
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network/boinc-client?expand=0&rev=127
This commit is contained in:
Jan Engelhardt 2024-07-23 03:12:45 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
commit dd73b1e922
17 changed files with 1655 additions and 0 deletions

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## Default LFS
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version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:c593f157aacbd61bf814f44ed6e4dbb38145336d5c018c756206bdfc0c6df33e
size 46978849

README.SUSE Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
Exported from http://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/Installing_BOINC on May 15, 2010, see current version online.
Installing BOINC on openSUSE
* 1 Basic installation
* 2 What the installer does
* 3 Verify the installation
* 4 Set up your accounts
* 5 Optional setup hints
* 6 Uninstallation
* 7 Known problems
Basic installation
Installs BOINC Client as a daemon (autostarts the BOINC client at boot
time) and puts a BOINC Manager icon on the applications menu. The steps
1. Open a terminal, enter |su|, give the root password when prompted.
2. Enter |zypper install boinc-client boinc-manager|
(be patient while the BOINC package downloads and installs).
3. Optional: after the installation is finished, enter
|/usr/bin/systemctl enable boinc-client.service|
to have Linux auto-start the boinc-client daemon at boot time.
(See Stop or start BOINC daemon after boot
page for helpful
commands for managing the daemon)
What the installer does
1. Creates a systemd configuration file for boinc-client.service.
2. Places the BOINC binaries (boinc-client, boinccmd, boinc-gui
and boincmgr) in /usr/bin/.
3. Creates /var/lib/boinc/ for BOINC data files and the slots and
projects directories.
4. Names the daemon boinc-client.
5. Creates a user named boinc. For security, boinc owns the BOINC
data directory (/var/lib/boinc/) and all the data files and
sub-directories it creates in the data directory.
Verify the installation
1. If you elected to have Linux start the daemon at boot time (see
step 3 in section Basic installation), logout and reboot Linux now
and login under your normal user account.
2. If you elected to not have Linux start the daemon at boot time,
start the daemon manually with |/usr/bin/systemctl start boinc-client.service |
3. Open a terminal and enter |ps aux | grep boinc| to print a partial
list of running processes. You should see |boinc-client --dir ...|
in that list, if not then something went wrong in the steps above.
Set up your accounts
To use the GUI to set up your accounts and monitor progress:
* Start "boincmgr" on the command line or select Applications ->
System Tools -> Boinc Manager from the GNOME menu.
* Select Advanced -> Select computer... from the Boinc Manager menu.
* Put "localhost" in for "Host name" and the contents of
/var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg for "Password" and hit "OK".
If you do only the basic installation as described above, BOINC manager
will not be able to automatically connect to the client. To connect the
client you will be required to give the GUI RPC password every time you
start BOINC manager. That is not a bug, it is a security feature to
prevent other users from using the manager to manipulate the client,
change your projects, etc.
If you don't want to put the password every time you run the BOINC
manager, you can:
1. disable the password at all [*not recommended*]
To make the GUI passwordless, do "echo >
/var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg" (which replaces the contents of
the file with a newline) and then restart boinc-client (with e.g.
"/sbin/service boinc-client restart").
2. *with boinc-client-6.4.7-1.r17542svn and newer* it is enough if
you just add your user account into the "boinc" group, e.g. by
typing |/usr/sbin/usermod -G boinc -a username|
3. *with older versions* the procedure is a bit more complicated:
Boinc (the user named boinc) owns /var/lib/boinc/ and all the
files and directories in it so you will not be able to edit those
files easily from your regular user account. The steps below add
your username to the boinc group and adjust some permissions so
that BOINC manager will automatically connect to BOINC client
whenever you start the manager from your regular Linux user
account. Also you will be able to edit files in the BOINC
directory without becoming root. As you type in each command
below, substitute your Linux username wherever you see |username|.
Enter the following commands in a terminal, as root:
1. |/usr/sbin/usermod -A boinc username|
2. |chmod g+rw /var/lib/boinc|
3. |chmod g+rw /var/lib/boinc/*.*|
4. |ln -s /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg
5. |chown boinc:boinc /home/username/gui_rpc_auth.cfg|
As root, in a terminal, enter
yum remove boinc-client boinc-manager
Known problems
boinc-client sometimes has problems connecting to the network, if the
network connection comes up after the client has already started. This
is a known BOINC bug, which is filed as #707.
In the meantime, you can fix this by restarting boinc-client. On the
command line as root, do "/usr/bin/systemctl restart boinc-client.service".
Alternatively, from the GNOME menu, you can choose System ->
Administration -> Services and then stop and start the boinc-client

_scmsync.obsinfo Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
mtime: 1721704405
commit: 3e76126809b26c5d8e63373519e385566c3783b479258b8ce4faf94b26caeca9
url: https://src.opensuse.org/jengelh/boinc-client
revision: master

boinc-client-rpmlintrc Normal file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

boinc-client.changes Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
Fri Jul 12 04:58:08 UTC 2024 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Revert to state of 2024-05-26 due to regressions,
Thu Jun 27 11:43:32 UTC 2024 - chris@computersalat.de
- fix for bnc#1227092
* Add WorkingDirectory= to unit file
- Add further Variables to unit file
- rebase patches
* boinc-docbook2x.patch
* build-client-scripts.patch
* libboinc-shared.patch
* xlocale.patch
Sun May 26 21:39:07 UTC 2024 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 8.0.2
* Support so-called "sporadic applications"
Sat Feb 3 12:56:03 UTC 2024 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Employ %sysuser macros to generate "boinc" user
Thu Jan 4 21:22:29 UTC 2024 - Aaron Puchert <aaronpuchert@alice-dsl.net>
- Use systemd-sysusers to create service user and group.
- Add service user to "render" group to allow BOINC applications
to use GPU devices for accelerated computation. DRM render nodes
have been restricted in sr#1128161.
- Remove unused SysV init script.
- Update README.SUSE and the logrotate configuration file to use
systemctl instead of the no longer relevant init script.
Sat Aug 12 09:08:43 UTC 2023 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.24.1
* Resolve some crash on MacOS
Tue Aug 8 10:00:26 UTC 2023 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.24
* client: improve implementation of CPU throttling
* client: set Content-type of POST requests to text/xml
Mon May 22 10:52:37 UTC 2023 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.22.2
* Fix a screensaver crash bug
Tue Jan 24 13:03:25 UTC 2023 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to relesae 7.22
* Add not-in-use computing prefs
* Update cpu/gpu resources when app_config is re-read
Fri Dec 2 11:28:11 UTC 2022 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.20.5
* Fix "Stop graphics" button operation
Mon Jul 18 11:26:15 UTC 2022 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.20.2
* client: if bandwidth limit is removed (up or down), remove
limit from active transfers.
* client: fix bug in work fetch logic for case of zero resource
share and zero work buf.
Sun Jul 3 16:51:58 UTC 2022 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.20.1
* Manager: wxWidgets debug alert when switching between
advanced and simple view.
* BOINC did not gracefully handle capitalization discrepancies
* client: fix #2837 had removed a special use case
where idle was desired before work fetch, which was fixed
* Manager: Memory access error on closedown
* Manager: Search for skins to display on Simple View
Tue Jun 7 21:04:38 UTC 2022 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.20.0
* client: pass process priority to wrapper
* client: Ignore tty(S|ACM) devices in TTY idle time
* client: fix overly aggressive project-wide file transfer
backoff policy
* client: fix work-fetch logic when max concurrent limits are
* manager: fix failure to connect to client with non-English
- Let -devel subpackage follow the main package name.
Sat Oct 23 16:17:52 UTC 2021 - Aaron Puchert <aaronpuchert@alice-dsl.net>
- Drop boinc-gui.desktop and icons, because upstream provides a
desktop entry with icons now.
Fri Oct 8 12:03:18 UTC 2021 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.18.1
* Exporting event log wrote just 6 lines, which was fixed.
Fri Jul 16 09:45:18 UTC 2021 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.18
* A number of fixes for other platforms like Android
Thu Jan 21 08:34:07 UTC 2021 - Thorsten Kukuk <kukuk@suse.com>
- pwdutils was dropped long time ago
- fix building (/etc/init.d does not exist)
Wed Jan 6 19:06:52 UTC 2021 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 7.16.14:
* macOS fixes
Sat Sep 5 20:00:16 UTC 2020 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.16.11
* Changes to build procedure for other platforms
* A locale-related fix is included
Tue Aug 25 20:49:05 UTC 2020 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.16.9
* Linux client: fix X-based idle detection
* Drop X11 fallback as Wayland can show a desktop session with no
X11 servers, but XWayland can be started temporarily (and is
useless for idle detection).
* client: avoid CPU starvation when GPU computing is suspended
* client: do nott allow an empty GUI RPC password
* client: let a project master URL change from http: to https: without involving the user.
* Fix CORS for GUI RPC via HTTP
* Converted Java parts to Kotlin
* transitioner: Fix race condition with file_upload_handler
- Drop boinc-guirpcauth.patch (mostly merged; upstream has a
slightly different solution, though)
Wed Apr 22 13:59:26 UTC 2020 - Paolo Stivanin <info@paolostivanin.com>
- Update to 7.16.6
* client: add <ignore_tty> config file option (Unix)
* client: if an output file is missing or bad length,
mark workunit as error.
* client: on startup, check for active task finish files.
* client: fix bug in missing-file logic that cause task
abort at startup.
* client: fix bug that caused jobs to run after client exit.
* client: don't unsuspend before sending quit message.
* client: send task descriptions if requested by AM.
Sun Dec 1 19:01:30 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Update to release 7.16.3
* If output file is missing on startup, flag task as error.
* Let project specify directories in logical file names.
* Fix security vulnerability involving logical file names.
* Make "reread config files" work for ncpus.
* Support fetch of files over GUI RPC; allow projects to supply
their own web-based GUI.
* Support GUI RPCs as HTTP Post requests.
* Enable "Other options" in simple view if no client connected.
* Clear "vm_extensions_disabled" flag on startup.
* Fix work fetch bug when max_concurrent used.
* Unsuspend jobs before telling them to quit.
* Sanity check job runtime limits.
* Fix overflow in OpenCL GPU FLOPS calculation.
- Do not ignore errors from groupadd/useradd
Tue Sep 10 09:24:20 UTC 2019 - Christophe Giboudeaux <christophe@krop.fr>
- Build boinc-client using -ffat-lto-objects
Sat Dec 15 17:37:27 UTC 2018 - aaronpuchert@alice-dsl.net
- Update to version 7.14.2.
* Fix GPU detection when run with --detach_console or using $PATH
* Update NVIDIA GPU detection for recent models
* Change simple prefs dialog behavior to match advanced
* If using a dynamic account manager, show AM user name in
Manager rather than randomly-generated project account names
* Move new-version URLs from cc_config.xml to nvc_config.xml
(so that WCG can customize)
Mon Aug 6 13:32:35 UTC 2018 - jengelh@inai.de
- Remove unnecessary ldconfig from devel subpackage
Tue Jul 24 20:06:29 UTC 2018 - aaronpuchert@alice-dsl.net
- Update to version 7.12.1.
- Remove doc package, since the files have been removed from the
source. Actually it wasn't even the documentation, but the
server code.
- Disable idle detection via the XSS API and remove dependency to
libXScrnSaver-devel. This feature requires access to a running
X server, which the BOINC client does not have in OpenSUSE.
- Rename the devel package and provide the correct dependency.
The devel package provides the headers for libboinc, and has
nothing to do with the BOINC client.
- Add conflict to original devel package.
- Remove unnecessary dependency to libxslt.
- Update systemd service file with changes from upstream: start
after network-online.target, and use "ProtectHome=true".
- Move bash completion file to /usr/share tree to fix rpmlint.
- Declare license files as %license.
- Don't install `notes` and `todo` - these are internal notes of
the developers and not helpful to users.
- Drop 0001-MGR-support-wxWidgets-without-webview.patch, which has
landed upstream (commit 27bb3c9e).
- libboinc-shared.patch: Build shared libraries for client and
static libraries for science apps. Science apps are distributed
as binaries over the BOINC network, so dynamic linking doesn't
make sense. But we can use dynamic linking for the client.
- build-client-scripts.patch: Add some targets to fix build.
- Fix default path for boincscr.
Wed Jul 11 15:36:12 UTC 2018 - chris@computersalat.de
- Update to 7.8.6
* can't find any useful ChangeLog :(
Thu Nov 23 13:38:12 UTC 2017 - rbrown@suse.com
- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new
%_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)
Thu Oct 26 22:39:03 UTC 2017 - chris@computersalat.de
- Update to version 7.8.3. (aaronpuchert)
- Removed the deprecated "Encoding" line from the .desktop file.
- Updated the cleanup code:
* Permissions seem to be correct now.
* Line endings seem to be correct.
* Applied the UTF-8 conversion to the 2011 notes as well.
- Removed the entire coprocs/NVIDIA directory, since all files in
there have a doubtful license.
- Removed components that are not required for a Linux build.
Sun Sep 10 00:49:25 UTC 2017 - chris@computersalat.de
- update to 7.8.2
* no changelog available
- add {minor_version}
- rm wrong sim_web link
- fix files for SLES 11
- remove obsolete patch
* 0001-Fix-1530-null-pointer-dereference.patch
Fri Sep 8 09:38:10 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de
- Add 0001-MGR-support-wxWidgets-without-webview.patch
Sat Sep 2 22:12:09 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de
- Remove unnecessary %if..%endif markers that do not affect the
rpmbuild output files.
- Move patch metadata into patch so it stays with the patch.
Add more authorship info.
- Add xlocale.patch to fix build error with glibc-2.26.
- Refresh boinc-guirpcauth.patch, boinc-docbook2x.patch,
0001-Fix-1530-null-pointer-dereference.patch to quilt's default
p1 level.
Mon Mar 27 10:59:02 UTC 2017 - chris@computersalat.de
- fix deps
* add missing ca-certificates-mozilla
needed in minimal install, e.g. JeOS images,
without - boinc-client will fail to load config from
e.g. www.worldcommunitygrid.org/get_project_config.php
Sat Feb 25 17:53:03 UTC 2017 - chris@computersalat.de
- fix for boo#1026965
* no remote connect, no sysconfig file (--allow_remote_gui_rpc)
* install and fillup sysconfig file
* rework service file
- fix wrong bashism fix by ledest
* grep should NOT match
- do not build boinc-manager on SLES 11/12
* bcond_with manager
- revert conditionals remove for SLES 11
* add SysVinit file
- mv boincscr to manager pkg, built with manager
Mon Jan 2 10:31:59 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de
- Add argument passing from boinc-manager to boinc-gui [boo#1017705]
Tue Dec 27 21:18:12 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 7.6.33
* Fix a crash near readdir (add
Sun Apr 24 07:31:13 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de
- Update to new upstream release 7.6.32
- Remove boinc-client-AM_CONDITIONAL.patch, boinc-configure.patch
(no longer needed)
Fri Apr 22 21:48:48 UTC 2016 - aaronpuchert@alice-dsl.net
- Replaced quick fix for compiler errors by a proper solution,
which is already upstreamed.
- Removed dependency to mysql, because that is only needed for the
BOINC server, which we don't build anyway.
- Removed dependency to libboinc, because it's meant to be
statically linked to science apps and not necessary for end user.
Sun Mar 27 22:13:10 UTC 2016 - aaronpuchert@alice-dsl.net
- Update to version 7.6.22. The main advantage: GPUs running on
the open source stack (Mesa) are now recognized and can be used
for BOINC. Additional packages are needed though:
* libOpenCL1,
* libMesaOpenCL,
* libclc.
Further, the GPU device in /dev/dri needs to have r+w rights for
the BOINC user, since it doesn't have access to the X session.
- Fetch from GitHub instead of SVN, removed the fetch script
- Rebased all patches, removed obsolete boinc-LC_MESSAGES.patch
- Fixed compiler errors because openSUSEs wxWidgets is configured
with wxUSE_STL=1, which is incompatible with BOINC. There is an
open issue on GitHub: https://github.com/BOINC/boinc/issues/1515.
- Building the manager and locales separately is no longer
- The icons seem to have disappeared.
- The BOINC manager should be called with the data directory
instead of the binary directory. Otherwise it can't connect.
Wed Jun 24 10:53:06 UTC 2015 - jengelh@inai.de
- boinc-client.service: replace ControlGroup= by Slice=, since
ControlGroup is gone since systemd-205 already. We now use the
"background.slice". Configuration of the background.slice is
left to the administrator since it may be shared by other
packages, and is subject to preferences. If you need some default
to begin with for the first time, use
`systemctl set-property background.slice CPUShares=2`.
Wed Mar 18 13:09:19 UTC 2015 - jengelh@inai.de
- Reduce logrotate from Requires to Recommends.
- Remove Requires: cron. This seems only for the server parts
(not in this package).
- Remove systemd requires to allow for a minimal container setup.
Sun Nov 09 01:44:00 UTC 2014 - Led <ledest@gmail.com>
- fix bashism in pre script
Tue Jun 17 13:39:32 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com
- Remove needless rpmlintrc lines to ease error spotting when there
really are some.
Tue Jun 17 13:30:10 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com
- Cleanup with spec-cleaner for better readability
- Move lang packages from Requires to Recommends
Tue Jun 17 13:13:14 UTC 2014 - tchvatal@suse.com
- Remove unused patch:
* boinc-completion.patch
- Remove comments with unused patches
- Remove conditionals with inits as we don't build for such release
- Provide rcboinc symlink for easier usage.
Wed Mar 26 22:34:18 UTC 2014 - chris@computersalat.de
- some RPMLINT fixes
* fix License: remove ','
* non-standard-gid /var/lib/boinc boinc
* SR #227671 to rpmlint
- fix deps for libxcb
Tue Mar 18 15:21:19 UTC 2014 - chris@computersalat.de
Sun Mar 16 22:23:48 UTC 2014 - chris@computersalat.de
# fix for bnc#779335
* disabled boinc-completion.patch
- update to 7.2.42
* Fix problem that was causing scheduler RPCs to fail on Yoyo@home
(HTTP status code 400)
* for mor info have a look at
- removed obsolete patches:
* boinc-client-dynamic_buffers.patch
* boinc-init.patch
* boinc-client-7.0.36-AM_CONDITIONAL.patch
* boinc-client-7.0.36-dynamic_buffers.patch
- rebased patches:
* boinc-LC_MESSAGES.patch
* boinc-client-AM_CONDITIONAL.patch
* boinc-configure.patch
* boinc-docbook2x.patch
* boinc-guirpcauth.patch
Sat Oct 26 09:45:58 UTC 2013 - p.drouand@gmail.com
- Update to version 7.0.36
+ No changelog available
- Add systemd support
- Adapt patchs to upstream changes
* boinc-client-dynamic_buffers.patch
* boinc-client-AM_CONDITIONAL.patch
- Remove boinc-client-glib_h.patch; fixed on upstream
- Do not copy INSTALL in documentation
Wed May 1 20:53:41 UTC 2013 - chris@computersalat.de
- update to 7.0.28
* sorry but there is no ChangeLog :(
- rebase patches
* dynamic_buffers, guirpcauth, AM_CONDITIONAL
- add configure patch
- remove obsolete glib_h patch
Wed Apr 3 11:12:16 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com
- do not own bash directories
Tue Jul 10 13:50:30 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de
- rename patch
* fix-automake-conditional to boinc-client-AM_CONDITIONAL patch
- fix build for SLE_11
* AM_CONDITIONAL patch >= 12.2
Tue Jul 10 12:24:13 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com
- fix compilation for factory and 12.2
Sun Jul 1 19:51:54 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de
- add BOINC_DIR to sysconfig
* make BOINC_DIR configurable (a proposal of Carsten Neumann)
Sat Feb 11 00:56:07 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de
- add glib_h patch
Fri Feb 10 23:40:19 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de
- update tp 6.12.43
* sorry but there is no ChangeLog :(
- rework patches
- remove obsolete patches
* boinc-server.patch
* boinc-client-str_util.patch
- add boinc-client-lang subpkg
- fix DSOLinkChange for suse >= 1210
* see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/UnderstandingDSOLinkChange
for more info, special thanks to Stefan Dirsch :)
Fri Feb 10 23:07:01 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de
- fix sed for boinc-manager
Wed Feb 8 22:51:55 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de
- fix for bnc#745887 ( Confirm licensing of boinc-client 6.10.60 )
- fix for bnc#744612 ( File /usr/bin/boinc_gui incorrectly named )
- fix for bnc#744389 ( boinc-client will not run )
- fix for bnc#732118 ( BOINC installs but will not run )
Mon Feb 6 15:05:05 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de
- fix License (http://www.spdx.org/licenses/)
* LGPL-3.0
Sun Feb 5 23:11:38 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de
- remove client dep of manager
* manager does not really need a local boinc-client ;)
- fix desktop file
Sat Feb 4 00:37:37 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de
- fix deps for boinc-client
* Requires libboinc6
Thu Feb 2 20:32:57 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de
- rework patches
- rework sysconfig file
- rework logrotate file
- add SuSElike init script
- fix user add
* boinc needs a shell
- fix wrapper
* replace boincmanager with boinc-manager and add symlink for
backward compatibility
* fix boinc_gui -> boinc-gui
- fix License
* LGPLv3
- fix for bnc#689499
* a blocked boinc client, the manager works
Fri Sep 30 20:07:45 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com
- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable
Tue Aug 30 18:18:14 UTC 2011 - Sascha.Manns@open-slx.de
- fixed Bug bnc#714623 (/var/lock/subsys unsupported)
Mon May 16 18:49:58 CEST 2011 - pth@suse.de
- Avoid buffer overflow in filesys.cpp(dir_size).
Sun May 1 23:27:45 UTC 2011 - chris@computersalat.de
- update to 6.10.60
* Fix: Project list issue in the attach wizard that lead to a crash
- fix deps
o wxGTK-devel
- enable parallel build
Fri Apr 29 06:11:10 UTC 2011 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- filed shared-lib-calls-exit in boinc as
- filed binary-or-shlib-calls-gethostbyname as
Thu Apr 28 13:28:25 UTC 2011 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- Rewritten the Spec based on Malcolm Lewis Improvements (THX)
Wed Apr 27 17:37:08 UTC 2011 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- Removed boinc-bnc_465676.patch (Fixed Upstream)
- Removed boinc-bnc_465676.patch (Fixed Upstream)
- Removed boinc-client-NotebookWxPanel.patch (Fixed Upstream)
- Removed boinc-client-wxWindowListNode.patch (Fixed Upstream)
Tue Dec 28 18:21:51 CET 2010 - sbrabec@suse.cz
- Compile with wxWidgets (STL variant).
Tue Oct 5 04:24:40 UTC 2010 - malcolmlewis@opensuse.org
- Fix boinc-manager-lang requires
Tue Oct 5 03:41:39 UTC 2010 - malcolmlewis@opensuse.org
- Major spec file makeover
- Updated version
- Cleaned up patches
- Fixed most deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
Mon Mar 15 16:06:23 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com
- disable use of %jobs
Sun May 31 23:27:04 CEST 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- fixed str_util.h while using newer gcc (THX to Jan)
Fri May 22 14:06:32 CEST 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- fixed Errors while using newer wx Version
Fri Mar 27 11:57:43 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- removed boinctray depency
Sat Mar 14 18:41:07 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- added rpmlintrc
Wed Feb 25 15:06:27 CET 2009 - pth@suse.de
- Use wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator instead of wxWindowListNode*
as the latter is not defined when wxWindows is compiled to use
the STL.
- Include standard compiler flags.
- Reformat description
- Correct spelling boinc-client-README.SuSE
Thu Feb 12 11:10:00 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- added wxstring_conversion.patch (fix Bug #774 Berkeley Bug)
Wed Feb 11 17:41:00 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- first stable Version
- fixed boincmgr to copy gui_rpc_auth.cfg to every /home
Wed Feb 11 11:48:44 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- Export %%changelog to boinc-client.changes
Tue Feb 10 12:00:00 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- changed $BOINCEXE from boinc_client to boinc
Wed Feb 04 12:00:00 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- Fixed OpenSUSE Bugzilla Bug #468414
Tue Feb 03 12:00:00 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- updated to Version 6.4
- deleted bnc_465676 (was fixed in sourcecode by boinc-team)
Mon Feb 02 12:00:00 CET 2009 - dl9pf@gmx.de
- tweaked -doc package
Mon Feb 02 12:00:00 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- added README.SuSE to %%doc
- added own Patches:
+ boinc-docbook2x (fix using docbook2x)
+ boinc-LC_MESSAGES (fix handling .mo LC Messages)
+ boinc-rcscript (fix using init.d instead of rc.d)
(fix BOINC User root)
+ boinc-sysconfig (fix installing conf in /etc/boinc-client.conf)
(fix init File as boinc)
+ ca_cert_deactivate (fix deactivate using of ca_cert)
+ fs_start_included (fix add $fs_network to init.d Script)
Sun Feb 01 12:00:00 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- added fillup Macro to use sysconfig
- use sysconfig.boinc as source from fillup macro
Sat Jan 31 12:00:00 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- deleted bnc_431510 not relevant (for Mac).
- deleted bnc_439037 not relevant
- deleted bnc_442904 for Win. In my Package no Win/Mac Source
- added bnc_465676.patch fix CVE-ID: CVE-2009-0126
- branched for Factory:Contrib
Fri Jan 23 12:00:00 CET 2009 - saigkill@opensuse.org
- deleted mac/mac_build/win Folders from the Sourcecode
Wed Jan 14 12:00:00 CET 2009 - mauro@suse.de
- Added bnc_465676.patch to fix bnc#465676.
+ Fixes CVE-2008-5077
+ check return values of RSA_*() functions.
+ fix a memory leak, missing RSA_free().
Tue Dec 23 12:00:00 CET 2008 - mauro@suse.de
- Added bnc_442904.patch to fix bnc#442904.
+ Use the proper delete.
Mon Nov 03 12:00:00 CET 2008 - mauro@suse.de
- Add bnc_439037.patch to fix bnc#439037. We now use strcmp
instead of the original ==.
Fri Oct 03 12:00:00 CET 2008 - mauro@suse.de
- Add bnc-431510.patch to fix bnc#431510.
Mon Sep 08 12:00:00 CET 2008 - mauro@suse.de
- initial package for SuSE. boinc 6.2.18 (based on the enzokiel's
(opensuse version).

boinc-client.service Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Description=Berkeley Open Infrastructure Network Computing Client
### boinc logs (with --redirectio) to stdoutdae.txt and stderrdae.txt
#ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 1
#ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/touch /var/log/boinc-client.log /var/log/boinc-client.err.log
#ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chown $BOINC_BOINC_USR:$BOINC_BOINC_GRP /var/log/boinc-client.log /var/log/boinc-client.err.log
ExecStart=/usr/bin/boinc --dir $BOINC_BOINC_DIR $BOINC_BOINC_OPTS
ExecStop=/usr/bin/boinccmd --quit
ExecReload=/usr/bin/boinccmd --read_cc_config
ExecStopPost=/bin/rm -f $BOINC_BOINC_DIR/lockfile

boinc-client.spec Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
# spec file for package boinc-client
# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# Copyright (c) 2016 by Aaron Puchert <aaronpuchert@alice-dsl.net>
# Copyright (c) 2011 by Sascha Manns <saigkill@opensuse.org>
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
#Compat macro for new _fillupdir macro introduced in Nov 2017
%if ! %{defined _fillupdir}
%define _fillupdir /var/adm/fillup-templates
%define sonum 8
%define boinc_dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/boinc
# do not build boinc-manager on SLES 11/12
%if 0%{?is_opensuse}
%bcond_without manager
%bcond_with manager
Name: boinc-client
%define rel_name %{name}_release
%define minor_version 8.0
Version: %minor_version.2
Release: 0
Summary: Client for Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
License: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LGPL-3.0-or-later
Group: Productivity/Clustering/Computing
URL: https://boinc.berkeley.edu/
#Git-Clone: https://github.com/BOINC/boinc
Source0: https://github.com/BOINC/boinc/archive/client_release/%{minor_version}/%{version}.tar.gz
Source4: sysconfig.%{name}
Source5: boinc-logrotate
Source6: boinc-manager
Source20: %{name}.service
Source100: %{name}-rpmlintrc
Patch2: boinc-docbook2x.patch
Patch4: xlocale.patch
Patch5: build-client-scripts.patch
Patch6: libboinc-shared.patch
BuildRequires: Mesa-devel
BuildRequires: docbook2x
BuildRequires: docbook_4
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: freeglut-devel
BuildRequires: gcc-c++
BuildRequires: gcc-fortran
BuildRequires: gettext-runtime
BuildRequires: libcurl-devel >= 7.17.1
BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires: libnotify-devel
BuildRequires: libtool
BuildRequires: openssl-devel
BuildRequires: pkg-config
BuildRequires: sqlite3-devel
BuildRequires: sysuser-tools
BuildRequires: xorg-x11-libXmu-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcb-util)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xi)
Requires: ca-certificates-mozilla
Recommends: boinc-client-lang = %{version}
Recommends: logrotate
%if %{with manager}
BuildRequires: update-desktop-files
BuildRequires: wxWidgets-3_2-devel >= 3.1.5
%lang_package -n boinc-manager
The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a
software platform which supports distributed computing, primarily in
the form of "volunteer" computing and "desktop grid" computing. It is
well suited for problems which are often described as "trivially
parallel". BOINC is the underlying software used by projects such as
Einstein@Home, ClimatePrediciton.net, the World Community
Grid, and many other distributed computing projects.
This package installs the BOINC client software, which will allow
your computer to participate in one or more BOINC projects, using
your spare computer time to search for cures for diseases, model
protein folding, study global warming, discover sources of
gravitational waves, and many other types of scientific and
mathematical research.
%package -n boinc-manager
Summary: GUI to control and monitor boinc-client
Group: Productivity/Scientific/Astronomy
Recommends: boinc-manager-lang = %{version}
Requires: hicolor-icon-theme
%description -n boinc-manager
The BOINC Manager is a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC
core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is
monitoring. The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in
which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View"
in which all information and all control elements are available.
%package -n libboinc%{sonum}
Summary: Berkeley Open Infrastructure For Network Computing library
Group: System/Libraries
%description -n libboinc%{sonum}
The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a
software platform which supports distributed computing.
%package devel
Summary: Development files for libboinc
Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++
Requires: libboinc%{sonum} = %{version}-%{release}
Conflicts: %{name}-devel
Requires: openssl-devel
Obsoletes: libboinc-devel < %{version}-%{release}
Provides: libboinc-devel = %{version}-%{release}
%description devel
This package contains development files for libboinc.
%global _lto_cflags %{_lto_cflags} -ffat-lto-objects
%autosetup -p1 -n %{name}_release-%{minor_version}-%{version} -D
# Fix default path for boincscr
sed -i -e "s,/var/lib/boinc-client,%{boinc_dir},g" \
# Install user hints
install -m0644 %{SOURCE3} README.SUSE
# Fix lang directories (refer patch2)
mv locale/pt_PT locale/pt
# fix utf8
for i in 2005 2009 2010 2011; do
iconv -f ISO88591 -t UTF8 < checkin_notes_$i > checkin_notes_$i.utf8
touch -r checkin_notes_$i checkin_notes_$i.utf8
mv checkin_notes_$i.utf8 checkin_notes_$i
## remove files with questionable licenses
# removing NVIDIA owned file that does not clearly allow redistribution or
# modification
rm -r coprocs/NVIDIA
# Remove unnecessary components and files for other platforms.
rm -r android drupal mac_build mac_installer win_build xcompile
autoreconf -fi
export CFLAGS="%optflags -W -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -D_REENTRANT"
echo %sle_version
%if 0%{?sle_version} == 120000
echo enablingcxx
export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -std=c++11"
%configure \
--enable-optimize \
--enable-shared \
--disable-static \
--enable-dynamic-client-linkage \
--enable-unicode \
--disable-server \
--disable-fcgi \
%if ! %{with manager}
--disable-manager \
# Disable rpaths
sed -i 's|^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=.*|hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=""|g' libtool
sed -i 's|^runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH|runpath_var=DIE_RPATH_DIE|g' libtool
# Export Path and make
%make_build clean
%make_build libboinc_la_LIBADD="-L%{_libdir} -lssl -ldl" \
DESTDIR=%{_prefix} V=1
mkdir -p "%buildroot/%_sysusersdir"
cat >system-user-boinc.conf <<-EOF
g boinc -
u boinc -:boinc "BOINC Client" /var/lib/boinc
# Several BOINC applications want to use the GPU for computations.
m boinc render
cp -a system-user-boinc.conf "%buildroot/%_sysusersdir/"
%sysusers_generate_pre system-user-boinc.conf random system-user-boinc.conf
%if %{with manager}
for i in clientgui locale; do
for i in locale; do
pushd $i
rm -f "%{buildroot}/etc/init.d/boinc-client"
# Creates default folders
install -dm0755 %{buildroot}%{boinc_dir}
install -dm0755 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1
# Remove old boinc & rename boinc_client to boinc-client
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/boinc
mv -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/boinc_client %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{name}
%if %{with manager}
# Rename boincmgr and wrap it
mv %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/boincmgr %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/boinc-gui
# Install boinc-manager wrapper script
install -Dm0755 %{SOURCE6} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/boinc-manager
# Use symlink instead of hardlink
pushd %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
ln -s -f %{name} boinc
%if %{with manager}
ln -s -f boinc-manager boincmgr
ln -s -f boinc-manager boincmanager
%if %{with manager}
# replace @boinc_dir@, @bindir@
sed -i \
-e "s,@boinc_dir@,%{boinc_dir},g" \
-e "s,@bindir@,%{_bindir},g" \
# Remove {buildroot}/etc/sysconfig/boinc-client, it is added by %%fillup_and_insserv
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name}
# Install init and create symlink for rcboinc
install -dm0755 %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}
install -D -m0644 %{SOURCE20} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{name}.service
ln -s %{_sbindir}/service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rc%{name}
# Install template for sysconfig
install -Dm0644 %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}%{_fillupdir}/sysconfig.%{name}
# Install logrotate
install -Dm0644 %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
# Install bash completion
install -Dpm0644 client/scripts/boinc.bash %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/boinc
# Remove static libraries, libtool archives
rm %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.la
# Relinking Manpages
%if %{with manager}
ln -s -f boincmgr.1.gz %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/boinc-manager.1.gz
ln -s -f boinccmd.1.gz %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/boinccmd.1.gz
ln -s -f boinc.1.gz %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/boinc.1.gz
# Install fake /var/lib/boinc
install -dm0755 %{buildroot}%{_var}/lib/boinc
# Prepare $LANG Packages
%find_lang BOINC-Client
%if %{with manager}
%find_lang BOINC-Manager
find %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/locale/ -name "BOINC-Manager.mo" -delete
%fdupes -s %{buildroot}
%pre -f random.pre
# fix replacing old sysconfig file (r21)
if [ -f %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name} ]; then
if ! grep -q "BOINC_BOINC_USR" %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/boinc-client; then
mv -f %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name} %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name}.save
%service_add_pre %{name}.service
%service_del_preun %{name}.service
%service_add_post %{name}.service
%service_del_postun %{name}.service
%post -n boinc-manager
%{_bindir}/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
if [ -x %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
%{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
%postun -n boinc-manager
%{_bindir}/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
if [ -x %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
%{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
%post -n libboinc%{sonum} -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n libboinc%{sonum} -p /sbin/ldconfig
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
%attr(-,boinc,boinc) %{boinc_dir}/
%files -n %{name}-lang -f BOINC-Client.lang
%if %{with manager}
%files -n boinc-manager
%files -n boinc-manager-lang -f BOINC-Manager.lang
%files -n libboinc%{sonum}
%files devel

boinc-docbook2x.patch Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
From: (unknown, dates back beyond OBS history start)
X-Upstream: no
In opensuse, the docbook utility is named docbook-to-man instead
of docbook2x-man.
configure.ac | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Index: boinc-client_release-7.22-7.22.0/configure.ac
--- boinc-client_release-7.22-7.22.0.orig/configure.ac
+++ boinc-client_release-7.22-7.22.0/configure.ac
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ AC_SUBST([TOP_BUILD_DIR], [`pwd`])
dnl Check for docbook2x-man, which we use to create the manpages in
dnl doc/manpages, and set the conditional HAVE_DOCBOOK2X_MAN to build
dnl the manpages only if docbook2x-man is available.
-AC_PATH_PROG(DOCBOOK2X_MAN, docbook2x-man)
+AC_PATH_PROG(DOCBOOK2X_MAN, docbook-to-man)
if test "${enable_wasm}" = yes ; then

boinc-logrotate Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
/var/log/boinc-client.log {
rotate 99
size +4096k
create 644 root root
/usr/bin/systemctl restart boinc-client.service
#/var/log/boinc-client_err.log {
# daily
# compress
# dateext
# notifempty
# rotate 99
# size +4096k
# missingok
# create 644 root root
# postrotate
# /usr/bin/systemctl restart boinc-client.service
# endscript

boinc-manager Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# boinc-manager - a wrapper to start BOINC Client GUI
# Checking for gui_rpc_auth.cfg
if ! test -f ~/gui_rpc_auth.cfg ; then
ln -s @boinc_dir@/gui_rpc_auth.cfg ~/.
exec boinc-gui -d @boinc_dir@ "$@"

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
--- a/client/scripts/Makefile.am
+++ b/client/scripts/Makefile.am
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
## -*- mode: makefile; tab-width: 4 -*-
+all-local: boinc-client boinc-client.service
chmod +x boinc-client
if [ -d /etc/init.d ] ; then \

build.specials.obscpio Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:85cc3fe2d1c9b25514d0b597f29663a9ca54c2ce5070e9aa2fd75b8c3599db7f
size 256

libboinc-shared.patch Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
Date: Tue Jul 24 20:06:29 UTC 2018
From: aaronpuchert@alice-dsl.net
Build shared libraries for client and static libraries for science
apps. Science apps are distributed as binaries over the BOINC
network, so dynamic linking doesn't make sense. But we can use
dynamic linking for the client.
api/Makefile.am | 6 +++---
apps/Makefile.am | 6 +++---
client/Makefile.am | 1 -
clientgui/Makefile.am | 1 -
clientscr/Makefile.am | 1 -
lib/Makefile.am | 4 ++--
sched/Makefile.am | 1 -
tools/Makefile.am | 1 -
vda/Makefile.am | 1 -
9 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
Index: boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/api/Makefile.am
--- boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2.orig/api/Makefile.am
+++ boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/api/Makefile.am
@@ -44,20 +44,20 @@ endif
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libboinc_api.la
pkgconfig_DATA = libboinc_api.pc
libboinc_api_la_SOURCES = $(api_files)
-libboinc_api_la_LDFLAGS = -version-number $(LIBBOINC_VERSION)
+libboinc_api_la_LDFLAGS = -static -version-number $(LIBBOINC_VERSION)
lib_LTLIBRARIES += libboinc_graphics2.la
pkgconfig_DATA += libboinc_graphics2.pc
libboinc_graphics2_la_SOURCES = $(graphics2_files)
libboinc_graphics2_la_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/lib -I$(top_srcdir)/samples/image_libs
-libboinc_graphics2_la_LDFLAGS = -version-number $(LIBBOINC_VERSION) -ljpeg
+libboinc_graphics2_la_LDFLAGS = -static -version-number $(LIBBOINC_VERSION) -ljpeg
lib_LTLIBRARIES += libboinc_opencl.la
pkgconfig_DATA += libboinc_opencl.pc
libboinc_opencl_la_SOURCES = $(opencl_files)
-libboinc_opencl_la_LDFLAGS = -version-number $(LIBBOINC_VERSION)
+libboinc_opencl_la_LDFLAGS = -static -version-number $(LIBBOINC_VERSION)
## install only headers that are meant for exporting the API !!
Index: boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/apps/Makefile.am
--- boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2.orig/apps/Makefile.am
+++ boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/apps/Makefile.am
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ example_PROGRAMS = uppercase concat 1sec
uppercase_SOURCES = uppercase.cpp
-uppercase_LDFLAGS = -static-libtool-libs $(PTHREAD_CFLAGS)
uppercase_LDADD = $(APPLIBS)
concat_SOURCES = concat.cpp
-concat_LDFLAGS = -static-libtool-libs $(PTHREAD_CFLAGS)
concat_LDADD = $(APPLIBS)
1sec_SOURCES = 1sec.cpp
-1sec_LDFLAGS = -static-libtool-libs $(PTHREAD_CFLAGS)
Index: boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/client/Makefile.am
--- boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2.orig/client/Makefile.am
+++ boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/client/Makefile.am
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ CXXFLAGS := $(filter-out -mfpu=vfpv3-d16
include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.incl
- AM_LDFLAGS += -static-libtool-libs
## for an entirely statically linked library, you may want to try
## -all-static instead. There's a good chance it won't work properly,
## so we'll use the safer "-static-libtool-libs" by default.
Index: boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/clientgui/Makefile.am
--- boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2.orig/clientgui/Makefile.am
+++ boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/clientgui/Makefile.am
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.incl
- AM_LDFLAGS += -static-libtool-libs
## for an entirely statically linked library, you may want to try
## -all-static instead. There's a good chance it won't work properly,
## so we'll use the safer "-static-libtool-libs" by default.
Index: boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/clientscr/Makefile.am
--- boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2.orig/clientscr/Makefile.am
+++ boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/clientscr/Makefile.am
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.incl
AM_LDFLAGS += -lpthread
- AM_LDFLAGS += -static-libtool-libs
## for an entirely statically linked library, you may want to try
## -all-static instead. There's a good chance it won't work properly,
## so we'll use the safer "-static-libtool-libs" by default.
Index: boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/lib/Makefile.am
--- boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2.orig/lib/Makefile.am
+++ boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/lib/Makefile.am
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ pkgconfig_DATA = libboinc.pc
libboinc_la_SOURCES = $(generic_sources) $(mac_sources) $(win_sources)
-libboinc_la_LDFLAGS = -static -version-number $(LIBBOINC_VERSION)
+libboinc_la_LDFLAGS = -version-number $(LIBBOINC_VERSION)
libboinc_la_LDFLAGS += -lexecinfo
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ pkgconfig_DATA += libboinc_crypt.pc
libboinc_crypt_la_SOURCES = crypt.cpp
-libboinc_crypt_la_LDFLAGS = -static -version-number $(LIBBOINC_VERSION)
+libboinc_crypt_la_LDFLAGS = -version-number $(LIBBOINC_VERSION)
libboinc_crypt_la_LIBADD =
Index: boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/sched/Makefile.am
--- boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2.orig/sched/Makefile.am
+++ boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/sched/Makefile.am
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.incl
-AM_LDFLAGS += -static
Index: boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/tools/Makefile.am
--- boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2.orig/tools/Makefile.am
+++ boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/tools/Makefile.am
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ dist_tools_DATA = \
-AM_LDFLAGS += -static
cancel_jobs_SOURCES = cancel_jobs.cpp
cancel_jobs_LDADD = $(SERVERLIBS)
Index: boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/vda/Makefile.am
--- boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2.orig/vda/Makefile.am
+++ boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.2/vda/Makefile.am
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ vdadir=$(libexecdir)/boinc-server-maker/
vda_PROGRAMS = vda vdad ssim
-AM_LDFLAGS += -static
vda_SOURCES = vda.cpp vda_lib.cpp vda_lib2.cpp vda_policy.cpp stats.cpp

sysconfig.boinc-client Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
## Path: Productivity/Clustering/Computing
## Description: define BOINC user
## Type: string
## Default: "boinc"
## Config: BOINC
# An empty setting will point to boinc
## Path: Productivity/Clustering/Computing
## Description: define BOINC group
## Type: string
## Default: "boinc"
## Config: BOINC
# An empty setting will point to boinc
## Path: Productivity/Clustering/Computing
## Description: define BOINC DIR
## Type: string
## Default: "/var/lib/boinc"
## Config: BOINC
## An empty setting will point to /var/lib/boinc (SysVinit)
## Path: Productivity/Clustering/Computing
## Description: define BOINC options
## Type: string
## Default: ""
## Config: BOINC
## --allow_remote_gui_rpc
## allow boinc manager connections from remote machines
## --check_all_logins
## for idle detection, check remote logins too
## run only when no logins from anywhere are active
## --gui_rpc_port <port>
## port for GUI RPCs
## --gui_rpc_unix_domain
## use Unix domain for GUI RPCs
## --no_gpus
## don't check for GPUs
## --redirectio
## redirect stdout and stderr to log files
## --no_gui_rpc
## don't allow GUI RPC, don't make socket
## --run_cpu_benchmarks
## run the CPU benchmarks
## --skip_cpu_benchmarks
## don't run CPU benchmarks

xlocale.patch Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
Date: 2017-09-03 00:10:38.255132582 +0200
build: use locale.h instead of xlocale.h
glibc-2.26 has dropped xlocale.h.
clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp | 4 +---
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)
--- a/clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp
@@ -24,9 +24,7 @@
#include "config.h"
-#include <xlocale.h>
+#include <locale.h>
#include "stdwx.h"
#include "BOINCGUIApp.h"