Fridrich Strba 2024-04-10 12:18:56 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
parent 101e331b3f
commit cb9b0b62f6

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@ -3,6 +3,29 @@ Wed Apr 10 08:19:26 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Upgrade to version 1.0.5 and switch to sources in
* Changes of 1.0.5:
+ This switches the module name back to the java.inject that was
used by the 1.0.3 release with automatic module. This is a
multi-release jar
* Changes of 1.0.4:
+ This is a 1.0.4 service release with a multi-release jar that
adds the module-info class to
META-INF/versions/9/module-info.class using the plugin for the
javax.inject module.
* Changes of 1.0.3:
+ This release corrects the 1.0.2 release which was incorrectly
done from the master branch with the jakarta.* packages.
+ It adds the Automatic-Module-Name=java.inject to the api jar
* Changes of 1.0.2:
+ A service release that addresses:
- #14, set Automatic-Module-Name to java.inject
- #15, add OSGi bundle headers
* Changes of 1.0.1:
+ Add Automatic-Module-Name of jakarta.inject
* Changes of 1.0:
+ First Injection API release for Jakarta EE
- Remove unused sub-package tck