- Most important changes CHANGES IN R 3.3.3: NEW FEATURES: * Changes when redirection of a http:// URL to a https:// URL is encountered: * The internal methods of download.file() and url() now report that they cannot follow this (rather than failing silently). * (Unix-alike) download.file(method = "auto") (the default) re-tries with method = "libcurl". * (Unix-alike) url(method = "default") with an explicit open argument re-tries with method = "libcurl". This covers many of the usages, e.g. readLines() with a URL argument. INSTALLATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: * The configure check for the zlib version is now robust to versions longer than 5 characters, including 1.2.11. UTILITIES: * Environmental variable _R_CHECK_TESTS_NLINES_ controls how R CMD check reports failing tests (see SS8 of the 'R Internals' manual). DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: * (C-level Native routine registration.) The undocumented styles field of the components of R_CMethodDef and R_FortranMethodDef is deprecated. BUG FIXES: * vapply(x, *) now works with long vectors x. (PR#17174) * isS3method("is.na.data.frame") and similar are correct now. (PR#17171) * grepRaw(<long>, <short>, fixed = TRUE) now works, thanks to a patch by Mikko Korpela. (PR#17132) * Package installation into a library where the package exists OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:R:released/R-base?expand=0&rev=48
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