- new option "--static" for html builds copies images and css files rather than linking them (which is the default) - document-files-html / document-files-pdf / desktop-files now only generate the desktop files rather than creating tarballs * tarballs are generated with dist-document-files-html, dist-... * document-files-dir-name, desktop-files-dir-name show the directory names for the generated desktop files - new file names for PDFs: color: ($BOOK|$ROOTID)_$LANG.pdf print: ($BOOK|$ROOTID)-print_$LANG.pdf - new option --def-file=DEFFILE for target package-src. If specified also adds all ENV files referenced in the DEF-file to the tarball - new option --def-file=DEFFILE for target locdrop adds the DEF-file to the notrans tarball OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=52
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