- Update to version 3.7.10: * Improved handling of profiling options. ccache should now work correctly for profiling options like -fprofile-{generate,use}[=path] for GCC ≥ 9 and Clang as well as -fauto-profile[=path] and the Clang-specific -fprofile-instr-{generate,use}[=path] and -fprofile-sample-{use,accurate} options. * ccache now copies files directly from the cache to the destination file instead of via a temporary file. This avoids problems when using filenames long enough to be near the file system’s filename max limit. * When the hard-link mode is enabled, ccache now only uses hard links for object files, not other files like dependency files. This is because compilers unlink object files before writing to them but they don’t do that for dependency files, so the latter can become overwritten and therefore corrupted in the cache. * Fixed a glitch related to hard-link mode and an empty cache. * ccache now supports the ccache.conf file to be a symlink. * Temporary files are now deleted immediately on signals like SIGTERM and SIGINT instead of some time later in a cleanup phase. * Fixed a bug that affected ccache’s -o/--set-config option for the base_dir and cache_dir_levels keys. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/821771 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:tools:building/ccache?expand=0&rev=94
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