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# spec file for package cups (Version 1.3.5)
# Copyright (c) 2008 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
# package are under the same license as the package itself.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
# norootforbuild
Name: cups
BuildRequires: dbus-1-devel gcc-c++ libpng-devel libtiff-devel openldap2-devel openslp-devel openssl-devel pam-devel tcpd-devel update-desktop-files
License: GPL v2 or later
Group: Hardware/Printing
Summary: The Common UNIX Printing System
Version: 1.3.5
Release: 1
Requires: cups-libs = %{version}, cups-client = %{version}
Requires: ghostscript_any, ghostscript-fonts-std, foomatic-filters
Requires: util-linux
Conflicts: plp lprold lprng
Source0: cups-%{version}-source.tar.bz2
Source1: poll_ppd_base.c
Source2: lphelp.c
Source3: dvitops
Source4: pswrite
Source7: ogonki
Source8: rccups
Source11: setcupsbroadcasting
Source12: postscript.ppd.bz2
Source13: cups.sysconfig
Source14: cups.xinetd
Source15: PSLEVEL1.PPD.bz2
Source16: PSLEVEL2.PPD.bz2
Source17: cups.SuSEfirewall2
Patch1: cups-1.3.3-mime.patch
Patch2: cups-1.2.0-ppdsdat_generation.patch
Patch3: cups-1.2rc1-template.patch
Patch4: cups-1.2.7-libwrap.patch
Patch5: cups-pam.diff
Patch6: cups-1.2b2-access_conf.patch
Patch9: cups-1.1.21rc2-preauth_security.patch
Patch10: cups-1.1.21rc2-usermode.patch
Patch12: cups-1.3.3-pswrite.patch
Patch13: cups-1.1.21-umlaut_printer.patch
Patch14: cups-1.1.21-testppd_duplex.patch
Patch15: cups-1.2.11-testppd_filename.patch
Patch16: cups-1.2.5-desktop_file.patch
Patch17: cups-1.3.3-testppd_none.patch
Patch100: cups-1.1.23-testpage.patch
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
%if %suse_version >= 801
PreReq: textutils, fileutils, sh-utils, %insserv_prereq, %fillup_prereq /usr/sbin/groupadd
The Common UNIX Printing System provides a portable printing layer for
UNIX<EFBFBD> operating systems like BSD lp or lprng. CUPS provides some
additional features.
Easy Software Products <>
%define INSTALL install -m755
%define INSTALL_SCRIPT install -m755
%define INSTALL_DIR install -d -m755
%define INSTALL_DATA install -m644
%define CPUs %(grep -c ^processor\ /proc/cpuinfo || echo 1)
%package libs
Summary: Libraries for CUPS
Group: Hardware/Printing
%description libs
The Common UNIX Printing System provides a portable printing layer for
UNIX<EFBFBD> operating systems like BSD lp or lprng. CUPS provides some
additional features. This package contains libraries needed by CUPS and
some other packages.
Easy Software Products <>
%package client
Summary: CUPS Client Programs
Group: Hardware/Printing
Conflicts: plp lprold lprng
Requires: cups-libs = %{version}
%description client
The Common UNIX Printing System provides a portable printing layer for
UNIX<EFBFBD> operating systems like BSD lp or lprng. CUPS provides some
additional features. This package contains all programs needed for
running a CUPS client, not a server.
Easy Software Products <>
%package devel
Summary: Development Environment for CUPS
Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++
Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version} openssl-devel glibc-devel
%description devel
The Common UNIX Printing System provides a portable printing layer for
UNIX<EFBFBD> operating systems like BSD lp or lprng. CUPS provides some
additional features. This is the development package.
Easy Software Products <>
%setup -n %{name}-%{version}
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch6 -p1
#tbd: %patch9 -p1
#tbd: %patch10 -p1
%patch12 -p1
#tbd: %patch13 -p1
%patch14 -p1
%patch15 -p1
%patch16 -p1
%patch17 -p1
if [ -f /.buildenv ]; then
. /.buildenv
BUILD_DISTRIBUTION_NAME="personal build CUPS version"
s/CUPSVERSION/%{version}/" %{PATCH100}
#tbd: %patch100 -p1
# fix hardcoded $_libdir path to real architecture dependend $_libdir
perl -pi -e 's|(CUPS_SERVERBIN=\")\$exec_prefix/lib|$1'%{_libdir}'|' \
cp -a %{SOURCE9} .
cp -a %{SOURCE10} .
%{?suse_update_config:%{suse_update_config -f . }}
libtoolize --force
%if %suse_version >= 1010
export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $RPM_OPT_FLAGS -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fstack-protector"
export CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing -fstack-protector -DLDAP_DEPRECATED"
export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $RPM_OPT_FLAGS -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing"
export CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing"
export CXX=g++
./configure \
--mandir=%{_mandir} \
--sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \
--libdir=%{_libdir} \
--datadir=%{_datadir} \
--with-docdir=%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name} \
--with-cups-user=lp \
--with-cups-group=lp \
--enable-pie \
--enable-static \
--without-rcdir \
--enable-dbus \
--enable-ldap \
# perl -pi -e 's:^(OPTIONS\s+\=):$1 -I/usr/X11R6/include -O2 -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing:' Makedefs
# perl -pi -e 's:^(INSTALL_BIN\s+\=.*)-s:$1:' Makedefs
# for debugging enable:
#perl -pi -e 's:^(OPTIONS\s+\=):$1 -I/usr/X11R6/include -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -g -DDEBUG:' Makedefs
#perl -pi -e 's:^(OPTIM\s+\=):$1 -g -DDEBUG:' Makedefs
make CXX=g++
# Compile additional tools
gcc -opoll_ppd_base $CFLAGS -fPIC -fPIE -pie -I. -L./cups -lcups %{SOURCE1}
gcc -olphelp $CFLAGS -fPIC -fPIE -pie -I. -L./cups -lcups %{SOURCE2}
if [ x%{version} = x"1.1.18" ]; then
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/cupstestppd \
# place CUPS-O-MATIC script in CUPS filter directory
%{INSTALL_SCRIPT} %{SOURCE7} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/cups/filter
%{INSTALL_SCRIPT} %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/cups/filter
%{INSTALL_SCRIPT} %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/cups/filter
# might no longer be needed: ln -s /etc/cups/printcap $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc
# install the two little tools
install -m 755 poll_ppd_base $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/
install -m 755 lphelp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/
%{INSTALL_DIR} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/adm/fillup-templates
install -m 644 %{SOURCE13} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/adm/fillup-templates/sysconfig.cups
perl -pi -e "s:\@LIB\@:%{_libdir}:g" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/cups
ln -sf ../../etc/init.d/cups $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/rccups
rm -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/cups/fonts
#mkdir -p /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts
ln -sf /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/cups/
# make directory for ssl files:
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/cups/ssl
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d
install -m 644 -D packaging/cups-dbus.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/cups.conf
install -m 644 -D %{SOURCE14} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d/cups-lpd
perl -pi -e "s:\@LIB\@:%{_libdir}:g" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d/cups-lpd
ln -sf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
ln -sf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
ln -sf ../sbin/lpc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/lpc # bugzilla#16652
%{INSTALL_DIR} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/cups/drivers
%{INSTALL_DIR} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}
%{INSTALL_DIR} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/images
install -m 644 -D conf/pam.suse $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d/cups
install -m 755 PrintAnalyzer $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/
install -m 755 quosnmp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/
for f in CHANGES*.txt CREDITS.txt INSTALL.txt LICENSE.txt README.txt; do
install -m 644 "$f" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/
bzip2 -cd < %{SOURCE12} > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/cups/model/Postscript.ppd
bzip2 -cd < %{SOURCE15} > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/cups/model/Postscript-level1.ppd
bzip2 -cd < %{SOURCE16} > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/cups/model/Postscript-level2.ppd
find %{buildroot}/usr/share/cups/model -name "*.ppd" | while read FILE
# change default paper size from letter to A4 if possible (bugzilla#30662)
# and delete trailing whitespace
perl -pi -e 's:^(\*Default.*)Letter\s*$:$1A4\n:; \
s:^(\*ImageableArea A4.*\:\s+)"0 0 595 842":$1"24 48 571 818":; \
s:^(\*ImageableArea Letter.*\:\s+)"0 0 612 792":$1"24 48 588 768":; \
s:\s\n:\n:' \
gzip -9 "$FILE"
# add files for menu
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT//usr/share/applications/cups.desktop
%suse_update_desktop_file -i -r %name PrintingUtility 2>/dev/null
mkdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/pixmaps
install -m 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/cups.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/pixmaps
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/icons
# remove unpackaged files
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/es/cat?
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/fr/cat?
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/cat?
# SuSEfirewall2:
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services/
install -m 644 %{SOURCE17} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services/cups
# remove unknown locale directory
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/locale/no
#test -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 71 -o -r ntadmin 2>/dev/null || :
%post libs
%{fillup_and_insserv -npy cups cups}
%stop_on_removal cups
%restart_on_update cups
%postun libs
%dir %attr(711,lp,lp) %{_sysconfdir}/cups/ssl
%dir %attr(755,lp,lp) %{_sysconfdir}/cups/ppd
%config(noreplace) %attr(640,lp,lp) %{_sysconfdir}/cups/cupsd.conf
%config(noreplace) %attr(755,lp,lp) %{_sysconfdir}/cups/interfaces
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/cups/mime.*
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d/cups-lpd
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/cups/snmp.conf
%dir %{_libdir}/cups
%dir %{_libdir}/cups/backend
%dir %{_libdir}/cups/filter
%dir %{_libdir}/cups/monitor
%dir %{_libdir}/cups/notifier
%dir %attr(0775,root,ntadmin) /usr/share/cups/drivers
%dir /usr/share/cups
%config %attr(0755,root,root) /etc/init.d/cups
%config /etc/pam.d/cups
%doc %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}
%doc %{_mandir}/man5/*
%doc %{_mandir}/man7/*
%doc %{_mandir}/man8/*
%files client
%attr(4755,lp,sys) %{_bindir}/lppasswd
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/[a-eg-z]*
%files devel
%attr(0644,root,root) %{_libdir}/libcups.a
%attr(0644,root,root) %{_libdir}/libcupsimage.a
%files libs
#%dir %attr(0755,lp,lp) %{_sysconfdir}/cups/
%dir %attr(0710,lp,lp) %{_var}/spool/cups
%dir %attr(1770,lp,lp) %{_var}/spool/cups/tmp
%dir %attr(0755,lp,lp) %{_var}/log/cups/
# %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/cups/client.conf
%config(noreplace) /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services/cups
* Mon Jan 07 2008 -
- update to version 1.3.5:
* The SNMP backend did not check for negative string lengths
* The scheduler incorrectly removed auth-info attributes,
potentially leading to a loss of all options for a job.
* The scheduler stopped sending CUPS browse packets on a restart
when using fixed addresses
* Fixed PDF filter security issues (CVE-2007-4352 CVE-2007-5392
* Changing settings would always change the DefaultAuthType and
Allow lines
* The scheduler would crash when submitting an undefined format
file from Samba with LogLevel debug2
* The scheduler did not use poll() when epoll() was not supported
by the running kernel
* Fixed a compile problem with Heimdal Kerberos
* The USB backend now retries connections to a printer
indefinitely rather than stopping the queue.
* Printers with untranslated JCL options were not exported to
Samba correctly
* The USB backend did not work with some Minolta USB printers
* The strcasecmp() emulation code did not compile
* The scheduler would crash if a job was sent to an empty class
* The lpc command did not work in non-UTF-8 locales
* Subscriptions for printer-stopped events also received other
state changes
* cupstestppd incorrectly reported translation errors for the
"en" locale.
* ppdOpen() did not handle custom options properly when the
Custom attribute appeared before the OpenUI for that option.
* The scheduler could crash when deleting a printer or listing
old jobs.
* The Mac OS X USB backend did not allow for requeuing of jobs
submitted to a class.
* lpmove didn't accept a job ID by itself.
* The scheduler incorrectly removed job history information for
remote print jobs.
* The scheduler incorrectly sent the
"" message for printer state
* The PostScript filter drew the page borders (when enabled)
outside the imageable area.
* The LPD and IPP backends did not default to the correct port
numbers when using alternate scheme names.
* The scheduler incorrectly deleted hardwired remote printers on
system sleep.
* The scheduler would abort if a bad browse protocol name was
listed in the cupsd.conf file.
* The online cupsd.conf help file incorrectly showed "dns-sd"
instead of "dnssd" for Bonjour sharing.
* The scheduler could crash changing the port-monitor value.
* The scheduler generated CoreFoundation errors when run as a
background process.
* When printing with number-up > 1, it was possible to get an
extra blank page.
- removed CVE patches, which are already applied upstream
* Wed Dec 19 2007 -
- Add dbus-1-devel to the BuildRequires.
* Mon Dec 17 2007 -
- Add the --enable-dbus flag to the configure line to
send DBUS signals out for queue change events. This helps
fix 345163.
* Wed Nov 07 2007 -
- upgrade to version 1.3.4:
* Documentation updates
* CUPS now maps the "nb" locale to "no" on all platforms
* CUPS did not work with a Windows 2003 R2 KDC
* ippReadIO() could read past the end of a buffer
* The scheduler would crash on shutdown if it was unable to
create a Kerberos context.
* Multiple AuthTypes in cupsd.conf did not work
* The snmp.conf file referenced the wrong man page
* The cupsaddsmb program didn't handle domain sockets properly
* The scheduler now validates device URIs when adding printers.
* Updated httpSeparateURI() to support hostnames with the
backslash character.
* Updated the Japanese localization
* The parallel backend now gets the current IEEE-1284 device ID
string on Linux
* The IPP backend now checks the job status at variable
intervals (from 1 to 10 seconds) instead of every 10 seconds
for faster remote printing
* "lpr -p" and "lpr -l" did not work
* Compilation failed when a previous version of CUPS was
installed and was included in the SSL include path
* The scheduler did not reject requests with charsets other
than US-ASCII or UTF-8, and the CUPS API incorrectly passed
the locale charset to the scheduler instead of UTF-8
* cups-deviced did not filter out duplicate devices.
* The AppleTalk backend incorrectly added a scheme listing when
AppleTalk was disabled or no printers were found.
* The PostScript filter generated N^2 copies when the printer
supported collated copies and user requested reverse-order
* The scheduler did not reprint all of the files in a job that
was held.
* The scheduler did not update the printcap file after removing
stale remote queues.
* The cupsd.conf man page incorrectly referenced "AuthType
Kerberos" instead of "AuthType Negotiate".
- fixes for xpdf CVE-2007-4352, CVE-2007-5393, CVE-2007-5392 (bugzilla#335637)
* Tue Oct 23 2007 -
- fix for IPP boundaries swamp-14294, CVE-2007-4351 (bugzilla#335635)
* Mon Oct 15 2007 -
- upgrade to version 1.3.3. Main features to 1.2.x:
* Networking
* Kerberos: CUPS now supports Kerberos authentication
* Mac OS X Authorization Services: CUPS now supports the
Authorization Services framework, providing role-based access
control in addition to the tradition UNIX model
* Peer Credentials: CUPS now supports authentication using peer
credentials provided over UNiX domain sockets
* SNMP Support: SNMP lookups are no longer performed by
default, and IPP is no longer used for discovered printers
* LPD Support; The LPD backend now supports a faster streaming
mode that does not require a temporary file
* Browsing
* CUPS Browsing: The default configuration now shows shared
printers from any address (not just @LOCAL)
* DNS-SD (Bonjour/Zeroconf) Support: CUPS now supports printer
sharing via DNS service discovery
* LDAP w/SSL: CUPS now supports encrypted LDAP sessions
* Web Interface
* Internet Printer Sharing: You can now share printers over the
Internet via the basic server settings
* Improved On-Line Help: Searching the on-line help now shows
results for all text, not just headings and links
* Printer Setup: The available printer list is now only show
when requested and the Add This Printer button now allows you
to change the default name, location, and description
* Printer Configuration: Raw printers and classes can now be
configured using the Set Printer Options button
* IPP Support
* Job Printer Attributes: CUPS now provides
job-printer-state-message and job-printer-state-reasons
attributes containing copies of the corresponding printer
attributes to provide important history information with each
* PPD Operations and Attributes: The new CUPS_GET_PPD operation
allows you to retrieve PPD files from the scheduler; also,
CUPS_GET_PPDS now reports more information and supports more
value filters
* Printer Defaults: The document-forma-default,
notify-events-default, and notify-lease-duration-default
attributes can be set for each printer and class
* PWG Printer Alert Support: CUPS now supports the
printer-alert and printer-alert-description attributes
* Server-Side Options: Server-side default options can now be
retrieved using the "printer-defaults" group keyword
* Scheduler
* Client Support: The scheduler now uses poll(), epoll(), or
/dev/kqueue on platforms that provide them to support large
numbers of clients
* "Default" Authentication: You can now specify an AuthType of
Default in locations and policies, which maps to the
DefaultAuthType value
* Larger Numbers of Clients: The scheduler now uses poll(),
epoll(), or /dev/kqueue instead of select() when possible
* New cupsctl Command: The new cupsctl command allows you to
perform basic server configuration from the command-line
* Printer Drivers
* cupstestppd Improvements: The test utility now provides more
extensive tests and options
* Label Printer Driver: Added support for the Intellibar label
* Localized Printer Drivers: The CUPS sample drivers are now
localized in several languages
* PJL Support: New cupsPJLCharset attribute controls character
set for PJL strings
* Pre-Filter Support: Drivers can now register format-specific
filters to pre-screen print jobs
* Side-Channel API; This new API provides out-of-band control
of devices
* Administration API: New cupsAdminGetServerSettings() and
cupsAdminSetServerSettings() functions
* Array API: New cupsArrayGetIndex(), cupsArrayGetInsert(), and
cupsArrayNew2() functions
* Destination API: New cupsRemoveDest() and
cupsSetDefaultDest() functions
* HTTP API: The http_t structure is now completely private
* PPD API: New ppdLocalizeIPPReason()function and greatly
improved ppdConflicts() performance
- added new files, adapted patches, and removed already included ones
* Tue Sep 18 2007 -
- fix for missing newline before EOF in compressed files (bugzilla#309823)
* Mon Sep 17 2007 -
- fix for exitcode on uiconstraints in cupstestppd (bugzilla#309822)
* Mon Sep 10 2007 -
- patch: "None" needs to be valid value for cupstestppd (bugzilla#309219)
* Mon Aug 06 2007 -
- fix for xpdf bugzilla#291690, CVE-2007-3387, swamp-11865
* Mon Jul 30 2007 -
- upgrade to cups-1.2.12:
* The PHP cups_print_file() function crashed if the options array
contained non-string option values
* The image/tiff file matching rule incorrectly identified some
text files as TIFF files
* The filter(7) man page incorrectly documented the "PAGE: total
[#]-pages" message
* PCL text files were mis-identified as HP-GL/2 and caused the
HP-GL/2 filter to hang
* When printing to a queue with user ACLs, the scheduler
incorrectly returned a quota error instead of a "not allowed to
print" error
* cupsaddsmb could get in a loop if no printer drivers were
* cupsRasterReadHeader() did not byte-swap the header properly
when compiled with certain versions of GCC.
* The IPP backend did not send the document-format attribute for
filtered jobs
* Some PPD files could cause a crash in ppdOpen2
* The web admin interface incorrectly handled the "share
printers" and "show remote printers" settings
* The scheduler's log messages about AuthClass and AuthGroupName
advised using a replacement directive but had the wrong syntax
* Updated the PostScript/PJL and HP-GL/2 MIME rules to look in
the first 4k of the file, not just the first 1k
* Updated the Italian localization
- updated the mime and the psrewrite patch
* Mon Jun 25 2007 -
- added quosnmp script to %%doc
* Wed Jun 20 2007 -
- removed rccupsrenice: cups-1.2.x does no longer traversing of
filesystem during startup. reason no longer present.
* Wed May 23 2007 -
- fixed as many rpmlint errors as possible
* Thu May 10 2007 -
- Upgrade to cups-1.2.11:
* "make distclean" didn't remove all generated files
* Fixed a bug in the advertisement of classes
* The IPP backend now stays running until the job is actually
printed by the remote server; previously it would stop
monitoring the job if it was held or temporarily stopped
* PDF files were not always printed using the correct orientation
* The scheduler could crash if you specified a bad file: URI for
a printer
* The Renew-Subscription operation now returns the
notify-lease-duration value that was used
* The IPP backend sent job options to IPP printers, however some
printers tried to override the options embedded in the PS/PCL
stream with those job options
* ppdLocalize() now also tries a country-specific localization
for when localizing to a generic locale name.
* The cupstestppd program now allows for partial localizations to
reduce the size of universal PPD files.
* Chinese PPD files were incorrectly tagged with the "cn" locale
(should have been "zh")
* The backends now manage the printer-state-reasons attribute
more accurately
* Java, PHP, Perl, and Python scripts did not work properly
* The scheduler would take forever to start if the maximum number
of file descriptors was set to "unlimited"
* The page-ranges option was incorrectly applied to the banner
* Fixed some GCC compile warnings
* The DBUS notification code was broken for older versions of
* The IPv6 code did not compile on HP-UX 11.23
* PPD constraints did not work properly with custom options.
* Regular PPD options with the name "CustomFoo" did not work.
* The USB backend did not work on NetBSD
* The printer-state-reasons attribute was incorrectly cleared
after a job completed
* The scheduler did not set the printer operation policy on
startup, only on soft reload
* The AP_FIRSTPAGE_InputSlot option did not clear any ManualFeed
setting that was made, which caused problems with some PPD
* cupsDoFileRequest() and cupsDoRequest() did not abort when
getting an error in the response
* The scheduler did not schedule jobs properly to remote or
nested classes
* Updated the mime.types and mime.convs headers to warn that the
files are overwritten when CUPS is installed. Local changes
should go in local.types or local.convs, respectively
* The scheduler could get in an infinite loop if a printer in an
implicit class disappeared
* The pstops filter did not handle %%EndFeature comments properly
* Fixed a problem with the Polish web page printer icons
* ppdLocalize() now also localizes the cupsICCProfile attributes.
* The scheduler still had a reference to the incorrect
"notify-recipient" attribute
* The "make check" and "make test" subscription tests did not set
the locale
* The "make check" and "make test" subscription tests incorrectly
used the notify-recipient attribute instead of
* cupsRasterInterpretPPD() incorrectly limited the
cupsBorderlessScalingFactor when specified in the job options.
- adapted cupstestppd patch
* Wed Apr 25 2007 -
- added SuSEfirewall2 rules (bugzilla#247746)
* Mon Apr 02 2007 -
- Upgrade to cups-1.2.10:
* ppdLocalize() now supports localizing for Japanese using the
"jp" locale name used by the ppdmerge program from the CUPS
DDK 1.1.0
* _cupsAdminSetServerSettings() did not support changing of
top-level directives as designed.
* The init script path check was broken.
* CUPS incorrectly used the attribute "notify-recipient" instead
of "notify-recicpient-uri" in several places
* Fixed a configure script bug on MirBSD
* The pdftops filter did not limit the amount of recursion of
page sets
* Custom page sizes with fractional point sizes did not work
* The lpoptions command would crash when adding or removing
options on a system with no printers
* The scheduler did not use the default job-sheets (banners) for
implicit classes
* The scheduler could crash when listing complete jobs that had
been unloaded from memory
* The French localization was doubled up
* Build system fixes for several platforms
* The scheduler's openssl certificate generation code was broken
on some platforms
* The scheduler's log rotation check for devices was broken
* The LPD mini-daemon did not handle the document-format option
* The pdftops filter ignored the "match" size option in the
pdftops.conf file
* cupstestppd now validates UTF-8 text strings in globalized PPD
* The outputorder=reverse option did not work with all printers
* Classes containing other classes did not always work
* Printer location and description information was lost if the
corresponding string contained the "#" character
* cupsRemoveOption() did not work properly
* The USB backend did not work with some USB to parallel cables
on Mac OS X.
* The test page did not print the rulers properly on large media
* The text filter could crash when pretty printing certain types
of files
- removed already included security patch xpdf_CVE_2007_0104
* Tue Feb 20 2007 -
- Upgrade to cups-1.2.8:
* Documentation fixes
* The HTTP upgrade redirection used by the scheduler did not work
with Internet Explorer
* Members of a class with Unicode names did not appear correctly
in the web interface
* Changing the "Save debugging information" setting in the web
interface no longer affects the other server settings
* The scheduler did not choose SSL certificates correctly on Mac
* The scheduler could get in an infinite loop when printing to a
remote class
* The jobs web page did not have separating space after the
number of pages column
* Added French localization
* Updated Spanish localization
* Updated Japanese localization
* cupsBorderlessScalingFacter was limited to a range of 0.9 to
1.1, but some printers need larger values
* Landscape printing of PDF files did not always work
* Fixed slow USB printing on Minolta printers
* The ZPL label printer driver could produce stretched output
* The IPP backend now clears the printer-state-message when there
are no outstanding errors or warnings
* The CUPS Java scripting support did not work with recent
versions of Java due to the use of Sun's private Base64 class
* The scheduler did not pass HTTP GET form variables to custom
CGI programs
* The lpoptions command now displays the reason why a PPD file
cannot be found
* The scheduler did not accept "none" as a browse protocol name
* The scheduler still loaded the remote printer cache, even when
browsing was disabled
* The SNMP backend now shows OfficeJet printers with the "HP"
manufacturer prefix
* Web interface HTML cleanup
* The parallel backend consumed 100%% CPU on FreeBSD due to an
apparently common parallel port driver bug
* ippReadIO() incorrectly returned IPP_IDLE when the initial IPP
message header could not be read
* cupsRasterInterpretPPD() did not support custom options
* Collated output produced by the PostScript filter could lose
some options
* job-hold-until with time values for the next day would be held
for 60 days
* Some types of Sun raster files did not print correctly
* Raw PBM files did not print correctly
* The SNMP backend no longer uses IPP with HP printers, as some
recent firmware versions appear to not work
* cupsMarkOptions() did not handle the multiple-document-handling
* lpstat did not show the local job ID of active printers
* The backends incorrectly used STATUS: media-tray-empty-error
messages for out-of-paper conditions
* cupsGetPPD2() returned the wrong error when the PPD file did
not exist
* cupsDoAuthentication() did not translate the password prompt
* httpGetLength2() did not handle error messages without content
* Added support for 32/64-bit libraries on HP-UX Itanium systems
* Fixed a configure script problem with the 32/64-bit library
* The PostScript filter did not properly output document setup
commands for reversed output
* The scheduler did not parse IPv6 netmasks properly
- removed backported, unnecessary patches
* Tue Feb 13 2007 -
- fixed tcp_wrapper warnings (bugzilla#230730)
- fixed ps interpretation (bugzilla#242042)
- backported fixes from various issues, only in svn avail atm
* Mon Jan 22 2007 -
- enabled LDAP on request (bugzilla#223007), no build cycle present
* Tue Jan 16 2007 -
- fix for xpdf bugzilla#233113, CVE-2007-0104, swamp-7887
* Wed Jan 10 2007 -
- added Required-Start: to rccupsrenice (bugzilla#231675)
* Fri Jan 05 2007 -
- Fixed devel dependencies.
* Tue Dec 12 2006 -
- removed broken locale patch: PS generation fails (bugzilla#227205)
* Thu Nov 16 2006 -
- Upgrade to 1.2.7 (another bugfix version):
* Documentation updates
* The PostScript filter now rotates the bounding box values as needed
* The scheduler no longer loads the remote printer cache when browsing
is disabled
* The scheduler no longer writes a new launchd configuration file if
it doesn't have to
* The scheduler now picks up on changes to IPv6 and DNS configuration
* The lpstat program could still hang
* Fixed an inefficiency in the SNMP IPP detection code
* The SSL negotiation code did not implement short timeouts
* Tue Nov 14 2006 -
- fixed non conform PPD values in PSLEVEL*.PPD (bugzilla#219779)
* Thu Nov 09 2006 -
- fixed perm problem of /etc/cups regarding lppasswd (bugzilla#218745)
* Tue Nov 07 2006 -
- Upgrade to 1.2.6 (bugfix version):
* "lpc status" did not show the number of queued jobs for disabled queues
* The lpstat program could hang
* The serial backend did not support the new USB serial filenames on Linux
* The parallel backend did not support bidirectional I/O properly
* The network backends now log the numeric address that is being used
* Fixed a compile error when using libpaper
* Fixed a compile error when compiling on Solaris with threading enabled
* Missing printer-state-changed event for printer-state-message updates
* Mon Nov 06 2006 -
- coolo's patch seems not to work, now using desktop-launch
* Mon Nov 06 2006 -
- fixed cups.desktop file (bugzilla#207915)
- suse_update_desktop_file produces strange results in my xterm.
redirecting output to /dev/null
- removed duplicate entry in %%files: %%{_libdir}/cups/monitor/*
* Mon Oct 23 2006 -
- Upgrade to 1.2.5:
* Documentation updates
* The SNMP backend no longer uses IPP for Epson printers
* Updated the configure script for Tru64 UNIX 5.1
* Tru64 5.1B's getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo() functions leak file
* cupsAddDest() didn't add the parent destination's options and
* ppdConflicts() did not handle custom option constraints.
* Raw printing of gzip'd files did not work
* The scheduler no longer preserves default option choices when
the new PPD no longer provides the old default choice
* The Linux SCSI backend is now only built if the SCSI development
headers are installed.
* USB printing to Minolta printers did not work
* Windows clients could not monitor the queue status
* The scheduler didn't log the operation name in the access_log
file for Create*Job and Print-Job requests.
* The PostScript filter now separates collated copies with any
required JCL commands so that JCL*based finishing options act on
the individual copies and not all of the copies as a single
* The PostScript filter now disables duplex printing when printing
a 1*page document.
* cups-lpd didn't pass the correct job-originating-host-name value
* Fixed some speling errors in the German message catalog
* cupstestppd did not catch PPD files with bad UIConstraints
* The USB backend did not work with the current udev- created
printers if the first printer was disconnected
* Mirrored and rotated printing did not work with some documents
* 2-sided printing with banners did not work properly on some
* Updated the raw type rule to handle PJL within the first 4k of a
print job
* Added an Estonian translation
* Clarified the documentation for the cupsd.conf @LOCAL and
@IF(name) allow/deny functionality
* The PostScript filters did not escape the Title and For comments
in the print job header
* The scheduler would use 100%% CPU if browsing was disabled and
the cupsd.conf file contained BrowsePoll lines
* The cupsDirRead() function did not work properly on
non*POSIX-compliant systems
* The cupsFile functions didn't handle read/write errors properly
* Fri Sep 22 2006 -
- CUPS 1.2.4 fixes a number of web interface, scheduler, and CUPS API issues.
Changes include:
- The --with-printcap configure option did not work
- The character set reported by cupsLangGet() did not always reflect
the default character set of a given locale
- Older Lexmark and Tektronix printers did not work with IPP
- Failsafe printing did not work
- Some web interface redirects did not work
- The web interface change settings button could introduce a "Port 0"
line in cupsd.conf if there was no loopback connection available
- The web interface change settings and edit configuration file
buttons would truncate the cupsd.conf file
- The German web interface used the wrong printer icon images
- The "All Documents" link in the on-line help was missing a trailing
- The Polish web interface translation used the wrong URLs for the job
- The "reprint job" button did not work
- The scheduler did not always report printer or job events properly
- The scheduler always stopped the queue on error, regardless of the
exit code, if the error policy was set to "stop-printer"
- ppdEmitJCL() included UTF-8 characters in the JCL job name, which
caused problems on some printers
- Fixed a buffering problem that cause high CPU usage
- The command-line applications did not convert command-line strings
to UTF-8 as needed
- cupsDirRead() incorrectly aborted when reading a symbolic link that
pointed to a file/directory that did not exist
- The cupsInterpretRasterPPD() function did not handle custom page
sizes properly.
* Thu Sep 14 2006 -
- Upgrade to 1.2.3:
* The scheduler did not send job-state or job-config-changed events
when a job was held, released, or changed
* The scheduler now aborts if the configuration file and directory
checks fail
* Fixed a problem with ippPort() not using the port number that was
set via the client.conf file or CUPS_SERVER environment variable
* HTTP headers were not buffered
* Some IPP printers (HP) did not like UTF-8 job names
* The CUPS desktop icon is now localized for Polish
* Printer options were not always honored when printing
* The openssl command would lock up the scheduler when generating
an encryption certificate on some platforms due to a lack of
entropy for the random number generator
* The web admin page did not recognize that "Listen 631" enabled
remote access
* The web admin page did not check whether changes were made to the
Basic Server Settings check boxes
* The IPP backend could generate N*N copies in certain edge cases.
* The scheduler did not restore remote printers properly when
BrowseShortNames was enabled
* Polling did not handle changes to the network environment on Mac
* The "make test" subscription tests used invalid
notify-recipient-uri values
* Printers could be left in an undefined state on system sleep
* The Berkeley and System V commands did not always use the
expected character set
* Remote printing fixes
* The cupstestppd utility did not validate translation strings for
custom options properly.
* Multi-language PPD files were not properly localized in the web
* The admin page's simple settings options did not check for local
domain socket or IPv6 addresses and did not use "localhost" as
the listen address.
* An empty BrowseProtocols, BrowseLocalProtocols, or
BrowseRemoteProtocols line would crash the scheduler instead of
disabling the corresponding browsing options.
* The scheduler now logs IPP operation status as debug messages
instead of info or error.
* cupsFileRewind() didn't clear the end-of-file state.
* cupstestppd didn't report the actual misspelling of the
1284DeviceID attribute
* BrowseRelay didn't work on Debian
* configure --without-languages didn't work
* Manually added remote printers did not work
* The <cups/backend.h> header was not installed.
* Updated the build files for Autoconf 2.60
* The scheduler incorrectly terminated the polling processes after
receiving a partial log line.
* The cups-lpd mini-daemon reported "No printer-state attribute
found" errors when reporting the queue status
* SNMP backend improvements
* The scheduler erroneously reported an error with the CGI pipe
* Fixed HP-UX compile problems
* cupstestppd crashed with some PPD files
* The <cups/dir.h> and <cups/file.h> header files did not work with
* Tue Jul 25 2006 -
- upgrade to version 1.2.2, which fixes several build, platform, notification, and printing bugs. Changes include:
* Documentation updates
* CUPS didn't know about alternate character set names for Asian text
* The lpoptions -o and -r options did not work unless you specified a printer.
* The lpoptions command incorrectly allowed users to set printer attributes like printer-type
* httpWait() did not flush the write buffer, causing "bad request" errors when communicating with CUPS 1.1.x servers
* Polling did not sanitize the printer description, location, or make and model strings like broadcasts did.
* Polled printers did not show the server's default job-sheets option value.
* The Samba password prompt was not properly localized
* Added a German translation
* The scheduler now creates self-signed SSL certficates automatically when using OpenSSL and CDSA for encryption, just as for GNU TLS.
* The SNMP backend sporatically reported some printers as "unknown"
* The scheduler now forces BrowseTimeout to be at least twice the BrowseInterval value and non-zero to avoid common configuration errors.
* The scheduler incorrectly returned printer URIs of the form "ipp://server/printers/classname" for classes
* Updated Japanese localization
* The scheduler's SSL certificate/key directory was not created on installation
* Added a mailto.conf man page and help page
* The parallel and USB backends no longer wait for the printer to go on-line - this caused problems with certain printers that don't follow with the IEEE-1284 standard
* The scheduler could crash on a reload when implicit classes were present
* The IPP backend incorrectly used the CUPS_ENCRYPTION environment variable to determine the default encryption mode when printing
* USB printing did not work on Solaris
* The scheduler sorted job priorities in the wrong order
* The scheduler did not automatically restart notifiers that exited or crashed
* IPv6 support did not work on NetBSD
* The EPM packaging file did not work
* The scheduler used up the CPU if BrowseRemoteProtocols was empty
* Custom page sizes did not work
* The SNMP backend could crash on some systems when SNMP logging was enabled
* Browsing could produce some funny printer names when ServerName was set to an IP address
* Fixed the log message for BrowseRelay
* Fixes to allow CUPS to compile on MirBSD
* The scheduler incorrectly set the FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE environment variable
* The pdftops filter incorrectly embedded a "produced by" comment, causing PDF printing not to work on some operating systems
* Sending raw jobs from a client system could cause the client's scheduler to eventually crash
* The scheduler now checks that the notifier exists prior to accepting a new subscription request.
* The scheduler now reports the supported notify-recipient schemes based on the contents of the ServerBin/notifier directory.
* Event notifications did not include the notify-sequence-number or other required attributes
* Allow/Deny addresses of the form "11.22.33.*" did not work on Linux
* cupsGetPPD() did not work if the scheduler was only listening on a domain socket
* The scheduler could crash advertising a class
* The scheduler could crash if the default printer was deleted
* Added a new default CUPS raster format (v3) which does not compress the raster stream in order to provide the same cupsRasterReadPixels() and cupsRasterWritePixels() performance as CUPS 1.1.x.
* The cupsaddsmb man page listed the wrong files for the CUPS driver.
* Some configure --with options did not work
* "Allow @IF(name)" didn't work if "name" wasn't the first network interface
* The lpstat command did not use the correct character set when reporting the date and time
* The cupsaddsmb command and web interface did not update the Windows PPD files properly, resulting in corrupt PPD files for the Windows client to use
* The cupsd.conf man page didn't describe the Listen domain socket syntax
* The scheduler no longer tries to support more than FD_SETSIZE file descriptors.
* CDSA (encryption) support fixes for MacOS X.
* The lppasswd program needs to be setuid to root to create and update the /etc/cups/passwd.md5 file
* 32/64-bit library installation was broken
* The USB backend now reports a "no such device" error when using the old filename-based USB URIs instead of the "success" error.
* Increased the HTTP and IPP read timeouts to 10 seconds, as 1 second was too short on congested networks
* The SNMP backend now uses the device description over the printer-make-and-model attribute when the attribute contains a generic name
* Fixed another file descriptor leak when printing raw files
* Raw queues were not shared via LDAP
* The pstops filter didn't always embed PageSetup commands from the PPD file
* "make install" didn't work if you disabled all of the localizations.
* The scheduler didn't always choose the least costly filter.
* Fixed parsing of IPv6 addresses in Allow, Deny, BrowseAllow, BrowseDeny, and BrowseRelay directives
* Printers that were shared via LDAP did not get added to the LDAP server properly
* LDAP browsing would crash the scheduler if a required value was missing
* Special cases for the "localhost" hostname did not work, causing printing to not work when the /etc/hosts file did not contain a localhost entry
* Updated the Spanish translation
* Reverse-order page output was broken when N-up or landscape orientations were used
* The parallel, serial, socket, and USB backends needed print data before they would report back-channel data, causing problems with several new drivers
- fixed randomly crash when testing many PPD files (bugzilla#193354)
* Thu Jul 13 2006 -
- moved 3.0 from BETA to STABLE
* Thu Jun 29 2006 -
- do not use deprecated libpng function png_read_destroy
* Wed Jun 28 2006 -
- reinjected lost --datadir into configure
* Thu Jun 22 2006 -
- upgrade to version 1.2.1: a major release after long (>1y) development
with new functions, many enhancements, bugfixes and new bugs
* Mon May 22 2006 -
- removed Required-Start: in rccupsrenice; real fix for (bugzilla#172708)
* Mon May 22 2006 -
- Only activate cupsrenice on initial install; [#172708].
* Tue Apr 25 2006 -
- fixed pswrite.patch (bugzilla#169068)
* Tue Apr 11 2006 -
- fixed the usb naming for special HP printers (bugzilla#163833)
* Wed Jan 25 2006 -
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
* Sat Jan 14 2006 -
- Move cups-config to the libs sub package. Then we do not bother anyone as
cups-libs is required by cups-devel and cups; [#142004].
* Fri Jan 13 2006 -
- Use -fstack-protector.
* Wed Jan 11 2006 -
- moved cups-config into main package (bugzilla#142004)
* Tue Jan 10 2006 -
- fixed %%files for /etc/cups/printcap (bugzilla#140308)
- fixed various xpdf security issues (bugzilla#137156)
CVE-2005-3624, CVE-2005-3625, CVE-2005-3626, CVE-2005-3627,
CVE-2005-3628, CVE-2005-3193
* Tue Dec 06 2005 -
- fixed xpdf overflow CVE-2005-3193 (bugzilla#137156)
* Wed Nov 23 2005 -
- fixed the info of last printer in printcap file (bugzilla#132152)
* Wed Nov 23 2005 -
- added global lpoptions file (bugzilla#118982)
- fixed $ppid test in rccupsrenice (bugzilla#119822)
- fixed short description in rccupsrenice (bugzilla#121873)
- changed filtering of mozilla-ps (bugzilla#130623)
* Mon Sep 12 2005 -
- fixed segfault in cupstestppd (bugzilla#116468)
* Thu Sep 08 2005 -
- fixed rccupsrenice: can handle mutliple pids in $ppid now (bugzilla#115863)
- fixed rccupsrenice: link points to correct script
* Mon Sep 05 2005 -
- fixed rccupsrenice: requires changed to cupsd (bugzilla#115261)
* Fri Sep 02 2005 -
- fixed length of stftime array in lpstat (bugzilla#105732)
* Thu Sep 01 2005 -
- rccupsrenice checks if cupsd is running before processing (bugzilla#114650)
* Tue Aug 23 2005 -
- coolo wants a speedup of system boot:
rccups: cupsd gets now a lower ionice value if booting in level 5
and rccupsrenice (new introduced) brings those io values back,
later when system is up and running
* Tue Jul 26 2005 -
- removed backends pipe and novell; now in cups-backends
* Mon Jul 11 2005 -
- further changes for PIE
- renamed latest patches to my naming schema
* Thu Jun 30 2005 -
- build with -fPI[CE] (not -fpi[ce]) to avoid GOT overflows in
certain packages (e.g. scribus) on s390*
* Mon Jun 20 2005 -
- build as PIE
* Wed Jun 15 2005 -
- Bugzilla #41006 "Charset detection in CUPS":
add missing includes and fix charset and language detection.
* Mon Jun 13 2005 -
- removed permissions file from package (bugzilla#66305)
- changed permission of xinetd.d file
- fixed SUSE version in testpage (bugzilla#78075)
* Thu Apr 07 2005 -
- gcc4.0 compilation fixes (thx to mls)
* Thu Mar 10 2005 -
- fixed problem in lppasswd file generation (bugzilla#64370)
- fixed problem in library with authorization
- cupstestppd checks now PageSize more properly
* Tue Mar 01 2005 -
- fixed lpstat segfault issue (bugzilla#66328)
* Mon Feb 21 2005 -
- added "hplip" to rccups (bugzilla#65378)
* Tue Feb 15 2005 -
- introduced norootforbuild
* Fri Jan 21 2005 -
- update to version 1.1.23 and adaption of patches
- added xpdf buffer overflow fix; CAN-2005-0064 (bugzilla#49840)
* Sat Jan 15 2005 -
- Use <owner>:<group> in permissions file.
* Sun Dec 19 2004 -
- added additional xpdf buffer overflow patches (missing in this
* Wed Dec 15 2004 -
- updated novell backend (bugzilla#41773)
- updated pipe backend (bugzilla#33659)
* Wed Nov 17 2004 -
- updated to cups-1.1.22
- adapted spec file, patches, etc.
* Mon Nov 08 2004 -
- Include common-* PAM config files in cups configuration
* Fri Sep 24 2004 -
- added creation of group ntadmin in %%pre (bugzilla#45719)
* Mon Sep 20 2004 -
- cupstestppd fails on some doubtful Sharp PPDs (bugzilla#45648)
- removed ed from neededforbuild list
* Wed Sep 15 2004 -
- fix for umlaut names when download of queue ppds (bugzilla#44975)
* Tue Sep 14 2004 -
- cups-1.1.21 is now released
- cupsomatic removed (will be replaced by foomatic-rip/foomatic-filters)
- more useable messages in preauth patch
* Thu Sep 02 2004 -
- ignores now short living childs in ppds.dat generation case
* Wed Sep 01 2004 -
- fixed security problem in cupsomatic, CAN-2004-0801 (bugzilla#44233)
* Tue Aug 31 2004 -
- first try for cups-1.1.21rc2
- renumbered patches
- adapted old SuSE patches to this version
- removed /var/adm/notify -- ancient and no longer needed
* Thu Aug 12 2004 -
- added test for /.buildenv to make users happy (bugzilla#43503) :-)
* Wed Apr 21 2004 -
- removed needless "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT" in %%install
- added -fno-strict-aliasing compile option (*sic*)
- added missing mime handling of pswrite (bugzilla#33862)
* Tue Apr 13 2004 -
- removed x-devel-packages from neededforbuild
* Tue Apr 06 2004 -
- fixed segfault in library (bugzilla#38381) - tested and works fine
* Mon Mar 22 2004 -
- fixed image links in web interface (bugzilla#36403)
- fixed cupstestppd (bugzilla#36688)
* Wed Mar 17 2004 -
- cupstestppd failed if PPD file has default for non-existance names (STR#476)
- patch for CPU excess if CGI is sending faster than client receiving (STR#595)
- faster scan of ppd files (bugzilla#33222)
- patch for broken HTTP authentication cache (STR#517)
- redirect administration tasks to primary server (STR#491)
* Wed Mar 17 2004 -
- added pswrite filter script to produce PostScript1 output
- beautified filter ogonki "mktemp -q /tmp/dvitops.XXXXXX" -> ogonki.XXXXXX
- removed cups-1.1.19-no_dvi.patch, fixed cups-mime.patch instead
- added PS1 and PS2 PPD files (bugzilla#34938)
* Tue Mar 16 2004 -
- backport of signed char usage for weird platforms (STR#518)
- cups-lpd mini-daemon rejects jobs if queue behing is rejecting (STR#515)
- fix for too fast CGI data delivery (STR#484)
* Mon Mar 08 2004 -
- backport of fixes in CVS repository for scheduler and library,
with many fixes, like crash on remote reject, close client on
errors, propper http flushing, etc. -- first print tests work fine.
* Mon Mar 08 2004 -
- many backports of fixes in CVS repository
- upgrade of pdftops to version 2.03
* Mon Feb 23 2004 -
- memory overwrite fixed in rastertoepson
- fixed md5sum revealing problem (bugzilla#32862)
- fixed naming of some usb printers
* Wed Feb 11 2004 -
- activated incidentally removed usermode patch (bugzilla#34438)
- added "printbill" to rccups
* Fri Jan 16 2004 -
- Add pam-devel to neededforbuild
* Wed Nov 26 2003 -
- fixed permission of directory interfaces (bugzilla#33337)
- added new option "-p" to generate ppds.dat only and exit (bugzilla#33222)
- added openslp support
- upgraded to 1.1.20 (final)
* Wed Oct 01 2003 -
- changed LC_MESSAGES -> LC_CTYPE (= fixed bugzilla#26006)
* Thu Sep 25 2003 -
- update to 1.1.20rc2
* Wed Sep 17 2003 -
- authentication method for /admin changed (bugzilla#31158)
* Mon Sep 15 2003 -
- fixed PPDs defaults: Letter -> A4 (bugzilla#30662)
* Thu Sep 11 2003 -
- Set sticky bit for /var/spool/cups/tmp
* Thu Sep 11 2003 -
- changed rcfile, as suggested in bugzilla#28444
* Tue Sep 09 2003 -
- fixed typo in configuration for preauth security patch
* Mon Sep 08 2003 -
- fix for the SLP browsing patch (missing/wrong initialize of variables)
* Wed Sep 03 2003 -
- fix for boolean options in filters (CUPS STR#249)
- fix for check of written bytes in 4 backends (CUPS STR#253)
- fix for segfault when browsing and SLP is set on (CUPS STR#259)
- fix for restart problem of processed jobs (CUPS STR#226)
- fix for LPD port number in URI (CUPS STR#249)
- fix for Landscape PDF offset rotation position (CUPS STR#243)
- generated /etc/cups/printcap and link /etc/printcap due to UserMode
* Tue Sep 02 2003 -
- fixed %%_libdir problem in xinetd.d/cups-lpd (bugzilla#29877)
* Mon Sep 01 2003 -
- last fix of bugzilla#29418 didn't work in reality. on specfile again.
- "-y" for fillup_and_insserv
* Mon Sep 01 2003 -
- DOCDIR removed to fix bugzilla#29418
- specfile: daemon has now security patches -> start it on boot per default
- specfile: restart of daemon on package update
* Fri Aug 29 2003 -
- Set explicit correct permissions of /etc/cups contents, else
cups will do it.
* Tue Aug 26 2003 -
- changed attributes for files (bugzilla#28736)
* Mon Aug 25 2003 -
- fix for locale destroying (bugzilla#29218)
* Mon Aug 25 2003 -
- made restrictrions in cupsd.conf to take preauthorization effect
* Thu Aug 21 2003 -
- cupsd runs now as lp:lp (as suggested in bugzilla#28444)
* Thu Aug 21 2003 -
- added preauthorization patch from okir - seems to work - thx
* Thu Aug 21 2003 -
- fixed USB backend to report manufacturer and model, if description
string is missing (cups STR#174)
- fixed problem with some embedded Type1C fonts (cups STR#177)
- fixed problem when reading files and using the POSIX locale (cups STR#159)
* Wed Aug 20 2003 -
- added official patch for cupstestppd problem (bugzilla#27950)
- fixed problem with "keepalive on" (bugzilla#28154)
- fixed encode options to honor "yes" and "on" as values too
* Mon Aug 18 2003 -
- fixed metadata in sysconfig file (bugzilla#28861)
* Wed Aug 13 2003 -
- fixed cupstestppd (bugzilla#27950)
* Thu Jul 31 2003 -
- don't strip explicitly, but let the brp scripts handle it
* Tue Jul 29 2003 -
- fixed ogonkify (bugzilla#28307)
* Thu Jul 10 2003 -
- fixed 64bit problem in printers.cgi (bugzilla#24786)
- removed dvi printing support due to missing packages (bugzilla#27032)
* Fri Jul 04 2003 -
- splitted out foomatic-filters package, which is cups independed
(except Coolo's faulty checking)
* Mon Jun 23 2003 -
- fixed mandir problem under non-i386 architecture
* Mon Jun 23 2003 -
- remove smb backand from file list and init script; it's now part of the
samba-client package
* Tue Jun 17 2003 -
- added ptal to Should-Start in rccups (bugzilla#27159)
* Thu Jun 12 2003 -
- Add missing directories to filelist
* Mon Jun 02 2003 -
- 1.1.19 is released -> updated
* Fri May 30 2003 -
- remove unpackaged files from buildroot
* Tue Apr 29 2003 -
- updated to 1.1.19rc3
- removed unnecessary patches
- removed README.SuSE (bugzilla#26479)
* Wed Apr 09 2003 -
- added patch for cgi-interface: hostname is now mapped to localhost
- updated PrintAnalyzer script
* Wed Mar 12 2003 -
- fixed "endless attempts to print" problem (bugzilla#25152)
* Wed Mar 12 2003 -
- installs now correct pam file (bugzilla#23277)
* Mon Mar 10 2003 -
- fixed location of foomatic-rip filters -> /usr/bin
- added link for foomatic-rip
- updated foomatic-rip (to latest, fixed version)
* Thu Mar 06 2003 -
- fixed typo for manpage installation of foomatic-rip
- fixed file list of cups and cups-client (foomatic-rip is part of cups
and therefore the corresponding package should contain the manpage too)
* Mon Mar 03 2003 -
- updated cupsomatic to (hopefully fixed accounting problem)
* Thu Feb 27 2003 -
- fix for add printer with KDE util (from CVS head)
* Wed Feb 26 2003 -
- fixed again filelist :)
- fixed documenation path (buzgzilla#24083)
- fixed PPD file parsing (from CVS head)
- tested daemon
* Wed Feb 26 2003 -
- fix filelist (file listed twice)
* Wed Feb 26 2003 -
- updated foomatic-gswrapper
- added new foomatic-rip: filter, config file and manpage
* Mon Feb 24 2003 -
- updated backends novell and pipe
- renamed sysconfig metadata: sysconfig.cups -> cups.sysconfig
- renamed permissions file: permissions.cups -> cups.permissions
- fixed problem in lpoptions (no more loops! :)
* Thu Feb 20 2003 -
- Add sysconfig metadata [#22629]
* Fri Feb 07 2003 -
- Use instead of
* Tue Jan 28 2003 -
- fixed "Error message when starting cups daemon" problem (bugzilla#22472)
- removed unnecessary DocumentRoot setting cupsd.conf
* Tue Jan 28 2003 -
- changed replacement of distribution in
- rccups: moved hotplug from required start to should-start (bugzilla#23054)
- added /usr/bin/cupstestppd (bugzilla#23143)
- created xinetd.d file for cups-lpd
* Thu Jan 23 2003 -
- added usb patch (for epson printers)
- added herrno patch in IPP protocol
* Fri Jan 17 2003 -
- added two backends (pipe + novell), written by
- welcome back foomatic filter (makes more sense to have it here)
* Fri Dec 20 2002 -
- updated to 1.1.18, adapted testpage.diff for new version
* Mon Dec 16 2002 -
- fixed test for link problem in rccups
* Tue Dec 10 2002 -
- removed foomatic filter. with next suse release will be in pkg cups-drivers
* Wed Dec 04 2002 -
- updated to version 1.1.17, removed lib64 patch (now already in source tree)
* Thu Nov 07 2002 -
- updated %%files for all cups subpackages.
(Now new cups files are included too :-)
* Thu Nov 07 2002 -
- removed debuging option in spec file.
* Thu Nov 07 2002 -
- updated to version 1.1.16, removed or adapted SuSE patches
* Tue Sep 10 2002 -
- added prereq for groupadd (#19300)
* Thu Sep 05 2002 -
- fix postinstall
* Thu Sep 05 2002 -
- changed %%post: removed "insserv" to make yast2 and security happy
* Mon Sep 02 2002 -
- changed cupsd.conf for access (bugzilla#18764)
* Mon Sep 02 2002 -
- added directory /usr/share/cups/drivers for cupsaddsmb/samba
* Tue Aug 27 2002 -
- fixed foomatic and foomatic-gswrapper (bugzilla#18425)
* Wed Aug 21 2002 -
- gave %%files sections a %%deffattr and gave special files and dirs
a required %%attr permissions of lp.sys (bugzilla#18126)
* Tue Aug 20 2002 -
- fixed hardcoded path CUPS_SERVERBIN (fixes ghostscript on lib64
* Tue Aug 20 2002 -
- Correct PreReq
* Mon Aug 12 2002 -
- cups-devel now requires exact matching version of cups-libs
- added /var/log/cups to cups-libs (bugzilla#17617)
* Sat Jul 27 2002 -
- add %%run_ldconfig
* Mon Jul 22 2002 -
- fix for author patch: crashed on reload signal (tested for stability)
* Fri Jul 19 2002 -
- using now fillup to generate sysconfig file
- replaced delayed exit patch by CUPS authors one
* Thu Jul 18 2002 -
- again rccups: rc.config only parsed, if present (for backward compatibility)
* Thu Jul 18 2002 -
- updated rccups to satisfy new SuSE requirements
- added delayed exit of cupsd patch (for processing many PPD files)
* Wed Jul 10 2002 -
- adapted the pam file for SuSE (according to Thorstens proposal)
* Tue Jul 09 2002 -
- upgraded to version 1.1.15 and adapted all the old patches
- moved %%{_sysconfdir}/cups to libs (as suggested by jsmeix)
* Tue Jul 02 2002 -
- added symbolic link /usr/bin/lpc (bugzilla #16652)
- changed umask in rccups (bugzilla #16567)
* Thu Jun 13 2002 -
- Running cupsd if no printer is configured makes no sense.
Do not activate cupsd after installation in %%post.
* Tue Jun 04 2002 -
- fixed g++/cups-config problems in other cups subpackages
* Tue Jun 04 2002 -
- added 'cups-config' to devel
* Wed May 08 2002 -
- fixed linker problem (rpath) under x86_64
- therefore old x86_64 fix is no longer necessary: removed.
* Mon Apr 22 2002 -
- added %%ifarch x86_64 to avoid linking problems in specfile.
* Thu Apr 18 2002 -
- updated to 1.1.14
- removed unnecessary patches
- adapted patch to new file
- fixed permission problem with lppasswd
- fixed %%files section (now includes all %%dirs too)
* Wed Apr 10 2002 -
- don't call autoreconf, we can't use autoheader and automake here
* Tue Feb 26 2002 -
- fixed too restrictive IPP security fix
- fixed documentation path (#13889)
* Mon Feb 25 2002 -
- reorganized online documentation. old structure might confuse people (#13849)
* Wed Feb 20 2002 -
- completed the IPP security fix again (hopefully the last time)
* Mon Feb 18 2002 -
- completed the IPP security fix
* Tue Feb 12 2002 -
- updated perl scripts cupsomatic, and foomatic-gswrapper
* Tue Feb 12 2002 -
- made patch cups-cs-utf8.dif again. got build problems with last version.
* Mon Feb 11 2002 -
- Added iso-8859-2 patch for czech utf-8 locale.
Thanks to Petr Blahos <>.
* Mon Feb 11 2002 -
- added IPP security fix
* Fri Feb 01 2002 -
- log tcp-wrappers based connection refusals to cups' own logfiles
instead of syslog.
* Fri Feb 01 2002 -
- changed neededforbuild <libpng> to <libpng-devel-packages>
* Tue Jan 29 2002 -
- added support for tcp-wrappers (cups-1.1.12-libwrap-addition.dif)
token for /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} is "cupsd".
* Mon Jan 21 2002 -
- Fix gcc version check.
* Tue Jan 08 2002 -
- cups-client does not provide print_daemon anymore. print_daemon
is required by aps but cups-client does not satisfy aps
regarding this.
- START_CUPS variable removed
- up to 1.1.12
* Sun Nov 11 2001 -
- fixes specfile
* Sat Nov 10 2001 -
- add standard postscript PPD
- set DefaultPage{Size,Region} to A4 in ppd files
- now reqiures ghostscript_any
- add /etc/permissions.d/cups-client (#4094)
- personalize test page
- move old font directory if existing and send mail
- up to 1.1.11
* Mon Oct 22 2001 -
- remove ghostscript-fonts-std from neededforbuild, this is only
a runtime requirement
* Tue Sep 04 2001 -
- work around cups' broken tmp file handling (#10142)
* Sun Sep 02 2001 -
- move client.conf to libs package
- activate cat8 man pages
- update lphelp
* Thu Aug 30 2001 -
- split into cups-client and cups(-server) package
- add %%ghosty smb printer backend support
- re-add ogonky for non-latin1 charsets (#9864)
- add printanalyzer script in doc
* Mon Aug 27 2001 -
- removed cups.conf (now provided by susehelp)
* Mon Aug 27 2001 -
- Remove -j parameter from spec file
* Sat Aug 25 2001 -
- update to 1.1.10-1 (many fixes)
- fix output for dvi's (bug #9862)
- new poll_ppd_base
* Sun Aug 19 2001 -
- split out cups-libs from cups
- add ssl directory
- make correct links for cups libraries
* Thu Aug 16 2001 -
- use ghostscript fonts which are the same as the cups fonts and adjust
dependecy for ghostscript-fonts-std
* Sun Aug 12 2001 -
- enable SSL
* Fri Aug 10 2001 -
- correct init script
* Fri Jul 20 2001 -
- new version 1.1.9 .
- updated init script to new skeleton (Bug #8981).
* Mon Jun 18 2001 -
- added support for PS files created by Netscape.
* Sun Apr 15 2001 -
- Fix missing declarations.
* Thu Apr 12 2001 -
- moved foomatic-gswrapper and cupsomatic
from cups-drivers to cups
* Thu Apr 12 2001 -
- patched cupsd to use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random.
This fixes bug #6703
* Wed Apr 11 2001 -
- spec file overhaul
- using RPM_BUILD_ROOT now
- removed /etc/printcap from file list
- removed dependency to cups-drivers
* Tue Apr 10 2001 -
- Wake up Epson Stylus USB printers before sending the print job.
- Added czech translations (czech.dif).
* Mon Apr 02 2001 -
- added cups.conf for susehelp
* Fri Mar 23 2001 -
- USB printers can be now addressed using URI
where <xxxx> and <yyyy> are USB identification numbers.
(e.g. usb:/dev/usb/lp?vendor=04a9&prod_id=1052 for Canon BJC-6100)
- fixed pplication/dvi -> application/dvi in conf/mime.convs
* Mon Feb 26 2001 -
- update to 1.1.6-3 (fixing several security issues)
* Tue Jan 30 2001 -
- update to 1.1.6 (fixes possible DoS attack)
* Mon Jan 08 2001 -
- added missing reqiures for cups-drivers
* Fri Dec 22 2000 -
- update to version 1.1.5
* Mon Dec 04 2000 -
- cups configuration changed - Browsing now Off by default
* Thu Nov 30 2000 -
- added DVI filter
* Wed Nov 29 2000 -
- fixed spec
* Tue Nov 28 2000 -
- fixed startscript
* Fri Nov 24 2000 -
- added rc.config fillup and SuSEconfig script to automatically
set browse address if demanded
* Wed Nov 22 2000 -
- split into system and development package
* Fri Oct 06 2000 -
- documentation root changed
* Fri Oct 06 2000 -
- update to version 1.1.4
- small changes in spec file
* Mon Sep 25 2000 -
- make post-script succeed unconditionally
* Tue Sep 19 2000 -
- update to version 1.1.3
* Thu Sep 14 2000 -
- restart daemon if already started
- added two little tools (poll_ppd_base, lphelp)
- added a few compatibility links
* Thu Sep 14 2000 -
- turned automatic generation of printcap on
- turned implicit classes off since they are buggy
* Wed Sep 13 2000 -
- fixed directory structure
- added links to lpd and rclpd
* Fri Sep 01 2000 -
- added Conflicts line
* Mon Aug 28 2000 -
- initial package