3704be145dAccepting request 71203 from graphics
Sascha Peilicke
2011-05-26 08:51:50 +00:00
65f2b63543Accepting request 71202 from home:dimstar:branches:graphics
Ismail Dönmez
2011-05-24 20:04:41 +00:00
0f2f660ae5- updated to * The -scale option nows considers the alpha channel when scaling. * Don't use comma as a separator for stroked tex. * Fix transient bug for HSL to RGB and back. * Fixed PNG8 reduction to work with an image that reduces to 256 colors plus transparency, by merging the two darkest red colors. * etc., see ChangeLogPetr Gajdos2011-05-17 10:06:32 +00:00
123bf43409Autobuild autoformatter for 70014
Sascha Peilicke
2011-05-16 08:17:22 +00:00
945e4652b0Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 61.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2011-05-16 08:17:22 +00:00
902843009eAccepting request 70014 from graphics
Sascha Peilicke
2011-05-16 08:17:09 +00:00
e6fc14ca55Accepting request 69997 from home:yecril71pl:branches:graphicsAdrian Schröter2011-05-11 05:27:58 +00:00
ff0a6ee1a0Autobuild autoformatter for 68379
Sascha Peilicke
2011-04-27 07:19:28 +00:00
ccd3029154Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 59.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2011-04-27 07:19:28 +00:00
bec1b6ecc3Accepting request 68379 from graphics
Sascha Peilicke
2011-04-27 07:19:15 +00:00
cc77f9f011Accepting request 68143 from home:yecril71pl:branches:graphicsAdrian Schröter2011-04-26 13:18:27 +00:00
2eafadf31aAutobuild autoformatter for 66846
Sascha Peilicke
2011-04-12 10:00:29 +00:00
c8fc7a327dUpdating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 57.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2011-04-12 10:00:29 +00:00
91cbbb401fAccepting request 66846 from graphics
Sascha Peilicke
2011-04-12 10:00:17 +00:00
3066db322b- updated to fixes [bnc#682238] * config files moved to /etc/ImageMagick* * see ChangeLog for more detailsPetr Gajdos2011-04-11 13:29:04 +00:00
c968d1e0bbAutobuild autoformatter for 62673
Sascha Peilicke
2011-02-24 08:01:09 +00:00
7be9532d7bUpdating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 55.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2011-02-24 08:01:09 +00:00
137ec0cc32Accepting request 62673 from graphics
Sascha Peilicke
2011-02-24 08:00:59 +00:00
6799e3a5bbAutobuild autoformatter for 54836
Berthold Gunreben
2010-12-06 11:17:32 +00:00
2a5b17fb32Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 50.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-12-06 11:17:32 +00:00
1a0b62b5abAccepting request 54836 from graphics
Berthold Gunreben
2010-12-06 11:17:25 +00:00
0f20a13e2bAccepting request 54832 from home:coolo:branches:openSUSE:Factory
Stephan Kulow
2010-12-06 09:36:20 +00:00
ce95930732Autobuild autoformatter for 53021
OBS User autobuild
2010-11-15 14:23:53 +00:00
60f9bb23daUpdating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 48.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-11-15 14:23:53 +00:00
4e0ac5ce5dAccepting request 53021 from graphics
Ruediger Oertel
2010-11-15 14:23:40 +00:00
191d787d91- updated to 6.6.5-8: don't read config files from $CWD [bnc#653572]Petr Gajdos2010-11-15 12:29:23 +00:00
78d24a6c5cAutobuild autoformatter for 52129
OBS User autobuild
2010-11-05 13:40:01 +00:00
9fef17395aUpdating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 46.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-11-05 13:40:01 +00:00
e9c16b2015Accepting request 52129 from graphics
Ruediger Oertel
2010-11-05 13:39:52 +00:00
c54d9c4391- updated to 6.6.5-5: * Revised PNG palette optimization * Added some debug logging in coders/png.c. * More precise blur values for Lanczos2Sharp and LanczosSharp. * Added location of first Mitchell crossing (=8/7) to the filters data structure. * Added Lanczos2D* filters now named Lanczos2* * Reorganization of AcquireFilter() to make it work better * Clearer EWA filters (LanczosSharp etc) comments. * Added LanczosSharp (3-lobe Lanczos with sharpening) * Filter sharpening factors are also always applied regardless of usage. * CubicBC filter formulas simplified by constant folding. In particular, P1 coefficient (always zero) removed from coeff. * Revert the Robidoux filter to a Keys cubic with C=(108 sqrt 2-29)/398 (as already specified in the documentation). * Ignore PS bounding box offsets if -page is set. * Add support for -evaluate exp.Petr Gajdos2010-11-04 09:11:00 +00:00
0f8764599aAccepting request 50612 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-10-15 11:57:57 +00:00
da9448c95fUpdating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 44.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-10-15 11:57:57 +00:00
eb761fa9bfAccepting request 50612 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-10-15 11:57:56 +00:00
f0a3dbd60f- updated to 6.6.5-0: * Added "filter:sigma" expert setting defining the 'sigma' for the Gaussian filter only. This is similar in action to 'blur' but only for Gaussians, and does not modify the filters support, allowing you to set a very small sigma, without the function 'missing' all pixels. * Patch for DrawableRotation() and DrawableTranslation() * The webp format requires the webpconv delegate program (experimental). * Replaced "Robidoux" with Cubic 'Keys' filter that is near equivelent to the previous sharped "Lanczos2D" filter. (C=0.31089212245300069) This also is very similer to a Mitchell filter but specifically designed for EWA use and is the new default filter for Distorting Images. * Added new filter 'Lanczos2D' a 2-lobe Lanczos as defined by Andreas Gustafsson in his thesis "Interactive Image Warping" (page 24) http://www.gson.org/thesis/warping-thesis.pdf * Added filter "Robidoux" which is a slightly sharpened version of the "Lanczos2D" filter (blur=0.958033808) specifically designed to be less 'blurry' for horizontal and vertical lines in no-op distortions. * Add support for "pattern:vertical2" and "pattern:horizontal2". * Add support for "pattern:vertical3" and "pattern:horizontal3". * Properly handle PSD layers with negative offsets. * Added sqrt(2) bluring default for Gaussian Filter if used as a Cylindrical EWA filter. This resulted removing the last aliasing issue that was present in tests for Gaussian EWA resampling. Of course it is still a very blury filter for default use in EWA. * Adjusted Variable Mapping Blur Composition so user arguments actual relate properly to the sigma of the blur for a maximum mapping value. * Fix horizon anti-alising for output-scaled perspective distortions. * 'Bessel' filter is now offically and more accuritally named 'Jinc' however 'Bessel' while not visible as a filter option can still be usedPetr Gajdos2010-10-15 07:34:46 +00:00
942f9727e4Accepting request 49765 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-10-07 20:22:05 +00:00
b3636d7c25Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 43.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-10-07 20:22:05 +00:00
50002cb06bAccepting request 49765 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-10-07 20:22:03 +00:00
ea8467906d- updated to 6.6.4-8: * Automatically set the quantum depth to 16 for HDRI. * IPTC profile not always wrapped properly inside an 8BIM profile. * TIFF tile geometry must be divisible by 16. * Rename of SincPolynomial to SincFast for easier user understanding. Ditto for LanczosChebyshev to LanzcosFast. * Switch default resize filters to using the faster SincPolynomial filter by default internally. However 'Sinc' will still use the Trigonometric function, and can be used to assign the trig version of Sinc() to filters using the filter expert options. * The default filter for 'distort' was found to be a very blurry inaccurate filter function. It was removed and replaced with a correct Gaussian filter (as used by resize) * Added a switch so that "-interpolate filter" will force the use of a cylindrical filter for ALL pixels in distorted images. That is you can use that switch to use a cylindrical filter even for images that are being enlarged by the distortion. However EWA is still currently using a fixed 2.0 sampling radius. This switch complements the use of "-filter point" which turns off EWA filters in favor of interpolation for all pixels in a distorted image. BOTH switches should not be used together. * A bug in the support radius of the EWA resampling function was found, now that correctly defined resize filters are being used. Suddenly Normal Gaussian distortions are not so blurry, and tests with distortions of the 'Rings' image show extremely good and clear results, with only minimal blurring. The filter 'blur' expert option can be used to adjust this further. * Don't negate the geometry offset for the -extent option. * The RGBO format is now listed as a supported format. * Added the Nicolas Robidoux and Chantal Racette Lanczos resize filterPetr Gajdos2010-10-05 07:48:55 +00:00
a8ff61742aAccepting request 47348 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-09-10 13:04:46 +00:00
0d12bfecf9Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 42.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-09-10 13:04:46 +00:00
8e13f138fc- updated to 6.6.3-9: * Eliminate useless message about assuming zero delay when writing a single-frame MNG, and changed it from Error to Warning when writing a multiple-frame MNG. * Only use the first alpha channel in PSD image. * Only use XPM complying colors for XPM images (e.g. green is rgb(0,255,0)). * Eliminate bogus "invalid colormap index" when pinging ICO images. * Support -set density / units. * Properly map PNG intent to image->rendering_intent * The orient option sometimes improperly set "undefined" (reference http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16795). * Only list orientation options for the -list orientation option (reference http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16801). * Return proper standard deviation for combined channels (reference http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16786). * Handle transparency properly for the PSD image format. * Emit a warning if the PNG encoder can't satisfy the color type and bit depth requested with a "-define" directive. * The -fx 2e+6/1e+5 argument no longer returns the wrong results (reference http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16833). * Add -subimage-search option to the compare utility. * Throw exception if image size differs for the compare program but the -subimage-search option is not specified.Petr Gajdos2010-08-23 13:31:05 +00:00
1d214b37d0Accepting request 44343 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-08-02 23:46:42 +00:00
5c6503aefdUpdating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 40.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-08-02 23:46:42 +00:00
0b9f8802f2- update baselibs.conf
Stephan Kulow
2010-08-02 08:46:44 +00:00
49d2b25e27Accepting request 44196 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-07-30 13:41:54 +00:00
2d788a9a12Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 39.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-07-30 13:41:54 +00:00
e2b5c20ebaAccepting request 44196 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-07-30 13:41:53 +00:00
3de1f8aaa5Accepting request 43436 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-07-20 18:44:26 +00:00
763a9f7e63Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 38.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-07-20 18:44:26 +00:00
f1076accdaAccepting request 43436 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-07-20 18:44:25 +00:00
2f3f880116- fixed jpeg compression of grayscale tif format [bnc#615223]Petr Gajdos2010-06-22 16:39:48 +00:00
601f2961a7Accepting request 39791 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-05-11 15:09:36 +00:00
4223783a10Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 35.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-05-11 15:09:36 +00:00
d147787d4fAccepting request 39791 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-05-11 15:09:35 +00:00
e699fdc6b6Accepting request 39768 from home:a_jaeger:branches:build-compare-testPetr Gajdos2010-05-11 11:04:19 +00:00
da26654ce5Accepting request 38821 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-04-26 15:52:21 +00:00
0e5921e750Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 34.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-04-26 15:52:21 +00:00
349d336433Accepting request 38821 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-04-26 15:52:20 +00:00
a5da976dac- fixed units in the output [bnc#598714] * units.patchPetr Gajdos2010-04-26 11:40:16 +00:00
8f0b7ecc2aAccepting request 37224 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-04-07 16:18:25 +00:00
69637f4fd6Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 33.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-04-07 16:18:25 +00:00
008848df72Accepting request 37224 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-04-07 16:18:22 +00:00
164c8423caAccepting request 37216 from home:oertel:branches:openSUSE:Factory
Stephan Kulow
2010-04-07 13:52:17 +00:00
a743c21260- updated to version 6.6.1-0: * Fixed bug in equal-size tile cropping, when image has a page offset. * The -recolor 4x4 matrix is now interpretted properly (previously it summed rather attenuating the alpha channel). * Support writing 1-bit PSD images. * Support LCMS 2.0. * Improved WMF support under Windows. * The new coders/png.c was failing to read a 1-bit paletted image properly. * Finished eliminating the deprecated direct references to members of the png_info structure. ImageMagick can now be built with libpng-1.5. * Respect the -density option when rendering a Postscript or PDF image. * Distort barrel no longer complains when 3 arguments are given (reference http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15883). * Support -direction left-to-right option for rendering text * coders/png.c: Eliminated support of libpng versions older than 1.0.12. * Relocated the new, misplaced png_get_rowbytes() call. * Updated setjmp/longjmp/jmpbuf usage to work with libpng-1.5. * Add support for monochrome PSD images. * VignetteImage() no longer crashes when x and y arguments are both greater than half the width (x) and height (y) of the image. * Eliminated some of the deprecated direct references to members of the png_info structure. This must be finished before we can build with libpng-1.5. * The animate program no longer loops twice when -loop 1 is specified. * The caption format would sometimes hang when the text was not UTF-8. * Don't gamma correct log to linear color conversion unless the -gamma is specified (reference http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=15799). * Detect CMYKProcessColor AI tag. * Delete image from command line cache for -write option. * Add support for the Adobe Large Document format. * Recognize -remap option for the mogrify utility. * The default Helvetica font is not always available, check for Century Schoolbook too (reference http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15780).Petr Gajdos2010-04-06 13:19:45 +00:00
56cf2b1288Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 32.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-03-18 14:32:12 +00:00
f2aed64bf7Accepting request 34848 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-03-17 13:05:46 +00:00
d809f92fd3Accepting request 34848 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-03-17 13:05:46 +00:00
78eb014b37- updated to version 6.6.0-5: * Permit user to get virtual pixels with a region width of 0. * Reformulate the jinc() functio so that the main peak is of amplitude of 1. * Resampling filter must respect the image virtual pixel method. * The -evaluate-sequence option behaves like -evaluate except it operates on a sequence of images. * Add support for the Adobe Large Document format. * Add support for the -maximum and -minimum options. * Check to see if ICON image width /height exceeds that of the image canvas. * Set the DPX descriptor to Luma only if the image type is not TrueColor. * Add support for -fx airy(), j0(), j1(), jinc(), and sinc() (reference http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15685). * Don't embed an XMP profile in an EPS image for now. * Insufficient image data in EPT is a warning rather than an error. * Respect -type TrueColor when writing gray DPX images. * Fix problem reading 10-bit grayscale DPX images when scanline length is not a multiple of 3. * BMP has an alpha channel, it was treated as an opacity channel. * Write 10-bit grayscale DPX images properly. * Detect PDF ICCBased colorspace. * Finalized -set option:convolve:scale kernel normalize/scale option * TransformImage() resets the image blob when called in the PICT decoder; use SetImageExtent() instead. * Support PSD RLE compression. * The jpeg:extent define sometimes exceeded the specified limit. * Resolve "too many open files" (reference http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15546). * Added Correlate method which does a Convolve without reflecting the kernel. * Initialize grayscale colormap for PSD images. * Addition Third-level Subtractive Morphology Methods: EdgeIn, EdgeOut, Edge, TopHat, BottomHat * Ensuring original kernels passed to morphology are cloned before being modifified for use by specific methods (EG: convolve scale/normalize) * display -immutable to display transparent image without a checkboard. * Make -define png:color-type less persnickity about what it will accept. * added use of -precision in 'showkernel' output of -morphology * correct use of a 'reflected kernel' for 'Convolve' 'Dilate' and 'Distance' Morphology primatives. This does not have a performance hit, though is only truely applicable when the kernel is asymmetric. Note that 'Erode' does not use a 'reflected' kernel, so that 'Open' and 'Close' operations work properly. This 'reflected usage is defined by online morphology lecture notes (Google for "EECE Binary Morphology") * Added convolve kernel scaling setting "-set option:convolve:scale N" If undefined morphology convolve does not do any scaling or normalization of the convolution kernel. A value of 0.0 causes normalization for both zero and non-zero (added weights) kernel types. * Speed up reading the PSD image format. * Add the -precision option. Use it to set the maximum number of significant digits to be printed. * Add -features option to the identify program to display channel features. * Add -unique option to the identify program to display channel features. * Add support for compact floating point (i.e. -depth 16 -define quantum:format=floating-point). * Transparent images no longer flicker on certain system when using the display program. * Permit interactive resizing with the display program. * Support heterogeneous distributed processing, see http://www.imagemagick.org/script/architecture.php#distributed. * Fix semaphore assertion when reading a corrupt image with Magick++. * Add support for -brightness-contrast option. * Add support for the BGRA raw image format. * Added Kernel Generator to generate kernels from user strings, which allows the generation in many built in kernels for both Convolution and other Morphological methods. New Kernels currently include.. Convolution: Gaussian, Blur, Comet Morphological: Rectangle, Square, Diamond, Disk, Plus Distance: Chebyshev, Manhatten, Knight, Euclidean And both old and new (rectangular) user defined kernel specifications including the use of 'nan' to represent elements which are not part of the kernel definition. List built-in kernel types use "-list kernel" * Added -morphology {method}[:{iteration}] {kernel_string} Initial methods includes no only the basic morphology methods: Dilate, Erode, Open, Close; and a pixel color preserving 'Intensity' version, but also the special methods: Convolve, and Distance. Of course the appropriate kernel should be provided for each specific method. * Add OpenCL-enabled filter (e.g. convert image.png -process "convolve '-1, -1, -1, -1, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1'" image.jpg). * Added StringTo...() processing functionsPetr Gajdos2010-03-15 16:11:26 +00:00
29c79ff617Accepting request 32663 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-02-18 09:39:27 +00:00
2859b5dd97Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 30.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-02-18 09:39:27 +00:00
9520c11618checked in (request 32663)
OBS User autobuild
2010-02-18 09:39:26 +00:00
15144729c2- don't remove *.la files, see [bnc#579798]Petr Gajdos2010-02-15 08:55:50 +00:00
76974ba555Accepting request 31927 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-02-11 18:41:27 +00:00
ba08a5a55bUpdating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 29.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-02-11 18:41:27 +00:00
3e56222193checked in (request 31927)
OBS User autobuild
2010-02-11 18:41:25 +00:00
49b50b4c72- build -doc subpackage as noarch - spec cleanup
Pavol Rusnak
2010-02-09 15:04:25 +00:00
9bc1c4fd5bAccepting request 29139 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-01-14 15:37:43 +00:00
d280a7f5e1Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 28.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-01-14 15:37:43 +00:00
f185712a0achecked in
OBS User autobuild
2010-01-14 15:37:41 +00:00
2e31539048- updated to 6.5.8-9, which fixes [bnc#565014]Petr Gajdos2010-01-11 14:15:44 +00:00
deb22d3a92Accepting request 28236 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2010-01-08 16:29:34 +00:00
a0f81bf962Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/ImageMagick revision 27.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-01-08 16:29:34 +00:00
1151e7e3c1checked in
OBS User autobuild
2010-01-08 16:29:33 +00:00
ab03f48683Accepting request 28144 from home:jengelh:branches:graphics
Stephan Kulow
2010-01-07 17:47:34 +00:00
6ea1035766Accepting request 25497 from graphics
OBS User autobuild
2009-12-04 10:47:12 +00:00
7568dd2506checked in
OBS User autobuild
2009-12-04 10:47:12 +00:00