
963 lines
48 KiB
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Index: Csound5.18.02/SConstruct
--- Csound5.18.02.orig/SConstruct
+++ Csound5.18.02/SConstruct
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#J vim:syntax=python
-print '''
+print ('''
C S O U N D 5
SCons build file for Csound 5:
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ For MinGW, run in the MSys shell
and use www.python.org WIN32 Python to run scons.
For Microsoft Visual C++, run in the Platform SDK
command shell, and use www.python.org WIN32 Python to run scons.
import time
import glob
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def getPlatform():
-print "System platform is '" + getPlatform() + "'."
+print ("System platform is '" + getPlatform() + "'.")
# Create options that can be set from the command line.
@@ -326,10 +326,10 @@ elif getPlatform() == 'win32':
optionsFilename = 'custom-mingw.py'
if(not FindFile(optionsFilename, '.')):
- print "\n\n*************************************************"
- print "%s NOT FOUND, please copy one of the custom-***.py" % optionsFilename
- print "as %s and modify it to suit your system, if necessary" % optionsFilename
- print "*************************************************"
+ print ("\n\n*************************************************")
+ print ("%s NOT FOUND, please copy one of the custom-***.py" % optionsFilename)
+ print ("as %s and modify it to suit your system, if necessary" % optionsFilename)
+ print ("*************************************************")
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ if commonEnvironment['custom']:
Requires(optionsFilename, commonEnvironment)
-print "Using options from '%s.'" % optionsFilename
+print ("Using options from '%s.'" % optionsFilename)
fileOptions = Options(optionsFilename)
fileOptions.Add('customCPPPATH', 'List of custom CPPPATH variables')
@@ -370,21 +370,21 @@ commonEnvironment.Prepend(SWIGFLAGS = cu
# Define options for different platforms.
if getPlatform() != 'win32' and getPlatform() != 'sunos':
- print "Build platform is '" + getPlatform() + "'."
+ print ("Build platform is '" + getPlatform() + "'.")
elif getPlatform() == 'sunos':
if compilerSun():
- print "Build platform is Sun Studio."
+ print ("Build platform is Sun Studio.")
elif compilerGNU():
- print "Build platform is '" + getPlatform() + "'."
+ print ("Build platform is '" + getPlatform() + "'.")
if compilerMicrosoft():
- print "Build platform is Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC)."
+ print ("Build platform is Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC).")
elif compilerIntel():
- print "Build platform is the Intel C++ Compiler (ICL)."
+ print ("Build platform is the Intel C++ Compiler (ICL).")
elif compilerGNU():
- print "Build platform is MinGW/MSYS"
+ print ("Build platform is MinGW/MSYS")
-print "SCons tools on this platform: ", commonEnvironment['TOOLS']
+print ("SCons tools on this platform: ", commonEnvironment['TOOLS'])
commonEnvironment.Prepend(CPPPATH = ['.', './H'])
if commonEnvironment['useLrint'] != '0':
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ if commonEnvironment['useLrint'] != '0':
cf = Configure(commonEnvironment)
if commonEnvironment['useGettext'] == '1':
if cf.CheckHeader("libintl.h"):
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Using GNU gettext scheme"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Using GNU gettext scheme")
commonEnvironment.Prepend(CCFLAGS = ['-DGNU_GETTEXT'])
if getPlatform() == "win32":
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ if commonEnvironment['useGettext'] == '1
if getPlatform() == "sunos":
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: No localisation"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: No localisation")
commonEnvironment = cf.Finish()
@@ -481,9 +481,9 @@ if commonEnvironment['Word64'] == '1':
commonEnvironment.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-fPIC'])
if commonEnvironment['useDouble'] == '0':
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Using single-precision floating point for audio samples.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Using single-precision floating point for audio samples.')
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Using double-precision floating point for audio samples.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Using double-precision floating point for audio samples.')
commonEnvironment.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-DUSE_DOUBLE'])
# Define different build environments for different types of targets.
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ elif getPlatform() == 'darwin':
commonEnvironment.Append(CPPPATH = '/usr/local/include')
commonEnvironment.Append(CCFLAGS = "-DPIPES")
if commonEnvironment['useAltivec'] == '1':
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Using Altivec optimisation'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Using Altivec optimisation')
commonEnvironment.Append(CCFLAGS = "-faltivec")
elif getPlatform() == 'win32':
commonEnvironment.Append(CCFLAGS = '-D_WIN32')
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ elif getPlatform() == 'win32':
if compilerMicrosoft():
commonEnvironment.Append(CCFLAGS = '/arch:sse')
if compilerIntel():
- print 'Generating code optimized for Intel Core 2 Duo and Pentium 4 that will run on other processors also.'
+ print ('Generating code optimized for Intel Core 2 Duo and Pentium 4 that will run on other processors also.')
commonEnvironment.Append(CCFLAGS = Split('/O3 /QaxTP'))
if getPlatform() == 'linux':
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ elif getPlatform() == 'darwin':
kernelstr = fout.readline()
OSXvers = int(kernelstr[:kernelstr.find('.')]) - 4
- print "Mac OS X version 10.%d" % OSXvers
+ print ("Mac OS X version 10.%d" % OSXvers)
# dictionary mapping OS X version to Apple Python version
# ex. 4:3 maps OS X 10.4 to Python 2.3
# Note that OS X 10.2 did not ship with a Python framework
@@ -594,21 +594,21 @@ elif getPlatform() == 'darwin':
OSXSystemPythonVersions = { 0:0, 1:0, 2:2, 3:3, 4:3, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7 }
sysPyVers = OSXSystemPythonVersions[OSXvers]
if OSXvers >= 2:
- print "Apple Python version is 2.%d" % sysPyVers
+ print ("Apple Python version is 2.%d" % sysPyVers)
# vers = (int(sys.hexversion) >> 24, (int(sys.hexversion) >> 16) & 255)
vers = sys.version_info
pvers = "%s.%s" % (vers[0], vers[1])
# This logic is not quite right on OS X 10.2 and earlier
# or if the MacPython version equals the expected Apple Python version
if vers[1] == sysPyVers:
- print "Current Python version is %s, using Apple Python Framework" % pvers
+ print ("Current Python version is %s, using Apple Python Framework" % pvers)
pyBasePath = '/System/Library/Frameworks'
- print "Current Python version is %s, using MacPython Framework" % pvers
+ print ("Current Python version is %s, using MacPython Framework" % pvers)
pyBasePath = '/Library/Frameworks'
if commonEnvironment['pythonVersion'] != pvers:
commonEnvironment['pythonVersion'] = pvers
- print "WARNING python version used is " + pvers
+ print ("WARNING python version used is " + pvers)
pythonIncludePath = ['%s/Python.Framework/Headers' % pyBasePath]
pythonLinkFlags = [ '-F' + pyBasePath, '-framework', 'python']
path1 = '%s/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib' % pyBasePath
@@ -665,15 +665,15 @@ configure = commonEnvironment.Configure(
if not configure.CheckHeader("stdio.h", language = "C"):
- print " *** Failed to compile a simple test program. The compiler is"
- print " *** possibly not set up correctly, or is used with invalid flags."
- print " *** Check config.log to find out more about the error."
+ print (" *** Failed to compile a simple test program. The compiler is")
+ print (" *** possibly not set up correctly, or is used with invalid flags.")
+ print (" *** Check config.log to find out more about the error.")
if not configure.CheckLibWithHeader("sndfile", "sndfile.h", language = "C"):
- print "The sndfile library is required to build Csound 5."
+ print ("The sndfile library is required to build Csound 5.")
if not configure.CheckLibWithHeader("pthread", "pthread.h", language = "C"):
- print "The pthread library is required to build Csound 5."
+ print ("The pthread library is required to build Csound 5.")
# Support for GEN49 (load MP3 file)
@@ -681,24 +681,24 @@ if not configure.CheckLibWithHeader("pth
if commonEnvironment['includeWii'] != '0' and configure.CheckHeader("wiiuse.h", language = "C"):
wiifound = 1
wiiversion = commonEnvironment['includeWii']
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building with Wiimote support'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building with Wiimote support')
wiifound = 0
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: No Wiimote support'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: No Wiimote support')
if commonEnvironment['includeP5Glove'] == '1' :
p5gfound = 1
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building with P5 Glove support'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building with P5 Glove support')
p5gfound = 0
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: No P5 Glove support'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: No P5 Glove support')
if commonEnvironment['includeSerial'] == '1' :
serialfound = 1
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building with Serial code support'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building with Serial code support')
serialfound = 0
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: No Serial code support'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: No Serial code support')
#pthreadSpinlockFound = configure.CheckLibWithHeader('pthread', 'pthread.h', 'C', 'pthread_spin_lock(0);')
@@ -706,13 +706,13 @@ if getPlatform() != 'darwin': # pthreadS
commonEnvironment.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-DHAVE_PTHREAD_SPIN_LOCK'])
pthreadBarrierFound = configure.CheckLibWithHeader('pthread', 'pthread.h', 'C', 'pthread_barrier_init(0, NULL, 0);')
if pthreadBarrierFound:
commonEnvironment.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-DHAVE_PTHREAD_BARRIER_INIT'])
openMpFound = configure.CheckLibWithHeader('gomp', 'omp.h', 'C++', 'int n = omp_get_num_threads();')
if openMpFound and pthreadBarrierFound and commonEnvironment['useOpenMP'] == '1':
commonEnvironment.Append(CFLAGS = ['-fopenmp'])
commonEnvironment.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-fopenmp'])
commonEnvironment.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-DUSE_OPENMP'])
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ else:
syncLockTestAndSetFound = configure.CheckLibWithHeader('m', 'stdint.h', 'C', '__sync_lock_test_and_set((int32_t *)0, 0);')
if syncLockTestAndSetFound:
commonEnvironment.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-DHAVE_SYNC_LOCK_TEST_AND_SET'])
- print 'found sync lock'
+ print ('found sync lock')
vstSdkFound = configure.CheckHeader("frontends/CsoundVST/vstsdk2.4/public.sdk/source/vst2.x/audioeffectx.h", language = "C++")
portaudioFound = configure.CheckHeader("portaudio.h", language = "C")
#portmidiFound = configure.CheckHeader("portmidi.h", language = "C")
@@ -758,8 +758,8 @@ midiPluginSdkFound = configure.CheckHead
luaFound = configure.CheckHeader("lua.h", language = "C")
#print 'LUA: %s' % (['no', 'yes'][int(luaFound)])
swigFound = 'swig' in commonEnvironment['TOOLS']
-print 'Checking for SWIG... %s' % (['no', 'yes'][int(swigFound)])
-print "Python Version: " + commonEnvironment['pythonVersion']
+print ('Checking for SWIG... %s' % (['no', 'yes'][int(swigFound)]))
+print ("Python Version: " + commonEnvironment['pythonVersion'])
pythonFound = configure.CheckHeader("Python.h", language = "C")
if not pythonFound:
if getPlatform() == 'darwin':
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ elif configure.CheckHeader("dirent.h", l
commonEnvironment.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-DHAVE_DIRENT_H'])
if not configure.CheckSndFile():
- print "The sndfile library >= 1.0.19 is required to build Csound 5."
+ print ("The sndfile library >= 1.0.19 is required to build Csound 5.")
# Package contents.
@@ -881,9 +881,9 @@ lexBuild = csoundLibraryEnvironment.CFil
preBuild = csoundLibraryEnvironment.CFile(target = 'Engine/csound_prelex.c',
source = 'Engine/csound_pre.lex')
if commonEnvironment['NewParserDebug'] != '0':
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building with new parser debugging'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building with new parser debugging')
csoundLibraryEnvironment.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-DPARSER_DEBUG=1'])
-else: print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building with new parser debugging'
+else: print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building with new parser debugging')
csoundLibraryEnvironment.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-D__BUILDING_LIBCSOUND'])
if commonEnvironment['buildRelease'] != '0':
@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ if buildOSXFramework:
tmp += ['%s/Resources/Opcodes64' % OSXFrameworkCurrentVersion]
for i in tmp:
- os.mkdir(i, 0755)
+ os.mkdir(i, 0o755)
# set up symbolic links
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ def MacOSX_InstallHeader(headerName):
def MacOSX_InstallPlugin(fileName):
if buildOSXFramework:
- print "COPYINNG plugin"
+ print ("COPYINNG plugin")
pluginDir = '%s/Resources/Opcodes' % OSXFrameworkCurrentVersion
if commonEnvironment['useDouble'] != '0':
pluginDir += '64'
@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@ libCsoundSources += newParserSources
if commonEnvironment['dynamicCsoundLibrary'] == '1':
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building dynamic Csound library'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building dynamic Csound library')
if getPlatform() == 'linux' or getPlatform() == 'sunos':
libName = 'lib' + csoundLibraryName + '.so'
libName2 = libName + '.' + csoundLibraryVersion
@@ -1246,7 +1246,7 @@ if commonEnvironment['dynamicCsoundLibra
csoundLibrary = csoundDynamicLibraryEnvironment.SharedLibrary(
csoundLibraryName, libCsoundSources)
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building static Csound library'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building static Csound library')
csoundLibrary = csoundLibraryEnvironment.Library(
csoundLibraryName, libCsoundSources)
@@ -1316,7 +1316,7 @@ def makePythonModule(env, targetName, so
pyModule_ = env.SharedLibrary('_%s' % targetName, sources, SHLIBSUFFIX = '.pyd')
if getPlatform() == 'win32' and pythonLibs[0] < 'python24':
Depends(pyModule_, pythonImportLibrary)
- print "PYTHON MODULE %s..." % targetName
+ print ("PYTHON MODULE %s..." % targetName)
pythonModules.append('%s.py' % targetName)
return pyModule_
@@ -1330,15 +1330,15 @@ def makeLuaModule(env, targetName, srcs)
luaModule_ = env.SharedLibrary('%s' % targetName, srcs, SHLIBPREFIX="", SHLIBSUFFIX = '.so')
luaModule_ = env.SharedLibrary('%s' % targetName, srcs, SHLIBSUFFIX = '.dll')
- print "LUA MODULE %s..." % targetName
+ print ("LUA MODULE %s..." % targetName)
return luaModule_
# libcsnd.so is used by all wrapper libraries.
if not (commonEnvironment['buildInterfaces'] == '1'):
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Csound C++ interface library.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Csound C++ interface library.')
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Csound C++ interface library.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Csound C++ interface library.')
csoundInterfacesEnvironment.Append(CPPPATH = ['interfaces'])
if musicXmlFound:
csoundInterfacesEnvironment.Prepend(LIBS = 'musicxml2')
@@ -1416,36 +1416,36 @@ else:
option = '-I' + option
csoundWrapperEnvironment.Append(SWIGFLAGS = [option])
swigflags = csoundWrapperEnvironment['SWIGFLAGS']
- print 'swigflags:', swigflags
+ print ('swigflags:', swigflags)
luaWrapper = None
if not (luaFound and commonEnvironment['buildLuaWrapper'] != '0'):
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Lua wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Lua wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.')
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Lua wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.'
- luaWrapperEnvironment = csoundWrapperEnvironment.Clone()
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Lua wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.')
+ luaWrapperEnvironment = csoundWrapperEnvironment.Clone()
if getPlatform() != 'win32':
if getPlatform() == 'win32':
csoundLuaInterface = luaWrapperEnvironment.SharedObject(
SWIGFLAGS = [swigflags, '-lua', '-module', 'luaCsnd', '-outdir', '.'])
- luaWrapperEnvironment.Prepend(LIBS = ['csnd','lua51'])
- else:
- csoundLuaInterface = luaWrapperEnvironment.SharedObject(
- 'interfaces/lua_interface.i',
- SWIGFLAGS = [swigflags, '-lua', '-module', 'luaCsnd', '-outdir', '.'])
+ luaWrapperEnvironment.Prepend(LIBS = ['csnd','lua51'])
+ else:
+ csoundLuaInterface = luaWrapperEnvironment.SharedObject(
+ 'interfaces/lua_interface.i',
+ SWIGFLAGS = [swigflags, '-lua', '-module', 'luaCsnd', '-outdir', '.'])
luaWrapperEnvironment.Prepend(LIBS = ['csnd','luajit-5.1'])
luaWrapper = makeLuaModule(luaWrapperEnvironment, 'luaCsnd', [csoundLuaInterface])
- Depends(luaWrapper, csoundLuaInterface)
+ Depends(luaWrapper, csoundLuaInterface)
if not (javaFound and commonEnvironment['buildJavaWrapper'] != '0'):
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Java wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Java wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.')
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Java wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Java wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.')
javaWrapperEnvironment = csoundWrapperEnvironment.Clone()
if getPlatform() == 'darwin':
javaWrapperEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-L.', '-l_csnd'])
- else: javaWrapperEnvironment.Prepend(LIBS = ['csnd'])
+ else: javaWrapperEnvironment.Prepend(LIBS = ['csnd'])
if getPlatform() == 'darwin':
javaWrapperEnvironment.Append(CPPPATH =
@@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ else:
target = './interfaces', source = './interfaces',
JAVACFLAGS = ['-source', '5', '-target', '5'])
- os.mkdir('interfaces/csnd', 0755)
+ os.mkdir('interfaces/csnd', 0o755)
jcsndJar = javaWrapperEnvironment.Jar(
@@ -1495,57 +1495,57 @@ else:
# Please do not remove these two variables, needed to get things to build on Windows...
pythonWrapper = None
if not (pythonFound and commonEnvironment['buildPythonWrapper'] != '0'):
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Python wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Python wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.')
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Python wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Python wrapper to Csound C++ interface library.')
pythonWrapperEnvironment = csoundWrapperEnvironment.Clone()
if getPlatform() == 'darwin':
pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-L.', '-l_csnd'])
else: pythonWrapperEnvironment.Prepend(LIBS = Split('csnd'))
- if getPlatform() == 'linux':
- os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'rm', ['rm', '-f', '_csnd.so'])
- # os.symlink('lib_csnd.so', '_csnd.so')
- pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-Wl,-rpath-link,.'])
- if getPlatform() == 'darwin':
+ if getPlatform() == 'linux':
+ os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'rm', ['rm', '-f', '_csnd.so'])
+ # os.symlink('lib_csnd.so', '_csnd.so')
+ pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-Wl,-rpath-link,.'])
+ if getPlatform() == 'darwin':
#pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = pythonLinkFlags)
- if commonEnvironment['dynamicCsoundLibrary'] == '1':
- #ilibName = "lib_csnd.dylib"
- #ilibVersion = csoundLibraryVersion
- #pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(SHLINKFLAGS = Split('''-Xlinker -compatibility_version -Xlinker %s''' % ilibVersion))
- #pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(SHLINKFLAGS = Split('''-Xlinker -current_version -Xlinker %s''' % ilibVersion))
- #pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(SHLINKFLAGS = Split('''-install_name /Library/Frameworks/%s/%s''' % (OSXFrameworkCurrentVersion, ilibName)))
- pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = Split('''-undefined dynamic_lookup'''))
+ if commonEnvironment['dynamicCsoundLibrary'] == '1':
+ #ilibName = "lib_csnd.dylib"
+ #ilibVersion = csoundLibraryVersion
+ #pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(SHLINKFLAGS = Split('''-Xlinker -compatibility_version -Xlinker %s''' % ilibVersion))
+ #pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(SHLINKFLAGS = Split('''-Xlinker -current_version -Xlinker %s''' % ilibVersion))
+ #pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(SHLINKFLAGS = Split('''-install_name /Library/Frameworks/%s/%s''' % (OSXFrameworkCurrentVersion, ilibName)))
+ pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = Split('''-undefined dynamic_lookup'''))
pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(CPPPATH = pythonIncludePath)
- #pythonWrapper = pythonWrapperEnvironment.SharedLibrary('_csnd', pythonWrapperSources)
- pyVersToken = '-DPYTHON_24_or_newer'
- csoundPythonInterface = pythonWrapperEnvironment.SharedObject(
- 'interfaces/python_interface.i',
- SWIGFLAGS = [swigflags, '-python', '-outdir', '.', pyVersToken])
- pythonWrapperEnvironment.Clean('.', 'interfaces/python_interface_wrap.h')
- #try: os.symlink('lib_csnd.dylib', 'libcsnd.dylib')
- #except: print "link exists..."
- else:
- pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = pythonLinkFlags)
- pythonWrapperEnvironment.Prepend(LIBPATH = pythonLibraryPath)
- if getPlatform() == 'win32':
- pythonWrapperEnvironment.Prepend(LIBS = pythonLibs)
- pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(CPPPATH = pythonIncludePath)
- fixCFlagsForSwig(pythonWrapperEnvironment)
- pyVersToken = '-DPYTHON_24_or_newer'
- csoundPythonInterface = pythonWrapperEnvironment.SharedObject(
- 'interfaces/python_interface.i',
- SWIGFLAGS = [swigflags, '-python', '-outdir', '.', pyVersToken])
- pythonWrapperEnvironment.Clean('.', 'interfaces/python_interface_wrap.h')
- if getPlatform() == 'win32' and pythonLibs[0] < 'python24' and compilerGNU():
- Depends(csoundPythonInterface, pythonImportLibrary)
- pythonWrapper = makePythonModule(pythonWrapperEnvironment, 'csnd', [csoundPythonInterface])
- pythonModules.append('csnd.py')
- Depends(pythonWrapper, csnd)
+ #pythonWrapper = pythonWrapperEnvironment.SharedLibrary('_csnd', pythonWrapperSources)
+ pyVersToken = '-DPYTHON_24_or_newer'
+ csoundPythonInterface = pythonWrapperEnvironment.SharedObject(
+ 'interfaces/python_interface.i',
+ SWIGFLAGS = [swigflags, '-python', '-outdir', '.', pyVersToken])
+ pythonWrapperEnvironment.Clean('.', 'interfaces/python_interface_wrap.h')
+ #try: os.symlink('lib_csnd.dylib', 'libcsnd.dylib')
+ #except: print ("link exists...")
+ else:
+ pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = pythonLinkFlags)
+ pythonWrapperEnvironment.Prepend(LIBPATH = pythonLibraryPath)
+ if getPlatform() == 'win32':
+ pythonWrapperEnvironment.Prepend(LIBS = pythonLibs)
+ pythonWrapperEnvironment.Append(CPPPATH = pythonIncludePath)
+ fixCFlagsForSwig(pythonWrapperEnvironment)
+ pyVersToken = '-DPYTHON_24_or_newer'
+ csoundPythonInterface = pythonWrapperEnvironment.SharedObject(
+ 'interfaces/python_interface.i',
+ SWIGFLAGS = [swigflags, '-python', '-outdir', '.', pyVersToken])
+ pythonWrapperEnvironment.Clean('.', 'interfaces/python_interface_wrap.h')
+ if getPlatform() == 'win32' and pythonLibs[0] < 'python24' and compilerGNU():
+ Depends(csoundPythonInterface, pythonImportLibrary)
+ pythonWrapper = makePythonModule(pythonWrapperEnvironment, 'csnd', [csoundPythonInterface])
+ pythonModules.append('csnd.py')
+ Depends(pythonWrapper, csnd)
if commonEnvironment['generatePdf'] == '0':
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not generating Csound API PDF documentation.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not generating Csound API PDF documentation.')
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Generating Csound API PDF documentation.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Generating Csound API PDF documentation.')
refmanTex = commonEnvironment.Command('doc/latex/refman.tex', 'Doxyfile', ['doxygen $SOURCE'])
Depends(refmanTex, csoundLibrary)
csoundPdf = commonEnvironment.Command('refman.pdf', 'doc/latex/refman.tex', ['pdflatex --include-directory=doc/latex --interaction=nonstopmode --job-name=CsoundAPI $SOURCE'])
@@ -1678,9 +1678,9 @@ makePlugin(pluginEnvironment, 'cellular'
# UDP opcodes
if commonEnvironment['useUDP'] == '0':
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building UDP plugins."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building UDP plugins.")
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building UDP plugins."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building UDP plugins.")
udpEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
udpEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['pthread'])
if getPlatform() == 'win32':
@@ -1692,9 +1692,9 @@ else:
# OSC opcodes
if not (commonEnvironment['useOSC'] == '1' and oscFound):
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building OSC plugin."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building OSC plugin.")
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building OSC plugin."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building OSC plugin.")
oscEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
oscEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['lo', 'pthread'])
if getPlatform() == 'win32':
@@ -1728,32 +1728,32 @@ if jackFound and commonEnvironment['useJ
jpluginEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['jackdmp'])
elif getPlatform() == 'darwin':
jpluginEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['pthread'])
- jpluginEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-framework', 'Jackmp'])
+ jpluginEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-framework', 'Jackmp'])
makePlugin(jpluginEnvironment, 'jackTransport', 'Opcodes/jackTransport.c')
makePlugin(jpluginEnvironment, 'jacko', 'Opcodes/jacko.cpp')
if boostFound:
makePlugin(pluginEnvironment, 'chua', 'Opcodes/chua/ChuaOscillator.cpp')
if gmmFound and commonEnvironment['useDouble'] != '0':
makePlugin(pluginEnvironment, 'linear_algebra', 'Opcodes/linear_algebra.cpp')
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building linear algebra opcodes.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building linear algebra opcodes.')
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building linear algebra opcodes.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building linear algebra opcodes.')
if commonEnvironment['buildImageOpcodes'] == '1':
if getPlatform() == 'win32':
if configure.CheckHeader("png.h", language="C") and zlibhfound:
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building image opcodes'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building image opcodes')
imEnv = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
imEnv.Append(LIBS= Split(''' fltk_png fltk_z '''))
makePlugin(imEnv, 'image', ['Opcodes/imageOpcodes.c'])
if configure.CheckHeader("png.h", language="C") and zlibhfound:
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building image opcodes'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building image opcodes')
imEnv = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
imEnv.Append(LIBS= Split(''' png z '''))
makePlugin(imEnv, 'image', ['Opcodes/imageOpcodes.c'])
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building image opcodes'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building image opcodes')
# FLTK widgets
@@ -1767,11 +1767,11 @@ if getPlatform() != 'darwin':
if ((commonEnvironment['buildCsoundVST'] == '1') and boostFound and fltkFound):
if vstEnvironment.ParseConfig(fltkConfigFlags):
- print 'Parsed fltk-config.'
+ print ('Parsed fltk-config.')
- print 'Could not parse fltk-config.'
+ print ('Could not parse fltk-config.')
- print 'Exception when attempting to parse fltk-config.'
+ print ('Exception when attempting to parse fltk-config.')
if getPlatform() == 'darwin':
vstEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['fltk', 'fltk_images']) # png z jpeg are not on OSX at the mo
if getPlatform() == 'win32':
@@ -1804,7 +1804,7 @@ else:
csoundProgramEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = Split('''-framework Carbon -framework CoreAudio -framework CoreMIDI'''))
if (not (commonEnvironment['useFLTK'] == '1' and fltkFound)):
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building with FLTK graphs and widgets.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building with FLTK graphs and widgets.')
widgetsEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
if (commonEnvironment['buildvst4cs'] == '1'):
@@ -1832,9 +1832,9 @@ else:
['InOut/FL_graph.cpp', 'InOut/winFLTK.c', 'InOut/widgets.cpp'])
if commonEnvironment['buildVirtual'] == '0' or not fltk117Found:
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Virtual Keyboard plugin. (FLTK 1.1.7+ required)"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Virtual Keyboard plugin. (FLTK 1.1.7+ required)")
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Virtual Keyboard plugin."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Virtual Keyboard plugin.")
widgetsEnvironment.Append(CPPPATH = ['./InOut', './InOut/virtual_keyboard'])
makePlugin(widgetsEnvironment, 'virtual',
@@ -1850,7 +1850,7 @@ else:
if commonEnvironment['useCoreAudio'] == '1' and getPlatform() == 'darwin':
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building CoreAudio plugin."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building CoreAudio plugin.")
coreaudioEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
coreaudioEnvironment.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-I/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Headers'])
# makePlugin(coreaudioEnvironment, 'rtcoreaudio', ['InOut/rtcoreaudio.c'])
@@ -1858,18 +1858,18 @@ if commonEnvironment['useCoreAudio'] ==
coreaudioEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-framework', 'AudioUnit'])
makePlugin(coreaudioEnvironment, 'rtauhal', ['InOut/rtauhal.c'])
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building CoreAudio plugin."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building CoreAudio plugin.")
if not (commonEnvironment['useALSA'] == '1' and alsaFound):
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building ALSA plugin."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building ALSA plugin.")
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building ALSA plugin."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building ALSA plugin.")
alsaEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
alsaEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['asound', 'pthread'])
makePlugin(alsaEnvironment, 'rtalsa', ['InOut/rtalsa.c'])
if pulseaudioFound and (getPlatform() == 'linux' or getPlatform() == 'sunos'):
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building PulseAudio plugin"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building PulseAudio plugin")
pulseaudioEnv = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
pulseaudioEnv.Append(LIBS = ['pulse-simple'])
makePlugin(pulseaudioEnv, 'rtpulse', ['InOut/rtpulse.c'])
@@ -1880,9 +1880,9 @@ if getPlatform() == 'win32':
makePlugin(winmmEnvironment, 'rtwinmm', ['InOut/rtwinmm.c'])
if not (commonEnvironment['usePortAudio'] == '1' and portaudioFound):
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building PortAudio module."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building PortAudio module.")
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building PortAudio module."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building PortAudio module.")
portaudioEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
if getPlatform() == 'win32':
portaudioEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['portaudio'])
@@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@ else:
portaudioEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['portaudio'])
if (getPlatform() == 'linux'):
if (commonEnvironment['useJack']=='1' and jackFound):
- print "Adding Jack library for PortAudio"
+ print ("Adding Jack library for PortAudio")
portaudioEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['jack'])
portaudioEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['asound', 'pthread'])
makePlugin(portaudioEnvironment, 'rtpa', ['InOut/rtpa.c'])
@@ -1902,9 +1902,9 @@ else:
makePlugin(portaudioEnvironment, 'rtpa', ['InOut/rtpa.c'])
if not (commonEnvironment['useJack'] == '1' and jackFound):
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building JACK plugin."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building JACK plugin.")
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building JACK plugin."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building JACK plugin.")
jackEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
if getPlatform() == 'linux':
jackEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['jack', 'asound', 'pthread'])
@@ -1915,7 +1915,7 @@ else:
makePlugin(jackEnvironment, 'rtjack', ['InOut/rtjack.c'])
if commonEnvironment['usePortMIDI'] == '1' and portmidiFound:
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building with PortMIDI.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building with PortMIDI.')
portMidiEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
portMidiEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['portmidi'])
if getPlatform() != 'darwin' and getPlatform() != 'win32':
@@ -1927,7 +1927,7 @@ if commonEnvironment['usePortMIDI'] == '
portMidiEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['asound'])
makePlugin(portMidiEnvironment, 'pmidi', ['InOut/pmidi.c'])
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building with PortMIDI.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building with PortMIDI.')
if getPlatform() == 'darwin':
coreMidiEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
@@ -1939,30 +1939,30 @@ if getPlatform() == 'darwin':
if not configure.CheckHeader("fluidsynth.h", language = "C"):
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building fluid opcodes."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building fluid opcodes.")
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building fluid opcodes."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building fluid opcodes.")
fluidEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
if getPlatform() == 'win32':
- if compilerGNU():
- fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['fluidsynth'])
- else:
- fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['fluidsynth'])
- fluidEnvironment.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-DFLUIDSYNTH_NOT_A_DLL'])
- fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['winmm', 'dsound'])
- fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = csoundWindowsLibraries)
+ if compilerGNU():
+ fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['fluidsynth'])
+ else:
+ fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['fluidsynth'])
+ fluidEnvironment.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-DFLUIDSYNTH_NOT_A_DLL'])
+ fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['winmm', 'dsound'])
+ fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = csoundWindowsLibraries)
elif getPlatform() == 'linux' or getPlatform() == 'darwin':
- fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['fluidsynth'])
- fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['pthread'])
+ fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['fluidsynth'])
+ fluidEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['pthread'])
makePlugin(fluidEnvironment, 'fluidOpcodes',
if (commonEnvironment['buildvst4cs'] != '1'):
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building vst4cs opcodes."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building vst4cs opcodes.")
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building vst4cs opcodes."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building vst4cs opcodes.")
if (getPlatform() == 'win32'or getPlatform() == 'linux') and fltkFound:
vst4Environment = vstEnvironment.Clone()
vst4Environment.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-DCS_VSTHOST'])
@@ -1996,19 +1996,19 @@ else:
if (commonEnvironment['buildDSSI'] == '1' and (getPlatform() == 'linux' or getPlatform() == 'darwin') and configure.CheckHeader("ladspa.h", language = "C")) and configure.CheckHeader("dssi.h", language = "C"):
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building DSSI plugin host opcodes."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building DSSI plugin host opcodes.")
dssiEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
dssiEnvironment.Append(LIBS = ['dl'])
makePlugin(dssiEnvironment, 'dssi4cs',
['Opcodes/dssi4cs/src/load.c', 'Opcodes/dssi4cs/src/dssi4cs.c'])
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building DSSI plugin host opcodes."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building DSSI plugin host opcodes.")
# Loris opcodes
#if not (commonEnvironment['buildLoris'] == '1' and configure.CheckHeader("Opcodes/Loris/src/loris.h") and configure.CheckHeader("fftw3.h")):
-# print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Loris Python extension and Csound opcodes."
+# print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Loris Python extension and Csound opcodes."(
-# print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Loris Python extension and Csound opcodes."
+# print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Loris Python extension and Csound opcodes.")
# For Loris, we build only the loris Python extension module and
# the Csound opcodes (modified for Csound 5).
# It is assumed that you have copied all contents of the Loris
@@ -2065,9 +2065,9 @@ else:
# STK opcodes
if not (commonEnvironment['buildStkOpcodes'] == '1' and stkFound):
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building STK opcodes.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building STK opcodes.')
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building STK opcodes.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building STK opcodes.')
# For the STK opcodes, the STK distribution include, src, and rawwaves
# directories should be copied thusly:
# csound5/Opcodes/stk/include
@@ -2126,9 +2126,9 @@ else:
# Python opcodes
if not (pythonFound and commonEnvironment['buildPythonOpcodes'] != '0'):
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Python opcodes."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Python opcodes.")
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Python opcodes."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Python opcodes.")
pyEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
if getPlatform() != 'darwin':
pyEnvironment.Append(CPPPATH = pythonIncludePath)
@@ -2152,9 +2152,9 @@ else:
# Python opcodes
if not (commonEnvironment['buildLuaOpcodes'] != '0'):
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Lua opcodes."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Lua opcodes.")
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Lua opcodes."
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Lua opcodes.")
luaEnvironment = pluginEnvironment.Clone()
if getPlatform() == 'linux':
@@ -2269,9 +2269,9 @@ def fluidTarget(env, dirName, baseName,
# Build Csound5gui (FLTK frontend)
if not (commonEnvironment['buildCsound5GUI'] != '0' and fltk117Found):
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building FLTK CSOUND5GUI frontend.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building FLTK CSOUND5GUI frontend.')
csound5GUIEnvironment = csoundProgramEnvironment.Clone()
csound5GUIEnvironment.Append(CPPPATH = ['./interfaces'])
if jackFound:
@@ -2347,9 +2347,9 @@ else:
# Build CsoundAC
if not ((commonEnvironment['buildCsoundAC'] == '1') and fltkFound and boostFound and fltkFound and eigenFound):
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building CsoundAC extension module for Csound with algorithmic composition.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building CsoundAC extension module for Csound with algorithmic composition.')
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building CsoundAC extension module for Csound with algorithmic composition.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building CsoundAC extension module for Csound with algorithmic composition.')
acEnvironment = vstEnvironment.Clone()
if getPlatform() == 'linux':
acEnvironment.ParseConfig('fltk-config --use-images --cflags --cxxflags --ldflags')
@@ -2414,7 +2414,7 @@ else:
for option in acEnvironment['CPPPATH']:
option = '-I' + option
acEnvironment.Append(SWIGFLAGS = [option])
- print 'PATH =', commonEnvironment['ENV']['PATH']
+ print ('PATH =', commonEnvironment['ENV']['PATH'])
csoundAcSources = Split('''
@@ -2485,7 +2485,7 @@ else:
csoundAcPythonModule = makePythonModule(pythonCsoundACWrapperEnvironment, 'CsoundAC',
if getPlatform() == 'win32' and pythonLibs[0] < 'python24' and compilerGNU():
- Depends(csoundAcPythonModule, pythonImportLibrary)
+ Depends(csoundAcPythonModule, pythonImportLibrary)
Depends(csoundAcPythonModule, pythonWrapper)
Depends(csoundAcPythonModule, csoundac)
@@ -2510,9 +2510,9 @@ else:
# Build CsoundVST
if not ((commonEnvironment['buildCsoundVST'] == '1') and boostFound and fltkFound):
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building CsoundVST plugin and standalone.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building CsoundVST plugin and standalone.')
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building CsoundVST plugin and standalone.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building CsoundVST plugin and standalone.')
headers += glob.glob('frontends/CsoundVST/*.h')
headers += glob.glob('frontends/CsoundVST/*.hpp')
vstEnvironment.Prepend(CPPPATH = ['interfaces', 'frontends/CsoundVST'])
@@ -2544,7 +2544,7 @@ else:
vstEnvironment.Append(LIBS = Split('fltk fltk_images fltk_png fltk_jpeg fltk_z'))
vstEnvironment.Append(LIBS = Split('csound64 csnd fltk fltkimages fltkpng fltkjpeg fltkz'))
- print 'PATH =', commonEnvironment['ENV']['PATH']
+ print ('PATH =', commonEnvironment['ENV']['PATH'])
csoundVstSources = Split('''
@@ -2578,9 +2578,9 @@ else:
# Build csoundapi~ (pd class)
-print commonEnvironment['buildPDClass'], pdhfound
+print (commonEnvironment['buildPDClass'], pdhfound)
if commonEnvironment['buildPDClass'] == '1' and pdhfound:
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building PD csoundapi~ class"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building PD csoundapi~ class")
pdClassEnvironment = commonEnvironment.Clone()
pdClassEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = libCsoundLinkFlags)
pdClassEnvironment.Append(LIBS = libCsoundLibs)
@@ -2610,7 +2610,7 @@ if commonEnvironment['buildPDClass'] ==
# Build tclcsound
if commonEnvironment['buildTclcsound'] == '1' and tclhfound:
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Tclcsound frontend"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Tclcsound frontend")
csTclEnvironment = commonEnvironment.Clone()
csTclEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = libCsoundLinkFlags)
csTclEnvironment.Append(LIBS = libCsoundLibs)
@@ -2662,7 +2662,7 @@ if commonEnvironment['buildTclcsound'] =
- os.mkdir('tclcsound', 0755)
+ os.mkdir('tclcsound', 0o755)
# if getPlatform() == 'darwin':
@@ -2674,12 +2674,12 @@ if commonEnvironment['buildTclcsound'] =
# csTclEnvironment.Command('tclcsound/pkgIndex.tcl', 'tclcsound/tclcsound.dll','tclsh84 pkgbuild.tcl')
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Tclcsound"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Tclcsound")
# Build Winsound FLTK frontend
if commonEnvironment['buildWinsound'] == '1' and fltkFound:
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Winsound frontend"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building Winsound frontend")
# should these be installed ?
# headers += glob.glob('frontends/winsound/*.h')
csWinEnvironment = commonEnvironment.Clone()
@@ -2726,10 +2726,10 @@ if commonEnvironment['buildWinsound'] ==
Depends(winsound5, csoundLibrary)
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Winsound"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building Winsound")
#if (getPlatform() == 'darwin' and commonEnvironment['buildOSXGUI'] == '1'):
-# print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: building OSX GUI frontend"
+# print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: building OSX GUI frontend")
# csOSXGUIEnvironment = commonEnvironment.Clone()
# OSXGUI = csOSXGUIEnvironment.Command(
# '''frontends/OSX/build/Csound 5.app/Contents/MacOS/Csound 5''',
@@ -2737,10 +2737,10 @@ else:
# "cd frontends/OSX; xcodebuild -buildstyle Deployment")
# Depends(OSXGUI, csoundLibrary)
-# print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building OSX GUI frontend"
+# print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building OSX GUI frontend")
# build csLADSPA
-print "CONFIGURATION DEFAULT: Building csLadspa."
+print ("CONFIGURATION DEFAULT: Building csLadspa.")
csLadspaEnv = commonEnvironment.Clone()
csLadspaEnv.Append(LINKFLAGS = libCsoundLinkFlags)
@@ -2759,9 +2759,9 @@ libs.append(csladspa)
# Build beats (score generator)
if not (commonEnvironment['buildBeats'] != '0'):
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building beats score frontend.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building beats score frontend.')
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building beats score frontend"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building beats score frontend")
csBeatsEnvironment = commonEnvironment.Clone()
csBeatsEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-lm'])
csBeatsEnvironment.Append(YACCFLAGS = ['-d'])
@@ -2777,9 +2777,9 @@ else:
if not (commonEnvironment['buildcatalog'] != '0'):
- print 'CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building catalog builder.'
+ print ('CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not building catalog builder.')
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building catalog builder"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Building catalog builder")
catEnvironment = Environment(ENV = os.environ)
catEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-ldl'])
bb = catEnvironment.Program('mkdb', ['mkdb.c'])
@@ -2787,9 +2787,9 @@ else:
if (commonEnvironment['generateTags']=='0') or (getPlatform() != 'darwin' and getPlatform() != 'linux'):
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Not calling TAGS")
allSources = string.join(glob.glob('*/*.h*'))
allSources = allSources + ' ' + string.join(glob.glob('*/*.c'))
allSources = allSources + ' ' + string.join(glob.glob('*/*.cpp'))
@@ -2860,7 +2860,7 @@ if commonEnvironment['install'] == '1':
Alias('install', [installExecutables, installOpcodes, installLibs, installHeaders, installPythonModules])
if getPlatform() == 'darwin' and commonEnvironment['useFLTK'] == '1':
- print "CONFIGURATION DECISION: Adding resource fork for csound"
+ print ("CONFIGURATION DECISION: Adding resource fork for csound")
addOSXResourceFork(commonEnvironment, 'csound', '')
###Code to create pkconfig files