+ fix issue mounting 'ephemeral0' if ephemeral0 was an alias for a partitioned block device with target filesystem on ephemeral0.1. (LP: #1236594) + fix DataSourceAzure incompatibility with 2.6 (LP: #1232175) + fix power_state_change config module so that example works. Improve its documentation and add reference to 'timeout' + support apt-add-archive with 'cloud-archive:' format. (LP: #1244355) + Change SmartOS verb for availability zone (LP: #1249124) + documentation fix for boothooks to use 'cloud-init-per' + fix resizefs module by supporting kernels that do not have /proc/PID/mountinfo. (LP: #1248625) [Tim Daly Jr.] + fix 'make rpm' by removing 0.6.4 entry from ChangeLog (LP: #1241834) + fix omnibus chef installer (LP: #1182265) [Chris Wing] + small fix for OVF datasource for iso transport on non-iso9660 filesystem + determine if upstart version is suitable for 'initctl reload-configuration' (LP: #1124384). If so, then invoke it. supports setting up instance-store disk with partition table and filesystem. + add Azure datasource. + add support for SuSE / SLES [Juerg Haefliger] + add a trailing carriage return to chpasswd input, which reportedly caused a problem on rhel5 if missing. + support individual MIME segments to be gzip compressed (LP: #1203203) + always finalize handlers even if processing failed (LP: #1203368) + support merging into cloud-config via jsonp. (LP: #1200476) + add datasource 'SmartOS' for Joyent Cloud. Adds a dependency on serial. + add 'log_time' helper to util for timing how long things take which also reads from uptime. uptime is useful as clock may change during boot due to ntp. + prefer growpart resizer to 'parted resizepart' (LP: #1212492) OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools/cloud-init?expand=0&rev=4
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Sat Jan 4 16:03:57 UTC 2014 - rschweikert@suse.com
- update to version 0.7.4
+ fix issue mounting 'ephemeral0' if ephemeral0 was an alias for a
partitioned block device with target filesystem on ephemeral0.1.
(LP: #1236594)
+ fix DataSourceAzure incompatibility with 2.6 (LP: #1232175)
+ fix power_state_change config module so that example works. Improve
its documentation and add reference to 'timeout'
+ support apt-add-archive with 'cloud-archive:' format. (LP: #1244355)
+ Change SmartOS verb for availability zone (LP: #1249124)
+ documentation fix for boothooks to use 'cloud-init-per'
+ fix resizefs module by supporting kernels that do not have
/proc/PID/mountinfo. (LP: #1248625) [Tim Daly Jr.]
+ fix 'make rpm' by removing 0.6.4 entry from ChangeLog (LP: #1241834)
+ fix omnibus chef installer (LP: #1182265) [Chris Wing]
+ small fix for OVF datasource for iso transport on non-iso9660 filesystem
+ determine if upstart version is suitable for
'initctl reload-configuration' (LP: #1124384). If so, then invoke it.
supports setting up instance-store disk with partition table and filesystem.
+ add Azure datasource.
+ add support for SuSE / SLES [Juerg Haefliger]
+ add a trailing carriage return to chpasswd input, which reportedly
caused a problem on rhel5 if missing.
+ support individual MIME segments to be gzip compressed (LP: #1203203)
+ always finalize handlers even if processing failed (LP: #1203368)
+ support merging into cloud-config via jsonp. (LP: #1200476)
+ add datasource 'SmartOS' for Joyent Cloud. Adds a dependency on serial.
+ add 'log_time' helper to util for timing how long things take
which also reads from uptime. uptime is useful as clock may change during
boot due to ntp.
+ prefer growpart resizer to 'parted resizepart' (LP: #1212492)
+ support random data seed from config drive or azure, and a module
'seed_random' to read that and write it to /dev/urandom.
+ add OpenNebula Datasource [Vlastimil Holer]
+ add 'cc_disk_setup' config module for paritioning disks and creating
filesystems. Useful if attached disks are not formatted (LP: #1218506)
+ Fix usage of libselinux-python when selinux is disabled. [Garrett Holmstrom]
+ multi_log: only write to /dev/console if it exists [Garrett Holmstrom]
+ config/cloud.cfg: add 'sudo' to list groups for the default user
(LP: #1228228)
+ documentation fix for use of 'mkpasswd' [Eric Nordlund]
+ respect /etc/growroot-disabled file (LP: #1234331)
- replace fixupSysVinit.patch with suseSysVInit.diff
+ sysV init files are now maintained by distribution, thus we need a patch
that has the complete sysV init files rather then modifying existing files
- remove slesHandler.patch
+ SLES support is now integrated upstream
- add addopenSUSEBase.diff
+ remnants of the slesHandler.patch that add information about openSUSE
- add setupSUSEsysVInit.diff
+ integrate the SUSE sysV init scripts into setup.py
Fri Aug 2 06:57:30 UTC 2013 - rschweikert@suse.com
- remove the "nofail" option for the ephemeral storage
+ when using nofail an attempt is made to mount the filesystem twice
once via udev and once through localfs, this results in a hanging
system if fsck needs to run on the device
Thu Jul 11 08:00:50 UTC 2013 - speilicke@suse.com
- Install service files into /lib/systemd/system on 12.2, the UsrMove
happened afterwards
Wed Jul 10 07:15:50 UTC 2013 - speilicke@suse.com
- Re-imported from IBS and some cleanup
- Package LICENSE
- Install service files to /usr/lib/systemd/system, not /etc/...
- Drop %py_requires, there are several autorequires for SLES and openSUSE
- Drop $all facility Required-Start in sysvinit/cloud-final
Wed Jun 26 15:41:24 UTC 2013 - bwiedemann@suse.com
- require python-boto >= 2.7 because it fails with 2.5.2
Wed Jun 26 13:07:41 UTC 2013 - rschweikert@suse.com
- fix stray character in patch introduced by previous changes
Wed Jun 26 12:37:10 UTC 2013 - rschweikert@suse.com
- fix zypper command in slesHandler, use non-interactive mode
Wed Jun 19 17:32:11 UTC 2013 - rschweikert@suse.com
- fix duplicate entry in the config w.r.t. ssh key generation
- fix distro indicator setting, sles vs. opensuse
Tue Jun 18 21:48:21 UTC 2013 - rschweikert@suse.com
- Integrate the sysV init script changes from Jens
Tue Jun 18 21:23:46 UTC 2013 - rschweikert@suse.com
- integrate changes from HP
+ update the sles handler, do not modify the util code integrate
routines directky into the sles handler
~ add patch slesHandler.patch
~ remove patch openSUSEHandler.diff
+ add python dependencies
~ python-argparse
~ python-configobj
~ python-oauth
+ update the cloud-init config file
Sat Jun 15 10:40:42 UTC 2013 - rschweikert@suse.com
- add the distro specific handler for openSUSE
+ patch openSUSEHandler.diff
- fix syntax in SLE handler
+ dict access uses [] not {}, duh
Fri Jun 14 00:57:18 UTC 2013 - rschweikert@suse.com
- add the distro specific handler for SLE
+ patch slesHandler.diff
Wed Jun 5 15:12:52 UTC 2013 - rschweikert@suse.com
- update to version 0.7.2, see Changelog in source for fixes
- use the upstream sysvinit and systemd files
- remove all previously created patches
+ drop-MAAS-datasource.diff
+ drop-python27-only-code.diff
+ drop-ubuntu-default-username.diff
+ relative-authorized-keys-file.diff
- create a doc and test package to reduce size of main package
- add patch (fixupSysVinit.patch) to fix the upstream sysvinit LSB headers
Mon May 6 14:50:17 UTC 2013 - jdsn@suse.de
- support relative path for authorized_keys file
backport fix from upstream version 0.7.1 (bnc#818306)
Wed Sep 19 12:42:07 UTC 2012 - jdsn@suse.de
- fix usage of patches for openSUSE builds
Thu Sep 13 16:44:26 UTC 2012 - jdsn@suse.de
- drop ubuntu as default user name
- disable ssh ecdsa host key creation on SLE11
Wed Sep 12 16:28:01 UTC 2012 - jdsn@suse.de
- replace python 2.7 code with 2.5 compliant code
Tue Sep 11 13:32:34 UTC 2012 - jdsn@suse.de
- drop debian specific checks (bnc#779553)
Mon Sep 10 14:32:27 UTC 2012 - jdsn@suse.com
- Add python-xml Requires that was missing (bnc#779588).
Fri Jul 20 13:04:01 UTC 2012 - jdsn@suse.com
- fix init script, use killproc for stop operation (bnc#771803)
Tue Jul 3 15:51:01 UTC 2012 - cthiel@suse.com
- change license to SPDX format
Wed Jun 27 09:34:01 UTC 2012 - jdsn@suse.de
- rename to cloud-init
- drop MAAS support to avoid oauth dependency