# # spec file for package dicts (Version 1.5) # # Copyright (c) 2007 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine # package are under the same license as the package itself. # # Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/ # # norootforbuild Name: dicts BuildRequires: ispell License: BSD 3-Clause; GPL v2 or later; No license agreement found in package; Public Domain, Freeware Group: Productivity/Text/Spell AutoReqProv: on Version: 1.5 Release: 331 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build Summary: Ispell Dictionary Files # # Note: The hash table files depend on the architectures! # Not only on the little or big endianness of the # architecture but also on the natural pointer size. # ##BuildArchitectures: noarch Source: prepare-dicts.tar.bz2 Source1: hk2-deutsch.tar.bz2 Source2: dutch96.tar.bz2 Source3: espanol-1.5.tar.bz2 Source4: francais-IREQ-1.4.tar.bz2 Source5: idanish-1.2.1.tar.bz2 Source6: iswedish-1.2.1.tar.bz2 Source7: italian.tar.bz2 Source8: ispell-norsk-2.0.tar.bz2 Source9: portugues.tar.bz2 Source10: ispellcat.tar.bz2 Source11: polish.tar.bz2 Source12: ispell-czech.tar.bz2 Source13: ellhnika.tar.bz2 Source14: rus-ispell.tar.bz2 Source15: eo-spell.tar.bz2 Source16: slovensko.tar.bz2 Source17: igerman98-20021114.tar.bz2 Source18: br.ispell-2.4.tar.bz2 Source19: finnish.tar.bz2 Source20: estonian.tar.bz2 Patch: prepare-dicts.dif %description This package contains sources for 14 ispell dictionaries: for German (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-german) for New German (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-ngerman) for New Swiss (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-nswiss) for Danish (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-danish) for Spanish (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-spanish) for French (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-french) for Italian (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-italian) for Dutch (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-dutch) for Swedish (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-swedish) for Norwegian (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-norsk) for Portuguese (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-portuguese) for Catalan (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-catalan) for Czech (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-czech) for Polish (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-polish) for Greek (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-greek) for Russian (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-russian) for Brazilian (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-brazilian) for Finnish (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-finnish) for Estonian (already compiled for ispell in package ispell-estonian) Read the READMEs under /usr/src/dicts. Authors: -------- Alexander Lebedev Göran Andersson Hanus Adler Heinz Knutzen Ignasi Labastida i Juan Jesus Carretero Jose Joao de Almeida Marco Roveri Martin Boyer Petr Kolar Petr Prenghy Piet Tutelaers Piotr Gackiewicz Rune Kleveland Santiago Rodriguez Tomas Cermak Wlodzimierz Macewicz Björn Jacke Martin Vermeer Pauli Virtanen Jaak Pruulmann %package -n ispell-german Summary: German ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary igerman locale(ispell:de;de_DE) Obsoletes: igerman AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-german This packages includes a ready German dictionary for ispell. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Heinz Knutzen %package -n ispell-nswiss License: GPL v2 or later Summary: New Swiss ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary inswiss locale(ispell:de_CH) Obsoletes: inswiss AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-nswiss This packages includes a ready swiss dictionary for ispell according the new spelling rules. The name of the dictonary is swiss to be able to distinguish it from those of the german packages. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Björn Jacke %package -n ispell-ngerman License: BSD 3-Clause; GPL v2 or later Summary: New German ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary ingerman locale(ispell:de;de_DE) Obsoletes: ingerman AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-ngerman This packages includes a ready german dictionary for ispell according the new spelling rules. The name of the dictonary is german to be able to distinguish it from those of the package igerman. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Björn Jacke %package -n ispell-danish Summary: Danish ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary idanish locale(ispell:da) Obsoletes: idanish AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-danish This packages includes a ready danish dictionary for ispell. A short usage description for ispell is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Göran Andersson %package -n ispell-spanish Summary: Spanish ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary ispanish locale(ispell:es;an_ES) Obsoletes: ispanish AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-spanish This packages includes a ready spanish dictionary for ispell. A short usage description for ispell is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Santiago Rodriguez Jesus Carretero %package -n ispell-french Summary: French ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary ifrench locale(ispell:fr;br_FR) Obsoletes: ifrench Conflicts: ispell-french-gutenberg AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-french /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Martin Boyer %package -n ispell-italian Summary: Italian ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary iitalian locale(ispell:it) Obsoletes: iitalian AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-italian This packages includes a ready italian dictionary for ispell. A short usage description for ispell is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Marco Roveri %package -n ispell-dutch Summary: Dutch ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary idutch locale(ispell:nl) Obsoletes: idutch AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-dutch This packages includes a ready dutch dictionary for ispell. A short usage description for ispell is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Piet Tutelaers %package -n ispell-swedish Summary: Swedish ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary iswedish locale(ispell:sv) Obsoletes: iswedish AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-swedish This packages includes a ready swedish dictionary for ispell. A short usage description for ispell is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Göran Andersson %package -n ispell-norsk Summary: Norwegian ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary inorsk locale(ispell:nb;nn;no;se_NO) Obsoletes: inorsk AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-norsk This packages includes a ready norwegian dictionary for ispell. A short usage description for ispell is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Rune Kleveland %package -n ispell-portuguese Summary: Portuguese ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary iportug locale(ispell:pt;pt_PT) Obsoletes: iportug AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-portuguese This packages includes a ready portuguese dictionary for ispell. A short usage description for ispell is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Jose Joao de Almeida %package -n ispell-catalan Summary: Catalan ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary icatalan locale(ispell:ca) Obsoletes: icatalan AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-catalan This packages includes a ready catalan dictionary for ispell. A short usage description for ispell is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Ignasi Labastida i Juan %package -n ispell-czech Summary: Czech ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary iczech locale(ispell:cs;sk) Obsoletes: iczech AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-czech This packages includes a ready czech dictionary for ispell. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Tomas Cermak Petr Prenghy Hanus Adler Petr Kolar %package -n ispell-polish Summary: Polish ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary ipolish locale(ispell:pl) Obsoletes: ipolish AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-polish This packages includes a ready polish dictionary for ispell. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Piotr Gackiewicz Wlodzimierz Macewicz %package -n ispell-greek Summary: Greek ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary igreek locale(ispell:el) Obsoletes: igreek AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-greek This packages includes a ready greek dictionary for ispell. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. %package -n ispell-russian Summary: Russian ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary irussian locale(ispell:ru) Obsoletes: irussian AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-russian This packages includes a ready russian dictionary for ispell. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Alexander Lebedev %package -n ispell-esperanto Summary: Esperanto ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary iesperan Obsoletes: iesperan AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-esperanto This packages includes a ready esperanto dictionary for ispell. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Sergio Pokrovskij %package -n ispell-slovene Summary: Slovenian ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary islovene locale(ispell:sl) Obsoletes: islovene AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-slovene This packages includes a ready slovenian dictionary for ispell. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Primoz Peterlin %package -n ispell-brazilian Summary: Brazilian ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary locale(ispell:pt_BR;pt) AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-brazilian This packages includes a ready brazilian dictionary for ispell. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Ricardo Ueda Karpischek %package -n ispell-finnish Summary: Finnish ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary locale(ispell:fi) AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-finnish This packages includes a ready finnish dictionary for ispell. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Martin Vermeer Pauli Virtanen %package -n ispell-estonian Summary: Estonian ispell dictionary Group: Productivity/Text/Spell Provides: ispell_dictionary locale(ispell:et) AutoReqProv: on %description -n ispell-estonian This packages includes a ready estonian dictionary for ispell. A short usage description is given in /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell/README of the packages ispell. The sources for this dictionary are included in the package dicts. Authors: -------- Jaak Pruulmann %prep for a in $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/*.tar.gz \ $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/*.tar.bz2 \ $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/*.tgz do test -e "$a" || continue ln -sf "$a" . done %setup -n prepare-dicts cat $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/prepare-dicts.dif | \ sed -n "/^--- Makefile.Linux/,/^---/p" | \ patch -s -p0 make -f Makefile.Linux extract rm Makefile.Linux %patch %build PATH=$PATH:$PWD export PATH make -f Makefile.Linux compile %install make -f Makefile.Linux DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install %files -n ispell-german %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/deutsch.el /usr/lib/ispell/deutsch.aff /usr/lib/ispell/deutsch.hash /usr/lib/ispell/deutschlxg.hash /usr/lib/ispell/deutschmed.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-german/ %files -n ispell-ngerman %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/bin/rmligs %doc %{_mandir}/man1/rmligs.1.gz /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/german.el /usr/lib/ispell/german.aff /usr/lib/ispell/german.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-ngerman/ %files -n ispell-nswiss %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/swiss.el /usr/lib/ispell/swiss.aff /usr/lib/ispell/swiss.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-nswiss/ %files -n ispell-danish %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/dansk.el /usr/lib/ispell/dansk.aff /usr/lib/ispell/dansk.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-danish/ %files -n ispell-spanish %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/espanol.el /usr/lib/ispell/espanol.aff /usr/lib/ispell/espanol.hash /usr/lib/ispell/spanish.aff /usr/lib/ispell/spanish.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-spanish/ %files -n ispell-french %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/francais.el /usr/lib/ispell/francais.aff /usr/lib/ispell/francais.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-french/ %files -n ispell-italian %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/italian.el /usr/lib/ispell/italian.aff /usr/lib/ispell/italian.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-italian/ %files -n ispell-dutch %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/nederlands.el /usr/lib/ispell/nederlands.aff /usr/lib/ispell/nederlands.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-dutch/ %files -n ispell-swedish %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/svenska.el /usr/lib/ispell/svenska.aff /usr/lib/ispell/svenska.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-swedish/ %files -n ispell-norsk %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/bin/inorsk-compwordsmaybe /usr/bin/inorsk-hyphenmaybe /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/norsk.el /usr/lib/ispell/norsk.aff /usr/lib/ispell/norsk.hash /usr/lib/ispell/nynorsk.aff /usr/lib/ispell/nynorsk.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-norsk/ %files -n ispell-portuguese %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/portugues.el /usr/lib/ispell/portugues.aff /usr/lib/ispell/portugues.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-portuguese/ %files -n ispell-catalan %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/catala.el /usr/lib/ispell/catala.aff /usr/lib/ispell/catala.hash /usr/lib/ispell/catalan.aff /usr/lib/ispell/catalan.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-catalan/ %files -n ispell-czech %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/czech.el /usr/lib/ispell/czech.aff /usr/lib/ispell/czech.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-czech/ %files -n ispell-polish %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/polish.el /usr/lib/ispell/polish.aff /usr/lib/ispell/polish.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-polish/ %files -n ispell-greek %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/ellhnika.el /usr/lib/ispell/ellhnika.aff /usr/lib/ispell/ellhnika.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-greek/ %files -n ispell-russian %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/russian.el /usr/lib/ispell/russian.aff /usr/lib/ispell/russian.hash #/usr/lib/ispell/rmakedict %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-russian/ %files -n ispell-esperanto %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/esperanto.el /usr/lib/ispell/esperanto.aff /usr/lib/ispell/esperanto.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-esperanto/ %files -n ispell-slovene %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/slovensko.el /usr/lib/ispell/slovensko.aff /usr/lib/ispell/slovensko.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-slovene/ %files -n ispell-brazilian %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/bin/conjugue /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/brazilian.el /usr/lib/ispell/br.aff /usr/lib/ispell/br.hash /usr/lib/ispell/brazilian.aff /usr/lib/ispell/brazilian.hash /usr/lib/ispell-brazilian/ %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-brazilian/ %dir /usr/share/man/pt_BR/ %dir /usr/share/man/pt_BR/man1/ %doc /usr/share/man/pt_BR/man1/conjugue.1.gz %files -n ispell-finnish %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/finnish.el /usr/lib/ispell/finnish.aff /usr/lib/ispell/finnish.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-finnish/ %files -n ispell-estonian %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/ispell/emacs/estonian.el /usr/lib/ispell/estonian.aff /usr/lib/ispell/estonian.hash %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/ispell-estonian/ %files %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/src/dicts/ %doc /usr/share/doc/packages/dicts/ %changelog * Wed Nov 28 2007 - werner@suse.de - Make (x)emacs known about utf-8 encoding (Thanks Mario Natiello for reported this). * Thu Nov 08 2007 - werner@suse.de - Emacs 22 does not accept ranges for 8bit characters (bug #339781) * Mon May 15 2006 - werner@suse.de - Remove Slovak locale from Slovene ispell dict * Fri Apr 21 2006 - werner@suse.de - Map nswiss to de_CH locale only (bug #168292) * Wed Apr 12 2006 - werner@suse.de - Add to all languages an UTF-8 formatter if missed * Wed Mar 29 2006 - werner@suse.de - Add locale provides (bug #161478) * Wed Jan 25 2006 - mls@suse.de - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires * Fri Jul 01 2005 - werner@suse.de - Make it build-root and no norootforbuild * Mon Dec 20 2004 - werner@suse.de - The hash table ondisk format of the language files depend on the architecture (little/big endiannes, pointer size) (bug #49407) - Add finnish dictionary - Add estinian dictionary * Fri Mar 05 2004 - ltinkl@suse.cz - updated the Czech ispell dict to the current version * Tue Apr 08 2003 - werner@suse.de - Use `-k' option of sort * Wed Mar 05 2003 - ro@suse.de - fixed typo in specfile * Wed Mar 05 2003 - werner@suse.de - Add rudimentary UTF-8 support for old deutsch dict * Tue Jan 14 2003 - werner@suse.de - Fix wrong order of mkdir and install call in igerman98 * Mon Dec 16 2002 - werner@suse.de - Update to igerman98-20021114 * Wed Aug 14 2002 - werner@suse.de - Add brazilian dicts (bug #17694) * Wed Jul 31 2002 - werner@suse.de - Update ispell-czech to 20020628 * Tue Jul 30 2002 - werner@suse.de - Rename package doc directories (bug #15804) * Thu Apr 18 2002 - ro@suse.de - rename espanol tarball (wget does not like this name) * Wed Feb 20 2002 - werner@suse.de - Avoid circular depndencies (bug #13609) * Wed Feb 13 2002 - werner@suse.de - Move all gziped tar's to bzip2 - Correct tar uncompress option for bzip2 * Thu Jan 24 2002 - cihlar@suse.cz - Update of czech * Tue Jan 22 2002 - egmont@suselinux.hu - Rename packages to ispell- * Fri Sep 14 2001 - werner@suse.de - Update rus-ispell due to the much better Licence - Update of norsk and czech * Thu Apr 19 2001 - werner@suse.de - Use LC_TYPE during sort for igerman and iswiss - At sort: use only characters between beginning and flag mark * Sat Apr 14 2001 - bjacke@suse.de - updated new german dictionary - drop med-size of ingerman because it's useless * Fri Mar 23 2001 - werner@suse.de - Add some aliases for catala and espanol mainly for lyx * Mon Dec 18 2000 - werner@suse.de - Update of ispell-czech * Wed Oct 04 2000 - werner@suse.de - Added conflict with frgutenb - Move to NOARCH * Mon Jun 05 2000 - uli@suse.de - moved docs to /usr/share/doc * Fri Feb 25 2000 - werner@suse.de - Add german accordingly to the new german spelling rules - Add swiss german * Sun Oct 17 1999 - werner@suse.de - Add slovene * Mon Sep 27 1999 - bs@suse.de - fixed requirements for sub packages * Mon Sep 20 1999 - ro@suse.de - added provides ispell_dictionary for subpackages * Mon Sep 13 1999 - bs@suse.de - ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec. * Fri Apr 16 1999 - werner@suse.de - Add esperanto - Russian: multiple other character are allowd during ispell session in emacs * Wed Apr 14 1999 - werner@suse.de - Add greek and russian * Tue Apr 13 1999 - werner@suse.de - Add czech and polish * Mon Mar 08 1999 - werner@suse.de - Last clean up * Fri Mar 05 1999 - werner@suse.de - Update danish and swedish - Change source of norsk - Add portugues, catalan * Thu Mar 04 1999 - werner@suse.de - Preparing for a better (x)emacs interface: Use the new emacs lisp interface of the package ispell to create the spell menus modular on the fly in both emacs and xemacs Edit pulldown. * Fri Nov 13 1998 - bs@suse.de - fixed double %%description * Thu Nov 12 1998 - bs@suse.de - fixed spec file for new rpm * Mon Mar 09 1998 - werner@suse.de - renamed ifrensh to ifrench * Tue Feb 10 1998 - werner@suse.de - Update of frensh - Add some languages: * German (hk2-deutsch) * Danish (idanish-1.2) * Spanish (espa~nol-1.5) * French (francais-IREQ-1.4) * Italian (pre-alpha version) * Dutch (dutch96/dutch96.aff 1.1) * Swedish (iswedish-1.2) * Norwegian (norsk) * Wed Feb 04 1998 - ro@suse.de - generated spec file * Thu Feb 06 1997 - werner@suse.de - hk2-deutsch integrated