Tue Apr 10 11:32:52 UTC 2012 - sweet_f_a@gmx.de

- bump version 0.2.0, this is a feature release.
  * The distinction between binaries for date, time and date-time processing
    is cleared up by a unified set of tools, prefixed with `d'.
    dadd + tadd -> dadd
    dconv + tconv + dtconv -> dconv
    ddiff + tdiff -> ddiff
    dgrep + tgrep -> dgrep
    dseq + tseq -> dseq
    dtest + ttest -> dtest
  * Furthermore, all tools now fully cope with dates, times and date-times.
    Virtual timezones have been added (use `GPS' or `TAI').
  * See info page examples and/or README. 

Fri Mar 23 16:04:17 UTC 2012 - sweet_f_a@gmx.de

- bump version 0.1.10, this is a bug fix release.
  * account for big-endian machines
  * GNUisms (mempcpy() and getline()) are removed
  * inf-loop in tseq is fixed (bug #6)
  * nanoseconds are preserved upon time zone conversion
- add byteswap.patch to fix build for old distros

Wed Feb  1 09:43:01 UTC 2012 - sweet_f_a@gmx.de

- bump version 0.1.9, this is a bug fix release.
  * The code for date addition is refactored, with it a new
    duration type is introduced, DT_MD, to capture larger month and
    day summands.

Tue Jan  3 12:18:04 UTC 2012 - sweet_f_a@gmx.de

- bump version 0.1.8, this is a bug fix release.
  * A bit fiddling bug gave erroneous results in `dconv now'.
  * Furtherly, date expressions (for dgrep et al.) can now be
    arbitrarily joined with conjunctions (&&) and disjunctions (||)
    as well as negations (!). 

Thu Oct 27 16:02:57 UTC 2011 - sweet_f_a@gmx.de

- bump version 0.1.7, this is a bug fix release.

Fri Oct 21 14:00:41 UTC 2011 - sweet_f_a@gmx.de

- bump version 0.1.6

Wed Sep 14 21:34:27 UTC 2011 - sweet_f_a@gmx.de

- initial package datetools 0.1.2