now, too large
buildignore libreoffice
buildignore libreoffice-icon-themes
buildignore libreoffice-icon-theme-breeze
buildignore kdenetwork4-filesharing
buildignore gnome-keyring
# Packages for the installer
source "$PWD/list-installer.sh"
buildignore oxygen5-icon-theme-large
# Needs ibus data files and color emoji fonts, too big.
buildignore plasma5-desktop-emojier
# Resolve have-choice
install plasma-nm5
install phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer
buildignore ispell
# No fun allowed
buildignore patterns-kde-kde_games
# No PIM
buildignore patterns-kde-kde_pim
# Not really useful here, except for kcharselect.
buildignore patterns-kde-kde_utilities
install kcharselect
# Ignore
buildignore plasma-nm5-openconnect
buildignore plasma-nm5-openvpn
# Pulls in docbook and friends, ~50MiB.
# Excludedocs is enabled, so documentation is broken anyway
buildignore kdoctools
# Moved here from list-common.sh, too big for x11
install xf86-video-vmware i686,x86_64
buildignore digikam
buildignore gdb
buildignore hugin
buildignore icewm
buildignore kmahjongg-lang
buildignore konversation-lang
buildignore libproxy1-pacrunner-webkit
buildignore vlc
buildignore vlc-noX
buildignore vlc-qt
buildignore vlc-lang
buildignore kipi-plugins
# Upstream branding, not used by default and HUGE
if [ "$distro" != "leap" ]; then
buildignore breeze5-wallpapers
install partitionmanager
# Moved here from list-common.sh. cyrus-sasl is needed by Pidgin in Xfce Live CD
buildignore cyrus-sasl
# From rest_cd_core
install alsa-firmware
# From x11_enhanced, but that pattern can't be installed
install opensuse-welcome
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
buildignore NetworkManager-lang
buildignore NetworkManager-applet-lang
buildignore PackageKit
buildignore samba-libs
buildignore release-notes-openSUSE
buildignore gnome-themes-accessibility
buildignore xlockmore
buildignore unzip-doc
buildignore gtk2-immodule-inuktitut
buildignore gtk2-immodule-thai
buildignore gtk2-immodule-vietnamese
buildignore gtk2-lang
buildignore gtk3-immodule-inuktitut
buildignore gtk3-immodule-thai
buildignore gtk3-immodule-vietnamese
buildignore gtk3-lang
buildignore evince-lang
buildignore hexchat-lang
buildignore nano-lang
buildignore zenity-lang
buildignore gsettings-desktop-schema-lang
buildignore gvfs-lang
buildignore libstorage-ng-lang
buildignore joe
buildignore libgphoto2-6-lang
buildignore alsa
buildignore alsa-firmware
buildignore alsa-plugins
buildignore xscreensaver
buildignore PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin
buildignore ImageMagick
buildignore awesfx
buildignore sbl
buildignore gnome-online-accounts
buildignore snapper
buildignore Mesa-libva
# No python2 necessary
buildignore python-base
buildignore python38-pip
# Pulls in libpython2_7
buildignore libpeas-loader-python
buildignore aspell-en
buildignore ModemManager
buildignore yast2-printer
buildignore avahi
buildignore fprintd
buildignore accountsservice
buildignore MozillaFirefox
buildignore tcpdump
install gparted
install epiphany
# Really ran of out space
buildignore gparted-lang
buildignore epiaphy-lang
buildignore iso-codes-lang
buildignore glib2-lang
buildignore thunar-lang
buildignore xfce4-settings-lang
buildignore xfce4-panel-lang
buildignore xfce-terminal-lang
buildignore exo-lang
buildignore xfdesktop-lang
buildignore xfce4-power-manager-lang
buildignore noto-sans-cjk-fonts
buildignore man-pages-posix
buildignore libvulkan_radeon
buildignore man
buildignore groff
buildignore libqt5-qttranslations
buildignore plymouth
buildignore 7zip
# tumbler -> libgepup uses libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37, while epiphany uses libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0.
# We can't have both, too big.
buildignore tumbler
# ristretto is not that useful without tumbler
buildignore ristretto
# Moved here from list-common.sh. cyrus-sasl is needed by Pidgin in Xfce Live CD
buildignore cyrus-sasl
# Moved here from list-common.sh. Needed by createrepo_c, which is needed for libzypp-plugin-appdata
buildignore deltarpm
# Too big and not really useful here
buildignore Mesa-dri-nouveau
buildignore libvdpau_nouveau
# Previously required by rest_cd_x11
install patterns-xfce-xfce_basis
installPattern xfce_basis
install evince
install evince-plugin-pdfdocument
install file-roller
install gparted
install hexchat
install leafpad
install lightdm
install lightdm-gtk-greeter
install photorec
install thunar
install thunar-volman
install xfce4-appfinder
install xfce4-notifyd
install xfce4-panel
install xfce4-power-manager
install xfce4-session
install xfce4-settings
install xfconf
install xfdesktop
install xfwm4
# Previously recommended by rest_cd_x11
install dbus-1-x11
install desktop-file-utils
install libgnomesu
install libxfce4ui-tools
install libyui-qt-pkg
install pinentry-gtk2
install shared-mime-info
install xdg-user-dirs-gtk
install xdg-utils
install NetworkManager-applet
install xfce4-panel-plugin-xkb
install xfce4-terminal
install yast2-control-center-qt
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
install branding-openSUSE
install yast2-trans-stats
install patterns-xfce-xfce
installPattern xfce
buildignore gnome-themes-accessibility
buildignore xlockmore
buildignore unzip-doc
buildignore gtk2-immodule-inuktitut
buildignore gtk2-immodule-thai
buildignore gtk2-immodule-vietnamese
buildignore gtk3-immodule-inuktitut
buildignore gtk3-immodule-thai
buildignore gtk3-immodule-vietnamese
buildignore awesfx
buildignore sbl
buildignore gnome-online-accounts
# Packages for the installer
source "$PWD/list-installer.sh"
buildignore aspell-en
install libxslt-tools
# Remove useless xfce panel plugins
buildignore xfce4-panel-plugin-xkb
buildignore xfce4-panel-plugin-notes
buildignore engrampa-lang
# Remove Libreoffice as it's too big
buildignore libreoffice
# Save a bit of space
buildignore gdb
buildignore gimp
buildignore pidgin
# Pulls in sane-backends
buildignore simple-scan
# Moved here from list-common.sh, too big for x11
install xf86-video-vmware i686,x86_64
# make sure pdf support for evince is installed
install evince-plugin-pdfdocument
# From rest_cd_core
install alsa-firmware
# Not compatible with GNOME 41 (nothing provides typelib(Cheese) = 3.0)
buildignore mugshot
# From x11_enhanced, but that pattern can't be installed
install opensuse-welcome
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
printf "Show a diff of installed packages in the various flavors.\nUsage: $0 project arch\n"
exit 1
fetch_pkglist() {
local project=$1
local package=$2
local repo=$3
local arch=$4
local binaryname=$(osc ls -b ${project} ${package} -a ${arch} -r ${repo} | grep .packages | xargs)
osc api /build/${project}/${repo}/${arch}/${package}/${binaryname} | awk -F\| '{ printf "%s-%s-%s\n", $1, $3, $4 }' | sort -u
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
trap 'rm -rf ${tmpdir}' EXIT
for i in {x11,xfce,kde,gnome}; do
fetch_pkglist openSUSE:Factory:Live livecd-tumbleweed-$i images ${arch} > ${tmpdir}/list-old
fetch_pkglist ${project} livecd-tumbleweed-$i openSUSE_Tumbleweed ${arch} > ${tmpdir}/list-new
echo "$i"
diff -u ${tmpdir}/list-{old,new}
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
set -u
install() {
if [ -n "${2-}" ]; then
PACKAGES="$PACKAGES\n <package name=\"$1\" arch=\"$2\"/>"
PACKAGES="$PACKAGES\n <package name=\"$1\"/>"
buildignore() {
# Normally, <package name="foo" onlyarch="skipit"/> should work,
# but https://github.com/openSUSE/obs-build/issues/420 requires a workaround
## Due to "--ignoreignore--" this has no effect either, so workaround the workaround
## by using <ignore/>, which gets ignored by OBS completely...
if [ -n "${2-}" ]; then
PACKAGES="$PACKAGES\n <package name=\"aaa_base\" replaces=\"$1\" arch=\"$2\"/>"
PACKAGES="$PACKAGES\n <ignore name=\"$1\" arch=\"$2\"/>"
PACKAGES="$PACKAGES\n <package name=\"aaa_base\" replaces=\"$1\"/>"
PACKAGES="$PACKAGES\n <ignore name=\"$1\"/>"
installPattern() {
PACKAGES="$PACKAGES\n <namedCollection name=\"$1\"/>"
archive() {
PACKAGES="$PACKAGES\n <archive name=\"$1\"/>"
for distro in leap tumbleweed; do
distroname="openSUSE Tumbleweed"
if [ "${distro}" = "leap" ]; then
distroname="openSUSE Leap %OS_VERSION_ID%"
# This changes every few weeks, apparently.
for flavor in gnome kde xfce x11; do
uppercaseflavor="$(echo "${flavor}" | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])"
if [ "${flavor}" = "x11" ]; then
name="${distroname} Rescue CD"
name="${distroname} ${uppercaseflavor} Live"
PACKAGES="\n <!-- list-common.sh -->"
. "$PWD/list-common.sh"
PACKAGES="$PACKAGES\n\n <!-- list-${flavor}.sh -->"
. "$PWD/list-${flavor}.sh"
sed "s#@FLAVOR@#${flavor}#g;\
s#@NAME@#${name// /-}#g;\
s#@VOLID@#${name// /_}#g;\
s#@PACKAGES@#${PACKAGES}#g;" livecd.kiwi.in > livecd-${distro}-${flavor}.kiwi
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<image schemaversion="7.4" name="Leap-16-GNOME" displayname="Leap 16">
<description type="system">
<type image="oem" filesystem="btrfs" firmware="uefi" initrd_system="dracut" installiso="true" bootpartition="false" bootkernel="custom" devicepersistency="by-uuid" btrfs_root_is_snapshot="true" btrfs_root_is_readonly_snapshot="false" btrfs_quota_groups="true">
<bootloader name="grub2" console="gfxterm" timeout="10"/>
<volume name="home"/>
<volume name="root"/>
<volume name="opt"/>
<volume name="srv"/>
<volume name="usr/local"/>
<volume name="boot/grub2/i386-pc"/>
<volume name="boot/grub2/x86_64-efi" mountpoint="boot/grub2/x86_64-efi"/>
<volume name="boot/writable"/>
<volume name="var" copy_on_write="false"/>
<machine memory="512" guestOS="suse" HWversion="4">
<vmdisk id="0" controller="ide"/>
<vmnic driver="e1000" interface="0" mode="bridged"/>
<repository type="rpm-md">
<source path="obsrepositories:/"/>
<packages type="image">
<package name="live-add-yast-repos"/>
<package name="patterns-base-enhanced-base"/>
<package name="dracut-kiwi-oem-repart"/>
<package name="dracut-kiwi-oem-dump"/>
<package name="gnome-initial-setup"/>
<package name="gnome-branding-Leap"/>
<packages type="bootstrap">
<package name="Leap-release"/>
<package name="openSUSE-build-key"/>
<package name="openSUSE-repos"/>
<package name="branding-openSUSE"/>
<package name="coreutils"/>
<package name="gawk"/>
<package name="gzip"/>
<package name="hostname"/>
<package name="openssl"/>
<package name="filesystem"/>
<package name="glibc-locale-base"/>
<package name="ca-certificates-mozilla"/>
Reference in New Issue
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