------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 24 07:25:44 UTC 2021 - Andrii Nikitin 0.8 2021-06-24 - Add mirrorlist page, reference it in file listing 'Metadata' column; - Do not require /download prefix when MIRRORCACHE_TOP_FOLDERS is configured; - Fix error "time_bad_sig: Return_to signature is not valid." during openid login by setting secret in Mojo app; - Performance improvements in estimating load on background jobs; - Performance improvements in stat calculation; - [ui] Move mirror statistics to folder status form; - Cleanup audit events, add DB index for that; - Tweak job creating metadata (folder_hashes_create); - Schedule scan when main server serves as a mirror; - Improve handling symlinked files in rsync root; - rpm spec improvements. 0.7 2021-06-03 - [ui] Change /logout only on POST message, (before it was on GET). - [ui] Tweak html in file listing. - [ui] Use natural sort in file listing (case insensitive, foo-9 before foo-10). - [internal] Significantly reduce time of guards inside some permanent tasks. - [internal] (Experimental) new task FolderHashesCreate in new queue hashes to collect files metadata and store in db. - [tests] Switch test containers to leap 15.3 0.6 2021-05-27 - an audit logs page for admins - new config MIRRORCACHE_AUTH_URL, fake auth for testing - new permanent job mirror_check_from_stat - tests: switch to new reworked environ framework 0.5 2021-04-30 - Obsolete MIRRORCACHE_FALLBACK_REDIRECT in favor of MIRRORCACHE_REDIRECT - Adjust github address to openSUSE 0.4 2021-04-29 - Collect file size from origin if nginx with indexing - Add favicon and initial version of logo 0.3 2021-04-24 - Remove column db_sync_for_country from /app/folder 0.2 2021-04-22 - Add table 'demand' for tracking mirror scans per country 0.1 2021-04-21 - Start of change log - Add automatic deployment of DB