2011-04-28 21:51:27 +00:00
Wed Apr 27 09:48:23 CEST 2011 - dimstar@opensuse.org
- Update to version 18.1.1:
+ Actually work with NetworkManager 0.9
+ Updated translations.
- Changes from version 18.1:
+ Work with NetworkManager 0.9
- Changes from version 18.0:
+ If using an older duplicity and it gives a certain bogus "time
not moving forward" error, handle it instead of passing the
error along
+ Create backup location folder if it doesn't exist
+ Don't show duplicate external hard drives.
- For a complete list of changes between 16.1.1 and 18.0 see NEWS.
- BuildRequire intltool.
- Drop deja-dup-monitor_check_for_gtk.patch: fixed upstream and
related gnome-common BuildRequires and gnome-autogen.sh call.
- Switch between gtk2/gtk3 based on favor_gtk2 macro.
- Add pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) and pkgconfig(unique-3.0) BuildRequires
when building gtk3 variant.
2011-02-13 20:50:48 +00:00
Sat Feb 12 17:09:17 CET 2011 - vuntz@opensuse.org
- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun:
+ %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at
least one desktop file.
+ %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed
- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation
can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.
- Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the
english documentation is not there anymore.
2010-12-14 18:32:31 +00:00
Tue Dec 14 16:17:23 CET 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org
- Own directories of localized man pages to fix build. Also move
those files to the main package: they should eventually live in
the lang subpackage, but at the moment, they would create a file
conflict between bundles and the lang subpackage.
- Own %{_libdir}/deja-dup.
2010-11-26 08:54:34 +00:00
Sat Nov 20 20:22:58 CET 2010 - badshah400@gmail.com
- Update to version 16.1.1:
+ Bug fixes: Fix help documentation translations
- Changes in version 16.1:
+ Bug fixes:
- If backup destination does not report free size,
just continue anyway
- Fix bug preventing sudo and encryption getting along
- Don't ask for root password when restoring into the user's
home folder
2010-10-15 15:13:18 +00:00
Tue Sep 28 13:32:06 CEST 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org
- Update to version 16.0:
+ Updated translations.
2010-09-23 23:02:46 +00:00
Sun Sep 12 11:35:17 CEST 2010 - dimstar@opensuse.org
- Update to version 15.92:
+ Support ConnMan
+ Disable explicit resume support until bugs with it are fixed
+ Fix a bug where symlink excludes were actually included.
- Rebase deja-dup-monitor_check_for_gtk.patch.
- Handle new deja-dup-preferences.desktop.
2010-08-23 16:20:26 +00:00
Thu Aug 12 12:29:24 CEST 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org
- Remove desktop-file-utils BuildRequires and change vala-devel
BuildRequires to vala.
- Split a nautilus-deja-dup subpackage for the nautilus extension.
- Pass --without-gtk3 to configure to explicitly disable GTK+ 3 at
the moment.
- Put localized man pages in the lang package.
Wed Aug 11 14:25:56 UTC 2010 - dimstar@opensuse.org
- Minor spec cleanups like trailing spaces and the like.
- Add gnome-common BuildRequires and use gnome-autogen.sh for the
patch to re-bootstrap.
- Convert generic BuildRequires to pkgconfig() ones:
+ gconf2-devel => gconf-2.0
+ nautilus-devel => nautilus-extension
+ unique-devel => unique-1.0
+ libnotify-devel => libnotify
+ gnome-keyring-devel => gnome-keyring-1
- Drop un-needed BuildRequires: gettext, pango-devel, intltool,
glib2-devel, cairo-devel, libtool.
- Use %{?_smp_mflags} for parallel build.
Wed Aug 11 15:03:10 CEST 2010 - lmedinas@opensuse.org
- Initial import.