Wolfgang Rosenauer 41c367e33f - Add firefox-3781e3117706.patch to fix boo#1227856 aka bmo#1905018
where an incompatible pointer assignment is not accepted in C by
  GCC 14.

If the request is OK, please forward it to Factory soon-ish so that we
can switch the default compiler.  Thanks!.

2024-07-19 09:54:37 +00:00

17 lines
799 B

# HG changeset patch
# Parent 83a5e219b271976ee9dfa46b74ecc1c1c6d49f94
Index: firefox-128.0/Cargo.toml
--- firefox-128.0.orig/Cargo.toml
+++ firefox-128.0/Cargo.toml
@@ -236,3 +236,8 @@ mio_0_8 = { package = "mio", git = "http
# Patch `gpu-descriptor` 0.3.0 to remove unnecessary `allocator-api2` dep.:
# Still waiting for the now-merged <> to be released.
gpu-descriptor = { git = "", rev = "7b71a4e47c81903ad75e2c53deb5ab1310f6ff4d" }
+# Package code v0.1.4 uses code "that will be rejected by a future version of Rust"
+# Shut up such messages for now to make the build succeed
+frequency = "never"