#!/bin/bash # # checkin.sh # # This script automates generation of a new tarball and spec file from a # git clone or repo+branch combination for the "ceph" package in OBS. # set -x BASEDIR=$(pwd) function usage { set +x echo "Usage:" echo " ${0} [-h,--help] [-e,--existing CLONE]" echo " [-r,--repo REPO] [-b,--branch BRANCH]" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " --existing Use existing ceph clone CLONE" echo " --repo Make a fresh clone of ceph repo REPO" echo " --branch Use branch BRANCH with fresh clone" echo "" echo "Notes:" echo " If existing clone is given, repo and branch are ignored." echo " Repo defaults to https://github.com/SUSE/ceph.git" echo " Branch defaults to ses7p" exit 1 } function _error_exit { echo >&2 $1 exit $2 } function _check_ceph_clone { local OPT="$1" if [ -z "$OPT" ] ; then _error_exit "Empty string sent to internal function _check_ceph_clone" fi if [ -e "$OPT/make-dist" ] ; then echo "$OPT looks like a ceph clone; using it" else _error_exit "$OPT does not appear to be a ceph clone" 1 fi } function _verify_git_describe { git describe --match 'v*' echo "Does this version number looks sane? y/[N]" read a if [ "x$a" != "xy" ] ; then _error_exit "Aborting!" 1 fi } GETOPT=$(getopt -o b:e:hr: --long "branch:,existing:,help,repo:" \ -n 'checkin.sh' -- "$@") test "$?" -eq 0 || _error_exit "Terminating..." 1 eval set -- "$GETOPT" EXISTING="" REPO="https://github.com/SUSE/ceph.git" BRANCH="ses7p" while true ; do case "$1" in -b|--branch) BRANCH="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -e|--existing) EXISTING="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -h|--help) usage ;; # does not return -r|--repo) REPO="$2" ; shift 2 ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) echo "Internal error" ; exit 1 ;; esac done if [ -n "$EXISTING" ] ; then if [ ! -d "$EXISTING" ] ; then _error_exit "Alleged directory ->$EXISTING<- is not a directory" 1 fi if [ ! -r "$EXISTING" ] ; then _error_exit "I cannot read directory ->$EXISTING<-" 1 fi if [ ! -w "$EXISTING" ] ; then _error_exit "I cannot write to directory ->$EXISTING<-" 1 fi if [ ! -x "$EXISTING" ] ; then _error_exit "I cannot cd to directory ->$EXISTING<-" 1 fi CLONE="$EXISTING" else echo "Will make fresh clone of repo ->$REPO<- branch ->$BRANCH<-" # TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir=$BASEDIR) # does not work due to http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/39556 TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) echo "Created temporary temporary $TMPDIR" git clone --progress --branch $BRANCH $REPO $TMPDIR CLONE="$TMPDIR" fi _check_ceph_clone "$CLONE" pushd $CLONE #_verify_git_describe if [ -z "$TMPDIR" ] ; then echo "Deleting stale tarballs from previous runs" rm -rf *.bz2 fi echo "Running make-dist inside clone" export DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_LANGS="ALL" ./make-dist popd echo "Running \"osc rm *bz2\" to nuke previous tarball" if type osc > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then osc rm *bz2 else _error_exit "osc not installed - cannot continue" 1 fi if stat --printf='' *.bz2 2>/dev/null ; then _error_exit "There are still files ending in bz2 in the current directory - clean up yourself!" 1 fi echo "Copying new spec file and tarball from $CLONE" cp $CLONE/ceph.spec $CLONE/ceph*bz2 . if [ -n "$TMPDIR" ] ; then echo "Nuking the clone" rm -rf $TMPDIR fi echo "Running \"osc add *bz2\" to register the new tarball" osc add *bz2 echo "Running pre_checkin.sh" if [ -f "pre_checkin.sh" ] ; then bash pre_checkin.sh else echo "WARNING: no pre_checkin.sh script found!" fi echo "Done! Run \"osc ci --noservice\" to commit."