2019-03-12 22:29:03 +00:00
Tue Mar 12 22:23:22 UTC 2019 - klaatu <aloisio@gmx.com>
- Update to version 0.2.1
* SSSE3 optimization for cdef_dir
* AVX-2 improvements of the existing CDEF optimizations
* NEON improvements of the existing CDEF and wiener
* Clarification about the numbering/versionning scheme
2019-03-04 18:47:57 +00:00
Mon Mar 4 17:31:53 UTC 2019 - Luigi Baldoni <aloisio@gmx.com>
- Update to version 0.2.0
* ARM64 and ARM optimizations using NEON instructions
* SSSE3 optimizations for both 32 and 64bits
* More AVX-2 assembly, reaching almost completion
* Fix installation of includes
* Rewrite inverse transforms to avoid overflows
* Snap packaging for Linux
* Updated API (ABI and API break)
* Fixes for un-decodable samples
2018-12-13 14:06:42 +00:00
Thu Dec 13 13:21:36 UTC 2018 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Redo description and mention SIMD acceleration.
2018-12-13 11:54:19 +00:00
Thu Dec 13 11:53:50 UTC 2018 - Luigi Baldoni <aloisio@gmx.com>
- Moved license file to library package
2018-12-13 07:45:48 +00:00
Tue Dec 11 18:25:04 UTC 2018 - Luigi Baldoni <aloisio@gmx.com>
- Initial stable package (v0.1.0)