- swap to /usr/bin bsc#1029968
- Add the following fixes from SLE12
* bsc#980928 increase listen() backlog of AF_UNIX sockets to
SOMAXCONN fix-upstream-increase-backlog.patch
- The following bugs were already fixed but are missing changelog
* bsc#867256 (No longer applicable)
* bsc#916785 (No longer applicable)
* bsc#1012564 (Not applicable)
* fdo#90004 (Fixed Upstream)
- Rename the following patches as a tidy up
* dbus-log-deny.patch to feature-suse-log-deny.patch
* dbus-do-autolaunch.patch feature-suse-do-autolaunch.patch
* 0001-Add-RefuseManualStartStop.patch to
* 0001-Drop-Install-sections-from-user-services.patch to
- swap to /usr/bin bsc#1029968
- Add the following fixes from SLE12
* bsc#980928 increase listen() backlog of AF_UNIX sockets to
SOMAXCONN fix-upstream-increase-backlog.patch
- The following bugs were already fixed but are missing changelog
* bsc#867256 (No longer applicable)
* bsc#916785 (No longer applicable)
* bsc#1012564 (Not applicable)
* fdo#90004 (Fixed Upstream)
- Rename the following patches as a tidy up
* dbus-log-deny.patch to feature-suse-log-deny.patch
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/503558
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/dbus-1?expand=0&rev=250