b2b4aa2eeaRemove unnecessary extra condition (as SLE 12 SP3 and Leap 42.3 have the same package availability status)
Stefan Knorr
2018-10-23 16:35:09 +00:00
93f1081831Spec-file and build environment fixes
Frank Sundermeyer
2018-10-23 15:16:26 +00:00
8e4f93313aWorkaround to make it possible to build things
Stefan Knorr
2018-10-23 10:07:37 +00:00
17894cad97sync changelog
Rick Salevsky
2018-10-22 12:58:41 +00:00
fadf49f49dAccepting request 643222 from home:rsalevsky:branches:Documentation:Tools
Stefan Knorr
2018-10-19 15:15:44 +00:00
51340ffcacStable release DAPS 2.1.5: * New Features: - parameters for text generation can be set in the config files via TXT_PARAMS or via --param/--stringparam on the command line - a change introduced in 2.0 made using the original DocBook stylesheets for text generation the default. Since this behavior is confusing and unexpected, it is reverted with this change: * the stylesheets configured via STYLEROOT or --styleroot are used by default for text generation * to ignore _any_ STYLEROOT definitions, set TXT_IGNORE_STYLEROOT="yes" in the config files or use --ignore-styleroot on the command line (daps -d <DC> text --ignore-styleroot) * Bugfixes: - Fix for issue #294: xmlcatalog returns file:<PATH> rather than file://<PATH> on Debian Jessie and openSUSE Tumbleweed and caused DAPS to fail with DB5 sources * Misc - added basic debugging output to test suite (--debug)
Frank Sundermeyer
2015-12-07 16:23:05 +00:00
9625c6876bStable release DAPS 2.1.4:
Thomas Schraitle
2015-12-02 15:10:04 +00:00
544f602c73Accepting request 334814 from Documentation:Tools
Stephan Kulow
2015-09-30 03:53:29 +00:00
9406252ea2Stable release DAPS 2.1.3: * Bugfixes: - Fix for issue #284 (spellcheck / getimages use wrong filelist when called with --debug - "--param" and "--stringparam" were missing for the subcommands package-pdf and package-html - all warning messages now go to STDERR, making it possible to always catch the output of a DAPS command with FOO="$(daps...) * Misc: - added a wrapper for jing allwing to customize java flags, jars, and options - standardized customising options for all java programs (fop, jing, xep)
Frank Sundermeyer
2015-09-22 13:50:57 +00:00
8488635ff5- Stable release DAPS 2.1.2: * Bugfixes - man page for daps-init was named daps_init * Miscellaneous: - renamed daps_autobuild to daps-autobuild for consistency
Frank Sundermeyer
2015-08-06 07:46:59 +00:00
0f7b5e3d6fAccepting request 317239 from Documentation:Tools
Stephan Kulow
2015-07-21 11:27:07 +00:00
c1c636e779- Stable release DAPS 2.1.1: * Bugfixes: - Fix for issue #274 (PDF Index Building Fails Because of Empty Profiling Directory) - fix for issue #275 (Avoid Same Target Names in Different Makefiles) - fix for issue #276 (PROFILE_URN Detection Depends on Position of PI in Document) - fix for issue #277 (Debugging Targets Fail when xml:lang is not set) - fix for issue #278 (Avoid Using "LANGUAGE" as a Variable Name) - fix for issue #280 (Webhelp: Common/ Directory Contains Dead Symbolic Links) * New Features: - added support for profiling attribute "outputformat" by intrducing PROFOUTPUTFORMAT (issue #279) * Miscellaneous: - replaced Chinese font "FZSongTi" with "wqy-microhei" in the default config file for XEP (XEP_CONFIG_FILE=etc/xep/xep-daps.xml)
Frank Sundermeyer
2015-07-10 08:59:07 +00:00
d822f5d107Accepting request 315195 from Documentation:Tools
Stephan Kulow
2015-07-08 04:59:41 +00:00
18e3c138a9Updated changes file for maintenance request
Frank Sundermeyer
2015-07-06 10:34:50 +00:00
16d75d56e0Stable release DAPS 2.1:
Frank Sundermeyer
2015-07-02 16:31:53 +00:00
b36ac8b05cStable release DAPS 2.0: - supporting rng _and_ rnc schemas for validation with jing - added a --debug switch and error reporting to daps_autobuild - moved a --meta related warning so it does not get displayed when running a *-name subcommand - fixed a quoting issue in daps-migrate and daps_functions - fixed an error in the DB4->DB5 migration stylesheet (formatting was lost on <term> tags)
Frank Sundermeyer
2015-06-19 11:08:20 +00:00
29a1c9abb3Accepting request 312423 from Documentation:Tools
Stephan Kulow
2015-06-18 04:37:35 +00:00
f6c799583eNew release DAPS 2.0~rc7 - replaced daps-auto.pl with daps_autobuild * uses an XML file as a config file (can be validated with schema that is also provided) * supports git _and_ svn repos - DB5 fix for target productinfo - locdrop target can now read information about translated files from in-file tag provided by docmanager - fixed two issues in the unpack-locdrop target - fixed stylesheet issues when using saxon as a parser - Added missing dependency on $(RESULT_DIR) for epub - bash code cleanup - Changed default DB5 schema fom docbook.rng to docbookxi.rng (supports xi:includes) - Documentation: now covers all 2.0 changes
Frank Sundermeyer
2015-06-10 14:04:46 +00:00
037733ac85New release DAPS 2.0~rc6 * Bugfix: Due to an error in Makefile.am, the contents of daps_xslt/relnotes were installed to daps_xslt/xhtml and vice versa.
Frank Sundermeyer
2015-04-27 15:43:09 +00:00
3654db5ba4New release DAPS 2.0~rc5 (releases rc3 and rc4 have not been made available as SUSE builds) - Full support for DocBook 5 now (finally) - various fixes for ePUB (again): -ePUB 2 builds without warnings/errors in epubcheck -ePUB3 shows a few warnings/errors in epubcheck resulting from errors in the stylesheets -make sure ePUB gets a correct date format (YYYY-MM-DD) - Moved DAPS user config directory to ~/.config/daps/. The config file has been renamed to dapsrc (the user will be notified and DAPS will automatically do the move if the user agrees) - all of DocBook's profiling attributes are no supported - Various build fixes to make it work on Debian Wheezy, Fedora 20/21 openSUSE 13.x, SLE 12, and Ubuntu 14.10 - tested DAPS on Debian Wheezy, Fedora 20/21 and Ubuntu 14.10 - Added script and stylesheets to migrate DocBook4 projects to DocBook 5 (libexec/daps-migrate) - various fixes and improvements for bin/daps-init (incl. man page) - Added support for local static/ directories - Established new locdrop workflow - Fixed daps-init - strings passed with --xsltparam no longer need to be uoted with double and single quotes--only use double quotes now - Definied DAPS version for major, minor, and micro (configure.ac) - Introduced daps_version_{major,minor,micro} substitutions - Corrected URL from SourceForge to GitHub - Used DAPS version in AC_MSG_NOTICE - Unified copyright statements - Let configure change the Version in entity-decl.ent - Created DOCTYPE and PI node manually for daps-xslt/profiling/
Frank Sundermeyer
2015-04-21 13:18:10 +00:00
9780fd6611Accepting request 244719 from home:stknorr:branches:Documentation:Tools
Thomas Schraitle
2014-08-14 14:06:19 +00:00
3b8bc1bfb1Accepting request 244689 from home:stknorr:branches:Documentation:Tools
Thomas Schraitle
2014-08-14 12:21:25 +00:00
dc25828a53Accepting request 243389 from Documentation:Tools
Stephan Kulow
2014-08-01 17:27:19 +00:00
88eb7ffc6bMissing changelog entry
Frank Sundermeyer
2014-08-01 11:56:59 +00:00
c2ab468525Changing the version number from "RC1" to "rc1" because the uppercase form is considered to be older than the previous version "beta8".
Frank Sundermeyer
2014-08-01 11:26:25 +00:00
ae77fc2b8eAccepting request 242974 from Documentation:Tools
Stephan Kulow
2014-07-31 05:41:45 +00:00
a831b4923eRemoving old source file
Frank Sundermeyer
2014-07-30 09:43:47 +00:00
448d402407Accepting request 239145 from Documentation:Tools
Stephan Kulow
2014-07-02 13:05:04 +00:00
cd68c5d033Removing obsolete source package
Frank Sundermeyer
2014-06-27 09:14:27 +00:00
828016cb7cNew release DAPS 2.0~beta7: - Reverted the change that was introduced with beta6, since the libxml2-2 patches have been removed - they broke too many applications - apart from a minor change in the automake setup this release is identical to beta5
Frank Sundermeyer
2014-06-26 15:34:40 +00:00
da92576bd7Accepting request 235084 from Documentation:Tools
Stephan Kulow
2014-05-23 05:27:39 +00:00
2cefac094aDisabling AM_MAINTAINER_MODE to disable rebuilds; (not sure why they are happening, but they shouldn't be necessary anyway)
Frank Sundermeyer
2014-05-22 09:06:33 +00:00
3d558cbdb7Added automake as a BuildRequires
Frank Sundermeyer
2014-05-21 15:32:19 +00:00
7c28b8b8b3New release DAPS 2.0~beta6: - Fixed fatal error: an update of libxml2 changed the behaviour of xmllint's entity handling which made it necessary to add --noent to the xmllint calls that check whether the sources are well-formed
Frank Sundermeyer
2014-05-21 14:39:46 +00:00
ca37bac147Accepting request 232356 from Documentation:Tools
Stephan Kulow
2014-05-02 11:55:09 +00:00
b897f4cc02New release DAPS 2.0~beta5: - fully supporting the suse-doc-style-checker (target stylecheck) - fix for "online-docs": only tar'ing png and jpg if respective images are available - fix for ticket #225 (Misleading error message when xml files do not reside in a directory named xml/) - fix for ticket #218 (Improve error handling for --rootid parameter) - added tests for targets "package-html and "package-pdf" - resulting filenames for package-html and package-pdf can now be queried via "showvariable"
Frank Sundermeyer
2014-04-24 20:06:40 +00:00
fb7488a0edAccepting request 226006 from Documentation:Tools
Stephan Kulow
2014-03-18 13:13:49 +00:00
a78dc9cda9New release DAPS 2.0~beta4:
Frank Sundermeyer
2014-03-14 16:27:51 +00:00
688fa73b0cAccepting request 213758 from Documentation:Tools
Stephan Kulow
2014-01-17 11:00:43 +00:00