 builtins/shopt.def |    2 ++
 doc/bash.1         |    7 +++++++
 execute_cmd.h      |    1 +
 shell.c            |    2 ++
 variables.c        |    7 ++++++-
 5 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

--- builtins/shopt.def
+++ builtins/shopt.def	2018-11-29 08:19:32.996571288 +0000
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ extern int autocd;
 extern int glob_star;
 extern int glob_asciirange;
 extern int lastpipe_opt;
+extern int import_functions;
 extern int inherit_errexit;
 extern int localvar_inherit;
 extern int localvar_unset;
@@ -213,6 +214,7 @@ static struct {
   { "hostcomplete", &perform_hostname_completion, shopt_enable_hostname_completion },
   { "huponexit", &hup_on_exit, (shopt_set_func_t *)NULL },
+  { "import-functions", &import_functions, (shopt_set_func_t *)NULL },
   { "inherit_errexit", &inherit_errexit, (shopt_set_func_t *)NULL },
   { "interactive_comments", &interactive_comments, set_shellopts_after_change },
   { "lastpipe", &lastpipe_opt, (shopt_set_func_t *)NULL },
--- doc/bash.1
+++ doc/bash.1	2018-11-29 08:19:33.000571213 +0000
@@ -245,6 +245,13 @@ The shell becomes restricted (see
+.B \-\-import\-functions
+This shell is patched in such a way that shell functions in the inported environment
+will not be expanded due several security issues (e.g. CVE\-2014\-6271).  This option
+can be used to enable this.  It is also possible to use the
+.B shopt
+builtin to do this.
 .B \-\-verbose
 Equivalent to \fB\-v\fP.
--- execute_cmd.h
+++ execute_cmd.h	2018-11-29 08:19:33.000571213 +0000
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ extern int evalnest, evalnest_max;
 extern int sourcenest, sourcenest_max;
 extern int stdin_redir;
 extern int line_number_for_err_trap;
+extern int import_functions;
 extern char *the_printed_command_except_trap;
--- shell.c
+++ shell.c	2018-11-29 08:19:33.000571213 +0000
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ int posixly_correct = 1;	/* Non-zero mea
 int posixly_correct = 0;	/* Non-zero means posix.2 superset. */
+int import_functions = IMPORT_FUNCTIONS_DEF;      /* Import functions from environment */
 /* Some long-winded argument names.  These are obviously new. */
 #define Int 1
@@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ static const struct {
   { "help", Int, &want_initial_help, (char **)0x0 },
   { "init-file", Charp, (int *)0x0, &bashrc_file },
   { "login", Int, &make_login_shell, (char **)0x0 },
+  { "import-functions", Int, &import_functions, (char **)0x0 },
   { "noediting", Int, &no_line_editing, (char **)0x0 },
   { "noprofile", Int, &no_profile, (char **)0x0 },
   { "norc", Int, &no_rc, (char **)0x0 },
--- variables.c
+++ variables.c	2018-11-29 08:19:33.000571213 +0000
@@ -380,6 +380,11 @@ initialize_shell_variables (env, privmod
 	  tname = name + BASHFUNC_PREFLEN;	/* start of func name */
 	  tname[namelen] = '\0';		/* now tname == func name */
+	  if (!import_functions && !interactive_shell) {
+		  report_error (_("Skipping importing function definition for `%s': --import-functions required."), tname);
+		  goto reval;
+	  }
 	  string_length = strlen (string);
 	  temp_string = (char *)xmalloc (namelen + string_length + 2);
@@ -394,7 +399,7 @@ initialize_shell_variables (env, privmod
 	    parse_and_execute (temp_string, tname, SEVAL_NONINT|SEVAL_NOHIST|SEVAL_FUNCDEF|SEVAL_ONECMD);
 	    free (temp_string);		/* parse_and_execute does this */
+    reval:
 	  if (temp_var = find_function (tname))
 	      VSETATTR (temp_var, (att_exported|att_imported));