------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 19 07:20:57 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba - Modified patches: * 0001-Disable-removed-commands.patch * 0002-Fix-ant-compatibility.patch * 0001-Port-to-OSGI-7.0.0.patch -> 0003-Port-to-OSGI-7.0.0.patch + rediff to changed context - Added patch: * 0004-maven-plugin-dependencies.patch + Do not build a whole artifact, if we need only one source file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 18 06:21:29 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba - Added patch: + aqute-bnd-java8compat.patch + Produce bytecode compatible with Java 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 18 01:00:32 UTC 2021 - Marcel Witte - Update to aqute-bnd 5.1.1 - Removed patch: * aqute-bnd-3.5.0-java8compat.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 1 08:09:22 UTC 2020 - Fridrich Strba - Addes patch: * 0001-Port-to-OSGI-7.0.0.patch + Port to OSGI 7.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 3 09:33:04 UTC 2019 - Fridrich Strba - Initial packaging of the bnd-maven-plugin distributed as a part of aqute-bnd 3.5.0