------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 1 10:41:36 UTC 2023 - munix9@googlemail.com - Add curl as BuildRequires/Requires to be able to use the '-curl' option (eg. in DDCLIENT_OPTIONS in /etc/sysconfig/ddclient). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 27 12:40:48 UTC 2022 - Paolo Stivanin - Update to 3.10.0: * Added support for domaindiscount24.com * Added support for njal.la * Added support for Cloudflare API tokens * Added support for OVH DynHost. * Added support for ClouDNS. * Added support for dinahosting. * Added support for Gandi LiveDNS. * The freedns protocol (for https://freedns.afraid.org) now supports IPv6 addresses. * New ssl_ca_dir and ssl_ca_file options to specify the location of CA certificates. * New built-in IP discovery service shorthands: + googledomains from https://domains.google + he from https://he.net ip+4only.me, ip6only.me from http://whatismyv6.com + ipify-ipv4 and ipify-ipv6 from https://www.ipify.org + myonlineportal from https://myonlineportal.net + noip-ipv4 and noip-ipv6 from https://www.noip.com + nsupdate.info-ipv4 and nsupdate.info-ipv6 from + https://www.nsupdate.info + zoneedit from https://www.zoneedit.com * Added option -curl to access network with system Curl command instead of the Perl built-in IO::Socket classes. * Added option -{no}web-ssl-validate and -{no}fw-ssl-validateto provide option to disable SSL certificate validation. Note that these only apply for network access when obtaining an IP address with use=web or use=fw (any firewall). Network access to Dynamic DNS servers to set or retrieve IP address will always require certificate validation. * The fw-banlocal option is deprecated and no longer does anything. * The if-skip option is deprecated and no longer does anything. * The default server for the dslreports1 protocol changed from members.dyndns.org to www.dslreports.com. * Removed support for defunct dnsspark service * Removed support for defunct dtdns service * Removed support for defunct Hammernode service - Add fix-configure_ac.patch - Add disable-ip-test.patch - Rebase ddclient-config.patch - Rebase ddclient-delay-main-process-for-systemd.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 12 16:08:36 UTC 2022 - chris@computersalat.de - fix for boo#1191885 add SupplementaryGroups=maildrop to service file - rename ddclient-3.8.1-config.patch to ddclient-config.patch - rebase patch * ddclient-delay-main-process-for-systemd.patch (p0) - update ddclient-config.patch * fix PID file path - merge ddclient-replace-varrun-with-run.patch into ddclient-config.patc - merge changes file with SLES Maintained pkg - update Source to %{name}-%{version} ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 24 07:56:20 UTC 2021 - Antonio Larrosa - Modify the systemd service file so ddclient is run After network-online.target instead of just network.target, since running ddclient without being online is pointless. - Added a Wants statement for the same systemd targets as in After ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 1 12:27:43 UTC 2021 - Johannes Segitz - Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified: * ddclient.service ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 18 14:43:16 UTC 2021 - Josef Möllers - Systemd expects the PID file to exist as soon as the main process exists. However, it takes quite a while until the pid file is created by the daemon process, so we delay the main process for 1 second before exit()ing. This gets rid of an annoying warning message in "systemctl status". [ddclient, ddclient-delay-main-process-for-systemd.patch] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 12 15:09:21 UTC 2021 - Josef Möllers - Use an extended regular expression in sed to change (/var)?/run. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 22 06:12:24 UTC 2021 - Josef Möllers - In the (sample) /etc/ddclient.conf, also replace /var/run with /run. [ddclient-replace-varrun-with-run.patch, bsc#1185069] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 21 12:20:55 UTC 2021 - Josef Möllers - /var/run is deprecated, replaced by /run in ddclient-tmpfiles.conf [ddclient-tmpfiles.conf, bsc#1185069] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 19 09:56:26 UTC 2020 - Dominique Leuenberger - Use %{_tmpfilesdir} instead of abusing %{_libexecdir}. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 3 14:16:09 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Use properly tmpfiles-create - Remove the systemd conditional - Fixup download url ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 2 08:26:42 UTC 2020 - Thorsten Kukuk - Replace pwdutils with shadow, former is gone long time ago ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 24 20:46:43 UTC 2020 - Manu Maier - Upgrade to ddclient-3.9.1 * added support for Yandex.Mail for Domain DNS service * added support for NearlyFreeSpeech.net * added support for DNS Made Easy * added systemd instructions * added support for dondominio.com * updated perl instruction * updated fritzbox instructions * fixed multidomain support for namecheap * fixed support for Yandex ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 31 23:19:02 UTC 2019 - chris@computersalat.de - fix for boo#1127387 * systemd-tmpfiles need updating from /var/run/* to /run/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 16 00:08:01 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt - Ensure neutrality of description. - Do not ignore errors from useradd. - Avoid %__-type macro indirection. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 1 07:26:04 UTC 2018 - obs@botter.cc - Require perl-Data-Validate-IP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 13 12:51:46 UTC 2018 - Stefan Jakobs - Upgrade to ddclient-3.9.0 * Support IPv6 for CloudFlare * name cheap support https now * Use JSON::PP instead of the (deprecated) JSON::Any * Specify port number properly to 'nsupdate' * Adding support for freemyip.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 23 13:38:22 UTC 2017 - rbrown@suse.com - Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 3 08:36:33 UTC 2017 - josef.moellers@suse.com - Upgrade to ddclient-3.8.3. * added Alpine Linux init scritp - patch send by @Tal on github. * adding support for nsupdate - patch send by @droe on github * allow log username-password combinations - patch send by @dirdi on github * adding support for cloudflare - patch send by @roberthawdon on github * adding support for duckdns - patch send by @gkranis ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 8 23:59:41 UTC 2016 - chris@computersalat.de - fix for boo#903588 - revert patch change - recover deleted changes (rev34) - systemd fix * conf file must be accessible only by its owner ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 30 17:51:12 CEST 2014 - pth@suse.de - Use perl_requires instead of harcoding a value. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 18 11:03:39 UTC 2014 - stefan.fent@suse.com - fix pidfile path in /etc/ddclient.conf and set ownership to ddclient - create user and group ddclient (bnc#881520) - create /run/ddclient/ with user and group ddclient if not yet available in %pre ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 22 13:14:42 UTC 2014 - chris@computersalat.de - update systemd stuff * add {?has_systemd} to fix build for Systems using init scripts - spec cleanup * add missing BuildRoot ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 20 14:31:29 UTC 2014 - jsegitz@novell.com - ensure proper handling of .service files with %service_add_pre ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 31 17:02:59 UTC 2013 - benoit.monin@gmx.fr - update to 3.8.2 * adding support by ChangeIP * sha-1 patch to allow Digest::SHA * allow reuse of use * preventing deep sleep - see bug #46 * Fallback to iproute if ifconfig doesn't work - drop ddclient-3.8.1-update_nic.patch: upstream changed the "use" logic - move all sample-* to examples under the documentation directory - update source url on sourceforge ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 4 13:08:25 UTC 2013 - seife+obs@b1-systems.com - fix the breakage from last submission: * service file was put into tmpfiles.d * tmpfiles config was put into systemd service dir * rcddclient link was broken (pointed to "service" file) - fix rpmlint warnings, also introduced by last submission: * service files and tmpdir config are neither config files nor should be executable - package is noarch, mark it as such - documentation should not have executable bit set ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 27 15:12:09 UTC 2013 - p.drouand@gmail.com - Improve systemd support for openSUSE >= 12.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 16 13:23:40 UTC 2013 - seife+obs@b1-systems.com - more init-script fixes: - startproc now needs the pidfile parameter (or it woulld look for "perl.pid". Sorry, should have run more tests. - while I'm at it, get the pidfile from the config file in case the user would have changed it ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 15 07:58:26 UTC 2013 - seife+obs@b1-systems.com - fix init script: start ddclient with "/usr/bin/perl ddclient", otherwise startproc will falsely report that starting failed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 24 21:30:01 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de - rework config patch * ddclient.conf: add example for selfhost (http://selfhost.de) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 25 04:03:07 UTC 2012 - binli@opensuse.org - Update ddclient-3.8.1-config.patch to check the configuraton file from /etc instead of /etc/ddclient (bnc#781699). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 9 15:25:09 UTC 2012 - chris@computersalat.de - update to 3.8.1 * Fixing #28: FreeDNS.afraid.org changed api slightly * Added dtdns-support * Added support for longer password * Added cisco-asa patch * Added support for LoopiaDNS - rebase patches ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 19 15:06:08 CEST 2011 - ro@suse.de - remove leftover debug line in init script ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Oct 15 10:34:17 CEST 2011 - ro@suse.de - upgrade Suggests for perl-IO-Socket-SSL to Recommends (bnc#723688) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 18 17:17:12 UTC 2011 - jengelh@medozas.de - Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile (cf. packaging guidelines) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 29 15:22:47 CEST 2011 - ro@suse.de - work on init-script so that start/status/stop at least work (bnc#267306) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 1 11:01:31 UTC 2009 - chris@computersalat.de - rework config patch o now one patch o merged - ddclient-3.6.3-config.patch - ddclient-3.7.1-config.patch - ddclient-3.7.1-sysconfig.patch to ddclient-3.8.0-config.patch o defaults for ppp0 - added update_nic.patch * opt('use') should have priority to global-defaults - init script o beautify o should start rp-pppoe o ppp0 as a "use=" default if not set in ddclient.conf - sysconfig o added argument list for DDCLIENT_OPTIONS - cleanup spec ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Aug 30 20:12:52 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com - use %patch0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 26 12:53:54 CEST 2009 - mls@suse.de - make patch0 usage consistent ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 2 14:57:23 CET 2009 - kssingvo@suse.de - made rpmlint more happy - removed unneccessary .orig file to avoid build issue ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 28 14:18:40 CET 2009 - kssingvo@suse.de - new version 3.8.0: * better password handling * ddclient wrapper now included * some remarks concerning postscript in sample config file * support for multiple IP adresses * namecheap patch * Preventing error while reading cache when ip wasn't set correctly before * Preventing an error when trying to send a message on mail-failure * mail-on-kill functionality * documentation changes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 27 18:12:39 CET 2009 - kukuk@suse.de - Add PreRequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 30 15:01:09 CEST 2007 - kssingvo@suse.de - config file ddclient.conf now with noreplace (bugzilla#305533) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 7 11:08:19 CEST 2007 - kssingvo@suse.de - upgrade to version 3.7.3: * fixed typo for dnspark * Renamed dyndns.org to dyndns.com * opendns support added * several debian/ubuntu patches included * Readme changes * signature modified * typo in namecheap support ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 14 12:14:12 CEST 2007 - kssingvo@suse.de - upgrade to version 3.7.2: * updated easydns support * fix for 'fw' in case of debug * ssl call changed * easydns.patch and eurodns.patch now included - enable_fw patch removed, now in upstream version included ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 3 14:26:56 CEST 2007 - kssingvo@suse.de - added sysconfig file, as suggested in bugzilla#268138 - added /var/cache/ddclient (bugzilla#268138) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 3 20:38:18 CEST 2007 - kssingvo@suse.de - fixed issue in debug messages (bugzilla#250170) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 13 09:43:01 CET 2007 - kssingvo@suse.de - disabled ssl in default config (bugzilla#232005) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 12 16:11:18 CET 2007 - kssingvo@suse.de - update to version 3.7.1: * URL of zoneedit has changed (see bug #1558483) * Added initscript for Ubuntu (posted by Paolo Martinelli) * Added patch "Patch: Treat --daemon values as intervals" (submitted by James deBoer) * Don't send any mail when in not running daemon mode (patch submitted by Daniel Thaler) * Changed Changelog syntax * Applied patches submitted by Torsten: abuse_msg.diff: ddclient still reports the email to contact dyndns.org but they prefer a web form today (IIRC). This patch adjusts the abuse warning printed by ddclient. cachedir.diff: Original ddclient stores a cache file in /etc which would belong in /var/cache in my opinion and according to the FHS. help_nonroot.diff: Allow calling the help function as non-root. update-new-config.patch: Force update if config has changed smc-barricade-7401bra.patch: Support for SMC Barricade 7401BRA FW firewall cisco_fw.diff: Use configured hostname for firewall access with -use=cisco (closes: #345712). Thanks to Per Carlson for the patch! See http://bugs.debian.org/345712. maxinterval.diff: Increase max interval for updates. See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=129370 http://www.dyndns.com/support/services/dyndns/faq.html#q15 - added Suggests: for perl-IO-SSL-Socket (bugzilla#232005) - adapted /etc config patch to new version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 8 12:31:20 CET 2007 - kssingvo@suse.de - fixed checkproc in init script (bugzilla#229460) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 20 16:56:41 CEST 2006 - kssingvo@suse.de - added init script (bugzilla#201548) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 28 16:46:05 CEST 2006 - kssingvo@suse.de - update to version 3.7.0: - support of many new routers - fix to have a '#' char in the password - renamed .orig to _orig in %doc section ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 25 21:35:24 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 11 14:32:12 CET 2006 - kssingvo@suse.de - update to version 3.6.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 26 15:49:56 CEST 2005 - kssingvo@suse.de - update to version 3.6.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 29 14:17:01 CEST 2005 - kssingvo@suse.de - fix of config directory location (bugzilla#74539) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 1 17:04:29 CET 2005 - kssingvo@suse.de - new version 3.6.5: there was a bug in the linksys-ver2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 4 11:45:06 CET 2004 - kssingvo@suse.de - new version 3.6.4 and now maintained at sourceforge ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 11 11:57:08 CET 2004 - adrian@suse.de - fix build as user ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 13 15:22:09 CEST 2003 - kssingvo@suse.de - fixed defaults (bugzilla#27701) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 24 16:13:03 CEST 2003 - kssingvo@suse.de - upgraded to ddclient-3.6.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 14 17:08:21 CET 2003 - kssingvo@suse.de - updated to ddclient-3.6.3beta3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 28 13:01:07 CET 2002 - kssingvo@suse.de - first shot.