Major features/changes:
* when_foo which was previously deprecated is now removed, use
"when:" instead. Code generates appropriate error suggestion.
* include + with_items which was previously deprecated is now
removed, ditto. Use with_nested / with_together, etc.
* only_if, which is much older than when_foo and was deprecated,
is similarly removed.
* ssh connection plugin is now more efficient if you add
'pipelining=True' in ansible.cfg under [ssh_connection],
see example.cfg
* localhost/ is not required to be in inventory if
referenced, if not in inventory, it does not implicitly appear
in the 'all' group.
* git module has new parameters (accept_hostkey, key_file, ssh_opts)
to ease the usage of git and ssh protocols.
* when using accelerate mode, the daemon will now be restarted
when specifying a different remote_user between plays.
* added no_log: option for tasks. When used, no logging information
will be sent to syslog during the module execution.
* acl module now handles 'default' and allows for either shorthand
entry or specific fields per entry section
* play_hosts is a new magic variable to provide a list of hosts
in scope for the current play.
* ec2 module now accepts 'exact_count' and 'count_tag' as a way to
enforce a running number of nodes by tags.
* all ec2 modules that work with Eucalyptus also now support a
'validate_certs' option, which can be set to 'off' for installations
using self-signed certs.
* Start of new integration test infrastructure (WIP)
+ Fixed issue with newer versions of pip not having --use-mirrors
+ Fixed role_path parsing from ansible.cfg
+ Fixed default role templates
+ Fixed a few bugs related to unicode
+ Fixed errors in the ssh connection method with large data returns
+ Miscellaneous fixes for a few modules
+ Add the ansible-galaxy command
Highlighted new features:
+ accelerated mode: An enhanced fireball mode that requires zero
bootstrapping and fewer requirements plus adds capabilities
like sudo commands.
+ role defaults: Allows roles to define a set of variables at the
lowest priority. These variables can be overridden by any
other variable.
+ new /etc/ansible/facts.d allows JSON or INI-style facts to be
provided from the remote node, and supports executable fact
programs in this dir. Files must end in *.fact.
+ added the ability to make undefined template variables raise
errors (see ansible.cfg)
+ (DOCS PENDING) sudo: True/False and sudo_user: True/False can be
set at include and role level
+ added changed_when: (expression) which allows overriding whether
a result is changed or not and can work with registered expressions
+ --extra-vars can now take a file as input, e.g., "-e @filename"
and can also be formatted as YAML
+ external inventory scripts may now return host variables in one
pass, which allows them to be much more efficient for large
numbers of hosts
+ if --forks exceeds the numbers of hosts, it will be automatically
reduced. Set forks to 0 and you get "as many forks as I have
hosts" out of the box.
+ enabled error_on_undefined_vars by default, which will make
errors in playbooks more obvious
+ role dependencies -- one role can now pull in another, with
parameters of its own.
+ added the ability to have tasks execute even during a check
+ new feature: roles
+ massively improved variable support and conditionals
+ Pre and Post tasks provide greater controls to make rolling
updates even smoother
+ added 32 new modules:
++ including a openSUSE package management module
++ added team chat notification modules for Flowdock, Hipchat,
Campfire, IRC, and more
++ added monitoring modules to interact with New Relic, Airbrake,
Pingdom, Pagerduty and Monit
- added to /usr/share/doc/packages/ansible/ to have
the complete changelog at hand