From: William Preston <>
Subject: ausearch is looking for the "tclass" field in the entries, which doesn't make sense for apparmor.
References: bnc#878687
Upstream: never
Signed-off-by: Tony Jones <>

 src/ausearch-parse.c |   18 ++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

Index: audit-3.1.1/src/ausearch-parse.c
--- audit-3.1.1.orig/src/ausearch-parse.c
+++ audit-3.1.1/src/ausearch-parse.c
@@ -2075,17 +2075,15 @@ other_avc:
 	// Now get the class...its at the end, so we do things different
 	str = strstr(term, "tclass=");
-	if (str == NULL) {
-		rc = 9;
-		goto err;
+	if (str) {
+		str += 7;
+		term = strchr(str, ' ');
+		if (term)
+			*term = 0;
+		an.avc_class = strdup(str);
+		if (term)
+			*term = ' ';
-	str += 7;
-	term = strchr(str, ' ');
-	if (term)
-		*term = 0;
-	an.avc_class = strdup(str);
-	if (term)
-		*term = ' ';
 	if (audit_avc_init(s) == 0) {
 		alist_append(s->avc, &an);