2009-12-08 08:41:21 +00:00
Wed Dec 2 17:17:48 CET 2009 - vuntz@opensuse.org
- Update to version 0.1.3:
+ For a list of changes, see
- Pass libexecdir/at-spi2 for libexecdir to configure.
- Remove devel package: there's no library anymore for this
- Obsolete devel package, without providing it (that would be
wrong). Add a rpmlintrc file to make rpmlint happy for this.
- Remove conflict with at-spi: the files are now different and will
not clash.
2009-08-17 13:37:05 +00:00
Fri Aug 14 15:36:23 UTC 2009 - sshaw@decriptor.com
- Update to version 0.1.1:
+ Replace use of dbind_emit_signal with direct libdbus call in
application cache update. fdo#23029
+ Fix problem with signature assignment and iter initialization
in dbind signal sending.
+ Modify the incorrect use of dbind_emit_signal_va. Check for
NULL args in dbind_marshall_any. fdo#23027
+ Remove *.pc files from source tarballs.
+ Remove python check from configure.ac. Python is not needed for
+ Link DRoute against D-Bus GLib.
- Remove python BuildRequires.
Fri Aug 14 04:25:03 CEST 2009 - vuntz@novell.com
- Clean up packaging a bit.
Thu Aug 13 15:33:02 UTC 2009 - sshaw@decriptor.com
- Initial packaging of at-spi2-core (0.1.0)