------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 26 21:18:52 UTC 2025 - Ben Greiner - Add prusaslicer-2.8.1-boost-1.87.0-asio.patch for new boost * gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#13799 gentoo#946495 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 9 09:37:07 UTC 2025 - Dmitry Roshchin - Fix app notification font ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 6 10:50:53 UTC 2025 - Andreas Schneider - Fix building with CGAL 6.0+ - Added PrusaSlicer-2.9.0-pr13081-cgal6.0.patch gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#13081 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 21 11:00:03 UTC 2025 - Andreas Schneider - Fixed printables.com integration - Added PrusaSlicer-2.9.0-pr14010-fix-curl.patch gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#14010 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 8 08:18:03 UTC 2025 - Andreas Schneider - Remove obsolete qhull linking workaround ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 20 18:27:35 UTC 2024 - Andreas Schneider - Update to version 2.9.0 * This release introduces multiple beds, scarf seams, Printables integration, improved support for multiple nozzle diameters, paint-on fuzzy skin and many more improvements and bugfixes. * See https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases/tag/version_2.9.0 - Added PrusaSlicer-2.9.0-pr13896-static-libs.patch gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#13896 - Added PrusaSlicer-2.9.0-pr13885-printconfig-segfault.patch gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#13885 - Removed PrusaSlicer-2.8.1-pr13609-fix-build.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Dec 15 11:12:17 UTC 2024 - Andreas Schneider - Fixed loading STEP files - Added PrusaSlicer-2.8.1-pr13761-fix-occtwrapper.patch - Removed up-occt-version.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Dec 8 16:40:40 UTC 2024 - Ben Greiner - Changelog for 2.8.1 * When using the wipe tower with "No sparse layers" option enabled, there would still be travels to the wipe tower location even for the skipped layers. This is a regression introduced in 2.8.1-rc1 (#13384). * A warning about inconsistent color profiles in PNGs used as Prusa Account avatar is now silently ignored (#12920). ## Improvements with respect to 2.8.0 * Based on the feedback received after 2.8.0 release, the menu bar was reinstated and the menu no longer hides under a button. Thanks everyone for the feedback, it was very helpful and it will be taken into consideration during possible UI-related decisions in the future. #12943 * When logging-in with the PrusaAccount using third party authorization (Google, Apple, Facebook), an external browser window is opened so the user is not forced to enter their credentials into windows created by PrusaSlicer. * The built-in web engine no longer remembers the user after logout. * There are two new parameters: Filaments->Advanced->Abrasive material and Printers->Extruder->High flow nozzle. Both flags will be used to check whether a sliced G-code is compatible with the given printer (abrasive material requires hardened nozzle) and also to ensure that "Set as current" function in PrusaSlicer-embedded Prusa Connect will select the suitable profile for the given configuration. * Note that this feature is supported since MINI/MK4/XL firmware version 6.2.0-alpha1, and that the implementation in Prusa Connect is not completely finished yet, meaning that the dialog where printer is selected does not use this information - it will later start working without the need to download a new slicer version. * Automatic orientation of bridges has been improved. Issues with unanchored bridges caused by inconvenient choice of their angle should now occur less frequently, although there is still a large class of scenarios where the solution is suboptimal. * The output of --query-printer-models command line option was extended to contain bed shape and dimensions. Note that custom bed shapes are currently not supported. * The 'new version available' notification can now be used to direct the user to our website, instead of just downloading the executable. As of now, we release two different Linux AppImages, so the user needs to be able to choose which one they want to download. * A new infill type called Zig-zag was created. It behaves the same as Rectilinear, except that the pattern is aligned between layers (Rectilinear is optimized for short travels, which leads to inconsistencies). The new infill may thus take slightly longer to print because of that, although the effect will be negligible in most prints. It is possible that Rectilinear and Zig-zag will be merged into a single infill type in one of the upcoming releases. #12613 ## Bugs fixed with respect to 2.8.0 * General improvement of Prusa Connect / PrusaAccount session stability. There were scenarios which led to uncommanded logouts from PrusaAccount, some resulting in partially blank Prusa Connect screen and requiring application restart to fix. The problems occurred after being logged on for a long time, after waking the PC up from sleep, or when internet connection was unstable. * Fixed missing G-code preview on setups using older GPUs (#12908). * Some settings were not applied when overridden per object (#12916). * Fixed adding SVGs as parts/modifiers. This was broken in 2.8.0 (#12915). * Fixed UI glitch resulting in disappearing text in edit boxes after editing (#12932). * Fixed incorrect capture of keyboard input, which led to some keys being ignored (#13043). * Physical printer configured to use username/password authentication no longer asks the user for the credentials when opening the Physical Printer page (#12921, #12933). * Notification informing about the user having logged in into PrusaAccount occasionally showed even when the user was in fact logged in for a long time already (#12963, #13166). * Object shells incorrectly stayed visible after switching from FFF to SLA and back. * Fixed rotation slider in SVG tool when "Use surface" option was active (it incorrectly reverted to original position when released). * Changing Dynamic overhang speeds settings did not trigger G-code regeneration as is should have. * Fixed loading of specific OBJ files (#12157). * Fixed a crash when scaling to fit in specific cases (circular bed and objects with parts). * Fixed an infinite loop during infill generation stage occurring in rare cases (#11426). * 'Export Plate as STL/OBJ Including Supports' no longer exports non-printable objects. * Fixed zero velocity G-code commands when the pressure equalizer was combined with spiral vase mode. This bugfix was ported from OrcaSlicer. Thanks to @Noisyfox, @SoftFever and everyone involved. * Fixed incorrect Color Changes placement after reslicing in certain cases (#13008). * Reduced number of emitted M106 G-codes when dynamic fan speed on overhangs is enabled. Too many commands were generated even when the fan speed barely changed or did not change at all. #11981, #11856 * Fixed missing update when adding Color Change with supports enabled. * Fixed crash when loading specific 3MFs containing Color Changes (#13038). * Adaptive layer height feature did not work when Z shrinkage compensation was used. * Fixed unexpected autoselection of SLA printer in Configuration Wizard in certain cases (#13058). * Fixed couple of usability issues with the vertical slider in preview (hovered ticks selection and reaction to mouse wheel) (#12944). * Fixed unexpected deceleration on overhangs with dynamic overhangs speed enabled. * Line infill did not generate at all when maximum anchor length was set to zero. * When seam position was set to Random, the algorithm would occasionally place the seam on a bridging perimeter. * Fixed erratic placement of seams occassionally happening with specific object geometry. * Fixed a problem in STEP file loading, which resulted in errors in the geometry of the loaded model (#12271, #12122). * Using certain fonts for the text embossing led to project files which PrusaSlicer was not able to open anymore (#13123). * Custom G-codes are not allowed to contain certain keywords which PrusaSlicer uses for internal purposes. The check that these keywords are not present was not working in the previous version. It is now fixed. * Fixed artifacts sometimes appearing in the "Actual speed" preview. The artifacts were a result of long-existing bug in the G-code processor, the "Actual speed" preview just made them visible. The bug could have led to incorrect time estimates for specific G-codes. * Fixed three distinct crashes in Configuration Wizard occurring after a specific sequence of steps. * Fixed a long-existing bug in the cooling logic, which resulted in zero or possibly negative extrusion commands in very rare cases. * Downloading from Printables did not work when the download folder contained non-ASCII characters. * Fixed selection of print host type in Physical Printer dialog. PrusaLink was missing in the list for several printers which actually support it. This also caused several other glitches (#13286). * The Connect status dots in the Printer Settings dropdown did not show for SLA printers. * Custom printer profile created in Config Wizard could be saved under a name clashing with a system profile name. * "Rename preset" button was inadvertently not shown in the UI when physical printer profile was selected. * Number of toolchanges did not show in the "Sliced info" box when wipe tower was disabled (#6832). - Replace PrusaSlicer-2.8.1-fix-build.patch with PrusaSlicer-2.8.1-pr13609-fix-build.patch and remove unstable (because not merged yet) URL from Source tag. gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#13609 - Remove update-desktop-files ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Dec 8 08:57:27 UTC 2024 - Andreas Schneider - Update to version 2.8.1 https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases/tag/version_2.8.1 - Removed PrusaSlicer-2.8.0-slic3r-includes.patch - Added PrusaSlicer-2.8.1-fix-build.patch - Updated up-occt-version.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 13 19:22:26 UTC 2024 - Ben Greiner - Remove quadmath workaround for gcc14 with boost error: fixed by boost 1.86 (see boo#1225861) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 3 12:51:07 UTC 2024 - Guillaume GARDET - Do not require libquadmath-devel on aarch64 since it does not exist on this arch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 29 16:20:17 UTC 2024 - Ben Greiner - Update to 2.8.0 * Prusa Connect integration * seam improvements * updated UI * new G-code Viewer * improved profile updating system * many more improvements and bugfixes - Must move to wxGTK3: we have no wxWebView in wxWidgets. Unfortunately this disables wayland support: https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/blob/version_2.8.0/src/PrusaSlicer.cpp#L88-L93 - Add PrusaSlicer-2.8.0-slic3r-includes.patch * gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#13080 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 26 07:16:48 UTC 2024 - Ben Greiner - Don't include stray filesystem/convenience.hpp removed in boost 1.85 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 25 13:54:10 UTC 2024 - Ben Greiner - Update to 2.7.4 * Objects from 3MFs generated by BambuStudio now retain multimaterial painting when loaded. BambuStudio saves the data under a changed name, but because both the location and meaning are the same, PrusaSlicer now tries to load the data under the new name when it fails to find the attribute that PrusaSlicer has always used. #12502 * Fix: Downloading files from Printables did not work correctly (#12521). - Fixes in 2.7.3 ## Bug fixes with respect to 2.7.3-beta1 * Removed negligible deretractions sometimes emitted into the G-code after the recently introduced spiral vase mode improvements. While they did not present actual issues with the print, they were confusingly shown in the G-code preview. ## Bug fixes with respect to 2.7.3-alpha1 * The z offset configuration option was not correctly accounted for when doing the last filament unload above the wipe tower. * Fixed crash when importing a specific config bundle while in SLA mode. * Linux specific: When changing active profile using the dropdown in the right panel, the dropdown would stay open when Unsaved Changes dialog was shown. * The improvements of spiral vase mode handling introduced in the previous alpha did not work correctly with absolute extruder addressing (#2841 (comment)). They are now only applied with relative extruder addressing, otherwise it falls back to the old behaviour. * After performing a toolchange on the wipe tower, a G-code to set layer z is now always emitted. This is to make sure that the layer z is correct and that it was not changed in custom toolchange G-code. While the user is expected to pass such information in the custom G-code, the "z-ensuring" G-code was present in previous versions and removing it in 2.7.2 was therefore a needless breaking change (#12361). * Fixed blobs on the first layer when using ramping travels with absolute extruder addressing enabled. * Fixed issues with 'avoid crossing perimeters' function (#12432). This problem was actually fixed in 2.7.3-alpha1 already. ## Major improvements first seen in 2.7.3-alpha1 * See https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases/tag/version_2.7.3-alpha1 for the full description * Improvements of multi-material printing * Purging volumes * Spiral vase mode improvements ## Other improvements with respect to 2.7.2 * PrusaSlicer is now able to open 3MF files generated by BambuStudio and load geometry from them. (#10718, PR #10808, thanks to @cmguo). Please note that BambuStudio allows to save a 3MF containing G-code only, which is not supported by PrusaSlicer and loading of such 3MFs will fail. * Metadata of binary G-code have a new item named objects_info, which lists all the objects in the print and their boundary polygons. The same info was added into the comments at the end of ASCII G-codes. ## Bugfixes with respect to 2.7.2 * Pressure equalizer limits were not respected when Dynamic speed on overhangs was used (#9485). This is now fixed. Pressure equalizer is also not applied after long travels. Many thanks to @MGunlogson for providing a fix in his pull request #9622. * Fixed a bug resulting in inadequate anchoring of bridging extrusions. This bug was introduced in PrusaSlicer 2.6.0. #10231, #11500, #11633, #11173, #11117, #9999, #10313, #11150, #10493 * When using Cancel object feature, the marks denoting where one object ends and another starts were placed incorrectly. As a result, there was a missing deretraction after all travels to objects which would normally be printed following the cancelled object. The issue was even worse with sequential printing, where the uncompensated retractions on the cancelled object summed up and could result in filament being unloaded past the driving gears. * When arcs (G2 and G3 G-codes) were enabled, PrusaSlicer generated toolpaths outside the print area in certain cases (#12381). - Increase memory and disk space for building constraints ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 13 19:02:19 UTC 2024 - Frank Kunz - Update to 2.7.2 ## Improvements with respect to 2.7.1 * Multi-material segmentation improvements * Color change (M600) improvements * Ramping travel improvements * SLA overrides * Windows specific: The cut tool sometimes produces non-manifold meshes. This situation is now detected and the user is advised to use Windows repair algorithm on the resulting objects. ## Bugs fixes with respect to 2.7.1 * Fixed incorrect partial arrange in certain cases. * Fixing arrange issues with aligning to unprintable objects when doing Shift+A. * Fixed arrange which sometimes put the wipe tower slightly out of bed * Fixed UI glitch when setting object dimensions to extremely high values. * Fixed a bug in generation of brim and skirt preview in the preliminary G-code preview (#11821, thanks to @supermerill) * Fixed an issue Ctrl+Shift+Tab shortcut, which incorrectly collapsed sidebar. * Fixed wiggling of Rotate gizmo when moving an object in certain cases. * Fixed missing updated when moving through dropdown items using keyboard arrows. * Improve filtering of special characters on Klipper EXCLUDE_OBJECT labels (#11802, PR#11813 by @jschuh - thank you). * Fixed layer change color dialog opening off screen. * Fixed occasional crash during thumbnail generation for SLA printers. * Fixed slicing issues such as missing infills and similar on multi part models when sliced with object-specific settings. * In SLA mode, it was not possible to use custom file extension (configured in Output Settings). * Fixed incorrect calculation of wipe length in certain cases, leading to shorter wipes than configured. * Fixed various issues and UI glitches in text/SVG embossing. * Fixed missing update when a new printer was added while a physical printer preset was selected. * Scrolling of the window was incorrectly performed when using mouse wheel over a dropdown. * Windows specific: Drop down menus appeared outside of PrusaSlicer and could not be opened again. * When loading an object from a 3MF, the suggestion to rescale the model is not shown, because 3MFs store the information about the correct unit (unlike STL files). * Fixed an incorrect check of supported OpenGL version, which led to a hard crash when OpenGL 3.2 was not available. * When loading a 3MF for MM printer, PrusaSlicer offers to load individual models as parts of a single object. This dialog did not show up for specific geometries. * PrusaSlicer did not start on some Windows Server installations due to a missing DLL (wlanapi.dll). The library is now loaded in runtime and the respective features. * Travels with standard lifts (non-ramping) were incorrectly generated. * With option "Retract on layer change" disabled, there was a retraction missing before the first travel on each layer. * Variable layer height limits were not applied correctly when using multi-extruder printer with different values of min and max layer height. * When z travel speed was set to zero, it was incorrectly exported into the G-code, effectively stopping the print. Instead, regular travel speed should have been used for the z travel. * When Print / Filament / Printer profiles contained different values for the same key (which should normally not happen, providing the profiles are correct), the misplaced keys could have been used instead of the correct ones. * Fixed incorrectly applied retraction in vase mode when ramping travels were enabled. * When using the "No sparse layers" wipe tower, the print head sometimes lowered before travelling to the wipe tower, digging into an object and destroying the print. * Fixed a crash when loading certain AMF files. * When specific extruder was set for the wipe tower and z position has changed in custom toolchange G-code, the z position was not correctly accounted for. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 29 09:47:16 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner - Add PrusaSlicer-2.7.1-slic3r-wxWidgets-3.2.4.patch * Fixes a compilation error with wxWidgets 3.2.4 * gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#11769 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 25 13:59:05 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner - Update to 2.7.1 ## Improvements fixed with respect to 2.7.0 * The option Export as binary G-code was removed from Print Settings. Instead, there is a new option in Printer Settings named Supports binary G-code so it can be set at printer level. There is also a new global switch in Preferences->Other, which controls whether binary G-code will be generated for printers which support it. It is therefore easy to turn the feature on or off without doing any changes in profiles (#11734, #11873). * Wipe tower weight was added into G-code metadata so it can be easily displayed in the print statistics on the printer's display. ## Bugs fixed with respect to 2.7.0 * When ramping travels were enabled, sometimes a perimeter was missing at the layer where the spiral starts. * Fixed a crash when selecting embossed text while an SVG tool is opened (#11759). * Helical layer changes could result in out of bed moves (#11754). * Helical layer change was enabled even when there was no retraction on layer change (#11709, #11761). - Release 2.7.0 * This is the stable release of PrusaSlicer 2.7.0, introducing SVG emboss, binary G-codes, ramping travels, support for G2/G3 G-codes, support for Cancel object function and much more. It also fixes many bugs. * Important note for Original Prusa MINI, MK4 and XL owners: The new configuration update of our system profiles will enable binary G-code and G2/G3 features. Users using older firmware need to update to 5.1.0-alpha2 or later or manually turn these features off. On older firmware, new binary G-code is not visible or recognized and the G2/G3 G-codes may not work perfectly. * Travel moves improvements * SVG embossing tool (#6916, #9373) * G2 and G3 G-code support #4352 * Binary G-code * Improved user interface * Custom G-code editor * Cancel object (Marlin, RRF and Klipper) - D PrusaSlicer-2.6.0-wxWidgets-CheckResizerFlags-assert-fix.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 15 19:03:08 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner - Update to 2.6.1 * When renaming a preset to a name containing non-ASCII characters, the encoding was mangled. This is now fixed (#11232). * Supports are no longer shown when using the clipping plane in SLA supports tool. * Fixed a crash when displaying command line help (#11060). * Two tooltips in the Cut tool dialog were shown with mangled encoding in some languages (#11236). * The Help menu in PrusaSlicer was extended with "Sample G-codes and Models" item, which navigates the user to the respective page on our website where these assets can be downloaded. * The Help menu was extended with "Quick Start" item, which navigates the user to the beginner's guide on our website. - Drop PrusaSlicer-pr11154-fix-cgal-c++-error.patch - Drop PrusaSlicer-drop-wx3.0.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 29 07:23:22 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner - Add PrusaSlicer-pr11154-fix-cgal-c++-error.patch * gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#11154 * Fixes error on CGAL 5.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Aug 20 16:01:37 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner - Limit to CGAL < 5.6 as it introduced breaking changes which PrusaSlicer is not compatible yet - Disable failing ix86 build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 21 10:32:11 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner - Require wxWidgets >= 3.1.6 * Add PrusaSlicer-drop-wx3.0.patch * gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#11026, gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#11027 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jul 9 14:30:54 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner - BuildRequire nanosvg-devel >= 2022.12.22 * only the fltk fork has nsvgRasterizeXY() ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 5 14:13:11 UTC 2023 - Hans-Peter Jansen - disable slic3r_jobs_tests.cpp, as it fails sometimes - PrusaSlicer-2.6.0-wxWidgets-CheckResizerFlags-assert-fix.patch applied ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 4 17:16:14 UTC 2023 - Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to version 2.6.0 * too many changes to list here, you may want to check: https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/commits/version_2.6.0 * PrusaSlicer-boost1.79.patch was applied upstream: removed * PrusaSlicer-cereal.patch was applied upstream: removed * gentoo-887055-boost-fix.patch was applied upstream: removed * new dependencies: nanosvg (new package), glu and glew * more sed fiddling required for system expat and qhull support * PrusaSlicer-2.6.0-octoprint-name-fix.patch added to work around compile error: cast lambda expressionn to same type * wxWidgets 3.0 is not supported anymore (even project states otherwise). Let's hope, it will work with 3.2 better now. upstream is using a patched 3.1 version. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 21 15:04:55 UTC 2023 - Klaus Kämpf - Update to version 2.5.2 * contains profiles for Original Prusa MK4 printer - Update to version 2.5.1 * 'Monotonic lines' top/bottom fill pattern * It is now possible to set acceleration separately for external perimeters, solid infill and top solid infill (Print Settings-> Speed->Acceleration control) * Original Prusa XL specific: Arrangement into the corner * Fixed a crash sometimes occurring when slicing very detailed models * Added Original Prusa XL profiles ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 31 18:34:16 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner - Add gentoo-887055-boost-fix.patch * Fix build error with boost-filesystem 1.81 * gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#9294 * https://bugs.gentoo.org/887055 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 1 17:25:36 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner - Update up-occt-version.patch * Allow any version for openCASCADE * Luckily, the package compiles with recently updated occt v7.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Oct 29 11:35:55 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner - Update to version 2.5.0 * Arachne perimeter generator * Lightning infill * Pressure equalizer * STEP file import * various smaller features and bugfixes * Big changelog since v2.4.2, most changes decribed in alpha and beta release notes: https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases - Add up-occt-version.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 5 17:17:49 UTC 2022 - Hans-Peter Jansen - Quoting Lucas Matena (see gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#8299, issue 2): if you link PrusaSlicer 2.5.x with wxWidgets 3.2, you will most likely break it: link against wxWidgets 3.0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 1 15:42:40 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner - Add PrusaSlicer-cereal.patch -- gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#7809 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 31 19:04:00 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner - Disable test_voronoi -- rh#2059646 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 8 10:03:57 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner - Update to version 2.4.2 * SLA mode incorrectly handled 3MFs from 3rd party software, resulting in misplaced SLA support points and holes in some cases (#6100, #7359, #7189, #7826, #7659). This is very old issue. * Vase mode preview did not show in cases when Custom Start G-Code lacked moves in Z #8032 * When loading a 3rd party 3MF using drag and drop. PrusaSlicer no longer asks if the 3MF shall be loaded as a project (which makes no sense since it contains no config) and loads the geometry only * Using the Layer Height Modifier with the wipe tower was impossible with multiple objects. The wipe tower reported that the layer height profile is different, even though it was in fact set the same on all objects (#7711, #7903, #8044) * Fixed a crash on "Convert from/to units" when several objects were selected * Automatic color change for logo crashed PrusaSlicer in certain cases (when a one-layer object was present) #8156 * Linux specific: Fixed a crash on opening projects in some cases (#8078, #8097) * Added Snapmaker bundle (Snapmaker A250, Snapmaker A350). Based on https://github.com/nivekmai/snapmaker-prusa by @nivekmai, @WilliamBosacker, @mrworf * Added profiles for Zonestar printers (Z5, Z6, Z5X, Z8, Z9), based on slic3r/slic3r-profiles#19 by @ZONESTAR3D * Fixed a crash when Unsaved Changes dialog attempted to show a modified config option which is not available in current mode (e.g. Start G-Code in Simple mode). #7905 * Fixed a bug that when the user was closing the application and replied 'Yes' in the dialog asking about unsaved project while also checking 'Remember my choice', it made it impossible to close PrusaSlicer in the next runs when there were no objects in the plater #8076, #8122 * Loading of a G-Code in G-Code Viewer or loading config from G-Code file sometimes failed because of a bug in parsing of the configuration block at the end. * Fixed incorrect rendering of some characters used in the recently updated Simplified Chinese translation #8171 * Fixed incorrect number of toolchanges reported in "Sliced Info" box when wipe tower was used. The annotations of toolchanges in G-Code were also numbered wrong #8186 * Fixed a crash when using the "Import SL1 Archive" function and either cancelling the dialog or confirming a non-existing file #8175 * Recycling symbols in Shape Gallery were mirrored so the user does not have to flip them when using them as negative volumes at the base of the print (which is the usual use case). Also, PLA recycling symbol was added #7800 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 25 11:27:58 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner - Refresh PrusaSlicer-boost1.79.patch with upstream's fix * gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#8238 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Apr 24 09:26:22 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner - Add PrusaSlicer-boost1.79.patch avoiding the deprecation of boost::filesystem::ofstream in Boost 1.79 * gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#8238 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 12 12:59:51 UTC 2022 - Hans-Peter Jansen - Use gcc version 10 for anything but Tumbleweed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 12 06:41:47 UTC 2022 - Adrian Schröter - Use gcc version 10 This allows the build on Leap 15.3/15.4 and in Factory using the same compiler. - Add buildignore to libglfw3-wayland to fix building for 15.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 18 11:44:17 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner - Update to 2.4.1 * Big changelog since v2.4.0, most changes decribed in alpha and beta release notes: https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases * introducing G-Code Substitutions * fixing bugs found in 2.4.0 release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 24 14:39:28 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Update to 2.4.0 * Big changelog since v2.3.3, most changes decribed in alpha and beta release notes: https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases * Send system info: new dialog for telemetry. Opt-in. - Drop patches * PrusaSlicer-catch2upd.patch * PrusaSlicer-issue6681-openvdb.patch * PrusaSlicer-pr6590-updateTBB.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 23 11:21:48 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Make compatible with TBB 2021 * add FindTBB.cmake -- gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#7332 * add PrusaSlicer-pr6590-updateTBB.patch gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#6590 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 24 07:53:45 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Add PrusaSlicer-catch2upd.patch * gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#6518 * Update of Catch2 test framework from v2.13.3 to v2.13.6 * Fixes build failure due to change of MINSIGSTKSZ in glibc 2.34 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 30 11:37:03 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Add PrusaSlicer-issue6681-openvdb.patch * gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#6681 * ilmbase-devel is now provided by openexr-devel * OpenVDB's FindOpenVDB.cmake requires blosc-devel ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 16 15:22:48 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Update to v2.3.3 * fix a bug in handling FDM multi-material project and configuration files. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 9 16:08:39 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Update to v2.3.2 * Introducing support for the new Prusa SL1S SPEED masked SLA printer, Prusa CW1S firmware updater, PrusaLink host type for Prusa i3 MK3 printers, Monotonic infill for all solid layers, better support for reading configurations of newer PrusaSlicer releases, new 3rd party printer profiles and a handful of bug fixes. - Switch to bundled GLEW -- gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#6396 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 20 10:50:45 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Update to v2.3.1 New 3rd party printer profiles * Multiple Creality printers profiles were added (Ender-3 Max, Ender-4, Ender-6, CR-5 Pro, CR-5 Pro H, CR-6 SE, CR-6 Max, CR-10 Max, CR-200B, CR-8), thanks @pmjdebruijn. * Added Artillery printer profiles (Sidewinder X1, Genius), thanks @SzabolcsHornyak. * Added INAT printer profiles, thanks @MarkINAT. * Updated Anycubic Kossel bed texture (thanks @brunosso) and Anycubic Kossel bed STL. Vulnerability issues fixed * The Talos Cisco Intelligence Group did a great job identifying potential security issues in loading invalid and potentially malicious AMF and 3MF files, see their vulnerability reports TALOS-2020-1222 and TALOS-2020-1218. We fixed these two potential security issues with this release of PrusaSlicer. Bugs fixed with respect to PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 * Reduced number of hits shown by the "Find config option" dialog, fixed case insensitive search for non-Latin1 languages #5202. * Fixed G-code preview with coloring by a tool and visualization of travels enabled #6095. * Fixed opening of drop down menus at the bottom of the screen on multi-monitor setups #2999 #5911 #5957. This issue has been fixed by us in wxWidgets and accepted by the upstream. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 11 18:43:08 UTC 2021 - Benjamin Greiner - Update to v2.3.0 * Introducing paint-on supports, ironing, monotonic infill, seam painting, adaptive and support cubic infill, print time per feature analysis, standalone G-code viewer application, better auto-arrange with a customizable gap and rotation, search function for the settings, reworked "Avoid crossing perimeters" function, physical printers (network settings), many new 3rd party printer profiles and much, much more. - Full Changelog entries for betas and release candidates: https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases - Drop PrusaSlicer-pr4340-boost-1-73.patch merged upstream ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Dec 20 20:12:40 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner - Remove extra PrusaSlicer.desktop. Use upstream's desktop files. Graphics;3DGraphics seems to be the consensus now. - Remove wrapper gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#4691 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 1 21:20:26 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner - support boost >= 1.73 * PrusaSlicer-pr4340-boost-1-73.patch gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#4340 * fixes gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#4264 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 1 11:46:30 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner - enforce GDK_BACKEND=x11 by indroducing the same wrapper as Fedora gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#4691 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 20 15:50:07 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner - revert the memoryperjob change. The build process really acquires that much memory per job and the workers cannot provide 3GB per CPU core. Sadly, we are limited by memory not by CPU cores. - require 11 GB of RAM. This allows us to run 3 jobs in parallel and can be provided by all architectures ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 20 09:03:33 UTC 2020 - Martin Liška - Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro. - Use only 1GB for memoryperjob. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 10 08:12:10 UTC 2020 - Stefan Brüns - Use wxGTK3 instead of wxWidgets (GTK2), for better HiDPI and Wayland support. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 16 12:09:13 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner - This is mainly a cosmetic update so that the package gets rebuilt in Factory. Rebuild is needed because of wxWidgets - boo#1172750 - Add openvdb-tools package for better cmake reporting. - Make the 32-bit floating point workaround more readable. gh#prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#3781 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 24 07:24:26 UTC 2020 - Dominique Leuenberger - BuildRequire pkgconfig(libudev) instead of libudev-devel: allow OBS to shortcut through -mini flavors. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 21 22:08:07 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner - update to version 2.2.0 introducing SLA hollowing and hole drilling, support for 3rd party printer vendors, 3Dconnexion support, automatic variable layer height, macOS dark mode support, greatly improved ColorPrint feature and much, much more. See https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases/tag/version_2.2.0 and the changelogs for the release candidates, betas and alphas since 2.1.1 for a complete list of changes. - reactivate parallel builds, but need strong enough workers and reserve 4G of memory per thread (memory-constraints, %limit_build) - new build dependencies: cgal, ilmbase, more of boost, libudev, openvdb ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 11 10:24:01 UTC 2019 - Benjamin Greiner - update to version 2.1.1 - integrating the Prusa Mini printer into the installation wizard - 3D scene thumbnails are newly generated and exported into the G-code to be displayed on the Prusa Mini printer's display - use Graphics;3DGraphics for non Tumbleweed distros ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 13 19:34:47 UTC 2019 - Benjamin Greiner - final 2.1.0 - symlink icon files instead of duplicate copy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 7 15:00:17 UTC 2019 - Benjamin Greiner - new version 2.1.0-rc - remove obsolete patch file - tag localization files - remove stray Noto font file, add as dependency - outsource Desktop file creation - move Desktop category to "Science;Construction" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 29 11:30:21 UTC 2019 - Benjamin Greiner - Clean up specfile according to declined submit request 718985 - Remove non-devel BuildRequires - Move icons to icons/hicolor - build with -j1 as otherwise x64 build is stuck ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 26 15:25:15 UTC 2019 - Benjamin Greiner - use new patch from upstream (see https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/pull/2676) - use Education;Construction as long as boo#1074711 is not resolved ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 23 11:29:49 UTC 2019 - Benjamin Greiner - initial specfile