Fridrich Strba 0c299bdc08 Accepting request 972261 from home:urbic:java
- Version update to 1.71
  * Defects Fixed
    - In line with GPG the PGP API now attempts to preserve
      comments containing non-ascii UTF8 characters.
    - An accidental partial dependency on Java 1.7 has been removed
      from the TLS API.
    - JcaPKIXIdentityBuilder would fail to process File objects
      correctly. This is now fixed.
    - Some byte[] parameters to the CMP API were not being
      defensively cloned to prevent accidental changes. Extra
      defensive cloning has been added.
    - CMS primitives would sometimes convert ASN.1 definite-length
      encodings into indefinite-length encodings. The primitives
      will now try and preserve the original encoding where possible.
    - CMSSignedData.getAttributeCertificates() now properly
      restricts the tag values checked to just 1 (the obsolete
      v1 tag) and 2 (for the more current v2 certificates).
    - BCJSSE now tries to validate a custom KeyManager selection
      in order to catch errors around a key manager ignoring
      key type early.
    - Compressed streams in PGP ending with zero length partial
      packets could cause failure on parsing the OpenPGP API.
      This has been fixed.
    - The fallback mode for JceAsymmetricKeyWrapper/Unwrapper
      would lose track of any algorithm parameters generated
      in the initial attempt. The algorithm parameters are now
    - An accidental regression introduced by a fix for another
      issue in PKIXCertPathReviewer around use of the
      AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension and it failing to match
      a certificate uniquely when the serial number field
      is missing has been fixed.
    - An error was found in the creation of TLS 1.3 Export Keying
      Material which could cause compatibility issues. This has
      been fixed.
  * Additional Features and Functionality
    - Support has been added for OpenPGP regular expression
      signature packets.
    - Support has been added for OpenPGP PolicyURI signature
    - A utility method has been added to PGPSecretKeyRing to allow
      for inserting or replacing a PGPPublicKey.
    - The NIST PQC Finalist, Classic McEliece has been added to the
      low level API and the BCPQC provider.
    - The NIST PQC Alternate Candidate, SPHINCS+ has been added to
      the BCPQC provider.
    - The NIST PQC Alternate Candidate, FrodoKEM has been added to
      the low level API and the BCPQC provider.
    - The NIST PQC Finalist, SABER has been added to the low level
      API and the BCPQC provider.
    - KMAC128, KMAC256 has been added to the BC provider (empty
      customization string).
    - TupleHash128, TupleHash256 has been added to the BC provider
      (empty customization string).
    - ParallelHash128, ParallelHash256 has been added to the BC
      provider (empty customization string, block size 1024 bits).
    - Two new properties: "org.bouncycastle.rsa.max_size" (default
      15360) and "" (default 1042)
      have been added to cap the maximum size of RSA and EC keys.
    - RSA modulus are now checked to be provably composite using
      the enhanced MR probable prime test.
    - Imported EC Fp basis values are now validated against the MR
      prime number test before use. The certainty level of the
      prime test can be determined by
      "" (default 100).
    - The BC entropy thread now has a specific name:
    - Utility methods have been added for joining/merging PGP
      public keys and signatures.
    - Blake3-256 has been added to the BC provider.
    - DTLS: optimisation to delayed handshake hash.
    - Further additions to the ETSI 102 941 support in the ETSI/ITS
      package: certification request, signed message generation and
      verification now supported.
    - CMSSignedDataGenerator now supports the direct generation of
      definite-length data.
    - The NetscapeCertType class now has a hasUsages() method on it
      for querying usage settings on its bit string.
    - Support for additional input has been added for deterministic
    - The OpenPGP API provides better support for subkey
    - BCJSSE: Added boolean system properties
      "org.bouncycastle.jsse.client.dh.disableDefaultSuites" and
      Default "false". Set to "true" to disable inclusion of DH
      cipher suites in the default cipher suites for client/server
  * Notes
    - The deprecated QTESLA implementation has been removed from
      the BCPQC provider.
    - The submission update to SPHINCS+ has been added. This
      changes the generation of signatures - particularly
      deterministic ones.
- Version update to 1.70
  * Defects Fixed
    - Blake 3 output limit is enforced.
    - The PKCS12 KeyStore was relying on default precedence for its
      key Cipher implementation so was sometimes failing if used
      from the keytool. The KeyStore class now makes sure it uses
      the correct Cipher implementation.
    - Fixed bzip2 compression for empty contents (GH #993).
    - ASN.1: More robust handling of high tag numbers and
      definite-length forms.
    - BCJSSE: Fix a concurrent modification issue in session
      contexts (GH#968).
    - BCJSSE: Don't log sensitive system property values (GH#976).
    - BCJSSE: Fixed a priority issue amongst imperfect-match
      credentials in KeyManager classes.
    - The IES AlgorithmParameters object has been re-written to
      properly support all the variations of IESParameterSpec.
    - getOutputSize() for ECIES has been corrected to avoid
      occassional underestimates.
    - The lack of close() in the ASN.1 Dump command line utility
      was triggering false positives in some code analysis tools. A
      close() call has been added.
    - PGPPublicKey.getBitStrength() now properly recognises EdDSA
  * Additional Features and Functionality
    - Missing PGP CRC checksums can now be optionally ignored using
      setDetectMissingCRC() (default false) on ArmoredInputStream.
    - PGPSecretKey.copyWithNewPassword() now has a variant which
      uses USAGE_SHA1 for key protection if a PGPDigestCalculator
      is passed in.
    - PGP ASCII armored data now skips "\t", "\v", and "\f".
    - PKCS12 files with duplicate localKeyId attributes on
      certificates will now have the incorrect attributes filtered
      out, rather than the duplicate causing an exception.
    - PGPObjectFactory will now ignore packets representing
      unrecognised signature versions in the input stream.
    - The X.509 extension generator will now accumulate some
      duplicate X.509 extensions into a single extension where it
      is possible to do so.
    - Removed support for maxXofLen in Kangaroo digest.
    - Ignore marker packets in PGP Public and Secret key ring
    - An implementation of LEA has been added to the low-level API.
    - Access, recovery, and direct use for PGP session keys has
      been added to the OpenPGP API for processing encrypted data.
    - A PGPCanonicalizedDataGenerator has been added which converts
      input into canonicalized literal data for text and UTF-8
    - A getUserKeyingMaterial() method has been added to the
      KeyAgreeRecipientInformation class.
    - ASN.1: Tagged objects (and parsers) now support all tag
      classes. Special code for ApplicationSpecific has been
      deprecated and re-implemented in terms of TaggedObject.
    - ASN.1: Improved support for nested tagging.
    - ASN.1: Added support for GraphicString, ObjectDescriptor,
    - ASN.1: Added support for constructed BitString encodings,
      including efficient parsing for large values.
    - TLS: Added support for external PSK handshakes.
    - TLS: Check policy restrictions on key size when determining
      cipher suite support.
    - A performance issue in KeccakDigest due to left over debug
      code has been identified and dealt with.
    - BKS key stores can now be used for collecting protected keys
      (note: any attempt to store such a store will cause an
    - A method for recovering user keying material has been added
      to KeyAgreeRecipientInformation.
    - Support has been added to the CMS API for SHA-3 based
    - The low level BcDefaultDigestProvider now supports the SHAKE
      family of algorithms and the SM3 alogirthm.
    - PGPKeyRingGenerator now supports creation of key-rings with
      direct-key identified keys.
    - The PQC NIST candidate, signature algorithm SPHINCS+ has been
      added to the low-level API.
    - ArmoredInputStream now explicitly checks for a '\n' if in
      crLF mode.
    - Direct support for NotationDataOccurances, Exportable,
      Revocable, IntendedRecipientFingerPrints, and AEAD algorithm
      preferences has been added to PGPSignatureSubpacketVector.
    - Further support has been added for keys described using
      S-Expressions in GPG 2.2.X.
    - Support for OpenPGP Session Keys from the (draft) Stateless
      OpenPGP CLI has been added.
    - Additional checks have been added for PGP marker packets in
      the parsing of PGP objects.
    - A CMSSignedData.addDigestAlgorithm() has been added to allow
      for adding additional digest algorithm identifiers to CMS
      SignedData structures when required.
    - Support has been added to CMS for the LMS/HSS signature
    - The system property
      (default false) has been added for dealing with SNI problems
      related to the host name not being propagate by the JVM.
    - The JcePKCSPBEOutputEncryptorBuilder now supports SCRYPT with
      ciphers that do not have algorithm parameters (e.g. AESKWP).
    - Support is now added for certificates using ETSI TS 103 097,
      "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)" in the bcpkix package.
  * Notes.
    - While this release should maintain source code compatibility,
      developers making use of some parts of the ASN.1 library will
      find that some classes need recompiling. Apologies for the
- Version update to 1.69
  * Defects Fixed
    - Lightweight and JCA conversion of Ed25519 keys in the PGP API
      could drop the leading byte as it was zero. This has been
    - Marker packets appearing at the start of PGP public key rings
      could cause parsing failure. This has been fixed.
    - ESTService could fail for some valid Content-Type headers.
      This has been fixed.
    - Originator key algorithm parameters were being passed as NULL
      in key agreement recipients. The parameters now reflect the
      value of the parameters in the key's SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
    - ContentType on encapsulated data was not been passed through
      correctly for authenticated and enveloped data. This has been
    - NTRUEncryptionParameters and
      NTRUEncryptionKeyGenerationParameters were not correctly
      cloning the contained message digest. This has been fixed.
    - CertificateFactory.generateCertificates()/generateCRLs()
      would throw an exception if extra data was found at the end
      of a PEM file even if valid objects had been found. Extra
      data is now ignored providing at least one object found.
    - Internal class PKIXCRLUtil could throw a NullPointerException
      for CRLs with an absent nextUpdate field. This has been
    - PGP ArmoredInputStream now fails earlier on malformed
    - The McElieceKobaraImaiCipher was randomly throwing "Bad
      Padding: invalid ciphertext" exception while decrypting due
      to leading zeroes been missed during processing of the cipher
      text. This has been fixed.
    - Ed25519 keys being passed in via OpenSSH key spec are now
      validated in the KeyFactory.
    - Blowfish keys are now range checked on cipher construction.
    - In some cases PGPSecretKeyRing was failing to search its
      extraPubKeys list when searching for public keys.
    - The BasicConstraintsValidation class in the BC cert path
      validation tools has improved conformance to RFC 5280.
    - AlgorithmIdentifiers involving message digests now attempt to
      follow the latest conventions for the parameters field
      (basically DER NULL appears less).
    - Fix various conversions and interoperability for XDH and
      EdDSA between BC and SunEC providers.
    - TLS: Prevent attempts to use KeyUpdate mechanism in versions
      before TLS 1.3.
  * Additional Features and Functionality
    - GCM-SIV has been added to the lightweight API and the
    - Blake3 has been added to the lightweight API.
    - The OpenSSL PEMParser can now be extended to add specialised
    - Base32 encoding has now been added, the default alphabet is
      from RFC 4648.
    - The KangarooTwelve message digest has been added to the
      lightweight API.
    - An implementation of the two FPE algorithms, FF1 and FF3-1 in
      SP 800-38G has been added to the lightweight API and the JCE
    - An implementation of ParallelHash has been added to the
      lightweight API.
    - An implementation of TupleHash has been added to the
      lightweight API.
    - RSA-PSS now supports the use of SHAKE128 and SHAKE256 as the
      mask generation function and digest.
    - ECDSA now supports the use of SHAKE128 and SHAKE256.
    - PGPPBEEncryptedData will now reset the stream if the initial
      checksum fails so another password can be tried.
    - Iterators on public and secret key ring collections in PGP
      now reflect the original order of the public/secret key rings
      they contain.
    - KeyAgreeRecipientInformation now has a getOriginator() method
      for retrieving the underlying orginator information.
    - PGPSignature now has a getDigestPrefix() method for people
      wanting exposure to the signature finger print details.
    - The old BKS-V1 format keystore is now disabled by default. If
      you need to use BKS-V1 for legacy reasons, it can be
      re-enabled by adding: org.bouncycastle.bks.enable_v1=true to
      the file. We would be interested in hearing
      from anyone that needs to do this.
    - PLAIN-ECDSA now supports the SHA3 digests.
    - Some highlevel support for RFC 4998 ERS has been added for
      ArchiveTimeStamp and EvidenceRecord. The new classes are in
      the org.bouncycastle.tsp.ers package.
    - ECIES has now also support SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512.
    - digestAlgorithms filed in CMS SignedData now includes counter
      signature digest algorithms where possible.
    - A new property "org.bouncycastle.jsse.config" has been added
      which can be used to configure the BCJSSE provider when it is
      created using the no-args constructor.
    - In line with changes in OpenSSL 1.1.0,
      OpenSSLPBEParametersGenerator can now be configured with a
    - PGPKeyRingGenerator now includes a method for adding a subkey
      with a primary key binding signature.
    - Support for ASN.1 PRIVATE tags has been added.
    - Performance enhancements to Nokeon, AES, GCM, and
    - Support for ecoding/decoding McElieceCCA2 keys has been added
      to the PQC API
    - BCJSSE: Added support for jdk.tls.maxCertificateChainLength
      system property (default is 10).
    - BCJSSE: Added support for jdk.tls.maxHandshakeMessageSize
      system property (default is 32768).
    - BCJSSE: Added support for jdk.tls.client.enableCAExtension
      (default is 'false').
    - BCJSSE: Added support for jdk.tls.client.cipherSuites system
    - BCJSSE: Added support for jdk.tls.server.cipherSuites system
    - BCJSSE: Extended ALPN support via standard JSSE API to JDK 8
      versions after u251/u252.
    - BCJSSE: Key managers now support EC credentials for use with
      TLS 1.3 ECDSA signature schemes (including brainpool).
    - TLS: Add TLS 1.3 support for brainpool curves per RFC 8734.
  * Notes
    - There is a small API change in the PKIX package to the
      DigestAlgorithmIdentifierFinder interface as a find() method
      that takes an ASN1ObjectIdentifier has been added to it. For
      people wishing to extend their own implementations, see
      DefaultDigestAlgorithmIdentifierFinder for a sample
    - A version of the bcmail API supporting Jakarta Mail has now
      been added (see bcjmail jar).
    - Some work has been done on moving out code that does not need
      to be in the provider jar. This has reduced the size of the
      provider jar and should also make it easier for developers to
      patch the classes involved as they no longer need to be
      signed. bcpkix and bctls are both dependent on the new bcutil
- Add build dependencies on
  mvn(jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api) and
- Remove unneeded script from sources

2022-04-23 08:04:44 +00:00

872 lines
44 KiB

Fri Apr 22 21:24:48 UTC 2022 - Anton Shvetz <>
- Version update to 1.71
* Defects Fixed
- In line with GPG the PGP API now attempts to preserve
comments containing non-ascii UTF8 characters.
- An accidental partial dependency on Java 1.7 has been removed
from the TLS API.
- JcaPKIXIdentityBuilder would fail to process File objects
correctly. This is now fixed.
- Some byte[] parameters to the CMP API were not being
defensively cloned to prevent accidental changes. Extra
defensive cloning has been added.
- CMS primitives would sometimes convert ASN.1 definite-length
encodings into indefinite-length encodings. The primitives
will now try and preserve the original encoding where possible.
- CMSSignedData.getAttributeCertificates() now properly
restricts the tag values checked to just 1 (the obsolete
v1 tag) and 2 (for the more current v2 certificates).
- BCJSSE now tries to validate a custom KeyManager selection
in order to catch errors around a key manager ignoring
key type early.
- Compressed streams in PGP ending with zero length partial
packets could cause failure on parsing the OpenPGP API.
This has been fixed.
- The fallback mode for JceAsymmetricKeyWrapper/Unwrapper
would lose track of any algorithm parameters generated
in the initial attempt. The algorithm parameters are now
- An accidental regression introduced by a fix for another
issue in PKIXCertPathReviewer around use of the
AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension and it failing to match
a certificate uniquely when the serial number field
is missing has been fixed.
- An error was found in the creation of TLS 1.3 Export Keying
Material which could cause compatibility issues. This has
been fixed.
* Additional Features and Functionality
- Support has been added for OpenPGP regular expression
signature packets.
- Support has been added for OpenPGP PolicyURI signature
- A utility method has been added to PGPSecretKeyRing to allow
for inserting or replacing a PGPPublicKey.
- The NIST PQC Finalist, Classic McEliece has been added to the
low level API and the BCPQC provider.
- The NIST PQC Alternate Candidate, SPHINCS+ has been added to
the BCPQC provider.
- The NIST PQC Alternate Candidate, FrodoKEM has been added to
the low level API and the BCPQC provider.
- The NIST PQC Finalist, SABER has been added to the low level
API and the BCPQC provider.
- KMAC128, KMAC256 has been added to the BC provider (empty
customization string).
- TupleHash128, TupleHash256 has been added to the BC provider
(empty customization string).
- ParallelHash128, ParallelHash256 has been added to the BC
provider (empty customization string, block size 1024 bits).
- Two new properties: "org.bouncycastle.rsa.max_size" (default
15360) and "" (default 1042)
have been added to cap the maximum size of RSA and EC keys.
- RSA modulus are now checked to be provably composite using
the enhanced MR probable prime test.
- Imported EC Fp basis values are now validated against the MR
prime number test before use. The certainty level of the
prime test can be determined by
"" (default 100).
- The BC entropy thread now has a specific name:
- Utility methods have been added for joining/merging PGP
public keys and signatures.
- Blake3-256 has been added to the BC provider.
- DTLS: optimisation to delayed handshake hash.
- Further additions to the ETSI 102 941 support in the ETSI/ITS
package: certification request, signed message generation and
verification now supported.
- CMSSignedDataGenerator now supports the direct generation of
definite-length data.
- The NetscapeCertType class now has a hasUsages() method on it
for querying usage settings on its bit string.
- Support for additional input has been added for deterministic
- The OpenPGP API provides better support for subkey
- BCJSSE: Added boolean system properties
"org.bouncycastle.jsse.client.dh.disableDefaultSuites" and
Default "false". Set to "true" to disable inclusion of DH
cipher suites in the default cipher suites for client/server
* Notes
- The deprecated QTESLA implementation has been removed from
the BCPQC provider.
- The submission update to SPHINCS+ has been added. This
changes the generation of signatures - particularly
deterministic ones.
- Version update to 1.70
* Defects Fixed
- Blake 3 output limit is enforced.
- The PKCS12 KeyStore was relying on default precedence for its
key Cipher implementation so was sometimes failing if used
from the keytool. The KeyStore class now makes sure it uses
the correct Cipher implementation.
- Fixed bzip2 compression for empty contents (GH #993).
- ASN.1: More robust handling of high tag numbers and
definite-length forms.
- BCJSSE: Fix a concurrent modification issue in session
contexts (GH#968).
- BCJSSE: Don't log sensitive system property values (GH#976).
- BCJSSE: Fixed a priority issue amongst imperfect-match
credentials in KeyManager classes.
- The IES AlgorithmParameters object has been re-written to
properly support all the variations of IESParameterSpec.
- getOutputSize() for ECIES has been corrected to avoid
occassional underestimates.
- The lack of close() in the ASN.1 Dump command line utility
was triggering false positives in some code analysis tools. A
close() call has been added.
- PGPPublicKey.getBitStrength() now properly recognises EdDSA
* Additional Features and Functionality
- Missing PGP CRC checksums can now be optionally ignored using
setDetectMissingCRC() (default false) on ArmoredInputStream.
- PGPSecretKey.copyWithNewPassword() now has a variant which
uses USAGE_SHA1 for key protection if a PGPDigestCalculator
is passed in.
- PGP ASCII armored data now skips "\t", "\v", and "\f".
- PKCS12 files with duplicate localKeyId attributes on
certificates will now have the incorrect attributes filtered
out, rather than the duplicate causing an exception.
- PGPObjectFactory will now ignore packets representing
unrecognised signature versions in the input stream.
- The X.509 extension generator will now accumulate some
duplicate X.509 extensions into a single extension where it
is possible to do so.
- Removed support for maxXofLen in Kangaroo digest.
- Ignore marker packets in PGP Public and Secret key ring
- An implementation of LEA has been added to the low-level API.
- Access, recovery, and direct use for PGP session keys has
been added to the OpenPGP API for processing encrypted data.
- A PGPCanonicalizedDataGenerator has been added which converts
input into canonicalized literal data for text and UTF-8
- A getUserKeyingMaterial() method has been added to the
KeyAgreeRecipientInformation class.
- ASN.1: Tagged objects (and parsers) now support all tag
classes. Special code for ApplicationSpecific has been
deprecated and re-implemented in terms of TaggedObject.
- ASN.1: Improved support for nested tagging.
- ASN.1: Added support for GraphicString, ObjectDescriptor,
- ASN.1: Added support for constructed BitString encodings,
including efficient parsing for large values.
- TLS: Added support for external PSK handshakes.
- TLS: Check policy restrictions on key size when determining
cipher suite support.
- A performance issue in KeccakDigest due to left over debug
code has been identified and dealt with.
- BKS key stores can now be used for collecting protected keys
(note: any attempt to store such a store will cause an
- A method for recovering user keying material has been added
to KeyAgreeRecipientInformation.
- Support has been added to the CMS API for SHA-3 based
- The low level BcDefaultDigestProvider now supports the SHAKE
family of algorithms and the SM3 alogirthm.
- PGPKeyRingGenerator now supports creation of key-rings with
direct-key identified keys.
- The PQC NIST candidate, signature algorithm SPHINCS+ has been
added to the low-level API.
- ArmoredInputStream now explicitly checks for a '\n' if in
crLF mode.
- Direct support for NotationDataOccurances, Exportable,
Revocable, IntendedRecipientFingerPrints, and AEAD algorithm
preferences has been added to PGPSignatureSubpacketVector.
- Further support has been added for keys described using
S-Expressions in GPG 2.2.X.
- Support for OpenPGP Session Keys from the (draft) Stateless
OpenPGP CLI has been added.
- Additional checks have been added for PGP marker packets in
the parsing of PGP objects.
- A CMSSignedData.addDigestAlgorithm() has been added to allow
for adding additional digest algorithm identifiers to CMS
SignedData structures when required.
- Support has been added to CMS for the LMS/HSS signature
- The system property
(default false) has been added for dealing with SNI problems
related to the host name not being propagate by the JVM.
- The JcePKCSPBEOutputEncryptorBuilder now supports SCRYPT with
ciphers that do not have algorithm parameters (e.g. AESKWP).
- Support is now added for certificates using ETSI TS 103 097,
"Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)" in the bcpkix package.
* Notes.
- While this release should maintain source code compatibility,
developers making use of some parts of the ASN.1 library will
find that some classes need recompiling. Apologies for the
- Version update to 1.69
* Defects Fixed
- Lightweight and JCA conversion of Ed25519 keys in the PGP API
could drop the leading byte as it was zero. This has been
- Marker packets appearing at the start of PGP public key rings
could cause parsing failure. This has been fixed.
- ESTService could fail for some valid Content-Type headers.
This has been fixed.
- Originator key algorithm parameters were being passed as NULL
in key agreement recipients. The parameters now reflect the
value of the parameters in the key's SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
- ContentType on encapsulated data was not been passed through
correctly for authenticated and enveloped data. This has been
- NTRUEncryptionParameters and
NTRUEncryptionKeyGenerationParameters were not correctly
cloning the contained message digest. This has been fixed.
- CertificateFactory.generateCertificates()/generateCRLs()
would throw an exception if extra data was found at the end
of a PEM file even if valid objects had been found. Extra
data is now ignored providing at least one object found.
- Internal class PKIXCRLUtil could throw a NullPointerException
for CRLs with an absent nextUpdate field. This has been
- PGP ArmoredInputStream now fails earlier on malformed
- The McElieceKobaraImaiCipher was randomly throwing "Bad
Padding: invalid ciphertext" exception while decrypting due
to leading zeroes been missed during processing of the cipher
text. This has been fixed.
- Ed25519 keys being passed in via OpenSSH key spec are now
validated in the KeyFactory.
- Blowfish keys are now range checked on cipher construction.
- In some cases PGPSecretKeyRing was failing to search its
extraPubKeys list when searching for public keys.
- The BasicConstraintsValidation class in the BC cert path
validation tools has improved conformance to RFC 5280.
- AlgorithmIdentifiers involving message digests now attempt to
follow the latest conventions for the parameters field
(basically DER NULL appears less).
- Fix various conversions and interoperability for XDH and
EdDSA between BC and SunEC providers.
- TLS: Prevent attempts to use KeyUpdate mechanism in versions
before TLS 1.3.
* Additional Features and Functionality
- GCM-SIV has been added to the lightweight API and the
- Blake3 has been added to the lightweight API.
- The OpenSSL PEMParser can now be extended to add specialised
- Base32 encoding has now been added, the default alphabet is
from RFC 4648.
- The KangarooTwelve message digest has been added to the
lightweight API.
- An implementation of the two FPE algorithms, FF1 and FF3-1 in
SP 800-38G has been added to the lightweight API and the JCE
- An implementation of ParallelHash has been added to the
lightweight API.
- An implementation of TupleHash has been added to the
lightweight API.
- RSA-PSS now supports the use of SHAKE128 and SHAKE256 as the
mask generation function and digest.
- ECDSA now supports the use of SHAKE128 and SHAKE256.
- PGPPBEEncryptedData will now reset the stream if the initial
checksum fails so another password can be tried.
- Iterators on public and secret key ring collections in PGP
now reflect the original order of the public/secret key rings
they contain.
- KeyAgreeRecipientInformation now has a getOriginator() method
for retrieving the underlying orginator information.
- PGPSignature now has a getDigestPrefix() method for people
wanting exposure to the signature finger print details.
- The old BKS-V1 format keystore is now disabled by default. If
you need to use BKS-V1 for legacy reasons, it can be
re-enabled by adding: org.bouncycastle.bks.enable_v1=true to
the file. We would be interested in hearing
from anyone that needs to do this.
- PLAIN-ECDSA now supports the SHA3 digests.
- Some highlevel support for RFC 4998 ERS has been added for
ArchiveTimeStamp and EvidenceRecord. The new classes are in
the org.bouncycastle.tsp.ers package.
- ECIES has now also support SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512.
- digestAlgorithms filed in CMS SignedData now includes counter
signature digest algorithms where possible.
- A new property "org.bouncycastle.jsse.config" has been added
which can be used to configure the BCJSSE provider when it is
created using the no-args constructor.
- In line with changes in OpenSSL 1.1.0,
OpenSSLPBEParametersGenerator can now be configured with a
- PGPKeyRingGenerator now includes a method for adding a subkey
with a primary key binding signature.
- Support for ASN.1 PRIVATE tags has been added.
- Performance enhancements to Nokeon, AES, GCM, and
- Support for ecoding/decoding McElieceCCA2 keys has been added
to the PQC API
- BCJSSE: Added support for jdk.tls.maxCertificateChainLength
system property (default is 10).
- BCJSSE: Added support for jdk.tls.maxHandshakeMessageSize
system property (default is 32768).
- BCJSSE: Added support for jdk.tls.client.enableCAExtension
(default is 'false').
- BCJSSE: Added support for jdk.tls.client.cipherSuites system
- BCJSSE: Added support for jdk.tls.server.cipherSuites system
- BCJSSE: Extended ALPN support via standard JSSE API to JDK 8
versions after u251/u252.
- BCJSSE: Key managers now support EC credentials for use with
TLS 1.3 ECDSA signature schemes (including brainpool).
- TLS: Add TLS 1.3 support for brainpool curves per RFC 8734.
* Notes
- There is a small API change in the PKIX package to the
DigestAlgorithmIdentifierFinder interface as a find() method
that takes an ASN1ObjectIdentifier has been added to it. For
people wishing to extend their own implementations, see
DefaultDigestAlgorithmIdentifierFinder for a sample
- A version of the bcmail API supporting Jakarta Mail has now
been added (see bcjmail jar).
- Some work has been done on moving out code that does not need
to be in the provider jar. This has reduced the size of the
provider jar and should also make it easier for developers to
patch the classes involved as they no longer need to be
signed. bcpkix and bctls are both dependent on the new bcutil
- Add build dependencies on
mvn(jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api) and
- Remove unneeded script from sources
Wed Mar 30 10:27:18 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Build against the standalone JavaEE modules inconditionally
Fri Mar 18 18:47:50 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Build with source/target levels 8
Thu Mar 17 03:36:32 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Add glassfish-activation-api dependency so that we can build with
JDK that does not contain the JavaEE modules
Tue Jul 27 16:03:32 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Directory core/docs does not exist
Tue May 25 11:39:46 UTC 2021 - Pedro Monreal <>
- Add to get pom files from Maven repos
Wed Jan 13 09:44:54 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Version update to 1.68
* Defects Fixed:
- Some BigIntegers utility methods would fail for
BigInteger.ZERO. This has been fixed.
- PGPUtil.isKeyRing() was not detecting secret sub-keys in its
input. This has been fixed.
- The ASN.1 class, ArchiveTimeStamp was insisting on a value
for the optional reducedHashTree field. This has been fixed.
- BCJSSE: Lock against multiple writers - a possible
synchronization issue has been removed.
* Additional Features and Functionality
- BCJSSE: Added support for system property Note that we are using a
default value of 'true'.
- BCJSSE: 'TLSv1.3' is now a supported protocol for both client
and server. For this release it is only enabled by default for
the 'TLSv1.3' SSLContext, but can be explicitly enabled using
'setEnabledProtocols' on an SSLSocket or SSLEngine, or via
- BCJSSE: Session resumption is now also supported for servers
in TLS 1.2 and earlier. For this release it is disabled by
default, and can be enabled by setting the boolean system
property org.bouncycastle.jsse.server.enableSessionResumption
to 'true'.
- The provider RSA-PSS signature names that follow the JCA
naming convention.
- FIPS mode for the BCJSSE now enforces namedCurves for any
presented certificates.
- PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator now supports editing of a
pre-existing sub-packet list.
Mon Dec 21 10:54:33 UTC 2020 - Pedro Monreal <>
- Version update to 1.67 [bsc#1180215, CVE-2020-28052]
* CVE-2020-28052: OpenBSDBCrypt.checkPassword utility method
compared incorrect data when checking the password
* Defects Fixed:
- BCJSSE: SunJSSE compatibility fix - override of getChannel()
removed and 'urgent data' behaviour should now conform to
what the SunJSSE expects
- Nested BER data could sometimes cause issues in octet strings
- Certificates/CRLs with short signatures could cause an exception
in toString() in the BC X509 Certificate implmentation
- In line with latest changes in the JVM, SignatureSpis which
don't require parameters now return null on engineGetParameters()
- The RSA KeyFactory now always preferentially produces RSAPrivateCrtKey
where it can on requests for a KeySpec based on an RSAPrivateKey
- CMSTypedStream$FullReaderStream now handles zero length reads correctly
- Unecessary padding was added on KMAC when the key string was block aligned
- Zero length data would cause an unexpected exception from RFC5649WrapEngine
- OpenBSDBcrypt was failing to handle some valid prefixes
* Additional Features and Functionality
- Performance improvement of Argon2 and Noekeon
- A setSessionKeyObfuscation() method has been added to
PublicKeyKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator to allow turning off of session key
obfuscation (default is on, method primarily to get around early version
GPG issues with AES-128 keys)
- Implemented 'safegcd' constant-time modular inversion (as well as a
variable-time variant). It has replaced Fermat inversion in all our EC
code, and BigInteger.modInverse in several other places, particularly
signers. This improves side-channel protection, and also gives a
significant performance boost
- Performance of custom binary ECC curves and Edwards Curves has been improved
- BCJSSE: New boolean system property 'org.bouncycastle.jsse.keyManager.checkEKU'
allows to disable ExtendedKeyUsage restrictions when selecting credentials
(although the peer may still complain)
- Initial support has been added for "Composite Keys and Signatures For Use
In Internet PKI" using the test OID. Please note there will be further
refinements to this as the draft is standardised
- The BC EdDSA signature API now supports keys implementing all methods on
the EdECKey and XECKey interfaces directly
- Work has begun on classes to support the ETSI TS 103 097, Intelligent
Transport Systems (ITS) in the bcpkix package
- Further optimization work has been done on GCM
- A NewHope based processor, similar to the one for Key Agreement has been
added for trying to "quantum hard" KEM algorithms
- PGP clear signed signatures now support SHA-224
- Treating absent vs NULL as equivalent can now be configured by a system
property. By default this is not enabled
- Mode name checks in Cipher strings should now make sure an improper mode
name always results in a NoSuchAlgorithmException
- In line with changes in OpenSSL, the OpenSSLPBKDF now uses UTF8 encoding
Tue Jul 28 18:50:39 UTC 2020 - Pedro Monreal <>
- Version update to 1.66 [bsc#1186328, CVE-2020-15522]
* Defects Fixed:
- EdDSA verifiers now reset correctly after rejecting overly long signatures.
- BCJSSE: SSLSession.getPeerCertificateChain could throw NullPointerException.
- qTESLA-I verifier would reject some valid signatures.
- qTESLA verifiers now reject overly long signatures.
- PGP regression caused failure to preserve existing version header when
headers were reset.
- PKIXNameConstraintValidator had a bad cast preventing use of multiple
OtherName constraints.
- Serialisation of the non-CRT RSA Private Key could cause a NullPointerException.
- An extra 4 bytes was included in the start of HSS public key encodings.
- CMS with Ed448 using a direct signature was using id-shake256-len
rather than id-shake256.
- Use of GCMParameterSpec could cause an AccessControlException under
some circumstances.
- DTLS: Fixed high-latency HelloVerifyRequest handshakes.
- An encoding bug for rightEncoded() in KMAC has been fixed.
- For a few values the cSHAKE implementation would add unnecessary pad bytes
where the N and S strings produced encoded data that was block aligned.
- There were a few circumstances where Argon2BytesGenerator might hit an
unexpected null. These have been removed.
* Additional Features and Functionality
- The qTESLA signature algorithm has been updated to v2.8 (20191108).
- BCJSSE: Client-side OCSP stapling now supports status_request_v2 extension.
- Support has been added for "ocsp.enable", "ocsp.responderURL" and
PKIXRevocationChecker for users of Java 8 and later.
- Support has been added for "org.bouncycastle.x509.enableCRLDP" to the PKIX validator.
- BCJSSE: Now supports system property 'jsse.enableFFDHE'
- BCJSSE: Now supports system properties 'jdk.tls.client.SignatureSchemes'
and 'jdk.tls.server.SignatureSchemes'.
- Multi-release support has been added for Java 11 XECKeys.
- Multi-release support has been added for Java 15 EdECKeys.
- The MiscPEMGenerator will now output general PrivateKeyInfo structures.
- A new property "org.bouncycastle.pkcs8.v1_info_only" has been added to
make the provider only produce version 1 PKCS8 PrivateKeyInfo structures.
- The PKIX CertPathBuilder will now take the target certificate from the target
constraints if a specific certificate is given to the selector.
- BCJSSE: A range of ARIA and CAMELLIA cipher suites added to supported list.
- BCJSSE: Now supports the PSS signature schemes from RFC 8446 (TLS 1.2 onwards).
- Performance of the Base64 encoder has been improved.
- The PGPPublicKey class will now include direct key signatures when checking
for key expiry times.
- The qTESLA update breaks compatibility with previous versions.
Private keys now include a hash of the public key at the end,
and signatures are no longer interoperable with previous versions.
Wed Apr 29 09:28:03 UTC 2020 - Pedro Monreal Gonzalez <>
- Version update to 1.65
* Defects Fixed:
- DLExternal would encode using DER encoding for tagged SETs.
- ChaCha20Poly1305 could fail for large (>~2GB) files.
- ChaCha20Poly1305 could fail for small updates when used via the provider.
- Properties.getPropertyValue could ignore system property when other
local overrides set.
- The entropy gathering thread was not running in daemon mode, meaning there
could be a delay in an application shutting down due to it.
- A recent change in Java 11 could cause an exception with the BC Provider's
implementation of PSS.
- BCJSSE: TrustManager now tolerates having no trusted certificates.
- BCJSSE: Choice of credentials and signing algorithm now respect the peer's
signature_algorithms extension properly.
- BCJSSE: KeyManager for KeyStoreBuilderParameters no longer leaks memory.
* Additional Features and Functionality:
- LMS and HSS (RFC 8554) support has been added to the low level library and
the PQC provider.
- SipHash128 support has been added to the low level library and the JCE provider.
- BCJSSE: BC API now supports explicitly specifying the session to resume.
- BCJSSE: Ed25519, Ed448 are now supported when TLS 1.2 or higher is
negotiated (except in FIPS mode).
- BCJSSE: Added support for extended_master_secret system properties:
jdk.tls.allowLegacyMasterSecret, jdk.tls.allowLegacyResumption,
jdk.tls.useExtendedMasterSecret .
- BCJSSE: Ed25519, Ed448 are now supported when TLS 1.2 or higher is
negotiated (except in FIPS mode).
- BCJSSE: KeyManager and TrustManager now check algorithm constraints for
keys and certificate chains.
- BCJSSE: KeyManager selection of server credentials now prefers matching
SNI hostname (if any).
- BCJSSE: KeyManager may now fallback to imperfect credentials (expired,
SNI mismatch).
- BCJSSE: Client-side OCSP stapling support (beta version: via status_request
extension only, provides jdk.tls.client.enableStatusRequestExtension, and
requires CertPathBuilder support).
- TLS: DSA in JcaTlsCrypto now falls back to stream signing to work around
NoneWithDSA limitations in default provider.
Wed Mar 25 13:17:01 UTC 2020 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Added patch:
* bouncycastle-osgi.patch
+ Add OSGi manifests to the distributed jars so that they can
be used from eclipse
Wed Nov 6 18:11:54 UTC 2019 - Pedro Monreal Gonzalez <>
- Fix arch dependent macros in noarch package [bsc#1109539]
Sat Oct 12 17:27:09 UTC 2019 - Pedro Monreal Gonzalez <>
- Update pom files with those from Maven repository.
Thu Oct 10 16:29:27 UTC 2019 - Pedro Monreal Gonzalez <>
- Version update to 1.64 [bsc#1153385, CVE-2019-17359]
[bsc#1096291, CVE-2018-1000180][bsc#1100694, CVE-2018-1000613]
* Security Advisory:
- CVE-2019-17359: A change to the ASN.1 parser in 1.63 introduced
a regression that can cause an OutOfMemoryError to occur on
parsing ASN.1 data.
* Defects Fixed:
- OpenSSH: Fixed padding in generated Ed25519 private keys.
- GOST3410-2012-512 now uses the GOST3411-2012-256 as its KDF digest.
- Validation of headers in PemReader now looks for tailing dashes in header.
- Some compatibility issues around the signature encryption algorithm
field in CMS SignedData and the GOST algorithms have been addressed.
* Additional Features and Functionality:
- PKCS12 key stores containing only certificates can now be created
without the need to provide passwords.
- BCJSSE: Initial support for AlgorithmConstraints; protocol versions
and cipher suites.
- BCJSSE: Initial support for 'jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms'; protocol
versions and cipher suites.
- BCJSSE: Add SecurityManager check to access session context.
- BCJSSE: Improved SunJSSE compatibility of the NULL_SESSION.
- BCJSSE: SSLContext algorithms updated for SunJSSE compatibility
(default enabled protocols).
- The digest functions Haraka-256 and Haraka-512 have been added to
the provider and the light-weight API
- XMSS/XMSS^MT key management now allows for allocating subsets of the
private key space using the extraKeyShard() method. Use of
StateAwareSignature is now deprecated.
- Support for Java 11's NamedParameterSpec class has been added
(using reflection) to the EC and EdEC KeyPairGenerator implementations.
Thu Oct 10 16:22:11 UTC 2019 - Pedro Monreal Gonzalez <>
- Version update to 1.63
* Defects Fixed:
- The ASN.1 parser would throw a large object exception for some objects
which could be safely parsed.
- GOST3412-2015 CTR mode was unusable at the JCE level.
- The DSTU MACs were failing to reset fully on doFinal().
- The DSTU MACs would throw an exception if the key was a multiple of the
size as the MAC's underlying buffer size.
- EdEC and QTESLA were not previously usable with the post Java 9 module structure.
- ECNR was not correctly bounds checking the input and could produce invalid signatures.
- ASN.1: Enforce no leading zeroes in OID branches (longer than 1 character).
- TLS: Fix X448 support in JcaTlsCrypto.
- Fixed field reduction for secp128r1 custom curve.
- Fixed unsigned multiplications in X448 field squaring.
- Some issues over subset Name Constraint validation in the CertPath analyser
- TimeStampResponse.getEncoded() could throw an exception if the TimeStampToken was null.
- Unnecessary memory usage in the ARGON2 implementation has been removed.
- Param-Z in the GOST-28147 algorithm was not resolving correctly.
- It is now possible to specify different S-Box parameters for the GOST 28147-89 MAC.
* Additional Features and Functionality:
- QTESLA is now updated with the round 2 changes. Note: the security catergories,
and in some cases key generation and signatures, have changed. The round 1 version is
now moved to org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.qteslarnd1, this package will be deleted in
1.64. Please keep in mind that QTESLA may continue to evolve.
- Support has been added for generating Ed25519/Ed448 signed certificates.
- A method for recovering the message/digest value from an ECNR signature has been added.
- Support for the ZUC-128 and ZUC-256 ciphers and MACs has been added to the provider
and the lightweight API.
- Support has been added for ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD mode from RFC 7539.
- Improved performance for multiple ECDSA verifications using same public key.
- Support for PBKDF2withHmacSM3 has been added to the BC provider.
- The S/MIME API has been fixed to avoid unnecessary delays due to DNS resolution of a
hosts name in internal MimeMessage preparation.
- The valid path for EST services has been updated to cope with the characters used in
the Aruba clearpass EST implementation.
- Version update to 1.62
* Defects Fixed:
- DTLS: Fixed infinite loop on IO exceptions.
- DTLS: Retransmission timers now properly apply to flights monolithically.
- BCJSSE: setEnabledCipherSuites ignores unsupported cipher suites.
- BCJSSE: SSLSocket implementations store passed-in 'host' before connecting.
- BCJSSE: Handle SSLEngine closure prior to handshake.
- BCJSSE: Provider now configurable using security config under Java 11 and later.
- EdDSA verifiers now reject overly long signatures.
- XMSS/XMSS^MT OIDs now using the values defined in RFC 8391.
- XMSS/XMSS^MT keys now encoded with OID at start.
- An error causing valid paths to be rejected due to DN based name constraints
has been fixed in the CertPath API.
- Name constraint resolution now includes special handling of serial numbers.
- Cipher implementations now handle ByteBuffer usage where the ByteBuffer has
no backing array.
- CertificateFactory now enforces presence of PEM headers when required.
- A performance issue with RSA key pair generation that was introduced in 1.61
has been mostly eliminated.
* Additional Features and Functionality:
- Builders for X509 certificates and CRLs now support replace and remove extension methods.
- DTLS: Added server-side support for HelloVerifyRequest.
- DTLS: Added support for an overall handshake timeout.
- DTLS: Added support for the heartbeat extension (RFC 6520).
- DTLS: Improve record seq. behaviour in HelloVerifyRequest scenarios.
- TLS: BasicTlsPSKIdentity now reusable (returns cloned array from getPSK).
- BCJSSE: Improved ALPN support, including selectors from Java 9.
- Lightweight RSADigestSigner now support use of NullDigest.
- SM2Engine now supports C1C3C2 mode.
- SHA256withSM2 now added to provider.
- BCJSSE: Added support for ALPN selectors (including in BC extension API for earlier JDKs).
- BCJSSE: Support 'SSL' algorithm for SSLContext (alias for 'TLS').
- The BLAKE2xs XOF has been added to the lightweight API.
- Utility classes added to support journaling of SecureRandom and algorithms to allow
persistance and later resumption.
- PGP SexprParser now handles some unprotected key types.
- NONEwithRSA support added to lightweight RSADigestSigner.
- Support for the Ethereum flavor of IES has been added to the lightweight API.
- Version update to 1.61
* Defects Fixed:
- Use of EC named curves could be lost if keys were constructed.
via a key factory and algorithm parameters.
- RFC3211WrapEngine would not properly handle messages longer than 127 bytes.
- The JCE implementations for RFC3211 would not return null AlgorithmParameters.
- TLS: Don't check CCS status for hello_request.
- TLS: Tolerate unrecognized hash algorithms.
- TLS: Tolerate unrecognized SNI types.
- Incompatibility issue in ECIES-KEM encryption in cofactor fixed.
- Issue with XMSS/XMSSMT private key loading which could result in invalid signatures fixed.
- StateAwareSignature.isSigningCapable() now returns false when the
key has reached it's maximum number of signatures.
- The McEliece KeyPairGenerator was failing to initialize the underlying
class if a SecureRandom was explicitly passed.
- The McEliece cipher would sometimes report the wrong value on a call
to Cipher.getOutputSize(int).
- CSHAKEDigest.leftEncode() was using the wrong endianness for multi byte values.
- Some ciphers, such as CAST6, were missing AlgorithmParameters implementations.
- An issue with the default "m" parameter for 1024 bit Diffie-Hellman keys which
could result in an exception on key pair generation has been fixed.
- The SPHINCS256 implementation is now more tolerant of parameters wrapped with a
SecureRandom and will not throw an exception if it receives one.
- A regression in PGPUtil.writeFileToLiteralData() which could cause corrupted
literal data has been fixed.
- Several parsing issues related to the processing of CMP PKIPublicationInfo.
- The ECGOST curves for id-tc26-gost-3410-12-256-paramSetA and
id-tc26-gost-3410-12-512-paramSetC had incorrect co-factors.
* Additional Features and Functionality:
- The qTESLA signature algorithm has been added to PQC light-weight API and the PQC provider.
- The password hashing function, Argon2 has been added to the lightweight API.
- BCJSSE: Added support for endpoint ID validation (HTTPS, LDAP, LDAPS).
- BCJSSE: Added support for 'useCipherSuitesOrder' parameter.
- BCJSSE: Added support for ALPN.
- BCJSSE: Various changes for improved compatibility with SunJSSE.
- BCJSSE: Provide default extended key/trust managers.
- TLS: Added support for TLS 1.2 features from RFC 8446.
- TLS: Removed support for EC point compression.
- TLS: Removed support for record compression.
- TLS: Updated to RFC 7627 from draft-ietf-tls-session-hash-04.
- TLS: Improved certificate sig. alg. checks.
- TLS: Finalised support for RFC 8442 cipher suites.
- Support has been added to the main Provider for the Ed25519 and Ed448 signature algorithms.
- Support has been added to the main Provider for the X25519 and X448 key agreement algorithms.
- Utility classes have been added for handling OpenSSH keys.
- Support for processing messages built using GPG and Curve25519 has been added to the OpenPGP API.
- The provider now recognises the standard SM3 OID.
- A new API for directly parsing and creating S/MIME documents has been added to the PKIX API.
- SM2 in public key cipher mode has been added to the provider API.
- The BCFKSLoadStoreParameter has been extended to allow the use of certificates and digital
signatures for verifying the integrity of BCFKS key stores.
Tue Sep 24 14:35:32 UTC 2019 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Package also the bcpkix bcpg bcmail bctls artifacts in separate
- Revert to building with source/target 6, since it is still
- Added patch:
* bouncycastle-javadoc.patch
+ fix javadoc build
Thu Jul 19 10:24:12 UTC 2018 -
- Version update to 1.60 bsc#1100694:
* CVE-2018-1000613 Use of Externally-ControlledInput to Select Classes or Code
* CVE-2018-1000180: issue around primality tests for RSA key pair generation
if done using only the low-level API [bsc#1096291]
* Release notes:
Mon Jun 11 12:32:43 UTC 2018 -
- Version update to 1.59:
* CVE-2017-13098: Fix against Bleichenbacher oracle when not
using the lightweight APIs (boo#1072697).
* CVE-2016-1000338: Fix DSA ASN.1 validation during encoding of
signature on verification (boo#1095722).
* CVE-2016-1000339: Fix AESEngine key information leak via lookup
table accesses (boo#1095853).
* CVE-2016-1000340: Fix carry propagation bugs in the
implementation of squaring for several raw math classes
* CVE-2016-1000341: Fix DSA signature generation vulnerability to
timing attack (boo#1095852).
* CVE-2016-1000342: Fix ECDSA ASN.1 validation during encoding of
signature on verification (boo#1095850).
* CVE-2016-1000343: Fix week default settings for private DSA key
pair generation (boo#1095849).
* CVE-2016-1000344: Remove DHIES from the provider to disable the
unsafe usage of ECB mode (boo#1096026).
* CVE-2016-1000345: Fix DHIES/ECIES CBC mode padding oracle
attack (boo#1096025).
* CVE-2016-1000346: Fix other party DH public key validation
* CVE-2016-1000352: Remove ECIES from the provider to disable the
unsafe usage of ECB mode (boo#1096022).
* Release notes:
- Removed patch:
* ambiguous-reseed.patch
Tue May 15 17:44:49 UTC 2018 -
- Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal
of 1.6 compatibility
Fri Sep 15 07:25:45 UTC 2017 -
- Version update to 1.58
- Added patch:
* ambiguous-reseed.patch
+ Upstream fix for an ambiguous overload
Thu Sep 7 13:04:44 UTC 2017 -
- Set java source and target to 1.6 to allow building with jdk9
Fri May 19 10:17:53 UTC 2017 -
- New build dependency: javapackages-local
- Fixed requires
- Spec file cleaned
Sat Feb 20 08:34:39 UTC 2016 -
- Version update to 1.54:
* No obvious changelog to be found
* Fixes bnc#967521 CVE-2015-7575
Fri Oct 23 08:47:46 UTC 2015 -
- Version update to 1.53 (latest upstream)
* No obvious changelog
* Fixes bnc#951727 CVE-2015-7940
Wed Mar 18 09:46:03 UTC 2015 -
- Fix build with new javapackages-tools
Fri Feb 20 09:55:46 UTC 2015 -
- Disable tests on obs as they hang
Tue Feb 10 12:29:43 UTC 2015 -
- Version bump to 1.50 to match Fedora
- Cleanup with spec-cleaner
Mon Jul 7 14:57:54 UTC 2014 -
- Depend on junit not junit4
Thu May 15 15:29:26 UTC 2014 -
- disable bytecode check on sle_11
Thu Nov 14 11:45:43 UTC 2013 -
- Don't own /etc/java/security to not clash with javapackages-tools
- Don't mark random files as config
Mon Sep 9 11:05:33 UTC 2013 -
- Move from jpackage-utils to javapackage-tools
Wed Aug 28 08:25:18 UTC 2013 -
- use add_maven_depmap from recent javapackages-tools
- temporary mozilla-nss to BT: in order to pass a tests
Fri May 18 12:39:28 UTC 2012 -
- bumb target to 1.6
Mon Jan 16 14:19:33 UTC 2012 -
- Initial packaging for SUSE
from Fedora's bouncycastle 1.46