and only confuses scripts OBS-URL:
1174 lines
43 KiB
1174 lines
43 KiB
Thu May 26 13:03:10 UTC 2011 -
- remove the -fuse-linker-plugin option, it's default in gcc 4.6
and only confuses scripts
Tue May 24 19:57:16 UTC 2011 -
- Require ImageMagick from -devel subpackage: Packages that depend
on the -devel package very likely use the tools too.
Tue May 17 12:00:36 CEST 2011 -
- updated to
* The -scale option nows considers the alpha channel when scaling.
* Don't use comma as a separator for stroked tex.
* Fix transient bug for HSL to RGB and back.
* Fixed PNG8 reduction to work with an image that reduces to 256 colors
plus transparency, by merging the two darkest red colors.
* etc., see ChangeLog
Sun May 8 21:17:51 UTC 2011 -
- created ImageMagick-devel-32bit for cross-compiling
Thu Apr 21 10:00:25 UTC 2011 -
- updated to fixes [Bug 682238]
* macroized and cleaned up scripts
* added conditions for optional components
* updated file lists for upstream
* cleaned up the include tree in devel (patch)
Mon Apr 11 15:28:24 CEST 2011 -
- updated to fixes [bnc#682238]
* config files moved to /etc/ImageMagick*
* see ChangeLog for more details
Wed Feb 23 20:14:56 CET 2011 -
- updated to fixes [bnc#673789]
* removed survive-exif.patch
Mon Feb 21 14:51:56 UTC 2011 -
- added patch for crash reading png with exif
Mon Feb 14 10:09:28 CET 2011 -
- packaged README.txt from xtp [bnc#671047]
Mon Dec 6 09:18:51 UTC 2010 -
- fix build for factory
Mon Nov 15 13:23:14 CET 2010 -
- updated to 6.6.5-8: don't read config files from $CWD
Thu Nov 4 10:11:15 CET 2010 -
- updated to 6.6.5-5:
* Revised PNG palette optimization
* Added some debug logging in coders/png.c.
* More precise blur values for Lanczos2Sharp and LanczosSharp.
* Added location of first Mitchell crossing (=8/7) to the filters data
* Added Lanczos2D* filters now named Lanczos2*
* Reorganization of AcquireFilter() to make it work better
* Clearer EWA filters (LanczosSharp etc) comments.
* Added LanczosSharp (3-lobe Lanczos with sharpening)
* Filter sharpening factors are also always applied regardless of usage.
* CubicBC filter formulas simplified by constant folding. In
particular, P1 coefficient (always zero) removed from coeff.
* Revert the Robidoux filter to a Keys cubic with C=(108 sqrt 2-29)/398
(as already specified in the documentation).
* Ignore PS bounding box offsets if -page is set.
* Add support for -evaluate exp.
Fri Oct 15 07:28:17 UTC 2010 -
- updated to 6.6.5-0:
* Added "filter:sigma" expert setting defining the 'sigma' for the Gaussian
filter only. This is similar in action to 'blur' but only for Gaussians,
and does not modify the filters support, allowing you to set a very small
sigma, without the function 'missing' all pixels.
* Patch for DrawableRotation() and DrawableTranslation()
* The webp format requires the webpconv delegate program (experimental).
* Replaced "Robidoux" with Cubic 'Keys' filter that is near equivelent to
the previous sharped "Lanczos2D" filter. (C=0.31089212245300069)
This also is very similer to a Mitchell filter but specifically designed
for EWA use and is the new default filter for Distorting Images.
* Added new filter 'Lanczos2D' a 2-lobe Lanczos as defined by
Andreas Gustafsson in his thesis "Interactive Image Warping" (page 24)
* Added filter "Robidoux" which is a slightly sharpened version of the
"Lanczos2D" filter (blur=0.958033808) specifically designed to be less
'blurry' for horizontal and vertical lines in no-op distortions.
* Add support for "pattern:vertical2" and "pattern:horizontal2".
* Add support for "pattern:vertical3" and "pattern:horizontal3".
* Properly handle PSD layers with negative offsets.
* Added sqrt(2) bluring default for Gaussian Filter if used as
a Cylindrical EWA filter. This resulted removing the last aliasing
issue that was present in tests for Gaussian EWA resampling. Of course
it is still a very blury filter for default use in EWA.
* Adjusted Variable Mapping Blur Composition so user arguments actual
relate properly to the sigma of the blur for a maximum mapping value.
* Fix horizon anti-alising for output-scaled perspective distortions.
* 'Bessel' filter is now offically and more accuritally named 'Jinc'
however 'Bessel' while not visible as a filter option can still be used
as an internal alias for 'Jinc'.
* Fix memory assertion with --enable-embeddable (reference
* Don't permit access to pixels when pinging an image (reference
Tue Oct 5 07:30:14 UTC 2010 -
- updated to 6.6.4-8:
* Automatically set the quantum depth to 16 for HDRI.
* IPTC profile not always wrapped properly inside an 8BIM profile.
* TIFF tile geometry must be divisible by 16.
* Rename of SincPolynomial to SincFast for easier user understanding.
Ditto for LanczosChebyshev to LanzcosFast.
* Switch default resize filters to using the faster SincPolynomial
filter by default internally. However 'Sinc' will still use the
Trigonometric function, and can be used to assign the trig version
of Sinc() to filters using the filter expert options.
* The default filter for 'distort' was found to be a very blurry inaccurate
filter function. It was removed and replaced with a correct Gaussian
filter (as used by resize)
* Added a switch so that "-interpolate filter" will force the use of
a cylindrical filter for ALL pixels in distorted images. That is you can
use that switch to use a cylindrical filter even for images that are
being enlarged by the distortion. However EWA is still currently using
a fixed 2.0 sampling radius. This switch complements the use of "-filter
point" which turns off EWA filters in favor of interpolation for all
pixels in a distorted image. BOTH switches should not be used together.
* A bug in the support radius of the EWA resampling function was found,
now that correctly defined resize filters are being used. Suddenly Normal
Gaussian distortions are not so blurry, and tests with distortions of
the 'Rings' image show extremely good and clear results, with only minimal
blurring. The filter 'blur' expert option can be used to adjust this
* Don't negate the geometry offset for the -extent option.
* The RGBO format is now listed as a supported format.
* Added the Nicolas Robidoux and Chantal Racette Lanczos resize filter
function as "LanczosChebyshev" as faster alternative to Lanczos.
* Re-code Nicolas Robidoux and Chantal Racette Polynomial Approximation of
the Sinc Trigonometric resize filter, as a proper filter to allow
direct comparision and speed testing of the filter.
* Expanded the "-set option:filter:verbose 1" output, so as to also include
the actual functions and other values that were used to create the filter.
Tue Sep 7 10:02:05 CEST 2010 -
- updated to 6.6.4-0:
* Repair a few incorrect LocaleNCompare() calls (ttf.c, ps.c).
* Path no longer closed if join style is round (reference
* Add case for BGRQuantum to GetQuantumExtent().
* Support no compression on PCX write.
* Fixed bug in the raw BGRA coders (reference
* Fix off-by-one error in the PSD coders.
* Nicolas Robidoux with the assistance of Chantal Racette contribute an
approximation of the sinc function over the interval [-3,3].
* Eliminate a small memory leak in LevelizeImageChannel() (reference
* Recognize -fx logtwo (reference
Tue Aug 24 18:17:09 CEST 2010 -
- updated to 6.6.3-9:
* Eliminate useless message about assuming zero delay when writing
a single-frame MNG, and changed it from Error to Warning when
writing a multiple-frame MNG.
* Only use the first alpha channel in PSD image.
* Only use XPM complying colors for XPM images (e.g. green is rgb(0,255,0)).
* Eliminate bogus "invalid colormap index" when pinging ICO images.
* Support -set density / units.
* Properly map PNG intent to image->rendering_intent
* The orient option sometimes improperly set "undefined" (reference
* Only list orientation options for the -list orientation option (reference
* Return proper standard deviation for combined channels (reference
* Handle transparency properly for the PSD image format.
* Emit a warning if the PNG encoder can't satisfy the color type and
bit depth requested with a "-define" directive.
* The -fx 2e+6/1e+5 argument no longer returns the wrong results (reference
* Add -subimage-search option to the compare utility.
* Throw exception if image size differs for the compare program but the
-subimage-search option is not specified.
Mon Aug 2 08:46:36 UTC 2010 -
- update baselibs.conf
Thu Jul 29 13:08:43 CEST 2010 -
- updated to 6.6.3-1:
* obsoletes units.patch
* obsoletes grayscale-tiff-jpeg.patch
Tue Jun 22 17:37:54 CEST 2010 -
- fixed jpeg compression of grayscale tif format [bnc#615223]
Mon May 10 15:19:58 UTC 2010 -
- Do not compile in build time but use mtime of changes file instead.
This allows build-compare to identify that no changes have happened.
Mon Apr 26 13:30:55 CEST 2010 -
- fixed units in the output [bnc#598714]
* units.patch
Wed Apr 7 14:51:13 CEST 2010 -
- update baselibs.conf
Tue Apr 6 15:17:00 CEST 2010 -
- updated to version 6.6.1-0:
* Fixed bug in equal-size tile cropping, when image has a page offset.
* The -recolor 4x4 matrix is now interpretted properly (previously it
summed rather attenuating the alpha channel).
* Support writing 1-bit PSD images.
* Support LCMS 2.0.
* Improved WMF support under Windows.
* The new coders/png.c was failing to read a 1-bit paletted image properly.
* Finished eliminating the deprecated direct references to members of
the png_info structure. ImageMagick can now be built with libpng-1.5.
* Respect the -density option when rendering a Postscript or PDF image.
* Distort barrel no longer complains when 3 arguments are given (reference
* Support -direction left-to-right option for rendering text
* coders/png.c: Eliminated support of libpng versions older than 1.0.12.
* Relocated the new, misplaced png_get_rowbytes() call.
* Updated setjmp/longjmp/jmpbuf usage to work with libpng-1.5.
* Add support for monochrome PSD images.
* VignetteImage() no longer crashes when x and y arguments are both greater
than half the width (x) and height (y) of the image.
* Eliminated some of the deprecated direct references to members of
the png_info structure. This must be finished before we can build
with libpng-1.5.
* The animate program no longer loops twice when -loop 1 is specified.
* The caption format would sometimes hang when the text was not UTF-8.
* Don't gamma correct log to linear color conversion unless the -gamma is
specified (reference
* Detect CMYKProcessColor AI tag.
* Delete image from command line cache for -write option.
* Add support for the Adobe Large Document format.
* Recognize -remap option for the mogrify utility.
* The default Helvetica font is not always available, check for
Century Schoolbook too (reference
Mon Mar 15 14:10:18 CET 2010 -
- updated to version 6.6.0-5:
* Permit user to get virtual pixels with a region width of 0.
* Reformulate the jinc() functio so that the main peak is of amplitude of 1.
* Resampling filter must respect the image virtual pixel method.
* The -evaluate-sequence option behaves like -evaluate except it operates
on a sequence of images.
* Add support for the Adobe Large Document format.
* Add support for the -maximum and -minimum options.
* Check to see if ICON image width /height exceeds that of the image canvas.
* Set the DPX descriptor to Luma only if the image type is not TrueColor.
* Add support for -fx airy(), j0(), j1(), jinc(), and sinc() (reference
* Don't embed an XMP profile in an EPS image for now.
* Insufficient image data in EPT is a warning rather than an error.
* Respect -type TrueColor when writing gray DPX images.
* Fix problem reading 10-bit grayscale DPX images when scanline length is
not a multiple of 3.
* BMP has an alpha channel, it was treated as an opacity channel.
* Write 10-bit grayscale DPX images properly.
* Detect PDF ICCBased colorspace.
* Finalized -set option:convolve:scale kernel normalize/scale option
* TransformImage() resets the image blob when called in the PICT decoder;
use SetImageExtent() instead.
* Support PSD RLE compression.
* The jpeg:extent define sometimes exceeded the specified limit.
* Resolve "too many open files" (reference
* Added Correlate method which does a Convolve without reflecting the kernel.
* Initialize grayscale colormap for PSD images.
* Addition Third-level Subtractive Morphology Methods:
EdgeIn, EdgeOut, Edge, TopHat, BottomHat
* Ensuring original kernels passed to morphology are cloned before being
modifified for use by specific methods (EG: convolve scale/normalize)
* display -immutable to display transparent image without a checkboard.
* Make -define png:color-type less persnickity about what it will accept.
* added use of -precision in 'showkernel' output of -morphology
* correct use of a 'reflected kernel' for 'Convolve' 'Dilate' and
'Distance' Morphology primatives. This does not have a performance hit,
though is only truely applicable when the kernel is asymmetric. Note that
'Erode' does not use a 'reflected' kernel, so that 'Open' and 'Close'
operations work properly. This 'reflected usage is defined by online
morphology lecture notes (Google for "EECE Binary Morphology")
* Added convolve kernel scaling setting "-set option:convolve:scale N"
If undefined morphology convolve does not do any scaling or normalization
of the convolution kernel. A value of 0.0 causes normalization for both
zero and non-zero (added weights) kernel types.
* Speed up reading the PSD image format.
* Add the -precision option. Use it to set the maximum number of significant
digits to be printed.
* Add -features option to the identify program to display channel features.
* Add -unique option to the identify program to display channel features.
* Add support for compact floating point (i.e. -depth 16 -define
* Transparent images no longer flicker on certain system when using the
display program.
* Permit interactive resizing with the display program.
* Support heterogeneous distributed processing, see
* Fix semaphore assertion when reading a corrupt image with Magick++.
* Add support for -brightness-contrast option.
* Add support for the BGRA raw image format.
* Added Kernel Generator to generate kernels from user strings, which
allows the generation in many built in kernels for both Convolution
and other Morphological methods. New Kernels currently include..
Convolution: Gaussian, Blur, Comet
Morphological: Rectangle, Square, Diamond, Disk, Plus
Distance: Chebyshev, Manhatten, Knight, Euclidean
And both old and new (rectangular) user defined kernel specifications
including the use of 'nan' to represent elements which are not part
of the kernel definition. List built-in kernel types use "-list kernel"
* Added -morphology {method}[:{iteration}] {kernel_string}
Initial methods includes no only the basic morphology methods: Dilate,
Erode, Open, Close; and a pixel color preserving 'Intensity' version, but
also the special methods: Convolve, and Distance. Of course the
appropriate kernel should be provided for each specific method.
* Add OpenCL-enabled filter (e.g. convert image.png -process
"convolve '-1, -1, -1, -1, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1'" image.jpg).
* Added StringTo...() processing functions
Mon Feb 15 09:39:38 CET 2010 -
- don't remove *.la files, see [bnc#579798]
Tue Feb 9 15:03:34 UTC 2010 -
- build -doc subpackage as noarch
- spec cleanup
Mon Jan 11 15:13:29 CET 2010 -
- updated to 6.5.8-9, which fixes [bnc#565014]
Wed Jan 6 01:23:21 CET 2010 -
- package baselibs.conf
Mon Nov 23 15:49:23 CET 2009 -
- updated to 6.5.7-9 (See ChangeLog)
Tue Nov 3 19:09:20 UTC 2009 -
- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0
Mon Aug 24 12:25:34 CEST 2009 -
- splitted out doc package, see [bnc#533439]
Tue Aug 4 18:57:12 CEST 2009 -
- updated to version 6.5.4-8 (See ChangeLog)
Thu Jul 30 16:57:13 CEST 2009 -
- update baselibs.conf to complete previous change
Fri Jun 5 15:55:27 CEST 2009 -
- updated to 6.5.3-2:
* shared library version increased from 1 to 2
* subpackages renamed accordingly
* includes a fix for bnc#507728
Fri Jan 23 16:49:09 CET 2009 -
- backported fix for race condition [bnc#465967]
Fri Dec 5 11:21:47 CET 2008 -
- fixed fontconfig detection [bnc#441874]
Mon Dec 1 12:43:56 CET 2008 -
- add libMagicWand1 to baselibs.conf (for libxine1)
Tue Oct 7 15:09:28 CEST 2008 -
- add baselibs.conf (libMagickCore1) required by libfprint0-32bit
Wed Sep 10 15:22:36 CEST 2008 -
- update to 6.4.3-6, see ChangeLog for details
Wed Apr 9 13:40:11 CEST 2008 -
- update to 6.4.0-4, see ChangeLog for details
* mostly bugfixes
Mon Apr 7 17:11:59 CEST 2008 -
- Fix PRNG.
Sat Mar 29 07:40:43 CET 2008 -
- fix requires
Wed Mar 26 13:57:14 CET 2008 -
- updated to 6.3.9-7, see ChangeLog for details
* renamed shared library subpackages:
libMagick10 -> libMagickCore1
libWand10 -> libMagickWand1
libMagick++10 -> libMagick++1
* read EXIF data in TIFF images
* add -encipher / -decipher options to the command-line utilities
* many bugfixes and improvements
Mon Dec 3 17:39:00 CET 2007 -
- fixed BuildRequires
Fri Nov 30 16:50:35 CET 2007 -
- updated to 6.3.7-2, see ChangeLog for details
* fixes conflicts in header files [#340485]
Mon Oct 8 14:20:12 CEST 2007 -
- Add libMagick10 to Requires of perl-PerlMagick (#331611)
Tue Sep 25 11:54:58 CEST 2007 -
- updated to 6.3.5-10: fixes CVE-2007-4985, CVE-2007-4986,
CVE-2007-4987, CVE-2007-4988 [#327021]
Fri Aug 3 14:13:24 CEST 2007 -
- fix provides for ImageMagick-Magick++ (#293401)
Sat Jul 28 21:18:41 CEST 2007 -
- remove requires on ImageMagick-Magick++
Wed Jul 25 17:31:33 CEST 2007 -
- updated to 6.3.5-3, see ChangeLog for details
- reduced the requrements of the main package,
created ImageMagick-extra with full set of requirements
- adjusted to Shared Library Policy:
* created libMagick10 and libWand10
* renamed ImageMagick-Magick++ -> libMagick++10
* renamed ImageMagick-Magick++-devel -> libMagick++-devel
Thu Apr 19 13:53:08 CEST 2007 -
- updated to 6.3.3-8, see ChangeLog for details
- fixed various crashes on malformed input, including
CVE-2007-1797 and CVE-2007-1667 [#258253]
- do not build static libs
- adjusted BuildRequires for libjasper-devel
Tue Feb 27 22:53:46 CET 2007 -
- adjust BuildRequires: libexif -> libexif-devel
Mon Feb 19 17:06:22 CET 2007 -
- Array boundaries fix in bezier path (#243280)
- bezier-array.patch
Mon Oct 30 17:29:59 CET 2006 -
- fixed overflows in dcm and palm codecs CVE-2006-5456 [#215685]
Wed Oct 18 15:52:37 CEST 2006 -
- disabled -fstack-protector for %suse_version <= 1000
Tue Oct 17 17:43:59 CEST 2006 -
- updated to 1.3.0-0
* enhanced -fx
* many bugfixes, see ChangeLog
Thu Jul 13 10:42:24 CEST 2006 -
- updated to 1.2.8-1
* security fixes merged upstream
* fixed compilation with new libpng
* many other fixes
Wed Mar 15 11:02:41 CET 2006 -
- fixed rpath in perl module
Fri Feb 3 17:13:20 CET 2006 -
- better fix for format string vulnerability
CVE-2006-0082 [#141390]
- fixed shell metacharacters in file names passed into delegates
CVE-2005-4601 [#141999]
- added version numbers to devel subpackage requirements
Wed Jan 25 21:32:48 CET 2006 -
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
Mon Jan 16 18:08:04 CET 2006 -
- Use -fstack-protector.
Tue Dec 20 18:39:12 CET 2005 -
- updated to 6.2.5
Wed Sep 21 18:08:42 CEST 2005 -
- updated to 6.2.4
Sun Sep 18 00:47:48 CEST 2005 -
- parallelize build
Wed Sep 7 15:47:40 CEST 2005 -
- fixed URL in man pages [#115568]
Thu Jul 21 10:47:30 CEST 2005 -
- moved .la files back to main package, they are needed for runtime
Fri Jul 15 14:57:43 CEST 2005 -
- updated to 6.2.3
- fixed incorrect char type usage [#95086]
Tue May 3 14:01:49 CEST 2005 -
- updated to 6.2.2, fixes crash in PNM reader [#80428]
Wed Mar 9 12:04:14 CET 2005 -
- fixed format string vulnerability [#67273]
Wed Mar 02 14:43:29 CET 2005 -
- linked PerlMagick correcly
- added xorg-x11-devel to requires of devel subpackage
Sat Jan 22 11:17:44 CET 2005 -
- fix libltdl removal on lib64
Tue Jan 18 14:38:36 CET 2005 -
- updated to 6.1.8
* fixed .psd file read overflow (CAN-2005-0005) [#49839]
Mon Nov 01 15:44:49 CET 2004 -
- fixed integer overflow in EXIF handling [#47745]
Tue Sep 14 18:46:03 CEST 2004 -
- branched new subpackage ImageMagick-Magick++-devel [#45245]
Tue Sep 14 14:48:53 CEST 2004 -
- removed Requires: ImageMagick-devel from ImageMagick-Magick++ [#45245]
Tue Sep 07 17:01:00 CEST 2004 -
- updated to 6.0.7
* fixed possible miscompilation of included headers
* fixed PerlMagick's Profile crash [#44710]
* other bugfixes
Tue Aug 31 15:51:19 CEST 2004 -
- updated to 6.0.6-2:
* fixed decoding runlength-encoded BMP [#44081]
* enabled LZW compression
Mon Aug 9 18:56:19 CEST 2004 -
- fix build with current automake
Mon Jun 28 16:20:33 CEST 2004 -
- updated to 6.0.2
Fri Mar 26 17:59:34 CET 2004 -
- adjusted default fonts
Fri Feb 06 15:44:35 CET 2004 -
- update to 5.5.7-16
- added run_ldconfig macro
- build as user
Tue Sep 09 15:34:52 CEST 2003 -
- fixed annotate function [29748]
Mon Sep 08 17:34:35 CEST 2003 -
- fixed reading of tiff images [#25552]
Thu Aug 28 18:15:55 CEST 2003 -
- fixed output from Magick++-config --version
- compiled with -fno-strict-aliasing
Wed Aug 20 17:04:55 CEST 2003 -
- require the perl version we build with
Tue Jul 29 12:15:32 CEST 2003 -
- lib64 fixed
- filelist fixed
Fri Jul 25 11:23:44 CEST 2003 -
- updated to 5.5.7-10
- used perl_process_packlist
Mon Feb 10 18:44:41 CET 2003 -
- updated to 5.5.4-4:
- fixed bug [#23111]
- copied ltdl sources from libtool package
Thu Dec 19 13:59:00 CET 2002 -
- add liblcms-devel to #neededforbuild
Thu Nov 21 19:14:43 CET 2002 -
- updated to 5.5.1
Wed Nov 20 01:48:48 CET 2002 -
- fix build with latest automake
Fri Nov 01 11:48:35 CET 2002 -
- fixed detection of lpr [#21187]
- fixed to compile with new libjasper
Tue Sep 03 10:59:13 CEST 2002 -
- do not try to detect supported ghostscript devices [#18424]
Thu Aug 29 19:12:23 CEST 2002 -
- fixed typo in delegates.mgk
Sat Aug 10 17:30:02 CEST 2002 -
- Fix filelist for threaded perl
Fri Jul 26 21:45:42 CEST 2002 -
- fix neededforbuild
Fri Jul 26 10:59:04 CEST 2002 -
- update to 5.4.7-4
Tue Jul 2 13:41:13 CEST 2002 -
- update to 5.4.7
Fri May 3 12:13:01 CEST 2002 -
- %_lib fixes
Wed Mar 6 11:09:45 CET 2002 -
- added symlink index.html->ImageMagick.html in doc directory
Mon Feb 4 10:45:44 CET 2002 -
- update to 5.4.2-3, xtp updated to 5.4.3
Fri Feb 1 00:26:08 CET 2002 -
- changed neededforbuild <libpng> to <libpng-devel-packages>
Thu Jan 17 10:34:38 CET 2002 -
- html files installed correctly
Tue Jan 15 14:31:52 CET 2002 -
- update to 5.4.2:
- new scripting language utility, conjure
Mon Dec 3 14:28:28 CET 2001 -
- update to 5.4.1:
- better SVG support
- changed default background color to none
- eliminated the dependancy on libtiff, libpng, libjpeg
- coders/wmf.c updated for libwmf 0.2
Thu Oct 18 09:33:39 CEST 2001 -
- update to 5.4.0:
- Text drawing now handles UTF8-encoding
- Added a MATLAB encoder
- Uses SHA instead of MD5 for image signatures
Fri Aug 24 15:56:13 CEST 2001 -
- update to 5.3.8:
- Added a new method SetImageClipMask().
- Added @ to the image geometry specification. Use it to specify
the square-root of the maximum area in pixels of an image
- many bugfixes
Tue Aug 21 12:19:07 CEST 2001 -
- removed wv-devel from neededforbuild, it is no longer needed
- fixed segfault in svg converting
- fixed doc installation
Wed Aug 15 10:14:51 CEST 2001 -
- compiled with libjasper
Tue Jul 24 13:43:46 CEST 2001 -
- update to 5.3.7
Fri Jul 20 12:06:42 CEST 2001 -
- changed neededforbuild <gs_fonto> to <ghostscript-fonts-other>
- changed neededforbuild <gs_fonts> to <ghostscript-fonts-std>
- changed neededforbuild <gs_lib> to <ghostscript-library>
- changed neededforbuild <gs_serv> to <ghostscript-serv>
Wed Jun 27 14:09:22 CEST 2001 -
- update to 5.3.6
- dropped ImageMagick-pictures subpackage
Tue Jun 12 10:52:58 CEST 2001 -
- update to 5.3.5
- fixed to compile with new autoconf
Tue Apr 17 16:27:01 CEST 2001 -
- Remove magickcpp_version macro
Thu Apr 5 08:47:01 CEST 2001 -
- updated to 5.3.1
Tue Mar 27 14:29:57 CEST 2001 -
- libtoolize main dir as well
Tue Mar 27 00:49:07 CEST 2001 -
- libtoolize
Fri Mar 9 10:26:04 CET 2001 -
- updated to 5.3.0
- fixed neededforbuild
Mon Feb 19 13:53:09 CET 2001 -
- fixed filelist
Tue Feb 13 10:35:43 CET 2001 -
- update to 5.2.9
Tue Dec 12 11:31:17 CET 2000 -
- compiled with option --with-threads
Tue Dec 5 12:38:47 CET 2000 -
- update to 5.2.6
- now uses freetype2
Thu Nov 16 16:23:27 CET 2000 -
- update to 5.2.5
Tue Nov 14 10:10:35 CET 2000 -
- fixed writing transparent xpm files
Wed Nov 8 11:05:39 CET 2000 -
- changed to long names
- imagemag -> ImageMagick
- magickd -> ImageMagick-devel
- magickpp -> ImageMagick-Magick++
- plmagick -> perl-PerlMagick
- impict -> ImageMagick-pictures
Wed Oct 18 14:30:55 CEST 2000 -
- update to 5.2.4
- compiled with --with-modules
Mon Sep 18 10:15:50 CEST 2000 -
- fixed usage of suse_update_config
Thu Sep 14 18:21:45 CEST 2000 -
- drop subpackage imfilm, removed povray from neededforbuild
- povray scripts are now in /usr/share/doc/imagemag/scenes
Thu Sep 14 14:35:20 CEST 2000 -
- update to 5.2.3
- new subpackage magickd for includes and static libs
- changed prefix to /usr
- removed --without-largefiles
Wed Aug 23 00:05:39 CEST 2000 -
- fixed perl path
Thu Jun 8 08:29:04 CEST 2000 -
- update to latest source from ftp
- added source url
Tue Jun 6 09:28:47 CEST 2000 -
- images, scenes -> /usr/share/ImageMagick
- doc -> %{_defaultdocdir}/imagemag
Mon Jun 5 11:49:23 CEST 2000 -
- used --without-largefiles
Thu Jun 1 09:33:32 CEST 2000 -
- xtp updated to 5.2.0
Mon May 29 08:13:38 CEST 2000 -
- updated to 5.2.0
Fri May 19 11:23:14 CEST 2000 -
- used %{_defaultdocdir}
- changed group
Fri Apr 28 11:04:11 MEST 2000 -
- fixed to compile with xf86-4.0
Mon Apr 10 16:18:44 CEST 2000 -
- added URL
Fri Apr 7 17:51:07 CEST 2000 -
- added suse config update macro
Thu Apr 6 15:39:12 CEST 2000 -
- update to 5.1.1
- added BuildRoot
Wed Jan 19 15:35:24 CET 2000 -
- fixed specfile
Mon Jan 3 01:50:26 CET 2000 -
- update to 5.1.0
Mon Sep 27 16:31:01 CEST 1999 -
- fixed requirements for sub packages
Mon Sep 13 17:23:57 CEST 1999 -
- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.
Thu Sep 2 01:34:11 CEST 1999 -
- update to 4.2.9
Mon Jun 28 19:25:23 MEST 1999 -
- update to 4.2.7
Wed May 19 13:25:48 MEST 1999 -
- fixed path in specfile
Wed May 19 10:05:36 MEST 1999 -
- fixed specfile
Wed May 19 01:06:01 MEST 1999 -
- update to 4.2.5
- new subpackage: magickpp (aka Magick++) a C++-API for libmagick
Fri Feb 19 12:29:08 MET 1999 -
- update to 4.2.0
Mon Jan 18 17:41:46 MET 1999 -
- set libraries to 755
Wed Jan 13 16:46:00 MET 1999 -
- update to 4.1.7 / PerlMagick 1.58
Mon Dec 14 09:27:13 MET 1998 -
- update to 4.1.6
- disabled unix98/ptys in
Tue Dec 1 11:05:32 MET 1998 -
- update to 4.1.5 / PerlMagick 1.53
Tue Nov 17 11:52:34 MET 1998 -
- update to 4.1.4
- switched to use configure instead of imake
Mon Aug 17 22:23:59 MEST 1998 -
- update to 4.0.9
Fri Aug 14 16:02:00 MEST 1998 -
- fixed online documentation
/usr/doc/packages/ImageMagick/ImageMagick.html is start page
- added new subpackage PerlMagick "plmagick"
Thu Aug 13 17:47:24 MEST 1998 -
- update to 4.0.8
fixed default for printCommand in Display with a app-defaults file
Mon Jun 29 09:09:33 MEST 1998 -
- update to version 4.0.7
needs libpng-1.0.1 (and povray built with that version)
Tue Apr 7 17:39:35 MEST 1998 -
- update to version 4.0.4
added freetype support
needs libpng-1.0.1 (and povray built with that version)
Sun Mar 1 12:19:28 MET 1998 -
- update to version 4.0.1
Sun Nov 16 13:36:57 MET 1997 -
- fixed Symlink /usr/doc/packages/ImageMagick
Fri Nov 14 14:05:34 MET 1997 -
- new version 3.9.2
Tue Nov 11 16:08:36 MET 1997 -
- imfilm and impict are built from same specfile
Mon Nov 3 17:49:58 MET 1997 -
- ready for autobuild