Wolfgang Rosenauer 5bbcb979e1 ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Firefox 128.0.3 Release
  * Fixed: Fixed an issue causing some sites to not load when
    connecting via HTTP/2. (bmo#1908161, bmo#1909666)
  * Fixed: Fixed collapsed table rows not appearing when expected
    in some situations. (bmo#1907789)
  * Fixed: Fixed the Windows on-screen keyboard potentially
    concealing the webpage when displayed. (bmo#1907766)
- Firefox 128.0.2 Release
  * Fixed: Fixed an audio echo in video calls on macOS under
    certain conditions. (bmo#1908539)
  * Fixed: Fixed an issue where the Adguard extension popup was
    not displaying. (bmo#1906132)
  * Fixed: Fixed an issue causing some screen readers to fail to
    read when navigating by character in rich text editors. (Bug
  * Fixed: Fixed visual glitches when dark mode is enabled in
    Windows ARM devices. (bmo#1897444)
  * Fixed: Fixed an issue causing NTLM authentication failure.
  * Fixed: Fixed an issue where content displayed on mouseover
    was not captured in a screenshot. (bmo#1905468)
  * Fixed: Various stability fixes.
- renamed firefox-3781e3117706.patch to mozilla-bmo1905018.patch
  to conform with patch structure and naming for the package

2024-07-30 11:20:32 +00:00

34 lines
1.4 KiB

# HG changeset patch
# User Wolfgang Rosenauer
# Date 1558442915 -7200
# Tue May 21 14:48:35 2019 +0200
# Node ID 6bcf2dfebc1ea2aa34e5cc61152709fc8e409dc5
# Parent 715f01d61df8627117e6aefca540f0c1bba45011
Do not use gconf for proxy settings if not running within Gnome
Index: toolkit/system/unixproxy/nsUnixSystemProxySettings.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/toolkit/system/unixproxy/nsUnixSystemProxySettings.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff --git a/toolkit/system/unixproxy/nsUnixSystemProxySettings.cpp b/toolkit/system/unixproxy/nsUnixSystemProxySettings.cpp
--- a/toolkit/system/unixproxy/nsUnixSystemProxySettings.cpp
+++ b/toolkit/system/unixproxy/nsUnixSystemProxySettings.cpp
@@ -52,10 +52,13 @@ nsUnixSystemProxySettings::GetMainThread
void nsUnixSystemProxySettings::Init() {
- if (mGSettings) {
- mGSettings->GetCollectionForSchema("org.gnome.system.proxy"_ns,
- getter_AddRefs(mProxySettings));
+ const char* sessionType = PR_GetEnv("DESKTOP_SESSION");
+ if (sessionType && !strcmp(sessionType, "gnome")) {
+ if (mGSettings) {
+ mGSettings->GetCollectionForSchema("org.gnome.system.proxy"_ns,
+ getter_AddRefs(mProxySettings));
+ }