* Fix memory leak in text annotation.
* The "-strip" option was excluding the PNG tRNS chunk.
* Caption now wraps properly for Chinese text.
* The PNG encoder would sometimes fail to respect the -define
PNG:color-type option when the incoming image was PseudoClass.
* Properly handled continued JPEG embedded profiles.
* Revert -colorspace sRGB option patch.
* Revert -type PaletteMatte option patch.
* etc. see ChangeLog.
- obsoletes reason-error-message.patch
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/ImageMagick?expand=0&rev=87
* added Initial implementation of Cylinder to/from Plane 3D Distorts
Includes deritive (scaled lookup), and anti-alised horizon (validity)
Currently can NOT handle extractions from full 360 cylinder panoramas.
* Fix transient error for composite over operator.
* Fix one-off bug in option parser.
* etc., see ChangeLog
- inc-struct.diff seems to be redundant to me, removing
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/ImageMagick?expand=0&rev=73
* The -scale option nows considers the alpha channel when scaling.
* Don't use comma as a separator for stroked tex.
* Fix transient bug for HSL to RGB and back.
* Fixed PNG8 reduction to work with an image that reduces to 256 colors
plus transparency, by merging the two darkest red colors.
* etc., see ChangeLog
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/ImageMagick?expand=0&rev=66
* Revised PNG palette optimization
* Added some debug logging in coders/png.c.
* More precise blur values for Lanczos2Sharp and LanczosSharp.
* Added location of first Mitchell crossing (=8/7) to the filters data
* Added Lanczos2D* filters now named Lanczos2*
* Reorganization of AcquireFilter() to make it work better
* Clearer EWA filters (LanczosSharp etc) comments.
* Added LanczosSharp (3-lobe Lanczos with sharpening)
* Filter sharpening factors are also always applied regardless of usage.
* CubicBC filter formulas simplified by constant folding. In
particular, P1 coefficient (always zero) removed from coeff.
* Revert the Robidoux filter to a Keys cubic with C=(108 sqrt 2-29)/398
(as already specified in the documentation).
* Ignore PS bounding box offsets if -page is set.
* Add support for -evaluate exp.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/ImageMagick?expand=0&rev=47
* Added "filter:sigma" expert setting defining the 'sigma' for the Gaussian
filter only. This is similar in action to 'blur' but only for Gaussians,
and does not modify the filters support, allowing you to set a very small
sigma, without the function 'missing' all pixels.
* Patch for DrawableRotation() and DrawableTranslation()
* The webp format requires the webpconv delegate program (experimental).
* Replaced "Robidoux" with Cubic 'Keys' filter that is near equivelent to
the previous sharped "Lanczos2D" filter. (C=0.31089212245300069)
This also is very similer to a Mitchell filter but specifically designed
for EWA use and is the new default filter for Distorting Images.
* Added new filter 'Lanczos2D' a 2-lobe Lanczos as defined by
Andreas Gustafsson in his thesis "Interactive Image Warping" (page 24)
* Added filter "Robidoux" which is a slightly sharpened version of the
"Lanczos2D" filter (blur=0.958033808) specifically designed to be less
'blurry' for horizontal and vertical lines in no-op distortions.
* Add support for "pattern:vertical2" and "pattern:horizontal2".
* Add support for "pattern:vertical3" and "pattern:horizontal3".
* Properly handle PSD layers with negative offsets.
* Added sqrt(2) bluring default for Gaussian Filter if used as
a Cylindrical EWA filter. This resulted removing the last aliasing
issue that was present in tests for Gaussian EWA resampling. Of course
it is still a very blury filter for default use in EWA.
* Adjusted Variable Mapping Blur Composition so user arguments actual
relate properly to the sigma of the blur for a maximum mapping value.
* Fix horizon anti-alising for output-scaled perspective distortions.
* 'Bessel' filter is now offically and more accuritally named 'Jinc'
however 'Bessel' while not visible as a filter option can still be used
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/ImageMagick?expand=0&rev=45