Accepting request 1079677 from home:urbic:branches:Java:packages
- Update to 2.0.28
* Bug
- Extraction of Arabic PDF has incorrect ordering of normalized
- Parsing differences between 2.0.23 and 2.0.24/3.0
- Signing tries to set byteRange of old signature
- Bug in
- Inactive OCGs shown when not top level
- Null pointer exception in PDFASchemaType.getNamespaceURI()
- export:text creates jibberish / malformed output
- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in SampledImageReader.fromAny()
- PDFRenderer resulting image has black background
- NPE due to a malformed rectangle
- Fix meta markup in HTML generation
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CFFCIDFont class
- Can't open PDF with PDFBox: java.awt.color.CMMException: LCMS
error 13: Couldn't link the profiles
- ClassCastException in ShadingFill.process()
- Font gets smaller for each rendered page
- fix some logging inconsistencies
- NPE in PDFMergerUtility.acroFormLegacyMode()
- Avoid OOME when parsing an malformed pdf with a corrupted
object stream
* Improvement
- Apply subsampling and region to masks
- Remove finalize from ScratchFileBuffer
- Invisible signature field is not referenced from /Annots
dictionary of a Page
- Support charset parameter in TextToPDF
- Add a method to get the components of a composite glyph
- PDResource font cache improvement
- RFE: Comb flag warning
- fix unnecessary boxing/unboxing
- optimize LZWFilter
- renderer.setSubsamplingAllowed(true) causing the picture to
* Task
- Remove Travis build
- Update to 2.0.27
* Bug
- Invalid stream Length validation in StreamValidationProcess
- To set compressed on buffered image while creating a PDF
- Blurry / distorted rendering
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException (2)
- PDFDebugger does not remove listeners for PagePane when
opening new File
- PDFRenderer.renderImageWithDPI thows EOFException in PDF
- PDFCloneUtility.checkForRecursion breaks support for some
existing PDFs
- PDFStreamEngine.showTextStrings with font switch
- ClassCastException (
- NullPointerException in PDFunctionType3.eval()
- Deadlock in TrueTypeFont and RAFDataStream
- illegalArgumentException for rendering PDF (image extraction)
- NullPointerException in CmapSubtable.getCharCode
- PDActionEmbeddedGoTo does not accept a Destination with a
page number or string
- NPE when Transparency Group is missing the BBox
- PDFRenderer does not render letters when converting page to
- JPEG image rendered with wrong colors when using
- Performance issue since 2.0.18
- NullPointerException in PDType0Font.readCode() if cMap is
- NullPointerException in CFFParser.parseFont()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in
- ClassCastException in CMapParser.parseBeginbfchar
- ClassCastException in PDXObject.createXObject()
- ClassCastException in PDAcroForm.getFields()
- ClassCastException in PDDocumentCatalog.getAcroForm()
- ClassCastException in PDResources.getIndirect()
- getPageLayout throws IllegalArgumentException for empty mode
- Font not found because of case issues
- Update to 2.0.26
* Bug
- COSParser: Infinite recursion
- TestCreateSignature.testCreateSignedTimeStamp checkLTV build
test fail
- No Content - xRef / Obj Parsing
- Pdf-A/1b Validation
- A list of bugs found (70 bugs in total)
- Text size option for PDFBox Debugger
- IllegalArgumentException: Input buffer too short in
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
- EOFException: Can't read 20 bytes
- Wrong datatype for OPM in PDExtendedGraphicsState
- Unhandled IOException thrown from BaseParser creates issue in
- *LOADS of* "WARNING: key node000xxxxx already exists in
destination IDTree"
- NullPointerException in PDRange.getMin()
- Image interpolation when there shouldn't be
- pDAcroForm.flatten() does not remove /SigFlags in /Catalog
- Could not read embedded TTF for font
- ToUnicodeWriter.writeTo allows byte overflow in bfrange
- TextToPDF appends space to each line
- NegativeArraySizeException in pfb parser with 0 byte pfb font
- Hangup in COSFilterInputStream.nextRange
- Certain PDF cannot be processed
- Parsing fails in 2.0.26 that worked in 2.0.25
- Object must be defined and must not be compressed object
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- A carefully crafted pdf can trigger an infinite loop while
- POCIDFontType2 (Wingdings) encode throws a
- Possible loop detection is triggered in 2.0.26 but file works
in 2.0.25
- IOException: object reference 112 0 R at offset 18355 in
content stream
- Field text missing
- NPE during page render
- Parsing shows 1 empty page with 2.0.26 and 7 with 2.0.25
* Improvement
- Create push button example
- FontMapper should also take into account the user's font
directory on Windows operating systems
- Don't log warnings if there are not fonts to cache
- support multiple widgets in PDTerminalField.importFDF()
- Improve AddValidationInformation to handle exceptional
situations better
- Avoid duplicate certificates in AddValidation example
- Render symbol for file attachment annotations
* Task
- Add test of PFB font
- Add maven enforcer rule to ensure that JAVA_HOME is set
- Update to 2.0.25
* Sub-task
- Add print dpi submenu
- Reduce HighResolutionImageIcons memory leaks
* Bug
- Page not rendered / extracted, Unknown type in array for TJ
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: arraycopy: length -2 is
negative in PDPanose.getPanose
- LayerUtility().importPageAsForm() doesn't return
- PDPageContentStream.setLineWidth(float) not allowed in text
- preflight SMask entry check incorrect
- NumberFormatException in merge if fieldname is
- FDFJavaScript.getDoc() always returns null or empty
- Annotation shown with thick border
- Deeply nested drawings not shown
- Not existing rectangle appears on page image
- Not rendered (white) pages for given pdf
- Encryption on Split documents
- PDPage.getAnnotations() causes subsequent calls to
PDDocument.getPages() to fail
- Error rendering png from PDF - Error at Type1Parser
parseBinary for Type 1 Font
- EOFException during TTF parsing
- Incorrect rendering of Type3 character
- class org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName cannot be cast to class
- unneeded / double code in PageExtractor
- When PDF is converted to an image, the image has a large
black rectangle.
- Slow rendering for specific PDF File with small chunks 16x8
- Decryption for V4 fails when no Length entry is set in
Encryption Dictionary
- `NullPointerException` when intersecting area with null
clipping path
- Stack overflow in PDColorSpace.create()
- Splitter: Problematic /Info causes big files
- Resolution of ambiguities in inline images don't follow the
- Silent fail of PDTextField.setValue when font encoding
- TTFSubsetter incorrectly calculating 'searchRange'
- Failing to get multiple encodings from cmap table
- Text "820-01869-U-A" is omitted from PDF doc
- Wrong number of fonts leads to OOM-Exception
* New Feature
- Additional `showTransparencyGroupOnGraphics()` method
* Improvement
- Optimize SampledImageReader.from1Bit()
- Optimize reading of masked images
- Support BGR for OpenCV and JavaCV
- Preserve indirect object reference when copying resources
- PDFBox should use the quadding for fields with the comb flag
- Lazier clipping
- LegacyPDFStreamEngine.glyphList loaded from disk on each
instantiation rather than static final?
- Prefer MergeSort over QuickSort and try native TimSort first
(with explanation)
- Avoid creating Paint objects and filling when there is
nothing to do
- support get unicode from embedded TrueTypeFont cmap
- Update liberation fonts
* Test
- Add test for double visible signature on the same page
* Task
- Add test for double visible signature on encrypted file
- Add test for comb fields adjustment
- Store x and y scaling factor
- Update from twelvemonkeys (3)
- Update to 2.0.24
* Bug
- Slow rendering for specific PDF file
- Very slow rendering on PageDrawer.shadingFill
- Glyphs missed in rendering
- Wrong classification of an JPEG image leading to a blank
image added to a pdf document
- Embedded files not extracted from PDF files with multilevel
EmbeddedFiles tree
- 3.0.0-RC1: PDComboBox.setValue() throws
IllegalArgumentException: /DA is a required entry
- Issue with COSObjectKey::fixGeneration
- Error extracting text from PDF - Can't read the embedded
Type1 font FDFBJU+NewsGothic
- Error in identification of PDF comment symbol % as a token
separator with PDF names
- Stack overflow when reading a corrupt dictionary
- dash pattern [0] should be invisible
- Behaviour change in 2.0.20 due to use of
IOUtils.populateBuffer in
SecurityHandler.prepareAESInitializationVector leading to
IOException for certain PDF
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- Snapshot Deploy not working
- TSAClient with username+password
- COSOutputStream.flush doesn't call super
- BaseParser: stack overflow when reading a corrupt pdf
- isEmbeddingPermitted() is too restrictive on TTFs with OS2
table versions 0-2
- Wild rendering when repeating truetype glyph flag is outside
of range
- v2.0.22 and v3.0.0-RC1 PDF Debugger app crashes with
- CreateCheckBox example draws too large, clipped checkmark
- Wrong color space detected for some Jpeg images
- Possible memory leak after calling decode filter
- Ink annotation not rendered
* Improvement
- Pass PDFRenderer to PDFPrintable constructor
- Create tests for HelloWorld examples
- Faster PDImageXObject.applyMask
- Custom folder for fonts in FontMapper
- allow to make timestamp only signature "LTV"
- Create portable collection PDF
- Optimize memory footprint of PDFObjectStreamParser
- Add getter/setter for suppressDuplicateOverlappingText in
- Cache PageTree in PDFPrintable
- Add Adobe Illustrator COSNames
- Make constructors of CIDSystemInfo and PDPanoseClassification
* Wish
- When merging multiple pdf ua documents, Tags become nested
* Task
- Failing testFlattenPDFBox2469Filled on Ubuntu
- Add test for PDFMarkedContentExtractor class
- Create test for CreateGradientShadingPDF
- Fix build with bouncycastle 1.71 and the new bcutil artifact
- Build with source/target levels 8
- Package all resources in pdfbox module
- Update to 2.0.23:
* Security fixes:
- CVE-2021-27807: A carefully crafted PDF file can trigger an
infinite loop while loading the file [bsc#1184356]
- CVE-2021-27906: OutOfMemory-Exception while loading a crafted
PDF file [bsc#1184357]
* Bug fixes:
- Transparency Group issues
- getLastSignatureDictionary modifies internal structure of
- NullPointerexception in
- AcroForm PDTextField formatting lost when setting value
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Failure to modify cropBox when splitting a PDF Page
vertically into 2 pieces
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in isOwnerPassword
- IllegalArgumentException in computeEncryptedKeyRev56
- IllegalArgumentException in
- ClassCastException in COSStream.getFilterList
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
* Improvements:
- Improve document signing
- Allow reuse of subsetted fonts by inverting the ToUnicode
- improve performance in signature validation
- Add more checks to PDFXrefStreamParser and reduce memory
- Use StringBuilder for key in
- Don't use RGB loop in PDDeviceN.toRGBWithTintTransform()
- Add source signature and keyring
- Update to 2.0.22:
* See
- Remove provided binaries
- Upgrade to 2.0.19:
* Move from 1.x release line to the 2.x one.
* This is a ABI change
* Generate the ant build system from the maven one and customize
- Removed patches:
* disable-downloads.patch
* fix-javadoc-dep.patch
* fix-version.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ incorporated in the customizations of the ant build system
- Update to 1.8.16:
* [PDFBOX-4261] - Invalidated signature signing pdf twice
* [PDFBOX-4276] - Multiply blend mode not detected
* [PDFBOX-4283] - Allowing Rectangles with additional elements
* [PDFBOX-4298] - NullPointerException when doing overlay
* [PDFBOX-4316] - RemoveAllText does not delete all parameters with " operator
* [PDFBOX-4274] - Get rid of warning about prerequisites
* Improve skip duplicates (bsc#1111009, CVE-2018-11797)
- Adjust fix-version.patch
- Update to 1.8.15:
* [PDFBOX-4197] - PDStructureElement.getAttributes() ignores reference objects (CVE-2018-8036,bsc#1099721)
- Update to 1.8.14:
* [PDFBOX-3625] - Use correct file encoding when saving fdf data
* [PDFBOX-3724] - Wrong size in rendering of some artifacts
* [PDFBOX-3733] - image added to pdf by tool AddImageToPDF is turn-overed
* [PDFBOX-3739] - and can return null
* [PDFBOX-3742] - Unknown dir object c='>' cInt=62 peek='>' peekInt=62
* [PDFBOX-3813] - PDF Box crash when using PDFToImage or PDFDebug
* [PDFBOX-3843] - Rect of Annotation contains indirect elements + Patch
* [PDFBOX-3889] - javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded
* [PDFBOX-3909] - End of inline image not detected
* [PDFBOX-3919] - Infinite loop while parsing (2)
* [PDFBOX-3933] - PDFParser swallows a CR at the end of a stream
* [PDFBOX-3942] - ClassCastException in getOptionalContentGroups
* [PDFBOX-4005] - Incorrect use of PDNumberTreeNode in PDPageLabels
* [PDFBOX-4011] - BBox in signature forms has wrong order
* [PDFBOX-4027] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when XObject form matrix has only 5 elements
* [PDFBOX-4030] - ClassCastException when matrix array has indirect objects
* [PDFBOX-4064] - cm operator has 7 numbers
* [PDFBOX-4083] - Line annotation /LL, /LLE and /LLO have wrong default values
* [PDFBOX-4088] - Root/StructTreeRoot/K/S must be name, not string (merge)
* [PDFBOX-3635] - Remove workaround to avoid SSLHandshakeException
* [PDFBOX-4142] - Don't use md5 checksum due to changes to the release distribuition policy
- Update to 1.8.13:
* [PDFBOX-2420] - DateConverter doesn't handle time zones outside -12 to +12 range properly
* [PDFBOX-2919] - org.apache.fontbox.cff.CFFParser.readEntry sometimes throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* [PDFBOX-3315] - Dates falsely detected as different by preflight
* [PDFBOX-3335] - Issue while Merging PDF with Hidden Layers
* [PDFBOX-3341] - currentAccessPermission.setReadOnly() not set in StandardSecurityHandler
* [PDFBOX-3355] - PDPageLabels.getLabelsByPageIndices() returns Uppercase letters for style a
* [PDFBOX-3368] - ContainsKey don't work for the Map<String, Object> returned by PDStructureTreeRoot.getRoleMap
* [PDFBOX-3369] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.00-35095424'
* [PDFBOX-3409] - TextToPDF drops leading spaces
* [PDFBOX-3420] - Can't sign pdf with a particular attachment
* [PDFBOX-3446] - Infinite loop while parsing
* [PDFBOX-3448] - NullPointerException at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSArrayList.convertFloatCOSArrayToList
* [PDFBOX-3450] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at org.apache.fontbox.cmap.CMapParser.increment
* [PDFBOX-3463] - XMPSchemaBasic.getLabel() always returns null
* [PDFBOX-3466] - Java 9 warnings
* [PDFBOX-3472] - NPE when PDF/A identification metadata does not contain ID
* [PDFBOX-3477] - CA and ca values should be clipped
* [PDFBOX-3481] - Localization in XRef generation results in unusable PDFs
* [PDFBOX-3487] - ClassCastException in COSWriter.write() when saving PDF
* [PDFBOX-3491] - NumberFormatException in CFFParser.readRealNumber
* [PDFBOX-3500] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.-262'
* [PDFBOX-3532] - Java 6 errors
* [PDFBOX-3546] - IOException over DataFormatException, "invalid stored block lengths" on a valid PDF
* [PDFBOX-3551] - CLI Decrypt broken, only allows 1 argument
* [PDFBOX-3555] - FlateFilter.decode cause native memory leaks
* [PDFBOX-3558] - NPE in JBig2Filter if BitsPerComponent is missing
* [PDFBOX-3570] - JDK-8054565 Java 8 close contract issue
* [PDFBOX-3571] - sRGB Color Space Profile is subject to 3rd party copyright
* [PDFBOX-3578] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dash lengths all zero
* [PDFBOX-3590] - AccessPermission not applied
* [PDFBOX-3594] - Use PDOutlineItem#findDestinationPage() cannot get PDPage, return was null
* [PDFBOX-3609] - ClassCastException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
* [PDFBOX-3410] - TextToPDF needs orientation control
* [PDFBOX-3352] - Calendar values are parsed with unknown timezones
- Refresh pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
- Add patch to fix the version number:
* fix-version.patch
- Use %license
- Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal
of 1.6 compatibility
- Don't condition the maven defines on release version, but on
_maven_repository being defined
- Added patches:
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
+ Fix build of javadoc against bouncycastle API >= 1.4.7
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ Make java source and target level ant properties
+ Leave the default 1.5
- Specify java source and target level 1.6 in order to allow
building with jdk9
- New build dependency: javapackages-local
- Needed as a dependency for FOP 2.1 (FATE#322405)
- Switch between maven-metadata/maven-fragments as appropriate
for SLE/openSUSE (FATE#322405)
- Update to version 1.8.12
- CVE-2016-2175 (pdfbox only, which isn't build by this spec)
- Drop junit and javapackages-tools Requires
- Enable javadoc building and packaging
- Initial package
- Only fontbox and jempbox are built
2023-04-17 06:02:50 +00:00
Fri Apr 14 08:10:09 UTC 2023 - Anton Shvetz <>
- Update to 2.0.28
* Bug
- Extraction of Arabic PDF has incorrect ordering of normalized
- Parsing differences between 2.0.23 and 2.0.24/3.0
- Signing tries to set byteRange of old signature
- Bug in
- Inactive OCGs shown when not top level
- Null pointer exception in PDFASchemaType.getNamespaceURI()
- export:text creates jibberish / malformed output
- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in SampledImageReader.fromAny()
- PDFRenderer resulting image has black background
- NPE due to a malformed rectangle
- Fix meta markup in HTML generation
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CFFCIDFont class
- Can't open PDF with PDFBox: java.awt.color.CMMException: LCMS
error 13: Couldn't link the profiles
- ClassCastException in ShadingFill.process()
- Font gets smaller for each rendered page
- fix some logging inconsistencies
- NPE in PDFMergerUtility.acroFormLegacyMode()
- Avoid OOME when parsing an malformed pdf with a corrupted
object stream
* Improvement
- Apply subsampling and region to masks
- Remove finalize from ScratchFileBuffer
- Invisible signature field is not referenced from /Annots
dictionary of a Page
- Support charset parameter in TextToPDF
- Add a method to get the components of a composite glyph
- PDResource font cache improvement
- RFE: Comb flag warning
- fix unnecessary boxing/unboxing
- optimize LZWFilter
- renderer.setSubsamplingAllowed(true) causing the picture to
* Task
- Remove Travis build
- Update to 2.0.27
* Bug
- Invalid stream Length validation in StreamValidationProcess
- To set compressed on buffered image while creating a PDF
- Blurry / distorted rendering
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException (2)
- PDFDebugger does not remove listeners for PagePane when
opening new File
- PDFRenderer.renderImageWithDPI thows EOFException in PDF
- PDFCloneUtility.checkForRecursion breaks support for some
existing PDFs
- PDFStreamEngine.showTextStrings with font switch
- ClassCastException (
- NullPointerException in PDFunctionType3.eval()
- Deadlock in TrueTypeFont and RAFDataStream
- illegalArgumentException for rendering PDF (image extraction)
- NullPointerException in CmapSubtable.getCharCode
- PDActionEmbeddedGoTo does not accept a Destination with a
page number or string
- NPE when Transparency Group is missing the BBox
- PDFRenderer does not render letters when converting page to
- JPEG image rendered with wrong colors when using
- Performance issue since 2.0.18
- NullPointerException in PDType0Font.readCode() if cMap is
- NullPointerException in CFFParser.parseFont()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in
- ClassCastException in CMapParser.parseBeginbfchar
- ClassCastException in PDXObject.createXObject()
- ClassCastException in PDAcroForm.getFields()
- ClassCastException in PDDocumentCatalog.getAcroForm()
- ClassCastException in PDResources.getIndirect()
- getPageLayout throws IllegalArgumentException for empty mode
- Font not found because of case issues
- Update to 2.0.26
* Bug
- COSParser: Infinite recursion
- TestCreateSignature.testCreateSignedTimeStamp checkLTV build
test fail
- No Content - xRef / Obj Parsing
- Pdf-A/1b Validation
- A list of bugs found (70 bugs in total)
- Text size option for PDFBox Debugger
- IllegalArgumentException: Input buffer too short in
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
- EOFException: Can't read 20 bytes
- Wrong datatype for OPM in PDExtendedGraphicsState
- Unhandled IOException thrown from BaseParser creates issue in
- *LOADS of* "WARNING: key node000xxxxx already exists in
destination IDTree"
- NullPointerException in PDRange.getMin()
- Image interpolation when there shouldn't be
- pDAcroForm.flatten() does not remove /SigFlags in /Catalog
- Could not read embedded TTF for font
- ToUnicodeWriter.writeTo allows byte overflow in bfrange
- TextToPDF appends space to each line
- NegativeArraySizeException in pfb parser with 0 byte pfb font
- Hangup in COSFilterInputStream.nextRange
- Certain PDF cannot be processed
- Parsing fails in 2.0.26 that worked in 2.0.25
- Object must be defined and must not be compressed object
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- A carefully crafted pdf can trigger an infinite loop while
- POCIDFontType2 (Wingdings) encode throws a
- Possible loop detection is triggered in 2.0.26 but file works
in 2.0.25
- IOException: object reference 112 0 R at offset 18355 in
content stream
- Field text missing
- NPE during page render
- Parsing shows 1 empty page with 2.0.26 and 7 with 2.0.25
* Improvement
- Create push button example
- FontMapper should also take into account the user's font
directory on Windows operating systems
- Don't log warnings if there are not fonts to cache
- support multiple widgets in PDTerminalField.importFDF()
- Improve AddValidationInformation to handle exceptional
situations better
- Avoid duplicate certificates in AddValidation example
- Render symbol for file attachment annotations
* Task
- Add test of PFB font
- Add maven enforcer rule to ensure that JAVA_HOME is set
- Update to 2.0.25
* Sub-task
- Add print dpi submenu
- Reduce HighResolutionImageIcons memory leaks
* Bug
- Page not rendered / extracted, Unknown type in array for TJ
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: arraycopy: length -2 is
negative in PDPanose.getPanose
- LayerUtility().importPageAsForm() doesn't return
- PDPageContentStream.setLineWidth(float) not allowed in text
- preflight SMask entry check incorrect
- NumberFormatException in merge if fieldname is
- FDFJavaScript.getDoc() always returns null or empty
- Annotation shown with thick border
- Deeply nested drawings not shown
- Not existing rectangle appears on page image
- Not rendered (white) pages for given pdf
- Encryption on Split documents
- PDPage.getAnnotations() causes subsequent calls to
PDDocument.getPages() to fail
- Error rendering png from PDF - Error at Type1Parser
parseBinary for Type 1 Font
- EOFException during TTF parsing
- Incorrect rendering of Type3 character
- class org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName cannot be cast to class
- unneeded / double code in PageExtractor
- When PDF is converted to an image, the image has a large
black rectangle.
- Slow rendering for specific PDF File with small chunks 16x8
- Decryption for V4 fails when no Length entry is set in
Encryption Dictionary
- `NullPointerException` when intersecting area with null
clipping path
- Stack overflow in PDColorSpace.create()
- Splitter: Problematic /Info causes big files
- Resolution of ambiguities in inline images don't follow the
- Silent fail of PDTextField.setValue when font encoding
- TTFSubsetter incorrectly calculating 'searchRange'
- Failing to get multiple encodings from cmap table
- Text "820-01869-U-A" is omitted from PDF doc
- Wrong number of fonts leads to OOM-Exception
* New Feature
- Additional `showTransparencyGroupOnGraphics()` method
* Improvement
- Optimize SampledImageReader.from1Bit()
- Optimize reading of masked images
- Support BGR for OpenCV and JavaCV
- Preserve indirect object reference when copying resources
- PDFBox should use the quadding for fields with the comb flag
- Lazier clipping
- LegacyPDFStreamEngine.glyphList loaded from disk on each
instantiation rather than static final?
- Prefer MergeSort over QuickSort and try native TimSort first
(with explanation)
- Avoid creating Paint objects and filling when there is
nothing to do
- support get unicode from embedded TrueTypeFont cmap
- Update liberation fonts
* Test
- Add test for double visible signature on the same page
* Task
- Add test for double visible signature on encrypted file
- Add test for comb fields adjustment
- Store x and y scaling factor
- Update from twelvemonkeys (3)
- Update to 2.0.24
* Bug
- Slow rendering for specific PDF file
- Very slow rendering on PageDrawer.shadingFill
- Glyphs missed in rendering
- Wrong classification of an JPEG image leading to a blank
image added to a pdf document
- Embedded files not extracted from PDF files with multilevel
EmbeddedFiles tree
- 3.0.0-RC1: PDComboBox.setValue() throws
IllegalArgumentException: /DA is a required entry
- Issue with COSObjectKey::fixGeneration
- Error extracting text from PDF - Can't read the embedded
Type1 font FDFBJU+NewsGothic
- Error in identification of PDF comment symbol % as a token
separator with PDF names
- Stack overflow when reading a corrupt dictionary
- dash pattern [0] should be invisible
- Behaviour change in 2.0.20 due to use of
IOUtils.populateBuffer in
SecurityHandler.prepareAESInitializationVector leading to
IOException for certain PDF
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- Snapshot Deploy not working
- TSAClient with username+password
- COSOutputStream.flush doesn't call super
- BaseParser: stack overflow when reading a corrupt pdf
- isEmbeddingPermitted() is too restrictive on TTFs with OS2
table versions 0-2
- Wild rendering when repeating truetype glyph flag is outside
of range
- v2.0.22 and v3.0.0-RC1 PDF Debugger app crashes with
- CreateCheckBox example draws too large, clipped checkmark
- Wrong color space detected for some Jpeg images
- Possible memory leak after calling decode filter
- Ink annotation not rendered
* Improvement
- Pass PDFRenderer to PDFPrintable constructor
- Create tests for HelloWorld examples
- Faster PDImageXObject.applyMask
- Custom folder for fonts in FontMapper
- allow to make timestamp only signature "LTV"
- Create portable collection PDF
- Optimize memory footprint of PDFObjectStreamParser
- Add getter/setter for suppressDuplicateOverlappingText in
- Cache PageTree in PDFPrintable
- Add Adobe Illustrator COSNames
- Make constructors of CIDSystemInfo and PDPanoseClassification
* Wish
- When merging multiple pdf ua documents, Tags become nested
* Task
- Failing testFlattenPDFBox2469Filled on Ubuntu
- Add test for PDFMarkedContentExtractor class
- Create test for CreateGradientShadingPDF
2022-04-23 08:49:21 +00:00
Sat Apr 23 08:48:34 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Fix build with bouncycastle 1.71 and the new bcutil artifact
2022-03-18 18:56:51 +00:00
Fri Mar 18 18:54:45 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Build with source/target levels 8
2022-03-03 10:02:42 +00:00
Thu Mar 3 10:02:06 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Package all resources in pdfbox module
2021-04-14 11:24:12 +00:00
Mon Apr 12 08:13:49 UTC 2021 - Pedro Monreal <>
- Update to 2.0.23:
* Security fixes:
- CVE-2021-27807: A carefully crafted PDF file can trigger an
infinite loop while loading the file [bsc#1184356]
- CVE-2021-27906: OutOfMemory-Exception while loading a crafted
PDF file [bsc#1184357]
* Bug fixes:
- Transparency Group issues
Accepting request 1079677 from home:urbic:branches:Java:packages
- Update to 2.0.28
* Bug
- Extraction of Arabic PDF has incorrect ordering of normalized
- Parsing differences between 2.0.23 and 2.0.24/3.0
- Signing tries to set byteRange of old signature
- Bug in
- Inactive OCGs shown when not top level
- Null pointer exception in PDFASchemaType.getNamespaceURI()
- export:text creates jibberish / malformed output
- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in SampledImageReader.fromAny()
- PDFRenderer resulting image has black background
- NPE due to a malformed rectangle
- Fix meta markup in HTML generation
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CFFCIDFont class
- Can't open PDF with PDFBox: java.awt.color.CMMException: LCMS
error 13: Couldn't link the profiles
- ClassCastException in ShadingFill.process()
- Font gets smaller for each rendered page
- fix some logging inconsistencies
- NPE in PDFMergerUtility.acroFormLegacyMode()
- Avoid OOME when parsing an malformed pdf with a corrupted
object stream
* Improvement
- Apply subsampling and region to masks
- Remove finalize from ScratchFileBuffer
- Invisible signature field is not referenced from /Annots
dictionary of a Page
- Support charset parameter in TextToPDF
- Add a method to get the components of a composite glyph
- PDResource font cache improvement
- RFE: Comb flag warning
- fix unnecessary boxing/unboxing
- optimize LZWFilter
- renderer.setSubsamplingAllowed(true) causing the picture to
* Task
- Remove Travis build
- Update to 2.0.27
* Bug
- Invalid stream Length validation in StreamValidationProcess
- To set compressed on buffered image while creating a PDF
- Blurry / distorted rendering
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException (2)
- PDFDebugger does not remove listeners for PagePane when
opening new File
- PDFRenderer.renderImageWithDPI thows EOFException in PDF
- PDFCloneUtility.checkForRecursion breaks support for some
existing PDFs
- PDFStreamEngine.showTextStrings with font switch
- ClassCastException (
- NullPointerException in PDFunctionType3.eval()
- Deadlock in TrueTypeFont and RAFDataStream
- illegalArgumentException for rendering PDF (image extraction)
- NullPointerException in CmapSubtable.getCharCode
- PDActionEmbeddedGoTo does not accept a Destination with a
page number or string
- NPE when Transparency Group is missing the BBox
- PDFRenderer does not render letters when converting page to
- JPEG image rendered with wrong colors when using
- Performance issue since 2.0.18
- NullPointerException in PDType0Font.readCode() if cMap is
- NullPointerException in CFFParser.parseFont()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in
- ClassCastException in CMapParser.parseBeginbfchar
- ClassCastException in PDXObject.createXObject()
- ClassCastException in PDAcroForm.getFields()
- ClassCastException in PDDocumentCatalog.getAcroForm()
- ClassCastException in PDResources.getIndirect()
- getPageLayout throws IllegalArgumentException for empty mode
- Font not found because of case issues
- Update to 2.0.26
* Bug
- COSParser: Infinite recursion
- TestCreateSignature.testCreateSignedTimeStamp checkLTV build
test fail
- No Content - xRef / Obj Parsing
- Pdf-A/1b Validation
- A list of bugs found (70 bugs in total)
- Text size option for PDFBox Debugger
- IllegalArgumentException: Input buffer too short in
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
- EOFException: Can't read 20 bytes
- Wrong datatype for OPM in PDExtendedGraphicsState
- Unhandled IOException thrown from BaseParser creates issue in
- *LOADS of* "WARNING: key node000xxxxx already exists in
destination IDTree"
- NullPointerException in PDRange.getMin()
- Image interpolation when there shouldn't be
- pDAcroForm.flatten() does not remove /SigFlags in /Catalog
- Could not read embedded TTF for font
- ToUnicodeWriter.writeTo allows byte overflow in bfrange
- TextToPDF appends space to each line
- NegativeArraySizeException in pfb parser with 0 byte pfb font
- Hangup in COSFilterInputStream.nextRange
- Certain PDF cannot be processed
- Parsing fails in 2.0.26 that worked in 2.0.25
- Object must be defined and must not be compressed object
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- A carefully crafted pdf can trigger an infinite loop while
- POCIDFontType2 (Wingdings) encode throws a
- Possible loop detection is triggered in 2.0.26 but file works
in 2.0.25
- IOException: object reference 112 0 R at offset 18355 in
content stream
- Field text missing
- NPE during page render
- Parsing shows 1 empty page with 2.0.26 and 7 with 2.0.25
* Improvement
- Create push button example
- FontMapper should also take into account the user's font
directory on Windows operating systems
- Don't log warnings if there are not fonts to cache
- support multiple widgets in PDTerminalField.importFDF()
- Improve AddValidationInformation to handle exceptional
situations better
- Avoid duplicate certificates in AddValidation example
- Render symbol for file attachment annotations
* Task
- Add test of PFB font
- Add maven enforcer rule to ensure that JAVA_HOME is set
- Update to 2.0.25
* Sub-task
- Add print dpi submenu
- Reduce HighResolutionImageIcons memory leaks
* Bug
- Page not rendered / extracted, Unknown type in array for TJ
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: arraycopy: length -2 is
negative in PDPanose.getPanose
- LayerUtility().importPageAsForm() doesn't return
- PDPageContentStream.setLineWidth(float) not allowed in text
- preflight SMask entry check incorrect
- NumberFormatException in merge if fieldname is
- FDFJavaScript.getDoc() always returns null or empty
- Annotation shown with thick border
- Deeply nested drawings not shown
- Not existing rectangle appears on page image
- Not rendered (white) pages for given pdf
- Encryption on Split documents
- PDPage.getAnnotations() causes subsequent calls to
PDDocument.getPages() to fail
- Error rendering png from PDF - Error at Type1Parser
parseBinary for Type 1 Font
- EOFException during TTF parsing
- Incorrect rendering of Type3 character
- class org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName cannot be cast to class
- unneeded / double code in PageExtractor
- When PDF is converted to an image, the image has a large
black rectangle.
- Slow rendering for specific PDF File with small chunks 16x8
- Decryption for V4 fails when no Length entry is set in
Encryption Dictionary
- `NullPointerException` when intersecting area with null
clipping path
- Stack overflow in PDColorSpace.create()
- Splitter: Problematic /Info causes big files
- Resolution of ambiguities in inline images don't follow the
- Silent fail of PDTextField.setValue when font encoding
- TTFSubsetter incorrectly calculating 'searchRange'
- Failing to get multiple encodings from cmap table
- Text "820-01869-U-A" is omitted from PDF doc
- Wrong number of fonts leads to OOM-Exception
* New Feature
- Additional `showTransparencyGroupOnGraphics()` method
* Improvement
- Optimize SampledImageReader.from1Bit()
- Optimize reading of masked images
- Support BGR for OpenCV and JavaCV
- Preserve indirect object reference when copying resources
- PDFBox should use the quadding for fields with the comb flag
- Lazier clipping
- LegacyPDFStreamEngine.glyphList loaded from disk on each
instantiation rather than static final?
- Prefer MergeSort over QuickSort and try native TimSort first
(with explanation)
- Avoid creating Paint objects and filling when there is
nothing to do
- support get unicode from embedded TrueTypeFont cmap
- Update liberation fonts
* Test
- Add test for double visible signature on the same page
* Task
- Add test for double visible signature on encrypted file
- Add test for comb fields adjustment
- Store x and y scaling factor
- Update from twelvemonkeys (3)
- Update to 2.0.24
* Bug
- Slow rendering for specific PDF file
- Very slow rendering on PageDrawer.shadingFill
- Glyphs missed in rendering
- Wrong classification of an JPEG image leading to a blank
image added to a pdf document
- Embedded files not extracted from PDF files with multilevel
EmbeddedFiles tree
- 3.0.0-RC1: PDComboBox.setValue() throws
IllegalArgumentException: /DA is a required entry
- Issue with COSObjectKey::fixGeneration
- Error extracting text from PDF - Can't read the embedded
Type1 font FDFBJU+NewsGothic
- Error in identification of PDF comment symbol % as a token
separator with PDF names
- Stack overflow when reading a corrupt dictionary
- dash pattern [0] should be invisible
- Behaviour change in 2.0.20 due to use of
IOUtils.populateBuffer in
SecurityHandler.prepareAESInitializationVector leading to
IOException for certain PDF
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- Snapshot Deploy not working
- TSAClient with username+password
- COSOutputStream.flush doesn't call super
- BaseParser: stack overflow when reading a corrupt pdf
- isEmbeddingPermitted() is too restrictive on TTFs with OS2
table versions 0-2
- Wild rendering when repeating truetype glyph flag is outside
of range
- v2.0.22 and v3.0.0-RC1 PDF Debugger app crashes with
- CreateCheckBox example draws too large, clipped checkmark
- Wrong color space detected for some Jpeg images
- Possible memory leak after calling decode filter
- Ink annotation not rendered
* Improvement
- Pass PDFRenderer to PDFPrintable constructor
- Create tests for HelloWorld examples
- Faster PDImageXObject.applyMask
- Custom folder for fonts in FontMapper
- allow to make timestamp only signature "LTV"
- Create portable collection PDF
- Optimize memory footprint of PDFObjectStreamParser
- Add getter/setter for suppressDuplicateOverlappingText in
- Cache PageTree in PDFPrintable
- Add Adobe Illustrator COSNames
- Make constructors of CIDSystemInfo and PDPanoseClassification
* Wish
- When merging multiple pdf ua documents, Tags become nested
* Task
- Failing testFlattenPDFBox2469Filled on Ubuntu
- Add test for PDFMarkedContentExtractor class
- Create test for CreateGradientShadingPDF
- Fix build with bouncycastle 1.71 and the new bcutil artifact
- Build with source/target levels 8
- Package all resources in pdfbox module
- Update to 2.0.23:
* Security fixes:
- CVE-2021-27807: A carefully crafted PDF file can trigger an
infinite loop while loading the file [bsc#1184356]
- CVE-2021-27906: OutOfMemory-Exception while loading a crafted
PDF file [bsc#1184357]
* Bug fixes:
- Transparency Group issues
- getLastSignatureDictionary modifies internal structure of
- NullPointerexception in
- AcroForm PDTextField formatting lost when setting value
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Failure to modify cropBox when splitting a PDF Page
vertically into 2 pieces
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in isOwnerPassword
- IllegalArgumentException in computeEncryptedKeyRev56
- IllegalArgumentException in
- ClassCastException in COSStream.getFilterList
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
* Improvements:
- Improve document signing
- Allow reuse of subsetted fonts by inverting the ToUnicode
- improve performance in signature validation
- Add more checks to PDFXrefStreamParser and reduce memory
- Use StringBuilder for key in
- Don't use RGB loop in PDDeviceN.toRGBWithTintTransform()
- Add source signature and keyring
- Update to 2.0.22:
* See
- Remove provided binaries
- Upgrade to 2.0.19:
* Move from 1.x release line to the 2.x one.
* This is a ABI change
* Generate the ant build system from the maven one and customize
- Removed patches:
* disable-downloads.patch
* fix-javadoc-dep.patch
* fix-version.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ incorporated in the customizations of the ant build system
- Update to 1.8.16:
* [PDFBOX-4261] - Invalidated signature signing pdf twice
* [PDFBOX-4276] - Multiply blend mode not detected
* [PDFBOX-4283] - Allowing Rectangles with additional elements
* [PDFBOX-4298] - NullPointerException when doing overlay
* [PDFBOX-4316] - RemoveAllText does not delete all parameters with " operator
* [PDFBOX-4274] - Get rid of warning about prerequisites
* Improve skip duplicates (bsc#1111009, CVE-2018-11797)
- Adjust fix-version.patch
- Update to 1.8.15:
* [PDFBOX-4197] - PDStructureElement.getAttributes() ignores reference objects (CVE-2018-8036,bsc#1099721)
- Update to 1.8.14:
* [PDFBOX-3625] - Use correct file encoding when saving fdf data
* [PDFBOX-3724] - Wrong size in rendering of some artifacts
* [PDFBOX-3733] - image added to pdf by tool AddImageToPDF is turn-overed
* [PDFBOX-3739] - and can return null
* [PDFBOX-3742] - Unknown dir object c='>' cInt=62 peek='>' peekInt=62
* [PDFBOX-3813] - PDF Box crash when using PDFToImage or PDFDebug
* [PDFBOX-3843] - Rect of Annotation contains indirect elements + Patch
* [PDFBOX-3889] - javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded
* [PDFBOX-3909] - End of inline image not detected
* [PDFBOX-3919] - Infinite loop while parsing (2)
* [PDFBOX-3933] - PDFParser swallows a CR at the end of a stream
* [PDFBOX-3942] - ClassCastException in getOptionalContentGroups
* [PDFBOX-4005] - Incorrect use of PDNumberTreeNode in PDPageLabels
* [PDFBOX-4011] - BBox in signature forms has wrong order
* [PDFBOX-4027] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when XObject form matrix has only 5 elements
* [PDFBOX-4030] - ClassCastException when matrix array has indirect objects
* [PDFBOX-4064] - cm operator has 7 numbers
* [PDFBOX-4083] - Line annotation /LL, /LLE and /LLO have wrong default values
* [PDFBOX-4088] - Root/StructTreeRoot/K/S must be name, not string (merge)
* [PDFBOX-3635] - Remove workaround to avoid SSLHandshakeException
* [PDFBOX-4142] - Don't use md5 checksum due to changes to the release distribuition policy
- Update to 1.8.13:
* [PDFBOX-2420] - DateConverter doesn't handle time zones outside -12 to +12 range properly
* [PDFBOX-2919] - org.apache.fontbox.cff.CFFParser.readEntry sometimes throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* [PDFBOX-3315] - Dates falsely detected as different by preflight
* [PDFBOX-3335] - Issue while Merging PDF with Hidden Layers
* [PDFBOX-3341] - currentAccessPermission.setReadOnly() not set in StandardSecurityHandler
* [PDFBOX-3355] - PDPageLabels.getLabelsByPageIndices() returns Uppercase letters for style a
* [PDFBOX-3368] - ContainsKey don't work for the Map<String, Object> returned by PDStructureTreeRoot.getRoleMap
* [PDFBOX-3369] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.00-35095424'
* [PDFBOX-3409] - TextToPDF drops leading spaces
* [PDFBOX-3420] - Can't sign pdf with a particular attachment
* [PDFBOX-3446] - Infinite loop while parsing
* [PDFBOX-3448] - NullPointerException at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSArrayList.convertFloatCOSArrayToList
* [PDFBOX-3450] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at org.apache.fontbox.cmap.CMapParser.increment
* [PDFBOX-3463] - XMPSchemaBasic.getLabel() always returns null
* [PDFBOX-3466] - Java 9 warnings
* [PDFBOX-3472] - NPE when PDF/A identification metadata does not contain ID
* [PDFBOX-3477] - CA and ca values should be clipped
* [PDFBOX-3481] - Localization in XRef generation results in unusable PDFs
* [PDFBOX-3487] - ClassCastException in COSWriter.write() when saving PDF
* [PDFBOX-3491] - NumberFormatException in CFFParser.readRealNumber
* [PDFBOX-3500] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.-262'
* [PDFBOX-3532] - Java 6 errors
* [PDFBOX-3546] - IOException over DataFormatException, "invalid stored block lengths" on a valid PDF
* [PDFBOX-3551] - CLI Decrypt broken, only allows 1 argument
* [PDFBOX-3555] - FlateFilter.decode cause native memory leaks
* [PDFBOX-3558] - NPE in JBig2Filter if BitsPerComponent is missing
* [PDFBOX-3570] - JDK-8054565 Java 8 close contract issue
* [PDFBOX-3571] - sRGB Color Space Profile is subject to 3rd party copyright
* [PDFBOX-3578] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dash lengths all zero
* [PDFBOX-3590] - AccessPermission not applied
* [PDFBOX-3594] - Use PDOutlineItem#findDestinationPage() cannot get PDPage, return was null
* [PDFBOX-3609] - ClassCastException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
* [PDFBOX-3410] - TextToPDF needs orientation control
* [PDFBOX-3352] - Calendar values are parsed with unknown timezones
- Refresh pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
- Add patch to fix the version number:
* fix-version.patch
- Use %license
- Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal
of 1.6 compatibility
- Don't condition the maven defines on release version, but on
_maven_repository being defined
- Added patches:
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
+ Fix build of javadoc against bouncycastle API >= 1.4.7
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ Make java source and target level ant properties
+ Leave the default 1.5
- Specify java source and target level 1.6 in order to allow
building with jdk9
- New build dependency: javapackages-local
- Needed as a dependency for FOP 2.1 (FATE#322405)
- Switch between maven-metadata/maven-fragments as appropriate
for SLE/openSUSE (FATE#322405)
- Update to version 1.8.12
- CVE-2016-2175 (pdfbox only, which isn't build by this spec)
- Drop junit and javapackages-tools Requires
- Enable javadoc building and packaging
- Initial package
- Only fontbox and jempbox are built
2023-04-17 06:02:50 +00:00
- getLastSignatureDictionary modifies internal structure of
- NullPointerexception in
2021-04-14 11:24:12 +00:00
- AcroForm PDTextField formatting lost when setting value
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Accepting request 1079677 from home:urbic:branches:Java:packages
- Update to 2.0.28
* Bug
- Extraction of Arabic PDF has incorrect ordering of normalized
- Parsing differences between 2.0.23 and 2.0.24/3.0
- Signing tries to set byteRange of old signature
- Bug in
- Inactive OCGs shown when not top level
- Null pointer exception in PDFASchemaType.getNamespaceURI()
- export:text creates jibberish / malformed output
- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in SampledImageReader.fromAny()
- PDFRenderer resulting image has black background
- NPE due to a malformed rectangle
- Fix meta markup in HTML generation
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CFFCIDFont class
- Can't open PDF with PDFBox: java.awt.color.CMMException: LCMS
error 13: Couldn't link the profiles
- ClassCastException in ShadingFill.process()
- Font gets smaller for each rendered page
- fix some logging inconsistencies
- NPE in PDFMergerUtility.acroFormLegacyMode()
- Avoid OOME when parsing an malformed pdf with a corrupted
object stream
* Improvement
- Apply subsampling and region to masks
- Remove finalize from ScratchFileBuffer
- Invisible signature field is not referenced from /Annots
dictionary of a Page
- Support charset parameter in TextToPDF
- Add a method to get the components of a composite glyph
- PDResource font cache improvement
- RFE: Comb flag warning
- fix unnecessary boxing/unboxing
- optimize LZWFilter
- renderer.setSubsamplingAllowed(true) causing the picture to
* Task
- Remove Travis build
- Update to 2.0.27
* Bug
- Invalid stream Length validation in StreamValidationProcess
- To set compressed on buffered image while creating a PDF
- Blurry / distorted rendering
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException (2)
- PDFDebugger does not remove listeners for PagePane when
opening new File
- PDFRenderer.renderImageWithDPI thows EOFException in PDF
- PDFCloneUtility.checkForRecursion breaks support for some
existing PDFs
- PDFStreamEngine.showTextStrings with font switch
- ClassCastException (
- NullPointerException in PDFunctionType3.eval()
- Deadlock in TrueTypeFont and RAFDataStream
- illegalArgumentException for rendering PDF (image extraction)
- NullPointerException in CmapSubtable.getCharCode
- PDActionEmbeddedGoTo does not accept a Destination with a
page number or string
- NPE when Transparency Group is missing the BBox
- PDFRenderer does not render letters when converting page to
- JPEG image rendered with wrong colors when using
- Performance issue since 2.0.18
- NullPointerException in PDType0Font.readCode() if cMap is
- NullPointerException in CFFParser.parseFont()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in
- ClassCastException in CMapParser.parseBeginbfchar
- ClassCastException in PDXObject.createXObject()
- ClassCastException in PDAcroForm.getFields()
- ClassCastException in PDDocumentCatalog.getAcroForm()
- ClassCastException in PDResources.getIndirect()
- getPageLayout throws IllegalArgumentException for empty mode
- Font not found because of case issues
- Update to 2.0.26
* Bug
- COSParser: Infinite recursion
- TestCreateSignature.testCreateSignedTimeStamp checkLTV build
test fail
- No Content - xRef / Obj Parsing
- Pdf-A/1b Validation
- A list of bugs found (70 bugs in total)
- Text size option for PDFBox Debugger
- IllegalArgumentException: Input buffer too short in
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
- EOFException: Can't read 20 bytes
- Wrong datatype for OPM in PDExtendedGraphicsState
- Unhandled IOException thrown from BaseParser creates issue in
- *LOADS of* "WARNING: key node000xxxxx already exists in
destination IDTree"
- NullPointerException in PDRange.getMin()
- Image interpolation when there shouldn't be
- pDAcroForm.flatten() does not remove /SigFlags in /Catalog
- Could not read embedded TTF for font
- ToUnicodeWriter.writeTo allows byte overflow in bfrange
- TextToPDF appends space to each line
- NegativeArraySizeException in pfb parser with 0 byte pfb font
- Hangup in COSFilterInputStream.nextRange
- Certain PDF cannot be processed
- Parsing fails in 2.0.26 that worked in 2.0.25
- Object must be defined and must not be compressed object
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- A carefully crafted pdf can trigger an infinite loop while
- POCIDFontType2 (Wingdings) encode throws a
- Possible loop detection is triggered in 2.0.26 but file works
in 2.0.25
- IOException: object reference 112 0 R at offset 18355 in
content stream
- Field text missing
- NPE during page render
- Parsing shows 1 empty page with 2.0.26 and 7 with 2.0.25
* Improvement
- Create push button example
- FontMapper should also take into account the user's font
directory on Windows operating systems
- Don't log warnings if there are not fonts to cache
- support multiple widgets in PDTerminalField.importFDF()
- Improve AddValidationInformation to handle exceptional
situations better
- Avoid duplicate certificates in AddValidation example
- Render symbol for file attachment annotations
* Task
- Add test of PFB font
- Add maven enforcer rule to ensure that JAVA_HOME is set
- Update to 2.0.25
* Sub-task
- Add print dpi submenu
- Reduce HighResolutionImageIcons memory leaks
* Bug
- Page not rendered / extracted, Unknown type in array for TJ
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: arraycopy: length -2 is
negative in PDPanose.getPanose
- LayerUtility().importPageAsForm() doesn't return
- PDPageContentStream.setLineWidth(float) not allowed in text
- preflight SMask entry check incorrect
- NumberFormatException in merge if fieldname is
- FDFJavaScript.getDoc() always returns null or empty
- Annotation shown with thick border
- Deeply nested drawings not shown
- Not existing rectangle appears on page image
- Not rendered (white) pages for given pdf
- Encryption on Split documents
- PDPage.getAnnotations() causes subsequent calls to
PDDocument.getPages() to fail
- Error rendering png from PDF - Error at Type1Parser
parseBinary for Type 1 Font
- EOFException during TTF parsing
- Incorrect rendering of Type3 character
- class org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName cannot be cast to class
- unneeded / double code in PageExtractor
- When PDF is converted to an image, the image has a large
black rectangle.
- Slow rendering for specific PDF File with small chunks 16x8
- Decryption for V4 fails when no Length entry is set in
Encryption Dictionary
- `NullPointerException` when intersecting area with null
clipping path
- Stack overflow in PDColorSpace.create()
- Splitter: Problematic /Info causes big files
- Resolution of ambiguities in inline images don't follow the
- Silent fail of PDTextField.setValue when font encoding
- TTFSubsetter incorrectly calculating 'searchRange'
- Failing to get multiple encodings from cmap table
- Text "820-01869-U-A" is omitted from PDF doc
- Wrong number of fonts leads to OOM-Exception
* New Feature
- Additional `showTransparencyGroupOnGraphics()` method
* Improvement
- Optimize SampledImageReader.from1Bit()
- Optimize reading of masked images
- Support BGR for OpenCV and JavaCV
- Preserve indirect object reference when copying resources
- PDFBox should use the quadding for fields with the comb flag
- Lazier clipping
- LegacyPDFStreamEngine.glyphList loaded from disk on each
instantiation rather than static final?
- Prefer MergeSort over QuickSort and try native TimSort first
(with explanation)
- Avoid creating Paint objects and filling when there is
nothing to do
- support get unicode from embedded TrueTypeFont cmap
- Update liberation fonts
* Test
- Add test for double visible signature on the same page
* Task
- Add test for double visible signature on encrypted file
- Add test for comb fields adjustment
- Store x and y scaling factor
- Update from twelvemonkeys (3)
- Update to 2.0.24
* Bug
- Slow rendering for specific PDF file
- Very slow rendering on PageDrawer.shadingFill
- Glyphs missed in rendering
- Wrong classification of an JPEG image leading to a blank
image added to a pdf document
- Embedded files not extracted from PDF files with multilevel
EmbeddedFiles tree
- 3.0.0-RC1: PDComboBox.setValue() throws
IllegalArgumentException: /DA is a required entry
- Issue with COSObjectKey::fixGeneration
- Error extracting text from PDF - Can't read the embedded
Type1 font FDFBJU+NewsGothic
- Error in identification of PDF comment symbol % as a token
separator with PDF names
- Stack overflow when reading a corrupt dictionary
- dash pattern [0] should be invisible
- Behaviour change in 2.0.20 due to use of
IOUtils.populateBuffer in
SecurityHandler.prepareAESInitializationVector leading to
IOException for certain PDF
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- Snapshot Deploy not working
- TSAClient with username+password
- COSOutputStream.flush doesn't call super
- BaseParser: stack overflow when reading a corrupt pdf
- isEmbeddingPermitted() is too restrictive on TTFs with OS2
table versions 0-2
- Wild rendering when repeating truetype glyph flag is outside
of range
- v2.0.22 and v3.0.0-RC1 PDF Debugger app crashes with
- CreateCheckBox example draws too large, clipped checkmark
- Wrong color space detected for some Jpeg images
- Possible memory leak after calling decode filter
- Ink annotation not rendered
* Improvement
- Pass PDFRenderer to PDFPrintable constructor
- Create tests for HelloWorld examples
- Faster PDImageXObject.applyMask
- Custom folder for fonts in FontMapper
- allow to make timestamp only signature "LTV"
- Create portable collection PDF
- Optimize memory footprint of PDFObjectStreamParser
- Add getter/setter for suppressDuplicateOverlappingText in
- Cache PageTree in PDFPrintable
- Add Adobe Illustrator COSNames
- Make constructors of CIDSystemInfo and PDPanoseClassification
* Wish
- When merging multiple pdf ua documents, Tags become nested
* Task
- Failing testFlattenPDFBox2469Filled on Ubuntu
- Add test for PDFMarkedContentExtractor class
- Create test for CreateGradientShadingPDF
- Fix build with bouncycastle 1.71 and the new bcutil artifact
- Build with source/target levels 8
- Package all resources in pdfbox module
- Update to 2.0.23:
* Security fixes:
- CVE-2021-27807: A carefully crafted PDF file can trigger an
infinite loop while loading the file [bsc#1184356]
- CVE-2021-27906: OutOfMemory-Exception while loading a crafted
PDF file [bsc#1184357]
* Bug fixes:
- Transparency Group issues
- getLastSignatureDictionary modifies internal structure of
- NullPointerexception in
- AcroForm PDTextField formatting lost when setting value
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Failure to modify cropBox when splitting a PDF Page
vertically into 2 pieces
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in isOwnerPassword
- IllegalArgumentException in computeEncryptedKeyRev56
- IllegalArgumentException in
- ClassCastException in COSStream.getFilterList
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
* Improvements:
- Improve document signing
- Allow reuse of subsetted fonts by inverting the ToUnicode
- improve performance in signature validation
- Add more checks to PDFXrefStreamParser and reduce memory
- Use StringBuilder for key in
- Don't use RGB loop in PDDeviceN.toRGBWithTintTransform()
- Add source signature and keyring
- Update to 2.0.22:
* See
- Remove provided binaries
- Upgrade to 2.0.19:
* Move from 1.x release line to the 2.x one.
* This is a ABI change
* Generate the ant build system from the maven one and customize
- Removed patches:
* disable-downloads.patch
* fix-javadoc-dep.patch
* fix-version.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ incorporated in the customizations of the ant build system
- Update to 1.8.16:
* [PDFBOX-4261] - Invalidated signature signing pdf twice
* [PDFBOX-4276] - Multiply blend mode not detected
* [PDFBOX-4283] - Allowing Rectangles with additional elements
* [PDFBOX-4298] - NullPointerException when doing overlay
* [PDFBOX-4316] - RemoveAllText does not delete all parameters with " operator
* [PDFBOX-4274] - Get rid of warning about prerequisites
* Improve skip duplicates (bsc#1111009, CVE-2018-11797)
- Adjust fix-version.patch
- Update to 1.8.15:
* [PDFBOX-4197] - PDStructureElement.getAttributes() ignores reference objects (CVE-2018-8036,bsc#1099721)
- Update to 1.8.14:
* [PDFBOX-3625] - Use correct file encoding when saving fdf data
* [PDFBOX-3724] - Wrong size in rendering of some artifacts
* [PDFBOX-3733] - image added to pdf by tool AddImageToPDF is turn-overed
* [PDFBOX-3739] - and can return null
* [PDFBOX-3742] - Unknown dir object c='>' cInt=62 peek='>' peekInt=62
* [PDFBOX-3813] - PDF Box crash when using PDFToImage or PDFDebug
* [PDFBOX-3843] - Rect of Annotation contains indirect elements + Patch
* [PDFBOX-3889] - javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded
* [PDFBOX-3909] - End of inline image not detected
* [PDFBOX-3919] - Infinite loop while parsing (2)
* [PDFBOX-3933] - PDFParser swallows a CR at the end of a stream
* [PDFBOX-3942] - ClassCastException in getOptionalContentGroups
* [PDFBOX-4005] - Incorrect use of PDNumberTreeNode in PDPageLabels
* [PDFBOX-4011] - BBox in signature forms has wrong order
* [PDFBOX-4027] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when XObject form matrix has only 5 elements
* [PDFBOX-4030] - ClassCastException when matrix array has indirect objects
* [PDFBOX-4064] - cm operator has 7 numbers
* [PDFBOX-4083] - Line annotation /LL, /LLE and /LLO have wrong default values
* [PDFBOX-4088] - Root/StructTreeRoot/K/S must be name, not string (merge)
* [PDFBOX-3635] - Remove workaround to avoid SSLHandshakeException
* [PDFBOX-4142] - Don't use md5 checksum due to changes to the release distribuition policy
- Update to 1.8.13:
* [PDFBOX-2420] - DateConverter doesn't handle time zones outside -12 to +12 range properly
* [PDFBOX-2919] - org.apache.fontbox.cff.CFFParser.readEntry sometimes throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* [PDFBOX-3315] - Dates falsely detected as different by preflight
* [PDFBOX-3335] - Issue while Merging PDF with Hidden Layers
* [PDFBOX-3341] - currentAccessPermission.setReadOnly() not set in StandardSecurityHandler
* [PDFBOX-3355] - PDPageLabels.getLabelsByPageIndices() returns Uppercase letters for style a
* [PDFBOX-3368] - ContainsKey don't work for the Map<String, Object> returned by PDStructureTreeRoot.getRoleMap
* [PDFBOX-3369] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.00-35095424'
* [PDFBOX-3409] - TextToPDF drops leading spaces
* [PDFBOX-3420] - Can't sign pdf with a particular attachment
* [PDFBOX-3446] - Infinite loop while parsing
* [PDFBOX-3448] - NullPointerException at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSArrayList.convertFloatCOSArrayToList
* [PDFBOX-3450] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at org.apache.fontbox.cmap.CMapParser.increment
* [PDFBOX-3463] - XMPSchemaBasic.getLabel() always returns null
* [PDFBOX-3466] - Java 9 warnings
* [PDFBOX-3472] - NPE when PDF/A identification metadata does not contain ID
* [PDFBOX-3477] - CA and ca values should be clipped
* [PDFBOX-3481] - Localization in XRef generation results in unusable PDFs
* [PDFBOX-3487] - ClassCastException in COSWriter.write() when saving PDF
* [PDFBOX-3491] - NumberFormatException in CFFParser.readRealNumber
* [PDFBOX-3500] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.-262'
* [PDFBOX-3532] - Java 6 errors
* [PDFBOX-3546] - IOException over DataFormatException, "invalid stored block lengths" on a valid PDF
* [PDFBOX-3551] - CLI Decrypt broken, only allows 1 argument
* [PDFBOX-3555] - FlateFilter.decode cause native memory leaks
* [PDFBOX-3558] - NPE in JBig2Filter if BitsPerComponent is missing
* [PDFBOX-3570] - JDK-8054565 Java 8 close contract issue
* [PDFBOX-3571] - sRGB Color Space Profile is subject to 3rd party copyright
* [PDFBOX-3578] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dash lengths all zero
* [PDFBOX-3590] - AccessPermission not applied
* [PDFBOX-3594] - Use PDOutlineItem#findDestinationPage() cannot get PDPage, return was null
* [PDFBOX-3609] - ClassCastException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
* [PDFBOX-3410] - TextToPDF needs orientation control
* [PDFBOX-3352] - Calendar values are parsed with unknown timezones
- Refresh pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
- Add patch to fix the version number:
* fix-version.patch
- Use %license
- Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal
of 1.6 compatibility
- Don't condition the maven defines on release version, but on
_maven_repository being defined
- Added patches:
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
+ Fix build of javadoc against bouncycastle API >= 1.4.7
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ Make java source and target level ant properties
+ Leave the default 1.5
- Specify java source and target level 1.6 in order to allow
building with jdk9
- New build dependency: javapackages-local
- Needed as a dependency for FOP 2.1 (FATE#322405)
- Switch between maven-metadata/maven-fragments as appropriate
for SLE/openSUSE (FATE#322405)
- Update to version 1.8.12
- CVE-2016-2175 (pdfbox only, which isn't build by this spec)
- Drop junit and javapackages-tools Requires
- Enable javadoc building and packaging
- Initial package
- Only fontbox and jempbox are built
2023-04-17 06:02:50 +00:00
- Failure to modify cropBox when splitting a PDF Page
vertically into 2 pieces
2021-04-14 11:24:12 +00:00
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in isOwnerPassword
- IllegalArgumentException in computeEncryptedKeyRev56
Accepting request 1079677 from home:urbic:branches:Java:packages
- Update to 2.0.28
* Bug
- Extraction of Arabic PDF has incorrect ordering of normalized
- Parsing differences between 2.0.23 and 2.0.24/3.0
- Signing tries to set byteRange of old signature
- Bug in
- Inactive OCGs shown when not top level
- Null pointer exception in PDFASchemaType.getNamespaceURI()
- export:text creates jibberish / malformed output
- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in SampledImageReader.fromAny()
- PDFRenderer resulting image has black background
- NPE due to a malformed rectangle
- Fix meta markup in HTML generation
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CFFCIDFont class
- Can't open PDF with PDFBox: java.awt.color.CMMException: LCMS
error 13: Couldn't link the profiles
- ClassCastException in ShadingFill.process()
- Font gets smaller for each rendered page
- fix some logging inconsistencies
- NPE in PDFMergerUtility.acroFormLegacyMode()
- Avoid OOME when parsing an malformed pdf with a corrupted
object stream
* Improvement
- Apply subsampling and region to masks
- Remove finalize from ScratchFileBuffer
- Invisible signature field is not referenced from /Annots
dictionary of a Page
- Support charset parameter in TextToPDF
- Add a method to get the components of a composite glyph
- PDResource font cache improvement
- RFE: Comb flag warning
- fix unnecessary boxing/unboxing
- optimize LZWFilter
- renderer.setSubsamplingAllowed(true) causing the picture to
* Task
- Remove Travis build
- Update to 2.0.27
* Bug
- Invalid stream Length validation in StreamValidationProcess
- To set compressed on buffered image while creating a PDF
- Blurry / distorted rendering
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException (2)
- PDFDebugger does not remove listeners for PagePane when
opening new File
- PDFRenderer.renderImageWithDPI thows EOFException in PDF
- PDFCloneUtility.checkForRecursion breaks support for some
existing PDFs
- PDFStreamEngine.showTextStrings with font switch
- ClassCastException (
- NullPointerException in PDFunctionType3.eval()
- Deadlock in TrueTypeFont and RAFDataStream
- illegalArgumentException for rendering PDF (image extraction)
- NullPointerException in CmapSubtable.getCharCode
- PDActionEmbeddedGoTo does not accept a Destination with a
page number or string
- NPE when Transparency Group is missing the BBox
- PDFRenderer does not render letters when converting page to
- JPEG image rendered with wrong colors when using
- Performance issue since 2.0.18
- NullPointerException in PDType0Font.readCode() if cMap is
- NullPointerException in CFFParser.parseFont()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in
- ClassCastException in CMapParser.parseBeginbfchar
- ClassCastException in PDXObject.createXObject()
- ClassCastException in PDAcroForm.getFields()
- ClassCastException in PDDocumentCatalog.getAcroForm()
- ClassCastException in PDResources.getIndirect()
- getPageLayout throws IllegalArgumentException for empty mode
- Font not found because of case issues
- Update to 2.0.26
* Bug
- COSParser: Infinite recursion
- TestCreateSignature.testCreateSignedTimeStamp checkLTV build
test fail
- No Content - xRef / Obj Parsing
- Pdf-A/1b Validation
- A list of bugs found (70 bugs in total)
- Text size option for PDFBox Debugger
- IllegalArgumentException: Input buffer too short in
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
- EOFException: Can't read 20 bytes
- Wrong datatype for OPM in PDExtendedGraphicsState
- Unhandled IOException thrown from BaseParser creates issue in
- *LOADS of* "WARNING: key node000xxxxx already exists in
destination IDTree"
- NullPointerException in PDRange.getMin()
- Image interpolation when there shouldn't be
- pDAcroForm.flatten() does not remove /SigFlags in /Catalog
- Could not read embedded TTF for font
- ToUnicodeWriter.writeTo allows byte overflow in bfrange
- TextToPDF appends space to each line
- NegativeArraySizeException in pfb parser with 0 byte pfb font
- Hangup in COSFilterInputStream.nextRange
- Certain PDF cannot be processed
- Parsing fails in 2.0.26 that worked in 2.0.25
- Object must be defined and must not be compressed object
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- A carefully crafted pdf can trigger an infinite loop while
- POCIDFontType2 (Wingdings) encode throws a
- Possible loop detection is triggered in 2.0.26 but file works
in 2.0.25
- IOException: object reference 112 0 R at offset 18355 in
content stream
- Field text missing
- NPE during page render
- Parsing shows 1 empty page with 2.0.26 and 7 with 2.0.25
* Improvement
- Create push button example
- FontMapper should also take into account the user's font
directory on Windows operating systems
- Don't log warnings if there are not fonts to cache
- support multiple widgets in PDTerminalField.importFDF()
- Improve AddValidationInformation to handle exceptional
situations better
- Avoid duplicate certificates in AddValidation example
- Render symbol for file attachment annotations
* Task
- Add test of PFB font
- Add maven enforcer rule to ensure that JAVA_HOME is set
- Update to 2.0.25
* Sub-task
- Add print dpi submenu
- Reduce HighResolutionImageIcons memory leaks
* Bug
- Page not rendered / extracted, Unknown type in array for TJ
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: arraycopy: length -2 is
negative in PDPanose.getPanose
- LayerUtility().importPageAsForm() doesn't return
- PDPageContentStream.setLineWidth(float) not allowed in text
- preflight SMask entry check incorrect
- NumberFormatException in merge if fieldname is
- FDFJavaScript.getDoc() always returns null or empty
- Annotation shown with thick border
- Deeply nested drawings not shown
- Not existing rectangle appears on page image
- Not rendered (white) pages for given pdf
- Encryption on Split documents
- PDPage.getAnnotations() causes subsequent calls to
PDDocument.getPages() to fail
- Error rendering png from PDF - Error at Type1Parser
parseBinary for Type 1 Font
- EOFException during TTF parsing
- Incorrect rendering of Type3 character
- class org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName cannot be cast to class
- unneeded / double code in PageExtractor
- When PDF is converted to an image, the image has a large
black rectangle.
- Slow rendering for specific PDF File with small chunks 16x8
- Decryption for V4 fails when no Length entry is set in
Encryption Dictionary
- `NullPointerException` when intersecting area with null
clipping path
- Stack overflow in PDColorSpace.create()
- Splitter: Problematic /Info causes big files
- Resolution of ambiguities in inline images don't follow the
- Silent fail of PDTextField.setValue when font encoding
- TTFSubsetter incorrectly calculating 'searchRange'
- Failing to get multiple encodings from cmap table
- Text "820-01869-U-A" is omitted from PDF doc
- Wrong number of fonts leads to OOM-Exception
* New Feature
- Additional `showTransparencyGroupOnGraphics()` method
* Improvement
- Optimize SampledImageReader.from1Bit()
- Optimize reading of masked images
- Support BGR for OpenCV and JavaCV
- Preserve indirect object reference when copying resources
- PDFBox should use the quadding for fields with the comb flag
- Lazier clipping
- LegacyPDFStreamEngine.glyphList loaded from disk on each
instantiation rather than static final?
- Prefer MergeSort over QuickSort and try native TimSort first
(with explanation)
- Avoid creating Paint objects and filling when there is
nothing to do
- support get unicode from embedded TrueTypeFont cmap
- Update liberation fonts
* Test
- Add test for double visible signature on the same page
* Task
- Add test for double visible signature on encrypted file
- Add test for comb fields adjustment
- Store x and y scaling factor
- Update from twelvemonkeys (3)
- Update to 2.0.24
* Bug
- Slow rendering for specific PDF file
- Very slow rendering on PageDrawer.shadingFill
- Glyphs missed in rendering
- Wrong classification of an JPEG image leading to a blank
image added to a pdf document
- Embedded files not extracted from PDF files with multilevel
EmbeddedFiles tree
- 3.0.0-RC1: PDComboBox.setValue() throws
IllegalArgumentException: /DA is a required entry
- Issue with COSObjectKey::fixGeneration
- Error extracting text from PDF - Can't read the embedded
Type1 font FDFBJU+NewsGothic
- Error in identification of PDF comment symbol % as a token
separator with PDF names
- Stack overflow when reading a corrupt dictionary
- dash pattern [0] should be invisible
- Behaviour change in 2.0.20 due to use of
IOUtils.populateBuffer in
SecurityHandler.prepareAESInitializationVector leading to
IOException for certain PDF
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- Snapshot Deploy not working
- TSAClient with username+password
- COSOutputStream.flush doesn't call super
- BaseParser: stack overflow when reading a corrupt pdf
- isEmbeddingPermitted() is too restrictive on TTFs with OS2
table versions 0-2
- Wild rendering when repeating truetype glyph flag is outside
of range
- v2.0.22 and v3.0.0-RC1 PDF Debugger app crashes with
- CreateCheckBox example draws too large, clipped checkmark
- Wrong color space detected for some Jpeg images
- Possible memory leak after calling decode filter
- Ink annotation not rendered
* Improvement
- Pass PDFRenderer to PDFPrintable constructor
- Create tests for HelloWorld examples
- Faster PDImageXObject.applyMask
- Custom folder for fonts in FontMapper
- allow to make timestamp only signature "LTV"
- Create portable collection PDF
- Optimize memory footprint of PDFObjectStreamParser
- Add getter/setter for suppressDuplicateOverlappingText in
- Cache PageTree in PDFPrintable
- Add Adobe Illustrator COSNames
- Make constructors of CIDSystemInfo and PDPanoseClassification
* Wish
- When merging multiple pdf ua documents, Tags become nested
* Task
- Failing testFlattenPDFBox2469Filled on Ubuntu
- Add test for PDFMarkedContentExtractor class
- Create test for CreateGradientShadingPDF
- Fix build with bouncycastle 1.71 and the new bcutil artifact
- Build with source/target levels 8
- Package all resources in pdfbox module
- Update to 2.0.23:
* Security fixes:
- CVE-2021-27807: A carefully crafted PDF file can trigger an
infinite loop while loading the file [bsc#1184356]
- CVE-2021-27906: OutOfMemory-Exception while loading a crafted
PDF file [bsc#1184357]
* Bug fixes:
- Transparency Group issues
- getLastSignatureDictionary modifies internal structure of
- NullPointerexception in
- AcroForm PDTextField formatting lost when setting value
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Failure to modify cropBox when splitting a PDF Page
vertically into 2 pieces
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in isOwnerPassword
- IllegalArgumentException in computeEncryptedKeyRev56
- IllegalArgumentException in
- ClassCastException in COSStream.getFilterList
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
* Improvements:
- Improve document signing
- Allow reuse of subsetted fonts by inverting the ToUnicode
- improve performance in signature validation
- Add more checks to PDFXrefStreamParser and reduce memory
- Use StringBuilder for key in
- Don't use RGB loop in PDDeviceN.toRGBWithTintTransform()
- Add source signature and keyring
- Update to 2.0.22:
* See
- Remove provided binaries
- Upgrade to 2.0.19:
* Move from 1.x release line to the 2.x one.
* This is a ABI change
* Generate the ant build system from the maven one and customize
- Removed patches:
* disable-downloads.patch
* fix-javadoc-dep.patch
* fix-version.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ incorporated in the customizations of the ant build system
- Update to 1.8.16:
* [PDFBOX-4261] - Invalidated signature signing pdf twice
* [PDFBOX-4276] - Multiply blend mode not detected
* [PDFBOX-4283] - Allowing Rectangles with additional elements
* [PDFBOX-4298] - NullPointerException when doing overlay
* [PDFBOX-4316] - RemoveAllText does not delete all parameters with " operator
* [PDFBOX-4274] - Get rid of warning about prerequisites
* Improve skip duplicates (bsc#1111009, CVE-2018-11797)
- Adjust fix-version.patch
- Update to 1.8.15:
* [PDFBOX-4197] - PDStructureElement.getAttributes() ignores reference objects (CVE-2018-8036,bsc#1099721)
- Update to 1.8.14:
* [PDFBOX-3625] - Use correct file encoding when saving fdf data
* [PDFBOX-3724] - Wrong size in rendering of some artifacts
* [PDFBOX-3733] - image added to pdf by tool AddImageToPDF is turn-overed
* [PDFBOX-3739] - and can return null
* [PDFBOX-3742] - Unknown dir object c='>' cInt=62 peek='>' peekInt=62
* [PDFBOX-3813] - PDF Box crash when using PDFToImage or PDFDebug
* [PDFBOX-3843] - Rect of Annotation contains indirect elements + Patch
* [PDFBOX-3889] - javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded
* [PDFBOX-3909] - End of inline image not detected
* [PDFBOX-3919] - Infinite loop while parsing (2)
* [PDFBOX-3933] - PDFParser swallows a CR at the end of a stream
* [PDFBOX-3942] - ClassCastException in getOptionalContentGroups
* [PDFBOX-4005] - Incorrect use of PDNumberTreeNode in PDPageLabels
* [PDFBOX-4011] - BBox in signature forms has wrong order
* [PDFBOX-4027] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when XObject form matrix has only 5 elements
* [PDFBOX-4030] - ClassCastException when matrix array has indirect objects
* [PDFBOX-4064] - cm operator has 7 numbers
* [PDFBOX-4083] - Line annotation /LL, /LLE and /LLO have wrong default values
* [PDFBOX-4088] - Root/StructTreeRoot/K/S must be name, not string (merge)
* [PDFBOX-3635] - Remove workaround to avoid SSLHandshakeException
* [PDFBOX-4142] - Don't use md5 checksum due to changes to the release distribuition policy
- Update to 1.8.13:
* [PDFBOX-2420] - DateConverter doesn't handle time zones outside -12 to +12 range properly
* [PDFBOX-2919] - org.apache.fontbox.cff.CFFParser.readEntry sometimes throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* [PDFBOX-3315] - Dates falsely detected as different by preflight
* [PDFBOX-3335] - Issue while Merging PDF with Hidden Layers
* [PDFBOX-3341] - currentAccessPermission.setReadOnly() not set in StandardSecurityHandler
* [PDFBOX-3355] - PDPageLabels.getLabelsByPageIndices() returns Uppercase letters for style a
* [PDFBOX-3368] - ContainsKey don't work for the Map<String, Object> returned by PDStructureTreeRoot.getRoleMap
* [PDFBOX-3369] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.00-35095424'
* [PDFBOX-3409] - TextToPDF drops leading spaces
* [PDFBOX-3420] - Can't sign pdf with a particular attachment
* [PDFBOX-3446] - Infinite loop while parsing
* [PDFBOX-3448] - NullPointerException at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSArrayList.convertFloatCOSArrayToList
* [PDFBOX-3450] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at org.apache.fontbox.cmap.CMapParser.increment
* [PDFBOX-3463] - XMPSchemaBasic.getLabel() always returns null
* [PDFBOX-3466] - Java 9 warnings
* [PDFBOX-3472] - NPE when PDF/A identification metadata does not contain ID
* [PDFBOX-3477] - CA and ca values should be clipped
* [PDFBOX-3481] - Localization in XRef generation results in unusable PDFs
* [PDFBOX-3487] - ClassCastException in COSWriter.write() when saving PDF
* [PDFBOX-3491] - NumberFormatException in CFFParser.readRealNumber
* [PDFBOX-3500] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.-262'
* [PDFBOX-3532] - Java 6 errors
* [PDFBOX-3546] - IOException over DataFormatException, "invalid stored block lengths" on a valid PDF
* [PDFBOX-3551] - CLI Decrypt broken, only allows 1 argument
* [PDFBOX-3555] - FlateFilter.decode cause native memory leaks
* [PDFBOX-3558] - NPE in JBig2Filter if BitsPerComponent is missing
* [PDFBOX-3570] - JDK-8054565 Java 8 close contract issue
* [PDFBOX-3571] - sRGB Color Space Profile is subject to 3rd party copyright
* [PDFBOX-3578] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dash lengths all zero
* [PDFBOX-3590] - AccessPermission not applied
* [PDFBOX-3594] - Use PDOutlineItem#findDestinationPage() cannot get PDPage, return was null
* [PDFBOX-3609] - ClassCastException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
* [PDFBOX-3410] - TextToPDF needs orientation control
* [PDFBOX-3352] - Calendar values are parsed with unknown timezones
- Refresh pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
- Add patch to fix the version number:
* fix-version.patch
- Use %license
- Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal
of 1.6 compatibility
- Don't condition the maven defines on release version, but on
_maven_repository being defined
- Added patches:
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
+ Fix build of javadoc against bouncycastle API >= 1.4.7
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ Make java source and target level ant properties
+ Leave the default 1.5
- Specify java source and target level 1.6 in order to allow
building with jdk9
- New build dependency: javapackages-local
- Needed as a dependency for FOP 2.1 (FATE#322405)
- Switch between maven-metadata/maven-fragments as appropriate
for SLE/openSUSE (FATE#322405)
- Update to version 1.8.12
- CVE-2016-2175 (pdfbox only, which isn't build by this spec)
- Drop junit and javapackages-tools Requires
- Enable javadoc building and packaging
- Initial package
- Only fontbox and jempbox are built
2023-04-17 06:02:50 +00:00
- IllegalArgumentException in
2021-04-14 11:24:12 +00:00
- ClassCastException in COSStream.getFilterList
Accepting request 1079677 from home:urbic:branches:Java:packages
- Update to 2.0.28
* Bug
- Extraction of Arabic PDF has incorrect ordering of normalized
- Parsing differences between 2.0.23 and 2.0.24/3.0
- Signing tries to set byteRange of old signature
- Bug in
- Inactive OCGs shown when not top level
- Null pointer exception in PDFASchemaType.getNamespaceURI()
- export:text creates jibberish / malformed output
- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in SampledImageReader.fromAny()
- PDFRenderer resulting image has black background
- NPE due to a malformed rectangle
- Fix meta markup in HTML generation
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CFFCIDFont class
- Can't open PDF with PDFBox: java.awt.color.CMMException: LCMS
error 13: Couldn't link the profiles
- ClassCastException in ShadingFill.process()
- Font gets smaller for each rendered page
- fix some logging inconsistencies
- NPE in PDFMergerUtility.acroFormLegacyMode()
- Avoid OOME when parsing an malformed pdf with a corrupted
object stream
* Improvement
- Apply subsampling and region to masks
- Remove finalize from ScratchFileBuffer
- Invisible signature field is not referenced from /Annots
dictionary of a Page
- Support charset parameter in TextToPDF
- Add a method to get the components of a composite glyph
- PDResource font cache improvement
- RFE: Comb flag warning
- fix unnecessary boxing/unboxing
- optimize LZWFilter
- renderer.setSubsamplingAllowed(true) causing the picture to
* Task
- Remove Travis build
- Update to 2.0.27
* Bug
- Invalid stream Length validation in StreamValidationProcess
- To set compressed on buffered image while creating a PDF
- Blurry / distorted rendering
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException (2)
- PDFDebugger does not remove listeners for PagePane when
opening new File
- PDFRenderer.renderImageWithDPI thows EOFException in PDF
- PDFCloneUtility.checkForRecursion breaks support for some
existing PDFs
- PDFStreamEngine.showTextStrings with font switch
- ClassCastException (
- NullPointerException in PDFunctionType3.eval()
- Deadlock in TrueTypeFont and RAFDataStream
- illegalArgumentException for rendering PDF (image extraction)
- NullPointerException in CmapSubtable.getCharCode
- PDActionEmbeddedGoTo does not accept a Destination with a
page number or string
- NPE when Transparency Group is missing the BBox
- PDFRenderer does not render letters when converting page to
- JPEG image rendered with wrong colors when using
- Performance issue since 2.0.18
- NullPointerException in PDType0Font.readCode() if cMap is
- NullPointerException in CFFParser.parseFont()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in
- ClassCastException in CMapParser.parseBeginbfchar
- ClassCastException in PDXObject.createXObject()
- ClassCastException in PDAcroForm.getFields()
- ClassCastException in PDDocumentCatalog.getAcroForm()
- ClassCastException in PDResources.getIndirect()
- getPageLayout throws IllegalArgumentException for empty mode
- Font not found because of case issues
- Update to 2.0.26
* Bug
- COSParser: Infinite recursion
- TestCreateSignature.testCreateSignedTimeStamp checkLTV build
test fail
- No Content - xRef / Obj Parsing
- Pdf-A/1b Validation
- A list of bugs found (70 bugs in total)
- Text size option for PDFBox Debugger
- IllegalArgumentException: Input buffer too short in
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
- EOFException: Can't read 20 bytes
- Wrong datatype for OPM in PDExtendedGraphicsState
- Unhandled IOException thrown from BaseParser creates issue in
- *LOADS of* "WARNING: key node000xxxxx already exists in
destination IDTree"
- NullPointerException in PDRange.getMin()
- Image interpolation when there shouldn't be
- pDAcroForm.flatten() does not remove /SigFlags in /Catalog
- Could not read embedded TTF for font
- ToUnicodeWriter.writeTo allows byte overflow in bfrange
- TextToPDF appends space to each line
- NegativeArraySizeException in pfb parser with 0 byte pfb font
- Hangup in COSFilterInputStream.nextRange
- Certain PDF cannot be processed
- Parsing fails in 2.0.26 that worked in 2.0.25
- Object must be defined and must not be compressed object
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- A carefully crafted pdf can trigger an infinite loop while
- POCIDFontType2 (Wingdings) encode throws a
- Possible loop detection is triggered in 2.0.26 but file works
in 2.0.25
- IOException: object reference 112 0 R at offset 18355 in
content stream
- Field text missing
- NPE during page render
- Parsing shows 1 empty page with 2.0.26 and 7 with 2.0.25
* Improvement
- Create push button example
- FontMapper should also take into account the user's font
directory on Windows operating systems
- Don't log warnings if there are not fonts to cache
- support multiple widgets in PDTerminalField.importFDF()
- Improve AddValidationInformation to handle exceptional
situations better
- Avoid duplicate certificates in AddValidation example
- Render symbol for file attachment annotations
* Task
- Add test of PFB font
- Add maven enforcer rule to ensure that JAVA_HOME is set
- Update to 2.0.25
* Sub-task
- Add print dpi submenu
- Reduce HighResolutionImageIcons memory leaks
* Bug
- Page not rendered / extracted, Unknown type in array for TJ
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: arraycopy: length -2 is
negative in PDPanose.getPanose
- LayerUtility().importPageAsForm() doesn't return
- PDPageContentStream.setLineWidth(float) not allowed in text
- preflight SMask entry check incorrect
- NumberFormatException in merge if fieldname is
- FDFJavaScript.getDoc() always returns null or empty
- Annotation shown with thick border
- Deeply nested drawings not shown
- Not existing rectangle appears on page image
- Not rendered (white) pages for given pdf
- Encryption on Split documents
- PDPage.getAnnotations() causes subsequent calls to
PDDocument.getPages() to fail
- Error rendering png from PDF - Error at Type1Parser
parseBinary for Type 1 Font
- EOFException during TTF parsing
- Incorrect rendering of Type3 character
- class org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName cannot be cast to class
- unneeded / double code in PageExtractor
- When PDF is converted to an image, the image has a large
black rectangle.
- Slow rendering for specific PDF File with small chunks 16x8
- Decryption for V4 fails when no Length entry is set in
Encryption Dictionary
- `NullPointerException` when intersecting area with null
clipping path
- Stack overflow in PDColorSpace.create()
- Splitter: Problematic /Info causes big files
- Resolution of ambiguities in inline images don't follow the
- Silent fail of PDTextField.setValue when font encoding
- TTFSubsetter incorrectly calculating 'searchRange'
- Failing to get multiple encodings from cmap table
- Text "820-01869-U-A" is omitted from PDF doc
- Wrong number of fonts leads to OOM-Exception
* New Feature
- Additional `showTransparencyGroupOnGraphics()` method
* Improvement
- Optimize SampledImageReader.from1Bit()
- Optimize reading of masked images
- Support BGR for OpenCV and JavaCV
- Preserve indirect object reference when copying resources
- PDFBox should use the quadding for fields with the comb flag
- Lazier clipping
- LegacyPDFStreamEngine.glyphList loaded from disk on each
instantiation rather than static final?
- Prefer MergeSort over QuickSort and try native TimSort first
(with explanation)
- Avoid creating Paint objects and filling when there is
nothing to do
- support get unicode from embedded TrueTypeFont cmap
- Update liberation fonts
* Test
- Add test for double visible signature on the same page
* Task
- Add test for double visible signature on encrypted file
- Add test for comb fields adjustment
- Store x and y scaling factor
- Update from twelvemonkeys (3)
- Update to 2.0.24
* Bug
- Slow rendering for specific PDF file
- Very slow rendering on PageDrawer.shadingFill
- Glyphs missed in rendering
- Wrong classification of an JPEG image leading to a blank
image added to a pdf document
- Embedded files not extracted from PDF files with multilevel
EmbeddedFiles tree
- 3.0.0-RC1: PDComboBox.setValue() throws
IllegalArgumentException: /DA is a required entry
- Issue with COSObjectKey::fixGeneration
- Error extracting text from PDF - Can't read the embedded
Type1 font FDFBJU+NewsGothic
- Error in identification of PDF comment symbol % as a token
separator with PDF names
- Stack overflow when reading a corrupt dictionary
- dash pattern [0] should be invisible
- Behaviour change in 2.0.20 due to use of
IOUtils.populateBuffer in
SecurityHandler.prepareAESInitializationVector leading to
IOException for certain PDF
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- Snapshot Deploy not working
- TSAClient with username+password
- COSOutputStream.flush doesn't call super
- BaseParser: stack overflow when reading a corrupt pdf
- isEmbeddingPermitted() is too restrictive on TTFs with OS2
table versions 0-2
- Wild rendering when repeating truetype glyph flag is outside
of range
- v2.0.22 and v3.0.0-RC1 PDF Debugger app crashes with
- CreateCheckBox example draws too large, clipped checkmark
- Wrong color space detected for some Jpeg images
- Possible memory leak after calling decode filter
- Ink annotation not rendered
* Improvement
- Pass PDFRenderer to PDFPrintable constructor
- Create tests for HelloWorld examples
- Faster PDImageXObject.applyMask
- Custom folder for fonts in FontMapper
- allow to make timestamp only signature "LTV"
- Create portable collection PDF
- Optimize memory footprint of PDFObjectStreamParser
- Add getter/setter for suppressDuplicateOverlappingText in
- Cache PageTree in PDFPrintable
- Add Adobe Illustrator COSNames
- Make constructors of CIDSystemInfo and PDPanoseClassification
* Wish
- When merging multiple pdf ua documents, Tags become nested
* Task
- Failing testFlattenPDFBox2469Filled on Ubuntu
- Add test for PDFMarkedContentExtractor class
- Create test for CreateGradientShadingPDF
- Fix build with bouncycastle 1.71 and the new bcutil artifact
- Build with source/target levels 8
- Package all resources in pdfbox module
- Update to 2.0.23:
* Security fixes:
- CVE-2021-27807: A carefully crafted PDF file can trigger an
infinite loop while loading the file [bsc#1184356]
- CVE-2021-27906: OutOfMemory-Exception while loading a crafted
PDF file [bsc#1184357]
* Bug fixes:
- Transparency Group issues
- getLastSignatureDictionary modifies internal structure of
- NullPointerexception in
- AcroForm PDTextField formatting lost when setting value
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Failure to modify cropBox when splitting a PDF Page
vertically into 2 pieces
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in isOwnerPassword
- IllegalArgumentException in computeEncryptedKeyRev56
- IllegalArgumentException in
- ClassCastException in COSStream.getFilterList
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
* Improvements:
- Improve document signing
- Allow reuse of subsetted fonts by inverting the ToUnicode
- improve performance in signature validation
- Add more checks to PDFXrefStreamParser and reduce memory
- Use StringBuilder for key in
- Don't use RGB loop in PDDeviceN.toRGBWithTintTransform()
- Add source signature and keyring
- Update to 2.0.22:
* See
- Remove provided binaries
- Upgrade to 2.0.19:
* Move from 1.x release line to the 2.x one.
* This is a ABI change
* Generate the ant build system from the maven one and customize
- Removed patches:
* disable-downloads.patch
* fix-javadoc-dep.patch
* fix-version.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ incorporated in the customizations of the ant build system
- Update to 1.8.16:
* [PDFBOX-4261] - Invalidated signature signing pdf twice
* [PDFBOX-4276] - Multiply blend mode not detected
* [PDFBOX-4283] - Allowing Rectangles with additional elements
* [PDFBOX-4298] - NullPointerException when doing overlay
* [PDFBOX-4316] - RemoveAllText does not delete all parameters with " operator
* [PDFBOX-4274] - Get rid of warning about prerequisites
* Improve skip duplicates (bsc#1111009, CVE-2018-11797)
- Adjust fix-version.patch
- Update to 1.8.15:
* [PDFBOX-4197] - PDStructureElement.getAttributes() ignores reference objects (CVE-2018-8036,bsc#1099721)
- Update to 1.8.14:
* [PDFBOX-3625] - Use correct file encoding when saving fdf data
* [PDFBOX-3724] - Wrong size in rendering of some artifacts
* [PDFBOX-3733] - image added to pdf by tool AddImageToPDF is turn-overed
* [PDFBOX-3739] - and can return null
* [PDFBOX-3742] - Unknown dir object c='>' cInt=62 peek='>' peekInt=62
* [PDFBOX-3813] - PDF Box crash when using PDFToImage or PDFDebug
* [PDFBOX-3843] - Rect of Annotation contains indirect elements + Patch
* [PDFBOX-3889] - javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded
* [PDFBOX-3909] - End of inline image not detected
* [PDFBOX-3919] - Infinite loop while parsing (2)
* [PDFBOX-3933] - PDFParser swallows a CR at the end of a stream
* [PDFBOX-3942] - ClassCastException in getOptionalContentGroups
* [PDFBOX-4005] - Incorrect use of PDNumberTreeNode in PDPageLabels
* [PDFBOX-4011] - BBox in signature forms has wrong order
* [PDFBOX-4027] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when XObject form matrix has only 5 elements
* [PDFBOX-4030] - ClassCastException when matrix array has indirect objects
* [PDFBOX-4064] - cm operator has 7 numbers
* [PDFBOX-4083] - Line annotation /LL, /LLE and /LLO have wrong default values
* [PDFBOX-4088] - Root/StructTreeRoot/K/S must be name, not string (merge)
* [PDFBOX-3635] - Remove workaround to avoid SSLHandshakeException
* [PDFBOX-4142] - Don't use md5 checksum due to changes to the release distribuition policy
- Update to 1.8.13:
* [PDFBOX-2420] - DateConverter doesn't handle time zones outside -12 to +12 range properly
* [PDFBOX-2919] - org.apache.fontbox.cff.CFFParser.readEntry sometimes throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* [PDFBOX-3315] - Dates falsely detected as different by preflight
* [PDFBOX-3335] - Issue while Merging PDF with Hidden Layers
* [PDFBOX-3341] - currentAccessPermission.setReadOnly() not set in StandardSecurityHandler
* [PDFBOX-3355] - PDPageLabels.getLabelsByPageIndices() returns Uppercase letters for style a
* [PDFBOX-3368] - ContainsKey don't work for the Map<String, Object> returned by PDStructureTreeRoot.getRoleMap
* [PDFBOX-3369] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.00-35095424'
* [PDFBOX-3409] - TextToPDF drops leading spaces
* [PDFBOX-3420] - Can't sign pdf with a particular attachment
* [PDFBOX-3446] - Infinite loop while parsing
* [PDFBOX-3448] - NullPointerException at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSArrayList.convertFloatCOSArrayToList
* [PDFBOX-3450] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at org.apache.fontbox.cmap.CMapParser.increment
* [PDFBOX-3463] - XMPSchemaBasic.getLabel() always returns null
* [PDFBOX-3466] - Java 9 warnings
* [PDFBOX-3472] - NPE when PDF/A identification metadata does not contain ID
* [PDFBOX-3477] - CA and ca values should be clipped
* [PDFBOX-3481] - Localization in XRef generation results in unusable PDFs
* [PDFBOX-3487] - ClassCastException in COSWriter.write() when saving PDF
* [PDFBOX-3491] - NumberFormatException in CFFParser.readRealNumber
* [PDFBOX-3500] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.-262'
* [PDFBOX-3532] - Java 6 errors
* [PDFBOX-3546] - IOException over DataFormatException, "invalid stored block lengths" on a valid PDF
* [PDFBOX-3551] - CLI Decrypt broken, only allows 1 argument
* [PDFBOX-3555] - FlateFilter.decode cause native memory leaks
* [PDFBOX-3558] - NPE in JBig2Filter if BitsPerComponent is missing
* [PDFBOX-3570] - JDK-8054565 Java 8 close contract issue
* [PDFBOX-3571] - sRGB Color Space Profile is subject to 3rd party copyright
* [PDFBOX-3578] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dash lengths all zero
* [PDFBOX-3590] - AccessPermission not applied
* [PDFBOX-3594] - Use PDOutlineItem#findDestinationPage() cannot get PDPage, return was null
* [PDFBOX-3609] - ClassCastException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
* [PDFBOX-3410] - TextToPDF needs orientation control
* [PDFBOX-3352] - Calendar values are parsed with unknown timezones
- Refresh pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
- Add patch to fix the version number:
* fix-version.patch
- Use %license
- Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal
of 1.6 compatibility
- Don't condition the maven defines on release version, but on
_maven_repository being defined
- Added patches:
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
+ Fix build of javadoc against bouncycastle API >= 1.4.7
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ Make java source and target level ant properties
+ Leave the default 1.5
- Specify java source and target level 1.6 in order to allow
building with jdk9
- New build dependency: javapackages-local
- Needed as a dependency for FOP 2.1 (FATE#322405)
- Switch between maven-metadata/maven-fragments as appropriate
for SLE/openSUSE (FATE#322405)
- Update to version 1.8.12
- CVE-2016-2175 (pdfbox only, which isn't build by this spec)
- Drop junit and javapackages-tools Requires
- Enable javadoc building and packaging
- Initial package
- Only fontbox and jempbox are built
2023-04-17 06:02:50 +00:00
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
2021-04-14 11:24:12 +00:00
* Improvements:
- Improve document signing
Accepting request 1079677 from home:urbic:branches:Java:packages
- Update to 2.0.28
* Bug
- Extraction of Arabic PDF has incorrect ordering of normalized
- Parsing differences between 2.0.23 and 2.0.24/3.0
- Signing tries to set byteRange of old signature
- Bug in
- Inactive OCGs shown when not top level
- Null pointer exception in PDFASchemaType.getNamespaceURI()
- export:text creates jibberish / malformed output
- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in SampledImageReader.fromAny()
- PDFRenderer resulting image has black background
- NPE due to a malformed rectangle
- Fix meta markup in HTML generation
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CFFCIDFont class
- Can't open PDF with PDFBox: java.awt.color.CMMException: LCMS
error 13: Couldn't link the profiles
- ClassCastException in ShadingFill.process()
- Font gets smaller for each rendered page
- fix some logging inconsistencies
- NPE in PDFMergerUtility.acroFormLegacyMode()
- Avoid OOME when parsing an malformed pdf with a corrupted
object stream
* Improvement
- Apply subsampling and region to masks
- Remove finalize from ScratchFileBuffer
- Invisible signature field is not referenced from /Annots
dictionary of a Page
- Support charset parameter in TextToPDF
- Add a method to get the components of a composite glyph
- PDResource font cache improvement
- RFE: Comb flag warning
- fix unnecessary boxing/unboxing
- optimize LZWFilter
- renderer.setSubsamplingAllowed(true) causing the picture to
* Task
- Remove Travis build
- Update to 2.0.27
* Bug
- Invalid stream Length validation in StreamValidationProcess
- To set compressed on buffered image while creating a PDF
- Blurry / distorted rendering
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException (2)
- PDFDebugger does not remove listeners for PagePane when
opening new File
- PDFRenderer.renderImageWithDPI thows EOFException in PDF
- PDFCloneUtility.checkForRecursion breaks support for some
existing PDFs
- PDFStreamEngine.showTextStrings with font switch
- ClassCastException (
- NullPointerException in PDFunctionType3.eval()
- Deadlock in TrueTypeFont and RAFDataStream
- illegalArgumentException for rendering PDF (image extraction)
- NullPointerException in CmapSubtable.getCharCode
- PDActionEmbeddedGoTo does not accept a Destination with a
page number or string
- NPE when Transparency Group is missing the BBox
- PDFRenderer does not render letters when converting page to
- JPEG image rendered with wrong colors when using
- Performance issue since 2.0.18
- NullPointerException in PDType0Font.readCode() if cMap is
- NullPointerException in CFFParser.parseFont()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in
- ClassCastException in CMapParser.parseBeginbfchar
- ClassCastException in PDXObject.createXObject()
- ClassCastException in PDAcroForm.getFields()
- ClassCastException in PDDocumentCatalog.getAcroForm()
- ClassCastException in PDResources.getIndirect()
- getPageLayout throws IllegalArgumentException for empty mode
- Font not found because of case issues
- Update to 2.0.26
* Bug
- COSParser: Infinite recursion
- TestCreateSignature.testCreateSignedTimeStamp checkLTV build
test fail
- No Content - xRef / Obj Parsing
- Pdf-A/1b Validation
- A list of bugs found (70 bugs in total)
- Text size option for PDFBox Debugger
- IllegalArgumentException: Input buffer too short in
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
- EOFException: Can't read 20 bytes
- Wrong datatype for OPM in PDExtendedGraphicsState
- Unhandled IOException thrown from BaseParser creates issue in
- *LOADS of* "WARNING: key node000xxxxx already exists in
destination IDTree"
- NullPointerException in PDRange.getMin()
- Image interpolation when there shouldn't be
- pDAcroForm.flatten() does not remove /SigFlags in /Catalog
- Could not read embedded TTF for font
- ToUnicodeWriter.writeTo allows byte overflow in bfrange
- TextToPDF appends space to each line
- NegativeArraySizeException in pfb parser with 0 byte pfb font
- Hangup in COSFilterInputStream.nextRange
- Certain PDF cannot be processed
- Parsing fails in 2.0.26 that worked in 2.0.25
- Object must be defined and must not be compressed object
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- A carefully crafted pdf can trigger an infinite loop while
- POCIDFontType2 (Wingdings) encode throws a
- Possible loop detection is triggered in 2.0.26 but file works
in 2.0.25
- IOException: object reference 112 0 R at offset 18355 in
content stream
- Field text missing
- NPE during page render
- Parsing shows 1 empty page with 2.0.26 and 7 with 2.0.25
* Improvement
- Create push button example
- FontMapper should also take into account the user's font
directory on Windows operating systems
- Don't log warnings if there are not fonts to cache
- support multiple widgets in PDTerminalField.importFDF()
- Improve AddValidationInformation to handle exceptional
situations better
- Avoid duplicate certificates in AddValidation example
- Render symbol for file attachment annotations
* Task
- Add test of PFB font
- Add maven enforcer rule to ensure that JAVA_HOME is set
- Update to 2.0.25
* Sub-task
- Add print dpi submenu
- Reduce HighResolutionImageIcons memory leaks
* Bug
- Page not rendered / extracted, Unknown type in array for TJ
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: arraycopy: length -2 is
negative in PDPanose.getPanose
- LayerUtility().importPageAsForm() doesn't return
- PDPageContentStream.setLineWidth(float) not allowed in text
- preflight SMask entry check incorrect
- NumberFormatException in merge if fieldname is
- FDFJavaScript.getDoc() always returns null or empty
- Annotation shown with thick border
- Deeply nested drawings not shown
- Not existing rectangle appears on page image
- Not rendered (white) pages for given pdf
- Encryption on Split documents
- PDPage.getAnnotations() causes subsequent calls to
PDDocument.getPages() to fail
- Error rendering png from PDF - Error at Type1Parser
parseBinary for Type 1 Font
- EOFException during TTF parsing
- Incorrect rendering of Type3 character
- class org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName cannot be cast to class
- unneeded / double code in PageExtractor
- When PDF is converted to an image, the image has a large
black rectangle.
- Slow rendering for specific PDF File with small chunks 16x8
- Decryption for V4 fails when no Length entry is set in
Encryption Dictionary
- `NullPointerException` when intersecting area with null
clipping path
- Stack overflow in PDColorSpace.create()
- Splitter: Problematic /Info causes big files
- Resolution of ambiguities in inline images don't follow the
- Silent fail of PDTextField.setValue when font encoding
- TTFSubsetter incorrectly calculating 'searchRange'
- Failing to get multiple encodings from cmap table
- Text "820-01869-U-A" is omitted from PDF doc
- Wrong number of fonts leads to OOM-Exception
* New Feature
- Additional `showTransparencyGroupOnGraphics()` method
* Improvement
- Optimize SampledImageReader.from1Bit()
- Optimize reading of masked images
- Support BGR for OpenCV and JavaCV
- Preserve indirect object reference when copying resources
- PDFBox should use the quadding for fields with the comb flag
- Lazier clipping
- LegacyPDFStreamEngine.glyphList loaded from disk on each
instantiation rather than static final?
- Prefer MergeSort over QuickSort and try native TimSort first
(with explanation)
- Avoid creating Paint objects and filling when there is
nothing to do
- support get unicode from embedded TrueTypeFont cmap
- Update liberation fonts
* Test
- Add test for double visible signature on the same page
* Task
- Add test for double visible signature on encrypted file
- Add test for comb fields adjustment
- Store x and y scaling factor
- Update from twelvemonkeys (3)
- Update to 2.0.24
* Bug
- Slow rendering for specific PDF file
- Very slow rendering on PageDrawer.shadingFill
- Glyphs missed in rendering
- Wrong classification of an JPEG image leading to a blank
image added to a pdf document
- Embedded files not extracted from PDF files with multilevel
EmbeddedFiles tree
- 3.0.0-RC1: PDComboBox.setValue() throws
IllegalArgumentException: /DA is a required entry
- Issue with COSObjectKey::fixGeneration
- Error extracting text from PDF - Can't read the embedded
Type1 font FDFBJU+NewsGothic
- Error in identification of PDF comment symbol % as a token
separator with PDF names
- Stack overflow when reading a corrupt dictionary
- dash pattern [0] should be invisible
- Behaviour change in 2.0.20 due to use of
IOUtils.populateBuffer in
SecurityHandler.prepareAESInitializationVector leading to
IOException for certain PDF
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- Snapshot Deploy not working
- TSAClient with username+password
- COSOutputStream.flush doesn't call super
- BaseParser: stack overflow when reading a corrupt pdf
- isEmbeddingPermitted() is too restrictive on TTFs with OS2
table versions 0-2
- Wild rendering when repeating truetype glyph flag is outside
of range
- v2.0.22 and v3.0.0-RC1 PDF Debugger app crashes with
- CreateCheckBox example draws too large, clipped checkmark
- Wrong color space detected for some Jpeg images
- Possible memory leak after calling decode filter
- Ink annotation not rendered
* Improvement
- Pass PDFRenderer to PDFPrintable constructor
- Create tests for HelloWorld examples
- Faster PDImageXObject.applyMask
- Custom folder for fonts in FontMapper
- allow to make timestamp only signature "LTV"
- Create portable collection PDF
- Optimize memory footprint of PDFObjectStreamParser
- Add getter/setter for suppressDuplicateOverlappingText in
- Cache PageTree in PDFPrintable
- Add Adobe Illustrator COSNames
- Make constructors of CIDSystemInfo and PDPanoseClassification
* Wish
- When merging multiple pdf ua documents, Tags become nested
* Task
- Failing testFlattenPDFBox2469Filled on Ubuntu
- Add test for PDFMarkedContentExtractor class
- Create test for CreateGradientShadingPDF
- Fix build with bouncycastle 1.71 and the new bcutil artifact
- Build with source/target levels 8
- Package all resources in pdfbox module
- Update to 2.0.23:
* Security fixes:
- CVE-2021-27807: A carefully crafted PDF file can trigger an
infinite loop while loading the file [bsc#1184356]
- CVE-2021-27906: OutOfMemory-Exception while loading a crafted
PDF file [bsc#1184357]
* Bug fixes:
- Transparency Group issues
- getLastSignatureDictionary modifies internal structure of
- NullPointerexception in
- AcroForm PDTextField formatting lost when setting value
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Failure to modify cropBox when splitting a PDF Page
vertically into 2 pieces
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in isOwnerPassword
- IllegalArgumentException in computeEncryptedKeyRev56
- IllegalArgumentException in
- ClassCastException in COSStream.getFilterList
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
* Improvements:
- Improve document signing
- Allow reuse of subsetted fonts by inverting the ToUnicode
- improve performance in signature validation
- Add more checks to PDFXrefStreamParser and reduce memory
- Use StringBuilder for key in
- Don't use RGB loop in PDDeviceN.toRGBWithTintTransform()
- Add source signature and keyring
- Update to 2.0.22:
* See
- Remove provided binaries
- Upgrade to 2.0.19:
* Move from 1.x release line to the 2.x one.
* This is a ABI change
* Generate the ant build system from the maven one and customize
- Removed patches:
* disable-downloads.patch
* fix-javadoc-dep.patch
* fix-version.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ incorporated in the customizations of the ant build system
- Update to 1.8.16:
* [PDFBOX-4261] - Invalidated signature signing pdf twice
* [PDFBOX-4276] - Multiply blend mode not detected
* [PDFBOX-4283] - Allowing Rectangles with additional elements
* [PDFBOX-4298] - NullPointerException when doing overlay
* [PDFBOX-4316] - RemoveAllText does not delete all parameters with " operator
* [PDFBOX-4274] - Get rid of warning about prerequisites
* Improve skip duplicates (bsc#1111009, CVE-2018-11797)
- Adjust fix-version.patch
- Update to 1.8.15:
* [PDFBOX-4197] - PDStructureElement.getAttributes() ignores reference objects (CVE-2018-8036,bsc#1099721)
- Update to 1.8.14:
* [PDFBOX-3625] - Use correct file encoding when saving fdf data
* [PDFBOX-3724] - Wrong size in rendering of some artifacts
* [PDFBOX-3733] - image added to pdf by tool AddImageToPDF is turn-overed
* [PDFBOX-3739] - and can return null
* [PDFBOX-3742] - Unknown dir object c='>' cInt=62 peek='>' peekInt=62
* [PDFBOX-3813] - PDF Box crash when using PDFToImage or PDFDebug
* [PDFBOX-3843] - Rect of Annotation contains indirect elements + Patch
* [PDFBOX-3889] - javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded
* [PDFBOX-3909] - End of inline image not detected
* [PDFBOX-3919] - Infinite loop while parsing (2)
* [PDFBOX-3933] - PDFParser swallows a CR at the end of a stream
* [PDFBOX-3942] - ClassCastException in getOptionalContentGroups
* [PDFBOX-4005] - Incorrect use of PDNumberTreeNode in PDPageLabels
* [PDFBOX-4011] - BBox in signature forms has wrong order
* [PDFBOX-4027] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when XObject form matrix has only 5 elements
* [PDFBOX-4030] - ClassCastException when matrix array has indirect objects
* [PDFBOX-4064] - cm operator has 7 numbers
* [PDFBOX-4083] - Line annotation /LL, /LLE and /LLO have wrong default values
* [PDFBOX-4088] - Root/StructTreeRoot/K/S must be name, not string (merge)
* [PDFBOX-3635] - Remove workaround to avoid SSLHandshakeException
* [PDFBOX-4142] - Don't use md5 checksum due to changes to the release distribuition policy
- Update to 1.8.13:
* [PDFBOX-2420] - DateConverter doesn't handle time zones outside -12 to +12 range properly
* [PDFBOX-2919] - org.apache.fontbox.cff.CFFParser.readEntry sometimes throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* [PDFBOX-3315] - Dates falsely detected as different by preflight
* [PDFBOX-3335] - Issue while Merging PDF with Hidden Layers
* [PDFBOX-3341] - currentAccessPermission.setReadOnly() not set in StandardSecurityHandler
* [PDFBOX-3355] - PDPageLabels.getLabelsByPageIndices() returns Uppercase letters for style a
* [PDFBOX-3368] - ContainsKey don't work for the Map<String, Object> returned by PDStructureTreeRoot.getRoleMap
* [PDFBOX-3369] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.00-35095424'
* [PDFBOX-3409] - TextToPDF drops leading spaces
* [PDFBOX-3420] - Can't sign pdf with a particular attachment
* [PDFBOX-3446] - Infinite loop while parsing
* [PDFBOX-3448] - NullPointerException at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSArrayList.convertFloatCOSArrayToList
* [PDFBOX-3450] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at org.apache.fontbox.cmap.CMapParser.increment
* [PDFBOX-3463] - XMPSchemaBasic.getLabel() always returns null
* [PDFBOX-3466] - Java 9 warnings
* [PDFBOX-3472] - NPE when PDF/A identification metadata does not contain ID
* [PDFBOX-3477] - CA and ca values should be clipped
* [PDFBOX-3481] - Localization in XRef generation results in unusable PDFs
* [PDFBOX-3487] - ClassCastException in COSWriter.write() when saving PDF
* [PDFBOX-3491] - NumberFormatException in CFFParser.readRealNumber
* [PDFBOX-3500] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.-262'
* [PDFBOX-3532] - Java 6 errors
* [PDFBOX-3546] - IOException over DataFormatException, "invalid stored block lengths" on a valid PDF
* [PDFBOX-3551] - CLI Decrypt broken, only allows 1 argument
* [PDFBOX-3555] - FlateFilter.decode cause native memory leaks
* [PDFBOX-3558] - NPE in JBig2Filter if BitsPerComponent is missing
* [PDFBOX-3570] - JDK-8054565 Java 8 close contract issue
* [PDFBOX-3571] - sRGB Color Space Profile is subject to 3rd party copyright
* [PDFBOX-3578] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dash lengths all zero
* [PDFBOX-3590] - AccessPermission not applied
* [PDFBOX-3594] - Use PDOutlineItem#findDestinationPage() cannot get PDPage, return was null
* [PDFBOX-3609] - ClassCastException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
* [PDFBOX-3410] - TextToPDF needs orientation control
* [PDFBOX-3352] - Calendar values are parsed with unknown timezones
- Refresh pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
- Add patch to fix the version number:
* fix-version.patch
- Use %license
- Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal
of 1.6 compatibility
- Don't condition the maven defines on release version, but on
_maven_repository being defined
- Added patches:
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
+ Fix build of javadoc against bouncycastle API >= 1.4.7
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ Make java source and target level ant properties
+ Leave the default 1.5
- Specify java source and target level 1.6 in order to allow
building with jdk9
- New build dependency: javapackages-local
- Needed as a dependency for FOP 2.1 (FATE#322405)
- Switch between maven-metadata/maven-fragments as appropriate
for SLE/openSUSE (FATE#322405)
- Update to version 1.8.12
- CVE-2016-2175 (pdfbox only, which isn't build by this spec)
- Drop junit and javapackages-tools Requires
- Enable javadoc building and packaging
- Initial package
- Only fontbox and jempbox are built
2023-04-17 06:02:50 +00:00
- Allow reuse of subsetted fonts by inverting the ToUnicode
2021-04-14 11:24:12 +00:00
- improve performance in signature validation
Accepting request 1079677 from home:urbic:branches:Java:packages
- Update to 2.0.28
* Bug
- Extraction of Arabic PDF has incorrect ordering of normalized
- Parsing differences between 2.0.23 and 2.0.24/3.0
- Signing tries to set byteRange of old signature
- Bug in
- Inactive OCGs shown when not top level
- Null pointer exception in PDFASchemaType.getNamespaceURI()
- export:text creates jibberish / malformed output
- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in SampledImageReader.fromAny()
- PDFRenderer resulting image has black background
- NPE due to a malformed rectangle
- Fix meta markup in HTML generation
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CFFCIDFont class
- Can't open PDF with PDFBox: java.awt.color.CMMException: LCMS
error 13: Couldn't link the profiles
- ClassCastException in ShadingFill.process()
- Font gets smaller for each rendered page
- fix some logging inconsistencies
- NPE in PDFMergerUtility.acroFormLegacyMode()
- Avoid OOME when parsing an malformed pdf with a corrupted
object stream
* Improvement
- Apply subsampling and region to masks
- Remove finalize from ScratchFileBuffer
- Invisible signature field is not referenced from /Annots
dictionary of a Page
- Support charset parameter in TextToPDF
- Add a method to get the components of a composite glyph
- PDResource font cache improvement
- RFE: Comb flag warning
- fix unnecessary boxing/unboxing
- optimize LZWFilter
- renderer.setSubsamplingAllowed(true) causing the picture to
* Task
- Remove Travis build
- Update to 2.0.27
* Bug
- Invalid stream Length validation in StreamValidationProcess
- To set compressed on buffered image while creating a PDF
- Blurry / distorted rendering
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException (2)
- PDFDebugger does not remove listeners for PagePane when
opening new File
- PDFRenderer.renderImageWithDPI thows EOFException in PDF
- PDFCloneUtility.checkForRecursion breaks support for some
existing PDFs
- PDFStreamEngine.showTextStrings with font switch
- ClassCastException (
- NullPointerException in PDFunctionType3.eval()
- Deadlock in TrueTypeFont and RAFDataStream
- illegalArgumentException for rendering PDF (image extraction)
- NullPointerException in CmapSubtable.getCharCode
- PDActionEmbeddedGoTo does not accept a Destination with a
page number or string
- NPE when Transparency Group is missing the BBox
- PDFRenderer does not render letters when converting page to
- JPEG image rendered with wrong colors when using
- Performance issue since 2.0.18
- NullPointerException in PDType0Font.readCode() if cMap is
- NullPointerException in CFFParser.parseFont()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in
- ClassCastException in CMapParser.parseBeginbfchar
- ClassCastException in PDXObject.createXObject()
- ClassCastException in PDAcroForm.getFields()
- ClassCastException in PDDocumentCatalog.getAcroForm()
- ClassCastException in PDResources.getIndirect()
- getPageLayout throws IllegalArgumentException for empty mode
- Font not found because of case issues
- Update to 2.0.26
* Bug
- COSParser: Infinite recursion
- TestCreateSignature.testCreateSignedTimeStamp checkLTV build
test fail
- No Content - xRef / Obj Parsing
- Pdf-A/1b Validation
- A list of bugs found (70 bugs in total)
- Text size option for PDFBox Debugger
- IllegalArgumentException: Input buffer too short in
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
- EOFException: Can't read 20 bytes
- Wrong datatype for OPM in PDExtendedGraphicsState
- Unhandled IOException thrown from BaseParser creates issue in
- *LOADS of* "WARNING: key node000xxxxx already exists in
destination IDTree"
- NullPointerException in PDRange.getMin()
- Image interpolation when there shouldn't be
- pDAcroForm.flatten() does not remove /SigFlags in /Catalog
- Could not read embedded TTF for font
- ToUnicodeWriter.writeTo allows byte overflow in bfrange
- TextToPDF appends space to each line
- NegativeArraySizeException in pfb parser with 0 byte pfb font
- Hangup in COSFilterInputStream.nextRange
- Certain PDF cannot be processed
- Parsing fails in 2.0.26 that worked in 2.0.25
- Object must be defined and must not be compressed object
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- A carefully crafted pdf can trigger an infinite loop while
- POCIDFontType2 (Wingdings) encode throws a
- Possible loop detection is triggered in 2.0.26 but file works
in 2.0.25
- IOException: object reference 112 0 R at offset 18355 in
content stream
- Field text missing
- NPE during page render
- Parsing shows 1 empty page with 2.0.26 and 7 with 2.0.25
* Improvement
- Create push button example
- FontMapper should also take into account the user's font
directory on Windows operating systems
- Don't log warnings if there are not fonts to cache
- support multiple widgets in PDTerminalField.importFDF()
- Improve AddValidationInformation to handle exceptional
situations better
- Avoid duplicate certificates in AddValidation example
- Render symbol for file attachment annotations
* Task
- Add test of PFB font
- Add maven enforcer rule to ensure that JAVA_HOME is set
- Update to 2.0.25
* Sub-task
- Add print dpi submenu
- Reduce HighResolutionImageIcons memory leaks
* Bug
- Page not rendered / extracted, Unknown type in array for TJ
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: arraycopy: length -2 is
negative in PDPanose.getPanose
- LayerUtility().importPageAsForm() doesn't return
- PDPageContentStream.setLineWidth(float) not allowed in text
- preflight SMask entry check incorrect
- NumberFormatException in merge if fieldname is
- FDFJavaScript.getDoc() always returns null or empty
- Annotation shown with thick border
- Deeply nested drawings not shown
- Not existing rectangle appears on page image
- Not rendered (white) pages for given pdf
- Encryption on Split documents
- PDPage.getAnnotations() causes subsequent calls to
PDDocument.getPages() to fail
- Error rendering png from PDF - Error at Type1Parser
parseBinary for Type 1 Font
- EOFException during TTF parsing
- Incorrect rendering of Type3 character
- class org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName cannot be cast to class
- unneeded / double code in PageExtractor
- When PDF is converted to an image, the image has a large
black rectangle.
- Slow rendering for specific PDF File with small chunks 16x8
- Decryption for V4 fails when no Length entry is set in
Encryption Dictionary
- `NullPointerException` when intersecting area with null
clipping path
- Stack overflow in PDColorSpace.create()
- Splitter: Problematic /Info causes big files
- Resolution of ambiguities in inline images don't follow the
- Silent fail of PDTextField.setValue when font encoding
- TTFSubsetter incorrectly calculating 'searchRange'
- Failing to get multiple encodings from cmap table
- Text "820-01869-U-A" is omitted from PDF doc
- Wrong number of fonts leads to OOM-Exception
* New Feature
- Additional `showTransparencyGroupOnGraphics()` method
* Improvement
- Optimize SampledImageReader.from1Bit()
- Optimize reading of masked images
- Support BGR for OpenCV and JavaCV
- Preserve indirect object reference when copying resources
- PDFBox should use the quadding for fields with the comb flag
- Lazier clipping
- LegacyPDFStreamEngine.glyphList loaded from disk on each
instantiation rather than static final?
- Prefer MergeSort over QuickSort and try native TimSort first
(with explanation)
- Avoid creating Paint objects and filling when there is
nothing to do
- support get unicode from embedded TrueTypeFont cmap
- Update liberation fonts
* Test
- Add test for double visible signature on the same page
* Task
- Add test for double visible signature on encrypted file
- Add test for comb fields adjustment
- Store x and y scaling factor
- Update from twelvemonkeys (3)
- Update to 2.0.24
* Bug
- Slow rendering for specific PDF file
- Very slow rendering on PageDrawer.shadingFill
- Glyphs missed in rendering
- Wrong classification of an JPEG image leading to a blank
image added to a pdf document
- Embedded files not extracted from PDF files with multilevel
EmbeddedFiles tree
- 3.0.0-RC1: PDComboBox.setValue() throws
IllegalArgumentException: /DA is a required entry
- Issue with COSObjectKey::fixGeneration
- Error extracting text from PDF - Can't read the embedded
Type1 font FDFBJU+NewsGothic
- Error in identification of PDF comment symbol % as a token
separator with PDF names
- Stack overflow when reading a corrupt dictionary
- dash pattern [0] should be invisible
- Behaviour change in 2.0.20 due to use of
IOUtils.populateBuffer in
SecurityHandler.prepareAESInitializationVector leading to
IOException for certain PDF
- Page tree root must be a dictionary
- Snapshot Deploy not working
- TSAClient with username+password
- COSOutputStream.flush doesn't call super
- BaseParser: stack overflow when reading a corrupt pdf
- isEmbeddingPermitted() is too restrictive on TTFs with OS2
table versions 0-2
- Wild rendering when repeating truetype glyph flag is outside
of range
- v2.0.22 and v3.0.0-RC1 PDF Debugger app crashes with
- CreateCheckBox example draws too large, clipped checkmark
- Wrong color space detected for some Jpeg images
- Possible memory leak after calling decode filter
- Ink annotation not rendered
* Improvement
- Pass PDFRenderer to PDFPrintable constructor
- Create tests for HelloWorld examples
- Faster PDImageXObject.applyMask
- Custom folder for fonts in FontMapper
- allow to make timestamp only signature "LTV"
- Create portable collection PDF
- Optimize memory footprint of PDFObjectStreamParser
- Add getter/setter for suppressDuplicateOverlappingText in
- Cache PageTree in PDFPrintable
- Add Adobe Illustrator COSNames
- Make constructors of CIDSystemInfo and PDPanoseClassification
* Wish
- When merging multiple pdf ua documents, Tags become nested
* Task
- Failing testFlattenPDFBox2469Filled on Ubuntu
- Add test for PDFMarkedContentExtractor class
- Create test for CreateGradientShadingPDF
- Fix build with bouncycastle 1.71 and the new bcutil artifact
- Build with source/target levels 8
- Package all resources in pdfbox module
- Update to 2.0.23:
* Security fixes:
- CVE-2021-27807: A carefully crafted PDF file can trigger an
infinite loop while loading the file [bsc#1184356]
- CVE-2021-27906: OutOfMemory-Exception while loading a crafted
PDF file [bsc#1184357]
* Bug fixes:
- Transparency Group issues
- getLastSignatureDictionary modifies internal structure of
- NullPointerexception in
- AcroForm PDTextField formatting lost when setting value
- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Failure to modify cropBox when splitting a PDF Page
vertically into 2 pieces
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in isOwnerPassword
- IllegalArgumentException in computeEncryptedKeyRev56
- IllegalArgumentException in
- ClassCastException in COSStream.getFilterList
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
* Improvements:
- Improve document signing
- Allow reuse of subsetted fonts by inverting the ToUnicode
- improve performance in signature validation
- Add more checks to PDFXrefStreamParser and reduce memory
- Use StringBuilder for key in
- Don't use RGB loop in PDDeviceN.toRGBWithTintTransform()
- Add source signature and keyring
- Update to 2.0.22:
* See
- Remove provided binaries
- Upgrade to 2.0.19:
* Move from 1.x release line to the 2.x one.
* This is a ABI change
* Generate the ant build system from the maven one and customize
- Removed patches:
* disable-downloads.patch
* fix-javadoc-dep.patch
* fix-version.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ incorporated in the customizations of the ant build system
- Update to 1.8.16:
* [PDFBOX-4261] - Invalidated signature signing pdf twice
* [PDFBOX-4276] - Multiply blend mode not detected
* [PDFBOX-4283] - Allowing Rectangles with additional elements
* [PDFBOX-4298] - NullPointerException when doing overlay
* [PDFBOX-4316] - RemoveAllText does not delete all parameters with " operator
* [PDFBOX-4274] - Get rid of warning about prerequisites
* Improve skip duplicates (bsc#1111009, CVE-2018-11797)
- Adjust fix-version.patch
- Update to 1.8.15:
* [PDFBOX-4197] - PDStructureElement.getAttributes() ignores reference objects (CVE-2018-8036,bsc#1099721)
- Update to 1.8.14:
* [PDFBOX-3625] - Use correct file encoding when saving fdf data
* [PDFBOX-3724] - Wrong size in rendering of some artifacts
* [PDFBOX-3733] - image added to pdf by tool AddImageToPDF is turn-overed
* [PDFBOX-3739] - and can return null
* [PDFBOX-3742] - Unknown dir object c='>' cInt=62 peek='>' peekInt=62
* [PDFBOX-3813] - PDF Box crash when using PDFToImage or PDFDebug
* [PDFBOX-3843] - Rect of Annotation contains indirect elements + Patch
* [PDFBOX-3889] - javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded
* [PDFBOX-3909] - End of inline image not detected
* [PDFBOX-3919] - Infinite loop while parsing (2)
* [PDFBOX-3933] - PDFParser swallows a CR at the end of a stream
* [PDFBOX-3942] - ClassCastException in getOptionalContentGroups
* [PDFBOX-4005] - Incorrect use of PDNumberTreeNode in PDPageLabels
* [PDFBOX-4011] - BBox in signature forms has wrong order
* [PDFBOX-4027] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when XObject form matrix has only 5 elements
* [PDFBOX-4030] - ClassCastException when matrix array has indirect objects
* [PDFBOX-4064] - cm operator has 7 numbers
* [PDFBOX-4083] - Line annotation /LL, /LLE and /LLO have wrong default values
* [PDFBOX-4088] - Root/StructTreeRoot/K/S must be name, not string (merge)
* [PDFBOX-3635] - Remove workaround to avoid SSLHandshakeException
* [PDFBOX-4142] - Don't use md5 checksum due to changes to the release distribuition policy
- Update to 1.8.13:
* [PDFBOX-2420] - DateConverter doesn't handle time zones outside -12 to +12 range properly
* [PDFBOX-2919] - org.apache.fontbox.cff.CFFParser.readEntry sometimes throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* [PDFBOX-3315] - Dates falsely detected as different by preflight
* [PDFBOX-3335] - Issue while Merging PDF with Hidden Layers
* [PDFBOX-3341] - currentAccessPermission.setReadOnly() not set in StandardSecurityHandler
* [PDFBOX-3355] - PDPageLabels.getLabelsByPageIndices() returns Uppercase letters for style a
* [PDFBOX-3368] - ContainsKey don't work for the Map<String, Object> returned by PDStructureTreeRoot.getRoleMap
* [PDFBOX-3369] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.00-35095424'
* [PDFBOX-3409] - TextToPDF drops leading spaces
* [PDFBOX-3420] - Can't sign pdf with a particular attachment
* [PDFBOX-3446] - Infinite loop while parsing
* [PDFBOX-3448] - NullPointerException at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSArrayList.convertFloatCOSArrayToList
* [PDFBOX-3450] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at org.apache.fontbox.cmap.CMapParser.increment
* [PDFBOX-3463] - XMPSchemaBasic.getLabel() always returns null
* [PDFBOX-3466] - Java 9 warnings
* [PDFBOX-3472] - NPE when PDF/A identification metadata does not contain ID
* [PDFBOX-3477] - CA and ca values should be clipped
* [PDFBOX-3481] - Localization in XRef generation results in unusable PDFs
* [PDFBOX-3487] - ClassCastException in COSWriter.write() when saving PDF
* [PDFBOX-3491] - NumberFormatException in CFFParser.readRealNumber
* [PDFBOX-3500] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.-262'
* [PDFBOX-3532] - Java 6 errors
* [PDFBOX-3546] - IOException over DataFormatException, "invalid stored block lengths" on a valid PDF
* [PDFBOX-3551] - CLI Decrypt broken, only allows 1 argument
* [PDFBOX-3555] - FlateFilter.decode cause native memory leaks
* [PDFBOX-3558] - NPE in JBig2Filter if BitsPerComponent is missing
* [PDFBOX-3570] - JDK-8054565 Java 8 close contract issue
* [PDFBOX-3571] - sRGB Color Space Profile is subject to 3rd party copyright
* [PDFBOX-3578] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dash lengths all zero
* [PDFBOX-3590] - AccessPermission not applied
* [PDFBOX-3594] - Use PDOutlineItem#findDestinationPage() cannot get PDPage, return was null
* [PDFBOX-3609] - ClassCastException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
* [PDFBOX-3410] - TextToPDF needs orientation control
* [PDFBOX-3352] - Calendar values are parsed with unknown timezones
- Refresh pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
- Add patch to fix the version number:
* fix-version.patch
- Use %license
- Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal
of 1.6 compatibility
- Don't condition the maven defines on release version, but on
_maven_repository being defined
- Added patches:
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
+ Fix build of javadoc against bouncycastle API >= 1.4.7
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ Make java source and target level ant properties
+ Leave the default 1.5
- Specify java source and target level 1.6 in order to allow
building with jdk9
- New build dependency: javapackages-local
- Needed as a dependency for FOP 2.1 (FATE#322405)
- Switch between maven-metadata/maven-fragments as appropriate
for SLE/openSUSE (FATE#322405)
- Update to version 1.8.12
- CVE-2016-2175 (pdfbox only, which isn't build by this spec)
- Drop junit and javapackages-tools Requires
- Enable javadoc building and packaging
- Initial package
- Only fontbox and jempbox are built
2023-04-17 06:02:50 +00:00
- Add more checks to PDFXrefStreamParser and reduce memory
- Use StringBuilder for key in
2021-04-14 11:24:12 +00:00
- Don't use RGB loop in PDDeviceN.toRGBWithTintTransform()
2021-01-04 12:42:26 +00:00
Mon Jan 4 12:21:38 UTC 2021 - Fabian Vogt <>
- Add source signature and keyring
2021-01-04 12:19:39 +00:00
Wed Dec 23 12:00:50 UTC 2020 - Pedro Monreal <>
- Update to 2.0.22:
* See
- Remove provided binaries
2020-06-04 05:12:46 +00:00
Thu Jun 4 05:06:54 UTC 2020 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Upgrade to 2.0.19:
* Move from 1.x release line to the 2.x one.
* This is a ABI change
* Generate the ant build system from the maven one and customize
2020-06-04 05:16:27 +00:00
- Removed patches:
* disable-downloads.patch
* fix-javadoc-dep.patch
* fix-version.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ incorporated in the customizations of the ant build system
2020-06-04 05:12:46 +00:00
2018-10-08 08:04:27 +00:00
Mon Oct 8 07:30:50 UTC 2018 - Fabian Vogt <>
- Update to 1.8.16:
* [PDFBOX-4261] - Invalidated signature signing pdf twice
* [PDFBOX-4276] - Multiply blend mode not detected
* [PDFBOX-4283] - Allowing Rectangles with additional elements
* [PDFBOX-4298] - NullPointerException when doing overlay
* [PDFBOX-4316] - RemoveAllText does not delete all parameters with " operator
* [PDFBOX-4274] - Get rid of warning about prerequisites
* Improve skip duplicates (bsc#1111009, CVE-2018-11797)
- Adjust fix-version.patch
2018-05-15 13:32:35 +00:00
2018-07-02 09:32:27 +00:00
Mon Jul 2 09:00:09 UTC 2018 -
- Update to 1.8.15:
* [PDFBOX-4197] - PDStructureElement.getAttributes() ignores reference objects (CVE-2018-8036,bsc#1099721)
- Update to 1.8.14:
* [PDFBOX-3625] - Use correct file encoding when saving fdf data
* [PDFBOX-3724] - Wrong size in rendering of some artifacts
* [PDFBOX-3733] - image added to pdf by tool AddImageToPDF is turn-overed
* [PDFBOX-3739] - and can return null
* [PDFBOX-3742] - Unknown dir object c='>' cInt=62 peek='>' peekInt=62
* [PDFBOX-3813] - PDF Box crash when using PDFToImage or PDFDebug
* [PDFBOX-3843] - Rect of Annotation contains indirect elements + Patch
* [PDFBOX-3889] - javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded
* [PDFBOX-3909] - End of inline image not detected
* [PDFBOX-3919] - Infinite loop while parsing (2)
* [PDFBOX-3933] - PDFParser swallows a CR at the end of a stream
* [PDFBOX-3942] - ClassCastException in getOptionalContentGroups
* [PDFBOX-4005] - Incorrect use of PDNumberTreeNode in PDPageLabels
* [PDFBOX-4011] - BBox in signature forms has wrong order
* [PDFBOX-4027] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when XObject form matrix has only 5 elements
* [PDFBOX-4030] - ClassCastException when matrix array has indirect objects
* [PDFBOX-4064] - cm operator has 7 numbers
* [PDFBOX-4083] - Line annotation /LL, /LLE and /LLO have wrong default values
* [PDFBOX-4088] - Root/StructTreeRoot/K/S must be name, not string (merge)
* [PDFBOX-3635] - Remove workaround to avoid SSLHandshakeException
* [PDFBOX-4142] - Don't use md5 checksum due to changes to the release distribuition policy
- Update to 1.8.13:
* [PDFBOX-2420] - DateConverter doesn't handle time zones outside -12 to +12 range properly
* [PDFBOX-2919] - org.apache.fontbox.cff.CFFParser.readEntry sometimes throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* [PDFBOX-3315] - Dates falsely detected as different by preflight
* [PDFBOX-3335] - Issue while Merging PDF with Hidden Layers
* [PDFBOX-3341] - currentAccessPermission.setReadOnly() not set in StandardSecurityHandler
* [PDFBOX-3355] - PDPageLabels.getLabelsByPageIndices() returns Uppercase letters for style a
* [PDFBOX-3368] - ContainsKey don't work for the Map<String, Object> returned by PDStructureTreeRoot.getRoleMap
* [PDFBOX-3369] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.00-35095424'
* [PDFBOX-3409] - TextToPDF drops leading spaces
* [PDFBOX-3420] - Can't sign pdf with a particular attachment
* [PDFBOX-3446] - Infinite loop while parsing
* [PDFBOX-3448] - NullPointerException at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSArrayList.convertFloatCOSArrayToList
* [PDFBOX-3450] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at org.apache.fontbox.cmap.CMapParser.increment
* [PDFBOX-3463] - XMPSchemaBasic.getLabel() always returns null
* [PDFBOX-3466] - Java 9 warnings
* [PDFBOX-3472] - NPE when PDF/A identification metadata does not contain ID
* [PDFBOX-3477] - CA and ca values should be clipped
* [PDFBOX-3481] - Localization in XRef generation results in unusable PDFs
* [PDFBOX-3487] - ClassCastException in COSWriter.write() when saving PDF
* [PDFBOX-3491] - NumberFormatException in CFFParser.readRealNumber
* [PDFBOX-3500] - Error expected floating point number actual='0.-262'
* [PDFBOX-3532] - Java 6 errors
* [PDFBOX-3546] - IOException over DataFormatException, "invalid stored block lengths" on a valid PDF
* [PDFBOX-3551] - CLI Decrypt broken, only allows 1 argument
* [PDFBOX-3555] - FlateFilter.decode cause native memory leaks
* [PDFBOX-3558] - NPE in JBig2Filter if BitsPerComponent is missing
* [PDFBOX-3570] - JDK-8054565 Java 8 close contract issue
* [PDFBOX-3571] - sRGB Color Space Profile is subject to 3rd party copyright
* [PDFBOX-3578] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dash lengths all zero
* [PDFBOX-3590] - AccessPermission not applied
* [PDFBOX-3594] - Use PDOutlineItem#findDestinationPage() cannot get PDPage, return was null
* [PDFBOX-3609] - ClassCastException in PDCIDFont.readWidths()
* [PDFBOX-3410] - TextToPDF needs orientation control
* [PDFBOX-3352] - Calendar values are parsed with unknown timezones
- Refresh pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
- Add patch to fix the version number:
* fix-version.patch
- Use %license
2018-05-15 13:32:35 +00:00
Tue May 15 13:31:52 UTC 2018 -
- Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal
2018-05-17 19:58:17 +00:00
of 1.6 compatibility
2018-05-15 13:32:35 +00:00
2017-09-29 06:44:02 +00:00
Fri Sep 29 06:42:51 UTC 2017 -
- Don't condition the maven defines on release version, but on
_maven_repository being defined
2017-09-15 07:21:38 +00:00
Fri Sep 15 07:16:49 UTC 2017 -
- Added patches:
* pdfbox-1.8.12-bouncycastle.patch
+ Fix build of javadoc against bouncycastle API >= 1.4.7
* pdfbox-1.8.12-sourcetarget.patch
+ Make java source and target level ant properties
+ Leave the default 1.5
- Specify java source and target level 1.6 in order to allow
building with jdk9
2017-03-21 14:17:33 +00:00
2017-05-19 10:17:14 +00:00
Fri May 19 10:09:40 UTC 2017 -
- New build dependency: javapackages-local
2017-03-21 14:17:33 +00:00
Mon Mar 20 15:07:35 UTC 2017 -
- Needed as a dependency for FOP 2.1 (FATE#322405)
2017-03-06 12:39:07 +00:00
Mon Mar 6 10:06:14 UTC 2017 -
- Switch between maven-metadata/maven-fragments as appropriate
for SLE/openSUSE (FATE#322405)
2016-06-16 08:46:30 +00:00
Thu Jun 16 08:43:53 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 1.8.12
- CVE-2016-2175 (pdfbox only, which isn't build by this spec)
2016-03-07 18:34:46 +00:00
Mon Mar 7 12:32:36 UTC 2016 -
- Drop junit and javapackages-tools Requires
Mon Mar 7 09:11:36 UTC 2016 -
- Enable javadoc building and packaging
Thu Mar 3 10:24:32 UTC 2016 -
- Initial package
- Only fontbox and jempbox are built