diff --git a/SDL_gfx.spec b/SDL_gfx.spec index 89cd97a..c406d84 100644 --- a/SDL_gfx.spec +++ b/SDL_gfx.spec @@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ URL: http://www.ferzkopp.net/wordpress/2016/01/02/sdl_gfx-sdl2_gfx/ Source: http://www.ferzkopp.net/Software/SDL_gfx-2.0/%name-%version.tar.gz Source2: baselibs.conf #https://sourceforge.net/p/sdlgfx/code/HEAD/tree/ChangeLog +BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: dos2unix -BuildRequires: pkgconfig +BuildRequires: libtool +BuildRequires: pkg-config BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sdl) %description @@ -71,13 +73,14 @@ The library is backwards compatible to the above mentioned code. It is written in plain C and can be used in C++ code. %prep -%setup -q +%autosetup -p1 %build +autoreconf -fi # MMX code has a problem with uninitialized variables; we would only turn it # on for x86_64 anyway - but that one can use SSE instead. %configure --disable-static --disable-mmx -make %{?_smp_mflags} +%make_build dos2unix README chmod 644 LICENSE AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README