
71 lines
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Mon Jul 17 05:16:03 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl <kastl@b1-systems.de>
- update to 1.6.5:
* Fix a bad crash bug when the GssapiUseS4U2Proxy option is set
but no GssapiCredStore directives are provided at all.
- crash bug when s4u2proxy is configured by @simo5 in #272
- rebased patch apache2-mod_auth_gssapi-test.patch
Mon Jul 17 05:11:38 UTC 2023 - Johannes Kastl <kastl@b1-systems.de>
- change upstream URL to https://github.com/gssapi/mod_auth_gssapi,
because https://github.com/modauthgssapi/mod_auth_gssapi has no
releases, no activity and looks fishy
- upgrade to 1.6.4:
* tests: Catch errors during tests setup by @stanislavlevin in
* tests: Don't override the specific environment by the global
one by @stanislavlevin in #227
* Emit error in logs if keytab files can't be opened by @simo5 in
* Add warnings if s4u2proxy options are inconsistent by @simo5 in
* Move to python3 by default by @frozencemetery in #235
* Fix type/token distinction in parser.y by @frozencemetery in
* Special ccache handling for {HOSTNAME} acceptor by @simo5 in
* crypto: Handle EVP changes in OpenSSL 3 by @frozencemetery in
Thu Feb 3 08:48:37 UTC 2022 - pgajdos@suse.com
- test only when test requirements are fulfilled
Wed Nov 25 12:32:53 UTC 2020 - pgajdos@suse.com
- version update to 1.6.3
* add a few options to expose the mechanism used for authentication
(when multiple are available) and to control the timeout interval
for Basic Auth sessions
* CI and other minor fixes, as well as a fix for gss_localname()
* see
- modified patches
% apache2-mod_auth_gssapi-test.patch (refreshed)
Wed Apr 8 14:44:12 UTC 2020 - pgajdos@suse.com
- version update to 1.6.1
* lot of changes, see
- added patches
python3 and other testsuite fixes
+ apache2-mod_auth_gssapi-test.patch
Sun Feb 9 20:12:17 UTC 2020 - pgajdos@suse.com
- removing %apache_test_* macros, do not test module just by
loading the module
Tue Feb 28 15:29:32 UTC 2017 - k0da@opensuse.org
- Initial mod_gssapi-1.5 version