------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 26 16:25:34 UTC 2021 - jfehlig@suse.com - Update to version 1.29.0: * Document smartclone disable feature in markdown (#1571) * update cdi config docs (#1556) * Run bazelisk run //plugins/cmd/uploader:uploader -- -workspace /home/prow/go/src/github.com/kubevirt/project-infra/../containerized-data-importer/WORKSPACE -dry-run=false (#1569) * Reduce the noise from the filesystem overhead functionality (#1558) * VDDK: work with block devices better (BZ 1913756). (#1564) * Add a DV/PVC annotation "storage.bind.immediate.requested" (#1560) * Use nbdkit for direct stream for the http importer (#1508) * Text-only changes missed in removing the Process phase (#1446) (#1562) * Compare logs while ignoring differences in spaces. (#1557) * update api for cert configuration (#1542) * core: Preallocate blank image disks as well (#1555) * Preallocation check all paths (#1535) * Remove temporary approver status. * Change verbosity for preallocation messages, avoid possible infinite loop (#1551) * Add test ids to strict reconciliation tests (#1546) * VDDK: more reliable transfers of full disks. (#1547) * Stop Using Deprecated Packages (#1548) * Run bazelisk run //plugins/cmd/uploader:uploader -- -workspace /home/prow/go/src/github.com/kubevirt/project-infra/../containerized-data-importer/WORKSPACE -dry-run=false (#1543) * Preallocation support (#1498) * VDDK: incremental copy with changed block tracking (#1517) * Run bazelisk run //plugins/cmd/uploader:uploader -- -workspace /home/prow/go/src/github.com/kubevirt/project-infra/../containerized-data-importer/WORKSPACE -dry-run=false (#1536) * Add maya-r to approver list. * Simplify file host, now a new image only has to be added to bazel. (#1534) * Update fedora 33 (#1486) * Allow passing default multus network annotation to transfer pods (#1532) * Try updating the node taint in a loop (#1510) * Add an API for disabling smart-cloning. (#1461) * Read-only clone source pods (#1524) * Clone source program calls tar instead of getting piped input. This ensures we trap tar errors. (#1521) * Add strict reconciliation tests (#1505) * Allow specifying of the CONTAINER_DISK_IMAGE with a default of the current value. (#1515) * Designate CDI as CDIConfig authority (#1516) * Update builder to fedora 33 (#1511) * In the operator test there is a critical addons test that removes and (#1513) * Create a Datavolume if a coliding PVC with same name exists but is marked to delete (#1477) * Fix make target cluster-sync-cdi, add cluster-clean-cdi & cluster-clean-test-infra (#1503) * increase code coverage by moving utility functions from api packages (#1479) * Pass specific PVC annotations to the transfer pods (#1480) * Move configure_storage to test setup. (#1484) * Make sure the DV is the main resource and single source of truth for WaitForFirstConsumer. (#1499) * Controller support for Multistage Imports (#1450) * Pull less from dockerhub when running testsuite (#1478) * apiserver should serve up openapi spec (#1485) * VDDK: Add more debug logging around nbdkit. (#1465) * k8s-reporter: Add Endpoints logging (#1481) * Add CDIConfig to CDI (#1475) * Run bazelisk run //plugins/cmd/uploader:uploader -- -workspace /home/prow/go/src/github.com/fgimenez/project-infra/../../kubevirt/containerized-data-importer/WORKSPACE -dry-run=false * Wait for stray pods to terminate, destroy/re-create at AfterEach. (#1459) * Remove the "Process" data processor phase, simplify state machine. (#1446) * Scratch import bug (#1424) * Dump service resources after failed tests (#1463) * VDDK: replace qemu-img with libnbd (#1448) * update kubevirtci (#1457) * Update WORKSPACE packages to non-404 ones, and add a second mirror. (#1444) * Don't wait for NS to deleted in test before starting next test (#1439) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 27 17:11:40 UTC 2020 - James Fehlig <jfehlig@suse.com> - spec: Fix binary names for several CDI components ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 26 19:37:49 UTC 2020 - jfehlig@suse.com - Update to version 1.25.0: * Update builder image to add libnbd (#1452) * Add make targets cluster-sync-cdi & cluster-sync-test-infra (#1451) * Add library function to determine if a PVC is waiting for first consu… (#1442) * Add test_ids for the tests (#1441) * Retry upload in case upload pod wasn't 100% ready when attempting upload (#1440) * add finalizer to target PVC before creating clone source pod (#1429) * Make CDI infra deployments as critical addons. (#1361) * Fix cloning checking fsGroup test in case of use with OCS. (#1435) * Fix types.go vs code schema verification to actually fail if they are different. (#1428) * Add files used in OpenShift CI. (#1416) * Retry upload in case upload pod wasn't 100% ready when attempting upload (#1437) * Check for expected changes after CDI upgrade (#1417) * Files in tar archives can have paths relative to ./ (#1432) * Attempt to schedula clone sourc/target pods on same node (#1426) * Touch ups for filesystem overhead test cases (#1427) * Fix imports for images with no info about MediaType. (#1413) * Fix size mismatch between source and target in smart clone tests. Ceph no longer (#1421) * use snappy compression for cloning instead of gzip (#1419) * Update to k8s.io/klog/v2, used by kubernetes 1.19 (#1409) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 23 15:35:12 UTC 2020 - jfehlig@suse.com - Update to version 1.24.0: * add system:authorized to groups checked for clone auth (#1415) * Fixing CDIStatus generate-verify issues (#1412) * Reserve overhead when validating that a Filesystem has enough space (#1319) * Test behavior after client-side upload failure. (#1404) * Removed hard coded registry:5000 for vddk datasource test. (#1402) * Add library function to determine if a PVC has been populated fully. (#1400) * Remove dependency update when building the OR CI build image (#1386) * Add test_id for the test cases (#1398) * Fix incorrect region parsing from aws s3 endpoint (#1395) * Add functional test for cloning if source NS has enought quota and (#1387) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 23 15:27:46 UTC 2020 - James Fehlig <jfehlig@suse.com> - Initial attempt at packaging CDI