INSTALLATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: * The default detection of the shell variable libNN is overridden for derivatives of Debian Linux, some of which have started to have a /usr/lib64 directory. (E.g. Ubuntu 19.04.) As before, it can be specified in UTILITIES: * R CMD config knows the values of AR and RANLIB, often set for LTO builds. DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: * The use of a character vector with .Fortran() is formally deprecated and gives a non-portability warning. (It has long been strongly discouraged in 'Writing R Extensions'.) BUG FIXES: * On Windows, GUI package installation via menuInstallPkgs() works again, thanks to Len Weil's and Duncan Murdoch's PR#17556. * R CMD check on data() fixing PR#17558 thanks to Duncan Murdoch. * quasi(*, variance = list(..)) now works more efficiently, and should work in all cases fixing PR#17560. Further, quasi(var = mu(1-mu)) and quasi(var = "mu ^ 3") now work, and quasi(variance = "log(mu)") now gives a correct error message. * Creation of lazy loading database during package installation is again robust to Rprofile changing the current working directory (PR#17559). * boxplot(y ~ f, horizontal=TRUE) now produces correct x- and y-labels. * allows to keep <NA> levels from factor columns (PR#17562) via new option factor.exclude. Additionally, it works in one more case with matrix-columns which had been reported on 2017-01-16 by Krzysztof Banas. OBS-URL:
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